mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 00:04:58 +03:00
Add positivity check for inductive types (#1393)
* w.i.p * Added strict positivity condition for datatypes w.i.p * Add negative test for str.postivity check * Add some revisions * the branch is back to feet * w.i.p add lots of traces to check alg. * Add more test and revisions * Add negative and positive test to the new flag and the keyword * Fix shell tests. * Make pre-commit happy * Fix rebase conflicts * Make pre-commit happy * Add shell test, rename keyword, fix error msg * Revert change * Necessary changes * Remove wrong unless * Move the positivity checker to its own folder * Add missing juvix.yaml * Add a negative test thanks to jan * make some style changes * Make ormolu happy * Remove unnecessary instance of Show Co-authored-by: Jan Mas Rovira <janmasrovira@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ data GlobalOptions = GlobalOptions
_globalShowNameIds :: Bool,
_globalShowNameIds :: Bool,
_globalOnlyErrors :: Bool,
_globalOnlyErrors :: Bool,
_globalNoTermination :: Bool,
_globalNoTermination :: Bool,
_globalNoPositivity :: Bool,
_globalNoStdlib :: Bool,
_globalNoStdlib :: Bool,
_globalInputFiles :: [FilePath]
_globalInputFiles :: [FilePath]
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ defaultGlobalOptions =
_globalShowNameIds = False,
_globalShowNameIds = False,
_globalOnlyErrors = False,
_globalOnlyErrors = False,
_globalNoTermination = False,
_globalNoTermination = False,
_globalNoPositivity = False,
_globalNoStdlib = False,
_globalNoStdlib = False,
_globalInputFiles = []
_globalInputFiles = []
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ instance Semigroup GlobalOptions where
_globalShowNameIds = o1 ^. globalShowNameIds || o2 ^. globalShowNameIds,
_globalShowNameIds = o1 ^. globalShowNameIds || o2 ^. globalShowNameIds,
_globalOnlyErrors = o1 ^. globalOnlyErrors || o2 ^. globalOnlyErrors,
_globalOnlyErrors = o1 ^. globalOnlyErrors || o2 ^. globalOnlyErrors,
_globalNoTermination = o1 ^. globalNoTermination || o2 ^. globalNoTermination,
_globalNoTermination = o1 ^. globalNoTermination || o2 ^. globalNoTermination,
_globalNoPositivity = o1 ^. globalNoPositivity || o2 ^. globalNoPositivity,
_globalNoStdlib = o1 ^. globalNoStdlib || o2 ^. globalNoStdlib,
_globalNoStdlib = o1 ^. globalNoStdlib || o2 ^. globalNoStdlib,
_globalInputFiles = o1 ^. globalInputFiles ++ o2 ^. globalInputFiles
_globalInputFiles = o1 ^. globalInputFiles ++ o2 ^. globalInputFiles
@ -73,6 +76,12 @@ parseGlobalFlags b = do
<> help "Disable termination checking"
<> help "Disable termination checking"
<> hidden b
<> hidden b
_globalNoPositivity <-
( long "no-positivity"
<> help "Disable positivity checking for inductive types"
<> hidden b
_globalNoStdlib <-
_globalNoStdlib <-
( long "no-stdlib"
( long "no-stdlib"
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ getEntryPoint r opts = nonEmpty (opts ^. globalInputFiles) >>= Just <$> entryPoi
{ _entryPointRoot = r,
{ _entryPointRoot = r,
_entryPointNoTermination = opts ^. globalNoTermination,
_entryPointNoTermination = opts ^. globalNoTermination,
_entryPointNoPositivity = opts ^. globalNoPositivity,
_entryPointNoStdlib = opts ^. globalNoStdlib,
_entryPointNoStdlib = opts ^. globalNoStdlib,
_entryPointModulePaths = l
_entryPointModulePaths = l
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
- [[./notes/README.md][Notes]]
- [[./notes/README.md][Notes]]
- [[./examples/validity-predicates/README.md][Validity predicates]]
- [[./examples/validity-predicates/README.md][Validity predicates]]
- [[./notes/monomorphization.md][Monomorphization]]
- [[./notes/monomorphization.md][Monomorphization]]
- [[./notes/strictly-positive-data-types.md][Strictly positive data types]]
- [[./introduction/about/what-is.md][About]]
- [[./introduction/about/what-is.md][About]]
# - [[./introduction/about/team.md][The dev team]]
# - [[./introduction/about/team.md][The dev team]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* Strictly positive data types
We follow a syntactic description of strictly positive inductive data types.
An inductive type is said to be _strictly positive_ if it does not occur or occurs
strictly positively in the types of the arguments of its constructors. A name
qualified as strictly positive for an inductive type if it never occurs at a negative
position in the types of the arguments of its constructors. We refer to a negative
position as those occurrences on the left of an arrow in a type constructor argument.
In the example below, the type =X= occurs strictly positive in =c0= and negatively at
the constructor =c1=. Therefore, =X= is not strictly positive.
#+begin_src minijuvix
axiom B : Type;
inductive X {
c0 : (B -> X) -> X;
c1 : (X -> X) -> X;
We could also refer to positive parameters as such parameters occurring in no negative positions.
For example, the type =B= in the =c0= constructor above is on the left of the arrow =B->X=.
Then, =B= is at a negative position. Negative parameters need to be considered when checking strictly
positive data types as they may allow to define non-strictly positive data types.
In the example below, the type =T0= is strictly positive. However, the type =T1= is not.
Only after unfolding the type application =T0 (T1 A)= in the data constructor =c1=, we can
find out that =T1= occurs at a negative position because of =T0=. More precisely,
the type parameter =A= of =T0= is negative.
#+begin_src minijuvix
inductive T0 (A : Type) {
c0 : (A -> T0 A) -> T0 A;
inductive T1 {
c1 : T0 T1 -> T1;
** Bypass the strict positivity condition
To bypass the positivity check, a data type declaration can be annotated
with the keyword =positive=. Another way is to use the CLI global flag =--no-positivity=
when typechecking a =Juvix= File.
$ cat tests/negative/MicroJuvix/NoStrictlyPositiveDataTypes/E5.mjuvix
module E5;
inductive T0 (A : Type){
c0 : (T0 A -> A) -> T0 A;
** Examples of non-strictly data types
- =NSPos= is at a negative position in =c=.
#+begin_src minijuvix
inductive Empty {};
inductive NSPos {
c : ((NSPos -> Empty) -> NSPos) -> NSPos;
- =Bad= is not strictly positive beceause of the negative parameter =A= of =Tree=.
#+begin_src minijuvix
inductive Tree (A : Type) {
leaf : Tree A;
node : (A -> Tree A) -> Tree A;
inductive Bad {
bad : Tree Bad -> Bad;
- =A= is a negative parameter.
#+begin_src minijuvix
inductive B (A : Type) {
b : (A -> B (B A -> A)) -> B A;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
module Juvix.Analysis.Positivity.Checker where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Juvix.Pipeline.EntryPoint qualified as E
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (fromEither)
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra
-- Checker for strictly positive inductive data types
type NegativeTypeParameters = HashSet VarName
type ErrorReference = Maybe Expression
type RecursionLimit = Int
checkPositivity ::
'[ Reader E.EntryPoint,
Reader InfoTable,
Error TypeCheckerError,
State NegativeTypeParameters
r =>
InductiveDef ->
Sem r ()
checkPositivity ty = do
let indName = ty ^. inductiveName
numInductives <- HashMap.size <$> asks (^. infoInductives)
noCheckPositivity <- asks (^. E.entryPointNoPositivity)
forM_ (ty ^. inductiveConstructors) $ \ctor -> do
let ctorName = ctor ^. inductiveConstructorName
unless (noCheckPositivity || ty ^. inductivePositive) $
(checkStrictlyPositiveOccurrences ty ctorName indName numInductives Nothing)
(ctor ^. inductiveConstructorParameters)
checkStrictlyPositiveOccurrences ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, State NegativeTypeParameters] r =>
InductiveDef ->
ConstrName ->
Name ->
RecursionLimit ->
ErrorReference ->
Expression ->
Sem r ()
checkStrictlyPositiveOccurrences ty ctorName name recLimit ref = helper False
indName :: Name
indName = ty ^. inductiveName
-- The following `helper` function determines if there is any negative
-- occurence of the symbol `name` in the given expression. The `inside` flag
-- used below indicates whether the current search is performed on the left
-- of an inner arrow or not.
helper :: Bool -> Expression -> Sem r ()
helper inside expr = case expr of
ExpressionIden i -> helperIden i
ExpressionFunction (Function l r) -> helper True (l ^. paramType) >> helper inside r
ExpressionApplication tyApp -> helperApp tyApp
ExpressionLiteral {} -> return ()
ExpressionHole {} -> return ()
ExpressionUniverse {} -> return ()
helperIden :: Iden -> Sem r ()
helperIden = \case
IdenInductive ty' -> when (inside && name == ty') (strictlyPositivityError expr)
IdenVar name'
| not inside -> return ()
| name == name' -> strictlyPositivityError expr
| InductiveParameter name' `elem` ty ^. inductiveParameters -> modify (HashSet.insert name')
| otherwise -> return ()
_ -> return ()
helperApp :: Application -> Sem r ()
helperApp tyApp = do
let (hdExpr, args) = unfoldApplication tyApp
case hdExpr of
ExpressionIden (IdenInductive ty') -> do
when (inside && name == ty') (strictlyPositivityError expr)
InductiveInfo indTy' <- lookupInductive ty'
-- We now need to know whether `name` negatively occurs at `indTy'`
-- or not. The way to know is by checking that the type ty'
-- preserves the positivity condition, i.e., its type parameters
-- are no negative.
let paramsTy' = indTy' ^. inductiveParameters
helperInductiveApp indTy' (zip paramsTy' (toList args))
_ -> return ()
helperInductiveApp :: InductiveDef -> [(InductiveParameter, Expression)] -> Sem r ()
helperInductiveApp typ = \case
((InductiveParameter pName, arg) : ps) -> do
negParms :: NegativeTypeParameters <- get
when (varOrInductiveInExpression name arg) $ do
when (HashSet.member pName negParms) (strictlyPositivityError arg)
when (recLimit > 0) $
forM_ (typ ^. inductiveConstructors) $ \ctor' ->
( checkStrictlyPositiveOccurrences
(recLimit - 1)
(Just (fromMaybe arg ref))
(ctor' ^. inductiveConstructorParameters)
>> modify (HashSet.insert pName)
helperInductiveApp ty ps
[] -> return ()
strictlyPositivityError :: Expression -> Sem r ()
strictlyPositivityError expr = do
let errLoc = fromMaybe expr ref
( ErrNoPositivity $
{ _noStrictPositivityType = indName,
_noStrictPositivityConstructor = ctorName,
_noStrictPositivityArgument = errLoc
varOrInductiveInExpression :: Name -> Expression -> Bool
varOrInductiveInExpression n = \case
ExpressionIden (IdenVar var) -> n == var
ExpressionIden (IdenInductive ty) -> n == ty
ExpressionApplication (Application l r _) ->
varOrInductiveInExpression n l || varOrInductiveInExpression n r
ExpressionFunction (Function l r) ->
varOrInductiveInExpression n (l ^. paramType)
|| varOrInductiveInExpression n r
_ -> False
@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ cBackend = "c"
terminating :: IsString s => s
terminating :: IsString s => s
terminating = "terminating"
terminating = "terminating"
positive :: IsString s => s
positive = "positive"
waveArrow :: IsString s => s
waveArrow :: IsString s => s
waveArrow = "↝"
waveArrow = "↝"
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Juvix.Prelude
data EntryPoint = EntryPoint
data EntryPoint = EntryPoint
{ _entryPointRoot :: FilePath,
{ _entryPointRoot :: FilePath,
_entryPointNoTermination :: Bool,
_entryPointNoTermination :: Bool,
_entryPointNoPositivity :: Bool,
_entryPointNoStdlib :: Bool,
_entryPointNoStdlib :: Bool,
_entryPointModulePaths :: NonEmpty FilePath
_entryPointModulePaths :: NonEmpty FilePath
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ defaultEntryPoint mainFile =
{ _entryPointRoot = ".",
{ _entryPointRoot = ".",
_entryPointNoTermination = False,
_entryPointNoTermination = False,
_entryPointNoPositivity = False,
_entryPointNoStdlib = False,
_entryPointNoStdlib = False,
_entryPointModulePaths = pure mainFile
_entryPointModulePaths = pure mainFile
@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ data InductiveDef = InductiveDef
_inductiveBuiltin :: Maybe BuiltinInductive,
_inductiveBuiltin :: Maybe BuiltinInductive,
_inductiveParameters :: [FunctionParameter],
_inductiveParameters :: [FunctionParameter],
_inductiveType :: Expression,
_inductiveType :: Expression,
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef]
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef],
_inductivePositive :: Bool
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ data InductiveDef (s :: Stage) = InductiveDef
_inductiveName :: InductiveName s,
_inductiveName :: InductiveName s,
_inductiveParameters :: [InductiveParameter s],
_inductiveParameters :: [InductiveParameter s],
_inductiveType :: Maybe (ExpressionType s),
_inductiveType :: Maybe (ExpressionType s),
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef s]
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef s],
_inductivePositive :: Bool
deriving stock instance (Show (ExpressionType s), Show (SymbolType s)) => Show (InductiveDef s)
deriving stock instance (Show (ExpressionType s), Show (SymbolType s)) => Show (InductiveDef s)
@ -266,6 +266,9 @@ kwType = keyword Str.type_
kwTerminating :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwTerminating :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwTerminating = keyword Str.terminating
kwTerminating = keyword Str.terminating
kwPositive :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwPositive = keyword Str.positive
kwUsing :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwUsing :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwUsing = keyword Str.using
kwUsing = keyword Str.using
@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ lambda = do
inductiveDef :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => Maybe BuiltinInductive -> ParsecS r (InductiveDef 'Parsed)
inductiveDef :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => Maybe BuiltinInductive -> ParsecS r (InductiveDef 'Parsed)
inductiveDef _inductiveBuiltin = do
inductiveDef _inductiveBuiltin = do
_inductivePositive <- isJust <$> optional kwPositive
_inductiveName <- symbol
_inductiveName <- symbol
_inductiveParameters <- P.many inductiveParam
_inductiveParameters <- P.many inductiveParam
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ checkInductiveDef ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope, State ScoperState, Reader LocalVars, InfoTableBuilder, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope, State ScoperState, Reader LocalVars, InfoTableBuilder, NameIdGen] r =>
InductiveDef 'Parsed ->
InductiveDef 'Parsed ->
Sem r (InductiveDef 'Scoped)
Sem r (InductiveDef 'Scoped)
checkInductiveDef InductiveDef {..} = do
checkInductiveDef ty@InductiveDef {..} = do
withParams _inductiveParameters $ \inductiveParameters' -> do
withParams _inductiveParameters $ \inductiveParameters' -> do
inductiveType' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _inductiveType
inductiveType' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _inductiveType
inductiveName' <- bindInductiveSymbol _inductiveName
inductiveName' <- bindInductiveSymbol _inductiveName
@ -471,7 +471,8 @@ checkInductiveDef InductiveDef {..} = do
_inductiveBuiltin = _inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveBuiltin = _inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveParameters = inductiveParameters',
_inductiveParameters = inductiveParameters',
_inductiveType = inductiveType',
_inductiveType = inductiveType',
_inductiveConstructors = inductiveConstructors'
_inductiveConstructors = inductiveConstructors',
_inductivePositive = ty ^. inductivePositive
checkTopModule_ ::
checkTopModule_ ::
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ data TypeCheckerError
| ErrTooManyArgumentsIndType WrongNumberArgumentsIndType
| ErrTooManyArgumentsIndType WrongNumberArgumentsIndType
| ErrTooFewArgumentsIndType WrongNumberArgumentsIndType
| ErrTooFewArgumentsIndType WrongNumberArgumentsIndType
| ErrImpracticalPatternMatching ImpracticalPatternMatching
| ErrImpracticalPatternMatching ImpracticalPatternMatching
| ErrNoPositivity NoPositivity
instance ToGenericError TypeCheckerError where
instance ToGenericError TypeCheckerError where
genericError :: TypeCheckerError -> GenericError
genericError :: TypeCheckerError -> GenericError
@ -34,3 +35,4 @@ instance ToGenericError TypeCheckerError where
ErrTooManyArgumentsIndType e -> genericError e
ErrTooManyArgumentsIndType e -> genericError e
ErrTooFewArgumentsIndType e -> genericError e
ErrTooFewArgumentsIndType e -> genericError e
ErrImpracticalPatternMatching e -> genericError e
ErrImpracticalPatternMatching e -> genericError e
ErrNoPositivity e -> genericError e
@ -260,3 +260,32 @@ instance ToGenericError ImpracticalPatternMatching where
<+> ppCode ty
<+> ppCode ty
<+> "is not an inductive data type."
<+> "is not an inductive data type."
<+> "Therefore, pattern-matching is not available here"
<+> "Therefore, pattern-matching is not available here"
data NoPositivity = NoPositivity
{ _noStrictPositivityType :: Name,
_noStrictPositivityConstructor :: Name,
_noStrictPositivityArgument :: Expression
makeLenses ''NoPositivity
instance ToGenericError NoPositivity where
genericError e =
{ _genericErrorLoc = j,
_genericErrorMessage = prettyError msg,
_genericErrorIntervals = [i, j]
ty = e ^. noStrictPositivityType
ctor = e ^. noStrictPositivityConstructor
arg = e ^. noStrictPositivityArgument
i = getLoc ty
j = getLoc arg
msg =
"The type"
<+> ppCode ty
<+> "is not strictly positive."
<> line
<> "It appears at a negative position in one of the arguments of the constructor"
<+> ppCode ctor <> "."
@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ buildTable1 m = InfoTable {..} <> buildTable (map (^. includeModule) includes)
_infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo
_infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo
_infoConstructors =
_infoConstructors =
[ (c ^. constructorName, ConstructorInfo params args ind builtin)
[ (c ^. inductiveConstructorName, ConstructorInfo params args ind builtin)
| StatementInductive d <- ss,
| StatementInductive d <- ss,
let ind = d ^. inductiveName,
let ind = d ^. inductiveName,
let n = length (d ^. inductiveConstructors),
let n = length (d ^. inductiveConstructors),
let params = d ^. inductiveParameters,
let params = d ^. inductiveParameters,
let builtins = maybe (replicate n Nothing) (map Just . builtinConstructors) (d ^. inductiveBuiltin),
let builtins = maybe (replicate n Nothing) (map Just . builtinConstructors) (d ^. inductiveBuiltin),
(builtin, c) <- zipExact builtins (d ^. inductiveConstructors),
(builtin, c) <- zipExact builtins (d ^. inductiveConstructors),
let args = c ^. constructorParameters
let args = c ^. inductiveConstructorParameters
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
_infoFunctions =
_infoFunctions =
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ constructorArgTypes i =
i ^. constructorInfoArgs
i ^. constructorInfoArgs
constructorType :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => Name -> Sem r Expression
constructorType :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => ConstrName -> Sem r Expression
constructorType c = do
constructorType c = do
info <- lookupConstructor c
info <- lookupConstructor c
let (inductiveParams, constrArgs) = constructorArgTypes info
let (inductiveParams, constrArgs) = constructorArgTypes info
@ -135,12 +135,14 @@ data InductiveDef = InductiveDef
{ _inductiveName :: InductiveName,
{ _inductiveName :: InductiveName,
_inductiveBuiltin :: Maybe BuiltinInductive,
_inductiveBuiltin :: Maybe BuiltinInductive,
_inductiveParameters :: [InductiveParameter],
_inductiveParameters :: [InductiveParameter],
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef]
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef],
_inductivePositive :: Bool
data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
{ _constructorName :: ConstrName,
{ _inductiveConstructorName :: ConstrName,
_constructorParameters :: [Expression]
_inductiveConstructorParameters :: [Expression],
_inductiveConstructorReturnType :: Expression
data FunctionParameter = FunctionParameter
data FunctionParameter = FunctionParameter
@ -381,10 +381,10 @@ unfoldApplication' :: Application -> (Expression, NonEmpty (IsImplicit, Expressi
unfoldApplication' (Application l' r' i') = second (|: (i', r')) (unfoldExpressionApp l')
unfoldApplication' (Application l' r' i') = second (|: (i', r')) (unfoldExpressionApp l')
unfoldExpressionApp :: Expression -> (Expression, [(IsImplicit, Expression)])
unfoldExpressionApp :: Expression -> (Expression, [(IsImplicit, Expression)])
unfoldExpressionApp e = case e of
unfoldExpressionApp = \case
ExpressionApplication (Application l r i) ->
ExpressionApplication (Application l r i) ->
second (`snoc` (i, r)) (unfoldExpressionApp l)
second (`snoc` (i, r)) (unfoldExpressionApp l)
_ -> (e, [])
e -> (e, [])
unfoldApplication :: Application -> (Expression, NonEmpty Expression)
unfoldApplication :: Application -> (Expression, NonEmpty Expression)
unfoldApplication = fmap (fmap snd) . unfoldApplication'
unfoldApplication = fmap (fmap snd) . unfoldApplication'
@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ module Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixArityResult
import Juvix.Pipeline.EntryPoint qualified as E
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult (MicroJuvixResult)
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult qualified as M
data MicroJuvixArityResult = MicroJuvixArityResult
data MicroJuvixArityResult = MicroJuvixArityResult
{ _resultMicroJuvixResult :: MicroJuvixResult,
{ _resultMicroJuvixResult :: M.MicroJuvixResult,
_resultModules :: NonEmpty Module
_resultModules :: NonEmpty Module
@ -16,3 +17,6 @@ makeLenses ''MicroJuvixArityResult
mainModule :: Lens' MicroJuvixArityResult Module
mainModule :: Lens' MicroJuvixArityResult Module
mainModule = resultModules . _head
mainModule = resultModules . _head
microJuvixArityResultEntryPoint :: Lens' MicroJuvixArityResult E.EntryPoint
microJuvixArityResultEntryPoint = resultMicroJuvixResult . M.microJuvixResultEntryPoint
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult
import Juvix.Pipeline.EntryPoint qualified as E
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.Abstract.AbstractResult qualified as Abstract
import Juvix.Syntax.Abstract.AbstractResult qualified as Abstract
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable
@ -16,3 +17,6 @@ data MicroJuvixResult = MicroJuvixResult
makeLenses ''MicroJuvixResult
makeLenses ''MicroJuvixResult
microJuvixResultEntryPoint :: Lens' MicroJuvixResult E.EntryPoint
microJuvixResultEntryPoint = resultAbstract . Abstract.abstractResultEntryPoint
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ instance PrettyCode Hole where
instance PrettyCode InductiveConstructorDef where
instance PrettyCode InductiveConstructorDef where
ppCode c = do
ppCode c = do
constructorName' <- ppCode (c ^. constructorName)
constructorName' <- ppCode (c ^. inductiveConstructorName)
constructorParameters' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. constructorParameters)
constructorParameters' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. inductiveConstructorParameters)
return (hsep $ constructorName' : constructorParameters')
return (hsep $ constructorName' : constructorParameters')
indent' :: Member (Reader Options) r => Doc a -> Sem r (Doc a)
indent' :: Member (Reader Options) r => Doc a -> Sem r (Doc a)
@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ module Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Juvix.Analysis.Positivity.Checker
import Juvix.Internal.NameIdGen
import Juvix.Internal.NameIdGen
import Juvix.Pipeline.EntryPoint qualified as E
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (fromEither)
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (fromEither)
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable
@ -21,15 +23,19 @@ addIdens idens = modify (HashMap.union idens)
registerConstructor :: Members '[State TypesTable, Reader InfoTable] r => InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r ()
registerConstructor :: Members '[State TypesTable, Reader InfoTable] r => InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r ()
registerConstructor ctr = do
registerConstructor ctr = do
ty <- constructorType (ctr ^. constructorName)
ty <- constructorType (ctr ^. inductiveConstructorName)
modify (HashMap.insert (ctr ^. constructorName) ty)
modify (HashMap.insert (ctr ^. inductiveConstructorName) ty)
entryMicroJuvixTyped ::
entryMicroJuvixTyped ::
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
MicroJuvixArityResult ->
MicroJuvixArityResult ->
Sem r MicroJuvixTypedResult
Sem r MicroJuvixTypedResult
entryMicroJuvixTyped res@MicroJuvixArityResult {..} = do
entryMicroJuvixTyped res@MicroJuvixArityResult {..} = do
(idens, r) <- runState (mempty :: TypesTable) (runReader table (mapM checkModule _resultModules))
(idens, r) <-
runState (mempty :: TypesTable)
. runReader entryPoint
. runReader table
$ mapM checkModule _resultModules
{ _resultMicroJuvixArityResult = res,
{ _resultMicroJuvixArityResult = res,
@ -40,12 +46,16 @@ entryMicroJuvixTyped res@MicroJuvixArityResult {..} = do
table :: InfoTable
table :: InfoTable
table = buildTable _resultModules
table = buildTable _resultModules
entryPoint :: E.EntryPoint
entryPoint = res ^. microJuvixArityResultEntryPoint
checkModule ::
checkModule ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Members '[Reader E.EntryPoint, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Module ->
Module ->
Sem r Module
Sem r Module
checkModule Module {..} = do
checkModule Module {..} = do
_moduleBody' <- checkModuleBody _moduleBody
_moduleBody' <-
(evalState (mempty :: NegativeTypeParameters) . checkModuleBody) _moduleBody
{ _moduleBody = _moduleBody',
{ _moduleBody = _moduleBody',
@ -53,7 +63,8 @@ checkModule Module {..} = do
checkModuleBody ::
checkModuleBody ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
forall r.
Members '[Reader E.EntryPoint, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State NegativeTypeParameters] r =>
ModuleBody ->
ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
Sem r ModuleBody
checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
@ -64,19 +75,20 @@ checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
checkInclude ::
checkInclude ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Members '[Reader E.EntryPoint, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Include ->
Include ->
Sem r Include
Sem r Include
checkInclude = traverseOf includeModule checkModule
checkInclude = traverseOf includeModule checkModule
checkStatement ::
checkStatement ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Members '[Reader E.EntryPoint, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State NegativeTypeParameters] r =>
Statement ->
Statement ->
Sem r Statement
Sem r Statement
checkStatement s = case s of
checkStatement s = case s of
StatementFunction fun -> StatementFunction <$> checkFunctionDef fun
StatementFunction fun -> StatementFunction <$> checkFunctionDef fun
StatementForeign {} -> return s
StatementForeign {} -> return s
StatementInductive ind -> do
StatementInductive ind -> do
checkInductiveDef ind
mapM_ registerConstructor (ind ^. inductiveConstructors)
mapM_ registerConstructor (ind ^. inductiveConstructors)
ty <- inductiveType (ind ^. inductiveName)
ty <- inductiveType (ind ^. inductiveName)
modify (HashMap.insert (ind ^. inductiveName) ty)
modify (HashMap.insert (ind ^. inductiveName) ty)
@ -138,6 +150,55 @@ checkFunctionParameter (FunctionParameter mv i e) = do
e' <- checkExpression (smallUniverse (getLoc e)) e
e' <- checkExpression (smallUniverse (getLoc e)) e
return (FunctionParameter mv i e')
return (FunctionParameter mv i e')
checkInductiveDef ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader E.EntryPoint] r =>
InductiveDef ->
Sem r ()
checkInductiveDef ty@InductiveDef {..} = do
checkPositivity ty
mapM_ (checkConstructorDef ty) _inductiveConstructors
checkConstructorDef ::
'[ Reader E.EntryPoint,
Reader InfoTable,
Error TypeCheckerError,
State NegativeTypeParameters
r =>
InductiveDef ->
InductiveConstructorDef ->
Sem r ()
checkConstructorDef ty ctor = do
checkConstructorReturnType ty ctor
checkConstructorReturnType ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
InductiveDef ->
InductiveConstructorDef ->
Sem r ()
checkConstructorReturnType indType ctor = do
let ctorName = ctor ^. inductiveConstructorName
ctorReturnType = ctor ^. inductiveConstructorReturnType
tyName = indType ^. inductiveName
indParams = map (^. inductiveParamName) (indType ^. inductiveParameters)
expectedReturnType =
(ExpressionIden (IdenInductive tyName))
(map (ExpressionIden . IdenVar) indParams)
(ctorReturnType /= expectedReturnType)
( throw
( ErrWrongReturnType
( WrongReturnType
{ _wrongReturnTypeConstructorName = ctorName,
_wrongReturnTypeExpected = expectedReturnType,
_wrongReturnTypeActual = ctorReturnType
inferExpression ::
inferExpression ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference] r =>
Expression ->
Expression ->
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ data Universe = Universe
newtype SmallUniverse = SmallUniverse
newtype SmallUniverse = SmallUniverse
{ _smallUniverseLoc :: Interval
{ _smallUniverseLoc :: Interval
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving stock (Generic, Show)
instance Eq SmallUniverse where
instance Eq SmallUniverse where
_ == _ = True
_ == _ = True
@ -267,8 +267,6 @@ goInductiveParameter f =
(Nothing, _, _) -> unsupported "unnamed inductive parameters"
(Nothing, _, _) -> unsupported "unnamed inductive parameters"
goInductiveDef ::
goInductiveDef ::
forall r.
Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r =>
Abstract.InductiveDef ->
Abstract.InductiveDef ->
Sem r InductiveDef
Sem r InductiveDef
goInductiveDef i =
goInductiveDef i =
@ -277,44 +275,28 @@ goInductiveDef i =
| otherwise -> do
| otherwise -> do
inductiveParameters' <- mapM goInductiveParameter (i ^. Abstract.inductiveParameters)
inductiveParameters' <- mapM goInductiveParameter (i ^. Abstract.inductiveParameters)
let indTypeName = i ^. Abstract.inductiveName
let indTypeName = i ^. Abstract.inductiveName
indParamNames = map (^. inductiveParamName) inductiveParameters'
inductiveConstructors' <-
inductiveConstructors' <- mapM (goConstructorDef indTypeName indParamNames) (i ^. Abstract.inductiveConstructors)
(i ^. Abstract.inductiveConstructors)
{ _inductiveName = indTypeName,
{ _inductiveName = indTypeName,
_inductiveParameters = inductiveParameters',
_inductiveParameters = inductiveParameters',
_inductiveBuiltin = i ^. Abstract.inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveBuiltin = i ^. Abstract.inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveConstructors = inductiveConstructors'
_inductiveConstructors = inductiveConstructors',
_inductivePositive = i ^. Abstract.inductivePositive
goConstructorDef :: Name -> [Name] -> Abstract.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef :: Abstract.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef indName paramNames c = do
goConstructorDef c = do
(_constructorParameters', actualReturnType) <- viewConstructorType (c ^. Abstract.constructorType)
(cParams, cReturnType) <- viewConstructorType (c ^. Abstract.constructorType)
let ctorName = c ^. Abstract.constructorName
foldTypeAppName :: Name -> [Name] -> Expression
foldTypeAppName tyName indParams =
{ _inductiveConstructorName = c ^. Abstract.constructorName,
_inductiveConstructorParameters = cParams,
(ExpressionIden (IdenInductive tyName))
_inductiveConstructorReturnType = cReturnType
(map (ExpressionIden . IdenVar) indParams)
expectedReturnType :: Expression
expectedReturnType = foldTypeAppName indName paramNames
| actualReturnType == expectedReturnType ->
{ _constructorName = ctorName,
_constructorParameters = _constructorParameters'
| otherwise ->
( ErrWrongReturnType
( WrongReturnType
{ _wrongReturnTypeConstructorName = ctorName,
_wrongReturnTypeExpected = expectedReturnType,
_wrongReturnTypeActual = actualReturnType
goTypeApplication :: Abstract.Application -> Sem r Application
goTypeApplication :: Abstract.Application -> Sem r Application
goTypeApplication (Abstract.Application l r i) = do
goTypeApplication (Abstract.Application l r i) = do
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ mkInductiveName :: Micro.InductiveDef -> Text
mkInductiveName i = mkName (i ^. Micro.inductiveName)
mkInductiveName i = mkName (i ^. Micro.inductiveName)
mkInductiveConstructorNames :: Micro.InductiveDef -> [Text]
mkInductiveConstructorNames :: Micro.InductiveDef -> [Text]
mkInductiveConstructorNames i = mkName . view Micro.constructorName <$> i ^. Micro.inductiveConstructors
mkInductiveConstructorNames i = mkName . view Micro.inductiveConstructorName <$> i ^. Micro.inductiveConstructors
mkInductiveTypeDef :: Micro.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
mkInductiveTypeDef :: Micro.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
mkInductiveTypeDef i =
mkInductiveTypeDef i =
@ -638,13 +638,13 @@ goInductiveConstructorNew i ctor = ctorNewFun
ctorNewFun = if null ctorParams then return ctorNewNullary else ctorNewNary
ctorNewFun = if null ctorParams then return ctorNewNullary else ctorNewNary
baseName :: Text
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.constructorName)
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorName)
inductiveName :: Text
inductiveName :: Text
inductiveName = mkInductiveName i
inductiveName = mkInductiveName i
ctorParams :: [Micro.PolyType]
ctorParams :: [Micro.PolyType]
ctorParams = map mkPolyType' (ctor ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
ctorParams = map mkPolyType' (ctor ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorParameters)
ctorNewNullary :: [CCode]
ctorNewNullary :: [CCode]
ctorNewNullary =
ctorNewNullary =
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ goInductiveConstructorNew i ctor = ctorNewFun
inductiveCtorParams :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [CDeclType]
inductiveCtorParams :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [CDeclType]
inductiveCtorParams ctor = mapM (goType . mkPolyType') (ctor ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
inductiveCtorParams ctor = mapM (goType . mkPolyType') (ctor ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorParameters)
inductiveCtorArgs :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [Declaration]
inductiveCtorArgs :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [Declaration]
inductiveCtorArgs ctor = namedArgs asCtorArg <$> inductiveCtorParams ctor
inductiveCtorArgs ctor = namedArgs asCtorArg <$> inductiveCtorParams ctor
@ -814,10 +814,10 @@ goInductiveConstructorDef ctor = do
ctorDecl = if null ctorParams then return ctorBool else ctorStruct
ctorDecl = if null ctorParams then return ctorBool else ctorStruct
baseName :: Text
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.constructorName)
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorName)
ctorParams :: [Micro.PolyType]
ctorParams :: [Micro.PolyType]
ctorParams = map mkPolyType' (ctor ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
ctorParams = map mkPolyType' (ctor ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorParameters)
ctorBool :: Declaration
ctorBool :: Declaration
ctorBool = typeDefWrap (asTypeDef baseName) BoolType
ctorBool = typeDefWrap (asTypeDef baseName) BoolType
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ goProjections inductiveTypeDef ctor = do
return (ExternalFunc <$> zipWith projFunction [0 ..] params)
return (ExternalFunc <$> zipWith projFunction [0 ..] params)
baseName :: Text
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.constructorName)
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorName)
localName :: Text
localName :: Text
localName = "a"
localName = "a"
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ buildConcreteTable info =
let def :: Micro.InductiveDef
let def :: Micro.InductiveDef
def = info ^?! Micro.infoInductives . at ind . _Just . Micro.inductiveInfoDef
def = info ^?! Micro.infoInductives . at ind . _Just . Micro.inductiveInfoDef
constructorNames :: [Micro.Name]
constructorNames :: [Micro.Name]
constructorNames = def ^.. Micro.inductiveConstructors . each . Micro.constructorName
constructorNames = def ^.. Micro.inductiveConstructors . each . Micro.inductiveConstructorName
k :: NonEmpty Micro.ConcreteType
k :: NonEmpty Micro.ConcreteType
k = tc ^. Micro.typeCallArguments
k = tc ^. Micro.typeCallArguments
iden :: PolyIden
iden :: PolyIden
@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ goInductiveDefConcrete def = do
goConstructor :: Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructor :: Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructor c = do
goConstructor c = do
params' <- mapM (goType . Micro.mkConcreteType') (c ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
params' <- mapM (goType . Micro.mkConcreteType') (c ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorParameters)
{ _constructorName = c ^. Micro.constructorName,
{ _constructorName = c ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorName,
_constructorParameters = params'
_constructorParameters = params'
@ -380,14 +380,14 @@ goInductiveDefPoly def poly
goConstructorDef :: Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef :: Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef cdef = do
goConstructorDef cdef = do
cpolyInfo <- fromJust <$> lookupPolyConstructor (cdef ^. Micro.constructorName)
cpolyInfo <- fromJust <$> lookupPolyConstructor (cdef ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorName)
let concrete :: ConcreteIdenInfo
let concrete :: ConcreteIdenInfo
concrete = fromJust (cpolyInfo ^. polyConcretes . at k)
concrete = fromJust (cpolyInfo ^. polyConcretes . at k)
params :: [Micro.ConcreteType]
params :: [Micro.ConcreteType]
params =
params =
(Micro.substitutionConcrete (concrete ^. concreteTypeSubs))
(Micro.substitutionConcrete (concrete ^. concreteTypeSubs))
(cdef ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
(cdef ^. Micro.inductiveConstructorParameters)
_constructorParameters <- mapM goType params
_constructorParameters <- mapM goType params
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ goInductiveParameter :: InductiveParameter -> Sem r ()
goInductiveParameter _ = return ()
goInductiveParameter _ = return ()
goInductiveConstructorDef :: Members '[State TypeCallsMap, Reader Caller, Reader InfoTable] r => InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r ()
goInductiveConstructorDef :: Members '[State TypeCallsMap, Reader Caller, Reader InfoTable] r => InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r ()
goInductiveConstructorDef c = mapM_ goExpression (c ^. constructorParameters)
goInductiveConstructorDef c = mapM_ goExpression (c ^. inductiveConstructorParameters)
goParam :: Members '[State TypeCallsMap, Reader Caller, Reader InfoTable] r => FunctionParameter -> Sem r ()
goParam :: Members '[State TypeCallsMap, Reader Caller, Reader InfoTable] r => FunctionParameter -> Sem r ()
goParam (FunctionParameter _ _ ty) = goExpression ty
goParam (FunctionParameter _ _ ty) = goExpression ty
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ goInductive ::
Members '[InfoTableBuilder, Builtins, Error ScoperError] r =>
Members '[InfoTableBuilder, Builtins, Error ScoperError] r =>
InductiveDef 'Scoped ->
InductiveDef 'Scoped ->
Sem r Abstract.InductiveDef
Sem r Abstract.InductiveDef
goInductive InductiveDef {..} = do
goInductive ty@InductiveDef {..} = do
_inductiveParameters' <- mapM goInductiveParameter _inductiveParameters
_inductiveParameters' <- mapM goInductiveParameter _inductiveParameters
_inductiveType' <- mapM goExpression _inductiveType
_inductiveType' <- mapM goExpression _inductiveType
_inductiveConstructors' <- mapM goConstructorDef _inductiveConstructors
_inductiveConstructors' <- mapM goConstructorDef _inductiveConstructors
@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ goInductive InductiveDef {..} = do
_inductiveBuiltin = _inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveBuiltin = _inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveName = goSymbol _inductiveName,
_inductiveName = goSymbol _inductiveName,
_inductiveType = fromMaybe (Abstract.ExpressionUniverse (smallUniverse loc)) _inductiveType',
_inductiveType = fromMaybe (Abstract.ExpressionUniverse (smallUniverse loc)) _inductiveType',
_inductiveConstructors = _inductiveConstructors'
_inductiveConstructors = _inductiveConstructors',
_inductivePositive = ty ^. inductivePositive
whenJust _inductiveBuiltin (registerBuiltinInductive indDef)
whenJust _inductiveBuiltin (registerBuiltinInductive indDef)
inductiveInfo <- registerInductive indDef
inductiveInfo <- registerInductive indDef
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} =
{ _entryPointRoot = cwd,
{ _entryPointRoot = cwd,
_entryPointNoTermination = False,
_entryPointNoTermination = False,
_entryPointNoPositivity = False,
_entryPointNoStdlib = noStdlib,
_entryPointNoStdlib = noStdlib,
_entryPointModulePaths = pure entryFile
_entryPointModulePaths = pure entryFile
@ -38,7 +38,15 @@ testDescrFlag N.NegTest {..} =
{ _testName = _name,
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = tRoot,
_testRoot = tRoot,
_testAssertion = Single $ do
_testAssertion = Single $ do
let entryPoint = EntryPoint "." True True (pure _file)
let entryPoint =
{ _entryPointRoot = ".",
_entryPointNoTermination = True,
_entryPointNoPositivity = False,
_entryPointNoStdlib = True,
_entryPointModulePaths = pure _file
(void . runIO) (upToMicroJuvix entryPoint)
(void . runIO) (upToMicroJuvix entryPoint)
@ -70,7 +78,7 @@ allTests =
"Well-known terminating functions"
"Well-known terminating functions"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests),
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests),
"Bypass checking using --non-termination flag on negative tests"
"Bypass termination checking using --non-termination flag on negative tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescrFlag) negTests),
(map (mkTest . testDescrFlag) negTests),
"Terminating keyword"
"Terminating keyword"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module TypeCheck.Negative (allTests) where
module TypeCheck.Negative where
import Base
import Base
import Juvix.Pipeline
import Juvix.Pipeline
@ -31,8 +31,14 @@ testDescr NegTest {..} =
allTests :: TestTree
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
allTests =
"TypeCheck negative tests"
"Typecheck negative tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
[ testGroup
"General typechecking errors"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests),
"Non-strictly positive data types"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) negPositivityTests)
root :: FilePath
root :: FilePath
root = "tests/negative"
root = "tests/negative"
@ -113,3 +119,43 @@ tests =
ErrWrongReturnType {} -> Nothing
ErrWrongReturnType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
_ -> wrongError
negPositivityTests :: [NegTest]
negPositivityTests =
[ NegTest "E1" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E1.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E2" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E2.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E3" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E3.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E4" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E4.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E5" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E5.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E6" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E6.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E7" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E7.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E8" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E8.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
NegTest "E9" "MicroJuvix/Positivity" "E9.juvix" $
ErrNoPositivity {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module TypeCheck.Positive where
import Base
import Base
import Juvix.Pipeline
import Juvix.Pipeline
import TypeCheck.Negative qualified as N
data PosTest = PosTest
data PosTest = PosTest
{ _name :: String,
{ _name :: String,
@ -23,11 +24,66 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} =
(void . runIO) (upToMicroJuvixTyped entryPoint)
(void . runIO) (upToMicroJuvixTyped entryPoint)
-- Testing --no-positivity flag with all related negative tests
rootNegTests :: FilePath
rootNegTests = "tests/negative/"
testNoPositivityFlag :: N.NegTest -> TestDescr
testNoPositivityFlag N.NegTest {..} =
let tRoot = rootNegTests </> _relDir
in TestDescr
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = tRoot,
_testAssertion = Single $ do
let entryPoint =
{ _entryPointRoot = ".",
_entryPointNoTermination = False,
_entryPointNoPositivity = True,
_entryPointNoStdlib = False,
_entryPointModulePaths = pure _file
(void . runIO) (upToMicroJuvix entryPoint)
negPositivityTests :: [N.NegTest]
negPositivityTests = N.negPositivityTests
testPositivityKeyword :: [PosTest]
testPositivityKeyword =
[ PosTest
"Mark T0 data type as strictly positive"
positivityTestGroup :: TestTree
positivityTestGroup =
"Positive tests for the positivity condition"
[ testGroup
"Bypass positivity checking using --non-positivity flag on negative tests"
(map (mkTest . testNoPositivityFlag) negPositivityTests),
"Usages of the positive keyword"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) testPositivityKeyword)
allTests :: TestTree
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
allTests =
"Scope positive tests"
"Typecheck positive tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
[ testGroup
"General typechecking tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests),
tests :: [PosTest]
tests :: [PosTest]
tests =
tests =
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
$ juvix --help
$ juvix --help
> /Usage: juvix \(\(\-v\|\-\-version\) \| \(\-h\|\-\-help\) \| \[\-\-no\-colors\] \[\-\-show\-name\-ids\]
> /Usage: juvix \(\(\-v\|\-\-version\) \| \(\-h\|\-\-help\) \| \[\-\-no\-colors\] \[\-\-show\-name\-ids\]
\[\-\-only\-errors\] \[\-\-no\-termination\] \[\-\-no\-stdlib\] COMMAND\).*/
\[\-\-only\-errors\] \[\-\-no\-termination\] \[\-\-no\-positivity\]
\[\-\-no\-stdlib\] COMMAND\).*/
>= 0
>= 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module E1;
axiom B : Type;
inductive X {
c : (X -> B) -> X;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module E2;
open import NegParam;
inductive D {
d : T D -> D;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module E3;
axiom B : Type;
inductive X {
c : B -> (X -> B) -> X;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module E4;
inductive Tree (A : Type) {
leaf : Tree A;
node : (A -> Tree A) -> Tree A;
inductive Bad {
bad : Tree Bad -> Bad;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module E5;
inductive T0 (A : Type){
c0 : (A -> T0 A) -> T0 A;
axiom B : Type;
inductive T1 (A : Type) {
c1 : (B -> T0 A) -> T1 A;
inductive T2 {
c2 : (B -> (B -> T1 T2)) -> T2;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module E6;
axiom A : Type;
inductive T (A : Type) {
c : (A -> (A -> (T A -> A))) -> T A;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module E7;
inductive T0 (A : Type) (B : Type) {
c0 : (B -> A) -> T0 A B;
inductive T1 (A : Type) {
c1 : (A -> T0 A (T1 A)) -> T1 A;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module E8;
inductive B (A : Type) {
b : (A -> B (B A -> A)) -> B A;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module E9;
inductive B {
b : B;
inductive T {
c : ((B → T) -> T) -> T;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module NegParam;
inductive T (A : Type) {
c : (A -> T A) -> T A;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$ juvix typecheck tests/negative/MicroJuvix/Positivity/E5.juvix --no-colors
>2 /.*\.juvix\:13:21\-23\: error\:
The type T2 is not strictly positive.
It appears at a negative position in one of the arguments of the constructor c2.
>= 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$ juvix typecheck tests/negative/MicroJuvix/Positivity/E9.juvix --no-colors
>2 /.*\.juvix\:8:13\-14\: error\:
The type T is not strictly positive.
It appears at a negative position in one of the arguments of the constructor c.
>= 1
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module E5;
inductive T0 (A : Type){
c0 : (A -> T0 A) -> T0 A;
axiom B : Type;
inductive T1 (A : Type) {
c1 : (B -> T0 A) -> T1 A;
inductive T2 {
c2 : (B -> (B -> T1 T2)) -> T2;
Normal file
Normal file
Reference in New Issue
Block a user