mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-10-26 17:52:17 +03:00

Fix remove unexpected whitespaces introduced by formatting (#2489)

- Closes #2059
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Cubides 2023-11-03 12:51:45 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 145f20fc68
commit 47c8df11f1
No known key found for this signature in database
30 changed files with 200 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ import Commands.Base
import Commands.Format.Options
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Juvix.Formatter
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
data FormatNoEditRenderMode
= ReformattedFile (NonEmpty AnsiText)
= ReformattedFile Text
| InputPath (Path Abs File)
| Silent
@ -72,9 +71,9 @@ renderModeFromOptions target opts formattedInfo
| opts ^. formatInPlace = whenContentsModified (EditInPlace formattedInfo)
| opts ^. formatCheck = NoEdit Silent
| otherwise = case target of
TargetFile {} -> NoEdit (ReformattedFile (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContentsAnsi))
TargetFile {} -> NoEdit (ReformattedFile (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContents))
TargetProject {} -> whenContentsModified (NoEdit (InputPath (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoPath)))
TargetStdin -> NoEdit (ReformattedFile (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContentsAnsi))
TargetStdin -> NoEdit (ReformattedFile (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContents))
whenContentsModified :: FormatRenderMode -> FormatRenderMode
whenContentsModified res
@ -91,9 +90,9 @@ renderFormattedOutput target opts fInfo = do
EditInPlace i@FormattedFileInfo {..} ->
. restoreFileOnError _formattedFileInfoPath
$ writeFile' _formattedFileInfoPath (i ^. formattedFileInfoContentsText)
$ writeFile' _formattedFileInfoPath (i ^. formattedFileInfoContents)
NoEdit m -> case m of
ReformattedFile ts -> forM_ ts renderStdOut
ReformattedFile ts -> renderStdOut ts
InputPath p -> say (pack (toFilePath p))
Silent -> return ()

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.Loader.EvalEff.IO
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Repl
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Run
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Setup (entrySetup)
import Juvix.Data.CodeAnn (Ann)
import Juvix.Data.Effect.Git
import Juvix.Data.Effect.Process
import Juvix.Data.Error.GenericError qualified as Error
@ -308,9 +309,9 @@ printDocumentation = replParseIdentifiers >=> printIdentifiers
printDoc :: Maybe (Concrete.Judoc 'Concrete.Scoped) -> Repl ()
printDoc = \case
Nothing -> do
s' <- ppConcrete s
renderOut (mkAnsiText @Text "No documentation available for ")
renderOutLn s'
let s' :: Doc Ann = pretty s
msg = "No documentation available for" <+> s'
renderOutLn (toAnsiText True msg)
Just ju -> printConcrete ju
getDocFunction :: Scoped.NameId -> Repl (Maybe (Concrete.Judoc 'Concrete.Scoped))

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ppOutDefaultNoComments :: (PrettyPrint c) => c -> AnsiText
ppOutDefaultNoComments = mkAnsiText . PPOutput . docNoComments defaultOptions
ppOutDefault :: (HasLoc c, PrettyPrint c) => Comments -> c -> AnsiText
ppOutDefault cs = mkAnsiText . PPOutput . doc defaultOptions cs
ppOutDefault cs = mkAnsiText . PPOutput . docDefault cs
ppOut :: (CanonicalProjection a Options, PrettyPrint c, HasLoc c) => a -> Comments -> c -> AnsiText
ppOut o cs = mkAnsiText . PPOutput . doc (project o) cs

View File

@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ doc opts cs x = docHelper (Just (fileComments file cs)) opts x
file :: Path Abs File
file = getLoc x ^. intervalFile
docDefault :: (PrettyPrint c, HasLoc c) => Comments -> c -> Doc Ann
docDefault cs = doc defaultOptions cs
ppModulePathType ::
forall t s r.
(SingI t, SingI s, Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) =>

View File

@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
module Juvix.Formatter where
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Print (ppOutDefault)
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Print (docDefault)
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping qualified as Scoper
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromSource.Data.Context
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.EntryPoint
import Juvix.Data.CodeAnn
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
data FormattedFileInfo = FormattedFileInfo
{ _formattedFileInfoPath :: Path Abs File,
_formattedFileInfoContentsAnsi :: NonEmpty AnsiText,
_formattedFileInfoContents :: Text,
_formattedFileInfoContentsModified :: Bool
@ -40,18 +39,6 @@ instance Semigroup FormatResult where
instance Monoid FormatResult where
mempty = FormatResultOK
combineResults :: [FormatResult] -> FormatResult
combineResults = mconcat
ansiPlainText :: NonEmpty AnsiText -> Text
ansiPlainText = T.concat . toList . fmap toPlainText
formattedFileInfoContentsText :: SimpleGetter FormattedFileInfo Text
formattedFileInfoContentsText = to infoToPlainText
infoToPlainText :: FormattedFileInfo -> Text
infoToPlainText fInfo = ansiPlainText (fInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContentsAnsi)
-- | Format a single Juvix file.
-- If the file requires formatting then the function returns 'FormatResultNotFormatted'.
@ -68,7 +55,7 @@ format ::
format p = do
originalContents <- readFile' p
runReader originalContents $ do
formattedContents <- formatPath p
formattedContents :: Text <- formatPath p
formatResultFromContents formattedContents p
-- | Format a Juvix project.
@ -102,13 +89,16 @@ formatProject p = do
Sem r (FormatResult, Recurse Rel)
handler cd _ files res = do
let juvixFiles = [cd <//> f | f <- files, isJuvixFile f]
subRes <- combineResults <$> mapM format juvixFiles
subRes <- mconcat <$> mapM format juvixFiles
return (res <> subRes, RecurseFilter (\hasJuvixYaml d -> not hasJuvixYaml && not (isHiddenDirectory d)))
formatPath :: (Members '[Reader Text, ScopeEff] r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r (NonEmpty AnsiText)
formatPath ::
(Members '[Reader Text, ScopeEff] r) =>
Path Abs File ->
Sem r Text
formatPath p = do
res <- scopeFile p
formatScoperResult res
formatScoperResult False res
formatStdin ::
forall r.
@ -118,19 +108,19 @@ formatStdin = do
res <- scopeStdin
let originalContents = fromMaybe "" (res ^. Scoper.resultParserResult . resultEntry . entryPointStdin)
runReader originalContents $ do
formattedContents <- formatScoperResult res
formattedContents :: Text <- formatScoperResult False res
formatResultFromContents formattedContents formatStdinPath
formatResultFromContents ::
forall r.
(Members '[Reader Text, Output FormattedFileInfo] r) =>
NonEmpty AnsiText ->
Text ->
Path Abs File ->
Sem r FormatResult
formatResultFromContents formattedContents filepath = do
originalContents <- ask
| originalContents /= ansiPlainText formattedContents -> mkResult FormatResultNotFormatted
| originalContents /= formattedContents -> mkResult FormatResultNotFormatted
| otherwise -> mkResult FormatResultOK
mkResult :: FormatResult -> Sem r FormatResult
@ -138,31 +128,42 @@ formatResultFromContents formattedContents filepath = do
( FormattedFileInfo
{ _formattedFileInfoPath = filepath,
_formattedFileInfoContentsAnsi = formattedContents,
_formattedFileInfoContents = formattedContents,
_formattedFileInfoContentsModified = res == FormatResultNotFormatted
return res
formatScoperResult :: (Members '[Reader Text] r) => Scoper.ScoperResult -> Sem r (NonEmpty AnsiText)
formatScoperResult res = do
formatScoperResult' ::
Bool -> Text -> Scoper.ScoperResult -> Text
formatScoperResult' force original sres =
run . runReader original $ formatScoperResult force sres
formatScoperResult ::
(Members '[Reader Text] r) =>
Bool ->
Scoper.ScoperResult ->
Sem r Text
formatScoperResult force res = do
let cs = res ^. Scoper.comments
formattedModules <-
runReader cs
. mapM formatTopModule
$ res ^. Scoper.resultModules
$ res
^. Scoper.resultModules
let txt :: Text = toPlainTextTrim . mconcat . NonEmpty.toList $ formattedModules
case res ^. Scoper.mainModule . modulePragmas of
Just pragmas ->
case pragmas ^. withLocParam . withSourceValue . pragmasFormat of
Just PragmaFormat {..}
| not _pragmaFormat ->
NonEmpty.singleton . mkAnsiText @Text <$> ask
| not _pragmaFormat && not force -> ask @Text
_ ->
return formattedModules
return txt
Nothing ->
return formattedModules
return txt
formatTopModule :: (Members '[Reader Comments] r) => Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> Sem r AnsiText
formatTopModule :: (Members '[Reader Comments] r) => Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
formatTopModule m = do
cs <- ask
return (ppOutDefault cs m)
cs :: Comments <- ask
return $ docDefault cs m

View File

@ -123,6 +123,14 @@ toAnsiText useColors
toPlainText :: (HasTextBackend a) => a -> Text
toPlainText = Text.renderStrict . toTextStream
toPlainTextTrim :: (HasTextBackend a) => a -> Text
toPlainTextTrim =
. map Text.stripEnd
. dropWhile Text.null
. Text.lines
. toPlainText
prettyText :: (Pretty a) => a -> Text
prettyText = Text.renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . pretty
@ -157,31 +165,31 @@ hsepMaybe l
| null l = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (hsep l)
nest' :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
nest' :: Doc a -> Doc a
nest' = nest 2
indent' :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
indent' :: Doc a -> Doc a
indent' = indent 2
hang' :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
hang' :: Doc a -> Doc a
hang' = hang 2
spaceOrEmpty :: Doc ann
spaceOrEmpty :: Doc a
spaceOrEmpty = flatAlt (pretty ' ') mempty
oneLineOrNext :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
oneLineOrNext :: Doc a -> Doc a
oneLineOrNext x = PP.group (flatAlt (line <> indent' x) (space <> x))
oneLineOrNextNoIndent :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
oneLineOrNextNoIndent :: Doc a -> Doc a
oneLineOrNextNoIndent x = PP.group (flatAlt (line <> x) (space <> x))
oneLineOrNextBlock :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
oneLineOrNextBlock :: Doc a -> Doc a
oneLineOrNextBlock x = PP.group (flatAlt (line <> indent' x <> line) (space <> x <> space))
oneLineOrNextBraces :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
oneLineOrNextBraces :: Doc a -> Doc a
oneLineOrNextBraces x = PP.group (flatAlt (lbrace <> line <> indent' x <> line <> rbrace) (lbrace <> x <> rbrace))
nextLine :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
nextLine :: Doc a -> Doc a
nextLine x = PP.group (line <> x)
ordinal :: Int -> Doc a
@ -212,5 +220,5 @@ articleFor n
| isVowel (Text.head n) = "an"
| otherwise = "a"
itemize :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f (Doc ann) -> Doc ann
itemize :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f (Doc a) -> Doc a
itemize = vsep . fmap ("" <>)

View File

@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ module Format where
import Base
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete qualified as Concrete
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Print qualified as P
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping qualified as Scoper
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromSource qualified as Parser
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Setup
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
import Juvix.Formatter
data PosTest = PosTest
{ _name :: String,
_dir :: Path Abs Dir,
_file :: Path Abs File
_file :: Path Abs File,
_expectedFile :: Maybe (Path Abs File),
_force :: Bool
makeLenses ''PosTest
@ -19,13 +20,11 @@ makeLenses ''PosTest
root :: Path Abs Dir
root = relToProject $(mkRelDir "tests/positive")
renderCode :: (HasLoc a, P.PrettyPrint a) => P.Comments -> a -> Text
renderCode c = toPlainText . P.ppOutDefault c
posTest :: String -> Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel File -> PosTest
posTest _name rdir rfile =
posTest :: String -> Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel File -> Maybe (Path Rel File) -> Bool -> PosTest
posTest _name rdir rfile efile _force =
let _dir = root <//> rdir
_file = _dir <//> rfile
_expectedFile = (_dir <//>) <$> efile
in PosTest {..}
testDescr :: PosTest -> TestDescr
@ -37,7 +36,9 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} =
entryPoint <- defaultEntryPointCwdIO _file
let maybeFile = entryPoint ^? entryPointModulePaths . _head
f <- fromMaybeM (assertFailure "Not a module") (return maybeFile)
original :: Text <- readFile (toFilePath f)
step "Parsing"
p :: Parser.ParserResult <- snd <$> runIO' entryPoint upToParsing
@ -51,11 +52,15 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} =
Concrete.fromParsed p
let formatted :: Text
formatted = renderCode (s ^. Scoper.comments) (s ^. Scoper.mainModule)
step "Format"
assertEqDiffText "check: pretty . scope . parse = id" original formatted
let formatted = formatScoperResult' _force original s
case _expectedFile of
Nothing -> do
step "Format"
assertEqDiffText "check: pretty . scope . parse = id" original formatted
Just eFile -> do
step "Checking against expected output file"
expFile :: Text <- readFile (toFilePath eFile)
assertEqDiffText "Compare to expected output" formatted expFile
allTests :: TestTree
@ -69,9 +74,13 @@ tests =
[ posTest
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "Format.juvix"),
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "Format.juvix")
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "LocalModWithAxiom.juvix")
(Just $(mkRelFile "LocalModWithAxiom.juvix.formatted"))

View File

@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ module DefaultArgCycle;
import Stdlib.Data.Nat open;
fun {a : Nat := 1} {b : Nat := fun {c := 3} + a + 1} {c : Nat := b + a + 1}
: Nat := a * b + c;
fun {a : Nat := 1} {b : Nat := fun {c := 3}
+ a
+ 1} {c : Nat := b + a + 1} : Nat := a * b + c;

View File

@ -3,28 +3,30 @@ module AmbiguousCoercions;
type Unit := unit;
type T A := mkT { pp : A → A };
type T A := mkT {pp : A → A};
type T1 A := mkT1 { pp : A → A };
type T1 A := mkT1 {pp : A → A};
type T2 A := mkT2 { pp : A → A };
type T2 A := mkT2 {pp : A → A};
unitT1 : T1 Unit := mkT1 (pp := λ{_ := unit});
unitT1 : T1 Unit := mkT1 (pp := λ {_ := unit});
unitT2 : T2 Unit := mkT2 (pp := λ{_ := unit});
unitT2 : T2 Unit := mkT2 (pp := λ {_ := unit});
coercion instance
fromT1toT {A} {{T1 A}} : T A := mkT@{
pp := T1.pp
fromT1toT {A} {{T1 A}} : T A :=
pp := T1.pp
coercion instance
fromT2toT {A} {{T2 A}} : T A := mkT@{
pp := T2.pp
fromT2toT {A} {{T2 A}} : T A :=
pp := T2.pp
main : Unit := T.pp unit;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ module CoercionTargetNotATrait;
type T A := mkT {a : A};
type Maybe A := just A | nothing;
type Maybe A :=
| just A
| nothing;
coercion instance
inst {A} {{T A}} : Maybe A := nothing;

View File

@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ module DefaultArgCycleArity;
import Stdlib.Data.Nat open;
fun {a : Nat := 1} {b : Nat := fun + a + 1} {c : Nat := b + a + 1}
: Nat := a * b + c;
fun {a : Nat := 1} {b : Nat := fun + a + 1} {c : Nat := b
+ a
+ 1} : Nat := a * b + c;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module DefaultTypeError;
type T := mkT;
type U := mkU;
g {a : T := mkU} : T := a;

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@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ trait
type T2 A := mkT2 {pp : A -> A};
coercion instance
fromT1toT2 {A} {{T1 A}} : T2 A := mkT2@{
pp := T1.pp
fromT1toT2 {A} {{T1 A}} : T2 A :=
pp := T1.pp
coercion instance
fromT2toT1 {A} {{T2 A}} : T1 A := mkT1@{
pp := T2.pp
fromT2toT1 {A} {{T2 A}} : T1 A :=
pp := T2.pp
main : Unit := T1.pp unit;

View File

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
even : → Bool
| zero := true
| (suc n) := odd n;
odd : → Bool
| zero := false
| (suc n) := even n;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module DefaultArguments;
type T := t;
g : T := f;
f {a : T := g} : T := a;
main : T := f;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Mutual;
axiom A : Type;
f : A -> A -> A
| x y := g x (f x x);
g : A -> A -> A

View File

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ type Ord :=
| Lim : ( -> Ord) -> Ord;
addord : Ord -> Ord -> Ord
| Zord y := y
| (SOrd x) y := SOrd (addord x y)
| (Lim f) y := Lim (aux-addord f y);
aux-addord : ( -> Ord) -> Ord -> -> Ord
| f y z := addord (f z) y;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ axiom A : Type;
f : A -> A -> A
| x y := g x (f x x);
g : A -> A -> A

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module TerminatingG;
axiom A : Type;
f : A -> A -> A
| x y := g x (f x x);

View File

@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ axiom c : C;
axiom d : D;
mk {f1 : A := a} {f2 : Type} {f3 : C := c} (x : f2) : A × f2 × C :=
f1, x, f3;
mk {f1 : A := a} {f2 : Type} {f3 : C := c} (x : f2)
: A × f2 × C := f1, x, f3;
x1 : A × B × C := mk (x := b);
mk2 {f1 : A := a} {f2 : Type} {f3 : C := c} (x : f2) {f4 : D := d} (y : f2) : A × f2 × C :=
f1, x, f3;
mk2 {f1 : A := a} {f2 : Type} {f3 : C := c} (x : f2) {f4 : D := d} (y : f2)
: A × f2 × C := f1, x, f3;
x2 : A × B × C := mk2 (x := b) (y := b);

View File

@ -188,12 +188,14 @@ f : Nat -> Nat :=
module Patterns;
syntax operator × functor;
syntax operator , pair;
type × (A : Type) (B : Type) := , : A → B → A × B;
f : Nat × Nat × Nat × Nat -> Nat
| (a, b, c, d) := a;
module UnicodeStrings;
@ -201,6 +203,7 @@ module UnicodeStrings;
module Comments;
axiom a1 : Type;
-- attached to a1

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@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ not : _
| true := false;
odd : _
| zero := false
| (suc n) := even n;
even : _
| zero := true
| (suc n) := odd n;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{-# format: false #-}
module LocalModWithAxiom;
module A;
axiom B : Type;
module C;
axiom D : Type;
module E;
axiom F : Type;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{-# format: false #-}
module LocalModWithAxiom;
module A;
axiom B : Type;
module C;
axiom D : Type;
module E;
axiom F : Type;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type List (a : Type) :=
:: : a → List a → List a;
Forest : Type -> Type
| A := List (Tree A);
--- N-Ary tree.

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@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import PackageDescription.V1 open;
package : Package :=
defaultPackage {name := "package-juvix"; dependencies := []};
{name := "package-juvix"; dependencies := []};

View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ import PackageDescription.V1 open;
package : Package :=
{name := "abc";
version := mkVersion 0 0 0 ;
dependencies := [git "name" "url" "ref1"]};
{name := "abc";
version := mkVersion 0 0 0;
dependencies := [git "name" "url" "ref1"]};

View File

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
even : → Bool
| zero := true
| (suc n) := odd n;
odd : → Bool
| zero := false
| (suc n) := even n;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ axiom A : Type;
f : A -> A -> A
| x y := g x (f x x);

View File

@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ tests:
contains: juvix format error
exit-status: 1