mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-05 22:46:08 +03:00

[test] Update VP example

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Paul Cadman 2022-04-08 15:35:23 +01:00 committed by Jonathan Cubides
parent 3f557271bd
commit 498c6ab087

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@ -1,56 +1,12 @@
module SimpleFungibleToken;
axiom String : Type {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
axiom Int : Type {
ghc ↦ "Int";
inductive OptionInt {
Nothing : OptionInt;
Just : Int -> OptionInt;
inductive OptionString {
NothingString : OptionString;
JustString : String -> OptionString;
foreign ghc { defaultinteger = 0;};
axiom defaultinteger : Int {
ghc ↦ "defaultinteger";
fromOptionInt : OptionInt -> Int;
fromOptionInt Nothing := defaultinteger;
fromOptionInt (Just n) := n;
foreign ghc {
foreign import ccall "read_pre" read_pre :: String -> Maybe Int
foreign import ccall "read_post" read_post :: String -> Maybe Int
foreign import ccall "is_balance_key" is_balance_key :: String -> String -> Maybe String
import Anoma
axiom read-pre : String -> OptionInt {
ghc ↦ "read_pre";
axiom read-post : String -> OptionInt {
ghc ↦ "read_post";
axiom is-balance-key : String -> String -> OptionString {
ghc ↦ "is_balance_key";
inductive ListString {
Nil : ListString;
Cons : String -> ListString -> ListString;
-- Booleans
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
@ -60,38 +16,69 @@ inductive Bool {
infixr 2 ||;
|| : Bool → Bool → Bool;
|| false a ≔ a;
|| true _ ≔ true;
|| true _ ≔ true;
and : Bool → Bool → Bool;
and false _ ≔ false;
and true a ≔ a;
infixr 3 &&;
&& : Bool → Bool → Bool;
&& false _ ≔ false;
&& true a ≔ a;
infix 4 ==String;
axiom ==String : String -> String -> Bool {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
-- Backend Booleans
axiom BackendBool : Type {
ghc ↦ "Bool";
axiom backend-true : BackendBool {
ghc ↦ "True";
axiom backend-false : BackendBool {
ghc ↦ "False";
-- Backend Bridge
foreign ghc {
bool :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
bool True x _ = x
bool False _ y = y
axiom bool : BackendBool → Bool → Bool → Bool {
ghc ↦ "bool";
from-backend-bool : BackendBool → Bool;
from-backend-bool bb ≔ bool bb true false;
-- Integers
axiom Int : Type {
ghc ↦ "Int";
axiom lt : Int → Int → BackendBool {
ghc ↦ "(<)";
infix 4 <;
< : Int → Int → Bool;
< i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (lt i1 i2);
axiom eqInt : Int → Int → BackendBool {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
infix 4 ==Int;
axiom ==Int : Int -> Int -> Bool {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
elem : String -> ListString -> Bool;
elem s Nil := false;
elem s (Cons x xs) := (s ==String x) || elem s xs;
inductive PairIntBool {
MakePair : Int -> Bool -> PairIntBool;
ifthenelse : Bool -> PairIntBool -> PairIntBool -> PairIntBool;
ifthenelse true case1 _ := case1;
ifthenelse false _ case2 := case2;
infix 4 <;
axiom < : Int -> Int -> Bool {
ghc ↦ "(<)";
==Int : Int → Int → Bool;
==Int i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqInt i1 i2);
infixl 6 -;
axiom - : Int -> Int -> Int {
@ -103,46 +90,151 @@ axiom + : Int -> Int -> Int {
ghc ↦ "(+)";
check-vp : ListString -> String -> String -> Int -> PairIntBool;
check-vp verifiers key owner change :=
(((fromOptionInt (read-post key)) - (fromOptionInt (read-pre key))) < 0)
(MakePair (change + ((fromOptionInt (read-post key)) - (fromOptionInt (read-pre key))))
(elem owner verifiers))
(change +
((fromOptionInt (read-post key)) - (fromOptionInt (read-pre key))))
-- Strings
check-vp' : ListString -> String -> Int -> String -> PairIntBool;
check-vp' verifiers key change owner := check-vp verifiers key owner change;
pairFromOptionString : (String -> PairIntBool) -> OptionString -> PairIntBool;
pairFromOptionString _ NothingString := MakePair 0 false;
pairFromOptionString f (JustString o) := f o;
foreign ghc {
token = "secret";
axiom token : String {
ghc ↦ "token";
axiom String : Type {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
check-keys : ListString -> PairIntBool -> String -> PairIntBool;
check-keys verifiers (MakePair change is-success) key :=
ifthenelse is-success
(pairFromOptionString (check-vp' verifiers key change) (is-balance-key token key))
(MakePair 0 false);
axiom eqString : String → String → BackendBool {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
foldl : (PairIntBool -> String -> PairIntBool) → PairIntBool → ListString → PairIntBool;
foldl f z Nil ≔ z ;
infix 4 ==String;
==String : String → String → Bool;
==String s1 s2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqString s1 s2);
-- Lists
inductive ListString {
Nil : ListString;
Cons : String → ListString → ListString;
elem : String → ListString → Bool;
elem s Nil ≔ false;
elem s (Cons x xs) ≔ (s ==String x) || elem s xs;
-- Pair
inductive PairIntBool {
MakePair : Int → Bool → PairIntBool;
if-pairIntBool : Bool → PairIntBool → PairIntBool → PairIntBool;
if-pairIntBool true x _ ≔ x;
if-pairIntBool false _ y ≔ y;
-- Optionals
inductive OptionInt {
NothingInt : OptionInt;
JustInt : Int -> OptionInt;
if-optionInt : Bool → OptionInt → OptionInt → OptionInt;
if-optionInt true x _ ≔ x;
if-optionInt false _ y ≔ y;
from-int : Int → OptionInt;
from-int i ≔ if-optionInt (i < 0) NothingInt (JustInt i);
maybe-int : Int → OptionInt → Int;
maybe-int d NothingInt ≔ d;
maybe-int _ (JustInt i) ≔ i;
inductive OptionString {
NothingString : OptionString;
JustString : String -> OptionString;
if-optionString : Bool → OptionString → OptionString → OptionString;
if-optionString true x _ ≔ x;
if-optionString false _ y ≔ y;
from-string : String → OptionString;
from-string s ≔ if-optionString (s ==String "") NothingString (JustString s);
pair-from-optionString : (String → PairIntBool) → OptionString → PairIntBool;
pair-from-optionString _ NothingString ≔ MakePair 0 false;
pair-from-optionString f (JustString o) ≔ f o;
-- foldl
foldl : (PairIntBool → String → PairIntBool) → PairIntBool → ListString → PairIntBool;
foldl f z Nil ≔ z;
foldl f z (Cons h hs) ≔ foldl f (f z h) hs;
auxVP : PairIntBool -> Bool;
auxVP (MakePair change all-checked) := and (change ==Int 0) all-checked;
-- Anoma
vp : String -> ListString -> ListString -> Bool;
vp token keys-changed verifiers :=
auxVP (foldl (check-keys verifiers) (MakePair 0 false) keys-changed);
axiom readPre : String → Int {
ghc ↦ "readPre";
axiom readPost : String → Int {
ghc ↦ "readPost";
axiom isBalanceKey : String → String → String {
ghc ↦ "isBalanceKey";
read-pre : String → OptionInt;
read-pre s ≔ from-int (readPre s);
read-post : String → OptionInt;
read-post s ≔ from-int (readPost s);
is-balance-key : String → String → OptionString;
is-balance-key token key ≔ from-string (isBalanceKey token key);
unwrap-default : OptionInt → Int;
unwrap-default o ≔ maybe-int 0 o;
-- Validity Predicate
change-from-key : String → Int;
change-from-key key ≔ unwrap-default (read-post key) - unwrap-default (read-pre key);
check-vp : ListString → String → String → Int → PairIntBool;
check-vp verifiers key owner change ≔
(change-from-key key < 0)
(MakePair (change + (change-from-key key)) (elem owner verifiers))
(MakePair (change + (change-from-key key)) true);
check-vp' : ListString → String → Int → String → PairIntBool;
check-vp' verifiers key change owner ≔ check-vp verifiers key owner change;
check-keys : String → ListString → PairIntBool → String → PairIntBool;
check-keys token verifiers (MakePair change is-success) key ≔
(pair-from-optionString (check-vp' verifiers key change) (is-balance-key token key))
(MakePair 0 false);
check-result : PairIntBool → Bool;
check-result (MakePair change all-checked) ≔ (change ==Int 0) && all-checked;
vp : String → ListString → ListString → Bool;
vp token keys-changed verifiers ≔
(check-keys token verifiers)
(MakePair 0 false) keys-changed);