mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 16:22:14 +03:00
Support MemRepTuple
in the Nockma backend (#2586)
We can represent Anoma types like [resource](e18e50e3c3/hoon/resource-machine.hoon (L7)
) as Juvix records. The Nockma encoding of types uses Nockma 'tuples' where each component of the tuple holds a value of a field. So for Juvix->Anoma integration it is convenient to compile values of record types as Nockma tuples. We already have the concept of representing constructors of inductive types that have only one non-zero-field constructor in the compiler, see [`MemRepTuple`](1147e1fce1/src/Juvix/Compiler/Tree/Language/Rep.hs (L13)
). In this PR, as part of the Nockma step, we mark constructors that satisfy the requirements of the `MemRepTuple` translation as such. Then we use a tuple encoding for those constructors. --------- Co-authored-by: Paul Cadman <git@paulcadman.dev>
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
_constructorTag :: Tag,
_constructorType :: Type,
_constructorArgNames :: [Maybe Text],
-- | _constructorArgsNum == length _constructorArgNames == length (typeArgs _constructorType)
_constructorArgsNum :: Int,
_constructorFixity :: Maybe Fixity
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ translateConstructorInfo ConstructorInfo {..} =
_constructorTag = _constructorTag,
_constructorType = translateType _constructorType,
@ -6,8 +6,21 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Pretty
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Stdlib
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.EntryPoint
import Juvix.Compiler.Tree.Language.Rep
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (Atom, Path)
nockmaMemRep :: MemRep -> NockmaMemRep
nockmaMemRep = \case
MemRepTuple -> NockmaMemRepTuple
MemRepConstr -> NockmaMemRepConstr
MemRepTag -> NockmaMemRepConstr
MemRepUnit -> NockmaMemRepConstr
MemRepUnpacked {} -> NockmaMemRepConstr
data NockmaMemRep
= NockmaMemRepConstr
| NockmaMemRepTuple
type UserFunctionId = Symbol
data FunctionId
@ -41,11 +54,16 @@ data FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo
data CompilerCtx = CompilerCtx
{ _compilerFunctionInfos :: HashMap FunctionId FunctionInfo,
_compilerConstructorArities :: ConstructorArities,
_compilerConstructorInfos :: ConstructorInfos,
_compilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
type ConstructorArities = HashMap Asm.Tag Natural
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
{ _constructorInfoArity :: Natural,
_constructorInfoMemRep :: NockmaMemRep
type ConstructorInfos = HashMap Asm.Tag ConstructorInfo
type Offset = Natural
@ -142,13 +160,20 @@ data Compiler m a where
Save :: Bool -> m () -> Compiler m ()
CallStdlibOn :: StackId -> StdlibFunction -> Compiler m ()
AsmReturn :: Compiler m ()
GetConstructorArity :: Asm.Tag -> Compiler m Natural
GetConstructorInfo :: Asm.Tag -> Compiler m ConstructorInfo
GetFunctionArity :: FunctionId -> Compiler m Natural
GetFunctionPath :: FunctionId -> Compiler m Path
stackPath :: StackId -> Path
stackPath s = indexStack (fromIntegral (fromEnum s))
indexTuple :: Natural -> Natural -> Path
indexTuple len idx =
let lastL
| idx == len - 1 = []
| otherwise = [L]
in replicate idx R ++ lastL
indexStack :: Natural -> Path
indexStack idx = replicate idx R ++ [L]
@ -175,6 +200,7 @@ makeSem ''Compiler
makeLenses ''CompilerOptions
makeLenses ''CompilerFunction
makeLenses ''CompilerCtx
makeLenses ''ConstructorInfo
makeLenses ''FunctionInfo
termFromParts :: (Bounded p, Enum p) => (p -> Term Natural) -> Term Natural
@ -206,8 +232,17 @@ fromAsmTable t = case t ^. Asm.infoMainFunction of
fromAsm :: CompilerOptions -> Asm.Symbol -> Asm.InfoTable -> Cell Natural
fromAsm opts mainSym Asm.InfoTable {..} =
let funs = map compileFunction allFunctions
constrs :: ConstructorArities
constrs = fromIntegral . (^. Asm.constructorArgsNum) <$> _infoConstrs
mkConstructorInfo :: Asm.ConstructorInfo -> ConstructorInfo
mkConstructorInfo ci@Asm.ConstructorInfo {..} =
{ _constructorInfoArity = fromIntegral _constructorArgsNum,
_constructorInfoMemRep = nockmaMemRep (memRep ci (getInductiveInfo (ci ^. Asm.constructorInductive)))
constrs :: ConstructorInfos
constrs = mkConstructorInfo <$> _infoConstrs
getInductiveInfo :: Symbol -> Asm.InductiveInfo
getInductiveInfo s = _infoInductives ^?! at s . _Just
in runCompilerWith opts constrs funs mainFun
mainFun :: CompilerFunction
@ -235,20 +270,30 @@ fromAsmTable t = case t ^. Asm.infoMainFunction of
_compilerFunction = compile _functionCode
memRep :: Asm.ConstructorInfo -> Asm.InductiveInfo -> Asm.MemRep
memRep ci ind
| numArgs >= 1 && numConstrs == 1 = MemRepTuple
| otherwise = MemRepConstr
numConstrs = length (ind ^. Asm.inductiveConstructors)
numArgs = ci ^. Asm.constructorArgsNum
fromOffsetRef :: Asm.OffsetRef -> Natural
fromOffsetRef = fromIntegral . (^. Asm.offsetRefOffset)
-- | Generic constructors are encoded as [tag args], where args is a
-- nil terminated list.
goConstructor :: Asm.Tag -> [Term Natural] -> Term Natural
goConstructor t args = case t of
goConstructor :: NockmaMemRep -> Asm.Tag -> [Term Natural] -> Term Natural
goConstructor mr t args = case t of
Asm.BuiltinTag b -> makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> builtinTagToTerm b
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList []
Asm.UserTag tag ->
makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> OpQuote # (fromIntegral (tag ^. Asm.tagUserWord) :: Natural)
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList args
Asm.UserTag tag -> case mr of
NockmaMemRepConstr ->
makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> OpQuote # (fromIntegral (tag ^. Asm.tagUserWord) :: Natural)
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList args
NockmaMemRepTuple -> foldTerms (nonEmpty' args)
compile :: forall r. (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.Code -> Sem r ()
compile = mapM_ goCommand
@ -303,6 +348,7 @@ compile = mapM_ goCommand
Asm.DRef r -> pushDirectRef r
Asm.ConstrRef r ->
(r ^. Asm.fieldTag)
(r ^. Asm.fieldRef)
(fromIntegral (r ^. Asm.fieldOffset))
@ -395,12 +441,28 @@ constVoid = makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> OpQuote # toNock (0 :: Natural)
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList []
pushConstructorFieldOnto :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => StackId -> Asm.DirectRef -> Natural -> Sem r ()
pushConstructorFieldOnto s refToConstr argIx =
let path = directRefPath refToConstr ++ constructorPath ConstructorArgs ++ indexStack argIx
in pushOnto s (OpAddress # path)
pushConstructorFieldOnto ::
(Members '[Compiler] r) =>
StackId ->
Asm.Tag ->
Asm.DirectRef ->
Natural ->
Sem r ()
pushConstructorFieldOnto s tag refToConstr argIx = do
info <- getConstructorInfo tag
let memrep = info ^. constructorInfoMemRep
arity = info ^. constructorInfoArity
path = case memrep of
NockmaMemRepConstr ->
directRefPath refToConstr
++ constructorPath ConstructorArgs
++ indexStack argIx
NockmaMemRepTuple ->
directRefPath refToConstr
++ indexTuple arity argIx
pushOnto s (OpAddress # path)
pushConstructorField :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.DirectRef -> Natural -> Sem r ()
pushConstructorField :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.Tag -> Asm.DirectRef -> Natural -> Sem r ()
pushConstructorField = pushConstructorFieldOnto ValueStack
directRefPath :: Asm.DirectRef -> Path
@ -438,9 +500,11 @@ closureArgsNum = do
allocConstr :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.Tag -> Sem r ()
allocConstr tag = do
numArgs <- getConstructorArity tag
let args = [OpAddress # indexInStack ValueStack (pred i) | i <- [1 .. numArgs]]
constr = goConstructor tag args
info <- getConstructorInfo tag
let numArgs = info ^. constructorInfoArity
memrep = info ^. constructorInfoMemRep
args = [OpAddress # indexInStack ValueStack (pred i) | i <- [1 .. numArgs]]
constr = goConstructor memrep tag args
pushOnto AuxStack constr
popN numArgs
moveTopFromTo AuxStack ValueStack
@ -515,7 +579,7 @@ runCompiler sem = do
(ts, a) <- runOutputList (re sem)
return (seqTerms ts, a)
runCompilerWith :: CompilerOptions -> ConstructorArities -> [CompilerFunction] -> CompilerFunction -> Cell Natural
runCompilerWith :: CompilerOptions -> ConstructorInfos -> [CompilerFunction] -> CompilerFunction -> Cell Natural
runCompilerWith opts constrs libFuns mainFun =
let entryCommand :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Sem r ()
entryCommand = callFun (mainFun ^. compilerFunctionName) 0
@ -547,7 +611,7 @@ runCompilerWith opts constrs libFuns mainFun =
compilerCtx =
{ _compilerFunctionInfos = functionInfos,
_compilerConstructorArities = constrs,
_compilerConstructorInfos = constrs,
_compilerOptions = opts
@ -811,6 +875,7 @@ constructorTagToTerm = \case
Asm.BuiltinTag b -> builtinTagToTerm b
caseCmd ::
forall r.
(Members '[Compiler] r) =>
Maybe (Sem r ()) ->
[(Asm.Tag, Sem r ())] ->
@ -818,11 +883,20 @@ caseCmd ::
caseCmd defaultBranch = \case
[] -> sequence_ defaultBranch
(tag, b) : bs -> do
-- push the constructor tag at the top
push (OpAddress # topOfStack ValueStack ++ constructorPath ConstructorTag)
push (constructorTagToTerm tag)
branch b (caseCmd defaultBranch bs)
rep <- getConstructorMemRep tag
case rep of
NockmaMemRepConstr -> goRepConstr tag b bs
| null bs, isNothing defaultBranch -> b
| otherwise -> error "redundant branch. Impossible?"
goRepConstr :: Asm.Tag -> Sem r () -> [(Asm.Tag, Sem r ())] -> Sem r ()
goRepConstr tag b bs = do
-- push the constructor tag at the top
push (OpAddress # topOfStack ValueStack ++ constructorPath ConstructorTag)
push (constructorTagToTerm tag)
branch b (caseCmd defaultBranch bs)
branch' ::
(Functor f, Members '[Output (Term Natural), Reader CompilerCtx] r) =>
@ -837,8 +911,14 @@ branch' t f = do
getFunctionArity' :: (Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) => FunctionId -> Sem r Natural
getFunctionArity' s = asks (^?! compilerFunctionInfos . at s . _Just . functionInfoArity)
getConstructorArity' :: (Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) => Asm.Tag -> Sem r Natural
getConstructorArity' tag = asks (^?! compilerConstructorArities . at tag . _Just)
getConstructorInfo' :: (Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) => Asm.Tag -> Sem r ConstructorInfo
getConstructorInfo' tag = asks (^?! compilerConstructorInfos . at tag . _Just)
getConstructorMemRep :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.Tag -> Sem r NockmaMemRep
getConstructorMemRep tag = (^. constructorInfoMemRep) <$> getConstructorInfo tag
getConstructorArity :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.Tag -> Sem r Natural
getConstructorArity tag = (^. constructorInfoArity) <$> getConstructorInfo tag
re :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Sem (Compiler ': r) a -> Sem (Output (Term Natural) ': r) a
re = reinterpretH $ \case
@ -854,7 +934,7 @@ re = reinterpretH $ \case
CallStdlibOn s f -> callStdlibOn' s f >>= pureT
AsmReturn -> asmReturn' >>= pureT
TestEqOn s -> testEqOn' s >>= pureT
GetConstructorArity s -> getConstructorArity' s >>= pureT
GetConstructorInfo s -> getConstructorInfo' s >>= pureT
GetFunctionArity s -> getFunctionArity' s >>= pureT
GetFunctionPath s -> getFunctionPath' s >>= pureT
Crash -> outputT (OpAddress # OpAddress # OpAddress)
@ -1005,7 +1085,13 @@ pushNat = pushNatOnto ValueStack
pushNatOnto :: (Member Compiler r) => StackId -> Natural -> Sem r ()
pushNatOnto s n = pushOnto s (OpQuote # toNock n)
compileAndRunNock' :: (Members '[Reader EvalOptions, Output (Term Natural)] r) => CompilerOptions -> ConstructorArities -> [CompilerFunction] -> CompilerFunction -> Sem r (Term Natural)
compileAndRunNock' ::
(Members '[Reader EvalOptions, Output (Term Natural)] r) =>
CompilerOptions ->
ConstructorInfos ->
[CompilerFunction] ->
CompilerFunction ->
Sem r (Term Natural)
compileAndRunNock' opts constrs funs mainfun =
let Cell nockSubject t = runCompilerWith opts constrs funs mainfun
in evalCompiledNock' nockSubject t
@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ translateConstructorInfo ci =
{ _constructorName = ci ^. Core.constructorName,
_constructorLocation = ci ^. Core.constructorLocation,
_constructorTag = ci ^. Core.constructorTag,
_constructorArgsNum = length (typeArgs ty),
_constructorArgNames = ci ^. Core.constructorArgNames,
_constructorArgsNum = ci ^. Core.constructorArgsNum,
_constructorType = ty,
_constructorInductive = ci ^. Core.constructorInductive,
_constructorRepresentation = MemRepConstr,
@ -91,28 +91,41 @@ functionCode = \case
data ConstructorName
= ConstructorFalse
| ConstructorTrue
| ConstructorWrapper
| ConstructorTagged
| ConstructorPair
| ConstructorTuple
deriving stock (Eq, Bounded, Enum)
constructorTag :: ConstructorName -> Asm.Tag
constructorTag n = Asm.UserTag (Asm.TagUser defaultModuleId (fromIntegral (fromEnum n)))
constructorArity :: ConstructorName -> Natural
constructorArity = \case
ConstructorFalse -> 0
ConstructorTrue -> 0
ConstructorWrapper -> 1
ConstructorPair -> 2
constructorInfo :: ConstructorName -> ConstructorInfo
constructorInfo = \case
ConstructorFalse -> defaultInfo 0
ConstructorTrue -> defaultInfo 0
ConstructorTagged -> defaultInfo 1
ConstructorPair -> defaultInfo 2
ConstructorTuple ->
{ _constructorInfoArity = 2,
_constructorInfoMemRep = NockmaMemRepTuple
exampleConstructors :: ConstructorArities
defaultInfo :: Natural -> ConstructorInfo
defaultInfo ari =
{ _constructorInfoArity = ari,
_constructorInfoMemRep = NockmaMemRepConstr
exampleConstructors :: ConstructorInfos
exampleConstructors =
hashMap $
[ (constructorTag n, constructorArity n)
[ (constructorTag n, constructorInfo n)
| n <- allElements
++ [ (Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagTrue, 0),
(Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagFalse, 0)
++ [ (Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagTrue, defaultInfo 0),
(Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagFalse, defaultInfo 0)
exampleFunctions :: [CompilerFunction]
@ -367,7 +380,7 @@ tests =
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorFalse),
defTest "alloc unary constructor" (eqStack ValueStack [nock| [[2 [[55 66] nil] nil] nil]|]) $ do
push (OpQuote # (55 :: Natural) # (66 :: Natural))
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorWrapper),
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorTagged),
defTest "alloc binary constructor" (eqStack ValueStack [nock| [[3 [9 7 nil] nil] nil] |]) $ do
pushNat 7
pushNat 9
@ -465,31 +478,54 @@ tests =
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [777 [2 [123 nil] nil] nil] |])
$ do
pushNat 123
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorWrapper)
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorTagged)
[ (constructorTag ConstructorWrapper, pushNat 777)
[ (constructorTag ConstructorTagged, pushNat 777)
"cmdCase: default branch"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [5 nil] |])
$ do
pushNat 123
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorWrapper)
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorTagged)
(Just (pop >> pushNat 5))
[ (constructorTag ConstructorFalse, pushNat 777)
"cmdCase: case on pair (NockmaMemRepTuple)"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [[70 50 10] nil] |])
$ do
let t = constructorTag ConstructorTuple
pushNat 10
pushNat 50
allocConstr t
[ ( t,
pushConstructorFieldOnto AuxStack t Asm.StackRef 0
pushConstructorFieldOnto AuxStack t Asm.StackRef 1
pushConstructorFieldOnto AuxStack t Asm.StackRef 1
moveTopFromTo AuxStack ValueStack
moveTopFromTo AuxStack ValueStack
moveTopFromTo AuxStack ValueStack
allocConstr t
"cmdCase: second branch"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [5 nil] |])
$ do
pushNat 123
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorWrapper)
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorTagged)
(Just (pushNat 0))
[ (constructorTag ConstructorFalse, pushNat 0),
(constructorTag ConstructorWrapper, pop >> pushNat 5)
(constructorTag ConstructorTagged, pop >> pushNat 5)
"cmdCase: case on builtin true"
@ -518,8 +554,8 @@ tests =
pushNat 10
pushNat 20
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorPair)
pushConstructorFieldOnto TempStack Asm.StackRef 0
pushConstructorFieldOnto TempStack Asm.StackRef 1
pushConstructorFieldOnto TempStack (constructorTag ConstructorPair) Asm.StackRef 0
pushConstructorFieldOnto TempStack (constructorTag ConstructorPair) Asm.StackRef 1
addOn TempStack,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user