mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 13:42:04 +03:00
Remove the 'match' keyword (#238)
Remove the 'match' keyword (#215) Since lambda-expressions will support pattern matching, explicit 'match' is redundant.
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,9 +50,6 @@ infixl_ = "infixl"
infixr_ :: IsString s => s
infixr_ = "infixr"
match :: IsString s => s
match = "match"
open :: IsString s => s
open = "open"
@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ data Expression
| ExpressionFunction Function
| ExpressionLiteral LiteralLoc
| ExpressionHole Hole
--- | ExpressionMatch Match
--- ExpressionLambda Lambda not supported yet
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
@ -111,18 +110,6 @@ instance HasAtomicity Expression where
ExpressionFunction f -> atomicity f
ExpressionLiteral f -> atomicity f
data Match = Match
{ _matchExpression :: Expression,
_matchAlts :: [MatchAlt]
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
data MatchAlt = MatchAlt
{ _matchAltPattern :: Pattern,
_matchAltBody :: Expression
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
data Application = Application
{ _appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression,
@ -549,7 +549,6 @@ data Expression
| ExpressionInfixApplication InfixApplication
| ExpressionPostfixApplication PostfixApplication
| ExpressionLambda (Lambda 'Scoped)
| ExpressionMatch (Match 'Scoped)
| ExpressionLetBlock (LetBlock 'Scoped)
| ExpressionUniverse Universe
| ExpressionLiteral LiteralLoc
@ -568,62 +567,11 @@ instance HasAtomicity Expression where
ExpressionPostfixApplication a -> Aggregate (getFixity a)
ExpressionLambda {} -> Atom
ExpressionLiteral {} -> Atom
ExpressionMatch {} -> Atom
ExpressionLetBlock {} -> Atom
ExpressionBraces {} -> Atom
ExpressionUniverse {} -> Atom
ExpressionFunction {} -> Aggregate funFixity
-- Match expression
data MatchAlt (s :: Stage) = MatchAlt
{ matchAltPattern :: PatternType s,
matchAltBody :: ExpressionType s
deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
Show (MatchAlt s)
deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
Eq (MatchAlt s)
deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
Ord (MatchAlt s)
data Match (s :: Stage) = Match
{ matchExpression :: ExpressionType s,
matchAlts :: [MatchAlt s]
deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
Show (Match s)
deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
Eq (Match s)
deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
Ord (Match s)
-- Function expression
@ -933,7 +881,6 @@ data ExpressionAtom (s :: Stage)
| AtomUniverse Universe
| AtomFunction (Function s)
| AtomFunArrow
| AtomMatch (Match s)
| AtomLiteral LiteralLoc
| AtomParens (ExpressionType s)
@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ allKeywords =
@ -256,9 +255,6 @@ kwLet = keyword Str.let_
kwMapsTo :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwMapsTo = keyword Str.mapstoUnicode <|> keyword Str.mapstoAscii
kwMatch :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwMatch = keyword Str.match
kwModule :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwModule = keyword Str.module_
@ -237,13 +237,11 @@ expressionAtom =
<|> (AtomUniverse <$> universe)
<|> (AtomLambda <$> lambda)
<|> (AtomFunction <$> function)
<|> (AtomMatch <$> match)
<|> (AtomLetBlock <$> letBlock)
<|> (AtomFunArrow <$ kwRightArrow)
<|> (AtomHole <$> hole)
<|> parens (AtomParens <$> parseExpressionAtoms)
-- TODO: revise this try. Necessary to avoid confusion with match
<|> P.try (braces (AtomBraces <$> withLoc parseExpressionAtoms))
<|> (braces (AtomBraces <$> withLoc parseExpressionAtoms))
parseExpressionAtoms ::
Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
@ -280,24 +278,6 @@ literal = do
<|> literalString
P.lift (registerLiteral l)
-- Match expression
matchAlt :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r (MatchAlt 'Parsed)
matchAlt = do
matchAltPattern <- patternAtom
matchAltBody <- parseExpressionAtoms
return MatchAlt {..}
match :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r (Match 'Parsed)
match = do
matchExpression <- parseExpressionAtoms
matchAlts <- braces (P.sepEndBy matchAlt kwSemicolon)
return Match {..}
-- Let expression
@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ kwColon = keyword Str.colon
kwArrowR :: Doc Ann
kwArrowR = keyword Str.toUnicode
kwMatch :: Doc Ann
kwMatch = keyword Str.match
kwLambda :: Doc Ann
kwLambda = keyword Str.lambdaUnicode
@ -602,18 +599,6 @@ instance SingI s => PrettyCode (LetClause s) where
ppBlock :: (PrettyCode a, Members '[Reader Options] r, Traversable t) => t a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppBlock items = mapM (fmap endSemicolon . ppCode) items >>= bracesIndent . vsep . toList
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (MatchAlt s) where
ppCode MatchAlt {..} = do
matchAltPattern' <- ppPatternAtom matchAltPattern
matchAltBody' <- ppExpression matchAltBody
return $ matchAltPattern' <+> kwMapsto <+> matchAltBody'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Match s) where
ppCode Match {..} = do
matchExpression' <- ppExpression matchExpression
matchAlts' <- ppBlock matchAlts
return $ kwMatch <+> matchExpression' <+> matchAlts'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (LambdaClause s) where
ppCode LambdaClause {..} = do
lambdaParameters' <- hsep . toList <$> mapM ppPatternAtom lambdaParameters
@ -775,7 +760,6 @@ instance PrettyCode Expression where
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionPostfixApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionLambda l -> ppCode l
ExpressionMatch m -> ppCode m
ExpressionLetBlock lb -> ppCode lb
ExpressionUniverse u -> ppCode u
ExpressionLiteral l -> ppCode l
@ -867,7 +851,6 @@ instance SingI s => PrettyCode (ExpressionAtom s) where
AtomFunction fun -> ppCode fun
AtomLiteral lit -> ppCode lit
AtomFunArrow -> return kwArrowR
AtomMatch m -> ppCode m
AtomParens e -> parens <$> ppExpression e
AtomBraces e -> braces <$> ppExpression (e ^. withLocParam)
AtomHole w -> ppHole w
@ -1151,7 +1151,6 @@ checkExpressionAtom e = case e of
AtomFunArrow -> return AtomFunArrow
AtomHole h -> AtomHole <$> checkHole h
AtomLiteral l -> return (AtomLiteral l)
AtomMatch match -> AtomMatch <$> checkMatch match
checkHole ::
Members '[NameIdGen] r =>
@ -1176,32 +1175,6 @@ checkParens e@(ExpressionAtoms as _) = case as of
return (ExpressionParensIdentifier scopedIdenNoFix)
_ -> checkParseExpressionAtoms e
checkMatchAlt ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope, Reader LocalVars, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder, NameIdGen] r =>
MatchAlt 'Parsed ->
Sem r (MatchAlt 'Scoped)
checkMatchAlt MatchAlt {..} = do
matchAltPattern' <- checkParsePatternAtom matchAltPattern
matchAltBody' <- withBindCurrentGroup (checkParseExpressionAtoms matchAltBody)
{ matchAltPattern = matchAltPattern',
matchAltBody = matchAltBody'
checkMatch ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope, Reader LocalVars, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder, NameIdGen] r =>
Match 'Parsed ->
Sem r (Match 'Scoped)
checkMatch Match {..} = do
matchExpression' <- checkParseExpressionAtoms matchExpression
matchAlts' <- mapM checkMatchAlt matchAlts
{ matchExpression = matchExpression',
matchAlts = matchAlts'
checkExpressionAtoms ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope, State ScoperState, Reader LocalVars, InfoTableBuilder, NameIdGen] r =>
ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed ->
@ -1362,7 +1335,6 @@ parseTerm =
<|> parseFunction
<|> parseLambda
<|> parseLiteral
<|> parseMatch
<|> parseLetBlock
<|> parseBraces
@ -1390,14 +1362,6 @@ parseTerm =
AtomLambda l -> Just l
_ -> Nothing
parseMatch :: Parse Expression
parseMatch = ExpressionMatch <$> P.token match mempty
match :: ExpressionAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe (Match 'Scoped)
match s = case s of
AtomMatch l -> Just l
_ -> Nothing
parseUniverse :: Parse Expression
parseUniverse = ExpressionUniverse <$> P.token universe' mempty
@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ goExpression = \case
ExpressionLiteral l -> return (Abstract.ExpressionLiteral l)
ExpressionLambda {} -> unsupported "Lambda"
ExpressionBraces b -> throw (ErrAppLeftImplicit (AppLeftImplicit b))
ExpressionMatch {} -> unsupported "Match"
ExpressionLetBlock {} -> unsupported "Let Block"
ExpressionUniverse uni -> return (Abstract.ExpressionUniverse (goUniverse uni))
ExpressionFunction func -> Abstract.ExpressionFunction <$> goFunction func
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ inductive List (a : Type) {
∷ : a → List a → List a;
match : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → A → (A → B) → B;
match x f ≔ f x;
foldr : (a : Type) → (b : Type) → (a → b → b) → b → List a → b;
foldr _ _ _ z (nil _) ≔ z;
foldr a b f z (∷ _ h hs) ≔ f h (foldr a b f z hs);
@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ map a b f (∷ _ h hs) ≔ ∷ a (f h) (map a b f hs);
filter : (a : Type) → (a → Bool) → List a → List a;
filter a f (nil _) ≔ nil a;
filter a f (∷ _ h hs) ≔ match f h {
filter a f (∷ _ h hs) ≔ match (f h) λ{
true ↦ ∷ a h (filter a f hs);
false ↦ filter a f hs;
@ -61,12 +64,12 @@ splitAt : (a : Type) → ℕ → List a → List a;
splitAt a _ (nil _) ≔ nil a , nil a;
splitAt a zero xs ≔ , (List a) (List a) (nil a) xs;
splitAt a (suc zero) (∷ _ x xs) ≔ , (List a) (List a) (∷ a x (nil a)) xs;
splitAt a (suc (suc m)) (∷ _ x xs) ≔ match splitAt a m xs {
splitAt a (suc (suc m)) (∷ _ x xs) ≔ match (splitAt a m xs) λ{
(, la _ xs' xs'') ↦ , la la (∷ a x xs') xs'';
merge : (a : Type) → (a → a → Ordering) → List a → List a → List a;
merge a cmp (∷ _ x xs) (∷ _ y ys) ≔ match cmp x y {
merge a cmp (∷ _ x xs) (∷ _ y ys) ≔ match (cmp x y) λ{
LT ↦ ∷ a x (merge a cmp xs (∷ a y ys));
_ ↦ ∷ a y (merge a cmp (∷ a x xs) ys);
@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ quickSort a cmp (∷ _ x ys) ≔
(++ a (∷ a x (nil a)) (quickSort a (filter a gex) ys))
where {
ltx : a → Bool;
ltx y ≔ match cmp y x {
ltx y ≔ match (cmp y x) λ{
LT ↦ true;
_ ↦ false;
Reference in New Issue
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