mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-02 10:47:32 +03:00

Fix closure representation in the Nock backend (#3105)

* Closes #3083 
* Closes #3042 

The representation of closures is changed to make it more efficient and
compatible with the Nock calling convention.
This commit is contained in:
Łukasz Czajka 2024-10-18 19:49:34 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent c238429753
commit 5d32e8f0b5
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
3 changed files with 155 additions and 209 deletions

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@ -221,6 +221,14 @@ makeLenses ''WithStack
makeLenses ''AtomInfo
makeLenses ''CellInfo
isCell :: Term a -> Bool
isCell = \case
TermCell {} -> True
_ -> False
isAtom :: Term a -> Bool
isAtom = not . isCell
atomHint :: Lens' (Atom a) (Maybe AtomHint)
atomHint = atomInfo . atomInfoHint
@ -460,6 +468,12 @@ opAddress txt p = TermCell (txt @ OpAddress #. p)
opQuote :: (IsNock x) => Text -> x -> Term Natural
opQuote txt p = TermCell (txt @ OpQuote #. p)
opTrace :: Term Natural -> Term Natural
opTrace val = OpHint # (nockHintAtom NockHintPuts # val) # val
opTrace' :: Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Term Natural
opTrace' msg val = OpHint # (nockNilTagged "opTrace'" # msg) # val
{-# COMPLETE Cell #-}
pattern Cell :: Term a -> Term a -> Cell a

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@ -11,27 +11,18 @@ module Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Translation.FromTree
FunctionCtx (..),
FunctionId (..),
CompilerCtx (..),
IndexTupleArgs (..),
@ -163,11 +154,8 @@ data AnomaCallablePathId
= FunCode
| ArgsTuple
| ---
| ClosureTotalArgsNum
| ClosureArgsNum
| ClosureArgs
| AnomaGetOrder
| FunctionsLibrary
| StandardLibrary
deriving stock (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Show)
@ -188,6 +176,9 @@ constructorPath = pathFromEnum
closurePath :: AnomaCallablePathId -> Path
closurePath = pathFromEnum
anomaGetPath :: Path
anomaGetPath = [L]
data IndexTupleArgs = IndexTupleArgs
{ _indexTupleArgsLength :: Natural,
_indexTupleArgsIndex :: Natural
@ -300,8 +291,21 @@ makeClosure = termFromParts
makeConstructor :: (ConstructorPathId -> Term Natural) -> Term Natural
makeConstructor = termFromParts
-- | The result is not quoted and cannot be evaluated.
rawTermFromParts :: (Bounded p, Enum p) => (p -> Term Natural) -> Term Natural
rawTermFromParts f = makeList [f pi | pi <- allElements]
-- | The result is not quoted and cannot be evaluated.
makeRawClosure :: (AnomaCallablePathId -> Term Natural) -> Term Natural
makeRawClosure = rawTermFromParts
-- | The provided terms cannot be evaluated.
foldTermsOrNil :: [Term Natural] -> Term Natural
foldTermsOrNil = maybe (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "foldTermsOrNil") foldTerms . nonEmpty
foldTermsOrNil = maybe (nockNilTagged "foldTermsOrNil") foldTerms . nonEmpty
-- | The provided terms can be evaluated.
foldTermsOrQuotedNil :: [Term Natural] -> Term Natural
foldTermsOrQuotedNil = maybe (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "foldTermsOrQuotedNil") foldTerms . nonEmpty
foldTerms :: NonEmpty (Term Natural) -> Term Natural
foldTerms = foldr1 (#)
@ -339,7 +343,7 @@ supportsMaybeNockmaRep tab ci =
| otherwise -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-- | Use `Tree.toNockma` before calling this function
-- | Use `Tree.toNockma` before calling this function. The result is an unquoted subject.
fromTreeTable :: (Members '[Error JuvixError, Reader CompilerOptions] r) => Tree.InfoTable -> Sem r AnomaResult
fromTreeTable t = case t ^. Tree.infoMainFunction of
Just mainFun -> do
@ -408,6 +412,7 @@ addressTempRef tr = do
p <- tempRefPath tr
return $ opAddress "tempRef" p
-- `funsLib` is being quoted in this function
mainFunctionWrapper :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
mainFunctionWrapper funslib funCode = do
-- 1. The Anoma system expects to receive a function of type `ScryId -> Transaction`
@ -424,8 +429,7 @@ mainFunctionWrapper funslib funCode = do
anomaGet <- getFieldInSubject ArgsTuple
captureAnomaGetOrder <- replaceSubject $ \case
FunCode -> Just (OpQuote # funCode)
AnomaGetOrder -> Just anomaGet
FunctionsLibrary -> Just (OpQuote # funslib)
FunctionsLibrary -> Just (OpReplace # (anomaGetPath # anomaGet) # OpQuote # funslib)
_ -> Nothing
return $ opCall "mainFunctionWrapper" (closurePath FunCode) captureAnomaGetOrder
@ -601,23 +605,19 @@ compile = \case
goPrimUnop op arg = case op of
Tree.OpShow -> stringsErr "show"
Tree.OpStrToInt -> stringsErr "strToInt"
Tree.OpArgsNum -> do
arg' <- compile arg
( \ref -> do
tmp <- addressTempRef ref
sub (getClosureField ClosureTotalArgsNum tmp) (getClosureField ClosureArgsNum tmp)
Tree.OpArgsNum ->
compile arg
>>= return . getClosureField ClosureRemainingArgsNum
Tree.OpIntToField -> fieldErr
Tree.OpFieldToInt -> fieldErr
Tree.OpIntToUInt8 -> intToUInt8 =<< compile arg
Tree.OpIntToUInt8 -> compile arg >>= intToUInt8
Tree.OpUInt8ToInt -> compile arg
goAnomaGet :: [Term Natural] -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goAnomaGet key = do
anomaGet <- getFieldInSubject AnomaGetOrder
let arg = remakeList [anomaGet, foldTermsOrNil key]
funlibPath <- stackPath FunctionsLibrary
let anomaGet = opAddress "anomaGet" (funlibPath <> anomaGetPath)
let arg = remakeList [anomaGet, foldTermsOrQuotedNil key]
return (OpScry # (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "OpScry-typehint") # arg)
goAnomaEncode :: [Term Natural] -> Sem r (Term Natural)
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ compile = \case
goTrace arg = do
withTemp arg $ \ref -> do
val <- addressTempRef ref
return $ OpHint # (nockHintAtom NockHintPuts # val) # val
return $ opTrace val
goBinop :: Tree.NodeBinop -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goBinop Tree.NodeBinop {..} = do
@ -772,18 +772,25 @@ compile = \case
fpath <- getFunctionPath fun
farity <- getFunctionArity fun
args <- mapM compile _nodeAllocClosureArgs
return . makeClosure $ \case
FunCode -> opAddress "allocClosureFunPath" (base <> fpath <> closurePath FunCode)
ArgsTuple -> OpQuote # argsTuplePlaceholder "goAllocClosure" farity
FunctionsLibrary -> OpQuote # functionsLibraryPlaceHolder
StandardLibrary -> OpQuote # stdlibPlaceHolder
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> nockNatLiteral farity
ClosureArgsNum -> nockIntegralLiteral (length args)
ClosureArgs -> remakeList args
AnomaGetOrder -> OpQuote # nockNilTagged "goAllocClosure-AnomaGetOrder"
let funLib = opAddress "functionsLibrary" (base <> closurePath FunctionsLibrary)
stdLib = opAddress "standardLibrary" (base <> closurePath StandardLibrary)
closure =
opReplace "putStdLib" (closurePath StandardLibrary) stdLib
. opReplace "putFunLib" (closurePath FunctionsLibrary) funLib
$ opAddress "goAllocClosure-getFunction" (base <> fpath)
newArity = farity - fromIntegral (length args)
massert (newArity > 0)
curryClosure closure args (nockNatLiteral newArity)
goExtendClosure :: Tree.NodeExtendClosure -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goExtendClosure = extendClosure
goExtendClosure Tree.NodeExtendClosure {..} = do
closureFun <- compile _nodeExtendClosureFun
withTemp closureFun $ \ref -> do
args <- mapM compile _nodeExtendClosureArgs
closure <- addressTempRef ref
let remainingArgsNum = getClosureField ClosureRemainingArgsNum closure
newArity <- sub remainingArgsNum (nockIntegralLiteral (length _nodeExtendClosureArgs))
curryClosure closure (toList args) newArity
goCall :: Tree.NodeCall -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goCall Tree.NodeCall {..} =
@ -797,20 +804,13 @@ compile = \case
newargs <- mapM compile _nodeCallArgs
callClosure ref newargs
opAddress' :: Term Natural -> Term Natural
opAddress' x = evaluated $ (opQuote "opAddress'" OpAddress) # x
-- | Creates a tuple that needs to be quoted before evaluation
argsTuplePlaceholder :: Text -> Natural -> Term Natural
argsTuplePlaceholder txt arity = ("argsTuplePlaceholder-" <> txt) @ foldTermsOrNil (replicate arityInt (TermAtom nockNil))
arityInt :: Int
arityInt = fromIntegral arity
appendRights :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Path -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
appendRights path n = do
n' <- pow2 n
mul n' (OpInc # OpQuote # path) >>= dec
testEq :: (Members '[Reader FunctionCtx, Reader CompilerCtx] r) => Tree.Node -> Tree.Node -> Sem r (Term Natural)
testEq a b = do
a' <- compile a
@ -823,48 +823,8 @@ nockNatLiteral = nockIntegralLiteral
nockIntegralLiteral :: (Integral a) => a -> Term Natural
nockIntegralLiteral = (OpQuote #) . toNock @Natural . fromIntegral
-- | xs must be a list.
-- ys is a non-empty tuple.
-- the result is a tuple.
-- TODO: this function generates inefficient code
appendToTuple ::
(Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) =>
Term Natural ->
Term Natural ->
Term Natural ->
Sem r (Term Natural)
appendToTuple xs lenXs ys = append xs lenXs ys
-- TODO: what does this function do? what are the arguments?
-- TODO: this function generates inefficient code
append :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
append xs lenXs ys = do
posOfXsNil <- appendRights emptyPath lenXs
return $ replaceSubterm' xs posOfXsNil ys
extendClosure ::
(Members '[Reader FunctionCtx, Reader CompilerCtx] r) =>
Tree.NodeExtendClosure ->
Sem r (Term Natural)
extendClosure Tree.NodeExtendClosure {..} = do
closureFun <- compile _nodeExtendClosureFun
withTemp closureFun $ \ref -> do
args <- mapM compile _nodeExtendClosureArgs
closure <- addressTempRef ref
let argsNum = getClosureField ClosureArgsNum closure
oldArgs = getClosureField ClosureArgs closure
allArgs <- append oldArgs argsNum (remakeList args)
newArgsNum <- add argsNum (nockIntegralLiteral (length _nodeExtendClosureArgs))
return . makeClosure $ \case
FunCode -> getClosureField FunCode closure
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> getClosureField ClosureTotalArgsNum closure
ClosureArgsNum -> newArgsNum
ClosureArgs -> allArgs
ArgsTuple -> getClosureField ArgsTuple closure
FunctionsLibrary -> getClosureField FunctionsLibrary closure
StandardLibrary -> getClosureField StandardLibrary closure
AnomaGetOrder -> getClosureField AnomaGetOrder closure
-- [call L [replace [RL [seq [@ R] a]] [@ (locStdlib <> fPath)]]] ?
-- Calling convention for Anoma stdlib
-- [push
@ -890,7 +850,7 @@ callStdlib fun args = do
callFn = opCall "callStdlib" (closurePath FunCode) adjustArgs
meta =
{ _stdlibCallArgs = foldTermsOrNil args,
{ _stdlibCallArgs = foldTermsOrQuotedNil args,
_stdlibCallFunction = fun
callCell = set cellCall (Just meta) (OpPush #. (getFunCode # callFn))
@ -923,29 +883,31 @@ nockmaBuiltinTag = \case
-- | Generic constructors are encoded as [tag args], where args is a
-- nil terminated list.
goConstructor :: NockmaMemRep -> Tree.Tag -> [Term Natural] -> Term Natural
goConstructor mr t args = case t of
Tree.BuiltinTag b -> case nockmaBuiltinTag b of
NockmaBuiltinBool v -> nockBoolLiteral v
Tree.UserTag tag -> case mr of
NockmaMemRepConstr ->
makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> OpQuote # (fromIntegral (tag ^. Tree.tagUserWord) :: Natural)
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList args
NockmaMemRepTuple -> foldTerms (nonEmpty' args)
NockmaMemRepList constr -> case constr of
| null args -> remakeList []
| otherwise -> impossible
NockmaMemRepListConstrCons -> case args of
[l, r] -> TCell l r
_ -> impossible
NockmaMemRepMaybe constr -> case constr of
| null args -> (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "maybe-constr-nothing")
| otherwise -> impossible
NockmaMemRepMaybeConstrJust -> case args of
[x] -> TCell (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "maybe-constr-just-head") x
_ -> impossible
goConstructor mr t args = assert (all isCell args) $
case t of
Tree.BuiltinTag b -> case nockmaBuiltinTag b of
NockmaBuiltinBool v -> nockBoolLiteral v
Tree.UserTag tag -> case mr of
NockmaMemRepConstr ->
makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> OpQuote # (fromIntegral (tag ^. Tree.tagUserWord) :: Natural)
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList args
NockmaMemRepTuple ->
foldTerms (nonEmpty' args)
NockmaMemRepList constr -> case constr of
| null args -> remakeList []
| otherwise -> impossible
NockmaMemRepListConstrCons -> case args of
[l, r] -> TCell l r
_ -> impossible
NockmaMemRepMaybe constr -> case constr of
| null args -> (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "maybe-constr-nothing")
| otherwise -> impossible
NockmaMemRepMaybeConstrJust -> case args of
[x] -> TCell (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "maybe-constr-just-head") x
_ -> impossible
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported thing = error ("The Nockma backend does not support " <> thing)
@ -959,12 +921,15 @@ fieldErr = unsupported "the field type"
cairoErr :: a
cairoErr = unsupported "cairo builtins"
-- | The elements will not be evaluated.
makeList :: (Foldable f) => f (Term Natural) -> Term Natural
makeList ts = foldTerms (toList ts `prependList` pure (nockNilTagged "makeList"))
-- | The elements of the list will be evaluated to create the list.
remakeList :: (Foldable l) => l (Term Natural) -> Term Natural
remakeList ts = foldTerms (toList ts `prependList` pure (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "remakeList"))
-- | The result is unquoted.
runCompilerWith :: CompilerOptions -> ConstructorInfos -> [CompilerFunction] -> CompilerFunction -> AnomaResult
runCompilerWith _opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun =
@ -974,6 +939,13 @@ runCompilerWith _opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun =
libFuns :: [CompilerFunction]
libFuns = moduleFuns ++ (builtinFunction <$> allElements)
-- The number of "extra" functions at the front of the functions library
-- list which are not defined by the user. Currently, the only such function
-- is anomaGet (the `main` function and the functions from `libFuns` are
-- defined by the user).
libFunShift :: Natural
libFunShift = 1
allFuns :: NonEmpty CompilerFunction
allFuns = mainFun :| libFuns
@ -987,45 +959,43 @@ runCompilerWith _opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun =
mainClosure :: Term Natural
mainClosure = makeMainFunction (runCompilerFunction compilerCtx mainFun)
-- This term is not quoted and cannot be evaluated.
funcsLib :: Term Natural
funcsLib = Str.theFunctionsLibrary @ makeList compiledFuns
compiledFuns :: [Term Natural]
compiledFuns =
(OpQuote # (666 :: Natural)) -- TODO we have this unused term so that indices match. Remove it and adjust as needed
(nockNilTagged "anomaGetPlaceholder")
: (nockNilTagged "mainFunctionPlaceholder")
: ( makeLibraryFunction
<$> [(f ^. compilerFunctionName, f ^. compilerFunctionArity, runCompilerFunction compilerCtx f) | f <- libFuns]
-- The result is not quoted and cannot be evaluated.
makeLibraryFunction :: (Text, Natural, Term Natural) -> Term Natural
makeLibraryFunction (funName, funArity, c) =
("def-" <> funName)
@ makeClosure
@ makeRawClosure
( \p ->
let nockNilHere = nockNilTagged ("makeLibraryFunction-" <> show p)
in case p of
FunCode -> ("funCode-" <> funName) @ c
ArgsTuple -> ("argsTuple-" <> funName) @ argsTuplePlaceholder "libraryFunction" funArity
ClosureRemainingArgsNum -> ("closureRemainingArgsNum-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
FunctionsLibrary -> ("functionsLibrary-" <> funName) @ functionsLibraryPlaceHolder
StandardLibrary -> ("stdlib-" <> funName) @ stdlibPlaceHolder
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> ("closureTotalArgsNum-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
ClosureArgsNum -> ("closureArgsNum-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
ClosureArgs -> ("closureArgs-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
AnomaGetOrder -> ("anomaGetOrder-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
-- The result is not quoted and cannot be evaluated directly.
makeMainFunction :: Term Natural -> Term Natural
makeMainFunction c = makeClosure $ \p ->
makeMainFunction c = makeRawClosure $ \p ->
let nockNilHere = nockNilTagged ("makeMainFunction-" <> show p)
in case p of
FunCode -> run . runReader compilerCtx $ mainFunctionWrapper funcsLib c
ArgsTuple -> argsTuplePlaceholder "mainFunction" (mainFun ^. compilerFunctionArity)
ClosureRemainingArgsNum -> nockNilHere
FunctionsLibrary -> functionsLibraryPlaceHolder
StandardLibrary -> stdlib
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> nockNilHere
ClosureArgsNum -> nockNilHere
ClosureArgs -> nockNilHere
AnomaGetOrder -> nockNilHere
functionInfos :: HashMap FunctionId FunctionInfo
functionInfos = hashMap (run (runStreamOfNaturals (toList <$> userFunctions)))
@ -1036,7 +1006,7 @@ runCompilerWith _opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun =
( _compilerFunctionId,
{ _functionInfoPath = pathFromEnum FunctionsLibrary ++ indexStack i,
{ _functionInfoPath = pathFromEnum FunctionsLibrary ++ indexStack (i + libFunShift),
_functionInfoArity = _compilerFunctionArity,
_functionInfoName = _compilerFunctionName
@ -1081,7 +1051,7 @@ builtinFunction = \case
-- | Call a function with the passed arguments
callFunWithArgs ::
forall r.
(Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) =>
(Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) =>
FunctionId ->
[Term Natural] ->
Sem r (Term Natural)
@ -1092,26 +1062,27 @@ callFunWithArgs fun args = do
let p' = fpath ++ closurePath FunCode
return (opCall ("callFun-" <> fname) p' newSubject)
callClosure :: (Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) => TempRef -> [Term Natural] -> Sem r (Term Natural)
callClosure ref newArgs = do
callClosure :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => TempRef -> [Term Natural] -> Sem r (Term Natural)
callClosure ref args = do
-- We never call a closure with zero arguments: if there are no arguments then
-- there is no application and the closure is just returned. This differs from
-- the behaviour with calls to known functions which may have zero arguments.
massert (not (null newArgs))
massert (not (null args))
closure <- addressTempRef ref
let oldArgsNum = getClosureField ClosureArgsNum closure
oldArgs = getClosureField ClosureArgs closure
allArgs <- appendToTuple oldArgs oldArgsNum (foldTermsOrNil newArgs)
newSubject <- replaceSubject $ \case
FunCode -> Just (getClosureField FunCode closure)
ArgsTuple -> Just allArgs
FunctionsLibrary -> Nothing
StandardLibrary -> Nothing
ClosureArgs -> Nothing
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> Nothing
ClosureArgsNum -> Nothing
AnomaGetOrder -> Nothing
return (opCall "callClosure" (closurePath FunCode) newSubject)
let closure' = OpReplace # (closurePath ArgsTuple # foldTermsOrQuotedNil args) # closure
return (opCall "callClosure" (closurePath FunCode) closure')
curryClosure :: Term Natural -> [Term Natural] -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
curryClosure f args newArity = do
let args' = (foldTerms (nonEmpty' $ map (\x -> (OpQuote # OpQuote) # x) args <> [OpQuote # OpAddress # closurePath ArgsTuple]))
return . makeClosure $ \case
FunCode -> (OpQuote # OpCall) # (OpQuote # closurePath FunCode) # (OpQuote # OpReplace) # ((OpQuote # closurePath ArgsTuple) # args') # (OpQuote # OpQuote) # f
ArgsTuple -> OpQuote # nockNilTagged "argsTuple" -- We assume the arguments tuple is never accessed before being replaced by the caller.
ClosureRemainingArgsNum -> newArity
-- The functions library and the standard library are always taken from the
-- closure `f`. The environment of `f` is used when evaluating the call.
FunctionsLibrary -> OpQuote # functionsLibraryPlaceHolder
StandardLibrary -> OpQuote # stdlibPlaceHolder
replaceSubject :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => (AnomaCallablePathId -> Maybe (Term Natural)) -> Sem r (Term Natural)
replaceSubject = replaceSubject' "replaceSubject"
@ -1133,7 +1104,7 @@ replaceArgsWithTerm tag term =
-- | Replace the arguments in the ArgsTuple stack with the passed arguments.
-- Resets the temporary stack to empty. Returns the new subject.
replaceArgs :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => [Term Natural] -> Sem r (Term Natural)
replaceArgs = replaceArgsWithTerm "replaceArgs" . foldTermsOrNil
replaceArgs = replaceArgsWithTerm "replaceArgs" . foldTermsOrQuotedNil
getFunctionInfo :: (Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) => FunctionId -> Sem r FunctionInfo
getFunctionInfo funId = asks (^?! compilerFunctionInfos . at funId . _Just)
@ -1144,15 +1115,6 @@ getFunctionPath funId = (^. functionInfoPath) <$> getFunctionInfo funId
getFunctionName :: (Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) => FunctionId -> Sem r Text
getFunctionName funId = (^. functionInfoName) <$> getFunctionInfo funId
evaluated :: Term Natural -> Term Natural
evaluated t = OpApply # (opAddress "evaluated" emptyPath) # t
-- | obj[eval(relPath)] := newVal
-- relPath is relative to obj
replaceSubterm' :: Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Term Natural
replaceSubterm' obj relPath newVal =
evaluated $ (OpQuote # OpReplace) # ((relPath # (OpQuote # newVal)) # (OpQuote # obj))
builtinTagToTerm :: NockmaBuiltinTag -> Term Natural
builtinTagToTerm = \case
NockmaBuiltinBool v -> nockBoolLiteral v
@ -1303,26 +1265,11 @@ getConstructorMemRep tag = (^. constructorInfoMemRep) <$> getConstructorInfo tag
crash :: Term Natural
crash = ("crash" @ OpAddress # OpAddress # OpAddress)
mul :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
mul a b = callStdlib StdlibMul [a, b]
pow2 :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
pow2 x = callStdlib StdlibPow2 [x]
add :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
add a b = callStdlib StdlibAdd [a, b]
sub :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
sub a b = callStdlib StdlibSub [a, b]
dec :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
dec x = callStdlib StdlibDec [x]
intToUInt8 :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
intToUInt8 i = callStdlib StdlibMod [i, nockIntegralLiteral @Natural (2 ^ uint8Size)]
uint8Size :: Natural
uint8Size = 8
stdlibCurry :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
stdlibCurry f arg = callStdlib StdlibCurry [f, arg]

View File

@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ applyFun f =
anomaCallingConventionTests :: [Test]
anomaCallingConventionTests =
[True, False]
<**> [ anomaTestM "stdlib add" (add (nockNatLiteral 1) (nockNatLiteral 2)) [] (eqNock [nock| 3 |]),
anomaTestM "stdlib add with arg" (add (nockNatLiteral 1) (nockNatLiteral 2)) [nockNatLiteral 1] (eqNock [nock| 3 |]),
<**> [ anomaTestM "stdlib add" (callStdlib StdlibAdd [nockNatLiteral 1, nockNatLiteral 2]) [] (eqNock [nock| 3 |]),
anomaTestM "stdlib add with arg" (callStdlib StdlibAdd [nockNatLiteral 1, nockNatLiteral 2]) [nockNatLiteral 1] (eqNock [nock| 3 |]),
let args = [nockNatLiteral 3, nockNatLiteral 1]
fx =
@ -283,20 +283,25 @@ anomaCallingConventionTests =
--- sanity check nockAnd
anomaTestM "(and true false) == false" (return nockAnd) [nockTrueLiteral, nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(and true true) == true" (return nockAnd) [nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| true |]),
--- test curry with and
anomaTestM "(curry and true) false == false" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAndFun) nockTrueLiteral) [nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and true) true == true" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAndFun) nockTrueLiteral) [nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| true |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and false) true == false" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAndFun) nockFalseLiteral) [nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and false) false == false" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAndFun) nockFalseLiteral) [nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
--- test curry with "and"
anomaTestM "(curry and true) false == false" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockTrueLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and true) true == true" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockTrueLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| true |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and false) true == false" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockFalseLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and false) false == false" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockFalseLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
--- test curry with "and" in non-empty stack
anomaTestM "((push 0 (curry and)) true) false == false" ((applyFun . (\x -> OpPush # nockNatLiteral 0 # x)) <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockTrueLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "((push 0 (curry and)) true) true == true" ((applyFun . (\x -> OpPush # nockNatLiteral 0 # x)) <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockTrueLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| true |]),
anomaTestM "((push 0 (curry and)) false) true == false" ((applyFun . (\x -> OpPush # nockNatLiteral 0 # x)) <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockFalseLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "((push 0 (curry and)) false) false == false" ((applyFun . (\x -> OpPush # nockNatLiteral 0 # x)) <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAndFun) [nockFalseLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 1)) [nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
--- sanity check nockAnd3
anomaTestM "(and3 true false true) == false" (return nockAnd3) [nockTrueLiteral, nockFalseLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(and3 true true false) == false" (return nockAnd3) [nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral, nockFalseLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(and3 true true true) == true" (return nockAnd3) [nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| true |]),
--- test curry with and3
anomaTestM "(curry and3 true) false true == false" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) nockTrueLiteral) [nockFalseLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and3 true) true true == true" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) nockTrueLiteral) [nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| true |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and3 false) true true == false" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) nockFalseLiteral) [nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and3 false) false true == false" (applyFun <$> stdlibCurry (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) nockFalseLiteral) [nockFalseLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |])
--- test curry with "and3"
anomaTestM "(curry and3 true) false true == false" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) [nockTrueLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 2)) [nockFalseLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and3 true) true true == true" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) [nockTrueLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 2)) [nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| true |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and3 false) true true == false" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) [nockFalseLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 2)) [nockTrueLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |]),
anomaTestM "(curry and3 false) false true == false" (applyFun <$> curryClosure (OpQuote # nockAnd3Fun) [nockFalseLiteral] (nockNatLiteral 2)) [nockFalseLiteral, nockTrueLiteral] (eqNock [nock| false |])
serializationTests :: [Test]
@ -363,40 +368,20 @@ nockCall formula args = (OpReplace # ([R, L] # foldTerms args) # (OpQuote # form
juvixCallingConventionTests :: [Test]
juvixCallingConventionTests =
[True, False]
<**> [ compilerTestM "stdlib add" (add (nockNatLiteral 1) (nockNatLiteral 2)) (eqNock [nock| 3 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib dec" (dec (nockNatLiteral 1)) (eqNock [nock| 0 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib mul" (mul (nockNatLiteral 2) (nockNatLiteral 3)) (eqNock [nock| 6 |]),
<**> [ compilerTestM "stdlib add" (callStdlib StdlibAdd [nockNatLiteral 1, nockNatLiteral 2]) (eqNock [nock| 3 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib dec" (callStdlib StdlibDec [nockNatLiteral 1]) (eqNock [nock| 0 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib mul" (callStdlib StdlibMul [nockNatLiteral 2, nockNatLiteral 3]) (eqNock [nock| 6 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib sub" (sub (nockNatLiteral 2) (nockNatLiteral 1)) (eqNock [nock| 1 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib div" (callStdlib StdlibDiv [nockNatLiteral 10, nockNatLiteral 3]) (eqNock [nock| 3 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib mod" (callStdlib StdlibMod [nockNatLiteral 3, nockNatLiteral 2]) (eqNock [nock| 1 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib le" (callStdlib StdlibLe [nockNatLiteral 3, nockNatLiteral 3]) (eqNock [nock| true |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib lt" (callStdlib StdlibLt [nockNatLiteral 3, nockNatLiteral 3]) (eqNock [nock| false |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib pow2" (pow2 (nockNatLiteral 3)) (eqNock [nock| 8 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib nested" (dec =<< (dec (nockNatLiteral 20))) (eqNock [nock| 18 |]),
compilerTestM "append rights - empty" (appendRights emptyPath (nockNatLiteral 3)) (eqNock (toNock [R, R, R])),
compilerTestM "append rights" (appendRights [L, L] (nockNatLiteral 3)) (eqNock (toNock [L, L, R, R, R])),
compilerTest "opAddress" ((OpQuote # (foldTerms (toNock @Natural <$> (5 :| [6, 1])))) >># opAddress' (OpQuote # [R, R])) (eqNock (toNock @Natural 1)),
compilerTest "foldTermsOrNil (empty)" (foldTermsOrNil []) (eqNock (nockNilTagged "expected-result")),
compilerTestM "stdlib pow2" (callStdlib StdlibPow2 [nockNatLiteral 3]) (eqNock [nock| 8 |]),
compilerTestM "stdlib nested" ((\x -> callStdlib StdlibDec [x]) =<< (callStdlib StdlibDec [nockNatLiteral 20])) (eqNock [nock| 18 |]),
compilerTest "foldTermsOrQuotedNil (empty)" (foldTermsOrQuotedNil []) (eqNock (nockNilTagged "expected-result")),
let l :: NonEmpty Natural = 1 :| [2]
l' :: NonEmpty (Term Natural) = nockNatLiteral <$> l
in compilerTest "foldTermsOrNil (non-empty)" (foldTermsOrNil (toList l')) (eqNock (foldTerms (toNock @Natural <$> l))),
let l :: Term Natural = OpQuote # foldTerms (toNock @Natural <$> (1 :| [2, 3]))
in compilerTest "replaceSubterm'" (replaceSubterm' l (OpQuote # toNock [R]) (OpQuote # (toNock @Natural 999))) (eqNock (toNock @Natural 1 # toNock @Natural 999)),
let lst :: [Term Natural] = toNock @Natural <$> [1, 2, 3]
len = nockIntegralLiteral (length lst)
l :: Term Natural = OpQuote # makeList lst
in compilerTestM "append" (append l len l) (eqNock (makeList (lst ++ lst))),
let l :: [Natural] = [1, 2]
r :: NonEmpty Natural = 3 :| [4]
res :: Term Natural = foldTerms (toNock <$> prependList l r)
lenL :: Term Natural = nockIntegralLiteral (length l)
lstL = OpQuote # makeList (map toNock l)
tupR = OpQuote # foldTerms (toNock <$> r)
in compilerTestM "appendToTuple (left non-empty, right non-empty)" (appendToTuple lstL lenL tupR) (eqNock res),
let r :: NonEmpty Natural = 3 :| [4]
res :: Term Natural = foldTerms (toNock <$> r)
tupR = OpQuote # foldTerms (toNock <$> r)
in compilerTestM "appendToTuple (left empty, right-nonempty)" (appendToTuple (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "test-appendtotuple") (nockNatLiteral 0) tupR) (eqNock res),
in compilerTest "foldTermsOrQuotedNil (non-empty)" (foldTermsOrQuotedNil (toList l')) (eqNock (foldTerms (toNock @Natural <$> l))),
compilerTestM "stdlib cat" (callStdlib StdlibCatBytes [nockNatLiteral 2, nockNatLiteral 1]) (eqNock [nock| 258 |]),
compilerTestM "fold bytes empty" (callStdlib StdlibFoldBytes [OpQuote # makeList []]) (eqNock [nock| 0 |]),
compilerTestM "fold bytes [1, 0, 0] == 1" (callStdlib StdlibFoldBytes [OpQuote # makeList (toNock @Natural <$> [1, 0, 0])]) (eqNock [nock| 1 |]),