mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-05 14:34:03 +03:00

Direct translation from MicroJuvix to MiniC (#1386)

This commit is contained in:
Łukasz Czajka 2022-07-19 15:04:10 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent d7ad6915d2
commit 65a44e0bb5
No known key found for this signature in database
24 changed files with 747 additions and 497 deletions

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@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import Juvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty qualified as MiniHaskell
import Juvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Termination qualified as Termination
import Juvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC qualified as MiniC
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC qualified as MiniC
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import Juvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract qualified as Abstract
import Juvix.Utils.Version (runDisplayVersion)

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@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult qualified as MicroJuvix
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as MicroJuvix
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker qualified as MicroJuvix
import Juvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix qualified as MicroJuvix
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC qualified as MiniC
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as MonoJuvix
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC qualified as MiniC
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import Juvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract qualified as Abstract
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ upToMiniC ::
Members '[Files, NameIdGen, Builtins, Error JuvixError] r =>
EntryPoint ->
Sem r MiniC.MiniCResult
upToMiniC = upToMonoJuvix >=> pipelineMiniC
upToMiniC = upToMicroJuvixTyped >=> pipelineMiniC
@ -149,6 +149,6 @@ pipelineMiniHaskell = MiniHaskell.entryMiniHaskell
pipelineMiniC ::
Member Builtins r =>
MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult ->
MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult ->
Sem r MiniC.MiniCResult
pipelineMiniC = MiniC.entryMiniC

View File

@ -7,15 +7,17 @@ import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
{ _constructorInfoInductiveParameters :: [InductiveParameter],
_constructorInfoArgs :: [Expression],
_constructorInfoInductive :: InductiveName
_constructorInfoInductive :: InductiveName,
_constructorInfoBuiltin :: Maybe BuiltinConstructor
newtype FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo
{ _functionInfoDef :: FunctionDef
newtype AxiomInfo = AxiomInfo
{ _axiomInfoType :: Expression
data AxiomInfo = AxiomInfo
{ _axiomInfoType :: Expression,
_axiomInfoBuiltin :: Maybe BuiltinAxiom
newtype InductiveInfo = InductiveInfo
@ -71,11 +73,13 @@ buildTable1 m = InfoTable {..} <> buildTable (map (^. includeModule) includes)
_infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo
_infoConstructors =
[ (c ^. constructorName, ConstructorInfo params args ind)
[ (c ^. constructorName, ConstructorInfo params args ind builtin)
| StatementInductive d <- ss,
let ind = d ^. inductiveName,
let n = length (d ^. inductiveConstructors),
let params = d ^. inductiveParameters,
c <- d ^. inductiveConstructors,
let builtins = maybe (replicate n Nothing) (map Just . builtinConstructors) (d ^. inductiveBuiltin),
(builtin, c) <- zipExact builtins (d ^. inductiveConstructors),
let args = c ^. constructorParameters
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ buildTable1 m = InfoTable {..} <> buildTable (map (^. includeModule) includes)
_infoAxioms :: HashMap Name AxiomInfo
_infoAxioms =
[ (d ^. axiomName, AxiomInfo (d ^. axiomType))
[ (d ^. axiomName, AxiomInfo (d ^. axiomType) (d ^. axiomBuiltin))
| StatementAxiom d <- ss
ss = m ^. (moduleBody . moduleStatements)

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@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ data Iden
| IdenInductive Name
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
getName :: Iden -> Name
getName = \case
IdenFunction n -> n
IdenConstructor n -> n
IdenVar n -> n
IdenAxiom n -> n
IdenInductive n -> n
instance Hashable Iden
data TypedExpression = TypedExpression

View File

@ -113,6 +113,44 @@ mkConcreteType = fmap ConcreteType . go
e' <- go e
return (FunctionParameter m i e')
newtype PolyType = PolyType {_unpolyType :: Expression}
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PolyType
makeLenses ''PolyType
mkPolyType' :: Expression -> PolyType
mkPolyType' =
fromMaybe (error "the given type contains holes")
. mkPolyType
-- mkPolyType removes all named function parameters; currently the assumption in
-- MicroJuvixToMiniC.hs is that these coincide with type parameters
mkPolyType :: Expression -> Maybe PolyType
mkPolyType = fmap PolyType . go
go :: Expression -> Maybe Expression
go t = case t of
ExpressionApplication (Application l r i) -> do
l' <- go l
r' <- go r
return (ExpressionApplication (Application l' r' i))
ExpressionUniverse {} -> return t
ExpressionFunction (Function (FunctionParameter m i e) r)
| isNothing m -> do
e' <- go e
r' <- go r
return (ExpressionFunction (Function (FunctionParameter m i e') r'))
| otherwise -> go r
ExpressionHole {} -> Nothing
ExpressionLiteral {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenFunction {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenInductive {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenConstructor {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenAxiom {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenVar {} -> return t
class HasExpressions a where
leafExpressions :: Traversal' a Expression

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@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixArityResult (MicroJuvixArityResult)
type TypesTable = HashMap Name Expression
data MicroJuvixTypedResult = MicroJuvixTypedResult
{ _resultMicroJuvixArityResult :: MicroJuvixArityResult,
_resultModules :: NonEmpty Module
_resultModules :: NonEmpty Module,
_resultIdenTypes :: TypesTable
makeLenses ''MicroJuvixTypedResult

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@ -16,23 +16,32 @@ import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixArityResult
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker.Inference
addIdens :: Member (State TypesTable) r => TypesTable -> Sem r ()
addIdens idens = modify (HashMap.union idens)
registerConstructor :: Members '[State TypesTable, Reader InfoTable] r => InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r ()
registerConstructor ctr = do
ty <- constructorType (ctr ^. constructorName)
modify (HashMap.insert (ctr ^. constructorName) ty)
entryMicroJuvixTyped ::
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
MicroJuvixArityResult ->
Sem r MicroJuvixTypedResult
entryMicroJuvixTyped res@MicroJuvixArityResult {..} = do
r <- runReader table (mapM checkModule _resultModules)
(idens, r) <- runState (mempty :: TypesTable) (runReader table (mapM checkModule _resultModules))
{ _resultMicroJuvixArityResult = res,
_resultModules = r
_resultModules = r,
_resultIdenTypes = idens
table :: InfoTable
table = buildTable _resultModules
checkModule ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Module ->
Sem r Module
checkModule Module {..} = do
@ -44,7 +53,7 @@ checkModule Module {..} = do
checkModuleBody ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
@ -55,35 +64,45 @@ checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
checkInclude ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Include ->
Sem r Include
checkInclude = traverseOf includeModule checkModule
checkStatement ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
Statement ->
Sem r Statement
checkStatement s = case s of
StatementFunction fun -> StatementFunction <$> checkFunctionDef fun
StatementForeign {} -> return s
StatementInductive {} -> return s
StatementInductive ind -> do
mapM_ registerConstructor (ind ^. inductiveConstructors)
ty <- inductiveType (ind ^. inductiveName)
modify (HashMap.insert (ind ^. inductiveName) ty)
return s
StatementInclude i -> StatementInclude <$> checkInclude i
StatementAxiom {} -> return s
StatementAxiom ax -> do
modify (HashMap.insert (ax ^. axiomName) (ax ^. axiomType))
return s
checkFunctionDef ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable] r =>
FunctionDef ->
Sem r FunctionDef
checkFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = runInferenceDef $ do
info <- lookupFunction _funDefName
checkFunctionDefType _funDefType
_funDefClauses' <- mapM (checkFunctionClause info) _funDefClauses
{ _funDefClauses = _funDefClauses',
checkFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
(funDef, idens) <- runInferenceDef $ do
info <- lookupFunction _funDefName
checkFunctionDefType _funDefType
registerIden _funDefName _funDefType
_funDefClauses' <- mapM (checkFunctionClause info) _funDefClauses
{ _funDefClauses = _funDefClauses',
addIdens idens
return funDef
checkFunctionDefType :: forall r. Members '[Inference] r => Expression -> Sem r ()
checkFunctionDefType = traverseOf_ (leafExpressions . _ExpressionHole) go
@ -203,6 +222,7 @@ checkPattern funName = go
PatternBraces {} -> impossible
PatternVariable v -> do
modify (addType v ty)
registerIden v ty
case argTy ^. paramName of
Just v' -> do
modify (over localTyMap (HashMap.insert v' v))

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (fromEither)
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult
data MetavarState
= Fresh
@ -21,21 +22,32 @@ data Inference m a where
MatchTypes :: Expression -> Expression -> Inference m (Maybe MatchError)
QueryMetavar :: Hole -> Inference m (Maybe Expression)
NormalizeType :: Expression -> Inference m Expression
RegisterIden :: Name -> Expression -> Inference m ()
makeSem ''Inference
newtype InferenceState = InferenceState
{ _inferenceMap :: HashMap Hole MetavarState
data InferenceState = InferenceState
{ _inferenceMap :: HashMap Hole MetavarState,
_inferenceIdens :: TypesTable
makeLenses ''InferenceState
iniState :: InferenceState
iniState = InferenceState mempty
iniState = InferenceState mempty mempty
closeState :: Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r => InferenceState -> Sem r (HashMap Hole Expression)
closeState ::
Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r =>
InferenceState ->
( HashMap Hole Expression,
closeState = \case
InferenceState m -> execState mempty (f m)
InferenceState m idens -> do
holeMap <- execState mempty (f m)
return (holeMap, idens)
f ::
forall r'.
@ -110,7 +122,11 @@ re = reinterpret $ \case
MatchTypes a b -> matchTypes' a b
QueryMetavar h -> queryMetavar' h
NormalizeType t -> normalizeType' t
RegisterIden i ty -> registerIden' i ty
registerIden' :: Members '[State InferenceState] r => Name -> Expression -> Sem r ()
registerIden' i ty = modify (over inferenceIdens (HashMap.insert i ty))
refineFreshMetavar ::
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, State InferenceState] r =>
Hole ->
@ -199,12 +215,10 @@ re = reinterpret $ \case
bicheck (go l1 l2) (local' (go r1 r2))
| otherwise = ok
runInference :: Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r => Sem (Inference ': r) Expression -> Sem r Expression
runInference a = do
(subs, expr) <- runState iniState (re a) >>= firstM closeState
return (fillHoles subs expr)
runInferenceDef :: Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r => Sem (Inference ': r) FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
runInferenceDef ::
Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r =>
Sem (Inference ': r) FunctionDef ->
Sem r (FunctionDef, TypesTable)
runInferenceDef a = do
(subs, expr) <- runState iniState (re a) >>= firstM closeState
return (fillHolesFunctionDef subs expr)
((subs, idens), expr) <- runState iniState (re a) >>= firstM closeState
return (fillHolesFunctionDef subs expr, fillHoles subs <$> idens)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC
( module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC,
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types,
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC
( module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC,
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Types,
@ -8,25 +8,49 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Juvix.Builtins
import Juvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.Abstract.AbstractResult qualified as Abstract
import Juvix.Syntax.Backends
import Juvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language qualified as C
import Juvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable qualified as S
import Juvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable qualified as Scoper
import Juvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name qualified as Scoper
import Juvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper qualified as Scoper
import Juvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra (mkPolyType')
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixArityResult qualified as Micro1
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult qualified as Micro2
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import Juvix.Syntax.MiniC.Serialization
import Juvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Syntax.NameId
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Closure
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Base
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Closure
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Types
entryMiniC :: forall r. Member Builtins r => Mono.MonoJuvixResult -> Sem r MiniCResult
type CompileInfoTable = HashMap Scoper.NameId Scoper.CompileInfo
compileInfoTable :: Micro.MicroJuvixTypedResult -> CompileInfoTable
compileInfoTable r =
(^. Scoper.nameId)
( r
^. Micro.resultMicroJuvixArityResult
. Micro1.resultMicroJuvixResult
. Micro2.resultAbstract
. Abstract.resultScoper
. Scoper.resultScoperTable
. Scoper.infoCompilationRules
entryMiniC :: forall r. Member Builtins r => Micro.MicroJuvixTypedResult -> Sem r MiniCResult
entryMiniC i = MiniCResult . serialize <$> cunitResult
compileInfo :: Mono.CompileInfoTable
compileInfo = Mono.compileInfoTable i
compileInfo :: CompileInfoTable
compileInfo = compileInfoTable i
typesTable :: Micro.TypesTable
typesTable = i ^. Micro.resultIdenTypes
cunitResult :: Sem r CCodeUnit
cunitResult = do
@ -44,85 +68,90 @@ entryMiniC i = MiniCResult . serialize <$> cunitResult
CppIncludeFile Str.minicRuntime
cmodule :: Mono.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
cmodule :: Micro.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
cmodule m = do
let buildTable = Mono.buildTable m
let buildTable = Micro.buildTable [m]
let defs =
genStructDefs m
<> run (runReader compileInfo (genAxioms m))
<> run (runReader buildTable (genCTypes m))
<> run (runReader buildTable (genFunctionSigs m))
<> run (runReader buildTable (genClosures m))
funDefs <- runReader buildTable (genFunctionDefs m)
<> run (runReader buildTable (runReader typesTable (genFunctionSigs m)))
<> run (runReader buildTable (runReader typesTable (genClosures m)))
funDefs <- runReader buildTable (runReader typesTable (genFunctionDefs m))
return (defs <> funDefs)
cmodules :: Sem r [CCode]
cmodules = concatMapM cmodule (toList (i ^. Mono.resultModules))
cmodules = concatMapM cmodule (toList (i ^. Micro.resultModules))
genStructDefs :: Mono.Module -> [CCode]
genStructDefs Mono.Module {..} =
concatMap go (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
genStructDefs :: Micro.Module -> [CCode]
genStructDefs Micro.Module {..} =
concatMap go (_moduleBody ^. Micro.moduleStatements)
go :: Mono.Statement -> [CCode]
go :: Micro.Statement -> [CCode]
go = \case
Mono.StatementInductive d -> mkInductiveTypeDef d
Micro.StatementInductive d -> mkInductiveTypeDef d
Micro.StatementInclude i ->
concatMap go (i ^. Micro.includeModule . Micro.moduleBody . Micro.moduleStatements)
_ -> []
genAxioms :: forall r. Members '[Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genAxioms Mono.Module {..} =
concatMapM go (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
genAxioms :: forall r. Members '[Reader CompileInfoTable] r => Micro.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genAxioms Micro.Module {..} =
concatMapM go (_moduleBody ^. Micro.moduleStatements)
go :: Mono.Statement -> Sem r [CCode]
go :: Micro.Statement -> Sem r [CCode]
go = \case
Mono.StatementInductive {} -> return []
Mono.StatementAxiom d -> goAxiom d
Mono.StatementForeign {} -> return []
Mono.StatementFunction {} -> return []
Micro.StatementInductive {} -> return []
Micro.StatementAxiom d -> goAxiom d
Micro.StatementForeign {} -> return []
Micro.StatementFunction {} -> return []
Micro.StatementInclude i ->
concatMapM go (i ^. Micro.includeModule . Micro.moduleBody . Micro.moduleStatements)
genCTypes :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => Mono.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genCTypes Mono.Module {..} =
concatMapM go (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
genCTypes :: forall r. Member (Reader Micro.InfoTable) r => Micro.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genCTypes Micro.Module {..} =
concatMapM go (_moduleBody ^. Micro.moduleStatements)
go :: Mono.Statement -> Sem r [CCode]
go :: Micro.Statement -> Sem r [CCode]
go = \case
Mono.StatementInductive d -> goInductiveDef d
Mono.StatementAxiom {} -> return []
Mono.StatementForeign d -> return (goForeign d)
Mono.StatementFunction {} -> return []
Micro.StatementInductive d -> goInductiveDef d
Micro.StatementAxiom {} -> return []
Micro.StatementForeign d -> return (goForeign d)
Micro.StatementFunction {} -> return []
Micro.StatementInclude i ->
concatMapM go (i ^. Micro.includeModule . Micro.moduleBody . Micro.moduleStatements)
genFunctionSigs :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => Mono.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionSigs Mono.Module {..} =
concatMapM (applyOnFunStatement genFunctionSig) (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
genFunctionSigs :: forall r. Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable] r => Micro.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionSigs Micro.Module {..} =
concatMapM (applyOnFunStatement genFunctionSig) (_moduleBody ^. Micro.moduleStatements)
genFunctionDefs ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Builtins] r =>
Mono.Module ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Builtins] r =>
Micro.Module ->
Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionDefs Mono.Module {..} = genFunctionDefsBody _moduleBody
genFunctionDefs Micro.Module {..} = genFunctionDefsBody _moduleBody
genFunctionDefsBody ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Builtins] r =>
Mono.ModuleBody ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Builtins] r =>
Micro.ModuleBody ->
Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionDefsBody Mono.ModuleBody {..} =
genFunctionDefsBody Micro.ModuleBody {..} =
concatMapM (applyOnFunStatement goFunctionDef) _moduleStatements
isNullary :: Text -> CFunType -> Bool
isNullary funName funType = null (funType ^. cFunArgTypes) && funName /= Str.main_
mkFunctionSig :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => Mono.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionSig
mkFunctionSig Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
mkFunctionSig :: forall r. Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable] r => Micro.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionSig
mkFunctionSig Micro.FunctionDef {..} =
cFunTypeToFunSig <$> funName <*> funType
-- Assumption: All clauses have the same number of patterns
nPatterns :: Int
nPatterns = length (head _funDefClauses ^. Mono.clausePatterns)
baseFunType :: Sem r CFunType
baseFunType = typeToFunType _funDefType
baseFunType = typeToFunType (mkPolyType' _funDefType)
funType :: Sem r CFunType
funType = do
-- Assumption: All clauses have the same number of patterns
pats <- getClausePatterns (head _funDefClauses)
let nPatterns = length pats
typ <- baseFunType
( if nPatterns == length (typ ^. cFunArgTypes)
@ -143,8 +172,8 @@ mkFunctionSig Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
funName :: Sem r Text
funName = bool funcBasename (asNullary funcBasename) <$> funIsNullary
genFunctionSig :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => Mono.FunctionDef -> Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionSig d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..}) = do
genFunctionSig :: forall r. Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable] r => Micro.FunctionDef -> Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionSig d@(Micro.FunctionDef {..}) = do
sig <- mkFunctionSig d
nullaryDefine' <- nullaryDefine
@ -152,14 +181,13 @@ genFunctionSig d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..}) = do
<> (ExternalMacro . CppDefineParens <$> toList nullaryDefine')
nPatterns :: Int
nPatterns = length (head _funDefClauses ^. Mono.clausePatterns)
baseFunType :: Sem r CFunType
baseFunType = typeToFunType _funDefType
baseFunType = typeToFunType (mkPolyType' _funDefType)
funType :: Sem r CFunType
funType = do
pats <- getClausePatterns (head _funDefClauses)
let nPatterns = length pats
typ <- baseFunType
( if nPatterns == length (typ ^. cFunArgTypes)
@ -194,16 +222,16 @@ genFunctionSig d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..}) = do
<$> funIsNullary
goFunctionDef ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Builtins] r =>
Mono.FunctionDef ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Builtins] r =>
Micro.FunctionDef ->
Sem r [CCode]
goFunctionDef d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..})
goFunctionDef d@(Micro.FunctionDef {..})
| isJust _funDefBuiltin = return []
| otherwise = do
fc <- mapM (goFunctionClause (fst (unfoldFunType _funDefType))) (toList _funDefClauses)
funSig <- mkFunctionSig d
fc <- mapM (goFunctionClause funSig (fst (unfoldFunType (mkPolyType' _funDefType)))) (toList _funDefClauses)
let bodySpec = fst <$> fc
let preDecls :: [Function] = snd =<< fc
funSig <- mkFunctionSig d
return $
(ExternalFunc <$> preDecls)
<> [ ExternalFunc $
@ -242,7 +270,7 @@ goFunctionDef d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..})
( LiteralString
( "Error: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive in "
<> _funDefName
^. Mono.nameText
^. Micro.nameText
@ -257,37 +285,41 @@ goFunctionDef d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..})
goFunctionClause ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Builtins] r =>
[Mono.Type] ->
Mono.FunctionClause ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Builtins] r =>
FunctionSig ->
[Micro.PolyType] ->
Micro.FunctionClause ->
Sem r ((Maybe Expression, Statement), [Function])
goFunctionClause argTyps clause = do
goFunctionClause funSig argTyps clause = do
(stmt, decls) <- returnStmt
cond <- clauseCondition
return ((cond, stmt), decls)
conditions :: Sem r [Expression]
conditions =
conditions = do
pats <- getClausePatterns clause
<$> sequence
[ patternCondition (ExpressionVar arg) p
| (p, arg) <- zip (clause ^. Mono.clausePatterns) funArgs
| (p, arg) <- zip pats funArgs
patternCondition :: Expression -> Mono.Pattern -> Sem r [Expression]
patternCondition :: Expression -> Micro.Pattern -> Sem r [Expression]
patternCondition arg = \case
Mono.PatternConstructorApp Mono.ConstructorApp {..} -> do
Micro.PatternConstructorApp Micro.ConstructorApp {..} -> do
ctorName <- getConstructorCName _constrAppConstructor
ty <- typeOfConstructor _constrAppConstructor
let isCtor :: Expression
isCtor = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asIs ctorName)) [arg]
isCtor = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asIs ctorName)) [castToType ty arg]
projCtor :: Text -> Expression
projCtor ctorArg = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asProjName ctorArg ctorName)) [arg]
projCtor ctorArg = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asProjName ctorArg ctorName)) [castToType ty arg]
subConditions :: Sem r [Expression]
subConditions = fmap concat (zipWithM patternCondition (map projCtor ctorArgs) _constrAppParameters)
fmap (isCtor :) subConditions
Mono.PatternVariable {} -> return []
Mono.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
Micro.PatternVariable {} -> return []
Micro.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
Micro.PatternBraces b -> patternCondition arg b
clauseCondition :: Sem r (Maybe Expression)
clauseCondition = fmap (foldr1 f) . nonEmpty <$> conditions
@ -304,113 +336,113 @@ goFunctionClause argTyps clause = do
returnStmt :: Sem r (Statement, [Function])
returnStmt = do
bindings <- buildPatternInfoTable argTyps clause
(decls :: [Function], clauseResult) <- runOutputList (runReader bindings (goExpression (clause ^. Mono.clauseBody)))
return (StatementReturn (Just clauseResult), decls)
(decls :: [Function], clauseResult) <- runOutputList (runReader bindings (goExpression (clause ^. Micro.clauseBody)))
return (StatementReturn (Just (castClause clauseResult)), decls)
castClause clauseResult =
castToType (CDeclType {_typeDeclType = funSig ^. funcReturnType, _typeIsPtr = funSig ^. funcIsPtr}) clauseResult
goExpression :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Builtins, Reader PatternInfoTable] r => Mono.Expression -> Sem r Expression
goExpression :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Builtins, Reader PatternInfoTable] r => Micro.Expression -> Sem r Expression
goExpression = \case
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
let rootFunMonoName = Mono.getName i
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMonoName
Micro.ExpressionIden i -> do
let rootFunMicroName = Micro.getName i
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMicroName
evalFunName = asEval (rootFunName <> "_0")
case i of
Mono.IdenVar {} -> goIden i
Micro.IdenVar {} -> goIden i
_ -> do
(t, _) <- getType i
let argTyps = t ^. cFunArgTypes
(if null argTyps then goIden i else return $ functionCall (ExpressionVar evalFunName) [])
Mono.ExpressionApplication a -> goApplication a
Mono.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral (goLiteral l))
Micro.ExpressionApplication a -> goApplication a
Micro.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral (goLiteral l))
Micro.ExpressionFunction {} -> impossible
Micro.ExpressionHole {} -> impossible
Micro.ExpressionUniverse {} -> impossible
goIden :: Members '[Reader PatternInfoTable, Builtins, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden :: Members '[Reader PatternInfoTable, Builtins, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden = \case
Mono.IdenFunction n -> do
funInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoFunctions)
let varName = case funInfo ^. Mono.functionInfoBuiltin of
Micro.IdenFunction n -> do
funInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoFunctions)
let varName = case funInfo ^. Micro.functionInfoDef . Micro.funDefBuiltin of
Just builtin -> fromJust (builtinFunctionName builtin)
Nothing -> mkName n
return (ExpressionVar varName)
Mono.IdenConstructor n -> ExpressionVar <$> getConstructorCName n
Mono.IdenVar n ->
(^. bindingInfoExpr) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Mono.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
Mono.IdenAxiom n -> ExpressionVar <$> getAxiomCName n
Micro.IdenConstructor n -> ExpressionVar <$> getConstructorCName n
Micro.IdenVar n ->
(^. bindingInfoExpr) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Micro.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
Micro.IdenAxiom n -> ExpressionVar <$> getAxiomCName n
Micro.IdenInductive {} -> impossible
goApplication :: forall r. Members '[Reader PatternInfoTable, Builtins, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Application -> Sem r Expression
goApplication :: forall r. Members '[Reader PatternInfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Builtins, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Application -> Sem r Expression
goApplication a = do
(iden, fArgs) <- f
case iden of
Mono.IdenVar n -> do
BindingInfo {..} <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Mono.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
return $ juvixFunctionCall _bindingInfoType _bindingInfoExpr (reverse fArgs)
Mono.IdenFunction n -> do
nPatterns <- (^. Mono.functionInfoPatterns) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoFunctions)
(idenType, _) <- getType iden
let nArgTyps = length (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)
| length fArgs < nArgTyps -> do
let name = mkName (Mono.getName iden)
evalName = asEval (name <> "_" <> show (length fArgs))
return $ functionCall (ExpressionVar evalName) (reverse fArgs)
| nPatterns < nArgTyps -> do
idenExp <- goIden iden
let callTyp = idenType {_cFunArgTypes = drop nPatterns (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)}
args = reverse fArgs
patternArgs = take nPatterns args
funCall =
(if null patternArgs then idenExp else functionCall idenExp patternArgs)
return $ juvixFunctionCall callTyp funCall (drop nPatterns args)
| otherwise -> do
idenExp <- goIden iden
return $ functionCall idenExp (reverse fArgs)
Mono.IdenConstructor n -> returnFunCall iden fArgs n
Mono.IdenAxiom n -> returnFunCall iden fArgs n
(f, args0) <- unfoldPolyApp a
| null args0 -> goExpression f
| otherwise -> case f of
Micro.ExpressionLiteral {} -> goExpression f
Micro.ExpressionIden iden -> do
fArgs <- toList <$> mapM goExpression args0
case iden of
Micro.IdenVar n -> do
BindingInfo {..} <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Micro.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
return $ juvixFunctionCall _bindingInfoType _bindingInfoExpr fArgs
Micro.IdenFunction n -> do
info <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoFunctions)
nPatterns <- functionInfoPatternsNum info
(idenType, _) <- getType iden
let nArgTyps = length (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)
| length fArgs < nArgTyps -> do
let name = mkName (Micro.getName iden)
evalName = asEval (name <> "_" <> show (length fArgs))
return $ functionCallCasted idenType (ExpressionVar evalName) fArgs
| nPatterns < nArgTyps -> do
idenExp <- goIden iden
let callTyp = idenType {_cFunArgTypes = drop nPatterns (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)}
patternArgs = take nPatterns fArgs
funCall =
(if null patternArgs then idenExp else functionCallCasted idenType idenExp patternArgs)
return $ juvixFunctionCall callTyp funCall (drop nPatterns fArgs)
| otherwise -> do
idenExp <- goIden iden
return $ functionCallCasted idenType idenExp fArgs
Micro.IdenConstructor n -> returnFunCall iden fArgs n
Micro.IdenAxiom n -> returnFunCall iden fArgs n
Micro.IdenInductive {} -> impossible
_ -> impossible
f :: Sem r (Mono.Iden, [Expression])
f = unfoldApp a
returnFunCall :: Mono.Iden -> [Expression] -> Mono.Name -> Sem r Expression
returnFunCall :: Micro.Iden -> [Expression] -> Micro.Name -> Sem r Expression
returnFunCall iden fArgs name = do
(idenType, _) <- getType iden
( if length fArgs < length (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)
( do
let evalName = asEval (mkName name <> "_" <> show (length fArgs))
return $ functionCall (ExpressionVar evalName) (reverse fArgs)
return $ functionCallCasted idenType (ExpressionVar evalName) fArgs
( do
idenExp <- goIden iden
return $ functionCall idenExp (reverse fArgs)
return $ functionCallCasted idenType idenExp fArgs
unfoldApp :: Mono.Application -> Sem r (Mono.Iden, [Expression])
unfoldApp Mono.Application {..} = case _appLeft of
Mono.ExpressionApplication x -> do
fName <- goExpression _appRight
uf <- unfoldApp x
return (second (fName :) uf)
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
fArg <- goExpression _appRight
return (i, [fArg])
Mono.ExpressionLiteral {} -> impossible
goLiteral :: C.LiteralLoc -> Literal
goLiteral l = case l ^. C.withLocParam of
C.LitString s -> LiteralString s
C.LitInteger i -> LiteralInt i
goAxiom ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
Mono.AxiomDef ->
Member (Reader CompileInfoTable) r =>
Micro.AxiomDef ->
Sem r [CCode]
goAxiom a
| isJust (a ^. Mono.axiomBuiltin) = return []
| isJust (a ^. Micro.axiomBuiltin) = return []
| otherwise = do
backends <- lookupBackends (axiomName ^. Mono.nameId)
backends <- lookupBackends (axiomName ^. Micro.nameId)
case firstJust getCode backends of
Nothing -> error ("C backend does not support this axiom:" <> show (axiomName ^. Mono.nameText))
Nothing -> error ("C backend does not support this axiom:" <> show (axiomName ^. Micro.nameText))
Just defineBody ->
[ ExternalMacro
@ -423,8 +455,8 @@ goAxiom a
axiomName :: Mono.Name
axiomName = a ^. Mono.axiomName
axiomName :: Micro.Name
axiomName = a ^. Micro.axiomName
defineName :: Text
defineName = mkName axiomName
getCode :: BackendItem -> Maybe Text
@ -433,23 +465,23 @@ goAxiom a
$> b
^. backendItemCode
lookupBackends ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
Member (Reader CompileInfoTable) r =>
NameId ->
Sem r [BackendItem]
lookupBackends f = (^. S.compileInfoBackendItems) . HashMap.lookupDefault (error (show (a ^. Mono.axiomName))) f <$> ask
lookupBackends f = (^. Scoper.compileInfoBackendItems) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> ask
goForeign :: ForeignBlock -> [CCode]
goForeign b = case b ^. foreignBackend of
BackendC -> [Verbatim (b ^. foreignCode)]
_ -> []
mkInductiveName :: Mono.InductiveDef -> Text
mkInductiveName i = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
mkInductiveName :: Micro.InductiveDef -> Text
mkInductiveName i = mkName (i ^. Micro.inductiveName)
mkInductiveConstructorNames :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [Text]
mkInductiveConstructorNames i = mkName . view Mono.constructorName <$> i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors
mkInductiveConstructorNames :: Micro.InductiveDef -> [Text]
mkInductiveConstructorNames i = mkName . view Micro.constructorName <$> i ^. Micro.inductiveConstructors
mkInductiveTypeDef :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
mkInductiveTypeDef :: Micro.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
mkInductiveTypeDef i =
[ExternalDecl structTypeDef]
@ -467,15 +499,15 @@ mkInductiveTypeDef i =
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
baseName = mkName (i ^. Micro.inductiveName)
goInductiveDef :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.InductiveDef -> Sem r [CCode]
goInductiveDef :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.InductiveDef -> Sem r [CCode]
goInductiveDef i
| isJust (i ^. Mono.inductiveBuiltin) = return []
| isJust (i ^. Micro.inductiveBuiltin) = return []
| otherwise = do
ctorDefs <- concatMapM goInductiveConstructorDef (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors)
ctorNews <- concatMapM (goInductiveConstructorNew i) (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors)
projections <- concatMapM (goProjections inductiveTypeDef) (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors)
ctorDefs <- concatMapM goInductiveConstructorDef (i ^. Micro.inductiveConstructors)
ctorNews <- concatMapM (goInductiveConstructorNew i) (i ^. Micro.inductiveConstructors)
projections <- concatMapM (goProjections inductiveTypeDef) (i ^. Micro.inductiveConstructors)
( [ExternalDecl tagsType]
<> ctorDefs
@ -487,7 +519,7 @@ goInductiveDef i
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
baseName = mkName (i ^. Micro.inductiveName)
constructorNames :: [Text]
constructorNames = mkInductiveConstructorNames i
@ -590,9 +622,9 @@ goInductiveDef i
goInductiveConstructorNew ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.InductiveDef ->
Mono.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Micro.InductiveDef ->
Micro.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Sem r [CCode]
goInductiveConstructorNew i ctor = ctorNewFun
@ -600,13 +632,13 @@ goInductiveConstructorNew i ctor = ctorNewFun
ctorNewFun = if null ctorParams then return ctorNewNullary else ctorNewNary
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Mono.constructorName)
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.constructorName)
inductiveName :: Text
inductiveName = mkInductiveName i
ctorParams :: [Mono.Type]
ctorParams = ctor ^. Mono.constructorParameters
ctorParams :: [Micro.PolyType]
ctorParams = map mkPolyType' (ctor ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
ctorNewNullary :: [CCode]
ctorNewNullary =
@ -752,16 +784,21 @@ goInductiveConstructorNew i ctor = ctorNewFun
inductiveCtorParams :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [CDeclType]
inductiveCtorParams ctor = mapM goType (ctor ^. Mono.constructorParameters)
inductiveCtorParams :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [CDeclType]
inductiveCtorParams ctor = mapM (goType . mkPolyType') (ctor ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
inductiveCtorArgs :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [Declaration]
inductiveCtorArgs :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r [Declaration]
inductiveCtorArgs ctor = namedArgs asCtorArg <$> inductiveCtorParams ctor
inductiveCtorTypes :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Name -> Sem r [CDeclType]
inductiveCtorTypes ctor = do
info <- Micro.lookupConstructor ctor
mapM (goType . mkPolyType') (snd (Micro.constructorArgTypes info))
goInductiveConstructorDef ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Micro.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Sem r [CCode]
goInductiveConstructorDef ctor = do
d <- ctorDecl
@ -771,10 +808,10 @@ goInductiveConstructorDef ctor = do
ctorDecl = if null ctorParams then return ctorBool else ctorStruct
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Mono.constructorName)
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.constructorName)
ctorParams :: [Mono.Type]
ctorParams = ctor ^. Mono.constructorParameters
ctorParams :: [Micro.PolyType]
ctorParams = map mkPolyType' (ctor ^. Micro.constructorParameters)
ctorBool :: Declaration
ctorBool = typeDefWrap (asTypeDef baseName) BoolType
@ -796,16 +833,16 @@ goInductiveConstructorDef ctor = do
goProjections ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
DeclType ->
Mono.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Micro.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Sem r [CCode]
goProjections inductiveTypeDef ctor = do
params <- inductiveCtorParams ctor
return (ExternalFunc <$> zipWith projFunction [0 ..] params)
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Mono.constructorName)
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Micro.constructorName)
localName :: Text
localName = "a"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Base
( module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Base,
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Types,
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CNames,
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder,
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Juvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra (mkPolyType')
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CNames
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Types
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported msg = error (msg <> " Micro to C: not yet supported")
-- The direct use of Micro.PolyType is safe here
unfoldFunType :: Micro.PolyType -> ([Micro.PolyType], Micro.PolyType)
unfoldFunType t = (map (Micro.PolyType . (^. Micro.paramType)) params, Micro.PolyType ret)
(params, ret) = Micro.unfoldFunType (t ^. Micro.unpolyType)
unfoldPolyApp :: Member (Reader Micro.TypesTable) r => Micro.Application -> Sem r (Micro.Expression, [Micro.Expression])
unfoldPolyApp a =
let (f, args) = Micro.unfoldApplication a
in case f of
Micro.ExpressionLiteral {} -> return (f, toList args)
Micro.ExpressionIden iden -> do
args' <- filterCompileTimeArgsOrPatterns (Micro.getName iden) (toList args)
return (f, args')
_ -> impossible
filterCompileTimeArgsOrPatterns :: Member (Reader Micro.TypesTable) r => Micro.Name -> [a] -> Sem r [a]
filterCompileTimeArgsOrPatterns idenName lst = do
tab <- ask
return $
map fst $
filter (not . isUniverse . snd) $
zip lst (map (^. Micro.paramType) (fst (Micro.unfoldFunType (ty tab))))
ty = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible idenName
isUniverse :: Micro.Expression -> Bool
isUniverse = \case
(Micro.ExpressionUniverse {}) -> True
_ -> False
mkName :: Micro.Name -> Text
mkName n =
adaptFirstLetter lexeme <> nameTextSuffix
| T.null lexeme' = "v"
| otherwise = lexeme'
lexeme' = T.filter isValidChar (n ^. Micro.nameText)
isValidChar :: Char -> Bool
isValidChar c = isLetter c && isAscii c
adaptFirstLetter :: Text -> Text
adaptFirstLetter t = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> impossible
Just (h, r) -> T.cons (capitalize h) r
capitalize :: Char -> Char
| capital = toUpper
| otherwise = toLower
capital = case n ^. Micro.nameKind of
Micro.KNameConstructor -> True
Micro.KNameInductive -> True
Micro.KNameTopModule -> True
Micro.KNameLocalModule -> True
_ -> False
nameTextSuffix :: Text
nameTextSuffix = case n ^. Micro.nameKind of
Micro.KNameTopModule -> mempty
Micro.KNameFunction ->
if n ^. Micro.nameText == Str.main then mempty else idSuffix
_ -> idSuffix
idSuffix :: Text
idSuffix = "_" <> show (n ^. Micro.nameId . Micro.unNameId)
goType :: forall r. Member (Reader Micro.InfoTable) r => Micro.PolyType -> Sem r CDeclType
goType t = case t ^. Micro.unpolyType of
Micro.ExpressionIden ti -> getMicroType ti
Micro.ExpressionFunction {} -> return declFunctionPtrType
Micro.ExpressionUniverse {} -> unsupported "TypeUniverse"
Micro.ExpressionApplication a -> goType (mkPolyType' (fst (Micro.unfoldApplication a)))
Micro.ExpressionLiteral {} -> impossible
Micro.ExpressionHole {} -> impossible
getMicroType :: Micro.Iden -> Sem r CDeclType
getMicroType = \case
Micro.IdenInductive mn -> getInductiveCType mn
Micro.IdenAxiom mn -> do
axiomName <- getAxiomCName mn
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType axiomName,
_typeIsPtr = False
Micro.IdenVar {} ->
{ _typeDeclType = uIntPtrType,
_typeIsPtr = False
_ -> impossible
typeToFunType :: Member (Reader Micro.InfoTable) r => Micro.PolyType -> Sem r CFunType
typeToFunType t = do
let (args, ret) = unfoldFunType t
_cFunArgTypes <- mapM goType args
_cFunReturnType <- goType ret
return CFunType {..}
applyOnFunStatement ::
forall a. Monoid a => (Micro.FunctionDef -> a) -> Micro.Statement -> a
applyOnFunStatement f = \case
Micro.StatementFunction x -> f x
Micro.StatementForeign {} -> mempty
Micro.StatementAxiom {} -> mempty
Micro.StatementInductive {} -> mempty
Micro.StatementInclude i -> mconcat $ map (applyOnFunStatement f) (i ^. Micro.includeModule . Micro.moduleBody . Micro.moduleStatements)
getConstructorCName :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Name -> Sem r Text
getConstructorCName n = do
ctorInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoConstructors)
( case ctorInfo ^. Micro.constructorInfoBuiltin of
Just builtin -> fromJust (builtinConstructorName builtin)
Nothing -> mkName n
getAxiomCName :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Name -> Sem r Text
getAxiomCName n = do
axiomInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoAxioms)
( case axiomInfo ^. Micro.axiomInfoBuiltin of
Just builtin -> fromJust (builtinAxiomName builtin)
Nothing -> mkName n
getInductiveCName :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Name -> Sem r (Bool, Text)
getInductiveCName n = do
inductiveInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoInductives)
( case inductiveInfo ^. (Micro.inductiveInfoDef . Micro.inductiveBuiltin) of
Just builtin -> (False, fromJust (builtinInductiveName builtin))
Nothing -> (True, asTypeDef (mkName n))
getInductiveCType :: Member (Reader Micro.InfoTable) r => Micro.Name -> Sem r CDeclType
getInductiveCType n = do
(isPtr, name) <- getInductiveCName n
( CDeclType
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType name,
_typeIsPtr = isPtr
typeOfConstructor :: Member (Reader Micro.InfoTable) r => Micro.Name -> Sem r CDeclType
typeOfConstructor name = do
info <- Micro.lookupConstructor name
getInductiveCType (info ^. Micro.constructorInfoInductive)
getClausePatterns :: Member (Reader Micro.TypesTable) r => Micro.FunctionClause -> Sem r [Micro.Pattern]
getClausePatterns c = filterCompileTimeArgsOrPatterns (c ^. Micro.clauseName) (c ^. Micro.clausePatterns)
functionInfoPatternsNum :: Member (Reader Micro.TypesTable) r => Micro.FunctionInfo -> Sem r Int
functionInfoPatternsNum fInfo = do
let c = head (fInfo ^. (Micro.functionInfoDef . Micro.funDefClauses))
pats <- getClausePatterns c
return (length pats)
buildPatternInfoTable :: forall r. Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable] r => [Micro.PolyType] -> Micro.FunctionClause -> Sem r PatternInfoTable
buildPatternInfoTable argTyps c =
PatternInfoTable . HashMap.fromList <$> patBindings
funArgBindings :: Sem r [(Expression, CFunType)]
funArgBindings = mapM (bimapM (return . ExpressionVar) typeToFunType) (zip funArgs argTyps)
patArgBindings :: Sem r [(Micro.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))]
patArgBindings = do
pats <- getClausePatterns c
zip pats <$> funArgBindings
patBindings :: Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
patBindings = patArgBindings >>= concatMapM go
go :: (Micro.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType)) -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
go (p, (exp, typ)) = case p of
Micro.PatternVariable v ->
[(v ^. Micro.nameText, BindingInfo {_bindingInfoExpr = exp, _bindingInfoType = typ})]
Micro.PatternConstructorApp Micro.ConstructorApp {..} ->
goConstructorApp exp _constrAppConstructor _constrAppParameters
Micro.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
Micro.PatternBraces b -> go (b, (exp, typ))
goConstructorApp :: Expression -> Micro.Name -> [Micro.Pattern] -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
goConstructorApp exp constructorName ps = do
ctorInfo' <- ctorInfo
let ctorArgBindings :: Sem r [(Expression, CFunType)] =
mapM (bimapM asConstructor typeToFunType) (zip ctorArgs ctorInfo')
patternCtorArgBindings :: Sem r [(Micro.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))] = zip ps <$> ctorArgBindings
patternCtorArgBindings >>= concatMapM go
ctorInfo :: Sem r [Micro.PolyType]
ctorInfo = do
p' :: HashMap Micro.Name Micro.ConstructorInfo <- asks (^. Micro.infoConstructors)
let fInfo = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible constructorName p'
return $ map mkPolyType' (fInfo ^. Micro.constructorInfoArgs)
asConstructor :: Text -> Sem r Expression
asConstructor ctorArg = do
name <- getConstructorCName constructorName
ty <- typeOfConstructor constructorName
return (functionCall (ExpressionVar (asProjName ctorArg name)) [castToType ty exp])
getType ::
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
Micro.Iden ->
Sem r (CFunType, CArity)
getType = \case
Micro.IdenFunction n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoFunctions)
funTyp <- typeToFunType (mkPolyType' (fInfo ^. (Micro.functionInfoDef . Micro.funDefType)))
nPatterns <- functionInfoPatternsNum fInfo
return (funTyp, nPatterns)
Micro.IdenConstructor n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoConstructors)
argTypes <- mapM (goType . mkPolyType') (fInfo ^. Micro.constructorInfoArgs)
typ <- goType $ mkPolyType' (Micro.ExpressionIden (Micro.IdenInductive (fInfo ^. Micro.constructorInfoInductive)))
( CFunType
{ _cFunArgTypes = argTypes,
_cFunReturnType = typ
length argTypes
Micro.IdenAxiom n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Micro.infoAxioms)
t <- typeToFunType (mkPolyType' (fInfo ^. Micro.axiomInfoType))
return (t, length (t ^. cFunArgTypes))
Micro.IdenVar n -> do
t <- (^. bindingInfoType) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Micro.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
return (t, length (t ^. cFunArgTypes))
Micro.IdenInductive _ -> impossible

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable where
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable where
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.Concrete.Builtins
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CNames
builtinConstructorName :: BuiltinConstructor -> Maybe Text
builtinConstructorName = \case

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder where
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder where
import Juvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CNames
namedArgs :: (Text -> Text) -> [CDeclType] -> [Declaration]
namedArgs prefix = zipWith namedCDecl argLabels
@ -51,9 +51,13 @@ mallocSizeOf :: Text -> Expression
mallocSizeOf typeName =
functionCall (ExpressionVar Str.malloc) [functionCall (ExpressionVar Str.sizeof) [ExpressionVar typeName]]
functionCallCasted :: CFunType -> Expression -> [Expression] -> Expression
functionCallCasted fType fExpr args =
functionCall fExpr (zipWith castToType (fType ^. cFunArgTypes) args)
juvixFunctionCall :: CFunType -> Expression -> [Expression] -> Expression
juvixFunctionCall funType funParam args =
functionCall (castToType (funPtrType fTyp) (memberAccess Pointer funParam "fun")) (funParam : args)
functionCallCasted fTyp (castToType (funPtrType fTyp) (memberAccess Pointer funParam "fun")) (funParam : args)
fTyp :: CFunType
fTyp = funType {_cFunArgTypes = declFunctionPtrType : (funType ^. cFunArgTypes)}

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames where
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.CNames where
import Juvix.Prelude

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@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Closure where
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Closure where
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.Concrete.Builtins (IsBuiltin (toBuiltinPrim))
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra (mkPolyType')
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import Juvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Base
genClosures ::
forall r.
Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r =>
Mono.Module ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable] r =>
Micro.Module ->
Sem r [CCode]
genClosures Mono.Module {..} = do
closureInfos <- concatMapM (applyOnFunStatement functionDefClosures) (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
genClosures Micro.Module {..} = do
closureInfos <- concatMapM (applyOnFunStatement functionDefClosures) (_moduleBody ^. Micro.moduleStatements)
return (genCClosure =<< nub closureInfos)
genCClosure :: ClosureInfo -> [CCode]
@ -24,33 +26,34 @@ genCClosure c =
functionDefClosures ::
Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r =>
Mono.FunctionDef ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable] r =>
Micro.FunctionDef ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
functionDefClosures Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
concatMapM (clauseClosures (fst (unfoldFunType _funDefType))) (toList _funDefClauses)
functionDefClosures Micro.FunctionDef {..} =
concatMapM (clauseClosures (fst (unfoldFunType (mkPolyType' _funDefType)))) (toList _funDefClauses)
lookupBuiltinIden :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Iden -> Sem r (Maybe Mono.BuiltinPrim)
lookupBuiltinIden :: Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Iden -> Sem r (Maybe Micro.BuiltinPrim)
lookupBuiltinIden = \case
Mono.IdenFunction f -> fmap toBuiltinPrim . (^. Mono.functionInfoBuiltin) <$> Mono.lookupFunction f
Mono.IdenConstructor c -> fmap toBuiltinPrim . (^. Mono.constructorInfoBuiltin) <$> Mono.lookupConstructor c
Mono.IdenAxiom a -> fmap toBuiltinPrim . (^. Mono.axiomInfoBuiltin) <$> Mono.lookupAxiom a
Mono.IdenVar {} -> return Nothing
Micro.IdenFunction f -> fmap toBuiltinPrim . (^. Micro.functionInfoDef . Micro.funDefBuiltin) <$> Micro.lookupFunction f
Micro.IdenConstructor c -> fmap toBuiltinPrim . (^. Micro.constructorInfoBuiltin) <$> Micro.lookupConstructor c
Micro.IdenAxiom a -> fmap toBuiltinPrim . (^. Micro.axiomInfoBuiltin) <$> Micro.lookupAxiom a
Micro.IdenVar {} -> return Nothing
Micro.IdenInductive {} -> impossible
genClosureExpression ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
[Mono.Type] ->
Mono.Expression ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
[Micro.PolyType] ->
Micro.Expression ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
genClosureExpression funArgTyps = \case
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
let rootFunMonoName = Mono.getName i
rootFunNameId = rootFunMonoName ^. Mono.nameId
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMonoName
Micro.ExpressionIden i -> do
let rootFunMicroName = Micro.getName i
rootFunNameId = rootFunMicroName ^. Micro.nameId
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMicroName
builtin <- lookupBuiltinIden i
case i of
Mono.IdenVar {} -> return []
Micro.IdenVar {} -> return []
_ -> do
(t, patterns) <- getType i
let argTyps = t ^. cFunArgTypes
@ -67,42 +70,42 @@ genClosureExpression funArgTyps = \case
_closureCArity = patterns
Mono.ExpressionApplication a -> exprApplication a
Mono.ExpressionLiteral {} -> return []
Micro.ExpressionApplication a -> exprApplication a
Micro.ExpressionLiteral {} -> return []
Micro.ExpressionFunction {} -> impossible
Micro.ExpressionHole {} -> impossible
Micro.ExpressionUniverse {} -> impossible
exprApplication :: Mono.Application -> Sem r [ClosureInfo]
exprApplication :: Micro.Application -> Sem r [ClosureInfo]
exprApplication a = do
(f, appArgs) <- unfoldApp a
let rootFunMonoName = Mono.getName f
rootFunNameId = rootFunMonoName ^. Mono.nameId
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMonoName
builtin <- lookupBuiltinIden f
(fType, patterns) <- getType f
closureArgs <- concatMapM (genClosureExpression funArgTyps) appArgs
(f0, appArgs) <- unfoldPolyApp a
| length appArgs < length (fType ^. cFunArgTypes) ->
( [ ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId = rootFunNameId,
_closureRootName = rootFunName,
_closureBuiltin = builtin,
_closureMembers = take (length appArgs) (fType ^. cFunArgTypes),
_closureFunType = fType,
_closureCArity = patterns
<> closureArgs
| otherwise -> return closureArgs
unfoldApp :: Mono.Application -> Sem r (Mono.Iden, [Mono.Expression])
unfoldApp Mono.Application {..} = case _appLeft of
Mono.ExpressionApplication x -> do
uf <- unfoldApp x
return (second (_appRight :) uf)
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
return (i, [_appRight])
Mono.ExpressionLiteral {} -> impossible
| null appArgs -> genClosureExpression funArgTyps f0
| otherwise -> case f0 of
Micro.ExpressionLiteral {} -> return []
Micro.ExpressionIden f -> do
let rootFunMicroName = Micro.getName f
rootFunNameId = rootFunMicroName ^. Micro.nameId
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMicroName
builtin <- lookupBuiltinIden f
(fType, patterns) <- getType f
closureArgs <- concatMapM (genClosureExpression funArgTyps) (toList appArgs)
| length appArgs < length (fType ^. cFunArgTypes) ->
( [ ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId = rootFunNameId,
_closureRootName = rootFunName,
_closureBuiltin = builtin,
_closureMembers = take (length appArgs) (fType ^. cFunArgTypes),
_closureFunType = fType,
_closureCArity = patterns
<> closureArgs
| otherwise -> return closureArgs
_ -> impossible
genClosureEnv :: ClosureInfo -> Declaration
genClosureEnv c =
@ -159,13 +162,18 @@ genClosureApply c =
(c ^. closureFunType)
{ _cFunArgTypes = drop nPatterns (c ^. closureFunType . cFunArgTypes)
localFunType :: CFunType
localFunType =
(c ^. closureFunType)
{ _cFunArgTypes = take nPatterns (c ^. closureFunType . cFunArgTypes)
funName :: Expression
funName = ExpressionVar (c ^. closureRootName)
funCall :: Expression
funCall =
| null patternArgs -> funName
| otherwise -> functionCall funName patternArgs
| otherwise -> functionCallCasted localFunType funName patternArgs
juvixFunCall :: [BodyItem]
juvixFunCall =
@ -182,7 +190,7 @@ genClosureApply c =
| otherwise ->
[ BodyStatement . StatementReturn . Just $
functionCall (ExpressionVar (closureRootFunction c)) args
functionCallCasted (c ^. closureFunType) (ExpressionVar (closureRootFunction c)) args
envArg :: BodyItem
envArg =
@ -269,10 +277,10 @@ genClosureEval c =
clauseClosures ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
[Mono.Type] ->
Mono.FunctionClause ->
Members '[Reader Micro.InfoTable, Reader Micro.TypesTable] r =>
[Micro.PolyType] ->
Micro.FunctionClause ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
clauseClosures argTyps clause = do
bindings <- buildPatternInfoTable argTyps clause
runReader bindings (genClosureExpression argTyps (clause ^. Mono.clauseBody))
runReader bindings (genClosureExpression argTyps (clause ^. Micro.clauseBody))

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types where
module Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.Types where
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import Juvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable
newtype MiniCResult = MiniCResult
{ _resultCCode :: Text
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ newtype PatternInfoTable = PatternInfoTable
type CArity = Int
data ClosureInfo = ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId :: Mono.NameId,
{ _closureNameId :: Micro.NameId,
_closureRootName :: Text,
_closureBuiltin :: Maybe Mono.BuiltinPrim,
_closureBuiltin :: Maybe Micro.BuiltinPrim,
_closureMembers :: [CDeclType],
_closureFunType :: CFunType,
_closureCArity :: CArity

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@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base
( module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base,
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types,
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames,
module Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder,
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Juvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language qualified as Micro
import Juvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import Juvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.BuiltinTable
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported msg = error (msg <> " Mono to C: not yet supported")
unfoldFunType :: Mono.Type -> ([Mono.Type], Mono.Type)
unfoldFunType t = case t of
Mono.TypeFunction (Mono.Function l r) -> first (l :) (unfoldFunType r)
_ -> ([], t)
mkName :: Mono.Name -> Text
mkName n =
adaptFirstLetter lexeme <> nameTextSuffix
| T.null lexeme' = "v"
| otherwise = lexeme'
lexeme' = T.filter isValidChar (n ^. Mono.nameText)
isValidChar :: Char -> Bool
isValidChar c = isLetter c && isAscii c
adaptFirstLetter :: Text -> Text
adaptFirstLetter t = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> impossible
Just (h, r) -> T.cons (capitalize h) r
capitalize :: Char -> Char
| capital = toUpper
| otherwise = toLower
capital = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameConstructor -> True
Mono.KNameInductive -> True
Mono.KNameTopModule -> True
Mono.KNameLocalModule -> True
_ -> False
nameTextSuffix :: Text
nameTextSuffix = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameTopModule -> mempty
Mono.KNameFunction ->
if n ^. Mono.nameText == Str.main then mempty else idSuffix
_ -> idSuffix
idSuffix :: Text
idSuffix = "_" <> show (n ^. Mono.nameId . Micro.unNameId)
goType :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => Mono.Type -> Sem r CDeclType
goType t = case t of
Mono.TypeIden ti -> getMonoType ti
Mono.TypeFunction {} -> return declFunctionPtrType
Mono.TypeUniverse {} -> unsupported "TypeUniverse"
getMonoType :: Mono.TypeIden -> Sem r CDeclType
getMonoType = \case
Mono.TypeIdenInductive mn -> do
(isPtr, name) <- getInductiveCName mn
( CDeclType
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType name,
_typeIsPtr = isPtr
Mono.TypeIdenAxiom mn -> do
axiomName <- getAxiomCName mn
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType axiomName,
_typeIsPtr = False
typeToFunType :: Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => Mono.Type -> Sem r CFunType
typeToFunType t = do
let (args, ret) = unfoldFunType t
_cFunArgTypes <- mapM goType args
_cFunReturnType <- goType ret
return CFunType {..}
applyOnFunStatement ::
forall a. Monoid a => (Mono.FunctionDef -> a) -> Mono.Statement -> a
applyOnFunStatement f = \case
Mono.StatementFunction x -> f x
Mono.StatementForeign {} -> mempty
Mono.StatementAxiom {} -> mempty
Mono.StatementInductive {} -> mempty
getConstructorCName :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Name -> Sem r Text
getConstructorCName n = do
ctorInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoConstructors)
( case ctorInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoBuiltin of
Just builtin -> fromJust (builtinConstructorName builtin)
Nothing -> mkName n
getAxiomCName :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Name -> Sem r Text
getAxiomCName n = do
axiomInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoAxioms)
( case axiomInfo ^. Mono.axiomInfoBuiltin of
Just builtin -> fromJust (builtinAxiomName builtin)
Nothing -> mkName n
getInductiveCName :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Name -> Sem r (Bool, Text)
getInductiveCName n = do
inductiveInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoInductives)
( case inductiveInfo ^. Mono.inductiveInfoBuiltin of
Just builtin -> (False, fromJust (builtinInductiveName builtin))
Nothing -> (True, asTypeDef (mkName n))
buildPatternInfoTable :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => [Mono.Type] -> Mono.FunctionClause -> Sem r PatternInfoTable
buildPatternInfoTable argTyps Mono.FunctionClause {..} =
PatternInfoTable . HashMap.fromList <$> patBindings
funArgBindings :: Sem r [(Expression, CFunType)]
funArgBindings = mapM (bimapM (return . ExpressionVar) typeToFunType) (zip funArgs argTyps)
patArgBindings :: Sem r [(Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))]
patArgBindings = zip _clausePatterns <$> funArgBindings
patBindings :: Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
patBindings = patArgBindings >>= concatMapM go
go :: (Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType)) -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
go (p, (exp, typ)) = case p of
Mono.PatternVariable v ->
[(v ^. Mono.nameText, BindingInfo {_bindingInfoExpr = exp, _bindingInfoType = typ})]
Mono.PatternConstructorApp Mono.ConstructorApp {..} ->
goConstructorApp exp _constrAppConstructor _constrAppParameters
Mono.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
goConstructorApp :: Expression -> Mono.Name -> [Mono.Pattern] -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
goConstructorApp exp constructorName ps = do
ctorInfo' <- ctorInfo
let ctorArgBindings :: Sem r [(Expression, CFunType)] =
mapM (bimapM asConstructor typeToFunType) (zip ctorArgs ctorInfo')
patternCtorArgBindings :: Sem r [(Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))] = zip ps <$> ctorArgBindings
patternCtorArgBindings >>= concatMapM go
ctorInfo :: Sem r [Mono.Type]
ctorInfo = do
p' :: HashMap Mono.Name Mono.ConstructorInfo <- asks (^. Mono.infoConstructors)
let fInfo = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible constructorName p'
return $ fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoArgs
asConstructor :: Text -> Sem r Expression
asConstructor ctorArg = do
name <- getConstructorCName constructorName
return (functionCall (ExpressionVar (asProjName ctorArg name)) [exp])
getType ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
Mono.Iden ->
Sem r (CFunType, CArity)
getType = \case
Mono.IdenFunction n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoFunctions)
funTyp <- typeToFunType (fInfo ^. Mono.functionInfoType)
return (funTyp, fInfo ^. Mono.functionInfoPatterns)
Mono.IdenConstructor n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoConstructors)
argTypes <- mapM goType (fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoArgs)
typ <- goType (Mono.TypeIden (Mono.TypeIdenInductive (fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoInductive)))
( CFunType
{ _cFunArgTypes = argTypes,
_cFunReturnType = typ
length argTypes
Mono.IdenAxiom n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoAxioms)
t <- typeToFunType (fInfo ^. Mono.axiomInfoType)
return (t, length (t ^. cFunArgTypes))
Mono.IdenVar n -> do
t <- (^. bindingInfoType) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Mono.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
return (t, length (t ^. cFunArgTypes))

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Base
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import Juvix.Pipeline
import Juvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC as MiniC
import Juvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniC as MiniC
import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir)
import System.Process qualified as P

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@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ tests =
[ PosTest "HelloWorld" "HelloWorld" StdlibExclude,
PosTest "Inductive types and pattern matching" "Nat" StdlibExclude,
PosTest "Polymorphic types" "Polymorphism" StdlibExclude,
PosTest "Polymorphic axioms" "PolymorphicAxioms" StdlibExclude,
PosTest "Polymorphic target" "PolymorphicTarget" StdlibExclude,
PosTest "Multiple modules" "MultiModules" StdlibExclude,
PosTest "Higher Order Functions" "HigherOrder" StdlibExclude,
PosTest "Higher Order Functions and explicit holes" "PolymorphismHoles" StdlibExclude,

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Input;
inductive Unit {
unit : Unit;
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
c ↦ "int";
axiom ignore : {A : Type} -> A -> Action;
compile ignore {
c ↦ "ignore";
foreign c {
static int ignore(uintptr_t ptr) { return 0; \}
main : Action;
main := ignore unit;

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Input;
inductive Unit {
unit : Unit;
loop : {A : Type} -> A;
loop := loop;
const : {A : Type} -> A -> A -> A;
const x y := x;
fail : Unit;
fail := const unit loop;
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
c ↦ "int";
main : Action;
main := 0;