mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-10-03 19:47:59 +03:00

Automatized benchmarks (#1673)

This commit is contained in:
janmasrovira 2023-01-05 17:48:26 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 638cd0ebb5
commit 6a571e3d28
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 663 additions and 26 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -87,3 +87,5 @@ docs/org/README.org
# Binary files (produced by `make check`)

View File

@ -234,3 +234,7 @@ test-shell : install
changelog-updates :
@pandoc CHANGELOG.md --from markdown --to org -o UPDATES-FOR-CHANGELOG.org
.PHONY : bench
bench: runtime submodules
@stack bench

bench/Base.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
module Base where
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.SRGB
import Development.Shake hiding ((<//>))
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Prelude
import Prelude (Show (show))
root :: Path Abs Dir
root = relToProject $(mkRelDir "tests/benchmark")
resultsDir :: Path Abs Dir
resultsDir = relToProject $(mkRelDir ".benchmark-results")
resultDirs :: [Path Abs Dir]
resultDirs = [binDir, plotDir, csvDir]
binDir :: Path Abs Dir
binDir = resultsDir <//> $(mkRelDir "bin")
plotDir :: Path Abs Dir
plotDir = resultsDir <//> $(mkRelDir "plot")
csvDir :: Path Abs Dir
csvDir = resultsDir <//> $(mkRelDir "csv")
-- | e.g. 0xf0f8ff (format supported by gnuplot)
showColour :: Colour Double -> Text
showColour = pack . ("0x" <>) . dropExact 1 . sRGB24show
data Lang
= Ocaml
| Haskell
| C
| Juvix
| Runtime
| Core
deriving stock (Eq)
instance Show Lang where
show = \case
Ocaml -> "ocaml"
Haskell -> "haskell"
C -> "c"
Juvix -> "juvix"
Runtime -> "runtime"
Core -> "core"
langPath :: Lang -> Path Rel Dir
langPath = relDir . Prelude.show
langFile :: Lang -> Path Rel File
langFile = relFile . Prelude.show
langExtension :: Lang -> String
langExtension = \case
Ocaml -> ".ml"
Haskell -> ".hs"
C -> ".c"
Juvix -> ".juvix"
Runtime -> ".c"
Core -> ".jvc"
data Variant = Variant
{ _variantTitle :: Maybe String,
_variantLanguage :: Lang,
_variantExtensions :: [String],
_variantColor :: Colour Double,
_variantRun :: Path Abs File -> IO (),
_variantBuild :: BuildArgs -> Action ()
data BuildArgs = BuildArgs
{ _buildSrc :: Path Abs File,
_buildOutDir :: Path Abs Dir
data Suite = Suite
{ _suiteTitle :: String,
_suiteVariants :: [Variant]
makeLenses ''Suite
makeLenses ''BuildArgs
makeLenses ''Variant
gnuplotFile :: Path Abs File
gnuplotFile = relToProject $(mkRelFile "gnuplot/bars.gp")
suitePlotFile :: Suite -> Path Abs File
suitePlotFile s = plotDir <//> suiteBaseFile s
suitePdfFile :: Suite -> Path Abs File
suitePdfFile s = addExtension' ".pdf" (suitePlotFile s)
suiteSvgFile :: Suite -> Path Abs File
suiteSvgFile s = addExtension' ".svg" (suitePlotFile s)
suiteCsvFile :: Suite -> Path Abs File
suiteCsvFile s = addExtension' ".csv" (csvDir <//> suiteBaseFile s)
suiteSrcDir :: Suite -> Path Abs Dir
suiteSrcDir s = root <//> relDir (s ^. suiteTitle)
suiteBaseFile :: Suite -> Path Rel File
suiteBaseFile s = relFile (s ^. suiteTitle)
variantSrcDir :: Suite -> Variant -> Path Abs Dir
variantSrcDir s v = suiteSrcDir s <//> langPath (v ^. variantLanguage)
suitePath :: Suite -> Path Rel Dir
suitePath s = relDir (s ^. suiteTitle)
variantBinDir :: Suite -> Variant -> Path Abs Dir
variantBinDir s v = binDir <//> suitePath s <//> langPath (v ^. variantLanguage)
variantBinFile :: Suite -> Variant -> Path Abs File
variantBinFile s v = variantBinDir s v <//> addExtensions' (v ^. variantExtensions) (suiteBaseFile s)
binFile :: BuildArgs -> [String] -> Path Abs File
binFile args ext = args ^. buildOutDir <//> replaceExtensions' ext (filename (args ^. buildSrc))

bench/Main.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
module Main where
import Base
import Criterion.Main
import Criterion.Main.Options hiding (config)
import Criterion.Types
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Development.Shake hiding ((<//>))
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Path as Path hiding (doesFileExist, (-<.>))
import Juvix.Prelude.Path qualified as Path
import Statistics.Types
import Suites
main :: IO ()
main = shakeArgs opts compileRules
opts :: ShakeOptions
opts = shakeOptions
compileRules :: Rules ()
compileRules = do
phony "clean" $ do
putInfo ("Deleting " <> toFilePath resultsDir)
removePathForcibly resultsDir
forM_ suites suiteRules
suiteRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
suiteRules s = do
forM_ (s ^. suiteVariants) (variantRules s)
csvRules s
plotRules s
multiRecipe :: [Path Abs File] -> Action () -> Rules ()
multiRecipe out howto = map toFilePath out &%> const howto
recipe :: Path Abs File -> Action () -> Rules ()
recipe out howto = toFilePath out %> const howto
variantRules :: Suite -> Variant -> Rules ()
variantRules s v = do
action $ do
(doesFileExist (toFilePath srcFile))
(need [toFilePath exeFile])
recipe exeFile $ do
need [toFilePath srcFile]
ensureDir outDir
(v ^. variantBuild) args
args :: BuildArgs
args =
{ _buildSrc = srcFile,
_buildOutDir = outDir
lang :: Lang
lang = v ^. variantLanguage
srcFile :: Path Abs File
srcFile =
(langExtension lang)
(suiteSrcDir s <//> langPath lang <//> suiteBaseFile s)
exeFile :: Path Abs File
exeFile = outDir <//> replaceExtensions' (v ^. variantExtensions) (filename srcFile)
outDir :: Path Abs Dir
outDir = variantBinDir s v
plotRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
plotRules s = do
let csv :: Path Abs File = suiteCsvFile s
svg :: Path Abs File = suiteSvgFile s
out :: Path Abs File = suitePlotFile s
want [toFilePath svg]
multiRecipe [svg] $ do
need [toFilePath csv, toFilePath gnuplotFile]
ensureDir (parent svg)
( gpArg "name" (s ^. suiteTitle)
++ gpArg "outfile" (toFilePath out)
++ gpArg "csvfile" (toFilePath csv)
++ [toFilePath gnuplotFile]
gpArg :: String -> String -> [String]
gpArg arg val = ["-e", arg <> "='" <> val <> "'"]
csvRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
csvRules s =
recipe csv $ do
need [toFilePath (variantBinFile s v) | v <- s ^. suiteVariants]
ensureDir (parent csv)
whenM (Path.doesFileExist csv) (removeFile csv)
liftIO (runMode (Run (config s) Glob []) (fromSuite s) >> addColorColumn)
csv :: Path Abs File = suiteCsvFile s
addColorColumn :: IO ()
addColorColumn = do
header :| rows <- nonEmpty' . Text.lines <$> readFile (toFilePath csv)
let rows' =
[ showColour (v ^. variantColor) <> "," <> r
| (v, r) <- zipExact (s ^. suiteVariants) rows
header' = "Color," <> header
writeFile (toFilePath csv) (Text.unlines (header' : rows'))
fromSuite :: Suite -> [Benchmark]
fromSuite s = map go (s ^. suiteVariants)
go :: Variant -> Benchmark
go v = bench title (nfIO ((v ^. variantRun) (variantBinFile s v)))
title :: String
title = show (v ^. variantLanguage) <> maybe "" (" " <>) (v ^. variantTitle)
config :: Suite -> Config
config s =
{ csvFile = Just (toFilePath (suiteCsvFile s)),
confInterval = cl90

bench/Suites.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module Suites where
import Base
import Juvix.Prelude
import Variants
suites :: [Suite]
suites =
[ "mergesort",
<> [ Suite suiteName (allVariantsExcept [C] [CoreEval])
| suiteName <- ["fold", "mapfold"]
<> [Suite "mapfun" (allVariantsExcept [C] [CoreEval, JuvixExe, JuvixWasm])]
<> [ Suite suiteName (allVariantsExcept [] [CoreEval, JuvixExe, JuvixWasm])
| suiteName <- ["ackermann", "combinations", "cps", "prime"]
defaultSuite :: String -> Suite
defaultSuite title =
{ _suiteTitle = title,
_suiteVariants = defaultVariants

bench/Variants.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
module Variants where
import Base
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Palette.BrewerSet
import Development.Shake hiding ((<//>))
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude.Env
import System.Process
allVariantsExcept :: [Lang] -> [VariantId] -> [Variant]
allVariantsExcept ls vs =
(\v -> (v ^. variantLanguage) `notElem` ls)
(map getVariant (filter (`notElem` vs) allElements))
allVariants :: [Variant]
allVariants = map getVariant allElements
defaultVariants :: [Variant]
defaultVariants = allVariantsExcept [] [CoreEval]
data VariantId
= OcamlExe
| OcamlByte
| HaskellExe
| HaskellStrict
| JuvixExe
| JuvixWasm
| ClangExe
| ClangWasm
| RuntimeExe
| RuntimeWasm
| CoreEval
deriving stock (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord)
getVariantIx :: VariantId -> Int
getVariantIx = fromEnum
-- | Note that only 12 colors are available
getVariantColor :: VariantId -> Colour Double
getVariantColor v
| i < 12 = brewerSet Paired 12 !! i
| otherwise = error "not enough colors. Please extend the palette"
i :: Int
i = getVariantIx v
getVariant :: VariantId -> Variant
getVariant = \case
OcamlExe -> ocamlExe
OcamlByte -> ocamlByteExe
HaskellExe -> haskellExe
HaskellStrict -> haskellStrictExe
JuvixExe -> juvixExe
JuvixWasm -> juvixWasm
ClangExe -> clangExe
ClangWasm -> clangWasm
RuntimeExe -> runtimeExe
RuntimeWasm -> runtimeWasm
CoreEval -> coreEval
defaultExt :: [String]
defaultExt = [".exe"]
runWasm :: Path Abs File -> IO ()
runWasm p = void (readProcess "wasmer" [toFilePath p, "--disable-cache"] "")
runExe :: Path Abs File -> IO ()
runExe p = void (readProcess (toFilePath p) [] "")
outOptions :: BuildArgs -> [String] -> [String]
outOptions args ext = ["-o", toFilePath (binFile args ext)]
commonOptions :: BuildArgs -> [String] -> [String]
commonOptions args ext = toFilePath (args ^. buildSrc) : outOptions args ext
ocamlExe :: Variant
ocamlExe =
{ _variantTitle = Nothing,
_variantLanguage = Ocaml,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor OcamlExe,
_variantRun = runExe,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "ocamlopt" ("-O2" : commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = defaultExt
ocamlByteExe :: Variant
ocamlByteExe =
{ _variantTitle = Just "byte",
_variantLanguage = Ocaml,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor OcamlByte,
_variantRun = runExe,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "ocamlc" (commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = ".byte" : defaultExt
haskellCommon :: [String]
haskellCommon = ["-O2", "-no-keep-hi-files", "-no-keep-o-files"]
haskellExe :: Variant
haskellExe =
{ _variantTitle = Nothing,
_variantLanguage = Haskell,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor HaskellExe,
_variantRun = runExe,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "ghc" (haskellCommon ++ commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = defaultExt
haskellStrictExe :: Variant
haskellStrictExe =
{ _variantTitle = Just "strict",
_variantLanguage = Haskell,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor HaskellStrict,
_variantRun = runExe,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "ghc" (haskellCommon ++ ["-XStrict"] ++ commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = ".strict" : defaultExt
juvixExe :: Variant
juvixExe =
{ _variantTitle = Nothing,
_variantLanguage = Juvix,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor JuvixExe,
_variantRun = runExe,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "juvix" (juvixCommon ++ commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = defaultExt
juvixCommon :: [String]
juvixCommon = ["compile"]
juvixWasm :: Variant
juvixWasm =
{ _variantTitle = Just "wasm",
_variantLanguage = Juvix,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor JuvixWasm,
_variantRun = runWasm,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "juvix" (juvixCommon ++ ["--target=wasm"] ++ commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = [".wasm"]
runtimeCommon :: [String]
runtimeCommon = ["dev", "runtime", "compile"]
runtimeExe :: Variant
runtimeExe =
{ _variantTitle = Nothing,
_variantLanguage = Runtime,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor RuntimeExe,
_variantRun = runExe,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "juvix" (runtimeCommon ++ commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = defaultExt
runtimeWasm :: Variant
runtimeWasm =
{ _variantTitle = Just "wasm",
_variantLanguage = Runtime,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor RuntimeWasm,
_variantRun = runWasm,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "juvix" (runtimeCommon ++ ["--target=wasm32-wasi"] ++ commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = [".wasm"]
clangExe :: Variant
clangExe =
{ _variantTitle = Nothing,
_variantLanguage = C,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor ClangExe,
_variantRun = runExe,
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "clang" ("-O3" : commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = defaultExt
clangWasm :: Variant
clangWasm =
{ _variantTitle = Just "wasm",
_variantLanguage = C,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor ClangWasm,
_variantRun = runWasm,
_variantBuild = \args -> do
wasipath <- getWasiSysrootPathStr
command_ [] "clang" (["-Os", "-nodefaultlibs", "--sysroot", wasipath, "-lc", "--target=wasm32-wasi"] ++ commonOptions args ext)
ext :: [String]
ext = [".wasm"]
coreEval :: Variant
coreEval =
{ _variantTitle = Nothing,
_variantLanguage = Core,
_variantExtensions = ext,
_variantColor = getVariantColor CoreEval,
_variantRun = \src -> void (readProcess "juvix" ["dev", "core", "eval", toFilePath src] ""),
_variantBuild = \args ->
command_ [] "cp" (map toFilePath [args ^. buildSrc, binFile args ext])
ext :: [String]
ext = [langExtension Core]

View File

@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ cradle:
- path: "./test"
component: "test:juvix-test"
- path: "./bench"
component: "bench:juvix-bench"

gnuplot/bars.gp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# arguments: name outfile csvfile
# usage: gnuplot -e "name='the title'" -e "outfile='out'" -e "csvfile='data.csv'" bars.gp
meanCol = 'Mean'
colorCol = 'Color'
stddevCol = 'Stddev'
targets = meanCol . ' ' . stddevCol
set terminal svg enhanced mouse size 800, 1100
set output outfile.'.svg'
set multiplot layout 2, 1 title ('suite '.name) font ",24"
set key outside
set tmargin 3
set style data histogram
set datafile separator ","
set boxwidth 2
set xtic rotate by -20 scale 0 font ",16"
set ytic scale 0 font ",16"
set grid y
set ylabel "execution time (s)" font ", 20"
set style fill solid
unset key
set yrange [0 : *]
set offsets graph 0,0.5
set title meanCol font ",20"
plot csvfile \
using meanCol:colorCol:xtic(2) notitle linecolor rgbcolor variable, \
'' using 0:meanCol:(sprintf("%1.4f",column(meanCol))) with labels font ",13" center offset 0, 0.4 title meanCol, \
set title "Standard deviation" font ",20"
unset ylabel
f(x) = column(stddevCol)*100/column(meanCol)
plot csvfile \
using (f('')):colorCol:xtic(2) notitle linecolor rgbcolor variable, \
'' using ($0 - 1):(f('')):(sprintf("%1.2f%",(f('')))) with labels font ",13" center offset 0, 0.4 notitle
unset multiplot

View File

@ -72,6 +72,13 @@ dependencies:
- Diff == 0.4.*
- pretty-show == 1.10.*
# benchmarks
- criterion == 1.5.*
- statistics == 0.16.*
- shake == 0.19.*
- colour == 2.3.*
- palette == 0.3.*
# Warnings
- -Weverything
@ -134,3 +141,12 @@ tests:
- juvix
default-language: GHC2021
main: Main.hs
source-dirs: bench
- juvix
default-language: GHC2021

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Juvix.Prelude.Base
module Data.Monoid,
module Data.Ord,
module Data.Semigroup,
module Prelude,
module Data.Singletons,
module Data.Singletons.Sigma,
module Data.Singletons.TH,
@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ import System.IO hiding
import System.IO.Error
import Text.Show (Show)
import Text.Show qualified as Show
import Prelude (Double)

src/Juvix/Prelude/Env.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Juvix.Prelude.Env where
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Path
import System.Environment
-- | Environment variables relevant to Juvix
data EnvVar
= EnvWasiSysrootPath
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
envVarString :: EnvVar -> String
envVarString = \case
EnvWasiSysrootPath -> "WASI_SYSROOT_PATH"
envVarHint :: EnvVar -> Maybe String
envVarHint = \case
EnvWasiSysrootPath -> Just "Set to the location of the wasi-clib sysroot"
getEnvVar :: MonadIO m => EnvVar -> m String
getEnvVar var = fromMaybeM (error (pack msg)) (liftIO (lookupEnv (envVarString var)))
msg :: String
msg = "Missing environment variable " <> envVarString var <> maybe "" (". " <>) (envVarHint var)
getWasiSysrootPathStr :: MonadIO m => m String
getWasiSysrootPathStr = getEnvVar EnvWasiSysrootPath
getWasiSysrootPath :: MonadIO m => m (Path Abs Dir)
getWasiSysrootPath = absDir <$> getEnvVar EnvWasiSysrootPath

View File

@ -69,15 +69,38 @@ someBaseToAbs root = \case
Rel r -> root <//> r
Abs a -> a
removeExtensions :: Path b File -> Path b File
removeExtensions p = maybe p removeExtensions (removeExtension p)
removeExtension :: Path b File -> Maybe (Path b File)
removeExtension = fmap fst . splitExtension
removeExtension' :: Path b File -> Path b File
removeExtension' = fst . fromJust . splitExtension
addExtensions :: MonadThrow m => [String] -> Path b File -> m (Path b File)
addExtensions ext p = case ext of
[] -> return p
(e : es) -> addExtension e p >>= addExtensions es
replaceExtensions :: MonadThrow m => [String] -> Path b File -> m (Path b File)
replaceExtensions ext = addExtensions ext . removeExtensions
replaceExtensions' :: [String] -> Path b File -> Path b File
replaceExtensions' ext = fromJust . replaceExtensions ext
addExtensions' :: [String] -> Path b File -> Path b File
addExtensions' ext = fromJust . addExtensions ext
addExtension' :: String -> Path b File -> Path b File
addExtension' ext = fromJust . addExtension ext
replaceExtension' :: String -> Path b File -> Path b File
replaceExtension' ext = fromJust . replaceExtension ext
dirnameToFile :: Path x Dir -> Path Rel File
dirnameToFile = relFile . dropTrailingPathSeparator . toFilePath . dirname
parents :: Path Abs a -> NonEmpty (Path Abs Dir)
parents = go [] . parent

View File

@ -59,11 +59,7 @@ wasiClangAssertion stdlibMode mainFile expectedFile stdinText step = do
assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "wasmer")
sysrootPath <-
<$> assertEnvVar
"Env var WASI_SYSROOT_PATH missing. Set to the location of the wasi-clib sysroot"
sysrootPath <- getWasiSysrootPath
root <- getCurrentDir
step "C Generation"

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Base
module Juvix.Prelude,
module Base,
module Juvix.Extra.Paths,
module Juvix.Prelude.Env,
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Prelude
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Juvix.Prelude.Env
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (Html)
@ -34,10 +35,14 @@ newtype WASMInfo = WASMInfo
makeLenses ''TestDescr
data StdlibMode = StdlibInclude | StdlibExclude
data StdlibMode
= StdlibInclude
| StdlibExclude
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data CompileMode = WASI StdlibMode | WASM WASMInfo
data CompileMode
= WASI StdlibMode
mkTest :: TestDescr -> TestTree
mkTest TestDescr {..} = case _testAssertion of
@ -60,6 +65,3 @@ assertCmdExists cmd =
assertBool ("Command: " <> toFilePath cmd <> " is not present on $PATH")
. isJust
=<< findExecutable cmd
assertEnvVar :: String -> String -> IO String
assertEnvVar msg varName = fromMaybeM (assertFailure msg) (lookupEnv varName)

View File

@ -31,11 +31,7 @@ clangAssertion inputFile expectedFile stdinText step = do
assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "wasmer")
sysrootPath :: Path Abs Dir <-
<$> assertEnvVar
"Env var WASI_SYSROOT_PATH missing. Set to the location of the wasi-clib sysroot"
sysrootPath :: Path Abs Dir <- getWasiSysrootPath
expected <- TIO.readFile (toFilePath expectedFile)

View File

@ -2,17 +2,16 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uintptr_t uint;
typedef uint (*fun_t)(uint,uint);
typedef uintptr_t (*fun_t)(uintptr_t,uintptr_t);
typedef struct{
uint arg;
uintptr_t arg;
fun_t f;
} closure_t;
static uint iter(closure_t *cl, int n, uint x) {
static uintptr_t iter(closure_t *cl, int n, uintptr_t x) {
while (n > 0) {
x = cl->f(cl->arg, x);
@ -20,18 +19,18 @@ static uint iter(closure_t *cl, int n, uint x) {
return x;
static uint step_2(uint f, uint n) {
static uintptr_t step_2(uintptr_t f, uintptr_t n) {
return iter((closure_t*)f, n + 1, 1);
static uint step(uint dummy, uint x) {
static uintptr_t step(uintptr_t dummy, uintptr_t x) {
closure_t *cl = malloc(sizeof(closure_t));
cl->arg = x;
cl->f = (fun_t)step_2;
return (uint)cl;
return (uintptr_t)cl;
static uint plus(uint x, uint y) {
static uintptr_t plus(uintptr_t x, uintptr_t y) {
return x + y;
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ static int ackermann(int m, int n) {
closure_t *mystep = malloc(sizeof(closure_t));
mystep->arg = 0;
mystep->f = step;
closure_t *cl = (closure_t *)iter(mystep, m, (uint)plus_one);
closure_t *cl = (closure_t *)iter(mystep, m, (uintptr_t)plus_one);
return cl->f(cl->arg, n);