mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 22:46:08 +03:00
Small refactor for traits (#2345)
This pr simplifies parsing by removing `FunctionParameterUnnamed`. It also removes ghost wildcards introduced during parsing. It also introduces an error for double braced atoms `{{x}}` that are not on the left of an arrow `->`
This commit is contained in:
@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ addAtoms atoms = addAtom . (^. expressionAtoms . _head1) $ atoms
addParameter = \case
FunctionParameterName s -> addSymbol _paramImplicit s
FunctionParameterWildcard {} -> endBuild
FunctionParameterUnnamed {} -> endBuild
addInductiveParams' :: (Members '[NameSignatureBuilder] r) => IsImplicit -> InductiveParameters 'Parsed -> Sem r ()
addInductiveParams' i a = forM_ (a ^. inductiveParametersNames) (addSymbol i)
@ -342,7 +342,8 @@ instance HasLoc IteratorSyntaxDef where
data SigArg (s :: Stage) = SigArg
{ _sigArgDelims :: Irrelevant (KeywordRef, KeywordRef),
_sigArgImplicit :: IsImplicit,
_sigArgNames :: NonEmpty (Argument s),
-- | Allowed to be empty only for Instance arguments
_sigArgNames :: [Argument s],
_sigArgColon :: Maybe (Irrelevant KeywordRef),
-- | The type is only optional for implicit arguments. Omitting the rhs is
-- equivalent to writing `: Type`.
@ -1069,19 +1070,34 @@ data Expression
| ExpressionRecordUpdate RecordUpdateApp
| ExpressionParensRecordUpdate ParensRecordUpdate
| ExpressionBraces (WithLoc Expression)
| ExpressionDoubleBraces (WithLoc Expression)
| ExpressionDoubleBraces (DoubleBracesExpression 'Scoped)
| ExpressionIterator (Iterator 'Scoped)
| ExpressionNamedApplication (NamedApplication 'Scoped)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data DoubleBracesExpression (s :: Stage) = DoubleBracesExpression
{ _doubleBracesExpression :: ExpressionType s,
_doubleBracesDelims :: Irrelevant (KeywordRef, KeywordRef)
deriving stock instance Show (DoubleBracesExpression 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Show (DoubleBracesExpression 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Eq (DoubleBracesExpression 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Eq (DoubleBracesExpression 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Ord (DoubleBracesExpression 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Ord (DoubleBracesExpression 'Scoped)
instance HasAtomicity (Lambda s) where
atomicity = const Atom
data FunctionParameter (s :: Stage)
= FunctionParameterName (SymbolType s)
| FunctionParameterWildcard KeywordRef
| -- | Used for traits
FunctionParameterUnnamed Interval
deriving stock instance Show (FunctionParameter 'Parsed)
@ -1443,7 +1459,7 @@ data ExpressionAtom (s :: Stage)
| AtomList (List s)
| AtomCase (Case s)
| AtomHole (HoleType s)
| AtomDoubleBraces (WithLoc (ExpressionType s))
| AtomDoubleBraces (DoubleBracesExpression s)
| AtomBraces (WithLoc (ExpressionType s))
| AtomLet (Let s)
| AtomRecordUpdate (RecordUpdate s)
@ -1607,6 +1623,7 @@ newtype ModuleIndex = ModuleIndex
makeLenses ''PatternArg
makeLenses ''DoubleBracesExpression
makeLenses ''Alias
makeLenses ''FieldPun
makeLenses ''RecordPatternAssign
@ -1753,7 +1770,10 @@ instance HasAtomicity (PatternAtom 'Parsed) where
instance (SingI s) => HasAtomicity (FunctionParameters s) where
atomicity p
| not (null (p ^. paramNames)) || p ^. paramImplicit == Implicit = Atom
| not (null (p ^. paramNames))
|| p ^. paramImplicit == Implicit
|| p ^. paramImplicit == ImplicitInstance =
| otherwise = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> atomicity (p ^. paramType)
SScoped -> atomicity (p ^. paramType)
@ -1819,7 +1839,6 @@ instance HasLoc (FunctionParameter 'Scoped) where
getLoc = \case
FunctionParameterName n -> getLoc n
FunctionParameterWildcard w -> getLoc w
FunctionParameterUnnamed i -> i
instance HasLoc (FunctionParameters 'Scoped) where
getLoc p = case p ^. paramDelims . unIrrelevant of
@ -1856,6 +1875,14 @@ instance HasLoc RecordUpdateApp where
instance HasLoc ParensRecordUpdate where
getLoc = getLoc . (^. parensRecordUpdate)
instance HasLoc (DoubleBracesExpression s) where
getLoc DoubleBracesExpression {..} =
let (l, r) = _doubleBracesDelims ^. unIrrelevant
in getLoc l <> getLoc r
instance HasAtomicity (DoubleBracesExpression s) where
atomicity = const Atom
instance HasLoc Expression where
getLoc = \case
ExpressionIdentifier i -> getLoc i
@ -301,6 +301,11 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (RecordUpdate s) where
<> fields'
<> ppCode r
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (DoubleBracesExpression s) where
ppCode DoubleBracesExpression {..} = do
let (l, r) = _doubleBracesDelims ^. unIrrelevant
ppCode l <> ppExpressionType _doubleBracesExpression <> ppCode r
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (ExpressionAtom s) where
ppCode = \case
AtomIdentifier n -> ppIdentifierType n
@ -314,7 +319,7 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (ExpressionAtom s) where
AtomLiteral lit -> ppCode lit
AtomFunArrow a -> ppCode a
AtomParens e -> parens (ppExpressionType e)
AtomDoubleBraces e -> doubleBraces (ppExpressionType (e ^. withLocParam))
AtomDoubleBraces e -> ppCode e
AtomBraces e -> braces (ppExpressionType (e ^. withLocParam))
AtomHole w -> ppHoleType w
AtomIterator i -> ppCode i
@ -520,7 +525,8 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (FunctionParameters s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => FunctionParameters s -> Sem r ()
ppCode FunctionParameters {..} = do
case _paramNames of
[] -> ppLeftExpression' funFixity _paramType
| _paramImplicit == Explicit -> ppLeftExpression' funFixity _paramType
_ -> do
let paramNames' = map ppCode _paramNames
paramType' = ppExpressionType _paramType
@ -539,7 +545,6 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (FunctionParameter s) where
ppCode = \case
FunctionParameterName n -> annDef n (ppSymbolType n)
FunctionParameterWildcard w -> ppCode w
FunctionParameterUnnamed {} -> return ()
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (Function s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => Function s -> Sem r ()
@ -658,7 +663,7 @@ instance PrettyPrint Expression where
ExpressionInstanceHole w -> ppCode w
ExpressionParensIdentifier n -> parens (ppCode n)
ExpressionBraces b -> braces (ppCode b)
ExpressionDoubleBraces b -> doubleBraces (ppCode b)
ExpressionDoubleBraces b -> ppCode b
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionList a -> ppCode a
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> ppCode a
@ -1633,7 +1633,6 @@ checkFunction f = do
_paramNames <- forM (f ^. funParameters . paramNames) $ \case
FunctionParameterWildcard w -> return (FunctionParameterWildcard w)
FunctionParameterName p -> FunctionParameterName <$> bindVariableSymbol p
FunctionParameterUnnamed i -> return (FunctionParameterUnnamed i)
_funReturn <- checkParseExpressionAtoms (f ^. funReturn)
let _paramImplicit = f ^. funParameters . paramImplicit
_paramColon = f ^. funParameters . paramColon
@ -2024,7 +2023,7 @@ checkExpressionAtom e = case e of
AtomUniverse uni -> return (pure (AtomUniverse uni))
AtomFunction fun -> pure . AtomFunction <$> checkFunction fun
AtomParens par -> pure . AtomParens <$> checkParens par
AtomDoubleBraces br -> pure . AtomDoubleBraces <$> traverseOf withLocParam checkParseExpressionAtoms br
AtomDoubleBraces br -> pure . AtomDoubleBraces <$> traverseOf doubleBracesExpression checkParseExpressionAtoms br
AtomBraces br -> pure . AtomBraces <$> traverseOf withLocParam checkParseExpressionAtoms br
AtomFunArrow a -> return (pure (AtomFunArrow a))
AtomHole h -> pure . AtomHole <$> checkHole h
@ -2443,23 +2442,31 @@ makeExpressionTable (ExpressionAtoms atoms _) = [recordUpdate] : [appOpExplicit]
getArrow = \case
AtomFunArrow r -> return r
_ -> Nothing
nonDepFun :: KeywordRef -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
nonDepFun _funKw a b =
nonDepFun _funKw l r =
{ _funParameters = param,
_funReturn = b,
{ _funParameters = params,
_funReturn = r,
param =
{ _paramNames = [],
_paramDelims = Irrelevant Nothing,
_paramColon = Irrelevant Nothing,
_paramImplicit = Explicit,
_paramType = a
params =
let (l', explicitOrInstance, delims') = case l of
ExpressionDoubleBraces i ->
( i ^. doubleBracesExpression,
Just (i ^. doubleBracesDelims . unIrrelevant)
_ -> (l, Explicit, Nothing)
in FunctionParameters
{ _paramNames = [],
_paramDelims = Irrelevant delims',
_paramColon = Irrelevant Nothing,
_paramImplicit = explicitOrInstance,
_paramType = l'
parseExpressionAtoms ::
forall r.
@ -2604,7 +2611,7 @@ parseTerm =
parseDoubleBraces :: Parse Expression
parseDoubleBraces = ExpressionDoubleBraces <$> P.token bracedExpr mempty
bracedExpr :: ExpressionAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe (WithLoc Expression)
bracedExpr :: ExpressionAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe (DoubleBracesExpression 'Scoped)
bracedExpr = \case
AtomDoubleBraces l -> Just l
_ -> Nothing
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromConcrete.NamedArguments.Error
data ScoperError
= ErrInfixParser InfixError
| ErrAppLeftImplicit AppLeftImplicit
| ErrDanglingDoubleBrace DanglingDoubleBrace
| ErrInfixPattern InfixErrorP
| ErrMultipleDeclarations MultipleDeclarations
| ErrImportCycle ImportCycle
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ instance ToGenericError ScoperError where
ErrCaseBranchImplicitPattern e -> genericError e
ErrInfixParser e -> genericError e
ErrAppLeftImplicit e -> genericError e
ErrDanglingDoubleBrace e -> genericError e
ErrInfixPattern e -> genericError e
ErrMultipleDeclarations e -> genericError e
ErrImportCycle e -> genericError e
@ -312,6 +312,34 @@ instance ToGenericError AppLeftImplicit where
<> line
<> "It needs to be the argument of a function expecting an implicit argument."
newtype DanglingDoubleBrace = DanglingDoubleBrace
{ _danglingDoubleBrace :: DoubleBracesExpression 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''DanglingDoubleBrace
instance ToGenericError DanglingDoubleBrace where
genericError e = ask >>= generr
generr opts =
{ _genericErrorLoc = i,
_genericErrorMessage = prettyError msg,
_genericErrorIntervals = [i]
opts' = fromGenericOptions opts
expr = e ^. danglingDoubleBrace
i = getLoc expr
msg =
"The expression"
<+> ppCode opts' expr
<+> "cannot appear by itself."
<> line
<> "It needs to be on the left of a function arrow."
newtype ModuleNotInScope = ModuleNotInScope
{ _moduleNotInScopeName :: Name
@ -612,11 +612,12 @@ expressionAtom =
<|> AtomUniverse <$> universe
<|> AtomLambda <$> lambda
<|> AtomCase <$> case_
<|> either AtomFunction AtomDoubleBraces <$> functionOrDoubleBraces
<|> AtomFunction <$> function
<|> AtomLet <$> letBlock
<|> AtomFunArrow <$> kw kwRightArrow
<|> AtomHole <$> hole
<|> AtomParens <$> parens parseExpressionAtoms
<|> AtomDoubleBraces <$> pdoubleBracesExpression
<|> AtomBraces <$> withLoc (braces parseExpressionAtoms)
<|> AtomRecordUpdate <$> recordUpdate
@ -627,6 +628,19 @@ parseExpressionAtoms = do
(_expressionAtoms, _expressionAtomsLoc) <- second Irrelevant <$> interval (P.some expressionAtom)
return ExpressionAtoms {..}
pdoubleBracesExpression ::
(Members '[InfoTableBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash, NameIdGen] r) =>
ParsecS r (DoubleBracesExpression 'Parsed)
pdoubleBracesExpression = do
l <- kw delimDoubleBraceL
_doubleBracesExpression <- parseExpressionAtoms
r <- kw delimDoubleBraceR
{ _doubleBracesDelims = Irrelevant (l, r),
-- Iterators
@ -919,22 +933,22 @@ functionDefinition _signBuiltin = P.label "<function definition>" $ do
let parseArgumentName :: ParsecS r (Argument 'Parsed) =
ArgumentSymbol <$> symbol
<|> ArgumentWildcard <$> wildcard
let parseArgumentNameColon :: ParsecS r (Argument 'Parsed, Maybe (Irrelevant KeywordRef)) = P.try $ do
let parseArgumentNameColon :: ParsecS r (Argument 'Parsed, Irrelevant KeywordRef) = P.try $ do
n <- parseArgumentName
c <- Just . Irrelevant <$> kw kwColon
c <- Irrelevant <$> kw kwColon
return (n, c)
(ns, c) <- case impl of
ImplicitInstance ->
first NonEmpty.singleton
<$> ( parseArgumentNameColon
<|> return (ArgumentWildcard (Wildcard (getLoc opn)), Nothing)
ImplicitInstance -> do
ma <- optional parseArgumentNameColon
return $ case ma of
Just (ns', c') -> ([ns'], Just c')
Nothing -> ([], Nothing)
Implicit -> do
ns <- some1 parseArgumentName
ns <- some parseArgumentName
c <- optional (Irrelevant <$> kw kwColon)
return (ns, c)
Explicit -> do
ns <- some1 parseArgumentName
ns <- some parseArgumentName
c <- Just . Irrelevant <$> kw kwColon
return (ns, c)
return (opn, ns, impl, c)
@ -1002,8 +1016,8 @@ functionParams = do
(opn, impl) <- implicitOpen
case impl of
ImplicitInstance -> do
n <- optional pNameColon
return (opn, [fromMaybe (FunctionParameterUnnamed (getLoc opn)) n], impl, Irrelevant Nothing)
n <- pName <* kw kwColon
return (opn, [n], impl, Irrelevant Nothing)
_ -> do
n <- some pName
c <- Irrelevant . Just <$> kw kwColon
@ -1018,36 +1032,13 @@ functionParams = do
FunctionParameterName <$> symbol
<|> FunctionParameterWildcard <$> kw kwWildcard
pNameColon :: ParsecS r (FunctionParameter 'Parsed)
pNameColon = P.try $ do
n <- pName
kw kwColon
return n
functionOrDoubleBraces :: (Members '[InfoTableBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash, NameIdGen] r) => ParsecS r (Either (Function 'Parsed) (WithLoc (ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed)))
functionOrDoubleBraces = do
params <- functionParams
(Left <$> function params) <|> (Right <$> atomDoubleBraces params)
function ::
(Members '[InfoTableBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash, NameIdGen] r) =>
FunctionParameters 'Parsed ->
ParsecS r (Function 'Parsed)
function _funParameters = do
function :: (Members '[InfoTableBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash, NameIdGen] r) => ParsecS r (Function 'Parsed)
function = do
_funParameters <- functionParams
_funKw <- kw kwRightArrow
_funReturn <- parseExpressionAtoms
return Function {..}
atomDoubleBraces ::
FunctionParameters 'Parsed ->
ParsecS r (WithLoc (ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed))
atomDoubleBraces FunctionParameters {..}
| _paramImplicit == ImplicitInstance && isNothing (_paramColon ^. unIrrelevant) = do
return $ WithLoc (getLoc _paramType) _paramType
| otherwise = do
off <- P.getOffset
parseFailure off "Expected: ->"
-- Lambda expression
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Builtins
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.NameSignature.Base
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.ScopedName qualified as S
@ -466,29 +465,34 @@ goTopFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
_paramType <- case _sigArgType of
Nothing -> return (Internal.smallUniverseE (getLoc a))
Just ty -> goExpression ty
let _paramImpligoExpressioncit = _sigArgImplicit
mk :: Concrete.Argument 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.FunctionParameter
mk = \case
Concrete.ArgumentSymbol s ->
let _paramName = Just (goSymbol s)
in return Internal.FunctionParameter {..}
Concrete.ArgumentWildcard {} ->
return Internal.FunctionParameter {_paramName = Nothing, ..}
mapM mk _sigArgNames
noName = Internal.FunctionParameter {_paramName = Nothing, ..}
mk :: Concrete.Argument 'Scoped -> Internal.FunctionParameter
mk ma =
let _paramName =
case ma of
Concrete.ArgumentSymbol s -> Just (goSymbol s)
Concrete.ArgumentWildcard {} -> Nothing
in Internal.FunctionParameter {..}
return . fromMaybe (pure noName) $ nonEmpty (mk <$> _sigArgNames)
argToPattern :: SigArg 'Scoped -> Sem r (NonEmpty Internal.PatternArg)
argToPattern SigArg {..} = do
argToPattern arg@SigArg {..} = do
let _patternArgIsImplicit = _sigArgImplicit
_patternArgName :: Maybe Internal.Name = Nothing
noName = goWidlcard (Wildcard (getLoc arg))
goWidlcard w = do
_patternArgPattern <- Internal.PatternVariable <$> varFromWildcard w
return Internal.PatternArg {..}
mk :: Concrete.Argument 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.PatternArg
mk = \case
Concrete.ArgumentSymbol s ->
let _patternArgPattern = Internal.PatternVariable (goSymbol s)
in return Internal.PatternArg {..}
Concrete.ArgumentWildcard w -> do
_patternArgPattern <- Internal.PatternVariable <$> varFromWildcard w
return Internal.PatternArg {..}
mapM mk _sigArgNames
Concrete.ArgumentWildcard w -> goWidlcard w
maybe (pure <$> noName) (mapM mk) (nonEmpty _sigArgNames)
goExamples ::
forall r.
@ -745,7 +749,7 @@ goExpression = \case
ExpressionLiteral l -> return (Internal.ExpressionLiteral (goLiteral l))
ExpressionLambda l -> Internal.ExpressionLambda <$> goLambda l
ExpressionBraces b -> throw (ErrAppLeftImplicit (AppLeftImplicit b))
ExpressionDoubleBraces b -> throw (ErrAppLeftImplicit (AppLeftImplicit b))
ExpressionDoubleBraces b -> throw (ErrDanglingDoubleBrace (DanglingDoubleBrace b))
ExpressionLet l -> goLet l
ExpressionList l -> goList l
ExpressionUniverse uni -> return (Internal.ExpressionUniverse (goUniverse uni))
@ -889,7 +893,7 @@ goExpression = \case
(r, i) = case arg of
ExpressionBraces b -> (b ^. withLocParam, Implicit)
ExpressionDoubleBraces b -> (b ^. withLocParam, ImplicitInstance)
ExpressionDoubleBraces b -> (b ^. doubleBracesExpression, ImplicitInstance)
_ -> (arg, Explicit)
goPostfix :: PostfixApplication -> Sem r Internal.Application
@ -968,11 +972,13 @@ goUniverse u
goFunction :: (Members '[Builtins, NameIdGen, Error ScoperError, Reader Pragmas] r) => Function 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.Function
goFunction f = do
params <- goFunctionParameters (f ^. funParameters)
headParam :| tailParams <- goFunctionParameters (f ^. funParameters)
ret <- goExpression (f ^. funReturn)
return $
Internal.Function (head params) $
foldr (\param acc -> Internal.ExpressionFunction $ Internal.Function param acc) ret (NonEmpty.tail params)
{ _functionLeft = headParam,
_functionRight = foldr (\param acc -> Internal.ExpressionFunction $ Internal.Function param acc) ret tailParams
goFunctionParameters ::
(Members '[Builtins, NameIdGen, Error ScoperError, Reader Pragmas] r) =>
@ -997,7 +1003,6 @@ goFunctionParameters FunctionParameters {..} = do
goFunctionParameter = \case
FunctionParameterName n -> Just n
FunctionParameterWildcard {} -> Nothing
FunctionParameterUnnamed {} -> Nothing
mkConstructorApp :: Internal.ConstrName -> [Internal.PatternArg] -> Internal.ConstructorApp
mkConstructorApp a b = Internal.ConstructorApp a b Nothing
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.NameSignature.Base
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Gen qualified as Gen
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Keywords
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping.Error
import Juvix.Prelude
@ -130,14 +132,14 @@ helper loc = do
missingErr :: NonEmpty Symbol -> Sem r ()
missingErr = throw . ErrMissingArguments . MissingArguments loc
emitImplicit' ::
emitImplicitHelper ::
(WithLoc Expression -> Expression) ->
(HoleType 'Scoped -> Expression) ->
Bool ->
HashMap Symbol Int ->
IntMap Expression ->
Sem r ()
emitImplicit' exprBraces exprHole lastBlock omittedArgs args = go 0 (IntMap.toAscList args)
emitImplicitHelper exprBraces exprHole lastBlock omittedArgs args = go 0 (IntMap.toAscList args)
go :: Int -> [(Int, Expression)] -> Sem r ()
go n = \case
@ -156,10 +158,21 @@ helper loc = do
maxIx = fmap maximum1 . nonEmpty . toList $ omittedArgs
emitImplicit :: Bool -> HashMap Symbol Int -> IntMap Expression -> Sem r ()
emitImplicit = emitImplicit' ExpressionBraces ExpressionHole
emitImplicit = emitImplicitHelper ExpressionBraces ExpressionHole
emitImplicitInstance :: Bool -> HashMap Symbol Int -> IntMap Expression -> Sem r ()
emitImplicitInstance = emitImplicit' ExpressionDoubleBraces ExpressionInstanceHole
emitImplicitInstance = emitImplicitHelper mkDoubleBraces ExpressionInstanceHole
mkDoubleBraces :: WithLoc Expression -> Expression
mkDoubleBraces (WithLoc eloc e) = run . runReader eloc $ do
l <- Gen.kw delimDoubleBraceL
r <- Gen.kw delimDoubleBraceR
return $
{ _doubleBracesExpression = e,
_doubleBracesDelims = Irrelevant (l, r)
scanGroup ::
IsImplicit ->
@ -329,5 +329,12 @@ scoperErrorTests =
$(mkRelFile "AliasCycle.juvix")
$ \case
ErrAliasCycle {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Dangling double brace"
$(mkRelDir "Internal")
$(mkRelFile "DanglingDoubleBrace.juvix")
$ \case
ErrDanglingDoubleBrace {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module DanglingDoubleBrace;
id {A} : A -> {{A}} := A;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ hiding -- Hide some names
{-- like this
,; -- don't want , here
-- Bool either
Bool; true; false};
Bool; true; false; mkShow};
import Stdlib.Data.Nat.Ord open;
@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ module Patterns;
| (a, b, c, d) := a;
import Stdlib.Prelude open using {Nat as Natural};
module UnicodeStrings;
a : String := "λ";
@ -237,4 +235,54 @@ module Comments;
type list (A : Type) : Type := cons A (list A);
--- Traits
module Traits;
import Stdlib.Prelude open hiding {Show; mkShow; show};
type Show A := mkShow {show : A → String};
showStringI : Show String := mkShow (show := id);
showBoolI : Show Bool :=
mkShow (show := λ {x := if x "true" "false"});
showNatI : Show Nat := mkShow (show := natToString);
showList {A} : {{Show A}} → List A → String
| nil := "nil"
| (h :: t) := Show.show h ++str " :: " ++str showList t;
g : {A : Type} → {{Show A}} → Nat := 5;
showListI {A} {{Show A}} : Show (List A) :=
mkShow (show := showList);
showMaybe {A} {{Show A}} : Maybe A → String
| (just x) := "just (" ++str Show.show x ++str ")"
| nothing := "nothing";
showMaybeI {A} {{Show A}} : Show (Maybe A) :=
mkShow (show := showMaybe);
f {A} {{Show A}} : A → String
| x := Show.show x;
f' {A} : {{Show A}} → A → String
| {{mkShow s}} x := s x;
f'' {A} : {{Show A}} → A → String
| {{M}} x := Show.show {{M}} x;
f'3 {A} {{M : Show A}} : A → String := Show.show {{M}};
f'4 {A} {{_ : Show A}} : A → String := Show.show;
-- Comment at the end of a module
Reference in New Issue
Block a user