mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 09:41:10 +03:00
Add FileExt type (#2467)
This PR introduces FileExt type, and consequently, one can generalise methods and matches based on the file extension; for example, `parseInputJuvixAsmFile` is now an app. `parseInputFile FileExtJuvixAsm`
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ parseMainCompileOptions :: Parser CompileOptions
parseMainCompileOptions =
(parseInputFile FileExtJuvix)
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ parseAsmCompileOptions :: Parser AsmCompileOptions
parseAsmCompileOptions =
(parseInputFile FileExtJuvixAsm)
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ parseAsmRunOptions = do
( long "no-validate"
<> help "Don't validate the input before running"
_asmRunInputFile <- parseInputJuvixAsmFile
_asmRunInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixAsm
pure AsmRunOptions {..}
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ makeLenses ''AsmValidateOptions
parseAsmValidateOptions :: Parser AsmValidateOptions
parseAsmValidateOptions = do
_asmValidateInputFile <- parseInputJuvixAsmFile
_asmValidateInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixAsm
_asmValidateNoPrint <-
( long "no-print"
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ parseCoreAsmOptions = do
( long "print"
<> help "print the generated JuvixAsm code instead of running it"
_coreAsmInputFile <- parseInputJuvixCoreFile
_coreAsmInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixCore
pure CoreAsmOptions {..}
@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ parseCoreCompileOptions :: Parser CoreCompileOptions
parseCoreCompileOptions =
(parseInputFile FileExtJuvixAsm)
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ parseCoreEvalOptions = do
_coreEvalNoIO <-
( long "no-io"
<> help "Don't interpret the IO effects"
<> help "Do not interpret the IO effects"
_coreEvalShowDeBruijn <- optDeBruijn
_coreEvalShowIdentIds <- optIdentIds
_coreEvalShowArgsNum <- optArgsNum
_coreEvalNoDisambiguate <- optNoDisambiguate
_coreEvalInputFile <- parseInputJuvixCoreFile
_coreEvalInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixCore
pure CoreEvalOptions {..}
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ parseCoreFromConcreteOptions = do
( long "no-io"
<> help "Don't interpret the IO effects"
_coreFromConcreteInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_coreFromConcreteInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixCore
_coreFromConcreteSymbolName <-
optional $
@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ parseCoreNormalizeOptions = do
_coreNormalizeShowIdentIds <- optIdentIds
_coreNormalizeShowArgsNum <- optArgsNum
_coreNormalizeNoDisambiguate <- optNoDisambiguate
_coreNormalizeInputFile <- parseInputJuvixCoreFile
_coreNormalizeInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixCore
pure CoreNormalizeOptions {..}
@ -71,5 +71,5 @@ parseCoreReadOptions = do
<> help "normalize after the transformation"
_coreReadTransformations <- optTransformationIds
_coreReadInputFile <- parseInputJuvixCoreFile
_coreReadInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixCore
pure CoreReadOptions {..}
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ parseCoreStripOptions = do
( long "no-print"
<> help "do not print the stripped code"
_coreStripInputFile <- parseInputJuvixCoreFile
_coreStripInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvixCore
pure CoreStripOptions {..}
@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ parseRoot = do
<> help "print the juvix.yaml file as parsed"
_rootMainFile <- optional parseInputJuvixFile
_rootMainFile <- optional (parseInputFile FileExtJuvix)
pure RootOptions {..}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Commands.Dev.Geb.Eval.Options where
import CommonOptions
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Evaluator qualified as Geb
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Pretty qualified as Geb
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ instance CanonicalProjection GebEvalOptions Geb.Options where
parseGebEvalOptions :: Parser GebEvalOptions
parseGebEvalOptions = do
_gebEvalOptionsInputFile <- parseInputJuvixGebFile
_gebEvalOptionsInputFile <- parseInputFiles (NonEmpty.fromList [FileExtJuvixGeb, FileExtLisp])
_gebEvalOptionsOutputMorphism <- optOutputMorphism
pure GebEvalOptions {..}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Commands.Dev.Geb.Infer.Options where
import CommonOptions
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Pretty qualified as Geb
newtype GebInferOptions = GebInferOptions
@ -15,5 +16,5 @@ instance CanonicalProjection GebInferOptions Geb.Options where
parseGebInferOptions :: Parser GebInferOptions
parseGebInferOptions = do
_gebInferOptionsInputFile <- parseInputJuvixGebFile
_gebInferOptionsInputFile <- parseInputFiles (NonEmpty.fromList [FileExtJuvixGeb, FileExtLisp])
pure GebInferOptions {..}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Commands.Dev.Geb.Read.Options where
import CommonOptions
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Pretty qualified as Geb
newtype GebReadOptions = GebReadOptions
@ -15,5 +16,6 @@ instance CanonicalProjection GebReadOptions Geb.Options where
parseGebReadOptions :: Parser GebReadOptions
parseGebReadOptions = do
_gebReadOptionsInputFile <- parseInputJuvixGebFile
_gebReadOptionsInputFile <-
parseInputFiles (NonEmpty.fromList [FileExtJuvixGeb, FileExtLisp])
pure GebReadOptions {..}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ parseHighlight = do
<> completeWith (map show allBackends)
_highlightInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_highlightInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure HighlightOptions {..}
allBackends :: [HighlightBackend]
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ makeLenses ''InternalArityOptions
parseInternalArity :: Parser InternalArityOptions
parseInternalArity = do
_internalArityInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_internalArityInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure InternalArityOptions {..}
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ makeLenses ''InternalPrettyOptions
parseInternalPretty :: Parser InternalPrettyOptions
parseInternalPretty = do
_internalPrettyInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_internalPrettyInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure InternalPrettyOptions {..}
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ makeLenses ''InternalReachabilityOptions
parseInternalReachability :: Parser InternalReachabilityOptions
parseInternalReachability = do
_internalReachabilityInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_internalReachabilityInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure InternalReachabilityOptions {..}
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ parseInternalType = do
( long "print-result"
<> help "Print the type checked module if successful"
_internalTypeInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_internalTypeInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure InternalTypeOptions {..}
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ runCommand :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => ParseOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand opts = do
m <-
head . (^. Parser.resultModules)
<$> runPipeline (opts ^. parseInputFile) upToParsing
if opts ^. parseNoPrettyShow then say (show m) else say (pack (ppShow m))
<$> runPipeline (opts ^. parseOptionsInputFile) upToParsing
if opts ^. parseOptionsNoPrettyShow then say (show m) else say (pack (ppShow m))
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Commands.Dev.Parse.Options where
import CommonOptions
data ParseOptions = ParseOptions
{ _parseNoPrettyShow :: Bool,
_parseInputFile :: AppPath File
{ _parseOptionsNoPrettyShow :: Bool,
_parseOptionsInputFile :: AppPath File
deriving stock (Data)
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ makeLenses ''ParseOptions
parseParse :: Parser ParseOptions
parseParse = do
_parseNoPrettyShow <-
_parseOptionsNoPrettyShow <-
( long "no-pretty-show"
<> help "Disable formatting of the Haskell AST"
_parseInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_parseOptionsInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure ParseOptions {..}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ parseDevRepl :: Parser ReplOptions
parseDevRepl = do
let _replPrintValues = False
_replIsDev = True
_replInputFile <- optional parseInputJuvixFile
_replInputFile <- optional (parseInputFile FileExtJuvix)
_replTransformations <- do
ts <- optTransformationIds
pure $
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ parseRuntimeOptions :: Parser CompileOptions
parseRuntimeOptions =
(parseInputFile FileExtJuvix)
parseRuntimeCommand :: Parser RuntimeCommand
parseRuntimeCommand =
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ parseScope = do
( long "list-comments"
<> help "List the user comments"
_scopeInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_scopeInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure ScopeOptions {..}
instance CanonicalProjection (GlobalOptions, ScopeOptions) Scoper.Options where
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ parseCallGraph = do
<> short 'f'
<> help "Only shows the specified function"
_graphInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_graphInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure CallGraphOptions {..}
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ parseCalls = do
<> value Internal.ArgRel
<> help "possible values: argument, relation, both"
_callsInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_callsInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure CallsOptions {..}
decrArgsParser :: ReadM Internal.ShowDecrArgs
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ instance CanonicalProjection EvalOptions Eval.EvalOptions where
parseEvalOptions :: Parser EvalOptions
parseEvalOptions = do
_evalInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_evalInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
_evalSymbolName <-
optional $
@ -86,26 +86,26 @@ outputFile opts inputFile =
return $ case opts ^. compileTarget of
TargetNative64 ->
| opts ^. compileCOutput -> replaceExtension' ".c" inputFile
| opts ^. compilePreprocess -> addExtension' ".c" (addExtension' ".out" (removeExtension' inputFile))
| opts ^. compileCOutput -> replaceExtension' cFileExt inputFile
| opts ^. compilePreprocess -> addExtension' cFileExt (addExtension' ".out" (removeExtension' inputFile))
| opts ^. compileAssembly -> replaceExtension' ".s" inputFile
| otherwise -> removeExtension' baseOutputFile
TargetWasm32Wasi ->
| opts ^. compileCOutput -> replaceExtension' ".c" inputFile
| opts ^. compilePreprocess -> addExtension' ".c" (addExtension' ".out" (removeExtension' inputFile))
| opts ^. compileCOutput -> replaceExtension' cFileExt inputFile
| opts ^. compilePreprocess -> addExtension' cFileExt (addExtension' ".out" (removeExtension' inputFile))
| opts ^. compileAssembly -> replaceExtension' ".wat" inputFile
| otherwise -> replaceExtension' ".wasm" baseOutputFile
TargetGeb ->
| opts ^. compileTerm -> replaceExtension' ".geb" inputFile
| otherwise -> replaceExtension' ".lisp" baseOutputFile
| opts ^. compileTerm -> replaceExtension' juvixGebFileExt inputFile
| otherwise -> replaceExtension' lispFileExt baseOutputFile
TargetVampIR ->
replaceExtension' ".pir" baseOutputFile
replaceExtension' vampIRFileExt baseOutputFile
TargetCore ->
replaceExtension' ".jvc" baseOutputFile
replaceExtension' juvixCoreFileExt baseOutputFile
TargetAsm ->
replaceExtension' ".jva" baseOutputFile
replaceExtension' juvixAsmFileExt baseOutputFile
clangNativeCompile ::
forall r.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ parseCompileOptions ::
SupportedTargets ->
Parser (AppPath File) ->
Parser CompileOptions
parseCompileOptions supportedTargets parseInputFile = do
parseCompileOptions supportedTargets parserFile = do
_compileDebug <-
( short 'g'
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ parseCompileOptions supportedTargets parseInputFile = do
_compileTarget <- optCompileTarget supportedTargets
_compileOutputFile <- optional parseGenericOutputFile
_compileInputFile <- optional parseInputFile
_compileInputFile <- optional parserFile
pure CompileOptions {..}
optCompileTarget :: SupportedTargets -> Parser CompileTarget
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ parseInputJuvixFileOrDir :: Parser (Prepath FileOrDir)
parseInputJuvixFileOrDir =
<> help "Path to a .juvix file or to a directory containing a Juvix project."
<> completer juvixCompleter
<> help ("Path to a " <> show FileExtJuvix <> " file or to a directory containing a Juvix project.")
<> completer (extCompleter FileExtJuvix)
<> action "directory"
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ parseHtml = do
( long "open"
<> help "Open the documentation after generating it"
_htmlInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_htmlInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure HtmlOptions {..}
allThemes :: [Theme]
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ parseRepl = do
_replNoDisambiguate = False
_replPrintValues = True
_replIsDev = False
_replInputFile <- optional parseInputJuvixFile
_replInputFile <- optional (parseInputFile FileExtJuvix)
_replNoPrelude <-
( long "no-prelude"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ makeLenses ''TypecheckOptions
parseTypecheck :: Parser TypecheckOptions
parseTypecheck = do
_typecheckInputFile <- parseInputJuvixFile
_typecheckInputFile <- parseInputFile FileExtJuvix
pure TypecheckOptions {..}
instance CanonicalProjection TypecheckOptions Internal.InternalTypeOptions where
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ module CommonOptions
import Control.Exception qualified as GHC
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Data.TransformationId.Parser
import Juvix.Data.FileExt
import Juvix.Prelude
import Options.Applicative
import System.Process
@ -26,61 +28,25 @@ makeLenses ''AppPath
instance Show (AppPath f) where
show = Prelude.show . (^. pathPath)
parseInputJuvixFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputJuvixFile = do
parseInputFiles :: NonEmpty FileExt -> Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputFiles exts' = do
let exts = NonEmpty.toList exts'
mvars = intercalate "|" (map toMetavar exts)
dotExts = intercalate ", " (map Prelude.show exts)
helpMsg = "Path to a " <> dotExts <> " file"
completers = foldMap (completer . extCompleter) exts
_pathPath <-
( metavar "JUVIX_FILE"
<> help "Path to a .juvix file"
<> completer juvixCompleter
( metavar mvars
<> help helpMsg
<> completers
<> action "file"
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = True, ..}
parseInputJuvixCoreFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputJuvixCoreFile = do
_pathPath <-
( metavar "JUVIX_CORE_FILE"
<> help "Path to a .jvc file"
<> completer juvixCoreCompleter
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = True, ..}
parseInputJuvixGebFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputJuvixGebFile = do
_pathPath <-
( metavar "JUVIX_GEB_FILE"
<> help "Path to a .geb or custom .lisp file"
<> completer juvixGebCompleter
<> completer juvixGebLispCompleter
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = True, ..}
parseInputJuvixAsmFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputJuvixAsmFile = do
_pathPath <-
( metavar "JUVIX_ASM_FILE"
<> help "Path to a .jva file"
<> completer juvixAsmCompleter
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = True, ..}
parseInputCFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputCFile = do
_pathPath <-
( metavar "C_FILE"
<> help "Path to a .c file"
<> completer juvixCCompleter
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = True, ..}
parseInputFile :: FileExt -> Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputFile = parseInputFiles . NonEmpty.singleton
parseGenericInputFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseGenericInputFile = do
@ -143,30 +109,12 @@ naturalNumberOpt = eitherReader aux
aux :: String -> Either String Word
aux s = maybe (Left $ s <> " is not a nonnegative number") Right (readMaybe s :: Maybe Word)
extCompleter :: String -> Completer
extCompleter :: FileExt -> Completer
extCompleter ext = mkCompleter $ \word -> do
let cmd = unwords ["compgen", "-o", "plusdirs", "-f", "-X", "!*." <> ext, "--", requote word]
let cmd = unwords ["compgen", "-o", "plusdirs", "-f", "-X", "!*" <> Prelude.show ext, "--", requote word]
result <- GHC.try @GHC.SomeException $ readProcess "bash" ["-c", cmd] ""
return . lines . fromRight [] $ result
juvixCompleter :: Completer
juvixCompleter = extCompleter "juvix"
juvixCoreCompleter :: Completer
juvixCoreCompleter = extCompleter "jvc"
juvixGebLispCompleter :: Completer
juvixGebLispCompleter = extCompleter "lisp"
juvixGebCompleter :: Completer
juvixGebCompleter = extCompleter "geb"
juvixAsmCompleter :: Completer
juvixAsmCompleter = extCompleter "jva"
juvixCCompleter :: Completer
juvixCCompleter = extCompleter "c"
requote :: String -> String
requote s =
let -- Bash doesn't appear to allow "mixed" escaping
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ where
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Keywords
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Language qualified as Geb
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Translation.FromSource.Lexer
import Juvix.Data.FileExt
import Juvix.Parser.Error
import Juvix.Prelude
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ vampIRDefs bits unsafe =
<> ";\n\n"
<> if
| unsafe ->
UTF8.toString $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/src/vampir/stdlib_unsafe.pir" >>= FE.embedFile)
UTF8.toString $(FE.makeRelativeToProject ("runtime/src/vampir/stdlib_unsafe" <> vampIRFileExt) >>= FE.embedFile)
| otherwise ->
UTF8.toString $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/src/vampir/stdlib.pir" >>= FE.embedFile)
UTF8.toString $(FE.makeRelativeToProject ("runtime/src/vampir/stdlib" <> vampIRFileExt) >>= FE.embedFile)
-- helper functions
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.Name
import Juvix.Prelude
topModulePathToRelativePath' :: TopModulePath -> Path Rel File
topModulePathToRelativePath' = topModulePathToRelativePath ".juvix" "" (</>)
topModulePathToRelativePath' =
topModulePathToRelativePath (show FileExtJuvix) "" (</>)
topModulePathToRelativePath :: String -> String -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath) -> TopModulePath -> Path Rel File
topModulePathToRelativePath ext suffix joinpath mp = relFile relFilePath
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Juvix.Data
( module Juvix.Data.Effect,
module Juvix.Data.Error,
module Juvix.Data.Fixity,
module Juvix.Data.FileExt,
module Juvix.Data.Hole,
module Juvix.Data.IsImplicit,
module Juvix.Data.Loc,
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import Juvix.Data.Comment
import Juvix.Data.DependencyInfo
import Juvix.Data.Effect
import Juvix.Data.Error
import Juvix.Data.FileExt
import Juvix.Data.Fixity
import Juvix.Data.Hole
import Juvix.Data.Irrelevant
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
module Juvix.Data.FileExt where
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Path
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
import Prelude (show)
-- | File extensions Juvix interacts with.
data FileExt
= FileExtJuvix
| FileExtJuvixMarkdown
| FileExtJuvixGeb
| FileExtJuvixCore
| FileExtJuvixAsm
| FileExtVampIR
| FileExtVampIRParams
| FileExtPlonk
| FileExtHalo
| FileExtLisp
| FileExtC
| FileExtMarkdown
| FileExtHtml
| FileExtCss
deriving stock (Eq)
juvixFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
juvixFileExt = ".juvix"
juvixMarkdownFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
juvixMarkdownFileExt = ".juvix.md"
juvixGebFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
juvixGebFileExt = ".geb"
juvixCoreFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
juvixCoreFileExt = ".jvc"
juvixAsmFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
juvixAsmFileExt = ".jva"
vampIRFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
vampIRFileExt = ".pir"
vampIRParamsFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
vampIRParamsFileExt = ".pp"
plonkFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
plonkFileExt = ".plonk"
haloFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
haloFileExt = ".halo2"
lispFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
lispFileExt = ".lisp"
htmlFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
htmlFileExt = ".html"
markdownFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
markdownFileExt = ".md"
cFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
cFileExt = ".c"
cssFileExt :: (IsString a) => a
cssFileExt = ".css"
fileExtToText :: FileExt -> Text
fileExtToText = \case
FileExtJuvix -> juvixFileExt
FileExtJuvixMarkdown -> juvixMarkdownFileExt
FileExtJuvixGeb -> juvixGebFileExt
FileExtJuvixCore -> juvixCoreFileExt
FileExtJuvixAsm -> juvixAsmFileExt
FileExtVampIR -> vampIRFileExt
FileExtVampIRParams -> vampIRParamsFileExt
FileExtPlonk -> plonkFileExt
FileExtHalo -> haloFileExt
FileExtLisp -> lispFileExt
FileExtC -> cFileExt
FileExtMarkdown -> markdownFileExt
FileExtHtml -> htmlFileExt
FileExtCss -> cssFileExt
toMetavar :: FileExt -> String
toMetavar = \case
FileExtJuvix -> "JUVIX_FILE"
FileExtJuvixMarkdown -> "JUVIX_MARKDOWN_FILE"
FileExtJuvixGeb -> "JUVIX_GEB_FILE"
FileExtJuvixCore -> "JUVIX_CORE_FILE"
FileExtJuvixAsm -> "JUVIX_ASM_FILE"
FileExtVampIR -> "VAMPIR_FILE"
FileExtPlonk -> "PLONK_FILE"
FileExtHalo -> "HALO_FILE"
FileExtLisp -> "LISP_FILE"
FileExtC -> "C_FILE"
FileExtMarkdown -> "MARKDOWN_FILE"
FileExtHtml -> "HTML_FILE"
FileExtCss -> "CSS_FILE"
instance Show FileExt where
show = Text.unpack . fileExtToText
instance Pretty FileExt where
pretty = pretty . fileExtToText
isJuvixFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isJuvixFile = (== Just juvixFileExt) . fileExtension
isJuvixMarkdownFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isJuvixMarkdownFile p = case splitExtension p of
Just (f, ext) -> ext == juvixMarkdownFileExt && isJuvixFile f
_ -> False
isJuvixGebFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isJuvixGebFile = (== Just juvixGebFileExt) . fileExtension
isJuvixCoreFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isJuvixCoreFile = (== Just juvixCoreFileExt) . fileExtension
isVampIRFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isVampIRFile = (== Just vampIRFileExt) . fileExtension
isVampIRParamsFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isVampIRParamsFile = (== Just vampIRParamsFileExt) . fileExtension
isPlonkFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isPlonkFile = (== Just plonkFileExt) . fileExtension
isHaloFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isHaloFile = (== Just haloFileExt) . fileExtension
isJuvixAsmFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isJuvixAsmFile = (== Just juvixAsmFileExt) . fileExtension
isLispFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isLispFile = (== Just lispFileExt) . fileExtension
isMarkdownFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isMarkdownFile = (== Just markdownFileExt) . fileExtension
isCFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isCFile = (== Just cFileExt) . fileExtension
isHtmlFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isHtmlFile = (== Just htmlFileExt) . fileExtension
isCssFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isCssFile = (== Just cssFileExt) . fileExtension
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Data.FileExt
import Juvix.Extra.Paths.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Path
@ -40,4 +41,4 @@ formatStdinPath :: Path Abs File
formatStdinPath = $(mkAbsFile "/format-stdin")
gebReplPath :: Path Abs File
gebReplPath = $(mkAbsFile "/repl.geb")
gebReplPath = $(mkAbsFile ("/repl" <> juvixGebFileExt))
@ -64,15 +64,6 @@ destructAbsFile x = (root, dirs, filename x)
(root, dirs) = destructAbsDir (parent x)
isJuvixFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isJuvixFile = (== Just ".juvix") . fileExtension
isJuvixGebFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isJuvixGebFile = (== Just ".geb") . fileExtension
isLispFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isLispFile = (== Just ".lisp") . fileExtension
isHiddenDirectory :: Path b Dir -> Bool
isHiddenDirectory p
| toFilePath p == relRootFP = False
Reference in New Issue
Block a user