mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 00:04:58 +03:00
Refactor childs of pattern parentheses and braces (#1398)
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ type family PatternType s = res | res -> s where
PatternType 'Parsed = PatternAtom 'Parsed
PatternType 'Scoped = PatternArg
type PatternParensType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family PatternParensType s = res | res -> s where
PatternParensType 'Parsed = PatternAtoms 'Parsed
PatternParensType 'Scoped = PatternArg
type family ImportType (s :: Stage) :: GHC.Type where
ImportType 'Parsed = TopModulePath
ImportType 'Scoped = Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop
@ -294,7 +299,7 @@ data Pattern
| PatternInfixApplication PatternInfixApp
| PatternPostfixApplication PatternPostfixApp
| PatternWildcard Wildcard
| PatternEmpty
| PatternEmpty Interval
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
@ -305,7 +310,7 @@ instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
PatternInfixApplication a -> Aggregate (getFixity a)
PatternPostfixApplication p -> Aggregate (getFixity p)
PatternWildcard {} -> Atom
PatternEmpty -> Atom
PatternEmpty {} -> Atom
-- Pattern section
@ -319,9 +324,9 @@ data PatternScopedIden
data PatternAtom (s :: Stage)
= PatternAtomIden (PatternAtomIdenType s)
| PatternAtomWildcard Wildcard
| PatternAtomEmpty
| PatternAtomParens (PatternAtoms s)
| PatternAtomBraces (PatternAtoms s)
| PatternAtomEmpty Interval
| PatternAtomParens (PatternParensType s)
| PatternAtomBraces (PatternParensType s)
data PatternAtoms (s :: Stage) = PatternAtoms
{ _patternAtoms :: NonEmpty (PatternAtom s),
@ -924,6 +929,7 @@ deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Show (PatternParensType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
Show (PatternAtom s)
@ -932,6 +938,7 @@ deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Eq (PatternParensType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
Eq (PatternAtom s)
@ -940,6 +947,7 @@ deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Ord (PatternParensType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
Ord (PatternAtom s)
@ -948,17 +956,65 @@ deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Show (PatternParensType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
Show (PatternAtoms s)
instance HasLoc PatternScopedIden where
getLoc = \case
PatternScopedVar v -> getLoc v
PatternScopedConstructor c -> getLoc c
instance SingI s => HasLoc (PatternAtom s) where
getLoc = \case
PatternAtomIden i -> getLocIden i
PatternAtomWildcard w -> getLoc w
PatternAtomEmpty i -> i
PatternAtomParens p -> getLocParens p
PatternAtomBraces p -> getLocParens p
getLocIden :: forall r. SingI r => PatternAtomIdenType r -> Interval
getLocIden p = case sing :: SStage r of
SParsed -> getLoc p
SScoped -> getLoc p
getLocParens :: forall r. SingI r => PatternParensType r -> Interval
getLocParens p =
case sing :: SStage r of
SParsed -> getLoc p
SScoped -> getLoc p
instance HasLoc (PatternAtoms s) where
getLoc = (^. patternAtomsLoc)
instance HasLoc PatternArg where
getLoc = getLoc . (^. patternArgPattern)
instance HasLoc PatternInfixApp where
getLoc (PatternInfixApp l _ r) =
getLoc l <> getLoc r
instance HasLoc PatternPostfixApp where
getLoc (PatternPostfixApp l _) = getLoc l
instance HasLoc PatternApp where
getLoc (PatternApp l r) = getLoc l <> getLoc r
instance HasLoc Pattern where
getLoc = \case
PatternVariable v -> getLoc v
PatternConstructor c -> getLoc c
PatternApplication a -> getLoc a
PatternWildcard w -> getLoc w
PatternEmpty i -> i
PatternInfixApplication i -> getLoc i
PatternPostfixApplication i -> getLoc i
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Eq (PatternParensType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
Eq (PatternAtoms s)
@ -969,6 +1025,7 @@ instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Ord (PatternParensType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
Ord (PatternAtoms s)
@ -90,3 +90,6 @@ instance Ord (RefNameType s) => Ord (ConstructorRef' s) where
instance Show (RefNameType s) => Show (ConstructorRef' s) where
show = show . (^. constructorRefName)
instance HasLoc (ConstructorRef' 'S.Concrete) where
getLoc (ConstructorRef' c) = getLoc c
@ -660,15 +660,20 @@ instance PrettyCode PatternArg where
p <- ppCode (a ^. patternArgPattern)
return (bracesIf (Implicit == a ^. patternArgIsImplicit) p)
ppPatternParenType :: forall s r. (SingI s, Member (Reader Options) r) => PatternParensType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternParenType p = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode p
SScoped -> ppCode p
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (PatternAtom s) where
ppCode a = case a of
PatternAtomIden n -> case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode n
SScoped -> ppCode n
PatternAtomWildcard {} -> return kwWildcard
PatternAtomEmpty -> return $ parens mempty
PatternAtomParens p -> parens <$> ppCode p
PatternAtomBraces p -> braces <$> ppCode p
PatternAtomEmpty {} -> return $ parens mempty
PatternAtomParens p -> parens <$> ppPatternParenType p
PatternAtomBraces p -> braces <$> ppPatternParenType p
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (PatternAtoms s) where
ppCode (PatternAtoms ps _) = hsep . toList <$> mapM ppCode ps
@ -757,7 +762,7 @@ instance PrettyCode Pattern where
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity r
return $ l' <+> r'
PatternWildcard {} -> return kwWildcard
PatternEmpty -> return $ parens mempty
PatternEmpty {} -> return $ parens mempty
PatternConstructor constr -> ppCode constr
PatternInfixApplication i -> ppPatternInfixApp i
PatternPostfixApplication i -> ppPatternPostfixApp i
@ -1130,10 +1130,10 @@ checkPatternAtom ::
Sem r (PatternAtom 'Scoped)
checkPatternAtom p = case p of
PatternAtomWildcard i -> return (PatternAtomWildcard i)
PatternAtomEmpty -> return PatternAtomEmpty
PatternAtomParens e -> PatternAtomParens <$> checkPatternAtoms e
PatternAtomEmpty i -> return (PatternAtomEmpty i)
PatternAtomParens e -> PatternAtomParens <$> (checkPatternAtoms e >>= parsePatternAtoms)
PatternAtomIden n -> PatternAtomIden <$> checkPatternName n
PatternAtomBraces n -> PatternAtomBraces <$> checkPatternAtoms n
PatternAtomBraces n -> PatternAtomBraces <$> (checkPatternAtoms n >>= parsePatternAtoms)
checkName ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope, Reader LocalVars, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
@ -1423,8 +1423,8 @@ parseTerm =
type ParsePat = P.Parsec () [PatternAtom 'Scoped]
makePatternTable ::
PatternAtom 'Scoped -> [[P.Operator ParsePat PatternArg]]
makePatternTable atom = [appOp] : operators
PatternAtoms 'Scoped -> [[P.Operator ParsePat PatternArg]]
makePatternTable (PatternAtoms latoms _) = [appOp] : operators
getConstructorRef :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe ConstructorRef
getConstructorRef s = case s of
@ -1432,11 +1432,13 @@ makePatternTable atom = [appOp] : operators
PatternScopedConstructor r -> Just r
PatternScopedVar {} -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
operators = mkSymbolTable constructorRefs
constructorRefs :: [ConstructorRef]
constructorRefs = case atom of
PatternAtomParens (PatternAtoms atoms _) -> mapMaybe getConstructorRef (toList atoms)
_ -> []
operators = mkSymbolTable (mapMaybe constructorRefs (toList latoms))
constructorRefs :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe ConstructorRef
constructorRefs = \case
PatternAtomIden i -> case i of
PatternScopedConstructor c -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
mkSymbolTable :: [ConstructorRef] -> [[P.Operator ParsePat PatternArg]]
mkSymbolTable = reverse . map (map snd) . groupSortOn' fst . mapMaybe unqualifiedSymbolOp
@ -1492,15 +1494,14 @@ implicitP = PatternArg Implicit
parsePatternTerm ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader (ParsePat PatternArg), Embed ParsePat] r =>
Members '[Embed ParsePat] r =>
Sem r PatternArg
parsePatternTerm = do
pPat <- ask
embed @ParsePat $
<|> parseVariable
<|> parseParens pPat
<|> parseBraces pPat
<|> parseParens
<|> parseBraces
<|> parseWildcard
<|> parseEmpty
@ -1526,12 +1527,12 @@ parsePatternTerm = do
_ -> Nothing
parseEmpty :: ParsePat PatternArg
parseEmpty = explicitP PatternEmpty <$ P.satisfy isEmpty
parseEmpty = explicitP . PatternEmpty <$> P.token isEmpty mempty
isEmpty :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Bool
isEmpty :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe Interval
isEmpty s = case s of
PatternAtomEmpty -> True
_ -> False
PatternAtomEmpty i -> Just i
_ -> Nothing
parseVariable :: ParsePat PatternArg
parseVariable = explicitP . PatternVariable <$> P.token var mempty
@ -1541,31 +1542,20 @@ parsePatternTerm = do
PatternAtomIden (PatternScopedVar sym) -> Just sym
_ -> Nothing
parseBraces :: ParsePat PatternArg -> ParsePat PatternArg
parseBraces patternParser = do
exprs <- P.token bracesPat mempty
case P.parse patternParser "" exprs of
Right (PatternArg i p)
-- TODO proper error
| Implicit <- i -> error "nested braces"
| otherwise -> return (implicitP p)
Left {} -> mzero
parseBraces :: ParsePat PatternArg
parseBraces = P.token bracesPat mempty
bracesPat :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe [PatternAtom 'Scoped]
bracesPat :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe PatternArg
bracesPat s = case s of
PatternAtomBraces (PatternAtoms ss _) -> Just (toList ss)
PatternAtomBraces r -> Just (set patternArgIsImplicit Implicit r)
_ -> Nothing
parseParens :: ParsePat PatternArg -> ParsePat PatternArg
parseParens patternParser = do
exprs <- P.token parenPat mempty
case P.parse patternParser "" exprs of
Right r -> return r
Left {} -> mzero
parseParens :: ParsePat PatternArg
parseParens = P.token parenPat mempty
parenPat :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe [PatternAtom 'Scoped]
parenPat :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe PatternArg
parenPat s = case s of
PatternAtomParens (PatternAtoms ss _) -> Just (toList ss)
PatternAtomParens r -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
mkPatternParser ::
@ -1587,17 +1577,25 @@ parsePatternAtom ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope] r =>
PatternAtom 'Scoped ->
Sem r PatternArg
parsePatternAtom sec = do
parsePatternAtom = parsePatternAtoms . singletonAtom
singletonAtom :: PatternAtom 'Scoped -> PatternAtoms 'Scoped
singletonAtom a = PatternAtoms (NonEmpty.singleton a) (getLoc a)
parsePatternAtoms ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope] r =>
PatternAtoms 'Scoped ->
Sem r PatternArg
parsePatternAtoms atoms@(PatternAtoms sec' _) = do
case res of
Left {} -> case sec of
PatternAtomParens a -> throw (ErrInfixPattern (InfixErrorP a))
_ -> impossible
Left {} -> throw (ErrInfixPattern (InfixErrorP atoms))
Right r -> return r
tbl = makePatternTable sec
sec = toList sec'
tbl = makePatternTable atoms
parser :: ParsePat PatternArg
parser = runM (mkPatternParser tbl) <* P.eof
res = P.parse parser filePath [sec]
res = P.parse parser filePath sec
filePath :: FilePath
filePath = "tmp"
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ goPattern p = case p of
PatternInfixApplication a -> Abstract.PatternConstructorApp <$> goInfixPatternApplication a
PatternPostfixApplication a -> Abstract.PatternConstructorApp <$> goPostfixPatternApplication a
PatternWildcard i -> return (Abstract.PatternWildcard i)
PatternEmpty -> return Abstract.PatternEmpty
PatternEmpty {} -> return Abstract.PatternEmpty
goAxiom :: Members '[InfoTableBuilder, Error ScoperError, Builtins] r => AxiomDef 'Scoped -> Sem r Abstract.AxiomDef
goAxiom a = do
Reference in New Issue
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