mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-09-20 13:07:20 +03:00

[microjuvix] implement basic typechecker

This commit is contained in:
Jan Mas Rovira 2022-03-29 02:00:46 +02:00
parent 51761a10cb
commit b7dd050663
5 changed files with 241 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Text as T
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ansi as Micro
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker as Micro
import qualified MiniJuvix.Termination as T
import qualified MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraph as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix as Micro
@ -255,8 +256,12 @@ go c = do
m <- parseModuleIO _mjuvixInputFile
(_, s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
let mini = Micro.translateModule a
Micro.printPrettyCodeDefault mini
let micro = Micro.translateModule a
Micro.printPrettyCodeDefault micro
putStrLn ""
case Micro.checkModule micro of
Left er -> putStrLn er
Right {} -> putStrLn "Well done! It type checks"
MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _mhaskellInputFile
(_ , s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m

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@ -45,11 +45,14 @@ data Module = Module
data ModuleBody = ModuleBody
{ _moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName (Indexed InductiveDef),
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName (Indexed FunctionDef),
_moduleForeigns :: [Indexed ForeignBlock]
{ _moduleStatements :: [Statement]
data Statement =
StatementInductive InductiveDef
| StatementFunction FunctionDef
| StatementForeign ForeignBlock
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef
{ _funDefName :: FunctionName,
_funDefTypeSig :: Type,
@ -66,9 +69,15 @@ data Iden
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
data TypedExpression = TypedExpression {
_typedType :: Type,
_typedExpression :: Expression
data Expression
= ExpressionIden Iden
| ExpressionApplication Application
| ExpressionTyped TypedExpression
data Application = Application
{ _appLeft :: Expression,
@ -79,6 +88,7 @@ data Function = Function
{ _funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
deriving stock (Eq)
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp
@ -103,37 +113,40 @@ data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
newtype TypeIden
= TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
deriving stock (Eq)
data Type
= TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
deriving stock (Eq)
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo {
_constructorInfoArgs :: [Type],
_constructorInfoInductive :: InductiveName
data FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo {
_functionInfoType :: Type
data InfoTable = InfoTable {
_infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo,
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''Function
makeLenses ''FunctionDef
makeLenses ''FunctionInfo
makeLenses ''ConstructorInfo
makeLenses ''FunctionClause
makeLenses ''InductiveDef
makeLenses ''ModuleBody
makeLenses ''Application
makeLenses ''TypedExpression
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
instance Semigroup ModuleBody where
a <> b =
{ _moduleInductives = a ^. moduleInductives <> b ^. moduleInductives,
_moduleFunctions = a ^. moduleFunctions <> b ^. moduleFunctions,
_moduleForeigns = a ^. moduleForeigns <> b ^. moduleForeigns
instance Monoid ModuleBody where
mempty =
{ _moduleInductives = mempty,
_moduleForeigns = mempty,
_moduleFunctions = mempty
instance HasAtomicity Application where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
@ -141,6 +154,7 @@ instance HasAtomicity Expression where
atomicity e = case e of
ExpressionIden {} -> Atom
ExpressionApplication a -> atomicity a
ExpressionTyped t -> atomicity (t ^. typedExpression)
instance HasAtomicity Function where
atomicity = const (Aggregate funFixity)

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@ -41,10 +41,14 @@ instance PrettyCode Application where
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity (a ^. appRight)
return $ l' <+> r'
instance PrettyCode TypedExpression where
ppCode e = ppCode (e ^. typedExpression)
instance PrettyCode Expression where
ppCode e = case e of
ExpressionIden i -> ppCode i
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionTyped a -> ppCode a
keyword :: Text -> Doc Ann
keyword = annotate AnnKeyword . pretty
@ -152,13 +156,15 @@ instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
<> line
<> rbrace
-- TODO Jonathan review
instance PrettyCode Statement where
ppCode = \case
StatementForeign f -> ppCode f
StatementFunction f -> ppCode f
StatementInductive f -> ppCode f
instance PrettyCode ModuleBody where
ppCode m = do
types' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleInductives))
funs' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleFunctions))
foreigns' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleForeigns))
let everything = map (^. indexedThing) (sortOn (^. indexedIx) (types' ++ funs' ++ foreigns'))
everything <- mapM ppCode (m ^. moduleStatements)
return $ vsep2 everything
vsep2 = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
type Err = Text
newtype LocalVars = LocalVars {
_localTypes :: HashMap VarName Type
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
makeLenses ''LocalVars
checkModule :: Module -> Either Err Module
checkModule m = run $ runError $ runReader (buildTable m) (checkModule' m)
buildTable :: Module -> InfoTable
buildTable m = InfoTable {..}
_infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo
_infoConstructors = HashMap.fromList
[ (c ^. constructorName, ConstructorInfo args ind) |
StatementInductive d <- ss,
let ind = d ^. inductiveName,
c <- d ^. inductiveConstructors,
let args = c ^. constructorParameters
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
_infoFunctions = HashMap.fromList
[ (f ^. funDefName, FunctionInfo (f ^. funDefTypeSig)) |
StatementFunction f <- ss]
ss = m ^. moduleBody ^. moduleStatements
checkModule' :: Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err] r =>
Module -> Sem r Module
checkModule' Module {..} = do
_moduleBody' <- checkModuleBody _moduleBody
return Module {
_moduleBody = _moduleBody',
checkModuleBody :: Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err] r =>
ModuleBody -> Sem r ModuleBody
checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
_moduleStatements' <- mapM checkStatement _moduleStatements
return ModuleBody {
_moduleStatements = _moduleStatements'
checkStatement :: Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err] r =>
Statement -> Sem r Statement
checkStatement s = case s of
StatementFunction fun -> StatementFunction <$> checkFunctionDef fun
StatementForeign {} -> return s
StatementInductive {} -> return s -- TODO is checking inductives needed?
checkFunctionDef :: Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err] r =>
FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
checkFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
info <- lookupFunction _funDefName
_funDefClauses' <- mapM (checkFunctionClause info) _funDefClauses
return FunctionDef {
_funDefClauses = _funDefClauses',
checkExpression :: Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err, Reader LocalVars] r =>
Type -> Expression -> Sem r Expression
checkExpression t e = do
t' <- inferExpression' e
when (t /= t' ^. typedType) (throwErr "wrong type")
return (ExpressionTyped t')
inferExpression :: Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err, Reader LocalVars] r =>
Expression -> Sem r Expression
inferExpression = fmap ExpressionTyped . inferExpression'
lookupConstructor :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => Name -> Sem r ConstructorInfo
lookupConstructor f = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> asks _infoConstructors
lookupFunction :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => Name -> Sem r FunctionInfo
lookupFunction f = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> asks _infoFunctions
lookupVar :: Member (Reader LocalVars) r => Name -> Sem r Type
lookupVar v = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible v <$> asks _localTypes
constructorType :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => Name -> Sem r Type
constructorType c = do
info <- lookupConstructor c
let r = TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive (info ^. constructorInfoInductive))
return (foldFunType (info ^. constructorInfoArgs) r)
-- | [a, b] c ==> a -> (b -> c)
foldFunType :: [Type] -> Type -> Type
foldFunType l r = case l of
[] -> r
(a : as) -> TypeFunction (Function a (foldFunType as r))
-- | a -> (b -> c) ==> ([a, b], c)
unfoldFunType :: Type -> ([Type], Type)
unfoldFunType t = case t of
TypeIden {} -> ([], t)
TypeFunction (Function l r) -> first (l:) (unfoldFunType r)
throwErr :: Members '[Error Err] r => Err -> Sem r a
throwErr = throw
inferExpression' :: forall r. Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err, Reader LocalVars] r =>
Expression -> Sem r TypedExpression
inferExpression' e = case e of
ExpressionIden i -> checkIden i
ExpressionApplication a -> checkApplication a
ExpressionTyped {} -> impossible
checkIden :: Iden -> Sem r TypedExpression
checkIden i = case i of
IdenFunction fun -> do
info <- lookupFunction fun
return (TypedExpression (info ^. functionInfoType) (ExpressionIden i))
IdenConstructor c -> do
ty <- constructorType c
return (TypedExpression ty (ExpressionIden i))
IdenVar v -> do
ty <- lookupVar v
return (TypedExpression ty (ExpressionIden i))
checkApplication :: Application -> Sem r TypedExpression
checkApplication a = do
l <- inferExpression' (a ^. appLeft)
fun <- getFunctionType (l ^. typedType)
r <- checkExpression (fun ^. funLeft) (a ^. appRight)
return TypedExpression {
_typedExpression = ExpressionApplication Application {
_appLeft = ExpressionTyped l,
_appRight = r
_typedType = fun ^. funRight
getFunctionType :: Type -> Sem r Function
getFunctionType t = case t of
TypeFunction f -> return f
_ -> throwErr "expected function type"
checkFunctionClause :: forall r. Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err] r =>
FunctionInfo -> FunctionClause -> Sem r FunctionClause
checkFunctionClause info FunctionClause{..} = do
let (argTys, rty) = unfoldFunType (info ^. functionInfoType)
(patTys, restTys) = splitAt (length _clausePatterns) argTys
bodyTy = foldFunType restTys rty
when (length patTys /= length _clausePatterns) (throwErr "wrong number of patterns")
locals <- mconcat <$> zipWithM checkPattern patTys _clausePatterns
clauseBody' <- runReader locals (checkExpression bodyTy _clauseBody)
return FunctionClause {
_clauseBody = clauseBody',
checkPattern :: forall r. Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error Err] r =>
Type -> Pattern -> Sem r LocalVars
checkPattern type_ pat = LocalVars . HashMap.fromList <$> go type_ pat
go :: Type -> Pattern -> Sem r [(VarName, Type)]
go ty p = case p of
PatternWildcard -> return []
PatternVariable v -> return [(v, ty)]
PatternConstructorApp a -> goConstr a
goConstr :: ConstructorApp -> Sem r [(VarName, Type)]
goConstr (ConstructorApp c ps) = do
tys <- (^. constructorInfoArgs) <$> lookupConstructor c
when (length tys /= length ps) (throwErr "wrong number of arguments in constructor app")
concat <$> zipWithM go tys ps

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (ForeignBlock)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
@ -38,19 +39,23 @@ goModuleBody :: A.ModuleBody -> ModuleBody
goModuleBody b
| not (HashMap.null (b ^. A.moduleLocalModules)) = unsupported "local modules"
| otherwise =
{ _moduleInductives =
[ (d ^. indexedThing . inductiveName, d)
| d <- map (fmap goInductiveDef) (toList (b ^. A.moduleInductives))
_moduleFunctions =
[ (f ^. indexedThing . funDefName, f)
| f <- map (fmap goFunctionDef) (toList (b ^. A.moduleFunctions))
_moduleForeigns = b ^. A.moduleForeigns
ModuleBody sortedStatements
sortedStatements :: [Statement]
sortedStatements = map _indexedThing (sortOn _indexedIx statements)
statements :: [Indexed Statement]
statements = map (fmap StatementForeign) foreigns
<> map (fmap StatementFunction) functions
<> map (fmap StatementInductive) inductives
inductives :: [Indexed InductiveDef]
inductives =
[ d | d <- map (fmap goInductiveDef) (toList (b ^. A.moduleInductives))]
functions :: [Indexed FunctionDef]
functions =
[ f | f <- map (fmap goFunctionDef) (toList (b ^. A.moduleFunctions))]
foreigns :: [Indexed ForeignBlock]
foreigns = b ^. A.moduleForeigns
-- <> mconcatMap goImport (b ^. A.moduleImports)