mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-04 13:42:04 +03:00

Implement type checker with polymorphism (#62)

This commit is contained in:
janmasrovira 2022-04-22 10:06:34 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent c99c1825d1
commit ba47f11189
No known key found for this signature in database
31 changed files with 1743 additions and 315 deletions

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@ -76,3 +76,5 @@
- ignore: {name: Use let, within: [Test.All]}
- ignore: {name: Use String}
- ignore: {name: Avoid restricted qualification}
- ignore: {name: Redundant multi-way if}
- ignore: {name: Eta reduce}

View File

@ -22,14 +22,13 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker qualified as MicroTyped
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Termination qualified as T
import MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraph qualified as A
import MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract qualified as Abstract
import MiniJuvix.Utils.Version (runDisplayVersion)
import Options.Applicative
@ -283,9 +282,6 @@ mkScopePrettyOptions ScopeOptions {..} =
parseModuleIO :: FilePath -> IO (M.Module 'M.Parsed 'M.ModuleTop)
parseModuleIO = fromRightIO id . Parser.runModuleParserIO
-- parseModuleIO' :: FilePath -> IO Parser.ParserResult
-- parseModuleIO' = fromRightIO id . Parser.runModuleParserIO'
minijuvixYamlFile :: FilePath
minijuvixYamlFile = "minijuvix.yaml"
@ -377,13 +373,7 @@ runCLI cli = do
micro <- head . (^. MicroTyped.resultModules) <$> runIO (upToMicroJuvixTyped (getEntryPoint root opts))
case MicroTyped.checkModule micro of
Right _ -> putStrLn "Well done! It type checks"
Left (Micro.TypeCheckerErrors es) ->
( intersperse
(putStrLn "")
(printErrorAnsi <$> toList es)
>> exitFailure
Left err -> printErrorAnsi err >> exitFailure
MiniHaskell o -> do
minihaskell <- head . (^. MiniHaskell.resultModules) <$> runIO (upToMiniHaskell (getEntryPoint root o))
supportsAnsi <- Ansi.hSupportsANSI IO.stdout

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* Monomorphization
Monomorphization refers to the process of converting polymorphic code to
monomorphic code (no type variables) through static analysis.
#+begin_src minijuvix
id : (A : Type) → A → A;
id _ a ≔ a;
b : Bool;
b ≔ id Bool true;
n : Nat;
n ≔ id Nat zero;
Is translated into:
#+begin_src minijuvix
id_Bool : Bool → Bool;
id_Bool a ≔ a;
id_Nat : Nat → Nat;
id_Nat a ≔ a;
* More examples
** Mutual recursion
#+begin_src minijuvix
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
cons : A → List A → List A;
even : (A : Type) → List A → Bool;
even A nil ≔ true ;
even A (cons _ xs) ≔ not (odd A xs) ;
odd : (A : Type) → List A → Bool;
odd A nil ≔ false ;
odd A (cons _ xs) ≔ not (even A xs) ;
-- main ≔ even Bool .. odd Nat;
* Algorithm
** Assumptions:
1. Type abstractions only appear at the leftmost part of a type signature.
2. All functions and constructors are fully type-applied: i.e. currying for
types is not supported.
3. The =main= function is the entry point and has a concrete type.
4. All axioms are monomorphic.
** Definitions
1. *Application*. An application is an expression of the form =t₁ t₂ … tₙ= with n > 0.
2. *Sub application*. If =t₁ t₂ … tₙ= is an application then for every =0<i<n=
=t₁ t₂ … tᵢ= is a sub application.
Fix a minijuvix program =P=. Let =𝒲= be the set of all applications that appear in =P=.
1. *Proper application*. A proper application is an application =A∈𝒲= such that
for every =A'∈𝒲= we have that =A= is *not* a sub application of =A'=.
2. *Type application*. If =t a₁ a₂ … aₙ= is a proper application and =a₁, …, aₘ=
and =aₘ₊₁= is not a type or =m=n= are types, then =t a₁, …, aₘ= is a type
3. *Concrete type*. A type is concrete if it involves no type variables.
4. *Concrete type application*. A type application =t a₁ a₂ … aₙ= if =a₁, a₂, …,
aₙ= are concrete types.
** Option 1
Gather all type applications in =main=. Since =main= type is concrete, these
type applications are all concrete. We now have a stack =c₁, c₂, …, cₙ= of
concrete type applications.
1. If the stack is empty, we are done.
2. Otherwise pop =c₁= from the stack. It will be of the form =t a₁ … aₘ=,
where =t= is either a constructor or a function and =a₁, …, aₘ= are
concrete types.
3. If the instantiation =t a₁ … aₘ= has already been registered go to step 1.
Otherwise continue to the next step.
4. Register the instantiation =t a₁ … aₘ=.
5. If =t= is a constructor continue to step 1.
6. If =t= is a function, then it has type variables =v₁, …, vₘ=.
Consider the substitution =σ = {v₁ ↦ a₁, …, vₘ ↦ aₘ}=.
Consider the list of type applications in the body of =t=: =d₁, …,dᵣ=.
Add =σ(d₁), …, σ(dᵣ)= to the stack and continue to step 1.
It is easy to see that for any =i=, =σ(dᵢ)= is a concrete type application.
*** Correctness
It should be clear that the algorithm terminates and registers all
instantiations of constructors and functions.

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ default-extensions:
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- ImportQualifiedPost
- LambdaCase
- MultiWayIf
- NoImplicitPrelude
- OverloadedStrings
- QuasiQuotes

View File

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult qualified as MicroJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as MicroJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker qualified as MicroJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix qualified as MicroJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as MonoJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract qualified as Abstract
type StageInput :: Pipe -> GHC.Type
@ -64,9 +65,13 @@ upToMicroJuvix = upToAbstract >=> pipelineMicroJuvix
upToMicroJuvixTyped :: Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r => EntryPoint -> Sem r MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult
upToMicroJuvixTyped = upToMicroJuvix >=> pipelineMicroJuvixTyped
upToMonoJuvix ::
Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r => EntryPoint -> Sem r MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult
upToMonoJuvix = upToMicroJuvixTyped >=> pipelineMonoJuvix
upToMiniHaskell ::
Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r => EntryPoint -> Sem r MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult
upToMiniHaskell = upToMicroJuvixTyped >=> pipelineMiniHaskell
upToMiniHaskell = upToMonoJuvix >=> pipelineMiniHaskell
@ -92,10 +97,16 @@ pipelineMicroJuvixTyped ::
Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r =>
MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult ->
Sem r MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult
pipelineMicroJuvixTyped = mapError (toAJuvixError @MicroJuvix.TypeCheckerErrors) . MicroJuvix.entryMicroJuvixTyped
pipelineMicroJuvixTyped = mapError (toAJuvixError @MicroJuvix.TypeCheckerError) . MicroJuvix.entryMicroJuvixTyped
pipelineMonoJuvix ::
Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r =>
MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult ->
Sem r MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult
pipelineMonoJuvix = mapError (toAJuvixError @Text) . MonoJuvix.entryMonoJuvix
pipelineMiniHaskell ::
Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r =>
MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult ->
MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult ->
Sem r MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult
pipelineMiniHaskell = mapError (toAJuvixError @Text) . MiniHaskell.entryMiniHaskell

View File

@ -4,15 +4,11 @@ module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Pretty
import MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal qualified as Ansi
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text qualified as Text
class HasAnsiBackend a where
toAnsi :: a -> SimpleDocStream Ansi.AnsiStyle
@ -31,3 +27,6 @@ toAnsiText :: (HasAnsiBackend a, HasTextBackend a) => Bool -> a -> Text
toAnsiText useColors
| useColors = Ansi.renderStrict . toAnsi
| otherwise = Text.renderStrict . toText
prettyText :: Pretty a => a -> Text
prettyText = Text.renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . pretty

View File

@ -455,8 +455,11 @@ instance PrettyCode n => PrettyCode (S.Name' n) where
ppCode S.Name' {..} = do
nameConcrete' <- annotateKind _nameKind <$> ppCode _nameConcrete
showNameId <- asks _optShowNameId
uid <- if showNameId then ("@" <>) <$> ppCode _nameId else return mempty
return $ annSRef (nameConcrete' <> uid)
uid <-
| showNameId -> Just . ("@" <>) <$> ppCode _nameId
| otherwise -> return Nothing
return $ annSRef (nameConcrete' <?> uid)
annSRef :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annSRef = annotate (AnnRef (S.absTopModulePath _nameDefinedIn) _nameId)

View File

@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import MiniJuvix.Prelude qualified as Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error.Pretty
@ -15,8 +12,6 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error.Pretty qualified as P
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error.Types
import Prettyprinter
data TypeCheckerError
= ErrTooManyPatterns TooManyPatterns
| ErrWrongConstructorType WrongConstructorType
@ -25,13 +20,6 @@ data TypeCheckerError
| ErrExpectedFunctionType ExpectedFunctionType
deriving stock (Show)
newtype TypeCheckerErrors = TypeCheckerErrors
{ _unTypeCheckerErrors :: NonEmpty TypeCheckerError
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''TypeCheckerErrors
ppTypeCheckerError :: TypeCheckerError -> Doc Eann
ppTypeCheckerError = \case
ErrWrongConstructorType e -> ppError e
@ -49,10 +37,3 @@ instance Prelude.JuvixError TypeCheckerError where
renderText :: TypeCheckerError -> Text
renderText = P.renderText . docStream
instance Prelude.JuvixError TypeCheckerErrors where
renderAnsiText :: TypeCheckerErrors -> Text
renderAnsiText TypeCheckerErrors {..} = (Text.unlines . toList) (fmap Prelude.renderAnsiText _unTypeCheckerErrors)
renderText :: TypeCheckerErrors -> Text
renderText TypeCheckerErrors {..} = (Text.unlines . toList) (fmap Prelude.renderText _unTypeCheckerErrors)

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
-- not match the type of the inductive being matched
data WrongConstructorType = WrongConstructorType
{ _wrongCtorTypeName :: Name,
_wrongCtorTypeExpected :: Type,
_wrongCtorTypeActual :: Type,
_wrongCtorTypeExpected :: InductiveName,
_wrongCtorTypeActual :: InductiveName,
_wrongCtorTypeFunname :: Name
deriving stock (Show)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ data WrongConstructorType = WrongConstructorType
-- the expected arguments of the constructor
data WrongConstructorAppArgs = WrongConstructorAppArgs
{ _wrongCtorAppApp :: ConstructorApp,
_wrongCtorAppTypes :: [Type],
_wrongCtorAppTypes :: [FunctionArgType],
_wrongCtorAppName :: Name
deriving stock (Show)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ data ExpectedFunctionType = ExpectedFunctionType
-- | A function definition clause matches too many arguments
data TooManyPatterns = TooManyPatterns
{ _tooManyPatternsClause :: FunctionClause,
_tooManyPatternsTypes :: [Type]
_tooManyPatternsTypes :: [FunctionArgType]
deriving stock (Show)

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
{ _constructorInfoArgs :: [Type],
{ _constructorInfoInductiveParameters :: [InductiveParameter],
_constructorInfoArgs :: [Type],
_constructorInfoInductive :: InductiveName
@ -19,22 +20,34 @@ data AxiomInfo = AxiomInfo
_axiomInfoBackends :: [BackendItem]
newtype InductiveInfo = InductiveInfo
{ _inductiveInfoDef :: InductiveDef
data InfoTable = InfoTable
{ _infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo,
_infoAxioms :: HashMap Name AxiomInfo,
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo,
_infoInductives :: HashMap Name InductiveInfo
-- TODO temporary function.
buildTable :: Module -> InfoTable
buildTable m = InfoTable {..}
_infoInductives :: HashMap Name InductiveInfo
_infoInductives =
[ (d ^. inductiveName, InductiveInfo d)
| StatementInductive d <- ss
_infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo
_infoConstructors =
[ (c ^. constructorName, ConstructorInfo args ind)
[ (c ^. constructorName, ConstructorInfo params args ind)
| StatementInductive d <- ss,
let ind = d ^. inductiveName,
let params = d ^. inductiveParameters,
c <- d ^. inductiveConstructors,
let args = c ^. constructorParameters
@ -56,3 +69,4 @@ makeLenses ''InfoTable
makeLenses ''FunctionInfo
makeLenses ''ConstructorInfo
makeLenses ''AxiomInfo
makeLenses ''InductiveInfo

View File

@ -52,7 +52,10 @@ instance HasNameKind Name where
getNameKind = _nameKind
instance Pretty Name where
pretty = pretty . _nameText
pretty n =
pretty (n ^. nameText)
<> "@"
<> pretty (n ^. nameId)
data Module = Module
{ _moduleName :: Name,
@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ data Iden
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
| IdenAxiom Name
| IdenInductive Name
deriving stock (Show)
data TypedExpression = TypedExpression
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ data Function = Function
{ _funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp
@ -133,8 +137,14 @@ data Pattern
| PatternWildcard
deriving stock (Show)
newtype InductiveParameter = InductiveParameter
{ _inductiveParamName :: VarName
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data InductiveDef = InductiveDef
{ _inductiveName :: InductiveName,
_inductiveParameters :: [InductiveParameter],
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef]
@ -146,14 +156,34 @@ data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
data TypeIden
= TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
| TypeIdenAxiom AxiomName
| TypeIdenVariable VarName
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data TypeApplication = TypeApplication
{ _typeAppLeft :: Type,
_typeAppRight :: Type
deriving stock (Show)
data TypeAbstraction = TypeAbstraction
{ _typeAbsVar :: VarName,
_typeAbsBody :: Type
deriving stock (Show)
data Type
= TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeApp TypeApplication
| TypeFunction Function
| TypeAbs TypeAbstraction
| TypeUniverse
| TypeAny
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
deriving stock (Show)
data FunctionArgType
= FunctionArgTypeAbstraction VarName
| FunctionArgTypeType Type
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''Function
@ -164,12 +194,21 @@ makeLenses ''AxiomDef
makeLenses ''ModuleBody
makeLenses ''Application
makeLenses ''TypedExpression
makeLenses ''TypeAbstraction
makeLenses ''TypeApplication
makeLenses ''InductiveParameter
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
instance HasAtomicity Name where
atomicity = const Atom
instance HasAtomicity Application where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
instance HasAtomicity TypeApplication where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
instance HasAtomicity Expression where
atomicity e = case e of
ExpressionIden {} -> Atom
@ -180,12 +219,17 @@ instance HasAtomicity Expression where
instance HasAtomicity Function where
atomicity = const (Aggregate funFixity)
instance HasAtomicity TypeAbstraction where
atomicity = const (Aggregate funFixity)
instance HasAtomicity Type where
atomicity t = case t of
TypeIden {} -> Atom
TypeFunction f -> atomicity f
TypeUniverse -> Atom
TypeAny -> Atom
TypeAbs a -> atomicity a
TypeApp a -> atomicity a
instance HasAtomicity ConstructorApp where
atomicity (ConstructorApp _ args)
@ -211,3 +255,4 @@ instance HasLoc Iden where
IdenConstructor c -> C.getLoc c
IdenVar v -> C.getLoc v
IdenAxiom a -> C.getLoc a
IdenInductive a -> C.getLoc a

View File

@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.LocalVars where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
newtype LocalVars = LocalVars
{ _localTypes :: HashMap VarName Type
data LocalVars = LocalVars
{ _localTypes :: HashMap VarName Type,
_localTyMap :: HashMap VarName VarName
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''LocalVars
addType :: VarName -> Type -> LocalVars -> LocalVars
addType v t = over localTypes (HashMap.insert v t)
emptyLocalVars :: LocalVars
emptyLocalVars =
{ _localTypes = mempty,
_localTyMap = mempty

View File

@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import Prettyprinter
newtype Options = Options
{ _optIndent :: Int
data Options = Options
{ _optIndent :: Int,
_optShowNameId :: Bool
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
{ _optIndent = 2
{ _optIndent = 2,
_optShowNameId = True
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream Ann
@ -32,11 +34,19 @@ class PrettyCode c where
runPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Doc Ann
runPrettyCode opts = run . runReader opts . ppCode
instance PrettyCode NameId where
ppCode (NameId k) = return (pretty k)
instance PrettyCode Name where
ppCode n =
ppCode n = do
showNameId <- asks _optShowNameId
uid <-
| showNameId -> Just . ("@" <>) <$> ppCode (n ^. nameId)
| otherwise -> return Nothing
return $
annotate (AnnKind (n ^. nameKind)) $
pretty (n ^. nameText) <> "_" <> pretty (n ^. nameId)
pretty (n ^. nameText) <?> uid
instance PrettyCode Iden where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => Iden -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
@ -45,6 +55,13 @@ instance PrettyCode Iden where
IdenConstructor na -> ppCode na
IdenVar na -> ppCode na
IdenAxiom a -> ppCode a
IdenInductive a -> ppCode a
instance PrettyCode TypeApplication where
ppCode (TypeApplication l r) = do
l' <- ppLeftExpression appFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity r
return $ l' <+> r'
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode a = do
@ -119,6 +136,13 @@ instance PrettyCode BackendItem where
return $
backend <+> kwMapsto <+> pretty _backendItemCode
instance PrettyCode TypeAbstraction where
ppCode (TypeAbstraction v r) = do
v' <- ppCode v
let l' = parens (v' <+> colon <+> kwType)
r' <- ppRightExpression funFixity r
return $ l' <+> kwArrow <+> r'
instance PrettyCode Function where
ppCode (Function l r) = do
l' <- ppLeftExpression funFixity l
@ -129,6 +153,12 @@ instance PrettyCode TypeIden where
ppCode = \case
TypeIdenInductive i -> ppCode i
TypeIdenAxiom i -> ppCode i
TypeIdenVariable i -> ppCode i
instance PrettyCode FunctionArgType where
ppCode = \case
FunctionArgTypeType t -> ppCode t
FunctionArgTypeAbstraction v -> ppCode v
instance PrettyCode Type where
ppCode = \case
@ -136,11 +166,13 @@ instance PrettyCode Type where
TypeFunction f -> ppCode f
TypeUniverse -> return kwType
TypeAny -> return kwAny
TypeApp a -> ppCode a
TypeAbs a -> ppCode a
instance PrettyCode InductiveConstructorDef where
ppCode c = do
constructorName' <- ppCode (c ^. constructorName)
constructorParameters' <- mapM ppCode (c ^. constructorParameters)
constructorParameters' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. constructorParameters)
return (hsep $ constructorName' : constructorParameters')
indent' :: Member (Reader Options) r => Doc a -> Sem r (Doc a)
@ -156,12 +188,22 @@ bracesIndent d = do
d' <- indent' d
return $ braces (line <> d' <> line)
instance PrettyCode InductiveParameter where
ppCode (InductiveParameter v) = do
v' <- ppCode v
return $ parens (v' <+> kwColon <+> kwType)
instance PrettyCode InductiveDef where
ppCode d = do
inductiveName' <- ppCode (d ^. inductiveName)
params <- hsep' <$> mapM ppCode (d ^. inductiveParameters)
inductiveConstructors' <- mapM ppCode (d ^. inductiveConstructors)
rhs <- indent' $ align $ concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> kwPipe <+> b) inductiveConstructors'
return $ kwData <+> inductiveName' <+> kwEquals <> line <> rhs
return $ kwData <+> inductiveName' <+?> params <+> kwEquals <> line <> rhs
hsep' l
| null l = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (hsep l)
instance PrettyCode ConstructorApp where
ppCode c = do

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult
import Polysemy.Error (fromEither)
entryMicroJuvixTyped ::
(Member (Error TypeCheckerErrors) r) =>
(Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r) =>
MicroJuvixResult ->
Sem r MicroJuvixTypedResult
entryMicroJuvixTyped res@MicroJuvixResult {..} = do
@ -28,15 +28,12 @@ entryMicroJuvixTyped res@MicroJuvixResult {..} = do
_resultModules = r
checkModule :: Module -> Either TypeCheckerErrors Module
checkModule m = run $ do
(es, checkedModule) <- runOutputList $ runReader (buildTable m) (checkModule' m)
return $ case nonEmpty es of
Nothing -> Right checkedModule
Just xs -> Left (TypeCheckerErrors {_unTypeCheckerErrors = xs})
checkModule :: Module -> Either TypeCheckerError Module
checkModule m =
run $ runError $ runReader (buildTable m) (checkModule' m)
checkModule' ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Output TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
Module ->
Sem r Module
checkModule' Module {..} = do
@ -48,7 +45,7 @@ checkModule' Module {..} = do
checkModuleBody ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Output TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
checkStatement ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Output TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
Statement ->
Sem r Statement
checkStatement s = case s of
@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ checkStatement s = case s of
StatementAxiom {} -> return s
checkFunctionDef ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Output TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
FunctionDef ->
Sem r FunctionDef
checkFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
@ -87,10 +84,10 @@ checkExpression ::
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
checkExpression t e = do
t' <- inferExpression' e
let inferredType = t' ^. typedType
e' <- inferExpression' e
let inferredType = e' ^. typedType
unlessM (matchTypes t inferredType) (throw (err inferredType))
return (ExpressionTyped t')
return (ExpressionTyped e')
err infTy =
@ -102,15 +99,58 @@ checkExpression t e = do
matchTypes ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Reader LocalVars] r =>
Type ->
Type ->
Sem r Bool
matchTypes a b = do
a' <- normalizeType a
b' <- normalizeType b
areAlphaEq <- alphaEq a b
return $
a' == TypeAny || b' == TypeAny || a' == b'
isAny a || isAny b || areAlphaEq
isAny = \case
TypeAny -> True
_ -> False
-- | Alpha equivalence
alphaEq :: Type -> Type -> Sem r Bool
alphaEq ty = runReader ini . go ty
ini :: HashMap VarName VarName
ini = mempty
go ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader (HashMap VarName VarName)] r =>
Type ->
Type ->
Sem r Bool
go a' b' = case (a', b') of
(TypeIden a, TypeIden b) -> goIden a b
(TypeApp a, TypeApp b) -> goApp a b
(TypeAbs a, TypeAbs b) -> goAbs a b
(TypeFunction a, TypeFunction b) -> goFunction a b
(TypeUniverse, TypeUniverse) -> return True
-- TODO TypeAny should match anything?
(TypeAny, TypeAny) -> return True
-- TODO is the final wildcard bad style?
-- what if more Type constructors are added
_ -> return False
goIden :: TypeIden -> TypeIden -> Sem r Bool
goIden ia ib = case (ia, ib) of
(TypeIdenInductive a, TypeIdenInductive b) -> return (a == b)
(TypeIdenAxiom a, TypeIdenAxiom b) -> return (a == b)
(TypeIdenVariable a, TypeIdenVariable b) -> do
mappedEq <- (== Just b) . HashMap.lookup a <$> ask
return (a == b || mappedEq)
_ -> return False
goApp :: TypeApplication -> TypeApplication -> Sem r Bool
goApp (TypeApplication f x) (TypeApplication f' x') = andM [go f f', go x x']
goFunction :: Function -> Function -> Sem r Bool
goFunction (Function l r) (Function l' r') = andM [go l l', go r r']
goAbs :: TypeAbstraction -> TypeAbstraction -> Sem r Bool
goAbs (TypeAbstraction v1 r) (TypeAbstraction v2 r') =
local (HashMap.insert v1 v2) (go r r')
inferExpression ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Reader LocalVars] r =>
@ -121,6 +161,9 @@ inferExpression = fmap ExpressionTyped . inferExpression'
lookupConstructor :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => Name -> Sem r ConstructorInfo
lookupConstructor f = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> asks _infoConstructors
lookupInductive :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => InductiveName -> Sem r InductiveInfo
lookupInductive f = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> asks _infoInductives
lookupFunction :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => Name -> Sem r FunctionInfo
lookupFunction f = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> asks _infoFunctions
@ -133,23 +176,49 @@ lookupVar v = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible v <$> asks _localTypes
constructorType :: Member (Reader InfoTable) r => Name -> Sem r Type
constructorType c = do
info <- lookupConstructor c
let r = TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive (info ^. constructorInfoInductive))
return (foldFunType (info ^. constructorInfoArgs) r)
let (as, bs) = constructorArgTypes info
args =
map FunctionArgTypeAbstraction as
++ map FunctionArgTypeType bs
ind = TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive (info ^. constructorInfoInductive))
saturatedTy =
( \t v ->
( TypeApplication
(TypeIden (TypeIdenVariable v))
return (foldFunType args saturatedTy)
constructorArgTypes :: ConstructorInfo -> ([VarName], [Type])
constructorArgTypes i =
( map (^. inductiveParamName) (i ^. constructorInfoInductiveParameters),
i ^. constructorInfoArgs
-- | [a, b] c ==> a -> (b -> c)
foldFunType :: [Type] -> Type -> Type
foldFunType :: [FunctionArgType] -> Type -> Type
foldFunType l r = case l of
[] -> r
(a : as) -> TypeFunction (Function a (foldFunType as r))
(a : as) ->
let r' = foldFunType as r
in case a of
FunctionArgTypeAbstraction v -> TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction v r')
FunctionArgTypeType t -> TypeFunction (Function t r')
-- | a -> (b -> c) ==> ([a, b], c)
unfoldFunType :: Type -> ([Type], Type)
unfoldFunType :: Type -> ([FunctionArgType], Type)
unfoldFunType t = case t of
TypeFunction (Function l r) -> first (l :) (unfoldFunType r)
TypeFunction (Function l r) -> first (FunctionArgTypeType l :) (unfoldFunType r)
TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction var r) -> first (FunctionArgTypeAbstraction var :) (unfoldFunType r)
_ -> ([], t)
checkFunctionClause ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Output TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
FunctionInfo ->
FunctionClause ->
Sem r FunctionClause
@ -157,24 +226,27 @@ checkFunctionClause info clause@FunctionClause {..} = do
let (argTys, rty) = unfoldFunType (info ^. functionInfoType)
(patTys, restTys) = splitAt (length _clausePatterns) argTys
bodyTy = foldFunType restTys rty
if length patTys /= length _clausePatterns
then output (tyErr patTys) $> clause
else do
eLocals <- checkPatterns _clauseName patTys _clausePatterns
_clauseBody' <- case eLocals of
Left err -> output err $> _clauseBody
Right locals -> do
eclauseBody <- runError @TypeCheckerError $ runReader locals (checkExpression bodyTy _clauseBody)
case eclauseBody of
Left err -> output err $> _clauseBody
Right r -> return r
{ _clauseBody = _clauseBody',
-- TODO consider zip exact
| length patTys /= length _clausePatterns -> throw (tyErr patTys)
| otherwise -> do
locals <- checkPatterns _clauseName (zip patTys _clausePatterns)
let bodyTy' =
( fmap
(TypeIden . TypeIdenVariable)
(locals ^. localTyMap)
_clauseBody' <-
runReader locals (checkExpression bodyTy' _clauseBody)
{ _clauseBody = _clauseBody',
tyErr :: [Type] -> TypeCheckerError
tyErr :: [FunctionArgType] -> TypeCheckerError
tyErr patTys =
( TooManyPatterns
@ -184,39 +256,104 @@ checkFunctionClause info clause@FunctionClause {..} = do
checkPatterns ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Output TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
FunctionName ->
[Type] ->
[Pattern] ->
Sem r (Either TypeCheckerError LocalVars)
checkPatterns name ctorTys ctorPs =
runError @TypeCheckerError (mconcat <$> zipWithM (checkPattern name) ctorTys ctorPs)
[(FunctionArgType, Pattern)] ->
Sem r LocalVars
checkPatterns name = execState emptyLocalVars . go
go ::
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, Reader InfoTable, State LocalVars] r =>
[(FunctionArgType, Pattern)] ->
Sem r ()
go = mapM_ (uncurry (checkPattern name))
typeOfArg :: FunctionArgType -> Type
typeOfArg a = case a of
FunctionArgTypeAbstraction {} -> TypeUniverse
FunctionArgTypeType ty -> ty
substitutionArg :: VarName -> VarName -> FunctionArgType -> FunctionArgType
substitutionArg from v a = case a of
FunctionArgTypeAbstraction {} -> a
FunctionArgTypeType ty ->
(substitution1 (from, TypeIden (TypeIdenVariable v)) ty)
substitution1 :: (VarName, Type) -> Type -> Type
substitution1 = substitution . uncurry HashMap.singleton
substitution :: HashMap VarName Type -> Type -> Type
substitution m = go
go :: Type -> Type
go = \case
TypeIden i -> goIden i
TypeApp a -> TypeApp (goApp a)
TypeAbs a -> TypeAbs (goAbs a)
TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction (goFunction f)
TypeUniverse -> TypeUniverse
TypeAny -> TypeAny
goApp :: TypeApplication -> TypeApplication
goApp (TypeApplication l r) = TypeApplication (go l) (go r)
goAbs :: TypeAbstraction -> TypeAbstraction
goAbs (TypeAbstraction v b) = TypeAbstraction v (go b)
goFunction :: Function -> Function
goFunction (Function l r) = Function (go l) (go r)
goIden :: TypeIden -> Type
goIden i = case i of
TypeIdenInductive {} -> TypeIden i
TypeIdenAxiom {} -> TypeIden i
TypeIdenVariable v -> case HashMap.lookup v m of
Just ty -> ty
Nothing -> TypeIden i
substituteIndParams :: [(InductiveParameter, Type)] -> Type -> Type
substituteIndParams = substitution . HashMap.fromList . map (first (^. inductiveParamName))
checkPattern ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Output TypeCheckerError, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, State LocalVars] r =>
FunctionName ->
Type ->
FunctionArgType ->
Pattern ->
Sem r LocalVars
checkPattern funName type_ pat = LocalVars . HashMap.fromList <$> go type_ pat
Sem r ()
checkPattern funName type_ pat = go type_ pat
go :: Type -> Pattern -> Sem r [(VarName, Type)]
go ty p = case p of
PatternWildcard -> return []
PatternVariable v -> return [(v, ty)]
PatternConstructorApp a -> do
info <- lookupConstructor (a ^. constrAppConstructor)
let inductiveTy = TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive (info ^. constructorInfoInductive))
when (inductiveTy /= ty) (output (ErrWrongConstructorType (WrongConstructorType (a ^. constrAppConstructor) ty inductiveTy funName)))
goConstr a
go :: FunctionArgType -> Pattern -> Sem r ()
go argTy p = do
tyVarMap <- fmap (TypeIden . TypeIdenVariable) . (^. localTyMap) <$> get
let ty = substitution tyVarMap (typeOfArg argTy)
case p of
PatternWildcard -> return ()
PatternVariable v -> do
modify (addType v ty)
case argTy of
FunctionArgTypeAbstraction v' -> do
modify (over localTyMap (HashMap.insert v' v))
_ -> return ()
PatternConstructorApp a -> do
(ind, tyArgs) <- checkSaturatedInductive ty
info <- lookupConstructor (a ^. constrAppConstructor)
let constrInd = info ^. constructorInfoInductive
(ind /= constrInd)
( throw
( ErrWrongConstructorType
(WrongConstructorType (a ^. constrAppConstructor) ind constrInd funName)
goConstr a tyArgs
goConstr :: ConstructorApp -> Sem r [(VarName, Type)]
goConstr app@(ConstructorApp c ps) = do
tys <- (^. constructorInfoArgs) <$> lookupConstructor c
when (length tys /= length ps) (throw (appErr app tys))
concat <$> zipWithM go tys ps
appErr :: ConstructorApp -> [Type] -> TypeCheckerError
goConstr :: ConstructorApp -> [(InductiveParameter, Type)] -> Sem r ()
goConstr app@(ConstructorApp c ps) ctx = do
(_, psTys) <- constructorArgTypes <$> lookupConstructor c
let psTys' = map (substituteIndParams ctx) psTys
expectedNum = length psTys
let w = map FunctionArgTypeType psTys'
when (expectedNum /= length ps) (throw (appErr app w))
zipWithM_ go w ps
appErr :: ConstructorApp -> [FunctionArgType] -> TypeCheckerError
appErr app tys =
( WrongConstructorAppArgs
@ -225,24 +362,37 @@ checkPattern funName type_ pat = LocalVars . HashMap.fromList <$> go type_ pat
_wrongCtorAppName = funName
checkSaturatedInductive :: Type -> Sem r (InductiveName, [(InductiveParameter, Type)])
checkSaturatedInductive t = do
(ind, args) <- viewInductiveApp t
params <-
(^. inductiveInfoDef . inductiveParameters)
<$> lookupInductive ind
let numArgs = length args
numParams = length params
when (numArgs < numParams) (error "unsaturated inductive type")
when (numArgs > numParams) (error "too many arguments to inductive type")
return (ind, zip params args)
-- TODO currently equivalent to id
normalizeType :: forall r. Members '[Reader InfoTable] r => Type -> Sem r Type
normalizeType t = case t of
TypeAny -> return TypeAny
TypeUniverse -> return TypeUniverse
TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction <$> normalizeFunction f
TypeIden i -> normalizeIden i
-- | The expression is assumed to be of type TypeUniverse.
-- If the assumption holds, it should never fail.
expressionAsType :: Expression -> Type
expressionAsType = go
normalizeIden :: TypeIden -> Sem r Type
normalizeIden i = case i of
TypeIdenInductive {} -> return (TypeIden i)
TypeIdenAxiom {} -> return (TypeIden i)
normalizeFunction :: Function -> Sem r Function
normalizeFunction (Function l r) = do
l' <- normalizeType l
r' <- normalizeType r
return (Function l' r')
go = \case
ExpressionIden i -> TypeIden (goIden i)
ExpressionApplication a -> TypeApp (goApp a)
ExpressionLiteral {} -> impossible
ExpressionTyped e -> go (e ^. typedExpression)
goIden :: Iden -> TypeIden
goIden = \case
IdenFunction {} -> impossible
IdenConstructor {} -> impossible
IdenVar v -> TypeIdenVariable v
IdenAxiom a -> TypeIdenAxiom a
IdenInductive i -> TypeIdenInductive i
goApp :: Application -> TypeApplication
goApp (Application l r) = TypeApplication (go l) (go r)
inferExpression' ::
forall r.
@ -252,7 +402,7 @@ inferExpression' ::
inferExpression' e = case e of
ExpressionIden i -> inferIden i
ExpressionApplication a -> inferApplication a
ExpressionTyped {} -> impossible
ExpressionTyped t -> return t
ExpressionLiteral l -> goLiteral l
goLiteral :: LiteralLoc -> Sem r TypedExpression
@ -271,26 +421,51 @@ inferExpression' e = case e of
IdenAxiom v -> do
info <- lookupAxiom v
return (TypedExpression (info ^. axiomInfoType) (ExpressionIden i))
IdenInductive v -> do
info <- lookupInductive v
let ps = info ^. inductiveInfoDef . inductiveParameters
kind =
(\p k -> TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction (p ^. inductiveParamName) k))
return (TypedExpression kind (ExpressionIden i))
inferApplication :: Application -> Sem r TypedExpression
inferApplication a = do
let leftExp = a ^. appLeft
l <- inferExpression' leftExp
fun <- getFunctionType leftExp (l ^. typedType)
r <- checkExpression (fun ^. funLeft) (a ^. appRight)
{ _typedExpression =
{ _appLeft = ExpressionTyped l,
_appRight = r
_typedType = fun ^. funRight
case fun of
Left ta -> do
r <- checkExpression TypeUniverse (a ^. appRight)
let tr = expressionAsType r
{ _typedExpression =
{ _appLeft = ExpressionTyped l,
_appRight = r
_typedType = substitution1 (ta ^. typeAbsVar, tr) (ta ^. typeAbsBody)
Right f -> do
r <- checkExpression (f ^. funLeft) (a ^. appRight)
{ _typedExpression =
{ _appLeft = ExpressionTyped l,
_appRight = r
_typedType = f ^. funRight
getFunctionType :: Expression -> Type -> Sem r Function
getFunctionType :: Expression -> Type -> Sem r (Either TypeAbstraction Function)
getFunctionType appExp t = case t of
TypeFunction f -> return f
TypeFunction f -> return (Right f)
TypeAbs f -> return (Left f)
_ -> throw tyErr
tyErr :: TypeCheckerError
@ -302,3 +477,23 @@ inferExpression' e = case e of
_expectedFunctionTypeType = t
viewInductiveApp ::
Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r =>
Type ->
Sem r (InductiveName, [Type])
viewInductiveApp ty = case t of
TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive n) -> return (n, as)
_ -> throw @TypeCheckerError (error "only inductive types can be pattern matched")
(t, as) = viewTypeApp ty
viewTypeApp :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
viewTypeApp t = case t of
TypeApp (TypeApplication l r) ->
second (`snoc` r) (viewTypeApp l)
TypeAny {} -> (t, [])
TypeUniverse {} -> (t, [])
TypeAbs {} -> (t, [])
TypeFunction {} -> (t, [])
TypeIden {} -> (t, [])

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult qualified as Mono
data MiniHaskellResult = MiniHaskellResult
{ _resultMicroJuvixTyped :: Micro.MicroJuvixTypedResult,
{ _resultMonoJuvix :: Mono.MonoJuvixResult,
_resultModules :: NonEmpty Module

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
{ _constructorInfoArgs :: [Type],
_constructorInfoInductive :: InductiveName
newtype FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo
{ _functionInfoType :: Type
data AxiomInfo = AxiomInfo
{ _axiomInfoType :: Type,
_axiomInfoBackends :: [BackendItem]
data InfoTable = InfoTable
{ _infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo,
_infoAxioms :: HashMap Name AxiomInfo,
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
-- TODO temporary function.
buildTable :: Module -> InfoTable
buildTable m = InfoTable {..}
_infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo
_infoConstructors =
[ (c ^. constructorName, ConstructorInfo args ind)
| StatementInductive d <- ss,
let ind = d ^. inductiveName,
c <- d ^. inductiveConstructors,
let args = c ^. constructorParameters
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
_infoFunctions =
[ (f ^. funDefName, FunctionInfo (f ^. funDefType))
| StatementFunction f <- ss
_infoAxioms :: HashMap Name AxiomInfo
_infoAxioms =
[ (d ^. axiomName, AxiomInfo (d ^. axiomType) (d ^. axiomBackendItems))
| StatementAxiom d <- ss
ss = m ^. (moduleBody . moduleStatements)
makeLenses ''InfoTable
makeLenses ''FunctionInfo
makeLenses ''ConstructorInfo
makeLenses ''AxiomInfo

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name,
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language qualified as C
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import Prettyprinter
type FunctionName = Name
type AxiomName = Name
type VarName = Name
type ConstrName = Name
type InductiveName = Name
data Name = Name
{ _nameText :: Text,
_nameId :: NameId,
_nameKind :: NameKind,
_nameDefined :: Maybe C.Interval,
_nameLoc :: Maybe C.Interval
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''Name
instance Eq Name where
(==) = (==) `on` _nameId
instance Ord Name where
compare = compare `on` _nameId
instance Hashable Name where
hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . _nameId
instance HasNameKind Name where
getNameKind = _nameKind
instance Pretty Name where
pretty = pretty . _nameText
data Module = Module
{ _moduleName :: Name,
_moduleBody :: ModuleBody
newtype ModuleBody = ModuleBody
{ _moduleStatements :: [Statement]
data Statement
= StatementInductive InductiveDef
| StatementFunction FunctionDef
| StatementForeign ForeignBlock
| StatementAxiom AxiomDef
data AxiomDef = AxiomDef
{ _axiomName :: AxiomName,
_axiomType :: Type,
_axiomBackendItems :: [BackendItem]
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef
{ _funDefName :: FunctionName,
_funDefType :: Type,
_funDefClauses :: NonEmpty FunctionClause
data FunctionClause = FunctionClause
{ _clauseName :: FunctionName,
_clausePatterns :: [Pattern],
_clauseBody :: Expression
deriving stock (Show)
data Iden
= IdenFunction Name
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
| IdenAxiom Name
deriving stock (Show)
data TypedExpression = TypedExpression
{ _typedType :: Type,
_typedExpression :: Expression
deriving stock (Show)
data Expression
= ExpressionIden Iden
| ExpressionApplication Application
| ExpressionLiteral C.LiteralLoc
| ExpressionTyped TypedExpression
deriving stock (Show)
data Application = Application
{ _appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression
deriving stock (Show)
data Function = Function
{ _funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp
{ _constrAppConstructor :: Name,
_constrAppParameters :: [Pattern]
deriving stock (Show)
data Pattern
= PatternVariable VarName
| PatternConstructorApp ConstructorApp
| PatternWildcard
deriving stock (Show)
data InductiveDef = InductiveDef
{ _inductiveName :: InductiveName,
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef]
data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
{ _constructorName :: ConstrName,
_constructorParameters :: [Type]
data TypeIden
= TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
| TypeIdenAxiom AxiomName
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data Type
= TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
| TypeUniverse
| TypeAny
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''Function
makeLenses ''FunctionDef
makeLenses ''FunctionClause
makeLenses ''InductiveDef
makeLenses ''AxiomDef
makeLenses ''ModuleBody
makeLenses ''Application
makeLenses ''TypedExpression
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
instance HasAtomicity Application where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
instance HasAtomicity Expression where
atomicity e = case e of
ExpressionIden {} -> Atom
ExpressionApplication a -> atomicity a
ExpressionTyped t -> atomicity (t ^. typedExpression)
ExpressionLiteral l -> atomicity l
instance HasAtomicity Function where
atomicity = const (Aggregate funFixity)
instance HasAtomicity Type where
atomicity t = case t of
TypeIden {} -> Atom
TypeFunction f -> atomicity f
TypeUniverse -> Atom
TypeAny -> Atom
instance HasAtomicity ConstructorApp where
atomicity (ConstructorApp _ args)
| null args = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate appFixity
instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
atomicity p = case p of
PatternConstructorApp a -> atomicity a
PatternVariable {} -> Atom
PatternWildcard {} -> Atom

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.LocalVars where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
newtype LocalVars = LocalVars
{ _localTypes :: HashMap VarName Type
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
makeLenses ''LocalVars

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable,
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
data MonoJuvixResult = MonoJuvixResult
{ _resultMicroTyped :: Micro.MicroJuvixTypedResult,
_resultModules :: NonEmpty Module
makeLenses ''MonoJuvixResult

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Prelude.Pretty
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Ansi qualified as Ansi
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Base
newtype PPOutput = PPOutput (SimpleDocStream Ann)
ppOut :: PrettyCode c => c -> PPOutput
ppOut = PPOutput . docStream defaultOptions
ppOut' :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> PPOutput
ppOut' o = PPOutput . docStream o
instance HasAnsiBackend PPOutput where
toAnsi (PPOutput o) = reAnnotateS Ansi.stylize o
instance HasTextBackend PPOutput where
toText (PPOutput o) = unAnnotateS o

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Ann where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
data Ann
= AnnKind NameKind
| AnnKeyword
| AnnLiteralString
| AnnLiteralInteger

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Ansi where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Base
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
printPrettyCodeDefault :: PrettyCode c => c -> IO ()
printPrettyCodeDefault = printPrettyCode defaultOptions
printPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> IO ()
printPrettyCode = hPrintPrettyCode stdout
hPrintPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Handle -> Options -> c -> IO ()
hPrintPrettyCode h opts = renderIO h . docStream' opts
renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream' opts
docStream' :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream' opts =
reAnnotateS stylize . docStream opts
stylize :: Ann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
AnnKind k -> nameKindAnsi k
AnnKeyword -> colorDull Blue
AnnLiteralString -> colorDull Red
AnnLiteralInteger -> colorDull Cyan

View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Base where
import MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import Prettyprinter
newtype Options = Options
{ _optIndent :: Int
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
{ _optIndent = 2
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream Ann
docStream opts =
layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run
. runReader opts
. ppCode
class PrettyCode c where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
runPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Doc Ann
runPrettyCode opts = run . runReader opts . ppCode
instance PrettyCode Name where
ppCode n =
return $
annotate (AnnKind (n ^. nameKind)) $
pretty (n ^. nameText) <> "_" <> pretty (n ^. nameId)
instance PrettyCode Iden where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => Iden -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode i = case i of
IdenFunction na -> ppCode na
IdenConstructor na -> ppCode na
IdenVar na -> ppCode na
IdenAxiom a -> ppCode a
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode a = do
l' <- ppLeftExpression appFixity (a ^. appLeft)
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity (a ^. appRight)
return $ l' <+> r'
instance PrettyCode TypedExpression where
ppCode e = ppCode (e ^. typedExpression)
instance PrettyCode Expression where
ppCode = \case
ExpressionIden i -> ppCode i
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionTyped a -> ppCode a
ExpressionLiteral l -> return (pretty l)
keyword :: Text -> Doc Ann
keyword = annotate AnnKeyword . pretty
kwArrow :: Doc Ann
kwArrow = keyword Str.toAscii
kwMapsto :: Doc Ann
kwMapsto = keyword Str.mapstoUnicode
kwForeign :: Doc Ann
kwForeign = keyword Str.foreign_
kwAgda :: Doc Ann
kwAgda = keyword Str.agda
kwGhc :: Doc Ann
kwGhc = keyword Str.ghc
kwColon :: Doc Ann
kwColon = keyword Str.colon
kwData :: Doc Ann
kwData = keyword Str.data_
kwEquals :: Doc Ann
kwEquals = keyword Str.equal
kwColonColon :: Doc Ann
kwColonColon = keyword (Str.colon <> Str.colon)
kwPipe :: Doc Ann
kwPipe = keyword Str.pipe
kwAxiom :: Doc Ann
kwAxiom = keyword Str.axiom
kwWhere :: Doc Ann
kwWhere = keyword Str.where_
kwModule :: Doc Ann
kwModule = keyword Str.module_
kwAny :: Doc Ann
kwAny = keyword Str.any
kwType :: Doc Ann
kwType = keyword Str.type_
kwWildcard :: Doc Ann
kwWildcard = keyword Str.underscore
instance PrettyCode BackendItem where
ppCode BackendItem {..} = do
backend <- ppCode _backendItemBackend
return $
backend <+> kwMapsto <+> pretty _backendItemCode
instance PrettyCode Function where
ppCode (Function l r) = do
l' <- ppLeftExpression funFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression funFixity r
return $ l' <+> kwArrow <+> r'
instance PrettyCode TypeIden where
ppCode = \case
TypeIdenInductive i -> ppCode i
TypeIdenAxiom i -> ppCode i
instance PrettyCode Type where
ppCode = \case
TypeIden i -> ppCode i
TypeFunction f -> ppCode f
TypeUniverse -> return kwType
TypeAny -> return kwAny
instance PrettyCode InductiveConstructorDef where
ppCode c = do
constructorName' <- ppCode (c ^. constructorName)
constructorParameters' <- mapM ppCode (c ^. constructorParameters)
return (hsep $ constructorName' : constructorParameters')
indent' :: Member (Reader Options) r => Doc a -> Sem r (Doc a)
indent' d = do
i <- asks _optIndent
return $ indent i d
ppBlock :: (PrettyCode a, Members '[Reader Options] r, Traversable t) => t a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppBlock items = mapM ppCode items >>= bracesIndent . vsep . toList
bracesIndent :: Members '[Reader Options] r => Doc Ann -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
bracesIndent d = do
d' <- indent' d
return $ braces (line <> d' <> line)
instance PrettyCode InductiveDef where
ppCode d = do
inductiveName' <- ppCode (d ^. inductiveName)
inductiveConstructors' <- mapM ppCode (d ^. inductiveConstructors)
rhs <- indent' $ align $ concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> kwPipe <+> b) inductiveConstructors'
return $ kwData <+> inductiveName' <+> kwEquals <> line <> rhs
instance PrettyCode ConstructorApp where
ppCode c = do
constr' <- ppCode (c ^. constrAppConstructor)
params' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. constrAppParameters)
return $ hsep $ constr' : params'
instance PrettyCode Pattern where
ppCode p = case p of
PatternVariable v -> ppCode v
PatternConstructorApp a -> ppCode a
PatternWildcard -> return kwWildcard
instance PrettyCode FunctionDef where
ppCode f = do
funDefName' <- ppCode (f ^. funDefName)
funDefType' <- ppCode (f ^. funDefType)
clauses' <- mapM ppCode (f ^. funDefClauses)
return $
funDefName' <+> kwColonColon <+> funDefType' <> line
<> vsep (toList clauses')
instance PrettyCode FunctionClause where
ppCode c = do
funName <- ppCode (c ^. clauseName)
clausePatterns' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. clausePatterns)
clauseBody' <- ppCode (c ^. clauseBody)
return $ funName <+> hsep clausePatterns' <+> kwEquals <+> clauseBody'
instance PrettyCode Backend where
ppCode = \case
BackendGhc -> return kwGhc
BackendAgda -> return kwAgda
instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
ppCode ForeignBlock {..} = do
_foreignBackend' <- ppCode _foreignBackend
return $
kwForeign <+> _foreignBackend' <+> lbrace <> line
<> pretty _foreignCode
<> line
<> rbrace
instance PrettyCode AxiomDef where
ppCode AxiomDef {..} = do
axiomName' <- ppCode _axiomName
axiomType' <- ppCode _axiomType
axiomBackendItems' <- case _axiomBackendItems of
[] -> return Nothing
bs -> Just <$> ppBlock bs
return $ kwAxiom <+> axiomName' <+> kwColon <+> axiomType' <+?> axiomBackendItems'
instance PrettyCode Statement where
ppCode = \case
StatementForeign f -> ppCode f
StatementFunction f -> ppCode f
StatementInductive f -> ppCode f
StatementAxiom f -> ppCode f
instance PrettyCode ModuleBody where
ppCode m = do
everything <- mapM ppCode (m ^. moduleStatements)
return $ vsep2 everything
vsep2 = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)
instance PrettyCode Module where
ppCode m = do
name' <- ppCode (m ^. moduleName)
body' <- ppCode (m ^. moduleBody)
return $
kwModule <+> name' <+> kwWhere
<> line
<> line
<> body'
<> line
parensCond :: Bool -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
parensCond t d = if t then parens d else d
ppPostExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression = ppLRExpression isPostfixAssoc
ppRightExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression = ppLRExpression isRightAssoc
ppLeftExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression = ppLRExpression isLeftAssoc
ppLRExpression ::
(HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) ->
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression associates fixlr e =
parensCond (atomParens associates (atomicity e) fixlr)
<$> ppCode e
ppCodeAtom :: (HasAtomicity c, PrettyCode c, Members '[Reader Options] r) => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCodeAtom c = do
p' <- ppCode c
return $ if isAtomic c then p' else parens p'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Text where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty.Base
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text
printPrettyCodeDefault :: PrettyCode c => c -> IO ()
printPrettyCodeDefault = printPrettyCode defaultOptions
printPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> IO ()
printPrettyCode = hPrintPrettyCode stdout
hPrintPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Handle -> Options -> c -> IO ()
hPrintPrettyCode h opts = renderIO h . docStream opts
renderPrettyCodeDefault :: PrettyCode c => c -> Text
renderPrettyCodeDefault = renderStrict . docStream defaultOptions
renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts

View File

@ -17,19 +17,22 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage qualified as A
entryMicroJuvix ::
Abstract.AbstractResult ->
Sem r MicroJuvixResult
entryMicroJuvix ares =
entryMicroJuvix ares = do
_resultModules' <- mapM translateModule (ares ^. Abstract.resultModules)
{ _resultAbstract = ares,
_resultModules = fmap translateModule (ares ^. Abstract.resultModules)
_resultModules = _resultModules'
translateModule :: A.TopModule -> Module
translateModule m =
{ _moduleName = goTopModuleName (m ^. A.moduleName),
_moduleBody = goModuleBody (m ^. A.moduleBody)
translateModule :: A.TopModule -> Sem r Module
translateModule m = do
_moduleBody' <- goModuleBody (m ^. A.moduleBody)
{ _moduleName = goTopModuleName (m ^. A.moduleName),
_moduleBody = _moduleBody'
goTopModuleName :: A.TopModuleName -> Name
goTopModuleName = goSymbol . S.topModulePathName
@ -50,94 +53,128 @@ goSymbol s =
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported thing = error ("Abstract to MicroJuvix: Not yet supported: " <> thing)
goImport :: A.TopModule -> ModuleBody
goImport :: A.TopModule -> Sem r ModuleBody
goImport m = goModuleBody (m ^. A.moduleBody)
goModuleBody :: A.ModuleBody -> ModuleBody
goModuleBody b = ModuleBody (map goStatement (b ^. A.moduleStatements))
goModuleBody :: A.ModuleBody -> Sem r ModuleBody
goModuleBody b = ModuleBody <$> mapM goStatement (b ^. A.moduleStatements)
goStatement :: A.Statement -> Statement
goStatement :: A.Statement -> Sem r Statement
goStatement = \case
A.StatementAxiom d -> StatementAxiom (goAxiomDef d)
A.StatementForeign f -> StatementForeign f
A.StatementFunction f -> StatementFunction (goFunctionDef f)
A.StatementAxiom d -> StatementAxiom <$> goAxiomDef d
A.StatementForeign f -> return (StatementForeign f)
A.StatementFunction f -> StatementFunction <$> goFunctionDef f
A.StatementImport {} -> unsupported "imports"
A.StatementLocalModule {} -> unsupported "local modules"
A.StatementInductive i -> StatementInductive (goInductiveDef i)
A.StatementInductive i -> StatementInductive <$> goInductiveDef i
goTypeIden :: A.Iden -> TypeIden
goTypeIden i = case i of
A.IdenFunction {} -> unsupported "functions in types"
A.IdenConstructor {} -> unsupported "constructors in types"
A.IdenVar {} -> unsupported "type variables"
A.IdenVar v -> TypeIdenVariable (goSymbol v)
A.IdenInductive d -> TypeIdenInductive (goName (d ^. A.inductiveRefName))
A.IdenAxiom a -> TypeIdenAxiom (goName (a ^. A.axiomRefName))
goAxiomDef :: A.AxiomDef -> AxiomDef
goAxiomDef a =
{ _axiomName = goSymbol (a ^. A.axiomName),
_axiomType = goType (a ^. A.axiomType),
_axiomBackendItems = a ^. A.axiomBackendItems
goAxiomDef :: A.AxiomDef -> Sem r AxiomDef
goAxiomDef a = do
_axiomType' <- goType (a ^. A.axiomType)
{ _axiomName = goSymbol (a ^. A.axiomName),
_axiomType = _axiomType',
_axiomBackendItems = a ^. A.axiomBackendItems
goFunctionParameter :: A.FunctionParameter -> Type
goFunctionParameter :: A.FunctionParameter -> Sem r (Either VarName Type)
goFunctionParameter f = case f ^. A.paramName of
Just {} -> unsupported "named function arguments"
_ -> case f ^. A.paramUsage of
A.UsageOmega -> goType (f ^. A.paramType)
_ -> unsupported "usages"
Just var
| isSmallType (f ^. A.paramType) && isOmegaUsage (f ^. A.paramUsage) -> return (Left (goSymbol var))
| otherwise -> unsupported "named function arguments only for small types without usages"
| isOmegaUsage (f ^. A.paramUsage) -> Right <$> goType (f ^. A.paramType)
| otherwise -> unsupported "usages"
goFunction :: A.Function -> Function
goFunction (A.Function l r) = Function (goFunctionParameter l) (goType r)
isOmegaUsage :: A.Usage -> Bool
isOmegaUsage u = case u of
A.UsageOmega -> True
_ -> False
goFunctionDef :: A.FunctionDef -> FunctionDef
goFunctionDef f =
{ _funDefName = _funDefName',
_funDefType = goType (f ^. A.funDefTypeSig),
_funDefClauses = fmap (goFunctionClause _funDefName') (f ^. A.funDefClauses)
goFunction :: A.Function -> Sem r Type
goFunction (A.Function l r) = do
l' <- goFunctionParameter l
r' <- goType r
return $ case l' of
Left tyvar -> TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction tyvar r')
Right ty -> TypeFunction (Function ty r')
goFunctionDef :: A.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
goFunctionDef f = do
_funDefClauses' <- mapM (goFunctionClause _funDefName') (f ^. A.funDefClauses)
_funDefType' <- goType (f ^. A.funDefTypeSig)
{ _funDefName = _funDefName',
_funDefType = _funDefType',
_funDefClauses = _funDefClauses'
_funDefName' :: Name
_funDefName' = goSymbol (f ^. A.funDefName)
goFunctionClause :: Name -> A.FunctionClause -> FunctionClause
goFunctionClause n c =
{ _clauseName = n,
_clausePatterns = map goPattern (c ^. A.clausePatterns),
_clauseBody = goExpression (c ^. A.clauseBody)
goFunctionClause :: Name -> A.FunctionClause -> Sem r FunctionClause
goFunctionClause n c = do
_clauseBody' <- goExpression (c ^. A.clauseBody)
_clausePatterns' <- mapM goPattern (c ^. A.clausePatterns)
{ _clauseName = n,
_clausePatterns = _clausePatterns',
_clauseBody = _clauseBody'
goPattern :: A.Pattern -> Pattern
goPattern :: A.Pattern -> Sem r Pattern
goPattern p = case p of
A.PatternVariable v -> PatternVariable (goSymbol v)
A.PatternConstructorApp c -> PatternConstructorApp (goConstructorApp c)
A.PatternWildcard -> PatternWildcard
A.PatternVariable v -> return (PatternVariable (goSymbol v))
A.PatternConstructorApp c -> PatternConstructorApp <$> goConstructorApp c
A.PatternWildcard -> return PatternWildcard
A.PatternEmpty -> unsupported "pattern empty"
goConstructorApp :: A.ConstructorApp -> ConstructorApp
goConstructorApp c =
(goName (c ^. A.constrAppConstructor . A.constructorRefName))
(map goPattern (c ^. A.constrAppParameters))
goConstructorApp :: A.ConstructorApp -> Sem r ConstructorApp
goConstructorApp c = do
_constrAppParameters' <- mapM goPattern (c ^. A.constrAppParameters)
{ _constrAppConstructor = goName (c ^. A.constrAppConstructor . A.constructorRefName),
_constrAppParameters = _constrAppParameters'
isSmallType :: A.Expression -> Bool
isSmallType e = case e of
A.ExpressionUniverse u -> isSmallUni u
_ -> False
isSmallUni :: Universe -> Bool
isSmallUni u = 0 == fromMaybe 0 (u ^. universeLevel)
goTypeUniverse :: Universe -> Type
goTypeUniverse u
| 0 == fromMaybe 0 (u ^. universeLevel) = TypeUniverse
| isSmallUni u = TypeUniverse
| otherwise = unsupported "big universes"
goType :: A.Expression -> Type
goType :: A.Expression -> Sem r Type
goType e = case e of
A.ExpressionIden i -> TypeIden (goTypeIden i)
A.ExpressionUniverse u -> goTypeUniverse u
A.ExpressionApplication {} -> unsupported "application in types"
A.ExpressionFunction f -> TypeFunction (goFunction f)
A.ExpressionIden i -> return (TypeIden (goTypeIden i))
A.ExpressionUniverse u -> return (goTypeUniverse u)
A.ExpressionApplication a -> TypeApp <$> goTypeApplication a
A.ExpressionFunction f -> goFunction f
A.ExpressionLiteral {} -> unsupported "literals in types"
goApplication :: A.Application -> Application
goApplication (A.Application f x) = Application (goExpression f) (goExpression x)
goApplication :: A.Application -> Sem r Application
goApplication (A.Application f x) = do
f' <- goExpression f
x' <- goExpression x
return (Application f' x')
goIden :: A.Iden -> Iden
goIden i = case i of
@ -145,45 +182,78 @@ goIden i = case i of
A.IdenConstructor c -> IdenConstructor (goName (c ^. A.constructorRefName))
A.IdenVar v -> IdenVar (goSymbol v)
A.IdenAxiom a -> IdenAxiom (goName (a ^. A.axiomRefName))
A.IdenInductive {} -> unsupported "inductive identifier"
A.IdenInductive a -> IdenInductive (goName (a ^. A.inductiveRefName))
goExpression :: A.Expression -> Expression
goExpression :: A.Expression -> Sem r Expression
goExpression e = case e of
A.ExpressionIden i -> ExpressionIden (goIden i)
A.ExpressionIden i -> return (ExpressionIden (goIden i))
A.ExpressionUniverse {} -> unsupported "universes in expression"
A.ExpressionFunction {} -> unsupported "function type in expressions"
A.ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication (goApplication a)
A.ExpressionLiteral l -> ExpressionLiteral l
A.ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication <$> goApplication a
A.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral l)
goInductiveDef :: A.InductiveDef -> InductiveDef
goInductiveParameter :: A.FunctionParameter -> Sem r InductiveParameter
goInductiveParameter f =
case (f ^. A.paramName, f ^. A.paramUsage, f ^. A.paramType) of
(Just var, A.UsageOmega, A.ExpressionUniverse u)
| isSmallUni u ->
{ _inductiveParamName = goSymbol var
(Just {}, _, _) -> unsupported "only type variables of small types are allowed"
(Nothing, _, _) -> unsupported "unnamed inductive parameters"
goInductiveDef :: forall r. A.InductiveDef -> Sem r InductiveDef
goInductiveDef i = case i ^. A.inductiveType of
Just {} -> unsupported "inductive indices"
_ ->
{ _inductiveName = indName,
_inductiveConstructors = map goConstructorDef (i ^. A.inductiveConstructors)
_ -> do
_inductiveParameters' <- mapM goInductiveParameter (i ^. A.inductiveParameters)
_inductiveConstructors' <- mapM goConstructorDef (i ^. A.inductiveConstructors)
{ _inductiveName = indName,
_inductiveParameters = _inductiveParameters',
_inductiveConstructors = _inductiveConstructors'
indName = goSymbol (i ^. A.inductiveName)
goConstructorDef :: A.InductiveConstructorDef -> InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef c =
{ _constructorName = goSymbol (c ^. A.constructorName),
_constructorParameters = goConstructorType (c ^. A.constructorType)
goConstructorType :: A.Expression -> [Type]
goConstructorType = fst . viewExpressionFunctionType
goConstructorDef :: A.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef c = do
_constructorParameters' <- goConstructorType (c ^. A.constructorType)
{ _constructorName = goSymbol (c ^. A.constructorName),
_constructorParameters = _constructorParameters'
-- TODO check that the return type corresponds with the inductive type
goConstructorType :: A.Expression -> Sem r [Type]
goConstructorType = fmap fst . viewConstructorType
-- TODO: add docs or an example
viewExpressionFunctionType :: A.Expression -> ([Type], Type)
viewExpressionFunctionType e = case e of
A.ExpressionFunction f -> first toList (viewFunctionType f)
A.ExpressionIden i -> ([], TypeIden (goTypeIden i))
A.ExpressionApplication {} -> unsupported "application in a type"
A.ExpressionUniverse {} -> ([], TypeUniverse)
goTypeApplication :: A.Application -> Sem r TypeApplication
goTypeApplication (A.Application l r) = do
l' <- goType l
r' <- goType r
{ _typeAppLeft = l',
_typeAppRight = r'
viewConstructorType :: A.Expression -> Sem r ([Type], Type)
viewConstructorType e = case e of
A.ExpressionFunction f -> first toList <$> viewFunctionType f
A.ExpressionIden i -> return ([], TypeIden (goTypeIden i))
A.ExpressionApplication a -> do
a' <- goTypeApplication a
return ([], TypeApp a')
A.ExpressionUniverse {} -> return ([], TypeUniverse)
A.ExpressionLiteral {} -> unsupported "literal in a type"
viewFunctionType :: A.Function -> (NonEmpty Type, Type)
viewFunctionType (A.Function p r) = (goFunctionParameter p :| args, ret)
(args, ret) = viewExpressionFunctionType r
viewFunctionType :: A.Function -> Sem r (NonEmpty Type, Type)
viewFunctionType (A.Function p r) = do
(args, ret) <- viewConstructorType r
p' <- goFunctionParameter p
return $ case p' of
Left {} -> unsupported "type abstraction in constructor type"
Right ty -> (ty :| args, ret)

View File

@ -1,29 +1,27 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniHaskell
( module MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMiniHaskell,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult,
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix
( module MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult,
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.InfoTable qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult
import Prettyprinter
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.NameId
entryMiniHaskell ::
entryMonoJuvix ::
Member (Error Err) r =>
Micro.MicroJuvixTypedResult ->
Sem r MiniHaskellResult
entryMiniHaskell i = do
Sem r MonoJuvixResult
entryMonoJuvix i = do
_resultModules <- mapM goModule' (i ^. Micro.resultModules)
return MiniHaskellResult {..}
return MonoJuvixResult {..}
_resultMicroJuvixTyped = i
_resultMicroTyped = i
goModule' m = runReader table (goModule m)
table = Micro.buildTable m
@ -52,53 +50,46 @@ goModuleBody ::
Micro.ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
goModuleBody Micro.ModuleBody {..} =
ModuleBody <$> mapMaybeM goStatement _moduleStatements
ModuleBody <$> mapM goStatement _moduleStatements
goStatement :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Statement -> Sem r (Maybe Statement)
goStatement :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Statement -> Sem r Statement
goStatement = \case
Micro.StatementInductive d -> Just . StatementInductive <$> goInductive d
Micro.StatementFunction d -> Just . StatementFunction <$> goFunctionDef d
Micro.StatementForeign d -> return (goForeign d)
Micro.StatementAxiom {} -> return Nothing
Micro.StatementInductive d -> StatementInductive <$> goInductive d
Micro.StatementFunction d -> StatementFunction <$> goFunctionDef d
Micro.StatementForeign d -> return (StatementForeign d)
Micro.StatementAxiom a -> StatementAxiom <$> goAxiomDef a
goForeign :: ForeignBlock -> Maybe Statement
goForeign b = case b ^. foreignBackend of
BackendGhc -> Just (StatementVerbatim (b ^. foreignCode))
_ -> Nothing
goAxiomDef :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.AxiomDef -> Sem r AxiomDef
goAxiomDef Micro.AxiomDef {..} = do
_axiomType' <- goType _axiomType
{ _axiomName = goName _axiomName,
_axiomType = _axiomType',
_axiomBackendItems = _axiomBackendItems
lookupAxiom :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Name -> Sem r Micro.AxiomInfo
lookupAxiom n =
fromMaybe impossible . (^. Micro.infoAxioms . at n) <$> ask
goIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Iden -> Sem r Iden
goIden = \case
Micro.IdenFunction fun -> return (goName' fun)
Micro.IdenConstructor c -> return (goName' c)
Micro.IdenVar v -> return (goName' v)
Micro.IdenAxiom a -> ExpressionVerbatim <$> goAxiomIden a
Micro.IdenFunction fun -> return (IdenFunction (goName fun))
Micro.IdenConstructor c -> return (IdenConstructor (goName c))
Micro.IdenVar v -> return (IdenVar (goName v))
Micro.IdenAxiom a -> return (IdenAxiom (goName a))
throwErr :: Member (Error Err) r => Text -> Sem r a
throwErr = throw
goAxiomIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Name -> Sem r Text
goAxiomIden n = do
backends <- (^. Micro.axiomInfoBackends) <$> lookupAxiom n
case firstJust getCode backends of
Nothing -> throwErr ("ghc does not support this primitive:" <> show (pretty n))
Just t -> return t
getCode :: BackendItem -> Maybe Text
getCode b =
guard (BackendGhc == b ^. backendItemBackend)
$> b ^. backendItemCode
goName' :: Micro.Name -> Expression
goName' = ExpressionIden . goName
goName :: Micro.Name -> Name
goName n =
{ _nameText = goNameText n,
_nameId = n ^. Micro.nameId,
_nameDefined = Just (n ^. Micro.nameDefined),
_nameLoc = Just (n ^. Micro.nameLoc),
_nameKind = n ^. Micro.nameKind
@ -168,7 +159,7 @@ goExpression ::
Micro.Expression ->
Sem r Expression
goExpression = \case
Micro.ExpressionIden i -> goIden i
Micro.ExpressionIden i -> ExpressionIden <$> goIden i
Micro.ExpressionTyped t -> goExpression (t ^. Micro.typedExpression)
Micro.ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication <$> goApplication a
Micro.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral l)
@ -196,6 +187,7 @@ goFunctionClause Micro.FunctionClause {..} = do
{ _clauseBody = _clauseBody',
_clauseName = goName _clauseName,
_clausePatterns = _clausePatterns'
@ -236,11 +228,11 @@ goFunction Micro.Function {..} = do
goTypeIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.TypeIden -> Sem r Type
goTypeIden = \case
Micro.TypeIdenInductive n -> return (TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive (goName n)))
Micro.TypeIdenAxiom n -> TypeVerbatim <$> goAxiomIden n
Micro.TypeIdenAxiom n -> return (TypeIden (TypeIdenAxiom (goName n)))
goType :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.Type -> Sem r Type
goType = \case
Micro.TypeIden t -> goTypeIden t
Micro.TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction <$> goFunction f
Micro.TypeUniverse -> throwErr "MiniHaskell: universes in types not supported"
Micro.TypeUniverse -> throwErr "MonoJuvix: universes in types not supported"
Micro.TypeAny -> impossible

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell
( module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult,
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult qualified as Mono
import Prettyprinter
entryMiniHaskell ::
Member (Error Err) r =>
Mono.MonoJuvixResult ->
Sem r MiniHaskellResult
entryMiniHaskell i = do
_resultModules <- mapM goModule' (i ^. Mono.resultModules)
return MiniHaskellResult {..}
_resultMonoJuvix = i
goModule' m = runReader table (goModule m)
table = Mono.buildTable m
translateModule :: Mono.Module -> Either Err Module
translateModule m = run (runError (runReader table (goModule m)))
table = Mono.buildTable m
type Err = Text
goModule :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Module -> Sem r Module
goModule Mono.Module {..} = do
_moduleBody' <- goModuleBody _moduleBody
{ _moduleName = goName _moduleName,
_moduleBody = _moduleBody'
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported msg = error $ msg <> " not yet supported"
goModuleBody ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
goModuleBody Mono.ModuleBody {..} =
ModuleBody <$> mapMaybeM goStatement _moduleStatements
goStatement :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Statement -> Sem r (Maybe Statement)
goStatement = \case
Mono.StatementInductive d -> Just . StatementInductive <$> goInductive d
Mono.StatementFunction d -> Just . StatementFunction <$> goFunctionDef d
Mono.StatementForeign d -> return (goForeign d)
Mono.StatementAxiom {} -> return Nothing
goForeign :: ForeignBlock -> Maybe Statement
goForeign b = case b ^. foreignBackend of
BackendGhc -> Just (StatementVerbatim (b ^. foreignCode))
_ -> Nothing
lookupAxiom :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Name -> Sem r Mono.AxiomInfo
lookupAxiom n =
fromMaybe impossible . (^. Mono.infoAxioms . at n) <$> ask
goIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden = \case
Mono.IdenFunction fun -> return (goName' fun)
Mono.IdenConstructor c -> return (goName' c)
Mono.IdenVar v -> return (goName' v)
Mono.IdenAxiom a -> ExpressionVerbatim <$> goAxiomIden a
throwErr :: Member (Error Err) r => Text -> Sem r a
throwErr = throw
goAxiomIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Name -> Sem r Text
goAxiomIden n = do
backends <- (^. Mono.axiomInfoBackends) <$> lookupAxiom n
case firstJust getCode backends of
Nothing -> throwErr ("ghc does not support this primitive:" <> show (pretty n))
Just t -> return t
getCode :: BackendItem -> Maybe Text
getCode b =
guard (BackendGhc == b ^. backendItemBackend)
$> b ^. backendItemCode
goName' :: Mono.Name -> Expression
goName' = ExpressionIden . goName
goName :: Mono.Name -> Name
goName n =
{ _nameText = goNameText n,
_nameKind = n ^. Mono.nameKind
goNameText :: Mono.Name -> Text
goNameText n =
adaptFirstLetter lexeme <> nameTextSuffix
| Text.null lexeme' = "v"
| otherwise = lexeme'
lexeme' = Text.filter isValidChar (n ^. Mono.nameText)
isValidChar :: Char -> Bool
isValidChar c = isLetter c && isAscii c
adaptFirstLetter :: Text -> Text
adaptFirstLetter t = case Text.uncons t of
Nothing -> impossible
Just (h, r) -> Text.cons (capitalize h) r
capitalize :: Char -> Char
| capital = toUpper
| otherwise = toLower
capital = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
KNameConstructor -> True
KNameInductive -> True
KNameTopModule -> True
KNameLocalModule -> True
_ -> False
nameTextSuffix :: Text
nameTextSuffix = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
KNameTopModule -> mempty
KNameFunction ->
if n ^. Mono.nameText == haskellMainName then mempty else idSuffix
_ -> idSuffix
idSuffix :: Text
idSuffix = "_" <> show (n ^. Mono.nameId . unNameId)
haskellMainName :: Text
haskellMainName = "main"
goFunctionDef :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
goFunctionDef Mono.FunctionDef {..} = do
_funDefType' <- goType _funDefType
_funDefClauses' <- mapM goFunctionClause _funDefClauses
{ _funDefName = goName _funDefName,
_funDefType = _funDefType',
_funDefClauses = _funDefClauses'
goPattern :: Mono.Pattern -> Pattern
goPattern = \case
Mono.PatternVariable v -> PatternVariable (goName v)
Mono.PatternConstructorApp a -> PatternConstructorApp (goConstructorApp a)
Mono.PatternWildcard -> PatternWildcard
goConstructorApp :: Mono.ConstructorApp -> ConstructorApp
goConstructorApp c =
{ _constrAppConstructor = goName (c ^. Mono.constrAppConstructor),
_constrAppParameters = map goPattern (c ^. Mono.constrAppParameters)
goExpression ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.Expression ->
Sem r Expression
goExpression = \case
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> goIden i
Mono.ExpressionTyped t -> goExpression (t ^. Mono.typedExpression)
Mono.ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication <$> goApplication a
Mono.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral l)
goApplication ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.Application ->
Sem r Application
goApplication Mono.Application {..} = do
_appLeft' <- goExpression _appLeft
_appRight' <- goExpression _appRight
{ _appLeft = _appLeft',
_appRight = _appRight'
goFunctionClause ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.FunctionClause ->
Sem r FunctionClause
goFunctionClause Mono.FunctionClause {..} = do
_clauseBody' <- goExpression _clauseBody
let _clausePatterns' = map goPattern _clausePatterns
{ _clauseBody = _clauseBody',
_clausePatterns = _clausePatterns'
goInductive ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.InductiveDef ->
Sem r InductiveDef
goInductive Mono.InductiveDef {..} = do
_inductiveConstructors' <- mapM goConstructorDef _inductiveConstructors
{ _inductiveName = goName _inductiveName,
_inductiveConstructors = _inductiveConstructors'
goConstructorDef ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef Mono.InductiveConstructorDef {..} = do
_constructorParameters' <- mapM goType _constructorParameters
{ _constructorName = goName _constructorName,
_constructorParameters = _constructorParameters'
goFunction :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Function -> Sem r Function
goFunction Mono.Function {..} = do
_funLeft' <- goType _funLeft
_funRight' <- goType _funRight
{ _funLeft = _funLeft',
_funRight = _funRight'
goTypeIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.TypeIden -> Sem r Type
goTypeIden = \case
Mono.TypeIdenInductive n -> return (TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive (goName n)))
Mono.TypeIdenAxiom n -> TypeVerbatim <$> goAxiomIden n
goType :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Type -> Sem r Type
goType = \case
Mono.TypeIden t -> goTypeIden t
Mono.TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction <$> goFunction f
Mono.TypeUniverse -> throwErr "MiniHaskell: universes in types not supported"
Mono.TypeAny -> impossible

View File

@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ import TypeCheck.Negative qualified as N
import TypeCheck.Positive qualified as P
allTests :: TestTree
allTests = testGroup "TypeCheck tests" [P.allTests, N.allTests]
allTests = testGroup "Type checker tests" [P.allTests, N.allTests]

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module TypeCheck.Negative (allTests) where
import Base
import MiniJuvix.Pipeline
import MiniJuvix.Prelude.Error as Error
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
type FailMsg = String
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ data NegTest = NegTest
{ _name :: String,
_relDir :: FilePath,
_file :: FilePath,
_checkErr :: TypeCheckerErrors -> Maybe FailMsg
_checkErr :: TypeCheckerError -> Maybe FailMsg
testDescr :: NegTest -> TestDescr
@ -21,14 +22,12 @@ testDescr NegTest {..} =
_testRoot = tRoot,
_testAssertion = Single $ do
let entryPoint = EntryPoint "." (pure _file)
result <- runIOEither (upToMicroJuvixTyped entryPoint)
let msg1 = "The type checker did not find an error."
let msg2 = "An error ocurred but it was not in the type checker."
case mapLeft fromAJuvixError result of
Left (Just err) -> whenJust (_checkErr err) assertFailure
Left Nothing -> assertFailure msg1
Right _ -> assertFailure msg2
case result of
Left err -> case fromAJuvixError err of
Just tyError -> whenJust (_checkErr tyError) assertFailure
Nothing -> assertFailure ("The type checker did not find an error.\nThere is another error:\n" <> unpack (Error.renderText err))
Right _ -> assertFailure "An error ocurred but it was not in the type checker."
allTests :: TestTree
@ -50,48 +49,48 @@ tests =
$ \case
(TypeCheckerErrors (ErrWrongConstructorType {} :| [])) -> Nothing
ErrWrongConstructorType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Constructor pattern length mismatch"
$ \case
(TypeCheckerErrors (ErrWrongConstructorAppArgs {} :| [])) -> Nothing
ErrWrongConstructorAppArgs {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Type vs inferred type mismatch"
$ \case
(TypeCheckerErrors (ErrWrongType {} :| [])) -> Nothing
ErrWrongType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Function application with non-function type"
$ \case
(TypeCheckerErrors (ErrExpectedFunctionType {} :| [])) -> Nothing
ErrExpectedFunctionType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Function definition clause with two many match patterns"
$ \case
(TypeCheckerErrors (ErrTooManyPatterns {} :| [])) -> Nothing
ErrTooManyPatterns {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Multiple type errors are captured"
$ \case
(TypeCheckerErrors (ErrWrongType {} :| [ErrWrongType {}])) -> Nothing
ErrWrongType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Constructor pattern with arity greater than the constructor"
$ \case
(TypeCheckerErrors (ErrWrongConstructorAppArgs {} :| [])) -> Nothing
ErrWrongConstructorAppArgs {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError

View File

@ -62,5 +62,9 @@ tests =
"Polymorphism and higher rank functions"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
module Polymorphism;
inductive Pair (A : Type) (B : Type) {
mkPair : A → B → Pair A B;
inductive Nat {
zero : Nat;
suc : Nat → Nat;
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
-- TODO check that the return type is saturated with the proper variable
cons : A → List A → Nat;
inductive Bool {
false : Bool;
true : Bool;
id : (A : Type) → A → A;
id _ a ≔ a;
undefined : (A : Type) → A;
undefined A ≔ undefined A;
nil' : (E : Type) → List E;
nil' A ≔ nil A;
-- currying
nil'' : (E : Type) → List E;
nil'' ≔ nil;
l1 : List Nat;
l1 ≔ cons Nat zero (nil Nat);
fst : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → Pair A B → A;
fst _ _ (mkPair a b) ≔ a;
p : Pair Bool Bool;
p ≔ mkPair Bool Bool true false;
swap : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → Pair A B → Pair B A;
swap A B (mkPair a b) ≔ mkPair B A b a;
curry : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → (C : Type)
→ (Pair A B → C) → A → B → C;
curry A B C f a b ≔ f (mkPair A B a b) ;
ap : (A : Type) → (B : Type)
→ (A → B) → A → B;
ap A B f a ≔ f a;
ite : (A : Type) → Bool → A → A → A;
ite _ true tt _ ≔ tt;
ite _ false _ ff ≔ ff;
filter : (A : Type) → (A → Bool) → List A → List A;
filter A f nil ≔ nil A;
filter A f (cons x xs) ≔ ite (List A) (f x) (cons A x (filter A f xs)) (filter A f xs);
map : (A : Type) → (B : Type) →
(A → B) → List A → List B;
map A B f nil ≔ nil B ;
map A B f (cons x xs) ≔ cons B (f x) (map A B f xs);
zip : (A : Type) → (B : Type)
→ List A → List B → List (Pair A B);
zip A B nil _ ≔ nil (Pair A B);
zip A B _ nil ≔ nil (Pair A B);
zip A B (cons a as) (cons b bs) ≔ nil (Pair A B);
zipWith : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → (C : Type)
→ (A → B → C)
→ List A → List B → List C;
zipWith A B C f nil _ ≔ nil C;
zipWith A B C f _ nil ≔ nil C;
zipWith A B C f (cons a as) (cons b bs) ≔ cons C (f a b) (zipWith A B C f as bs);
rankn : ((A : Type) → A → A) → Bool → Nat → Pair Bool Nat;
rankn f b n ≔ mkPair Bool Nat (f Bool b) (f Nat n);
-- currying
trankn : Pair Bool Nat;
trankn ≔ rankn id false zero;