mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-04 13:42:04 +03:00

Add holes for expressions in function clauses and inference support (#136)

* Add holes to abstract and micro

* Support trivial implicit arguments

* Support refinement of meta type variables
This commit is contained in:
janmasrovira 2022-06-01 17:54:53 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 29c526833d
commit bd110723df
No known key found for this signature in database
28 changed files with 922 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Monomorphization
#+author: Jan Mas Rovira
/By Jan Mais Rovira/
* Monomorphization
Monomorphization refers to the process of converting polymorphic code to
monomorphic code (no type variables) through static analysis.

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Hole,
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (BackendItem, ForeignBlock (..), Liter
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name qualified as C
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name qualified as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Hole
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe
type TopModuleName = S.TopModulePath
@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ data Expression
| ExpressionUniverse Universe
| ExpressionFunction Function
| ExpressionLiteral LiteralLoc
| ExpressionHole Hole
--- | ExpressionMatch Match
--- ExpressionLambda Lambda not supported yet
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ data Expression
instance HasAtomicity Expression where
atomicity e = case e of
ExpressionIden {} -> Atom
ExpressionHole {} -> Atom
ExpressionUniverse u -> atomicity u
ExpressionApplication a -> atomicity a
ExpressionFunction f -> atomicity f

View File

@ -26,12 +26,9 @@ smallerPatternVariables = \case
viewApp :: Expression -> (Expression, [Expression])
viewApp e = case e of
ExpressionIden {} -> (e, [])
ExpressionApplication (Application l r) ->
second (`snoc` r) (viewApp l)
ExpressionUniverse {} -> (e, [])
ExpressionFunction {} -> (e, [])
ExpressionLiteral {} -> (e, [])
_ -> (e, [])
viewExpressionAsPattern :: Expression -> Maybe Pattern
viewExpressionAsPattern e = case viewApp e of

View File

@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ instance PrettyCode Expression where
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionFunction f -> ppCode f
ExpressionLiteral l -> ppSCode l
ExpressionHole h -> ppSCode h
instance PrettyCode Usage where
ppCode u = return $ case u of

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.NameRef,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Hole,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.LiteralLoc,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock,
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.NameRef
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.VisibilityAnn
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Hole
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage
import Prelude (show)
@ -57,6 +59,11 @@ type family IdentifierType s = res | res -> s where
IdentifierType 'Parsed = Name
IdentifierType 'Scoped = ScopedIden
type HoleType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family HoleType s = res | res -> s where
HoleType 'Parsed = Interval
HoleType 'Scoped = Hole
type PatternAtomIdenType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family PatternAtomIdenType s = res | res -> s where
PatternAtomIdenType 'Parsed = Name
@ -534,11 +541,13 @@ data Expression
| ExpressionUniverse Universe
| ExpressionLiteral LiteralLoc
| ExpressionFunction (Function 'Scoped)
| ExpressionHole (HoleType 'Scoped)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance HasAtomicity Expression where
atomicity e = case e of
ExpressionIdentifier {} -> Atom
ExpressionHole {} -> Atom
ExpressionParensIdentifier {} -> Atom
ExpressionApplication {} -> Aggregate appFixity
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> Aggregate (getFixity a)
@ -902,6 +911,7 @@ deriving stock instance
data ExpressionAtom (s :: Stage)
= AtomIdentifier (IdentifierType s)
| AtomLambda (Lambda s)
| AtomHole (HoleType s)
| AtomLetBlock (LetBlock s)
| AtomUniverse Universe
| AtomFunction (Function s)
@ -1004,6 +1014,7 @@ deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (HoleType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -1012,6 +1023,7 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (HoleType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
@ -1022,6 +1034,7 @@ deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (HoleType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -1031,6 +1044,7 @@ deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (HoleType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -1050,6 +1064,7 @@ instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (HoleType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -1061,6 +1076,7 @@ instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (HoleType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>

View File

@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ allKeywords =
@ -275,6 +276,9 @@ kwUsing = keyword Str.using
kwWhere :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwWhere = keyword Str.where_
kwHole :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwHole = keyword Str.underscore
kwWildcard :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r ()
kwWildcard = keyword Str.underscore

View File

@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ expressionAtom =
<|> (AtomMatch <$> match)
<|> (AtomLetBlock <$> letBlock)
<|> (AtomFunArrow <$ kwRightArrow)
<|> (AtomHole <$> hole)
<|> parens (AtomParens <$> parseExpressionAtoms)
parseExpressionAtoms ::
@ -194,6 +195,13 @@ parseExpressionAtoms = do
(_expressionAtoms, _expressionAtomsLoc) <- interval (P.some expressionAtom)
return ExpressionAtoms {..}
-- Holes
hole :: Members '[Reader ParserParams, InfoTableBuilder] r => ParsecS r (HoleType 'Parsed)
hole = snd <$> interval kwHole
-- Literals

View File

@ -447,14 +447,17 @@ instance PrettyCode Name where
NameUnqualified s -> ppSymbol s
NameQualified s -> ppCode s
nameIdSuffix :: Members '[Reader Options] r => S.NameId -> Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
nameIdSuffix nid = do
showNameId <- asks (^. optShowNameId)
| showNameId -> Just . ("@" <>) <$> ppCode nid
| otherwise -> return Nothing
instance PrettyCode n => PrettyCode (S.Name' n) where
ppCode S.Name' {..} = do
nameConcrete' <- annotateKind _nameKind <$> ppCode _nameConcrete
showNameId <- asks (^. optShowNameId)
uid <-
| showNameId -> Just . ("@" <>) <$> ppCode _nameId
| otherwise -> return Nothing
uid <- nameIdSuffix _nameId
return $ annSRef (nameConcrete' <?> uid)
annSRef :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
@ -706,6 +709,7 @@ instance PrettyCode ScopedIden where
instance PrettyCode Expression where
ppCode e = case e of
ExpressionIdentifier n -> ppCode n
ExpressionHole w -> ppHole w
ExpressionParensIdentifier n -> parens <$> ppCode n
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> ppCode a
@ -783,8 +787,18 @@ ppCodeAtom c = do
p' <- ppCode c
return $ if isAtomic c then p' else parens p'
ppHole :: forall s r. (Members '[Reader Options] r, SingI s) => HoleType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppHole w = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> return kwWildcard
SScoped -> ppCode w
instance PrettyCode Hole where
ppCode h = do
suff <- nameIdSuffix (h ^. holeId)
return (kwWildcard <?> suff)
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (ExpressionAtom s) where
ppCode a = case a of
ppCode = \case
AtomIdentifier n -> ppName n
AtomLambda l -> ppCode l
AtomLetBlock lb -> ppCode lb
@ -794,6 +808,7 @@ instance SingI s => PrettyCode (ExpressionAtom s) where
AtomFunArrow -> return kwArrowR
AtomMatch m -> ppCode m
AtomParens e -> parens <$> ppExpression e
AtomHole w -> ppHole w
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (ExpressionAtoms s) where
ppCode as = hsep . toList <$> mapM ppCode (as ^. expressionAtoms)

View File

@ -1113,9 +1113,22 @@ checkExpressionAtom e = case e of
AtomFunction fun -> AtomFunction <$> checkFunction fun
AtomParens par -> AtomParens <$> checkParens par
AtomFunArrow -> return AtomFunArrow
AtomHole h -> AtomHole <$> checkHole h
AtomLiteral l -> return (AtomLiteral l)
AtomMatch match -> AtomMatch <$> checkMatch match
checkHole ::
Members '[NameIdGen] r =>
HoleType 'Parsed ->
Sem r Hole
checkHole h = do
i <- freshNameId
{ _holeId = i,
_holeLoc = h
checkParens ::
Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope, State ScoperState, Reader LocalVars, InfoTableBuilder, NameIdGen] r =>
ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed ->
@ -1306,12 +1319,21 @@ parseTerm =
<|> parseNoInfixIdentifier
<|> parseParens
<|> parseHole
<|> parseFunction
<|> parseLambda
<|> parseLiteral
<|> parseMatch
<|> parseLetBlock
parseHole :: Parse Expression
parseHole = ExpressionHole <$> P.token lit mempty
lit :: ExpressionAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe Hole
lit s = case s of
AtomHole l -> Just l
_ -> Nothing
parseLiteral :: Parse Expression
parseLiteral = ExpressionLiteral <$> P.token lit mempty

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Hole where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.NameId
import Prettyprinter
data Hole = Hole
{ _holeId :: NameId,
_holeLoc :: Interval
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''Hole
instance Eq Hole where
(==) = (==) `on` (^. holeId)
instance Ord Hole where
compare = compare `on` (^. holeId)
instance Hashable Hole where
hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . (^. holeId)
instance HasLoc Hole where
getLoc = (^. holeLoc)
instance Pretty Hole where
pretty = const "_"

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Hole,
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Hole
import Prettyprinter
type FunctionName = Name
@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ data Expression
| ExpressionApplication Application
| ExpressionFunction FunctionExpression
| ExpressionLiteral LiteralLoc
| ExpressionHole Hole
| ExpressionTyped TypedExpression
deriving stock (Show)
@ -197,6 +200,7 @@ data Type
| TypeApp TypeApplication
| TypeFunction Function
| TypeAbs TypeAbstraction
| TypeHole Hole
| TypeUniverse
| TypeAny
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
@ -244,6 +248,7 @@ instance HasAtomicity Expression where
ExpressionTyped t -> atomicity (t ^. typedExpression)
ExpressionLiteral l -> atomicity l
ExpressionFunction f -> atomicity f
ExpressionHole {} -> Atom
instance HasAtomicity Function where
atomicity = const (Aggregate funFixity)
@ -256,6 +261,7 @@ instance HasAtomicity Type where
TypeIden {} -> Atom
TypeFunction f -> atomicity f
TypeUniverse -> Atom
TypeHole {} -> Atom
TypeAny -> Atom
TypeAbs a -> atomicity a
TypeApp a -> atomicity a
@ -281,6 +287,7 @@ instance HasLoc Expression where
ExpressionTyped t -> getLoc (t ^. typedExpression)
ExpressionLiteral l -> getLoc l
ExpressionFunction f -> getLoc f
ExpressionHole h -> getLoc h
instance HasLoc Iden where
getLoc = \case

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ mkConcreteType = fmap ConcreteType . go
r' <- go r
return (TypeFunction (Function l' r'))
TypeAbs {} -> Nothing
TypeHole {} -> Nothing
TypeIden i -> case i of
TypeIdenInductive {} -> return t
TypeIdenAxiom {} -> return t
@ -107,6 +109,97 @@ mkConcreteType = fmap ConcreteType . go
expressionAsType' :: Expression -> Type
expressionAsType' = fromMaybe impossible . expressionAsType
findHoles :: Type -> HashSet Hole
findHoles = go
go :: Type -> HashSet Hole
go = \case
TypeIden {} -> mempty
TypeApp (TypeApplication a b) -> go a <> go b
TypeFunction (Function a b) -> go a <> go b
TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction _ t) -> go t
TypeHole h -> HashSet.singleton h
TypeUniverse -> mempty
TypeAny -> mempty
hasHoles :: Type -> Bool
hasHoles = not . HashSet.null . findHoles
typeAsExpression :: Type -> Expression
typeAsExpression = go
go :: Type -> Expression
go =
TypeIden i -> ExpressionIden (goTypeIden i)
TypeApp a -> ExpressionApplication (goApp a)
TypeFunction f -> ExpressionFunction (goFunction f)
TypeAny -> error "TODO TypeAny"
TypeAbs {} -> error "TODO TypeAbs"
TypeHole h -> ExpressionHole h
TypeUniverse -> error "TODO TypeUniverse"
goTypeIden :: TypeIden -> Iden
goTypeIden = \case
TypeIdenInductive i -> IdenInductive i
TypeIdenAxiom a -> IdenAxiom a
TypeIdenVariable v -> IdenVar v
goApp :: TypeApplication -> Application
goApp (TypeApplication l r) = Application (go l) (go r)
goFunction :: Function -> FunctionExpression
goFunction (Function l r) = FunctionExpression (go l) (go r)
fillHoles :: HashMap Hole Type -> Expression -> Expression
fillHoles m = goe
goe :: Expression -> Expression
goe x = case x of
ExpressionIden {} -> x
ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication (goApp a)
ExpressionLiteral {} -> x
ExpressionHole h -> goHole h
ExpressionFunction f -> ExpressionFunction (goFunction f)
ExpressionTyped t ->
( over
(fillHolesType m)
(over typedExpression goe t)
goApp :: Application -> Application
goApp (Application l r) = Application (goe l) (goe r)
goFunction :: FunctionExpression -> FunctionExpression
goFunction (FunctionExpression l r) = FunctionExpression (goe l) (goe r)
goHole :: Hole -> Expression
goHole h = case HashMap.lookup h m of
Just r -> typeAsExpression r
Nothing -> ExpressionHole h
fillHolesType :: HashMap Hole Type -> Type -> Type
fillHolesType m = go
go :: Type -> Type
go = \case
TypeIden i -> TypeIden i
TypeApp a -> TypeApp (goApp a)
TypeAbs a -> TypeAbs (goAbs a)
TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction (goFunction f)
TypeUniverse -> TypeUniverse
TypeAny -> TypeAny
TypeHole h -> goHole h
goApp :: TypeApplication -> TypeApplication
goApp (TypeApplication l r) = TypeApplication (go l) (go r)
goAbs :: TypeAbstraction -> TypeAbstraction
goAbs (TypeAbstraction v b) = TypeAbstraction v (go b)
goFunction :: Function -> Function
goFunction (Function l r) = Function (go l) (go r)
goHole :: Hole -> Type
goHole h = case HashMap.lookup h m of
Just ty -> ty
Nothing -> TypeHole h
-- | If the expression is of type TypeUniverse it should return Just.
expressionAsType :: Expression -> Maybe Type
expressionAsType = go
@ -117,6 +210,7 @@ expressionAsType = go
ExpressionLiteral {} -> Nothing
ExpressionFunction f -> TypeFunction <$> goFunction f
ExpressionTyped e -> go (e ^. typedExpression)
ExpressionHole h -> Just (TypeHole h)
goFunction :: FunctionExpression -> Maybe Function
goFunction (FunctionExpression l r) = do
l' <- go l
@ -222,9 +316,10 @@ concreteTypeToExpr = go . (^. unconcreteType)
TypeAbs {} -> impossible
TypeIden i -> ExpressionIden (goIden i)
TypeApp (TypeApplication l r) -> ExpressionApplication (Application (go l) (go r))
TypeFunction {} -> error "TODO"
TypeFunction (Function l r) -> ExpressionFunction (FunctionExpression (go l) (go r))
TypeUniverse {} -> impossible
TypeAny {} -> impossible
TypeHole {} -> impossible
goIden :: TypeIden -> Iden
goIden = \case
TypeIdenInductive n -> IdenInductive n
@ -242,6 +337,7 @@ substitutionE m = go
ExpressionIden i -> goIden i
ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication (goApp a)
ExpressionLiteral {} -> x
ExpressionHole {} -> x
ExpressionFunction f -> ExpressionFunction (goFunction f)
ExpressionTyped t -> ExpressionTyped (over typedExpression go t)
goApp :: Application -> Application
@ -265,6 +361,7 @@ substitution m = go
TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction (goFunction f)
TypeUniverse -> TypeUniverse
TypeAny -> TypeAny
TypeHole h -> TypeHole h
goApp :: TypeApplication -> TypeApplication
goApp (TypeApplication l r) = TypeApplication (go l) (go r)
goAbs :: TypeAbstraction -> TypeAbstraction
@ -319,12 +416,10 @@ unfoldApplication (Application l' r') = second (|: r') (unfoldExpression l')
unfoldExpression :: Expression -> (Expression, [Expression])
unfoldExpression e = case e of
ExpressionIden {} -> (e, [])
ExpressionApplication (Application l r) ->
second (`snoc` r) (unfoldExpression l)
ExpressionLiteral {} -> (e, [])
ExpressionFunction {} -> (e, [])
ExpressionTyped t -> unfoldExpression (t ^. typedExpression)
_ -> (e, [])
unfoldTypeApplication :: TypeApplication -> (Type, NonEmpty Type)
unfoldTypeApplication (TypeApplication l' r') = second (|: r') (unfoldType l')

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ instance PrettyCode FunctionExpression where
instance PrettyCode Expression where
ppCode = \case
ExpressionIden i -> ppCode i
ExpressionHole h -> ppCode h
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionTyped a -> ppCode a
ExpressionFunction f -> ppCode f
@ -119,6 +120,9 @@ kwColonColon = keyword (Str.colon <> Str.colon)
kwPipe :: Doc Ann
kwPipe = keyword Str.pipe
kwHole :: Doc Ann
kwHole = keyword Str.underscore
kwAxiom :: Doc Ann
kwAxiom = keyword Str.axiom
@ -167,6 +171,9 @@ instance PrettyCode FunctionArgType where
FunctionArgTypeType t -> ppCode t
FunctionArgTypeAbstraction v -> ppCode v
instance PrettyCode Hole where
ppCode _ = return kwHole
instance PrettyCode Type where
ppCode = \case
TypeIden i -> ppCode i
@ -175,6 +182,7 @@ instance PrettyCode Type where
TypeAny -> return kwAny
TypeApp a -> ppCode a
TypeAbs a -> ppCode a
TypeHole h -> ppCode h
instance PrettyCode InductiveConstructorDef where
ppCode c = do

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.LocalVars
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker.Inference
entryMicroJuvixTyped ::
Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r =>
@ -84,14 +85,14 @@ checkFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
checkExpression ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Reader LocalVars] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Reader LocalVars, Inference] r =>
Type ->
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
checkExpression t e = do
e' <- inferExpression' e
let inferredType = e' ^. typedType
unless (matchTypes t inferredType) (throw (err inferredType))
unlessM (matchTypes t inferredType) (throw (err inferredType))
return (ExpressionTyped e')
err infTy =
@ -103,59 +104,8 @@ checkExpression t e = do
matchTypes ::
Type ->
Type ->
matchTypes a b =
isAny a || isAny b || alphaEq a b
isAny = \case
TypeAny -> True
_ -> False
-- | Alpha equivalence
alphaEq :: Type -> Type -> Bool
alphaEq ty = run . runReader ini . go ty
ini :: HashMap VarName VarName
ini = mempty
go ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader (HashMap VarName VarName)] r =>
Type ->
Type ->
Sem r Bool
go a' b' = case (a', b') of
(TypeIden a, TypeIden b) -> goIden a b
(TypeApp a, TypeApp b) -> goApp a b
(TypeAbs a, TypeAbs b) -> goAbs a b
(TypeFunction a, TypeFunction b) -> goFunction a b
(TypeUniverse, TypeUniverse) -> return True
-- TODO TypeAny should match anything?
(TypeAny, TypeAny) -> return True
-- TODO is the final wildcard bad style?
-- what if more Type constructors are added
_ -> return False
goIden :: TypeIden -> TypeIden -> Sem r Bool
goIden ia ib = case (ia, ib) of
(TypeIdenInductive a, TypeIdenInductive b) -> return (a == b)
(TypeIdenAxiom a, TypeIdenAxiom b) -> return (a == b)
(TypeIdenVariable a, TypeIdenVariable b) -> do
mappedEq <- (== Just b) . HashMap.lookup a <$> ask
return (a == b || mappedEq)
_ -> return False
goApp :: TypeApplication -> TypeApplication -> Sem r Bool
goApp (TypeApplication f x) (TypeApplication f' x') = andM [go f f', go x x']
goFunction :: Function -> Function -> Sem r Bool
goFunction (Function l r) (Function l' r') = andM [go l l', go r r']
goAbs :: TypeAbstraction -> TypeAbstraction -> Sem r Bool
goAbs (TypeAbstraction v1 r) (TypeAbstraction v2 r') =
local (HashMap.insert v1 v2) (go r r')
inferExpression ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Reader LocalVars] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Reader LocalVars, Inference] r =>
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
inferExpression = fmap ExpressionTyped . inferExpression'
@ -190,6 +140,15 @@ constructorArgTypes i =
i ^. constructorInfoArgs
checkFunctionClauseBody ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
LocalVars ->
Type ->
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
checkFunctionClauseBody locals expectedTy body =
runInference (runReader locals (checkExpression expectedTy body))
checkFunctionClause ::
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
FunctionInfo ->
@ -210,8 +169,7 @@ checkFunctionClause info clause@FunctionClause {..} = do
(locals ^. localTyMap)
_clauseBody' <-
runReader locals (checkExpression bodyTy' _clauseBody)
_clauseBody' <- checkFunctionClauseBody locals bodyTy' _clauseBody
{ _clauseBody = _clauseBody',
@ -310,7 +268,7 @@ checkPattern funName = go
inferExpression' ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError] r =>
Members '[Reader InfoTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, Inference] r =>
Expression ->
Sem r TypedExpression
inferExpression' e = case e of
@ -319,6 +277,7 @@ inferExpression' e = case e of
ExpressionTyped t -> return t
ExpressionLiteral l -> goLiteral l
ExpressionFunction f -> goExpressionFunction f
ExpressionHole h -> freshMetavar h
goExpressionFunction :: FunctionExpression -> Sem r TypedExpression
goExpressionFunction (FunctionExpression l r) = do
@ -412,8 +371,4 @@ viewTypeApp :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
viewTypeApp t = case t of
TypeApp (TypeApplication l r) ->
second (`snoc` r) (viewTypeApp l)
TypeAny {} -> (t, [])
TypeUniverse {} -> (t, [])
TypeAbs {} -> (t, [])
TypeFunction {} -> (t, [])
TypeIden {} -> (t, [])
_ -> (t, [])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker.Inference where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (fromEither)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language.Extra
data MetavarState
= Fresh
| -- | Type may contain holes
Refined Type
data Inference m a where
FreshMetavar :: Hole -> Inference m TypedExpression
MatchTypes :: Type -> Type -> Inference m Bool
makeSem ''Inference
newtype InferenceState = InferenceState
{ _inferenceMap :: HashMap Hole MetavarState
makeLenses ''InferenceState
iniState :: InferenceState
iniState = InferenceState mempty
closeState :: Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r => InferenceState -> Sem r (HashMap Hole Type)
closeState = \case
InferenceState m -> execState mempty (f m)
f ::
forall r'.
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, State (HashMap Hole Type)] r' =>
HashMap Hole MetavarState ->
Sem r' ()
f m = mapM_ (uncurry goHole) (HashMap.toList m)
goHole :: Hole -> MetavarState -> Sem r' Type
goHole h = \case
Fresh -> throw @TypeCheckerError (error "unsolved meta")
Refined t -> do
s <- gets @(HashMap Hole Type) (^. at h)
case s of
Just noHolesTy -> return noHolesTy
Nothing -> do
x <- goType t
modify (HashMap.insert h x)
return x
goType :: Type -> Sem r' Type
goType t = case t of
TypeIden {} -> return t
TypeApp (TypeApplication a b) -> do
a' <- goType a
b' <- goType b
return (TypeApp (TypeApplication a' b'))
TypeFunction (Function a b) -> do
a' <- goType a
b' <- goType b
return (TypeFunction (Function a' b'))
TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction v b) -> TypeAbs . TypeAbstraction v <$> goType b
TypeUniverse -> return TypeUniverse
TypeAny -> return TypeAny
TypeHole h' ->
let st = fromJust (m ^. at h')
in goHole h' st
getMetavar :: Member (State InferenceState) r => Hole -> Sem r MetavarState
getMetavar h = gets (fromJust . (^. inferenceMap . at h))
re :: Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r => Sem (Inference ': r) Expression -> Sem (State InferenceState ': r) Expression
re = reinterpret $ \case
FreshMetavar h -> freshMetavar' h
MatchTypes a b -> matchTypes' a b
queryMetavar' :: Members '[State InferenceState] r => Hole -> Sem r (Maybe Type)
queryMetavar' h = metavarType <$> getMetavar h
freshMetavar' :: Members '[State InferenceState] r => Hole -> Sem r TypedExpression
freshMetavar' h = do
modify (over inferenceMap (HashMap.insert h Fresh))
{ _typedExpression = ExpressionHole h,
_typedType = TypeUniverse
refineMetavar' ::
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, State InferenceState] r =>
Hole ->
Type ->
Sem r ()
refineMetavar' h t = do
s <- gets (fromJust . (^. inferenceMap . at h))
case s of
Fresh -> modify (over inferenceMap (HashMap.insert h (Refined t)))
Refined r -> goRefine r t
goRefine :: Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, State InferenceState] r => Type -> Type -> Sem r ()
goRefine r t = do
eq <- matchTypes' r t
unless eq (error "type error: cannot match types")
metavarType :: MetavarState -> Maybe Type
metavarType = \case
Fresh -> Nothing
Refined t -> Just t
-- Supports alpha equivalence.
matchTypes' :: Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, State InferenceState] r => Type -> Type -> Sem r Bool
matchTypes' ty = runReader ini . go ty
ini :: HashMap VarName VarName
ini = mempty
go ::
forall r.
Members '[Error TypeCheckerError, State InferenceState, Reader (HashMap VarName VarName)] r =>
Type ->
Type ->
Sem r Bool
go a' b' = case (a', b') of
(TypeIden a, TypeIden b) -> goIden a b
(TypeApp a, TypeApp b) -> goApp a b
(TypeAbs a, TypeAbs b) -> goAbs a b
(TypeFunction a, TypeFunction b) -> goFunction a b
(TypeUniverse, TypeUniverse) -> return True
(TypeAny, _) -> return True
(_, TypeAny) -> return True
(TypeHole h, a) -> goHole h a
(a, TypeHole h) -> goHole h a
-- TODO is the final wildcard bad style?
-- what if more Type constructors are added
_ -> return False
goHole :: Hole -> Type -> Sem r Bool
goHole h t = do
r <- queryMetavar' h
case r of
Nothing -> refineMetavar' h t $> True
Just ht -> matchTypes' t ht
goIden :: TypeIden -> TypeIden -> Sem r Bool
goIden ia ib = case (ia, ib) of
(TypeIdenInductive a, TypeIdenInductive b) -> return (a == b)
(TypeIdenAxiom a, TypeIdenAxiom b) -> return (a == b)
(TypeIdenVariable a, TypeIdenVariable b) -> do
mappedEq <- (== Just b) . HashMap.lookup a <$> ask
return (a == b || mappedEq)
_ -> return False
goApp :: TypeApplication -> TypeApplication -> Sem r Bool
goApp (TypeApplication f x) (TypeApplication f' x') = andM [go f f', go x x']
goFunction :: Function -> Function -> Sem r Bool
goFunction (Function l r) (Function l' r') = andM [go l l', go r r']
goAbs :: TypeAbstraction -> TypeAbstraction -> Sem r Bool
goAbs (TypeAbstraction v1 r) (TypeAbstraction v2 r') =
local (HashMap.insert v1 v2) (go r r')
runInference :: Member (Error TypeCheckerError) r => Sem (Inference ': r) Expression -> Sem r Expression
runInference a = do
(subs, expr) <- runState iniState (re a) >>= firstM closeState
return (fillHoles subs expr)

View File

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ checkExpression e =
ExpressionApplication a -> checkApplication a
ExpressionFunction f -> checkFunction f
ExpressionIden {} -> return ()
ExpressionHole {} -> return ()
ExpressionUniverse {} -> return ()
ExpressionLiteral {} -> return ()

View File

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ goType e = case e of
Abstract.ExpressionApplication a -> TypeApp <$> goTypeApplication a
Abstract.ExpressionFunction f -> goFunction f
Abstract.ExpressionLiteral {} -> unsupported "literals in types"
Abstract.ExpressionHole h -> return (TypeHole h)
goApplication :: Abstract.Application -> Sem r Application
goApplication (Abstract.Application f x) = do
@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ goExpression e = case e of
Abstract.ExpressionFunction f -> ExpressionFunction <$> goExpressionFunction f
Abstract.ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication <$> goApplication a
Abstract.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral l)
Abstract.ExpressionHole h -> return (ExpressionHole h)
goInductiveParameter :: Abstract.FunctionParameter -> Sem r InductiveParameter
goInductiveParameter f =
@ -302,6 +304,7 @@ viewConstructorType :: Abstract.Expression -> Sem r ([Type], Type)
viewConstructorType e = case e of
Abstract.ExpressionFunction f -> first toList <$> viewFunctionType f
Abstract.ExpressionIden i -> return ([], TypeIden (goTypeIden i))
Abstract.ExpressionHole {} -> unsupported "holes in constructor type"
Abstract.ExpressionApplication a -> do
a' <- goTypeApplication a
return ([], TypeApp a')

View File

@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ goExpression = go
Micro.ExpressionTyped t -> go (t ^. Micro.typedExpression)
Micro.ExpressionApplication a -> goApp a
Micro.ExpressionFunction {} -> impossible
Micro.ExpressionHole {} -> impossible
goApp :: Micro.Application -> Sem r Expression
goApp a = do
let (f, args) = Micro.unfoldApplication a
@ -499,6 +500,7 @@ goType = go . (^. Micro.unconcreteType)
Micro.TypeAny -> return TypeAny
Micro.TypeUniverse -> return TypeUniverse
Micro.TypeAbs {} -> impossible
Micro.TypeHole {} -> impossible
Micro.TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction <$> goFunction f
Micro.TypeApp a -> goApp a
goApp :: Micro.TypeApplication -> Sem r Type

View File

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ goType = \case
TypeIden {} -> return ()
TypeApp a -> goTypeApplication a
TypeAny -> return ()
TypeHole {} -> impossible
TypeUniverse -> return ()
TypeFunction f -> goFunction f
TypeAbs a -> goTypeAbstraction a
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ goExpression = \case
ExpressionApplication a -> goApplication a
ExpressionFunction a -> goFunctionExpression a
ExpressionLiteral {} -> return ()
ExpressionHole {} -> impossible
ExpressionTyped t -> do
goType (t ^. typedType)
goExpression (t ^. typedExpression)

View File

@ -182,12 +182,13 @@ goExpression = \case
ExpressionApplication a -> A.ExpressionApplication <$> goApplication a
ExpressionInfixApplication ia -> A.ExpressionApplication <$> goInfix ia
ExpressionPostfixApplication pa -> A.ExpressionApplication <$> goPostfix pa
ExpressionLiteral l -> return $ A.ExpressionLiteral l
ExpressionLiteral l -> return (A.ExpressionLiteral l)
ExpressionLambda {} -> unsupported "Lambda"
ExpressionMatch {} -> unsupported "Match"
ExpressionLetBlock {} -> unsupported "Let Block"
ExpressionUniverse uni -> return $ A.ExpressionUniverse (goUniverse uni)
ExpressionFunction func -> A.ExpressionFunction <$> goFunction func
ExpressionHole h -> return (A.ExpressionHole h)
goIden :: C.ScopedIden -> A.Expression
goIden x = A.ExpressionIden $ case x of

View File

@ -125,5 +125,6 @@ tests =
PosTest "Inductive types and pattern matching" "Nat",
PosTest "Polymorphic types" "Polymorphism",
PosTest "Multiple modules" "MultiModules",
PosTest "Higher Order Functions" "HigherOrder"
PosTest "Higher Order Functions" "HigherOrder",
PosTest "Higher Order Functions and explicit holes" "PolymorphismHoles"

View File

@ -38,5 +38,9 @@ tests =
"Polymorphic Simple Fungible Token"
"Polymorphism and higher rank functions with explicit holes"

View File

@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ tests =
"GHC backend Hello World"
"PolySimpleFungibleToken with explicit holes"
"GHC backend MonoSimpleFungibleToken"
@ -66,5 +70,9 @@ tests =
"Polymorphism and higher rank functions"
"Polymorphism and higher rank functions with explicit holes"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
module PolySimpleFungibleTokenHoles;
foreign ghc {
import Anoma
-- Booleans
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;
infixr 2 ||;
|| : Bool → Bool → Bool;
|| false a ≔ a;
|| true _ ≔ true;
infixr 3 &&;
&& : Bool → Bool → Bool;
&& false _ ≔ false;
&& true a ≔ a;
if : (A : Type) → Bool → A → A → A;
if _ true a _ ≔ a;
if _ false _ b ≔ b;
-- Backend Booleans
axiom BackendBool : Type;
compile BackendBool {
ghc ↦ "Bool";
axiom backend-true : BackendBool;
compile backend-true {
ghc ↦ "True";
axiom backend-false : BackendBool;
compile backend-false {
ghc ↦ "False";
-- Backend Bridge
foreign ghc {
bool :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
bool True x _ = x
bool False _ y = y
axiom bool : BackendBool → Bool → Bool → Bool;
compile bool {
ghc ↦ "bool";
from-backend-bool : BackendBool → Bool;
from-backend-bool bb ≔ bool bb true false;
-- Functions
const : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → A → B → A;
const _ _ a _ ≔ a;
id : (A : Type) → A → A;
id _ a ≔ a;
-- Integers
axiom Int : Type;
compile Int {
ghc ↦ "Int";
infix 4 <';
axiom <' : Int → Int → BackendBool;
compile <' {
ghc ↦ "(<)";
infix 4 <;
< : Int → Int → Bool;
< i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (i1 <' i2);
axiom eqInt : Int → Int → BackendBool;
compile eqInt {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
infix 4 ==Int;
==Int : Int → Int → Bool;
==Int i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqInt i1 i2);
infixl 6 -;
axiom - : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile - {
ghc ↦ "(-)";
infixl 6 +;
axiom + : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile + {
ghc ↦ "(+)";
-- Strings
axiom String : Type;
compile String {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
axiom eqString : String → String → BackendBool;
compile eqString {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
infix 4 ==String;
==String : String → String → Bool;
==String s1 s2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqString s1 s2);
-- Lists
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
cons : A → List A → List A;
elem : (A : Type) → (A → A → Bool) → A → List A → Bool;
elem _ _ _ nil ≔ false;
elem _ eq s (cons x xs) ≔ eq s x || elem _ eq s xs;
foldl : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → (B → A → B) → B → List A → B;
foldl _ _ f z nil ≔ z;
foldl _ _ f z (cons h hs) ≔ foldl _ _ f (f z h) hs;
-- Pair
inductive Pair (A : Type) (B : Type) {
mkPair : A → B → Pair A B;
-- Maybe
inductive Maybe (A : Type) {
nothing : Maybe A;
just : A → Maybe A;
from-int : Int → Maybe Int;
from-int i ≔ if _ (i < 0) (nothing _) (just _ i);
maybe : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → B → (A → B) → Maybe A → B;
maybe _ _ b _ nothing ≔ b;
maybe _ _ _ f (just x) ≔ f x;
from-string : String → Maybe String;
from-string s ≔ if _ (s ==String "") (nothing _) (just _ s);
pair-from-optionString : (String → Pair Int Bool) → Maybe String → Pair Int Bool;
pair-from-optionString ≔ maybe _ _ (mkPair _ _ 0 false);
-- Anoma
axiom readPre : String → Int;
compile readPre {
ghc ↦ "readPre";
axiom readPost : String → Int;
compile readPost {
ghc ↦ "readPost";
axiom isBalanceKey : String → String → String;
compile isBalanceKey {
ghc ↦ "isBalanceKey";
read-pre : String → Maybe Int;
read-pre s ≔ from-int (readPre s);
read-post : String → Maybe Int;
read-post s ≔ from-int (readPost s);
is-balance-key : String → String → Maybe String;
is-balance-key token key ≔ from-string (isBalanceKey token key);
unwrap-default : Maybe Int → Int;
unwrap-default o ≔ maybe _ _ 0 (id _) o;
-- Validity Predicate
change-from-key : String → Int;
change-from-key key ≔ unwrap-default (read-post key) - unwrap-default (read-pre key);
check-vp : List String → String → Int → String → Pair Int Bool;
check-vp verifiers key change owner ≔
if _
(change-from-key key < 0)
-- make sure the spender approved the transaction
(mkPair _ _ (change + (change-from-key key)) (elem _ (==String) owner verifiers))
(mkPair _ _ (change + (change-from-key key)) true);
check-keys : String → List String → Pair Int Bool → String → Pair Int Bool;
check-keys token verifiers (mkPair change is-success) key ≔
if _
(pair-from-optionString (check-vp verifiers key change) (is-balance-key token key))
(mkPair _ _ 0 false);
check-result : Pair Int Bool → Bool;
check-result (mkPair change all-checked) ≔ (change ==Int 0) && all-checked;
vp : String → List String → List String → Bool;
vp token keys-changed verifiers ≔
(foldl _ _
(check-keys token verifiers)
(mkPair _ _ 0 true)
-- IO
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
ghc ↦ "IO ()";
axiom putStr : String → Action;
compile putStr {
ghc ↦ "putStr";
axiom putStrLn : String → Action;
compile putStrLn {
ghc ↦ "putStrLn";
infixl 1 >>;
axiom >> : Action → Action → Action;
compile >> {
ghc ↦ "(>>)";
show-result : Bool → String;
show-result true ≔ "OK";
show-result false ≔ "FAIL";
-- Testing VP
token : String;
token ≔ "owner-token";
owner-address : String;
owner-address ≔ "owner-address";
change1-key : String;
change1-key ≔ "change1-key";
change2-key : String;
change2-key ≔ "change2-key";
verifiers : List String;
verifiers ≔ cons _ owner-address (nil _);
keys-changed : List String;
keys-changed ≔ cons _ change1-key (cons _ change2-key (nil _));
main : Action;
main ≔
(putStr "VP Status: ")
>> (putStrLn (show-result (vp token keys-changed verifiers)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
module Input;
-- Booleans
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;
-- Strings
axiom String : Type;
compile String {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
c ↦ "char*";
-- IO
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
ghc ↦ "IO ()";
c ↦ "int";
foreign c {
int sequence(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
infixl 1 >>;
axiom >> : Action → Action → Action;
compile >> {
ghc ↦ "(>>)";
c ↦ "sequence";
axiom put-str : String → Action;
compile put-str {
ghc ↦ "putStr";
c ↦ "putStr";
axiom put-str-ln : String → Action;
compile put-str-ln {
ghc ↦ "putStrLn";
c ↦ "putStrLn";
bool-to-str : Bool → String;
bool-to-str true ≔ "True";
bool-to-str false ≔ "False";
-- Pair
inductive Pair (A : Type) (B : Type) {
mkPair : A → B → Pair A B;
fst : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → Pair A B → A;
fst _ _ (mkPair a b) ≔ a;
-- Main
fst-of-pair : Action;
fst-of-pair ≔ (put-str "fst (True, False) = ")
>> put-str-ln (bool-to-str (fst _ _ (mkPair _ _ true false)));
main : Action;
main ≔ fst-of-pair;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
fst (True, False) = True

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
module PolymorphismHoles;
inductive Pair (A : Type) (B : Type) {
mkPair : A → B → Pair A B;
inductive Nat {
zero : Nat;
suc : Nat → Nat;
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
-- TODO check that the return type is saturated with the proper variable
cons : A → List A → Nat;
inductive Bool {
false : Bool;
true : Bool;
id : (A : Type) → A → A;
id _ a ≔ a;
undefined : (A : Type) → A;
undefined A ≔ undefined A;
add : Nat → Nat → Nat;
add zero b ≔ b;
add (suc a) b ≔ suc (add a b);
nil' : (E : Type) → List E;
nil' A ≔ nil _;
-- currying
nil'' : (E : Type) → List E;
nil'' ≔ nil;
fst : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → Pair A B → A;
fst _ _ (mkPair a b) ≔ a;
p : Pair Bool Bool;
p ≔ mkPair _ _ true false;
swap : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → Pair A B → Pair B A;
swap A B (mkPair a b) ≔ mkPair _ _ b a;
curry : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → (C : Type)
→ (Pair A B → C) → A → B → C;
curry A B C f a b ≔ f (mkPair _ _ a b) ;
ap : (A : Type) → (B : Type)
→ (A → B) → A → B;
ap A B f a ≔ f a;
headDef : (A : Type) → A → List A → A;
headDef _ d nil ≔ d;
headDef A _ (cons h _) ≔ h;
ite : (A : Type) → Bool → A → A → A;
ite _ true tt _ ≔ tt;
ite _ false _ ff ≔ ff;
filter : (A : Type) → (A → Bool) → List A → List A;
filter _ f nil ≔ nil _;
filter _ f (cons x xs) ≔ ite _ (f x) (cons _ x (filter _ f xs)) (filter _ f xs);
map : (A : Type) → (B : Type) →
(A → B) → List A → List B;
map _ _ f nil ≔ nil _;
map _ _ f (cons x xs) ≔ cons _ (f x) (map _ _ f xs);
zip : (A : Type) → (B : Type)
→ List A → List B → List (Pair A B);
zip A _ nil _ ≔ nil _;
zip _ _ _ nil ≔ nil _;
zip _ _ (cons a as) (cons b bs) ≔ nil _;
zipWith : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → (C : Type)
→ (A → B → C)
→ List A → List B → List C;
zipWith _ _ C f nil _ ≔ nil C;
zipWith _ _ C f _ nil ≔ nil C;
zipWith _ _ _ f (cons a as) (cons b bs) ≔ cons _ (f a b) (zipWith _ _ _ f as bs);
rankn : ((A : Type) → A → A) → Bool → Nat → Pair Bool Nat;
rankn f b n ≔ mkPair _ _ (f _ b) (f _ n);
-- currying
trankn : Pair Bool Nat;
trankn ≔ rankn id false zero;
l1 : List Nat;
l1 ≔ cons _ zero (nil _);
pairEval : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → Pair (A → B) A → B;
pairEval _ _ (mkPair f x) ≔ f x;
main : Nat;
main ≔ headDef _ (pairEval _ _ (mkPair _ _ (add zero) zero))
(zipWith _ _ _ add l1 l1);