mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 17:32:00 +03:00
add translation from abstract to MiniHaskell
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,3 +161,4 @@ makeLenses ''FunctionClause
makeLenses ''InductiveDef
makeLenses ''ModuleBody
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ makeLenses ''QualifiedName
-- | A.B.C corresponds to TopModulePath [A,B] C
data TopModulePath = TopModulePath
{ modulePathDir :: [Symbol],
modulePathName :: Symbol
{ _modulePathDir :: [Symbol],
_modulePathName :: Symbol
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance HasLoc TopModulePath where
getLoc TopModulePath {..} =
case modulePathDir of
[] -> getLoc modulePathName
(x : _) -> getLoc x <> getLoc modulePathName
case _modulePathDir of
[] -> getLoc _modulePathName
(x : _) -> getLoc x <> getLoc _modulePathName
topModulePathToFilePath :: FilePath -> TopModulePath -> FilePath
topModulePathToFilePath = topModulePathToFilePath' (Just ".mjuvix")
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ topModulePathToFilePath'
:: Maybe String -> FilePath -> TopModulePath -> FilePath
topModulePathToFilePath' ext root mp = absPath
relDirPath = foldr ((</>) . toPath) mempty (modulePathDir mp)
relFilePath = relDirPath </> toPath (modulePathName mp)
relDirPath = foldr ((</>) . toPath) mempty (_modulePathDir mp)
relFilePath = relDirPath </> toPath (_modulePathName mp)
absPath = case ext of
Nothing -> root </> relFilePath
Just e -> root </> relFilePath <.> e
@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ isConstructor Name' {..} = case _nameKind of
fromQualifiedName :: C.QualifiedName -> C.Symbol
fromQualifiedName (C.QualifiedName _ s) = s
topModulePathName :: TopModulePath -> Symbol
topModulePathName = over nameConcrete C._modulePathName
symbolText :: Symbol -> Text
symbolText = C._symbolText . _nameConcrete
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ annSDef S.Name' {..} = annotate (AnnDef (S.absTopModulePath _nameDefinedIn) _nam
instance PrettyCode TopModulePath where
ppCode TopModulePath {..} =
dotted <$> mapM ppSymbol (modulePathDir ++ [modulePathName])
dotted <$> mapM ppSymbol (_modulePathDir ++ [_modulePathName])
instance PrettyCode Symbol where
ppCode = return . pretty . _symbolText
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ checkTopModule m@(Module path params body) = do
_nameId <- freshNameId
let _nameDefinedIn = S.topModulePathToAbsPath path
_nameConcrete = path
_nameDefined = getLoc $ modulePathName path
_nameDefined = getLoc (_modulePathName path)
_nameKind = S.KNameTopModule
_nameFixity = Nothing
_namePublicAnn = NoPublic
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ instance Ord Name where
instance Hashable Name where
hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . _nameId
instance HasNameKind Name where
getNameKind = _nameKind
data Module = Module
{ _moduleName :: Name,
_moduleBody :: ModuleBody
@ -54,20 +57,18 @@ data Iden =
IdenDefined Name
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
| IdenAxiom Name
data Expression
= ExpressionIden Iden
| ExpressionApplication Application
| ExpressionFunction Function
data Application = Application {
_appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression
_appFunction :: FunctionName,
_appArguments :: [Expression]
data Function = Function
{ _funParameter :: Type,
data Function = Function {
_funParameters :: NonEmpty Type,
_funReturn :: Type
@ -84,17 +85,19 @@ data Pattern
data InductiveDef = InductiveDef
{ _inductiveName :: InductiveName,
_inductiveType :: Maybe Expression,
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef]
data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
{ _constructorName :: ConstrName,
_constructorType :: Type
_constructorParameters :: [Type]
newtype TypeIden =
TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
data Type =
TypeInductive InductiveName
TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
makeLenses ''Module
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMiniHaskell where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage as A
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
translateModule :: A.TopModule -> Module
translateModule m = Module {
_moduleName = goTopModuleName (m ^. A.moduleName),
_moduleBody = goModuleBody (m ^. A.moduleBody)
goTopModuleName :: A.TopModuleName -> Name
goTopModuleName = goSymbol . S.topModulePathName
goName :: S.Name -> Name
goName = goSymbol . S.nameUnqualify
goSymbol :: S.Symbol -> Name
goSymbol s = Name {
_nameText = S.symbolText s,
_nameId = S._nameId s,
_nameKind = getNameKind s
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported thing = error ("Not yet supported: " <> thing)
goModuleBody :: A.ModuleBody -> ModuleBody
goModuleBody b
| not (HashMap.null (b ^. A.moduleLocalModules)) = unsupported "local modules"
| otherwise = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = HashMap.fromList [ (d ^. inductiveName, d)
| d <- map goInductiveDef (toList (b ^. A.moduleInductives))],
_moduleFunctions = HashMap.fromList []
goTypeIden :: A.Iden -> TypeIden
goTypeIden i = case i of
A.IdenDefined {} -> unsupported "functions in types"
A.IdenConstructor {} -> unsupported "constructors in types"
A.IdenVar {} -> unsupported "type variables"
A.IdenInductive d -> TypeIdenInductive (goName d)
A.IdenAxiom {} -> unsupported "axioms in types"
goFunctionParameter :: A.FunctionParameter -> Type
goFunctionParameter f = case f ^. A.paramName of
Just {} -> unsupported "named function arguments"
_ -> case f ^. A.paramUsage of
A.UsageOmega -> goType (f ^. A.paramType)
_ -> unsupported "usages"
goFunction :: A.Function -> Function
goFunction = uncurry Function . viewFunctionType
goFunctionDef :: A.FunctionDef -> FunctionDef
goFunctionDef f = FunctionDef {
_funDefName = goSymbol (f ^. A.funDefName),
_funDefTypeSig = goType (f ^. A.funDefTypeSig),
_funDefClauses = fmap goFunctionClause (f ^. A.funDefClauses)
goFunctionClause :: A.FunctionClause -> FunctionClause
goFunctionClause c = FunctionClause {
_clausePatterns = map goPattern (c ^. A.clausePatterns),
_clauseBody = goExpression (c ^. A.clauseBody)
goPattern :: A.Pattern -> Pattern
goPattern p = case p of
A.PatternVariable v -> PatternVariable (goSymbol v)
A.PatternConstructorApp c -> PatternConstructorApp (goConstructorApp c)
A.PatternWildcard -> PatternWildcard
A.PatternEmpty -> unsupported "pattern empty"
goConstructorApp :: A.ConstructorApp -> ConstructorApp
goConstructorApp c = ConstructorApp (goName (c ^. A.constrAppConstructor))
(map goPattern (c ^. A.constrAppParameters))
goType :: A.Expression -> Type
goType e = case e of
A.ExpressionIden i -> TypeIden (goTypeIden i)
A.ExpressionUniverse {} -> unsupported "universes in types"
A.ExpressionApplication {} -> unsupported "application in types"
A.ExpressionFunction f -> TypeFunction (goFunction f)
goApplication :: A.Application -> Application
goApplication (A.Application f x) = Application (goExpression f) (goExpression x)
goIden :: A.Iden -> Iden
goIden i = case i of
A.IdenDefined n -> IdenDefined (goName n)
A.IdenConstructor c -> IdenConstructor (goName c)
A.IdenVar v -> IdenVar (goSymbol v)
A.IdenAxiom {} -> unsupported "axiom identifier"
A.IdenInductive {} -> unsupported "inductive identifier"
goExpression :: A.Expression -> Expression
goExpression e = case e of
A.ExpressionIden i -> ExpressionIden (goIden i)
A.ExpressionUniverse {} -> unsupported "universes in expression"
A.ExpressionFunction {} -> unsupported "function type in expressions"
A.ExpressionApplication a -> ExpressionApplication (goApplication a)
goInductiveDef :: A.InductiveDef -> InductiveDef
goInductiveDef i = case i ^. A.inductiveType of
Just {} -> unsupported "inductive indices"
_ -> InductiveDef {
_inductiveName = indName,
_inductiveConstructors = map goConstructorDef (i ^. A.inductiveConstructors)
indName = goSymbol (i ^. A.inductiveName)
goConstructorDef :: A.InductiveConstructorDef -> InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef c = InductiveConstructorDef {
_constructorName = goSymbol (c ^. A.constructorName),
_constructorParameters = goConstructorType (c ^. A.constructorType)
goConstructorType :: A.Expression -> [Type]
goConstructorType = fst . viewExpressionFunctionType
viewExpressionFunctionType :: A.Expression -> ([Type], Type)
viewExpressionFunctionType e = case e of
A.ExpressionFunction f -> first toList (viewFunctionType f)
A.ExpressionIden i -> ([], TypeIden (goTypeIden i))
A.ExpressionApplication {} -> unsupported "application in a type"
A.ExpressionUniverse {} -> unsupported "universe in a type"
viewFunctionType :: A.Function -> (NonEmpty Type, Type)
viewFunctionType (A.Function p r) = (goFunctionParameter p :| args, ret)
where (args, ret) = viewExpressionFunctionType r
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