mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 22:46:08 +03:00
@ -15,19 +15,28 @@ newtype PragmaUnroll = PragmaUnroll
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic)
newtype PragmaFormat = PragmaFormat
{ _pragmaFormat :: Bool
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic)
data Pragmas = Pragmas
{ _pragmasInline :: Maybe PragmaInline,
_pragmasUnroll :: Maybe PragmaUnroll
_pragmasUnroll :: Maybe PragmaUnroll,
_pragmasFormat :: Maybe PragmaFormat
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic)
makeLenses ''PragmaUnroll
makeLenses ''PragmaFormat
makeLenses ''Pragmas
instance Hashable PragmaInline
instance Hashable PragmaUnroll
instance Hashable PragmaFormat
instance Hashable Pragmas
instance FromJSON Pragmas where
@ -37,6 +46,7 @@ instance FromJSON Pragmas where
parsePragmas = do
_pragmasInline <- keyMay "inline" parseInline
_pragmasUnroll <- keyMay "unroll" parseUnroll
_pragmasFormat <- keyMay "format" parseFormat
return Pragmas {..}
parseInline :: Parse YamlError PragmaInline
@ -59,6 +69,11 @@ instance FromJSON Pragmas where
_pragmaUnrollDepth <- asIntegral
return PragmaUnroll {..}
parseFormat :: Parse YamlError PragmaFormat
parseFormat = do
_pragmaFormat <- asBool
return PragmaFormat {..}
-- | The Semigroup `<>` is used to propagate pragmas from an enclosing context.
-- For example, if `p1` are the pragmas declared for a module `M`, and `p2` the
-- pragmas declared for a function `f` inside `M`, then the actual pragmas for
@ -67,12 +82,14 @@ instance Semigroup Pragmas where
p1 <> p2 =
{ _pragmasInline = p2 ^. pragmasInline <|> p1 ^. pragmasInline,
_pragmasUnroll = p2 ^. pragmasUnroll <|> p1 ^. pragmasUnroll
_pragmasUnroll = p2 ^. pragmasUnroll <|> p1 ^. pragmasUnroll,
_pragmasFormat = p2 ^. pragmasFormat <|> p1 ^. pragmasFormat
instance Monoid Pragmas where
mempty =
{ _pragmasInline = Nothing,
_pragmasUnroll = Nothing
_pragmasUnroll = Nothing,
_pragmasFormat = Nothing
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ formatProject p = do
res <- combineResults <$> mapM format juvixFiles
return (res, RecurseFilter (\hasJuvixYaml d -> not hasJuvixYaml && not (isHiddenDirectory d)))
formatPath :: Member ScopeEff r => Path Abs File -> Sem r (NonEmpty AnsiText)
formatPath :: Member ScopeEff r => Path Abs File -> Sem r (Maybe (NonEmpty AnsiText))
formatPath p = do
res <- scopeFile p
formatScoperResult res
@ -109,25 +109,38 @@ formatResultFromContents ::
forall r.
Members '[Output FormattedFileInfo] r =>
Text ->
NonEmpty AnsiText ->
Maybe (NonEmpty AnsiText) ->
Path Abs File ->
Sem r FormatResult
formatResultFromContents originalContents formattedContents filepath
| originalContents /= ansiPlainText formattedContents = do
( FormattedFileInfo
{ _formattedFileInfoPath = filepath,
_formattedFileInfoContentsAnsi = formattedContents
return FormatResultFail
| otherwise = return FormatResultOK
formatResultFromContents originalContents mfc filepath =
case mfc of
Just formattedContents
| originalContents /= ansiPlainText formattedContents -> do
( FormattedFileInfo
{ _formattedFileInfoPath = filepath,
_formattedFileInfoContentsAnsi = formattedContents
return FormatResultFail
| otherwise -> return FormatResultOK
Nothing ->
return FormatResultOK
formatScoperResult :: Scoper.ScoperResult -> Sem r (NonEmpty AnsiText)
formatScoperResult :: Scoper.ScoperResult -> Sem r (Maybe (NonEmpty AnsiText))
formatScoperResult res = do
let cs = res ^. Scoper.comments
formattedModules = run (runReader cs (mapM formatTopModule (res ^. Scoper.resultModules)))
return formattedModules
case res ^. Scoper.mainModule . modulePragmas of
Just pragmas ->
case pragmas ^. withLocParam . withSourceValue . pragmasFormat of
Just PragmaFormat {..}
| not _pragmaFormat ->
return Nothing
_ ->
return (Just formattedModules)
Nothing ->
return (Just formattedModules)
formatTopModule :: Member (Reader Comments) r => Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> Sem r AnsiText
formatTopModule m = do
@ -238,5 +238,9 @@ tests =
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "Iterators.juvix")
$(mkRelFile "Iterators.juvix"),
"Format pragma"
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "FormatPragma.juvix")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
{-# format: false #-}
module FormatPragma;
open import Stdlib.Prelude;
-- Bam, bam!
-- unformatted module
fun : {A B C D : Type} -> (A -> A) -> (B -> C -> D) -> (A -> B -> C) -> (D -> C -> C) -> A -> B -> C;
fun f g h i a b :=
(g b (h (f a) b))
(h a b);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user