mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 08:25:46 +03:00
Remove wildcard patterns from Internal (#1724)
This pr removes wildcard patterns from the Internal language. Wildcards are translated to variables with generated names. This should resolve the issue of having unbound names after inference
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ data Name = Name
makeLenses ''Name
varFromWildcard :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Wildcard -> Sem r VarName
varFromWildcard w = do
_nameId <- freshNameId
let _nameText :: Text = "_ω" <> prettyText _nameId
_nameKind = KNameLocal
_namePretty = _nameText
_nameLoc = getLoc w
return Name {..}
instance HasAtomicity Name where
atomicity = const Atom
@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ buildPatternInfoTable argTyps c =
[(v ^. Internal.nameText, BindingInfo {_bindingInfoExpr = exp, _bindingInfoType = typ})]
Internal.PatternConstructorApp Internal.ConstructorApp {..} ->
goConstructorApp exp _constrAppConstructor _constrAppParameters
Internal.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
goConstructorApp :: Expression -> Internal.Name -> [Internal.PatternArg] -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
goConstructorApp exp constructorName ps = do
@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ goFunctionClause funSig argTyps clause = do
fmap (isCtor :) subConditions
Micro.PatternVariable {} -> return []
Micro.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
clauseCondition :: Sem r (Maybe Expression)
clauseCondition = fmap (foldr1 f) . nonEmpty <$> conditions
@ -397,7 +397,6 @@ fromPattern ::
Internal.Pattern ->
Sem r Pattern
fromPattern = \case
Internal.PatternWildcard {} -> return wildcard
Internal.PatternVariable n -> return $ PatBinder (PatternBinder (Binder (n ^. nameText) (Just (n ^. nameLoc)) mkDynamic') wildcard)
Internal.PatternConstructorApp c -> do
let n = c ^. Internal.constrAppConstructor
@ -424,7 +423,6 @@ fromPattern = \case
getPatternVars :: Internal.Pattern -> [Name]
getPatternVars = \case
Internal.PatternWildcard {} -> []
Internal.PatternVariable n -> [n]
Internal.PatternConstructorApp c ->
concatMap getPatternVars explicitPatterns
@ -330,7 +330,6 @@ patternVariables :: Traversal' Pattern VarName
patternVariables f p = case p of
PatternVariable v -> PatternVariable <$> f v
PatternConstructorApp a -> PatternConstructorApp <$> goApp f a
PatternWildcard {} -> pure p
goApp :: Traversal' ConstructorApp VarName
goApp g = traverseOf constrAppParameters (traverse (patternArgVariables g))
@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ instance Hashable PatternArg
data Pattern
= PatternVariable VarName
| PatternConstructorApp ConstructorApp
| PatternWildcard Wildcard
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable Pattern
@ -269,7 +268,6 @@ instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
atomicity p = case p of
PatternConstructorApp a -> atomicity a
PatternVariable {} -> Atom
PatternWildcard {} -> Atom
instance HasLoc InductiveParameter where
getLoc (InductiveParameter n) = getLoc n
@ -319,7 +317,6 @@ instance HasLoc Pattern where
getLoc = \case
PatternVariable v -> getLoc v
PatternConstructorApp a -> getLoc a
PatternWildcard i -> getLoc i
instance HasLoc PatternArg where
getLoc a = fmap getLoc (a ^. patternArgName) ?<> getLoc (a ^. patternArgPattern)
@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ instance PrettyCode Pattern where
ppCode p = case p of
PatternVariable v -> ppCode v
PatternConstructorApp a -> ppCode a
PatternWildcard {} -> return kwWildcard
instance PrettyCode FunctionDef where
ppCode f = do
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ iniState =
makeLenses ''TranslationState
fromAbstract ::
Members '[Error JuvixError] r =>
Members '[Error JuvixError, NameIdGen] r =>
Abstract.AbstractResult ->
Sem r InternalResult
fromAbstract abstractResults = do
@ -71,13 +71,11 @@ fromAbstract abstractResults = do
. E.entryPointNoTermination
depInfo = buildDependencyInfo (abstractResults ^. Abstract.resultModules) (abstractResults ^. Abstract.resultExports)
fromAbstractExpression ::
Abstract.Expression ->
Sem r Expression
fromAbstractExpression :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.Expression -> Sem r Expression
fromAbstractExpression = goExpression
goModule ::
Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState] r =>
Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState, NameIdGen] r =>
Abstract.TopModule ->
Sem r Module
goModule m = do
@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported thing = error ("Abstract to Internal: Not yet supported: " <> thing)
goModuleBody ::
Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState] r =>
Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState, NameIdGen] r =>
[NonEmpty Abstract.FunctionDef] ->
Abstract.ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ goModuleBody mutualBlocks b = do
{ _moduleStatements = statements' <> mutualBlocks'
goImport :: Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState] r => Abstract.TopModule -> Sem r (Maybe Include)
goImport :: Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState, NameIdGen] r => Abstract.TopModule -> Sem r (Maybe Include)
goImport m = do
inc <- gets (HashSet.member (m ^. Abstract.moduleName) . (^. translationStateIncluded))
@ -145,7 +143,7 @@ goImport m = do
goStatement ::
Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState] r =>
Members '[Reader ExportsTable, State TranslationState, NameIdGen] r =>
Abstract.Statement ->
Sem r (Maybe Statement)
goStatement = \case
@ -195,7 +193,7 @@ goFunction (Abstract.Function l r) = do
r' <- goType r
return (Function l' r')
goFunctionDef :: Abstract.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
goFunctionDef :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
goFunctionDef f = do
_funDefClauses' <- mapM (goFunctionClause _funDefName') (f ^. Abstract.funDefClauses)
_funDefType' <- goType (f ^. Abstract.funDefTypeSig)
@ -212,7 +210,7 @@ goFunctionDef f = do
_funDefName' :: Name
_funDefName' = f ^. Abstract.funDefName
goExample :: Abstract.Example -> Sem r Example
goExample :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.Example -> Sem r Example
goExample e = do
e' <- goExpression (e ^. Abstract.exampleExpression)
@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ goExample e = do
_exampleId = e ^. Abstract.exampleId
goFunctionClause :: Name -> Abstract.FunctionClause -> Sem r FunctionClause
goFunctionClause :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Name -> Abstract.FunctionClause -> Sem r FunctionClause
goFunctionClause n c = do
_clauseBody' <- goExpression (c ^. Abstract.clauseBody)
_clausePatterns' <- mapM goPatternArg (c ^. Abstract.clausePatterns)
@ -232,7 +230,7 @@ goFunctionClause n c = do
_clauseBody = _clauseBody'
goPatternArg :: Abstract.PatternArg -> Sem r PatternArg
goPatternArg :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.PatternArg -> Sem r PatternArg
goPatternArg p = do
pat' <- goPattern (p ^. Abstract.patternArgPattern)
@ -242,14 +240,14 @@ goPatternArg p = do
_patternArgPattern = pat'
goPattern :: Abstract.Pattern -> Sem r Pattern
goPattern :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.Pattern -> Sem r Pattern
goPattern p = case p of
Abstract.PatternVariable v -> return (PatternVariable v)
Abstract.PatternConstructorApp c -> PatternConstructorApp <$> goConstructorApp c
Abstract.PatternWildcard i -> return (PatternWildcard i)
Abstract.PatternWildcard w -> PatternVariable <$> varFromWildcard w
Abstract.PatternEmpty -> unsupported "pattern empty"
goConstructorApp :: Abstract.ConstructorApp -> Sem r ConstructorApp
goConstructorApp :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.ConstructorApp -> Sem r ConstructorApp
goConstructorApp c = do
_constrAppParameters' <- mapM goPatternArg (c ^. Abstract.constrAppParameters)
@ -281,7 +279,7 @@ goType e = case e of
Abstract.ExpressionHole h -> return (ExpressionHole h)
Abstract.ExpressionLambda {} -> unsupported "lambda in types"
goLambda :: forall r. Abstract.Lambda -> Sem r Lambda
goLambda :: forall r. Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.Lambda -> Sem r Lambda
goLambda (Abstract.Lambda cl) = case nonEmpty cl of
Nothing -> unsupported "empty lambda"
Just cl' -> Lambda <$> mapM goClause cl'
@ -297,7 +295,7 @@ goLambda (Abstract.Lambda cl) = case nonEmpty cl of
Explicit -> p
Implicit -> unsupported "implicit patterns in lambda"
goApplication :: Abstract.Application -> Sem r Application
goApplication :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.Application -> Sem r Application
goApplication (Abstract.Application f x i) = do
f' <- goExpression f
x' <- goExpression x
@ -311,7 +309,7 @@ goIden i = case i of
Abstract.IdenAxiom a -> IdenAxiom (a ^. Abstract.axiomRefName)
Abstract.IdenInductive a -> IdenInductive (a ^. Abstract.inductiveRefName)
goExpressionFunction :: forall r. Abstract.Function -> Sem r Function
goExpressionFunction :: forall r. Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.Function -> Sem r Function
goExpressionFunction f = do
l' <- goParam (f ^. Abstract.funParameter)
r' <- goExpression (f ^. Abstract.funReturn)
@ -324,7 +322,7 @@ goExpressionFunction f = do
return (FunctionParameter (p ^. Abstract.paramName) (p ^. Abstract.paramImplicit) ty')
| otherwise = unsupported "usages"
goExpression :: Abstract.Expression -> Sem r Expression
goExpression :: Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.Expression -> Sem r Expression
goExpression e = case e of
Abstract.ExpressionIden i -> return (ExpressionIden (goIden i))
Abstract.ExpressionUniverse u -> return (ExpressionUniverse (goUniverse u))
@ -346,29 +344,26 @@ goInductiveParameter f =
(Just {}, _, _) -> unsupported "only type variables of small types are allowed"
(Nothing, _, _) -> unsupported "unnamed inductive parameters"
goInductiveDef ::
Abstract.InductiveDef ->
Sem r InductiveDef
goInductiveDef i =
| not (isSmallType (i ^. Abstract.inductiveType)) -> unsupported "inductive indices"
| otherwise -> do
inductiveParameters' <- mapM goInductiveParameter (i ^. Abstract.inductiveParameters)
let indTypeName = i ^. Abstract.inductiveName
inductiveConstructors' <-
(i ^. Abstract.inductiveConstructors)
examples' <- mapM goExample (i ^. Abstract.inductiveExamples)
{ _inductiveName = indTypeName,
_inductiveParameters = inductiveParameters',
_inductiveBuiltin = i ^. Abstract.inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveConstructors = inductiveConstructors',
_inductiveExamples = examples',
_inductivePositive = i ^. Abstract.inductivePositive
goInductiveDef :: forall r. Members '[NameIdGen] r => Abstract.InductiveDef -> Sem r InductiveDef
goInductiveDef i
| not (isSmallType (i ^. Abstract.inductiveType)) = unsupported "inductive indices"
| otherwise = do
inductiveParameters' <- mapM goInductiveParameter (i ^. Abstract.inductiveParameters)
let indTypeName = i ^. Abstract.inductiveName
inductiveConstructors' <-
(i ^. Abstract.inductiveConstructors)
examples' <- mapM goExample (i ^. Abstract.inductiveExamples)
{ _inductiveName = indTypeName,
_inductiveParameters = inductiveParameters',
_inductiveBuiltin = i ^. Abstract.inductiveBuiltin,
_inductiveConstructors = inductiveConstructors',
_inductiveExamples = examples',
_inductivePositive = i ^. Abstract.inductivePositive
goConstructorDef :: Abstract.InductiveConstructorDef -> Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef c = do
@ -187,11 +187,12 @@ checkLhs loc guessedBody ariSignature pats = do
-- between explicit parameters already in the pattern.
goLhs :: Arity -> [PatternArg] -> Sem (State LocalVars ': r) ([PatternArg], Arity)
goLhs a = \case
[] -> return $ case tailHelper a of
Nothing -> ([], a)
Just tailUnderscores ->
[] -> case tailHelper a of
Nothing -> return ([], a)
Just tailUnderscores -> do
wildcard <- genWildcard
let a' = foldArity (over ufoldArityParams (drop tailUnderscores) (unfoldArity' a))
in (replicate tailUnderscores wildcard, a')
return (replicate tailUnderscores wildcard, a')
lhs@(p : ps) -> case a of
ArityUnit ->
@ -216,14 +217,17 @@ checkLhs loc guessedBody ariSignature pats = do
_wrongPatternIsImplicitActual = p
(Explicit, ParamImplicit) ->
(Explicit, ParamImplicit) -> do
wildcard <- genWildcard
first (wildcard :) <$> goLhs r lhs
(Explicit, ParamExplicit pa) -> do
p' <- checkPattern pa p
first (p' :) <$> goLhs r ps
wildcard :: PatternArg
wildcard = PatternArg Implicit Nothing (PatternWildcard (Wildcard loc))
genWildcard :: forall r'. Members '[NameIdGen] r' => Sem r' PatternArg
genWildcard = do
var <- varFromWildcard (Wildcard loc)
return (PatternArg Implicit Nothing (PatternVariable var))
-- This is an heuristic and it can have an undesired result.
-- Sometimes the outcome may even be confusing.
@ -259,7 +263,6 @@ checkPattern ari = traverseOf (patternArgName . each) nameAri >=> traverseOf pat
patternAri :: Pattern -> Sem r Pattern
patternAri = \case
PatternVariable v -> addArity v ari $> PatternVariable v
PatternWildcard i -> return (PatternWildcard i)
PatternConstructorApp c -> case ari of
ArityUnit -> PatternConstructorApp <$> checkConstructorApp c
ArityUnknown -> PatternConstructorApp <$> checkConstructorApp c
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@ checkPattern = go
name = patArg ^. patternArgName
whenJust name (\n -> addVar n ty argTy)
case pat of
PatternWildcard {} -> return ()
PatternVariable v -> addVar v ty argTy
PatternConstructorApp a -> do
s <- checkSaturatedInductive ty
@ -363,11 +363,8 @@ matchPatterns (PatternArg impl1 name1 pat1) (PatternArg impl2 name2 pat2) =
goName _ _ = err
goPattern :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Sem r Bool
goPattern p1 p2 = case (p1, p2) of
(PatternWildcard {}, PatternWildcard {}) -> ok
(PatternVariable v1, PatternVariable v2) -> modify (HashMap.insert v1 v2) $> True
(PatternConstructorApp c1, PatternConstructorApp c2) -> goConstructor c1 c2
(PatternWildcard {}, _) -> err
(_, PatternWildcard {}) -> err
(PatternVariable {}, _) -> err
(_, PatternVariable {}) -> err
goConstructor :: ConstructorApp -> ConstructorApp -> Sem r Bool
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