mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 08:08:44 +03:00
[termination] implement lexical order search
This commit is contained in:
@ -278,8 +278,18 @@ go c = do
let callMap = T.buildCallMap a
opts' = A.defaultOptions
completeGraph = T.completeCallGraph callMap
recBehav = map T.recursiveBehaviour (T.reflexiveEdges completeGraph)
A.printPrettyCode opts' completeGraph
putStrLn ""
forM_ recBehav $ \r -> do
-- M.printPrettyCodeDefault (r ^. T.recBehaviourFunction)
A.printPrettyCode A.defaultOptions r
putStrLn ""
case T.findOrder r of
Nothing -> putStrLn " Fails the termination checking"
Just (T.LexicoOrder k) -> putStrLn (" Terminates with order " <> show k)
putStrLn ""
main :: IO ()
@ -74,3 +74,67 @@ completeCallGraph cm = CompleteCallGraph (go startingEdges)
edgesUnion = HashMap.union
edgesCount :: Edges -> Int
edgesCount = HashMap.size
reflexiveEdges :: CompleteCallGraph -> [ReflexiveEdge]
reflexiveEdges (CompleteCallGraph es) = mapMaybe reflexive (toList es)
reflexive :: Edge -> Maybe ReflexiveEdge
reflexive e
| e ^. edgeFrom == e ^. edgeTo = Just $ ReflexiveEdge (e ^.edgeFrom) (e ^. edgeMatrices)
| otherwise = Nothing
callMatrixDiag :: CallMatrix -> [Rel]
callMatrixDiag m = [ col i r | (i, r) <- zip [0 :: Int ..] m]
col i (CallRow row) = case row of
Nothing -> RNothing
Just (j, r')
| i == j -> RJust r'
| otherwise -> RJust r'
recursiveBehaviour :: ReflexiveEdge -> RecursiveBehaviour
recursiveBehaviour re =
RecursiveBehaviour (re ^. redgeFun)
(map callMatrixDiag (re ^. redgeMatrices))
findOrder :: RecursiveBehaviour -> Maybe LexicoOrder
findOrder rb
| null b0 = impossible
| otherwise = LexicoOrder <$> listToMaybe (mapMaybe isLexicoOrder allPerms)
isLexicoOrder :: [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
isLexicoOrder = go startB
go :: [[(Int, Rel)]] -> [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
go [] _ = Just []
go b perm = case perm of
[] -> Nothing
(p0 : ptail)
| Just r <- find (isLess . snd . (!! p0)) b,
all (notNothing . snd . (!! p0)) b,
Just perm' <- go (b' p0) (map pred ptail)
-> Just (fst (r !! p0) : perm')
| otherwise -> Nothing
b' i = map r' (filter (not . isLess . snd . (!!i)) b)
r' r = case splitAt i r of
(x, y) -> x ++ drop 1 y
notNothing r = case r of
RNothing -> False
_ -> True
isLess = (RJust RLe ==)
b0 = rb ^. recBehaviourMatrix
allPerms = case nonEmpty startB of
-- Nothing -> []
Nothing -> impossible -- temporary
Just s -> permutations [0 .. length (head s) - 1]
indexed = map (zip [0 :: Int ..] . take minLength) b0
minLength = minimum (map length b0)
-- | removes columns that don't have at least one ≺ in them
removeUselessColumns :: [[(Int, Rel)]] -> [[(Int, Rel)]]
-- TODO fix.
-- removeUselessColumns = transpose . filter (any (isLess . snd) ) . transpose
removeUselessColumns = id
startB = removeUselessColumns indexed
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Termination.Types (
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language as A
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter as PP
import MiniJuvix.Termination.Types.SizeRelation
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base
@ -42,13 +42,23 @@ data Edge = Edge {
newtype CompleteCallGraph = CompleteCallGraph Edges
data ReflexiveEdge = ReflexiveEdge {
_redgeMatrix :: CallMatrix,
_redgeFun :: A.FunctionName
_redgeFun :: A.FunctionName,
_redgeMatrices :: [CallMatrix]
data RecursiveBehaviour = RecursiveBehaviour
_recBehaviourFunction :: A.FunctionName,
_recBehaviourMatrix :: [[Rel]]
newtype LexicoOrder = LexicoOrder [Int]
makeLenses ''FunCall
makeLenses ''Edge
makeLenses ''CallMap
makeLenses ''RecursiveBehaviour
makeLenses ''ReflexiveEdge
instance PrettyCode FunCall where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => FunCall -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
@ -123,3 +133,11 @@ instance PrettyCode CompleteCallGraph where
ppCode (CompleteCallGraph edges) = do
es <- vsep2 <$> mapM ppCode (toList edges)
return $ pretty ("Complete Call Graph:" :: Text) <> line <> es
instance PrettyCode RecursiveBehaviour where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => RecursiveBehaviour -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (RecursiveBehaviour f m) = do
f' <- ppSCode f
let m' = vsep (map (PP.list . map pretty) m)
return $ pretty ("Recursive behaviour of " :: Text) <> f' <> colon <> line
<> indent 2 (align m')
@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ import Prettyprinter
data Rel =
RJust Rel'
| RNothing
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
data Rel' =
| RLe
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
toRel :: Rel' -> Rel
toRel = RJust
@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ take : (a : Type) → ℕ → List a → List a;
take a (suc n) (∷ _ x xs) ≔ ∷ a x (take a n xs);
take a _ _ ≔ nil a;
import Data.Ord;
open Data.Ord;
-- import Data.Ord;
-- open Data.Ord;
import Data.Product;
open Data.Product;
-- import Data.Product;
-- open Data.Product;
-- splitAt : (a : Type) → ℕ → List a → List a;
-- splitAt a _ (nil _) ≔ nil a , nil a;
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