mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-10-05 20:47:36 +03:00
- Close #2510 
- Close #2518 
- Progress for #2520
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Cubides 2023-11-17 16:10:38 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2f4a3f809b
commit dd43f07905
No known key found for this signature in database
27 changed files with 306 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ mkPackageInfo mpackageEntry _packageRoot pkg = do
juvixAccum cd _ files acc = return (newJuvixFiles <> acc, RecurseFilter (\hasJuvixPackage d -> not hasJuvixPackage && not (isHiddenDirectory d)))
newJuvixFiles :: [Path Abs File]
newJuvixFiles = [cd <//> f | f <- files, isJuvixFile f]
newJuvixFiles = [cd <//> f | f <- files, isJuvixFile f || isJuvixMarkdownFile f]
pkgFile :: Path Abs File
pkgFile = pkg ^. packageFile
@ -282,12 +282,22 @@ resolvePath' :: (Members '[Files, State ResolverState, Reader ResolverEnv] r) =>
resolvePath' mp = do
z <- gets (^. resolverFiles)
curPkg <- currentPackage
let rel = topModulePathToRelativePath' mp
packagesWithModule = z ^. at rel
let exts = [FileExtJuvix, FileExtJuvixMarkdown]
let rpaths = map (`topModulePathToRelativePathByExt` mp) exts
packagesWithModule :: [(PackageInfo, Path Rel File)]
packagesWithModule =
[ (pkg, p)
| p <- rpaths,
pkgs <- toList (HashMap.lookup p z),
pkg <- toList pkgs,
visible pkg
visible :: PackageInfo -> Bool
visible p = HashSet.member (p ^. packageRoot) (curPkg ^. packageAvailableRoots)
return $ case filter visible (maybe [] toList packagesWithModule) of
[r] -> Right (r ^. packageRoot, rel)
visible pkg = HashSet.member (pkg ^. packageRoot) (curPkg ^. packageAvailableRoots)
return $ case packagesWithModule of
[(r, relPath)] -> Right (r ^. packageRoot, relPath)
[] ->
( ErrMissingModule
@ -296,22 +306,46 @@ resolvePath' mp = do
_missingModule = mp
(r : rs) ->
((r, _) : rs) ->
( ErrDependencyConflict
{ _conflictPackages = r :| rs,
{ _conflictPackages = r :| map fst rs,
_conflictPath = mp
expectedPath' :: (Members '[Reader ResolverEnv] r) => Path Abs File -> TopModulePath -> Sem r (Maybe (Path Abs File))
expectedPath' actualPath m = do
root <- asks (^. envRoot)
msingle <- asks (^. envSingleFile)
| msingle == Just actualPath -> return Nothing
| otherwise -> return (Just (root <//> topModulePathToRelativePath' m))
isModuleOrphan ::
(Members '[Files] r) =>
TopModulePath ->
Sem r Bool
isModuleOrphan topJuvixPath = do
let actualPath = getLoc topJuvixPath ^. intervalFile
possiblePaths :: Path Abs Dir -> [Path Abs Dir]
possiblePaths p = p : toList (parents p)
packageFileExists <- findFile' (possiblePaths (parent actualPath)) packageFilePath
yamlFileExists <- findFile' (possiblePaths (parent actualPath)) juvixYamlFile
pathPackageDescription <- globalPackageDescriptionRoot
return $ isNothing (packageFileExists <|> yamlFileExists) && not (pathPackageDescription `isProperPrefixOf` actualPath)
expectedPath' ::
(Members '[Reader ResolverEnv, Files] r) =>
TopModulePath ->
Sem r PathInfoTopModule
expectedPath' m = do
let _pathInfoTopModule = m
_rootInfoPath <- asks (^. envRoot)
isOrphan <- isModuleOrphan m
let _rootInfoKind
| isOrphan = RootKindSingleFile
| otherwise = RootKindPackage
_pathInfoRootInfo = RootInfo {..}
return PathInfoTopModule {..}
re ::
forall r a.
@ -326,7 +360,7 @@ re = reinterpret2H helper
Tactical PathResolver (Sem rInitial) (Reader ResolverEnv ': (State ResolverState ': r)) x
helper = \case
RegisterDependencies forceUpdateLockfile -> registerDependencies' forceUpdateLockfile >>= pureT
ExpectedModulePath a m -> expectedPath' a m >>= pureT
ExpectedPathInfoTopModule m -> expectedPath' m >>= pureT
WithPath m a -> do
x :: Either PathResolverError (Path Abs Dir, Path Rel File) <- resolvePath' m
oldroot <- asks (^. envRoot)

View File

@ -9,14 +9,33 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.PathResolver.Depe
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.PathResolver.Error
import Juvix.Prelude
data RootKind
= RootKindPackage
| RootKindSingleFile
deriving stock (Show)
data RootInfo = RootInfo
{ _rootInfoPath :: Path Abs Dir,
_rootInfoKind :: RootKind
deriving stock (Show)
data PathInfoTopModule = PathInfoTopModule
{ _pathInfoTopModule :: TopModulePath,
_pathInfoRootInfo :: RootInfo
deriving stock (Show)
data PathResolver m a where
RegisterDependencies :: DependenciesConfig -> PathResolver m ()
ExpectedModulePath :: Path Abs File -> TopModulePath -> PathResolver m (Maybe (Path Abs File))
ExpectedPathInfoTopModule :: TopModulePath -> PathResolver m PathInfoTopModule
WithPath ::
TopModulePath ->
(Either PathResolverError (Path Abs Dir, Path Rel File) -> m x) ->
PathResolver m x
makeLenses ''RootInfo
makeLenses ''PathInfoTopModule
makeSem ''PathResolver
withPathFile :: (Members '[PathResolver] r) => TopModulePath -> (Either PathResolverError (Path Abs File) -> Sem r a) -> Sem r a

View File

@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.PathResolver.Paths where
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.Name
import Juvix.Prelude
topModulePathToRelativePath' :: TopModulePath -> Path Rel File
topModulePathToRelativePath' =
topModulePathToRelativePath (show FileExtJuvix) "" (</>)
topModulePathToRelativePath' m =
let absPath :: Path Abs File = getLoc m ^. intervalFile
ext = fileExtension' absPath
in topModulePathToRelativePath ext "" (</>) m
topModulePathToRelativePathByExt :: FileExt -> TopModulePath -> Path Rel File
topModulePathToRelativePathByExt ext m =
topModulePathToRelativePath (Text.unpack $ fileExtToText ext) "" (</>) m
topModulePathToRelativePath :: String -> String -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath) -> TopModulePath -> Path Rel File
topModulePathToRelativePath ext suffix joinpath mp = relFile relFilePath

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Extra qualified as P
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.PathResolver.Base
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.PathResolver.Error
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.PathResolver.Paths
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromSource.Data.Context
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromSource.Lexer hiding
( symbol,
@ -299,25 +300,40 @@ topModuleDefStdin = do
optional_ stashJudoc
top moduleDef
-- FIX: https://github.com/anoma/juvix/pull/251
checkPath ::
(Members '[PathResolver, Error ParserError] s) =>
Maybe (Path Abs File) ->
TopModulePath ->
checkModulePath ::
(Members '[PathResolver, Files, Error ParserError] s) =>
Module 'Parsed 'ModuleTop ->
Sem s ()
checkPath maybePath path = do
let actualPath = fromMaybe (getLoc path ^. intervalFile) maybePath
mexpectedPath <- expectedModulePath actualPath path
whenJust mexpectedPath $ \expectedPath ->
unlessM (equalPaths expectedPath actualPath) $
( ErrWrongTopModuleName
{ _wrongTopModuleNameActualName = path,
_wrongTopModuleNameExpectedPath = expectedPath,
_wrongTopModuleNameActualPath = actualPath
checkModulePath m = do
let topJuvixPath :: TopModulePath = m ^. modulePath
pathInfo :: PathInfoTopModule <- expectedPathInfoTopModule topJuvixPath
let expectedRootInfo = pathInfo ^. pathInfoRootInfo
let actualPath = getLoc topJuvixPath ^. intervalFile
case expectedRootInfo ^. rootInfoKind of
RootKindSingleFile -> do
let expectedName = Text.pack . toFilePath . removeExtensions . filename $ actualPath
actualName = topModulePathToDottedPath topJuvixPath
unless (expectedName == actualName) $
( ErrWrongTopModuleNameOrphan
{ _wrongTopModuleNameOrpahnExpectedName = expectedName,
_wrongTopModuleNameOrpahnActualName = topJuvixPath
RootKindPackage -> do
let relPath = topModulePathToRelativePath' topJuvixPath
expectedAbsPath = (expectedRootInfo ^. rootInfoPath) <//> relPath
unlessM (equalPaths actualPath expectedAbsPath) $
( ErrWrongTopModuleName
{ _wrongTopModuleNameActualName = topJuvixPath,
_wrongTopModuleNameExpectedPath = expectedAbsPath,
_wrongTopModuleNameActualPath = actualPath
topModuleDef ::
(Members '[Error ParserError, Files, PathResolver, InfoTableBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash, NameIdGen] r) =>
@ -326,7 +342,7 @@ topModuleDef = do
space >> optional_ stashJudoc
optional_ stashPragmas
m <- top moduleDef
P.lift (checkPath Nothing (m ^. modulePath))
P.lift . checkModulePath $ m
return m
juvixCodeBlockParser ::

View File

@ -21,27 +21,46 @@ runPackagePathResolver rootPath sem = do
runReader globalStdlib updateStdlib
runReader globalPackageDir updatePackageFiles
packageFiles' <- relFiles globalPackageDir
let mkPackageRoot' = mkPackageRoot packageFiles' globalPackageDir globalStdlib
let mkRootInfo' = mkRootInfo packageFiles' globalPackageDir globalStdlib
( interpretH $ \case
RegisterDependencies {} -> pureT ()
ExpectedModulePath _ m -> do
let relPath = topModulePathToRelativePath' m
pureT ((<//> relPath) <$> (mkPackageRoot' relPath))
ExpectedPathInfoTopModule m -> do
let _pathInfoTopModule = m
_pathInfoRootInfo =
-- A Package file is a member of a package by definition.
fromMaybe (error "runPackagePathResolver: expected root info") $
mkRootInfo' (topModulePathToRelativePath' m)
pureT PathInfoTopModule {..}
WithPath m a -> do
let relPath = topModulePathToRelativePath' m
x :: Either PathResolverError (Path Abs Dir, Path Rel File)
x = case mkPackageRoot' relPath of
Just p -> Right (p, relPath)
x = case mkRootInfo' relPath of
Just p -> Right (p ^. rootInfoPath, relPath)
Nothing -> Left (ErrPackageInvalidImport PackageInvalidImport {_packageInvalidImport = m})
runTSimple (return x) >>= bindTSimple a
mkPackageRoot :: HashSet (Path Rel File) -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Rel File -> Maybe (Path Abs Dir)
mkPackageRoot pkgFiles globalPackageDir globalStdlib relPath
| parent preludePath `isProperPrefixOf` relPath = Just globalStdlib
| relPath `HashSet.member` pkgFiles = Just globalPackageDir
| relPath == packageFilePath = Just rootPath
mkRootInfo :: HashSet (Path Rel File) -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Rel File -> Maybe RootInfo
mkRootInfo pkgFiles globalPackageDir globalStdlib relPath
| parent preludePath `isProperPrefixOf` relPath =
Just $
{ _rootInfoPath = globalStdlib,
_rootInfoKind = RootKindPackage
| relPath `HashSet.member` pkgFiles =
Just $
{ _rootInfoPath = globalPackageDir,
_rootInfoKind = RootKindPackage
| relPath == packageFilePath =
Just $
{ _rootInfoPath = rootPath,
_rootInfoKind = RootKindPackage
| otherwise = Nothing
runPackagePathResolver' :: (Members '[TaggedLock, Files] r) => Path Abs Dir -> Sem (PathResolver ': r) a -> Sem r (ResolverState, a)

View File

@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ data Files m a where
CanonicalDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Prepath Dir -> Files m (Path Abs Dir)
NormalizeDir :: Path b Dir -> Files m (Path Abs Dir)
NormalizeFile :: Path b File -> Files m (Path Abs File)
FindFile' :: [Path b Dir] -> Path Rel File -> Files m (Maybe (Path Abs File))
makeSem ''Files

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ runFilesIO = interpret helper
CanonicalDir root d -> prepathToAbsDir root d
NormalizeDir p -> canonicalizePath p
NormalizeFile b -> canonicalizePath b
FindFile' possiblePaths f -> Path.findFile possiblePaths f
juvixConfigDirIO :: IO (Path Abs Dir)
juvixConfigDirIO = (<//> versionDir) . absDir <$> getUserConfigDir "juvix"

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ re cwd = reinterpret $ \case
CanonicalDir root d -> return (canonicalDirPure root d)
NormalizeDir p -> return (absDir (cwd' </> toFilePath p))
NormalizeFile p -> return (absFile (cwd' </> toFilePath p))
FindFile' ps f -> lookupFileDirs cwd ps f
cwd' :: FilePath
cwd' = toFilePath cwd
@ -221,3 +222,12 @@ lookupFile' p =
fromMaybeM err (lookupFile p)
err = missingErr (toFilePath p)
lookupFileDirs :: (Members '[State FS] r) => Path Abs Dir -> [Path a Dir] -> Path Rel File -> Sem r (Maybe (Path Abs File))
lookupFileDirs cwd ps f =
asum <$> mapM helper ps
helper p = do
let rpath = absDir (toFilePath cwd </> toFilePath p)
let p' :: Path Abs File = rpath <//> f
fmap (const p') <$> (lookupFile p')

View File

@ -149,3 +149,26 @@ isHtmlFile = (== Just htmlFileExt) . fileExtension
isCssFile :: Path b File -> Bool
isCssFile = (== Just cssFileExt) . fileExtension
toFileExt :: Path b File -> Maybe FileExt
toFileExt p
| isJuvixFile p = Just FileExtJuvix
| isJuvixMarkdownFile p = Just FileExtJuvixMarkdown
| isJuvixGebFile p = Just FileExtJuvixGeb
| isJuvixCoreFile p = Just FileExtJuvixCore
| isJuvixAsmFile p = Just FileExtJuvixAsm
| isVampIRFile p = Just FileExtVampIR
| isVampIRParamsFile p = Just FileExtVampIRParams
| isPlonkFile p = Just FileExtPlonk
| isHaloFile p = Just FileExtHalo
| isLispFile p = Just FileExtLisp
| isCFile p = Just FileExtC
| isMarkdownFile p = Just FileExtMarkdown
| isHtmlFile p = Just FileExtHtml
| isCssFile p = Just FileExtCss
| otherwise = Nothing
fileExtension' :: Path b File -> String
fileExtension' p = case toFileExt p of
Just ext -> Text.unpack $ fileExtToText ext
Nothing -> mconcat $ fileExtension p

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ data ParserError
| ErrCommonmark CommonmarkError
| ErrTopModulePath TopModulePathError
| ErrWrongTopModuleName WrongTopModuleName
| ErrWrongTopModuleNameOrphan WrongTopModuleNameOrphan
| ErrStdinOrFile StdinOrFileError
| ErrDanglingJudoc DanglingJudoc
| ErrMarkdownBackend MarkdownBackendError
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ instance ToGenericError ParserError where
ErrCommonmark e -> genericError e
ErrTopModulePath e -> genericError e
ErrWrongTopModuleName e -> genericError e
ErrWrongTopModuleNameOrphan e -> genericError e
ErrStdinOrFile e -> genericError e
ErrDanglingJudoc e -> genericError e
ErrMarkdownBackend e -> genericError e
@ -150,6 +152,34 @@ instance ToGenericError WrongTopModuleName where
<> line
<> pretty _wrongTopModuleNameExpectedPath
data WrongTopModuleNameOrphan = WrongTopModuleNameOrphan
{ _wrongTopModuleNameOrpahnExpectedName :: Text,
_wrongTopModuleNameOrpahnActualName :: TopModulePath
deriving stock (Show)
instance ToGenericError WrongTopModuleNameOrphan where
genericError WrongTopModuleNameOrphan {..} = ask >>= generr
generr opts =
{ _genericErrorLoc = i,
_genericErrorMessage = prettyError msg,
_genericErrorIntervals = [i]
opts' = fromGenericOptions opts
i = getLoc _wrongTopModuleNameOrpahnActualName
msg =
"This is a standalone module, but it's name is not the same as the file name."
<> line
<> "Expected module name:"
<+> pcode _wrongTopModuleNameOrpahnExpectedName
<> line
<> "Actual module name:"
<+> ppCode opts' _wrongTopModuleNameOrpahnActualName
data StdinOrFileError = StdinOrFileError
deriving stock (Show)

View File

@ -43,14 +43,16 @@ wrongError :: Maybe FailMsg
wrongError = Just "Incorrect error"
negTest :: String -> Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel File -> (ParserError -> Maybe FailMsg) -> NegTest
negTest _name d f _checkErr =
let _dir = root <//> d
in NegTest
{ _file = _dir <//> f,
negTest _name d f _checkErr = negTestAbsDir _name (root <//> d) f _checkErr
negTestAbsDir :: String -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Rel File -> (ParserError -> Maybe FailMsg) -> NegTest
negTestAbsDir _name _dir f _checkErr =
{ _file = _dir <//> f,
parserErrorTests :: [NegTest]
parserErrorTests =
@ -108,6 +110,13 @@ filesErrorTests =
$ \case
ErrWrongTopModuleName {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Incorrect top module path of an orphan file."
(relToProject $(mkRelDir "tests/WithoutPackageFile"))
$(mkRelFile "NoGood.juvix")
$ \case
ErrWrongTopModuleNameOrphan {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Import a module that doesn't exist"
$(mkRelDir "NoDependencies")

View File

@ -17,10 +17,15 @@ root :: Path Abs Dir
root = relToProject $(mkRelDir "tests/positive")
posTest :: String -> Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel File -> PosTest
posTest _name rdir rfile =
let _dir = root <//> rdir
_file = _dir <//> rfile
in PosTest {..}
posTest _name rdir rfile = posTestAbsDir _name (root <//> rdir) rfile
posTestAbsDir :: String -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Rel File -> PosTest
posTestAbsDir _name _dir f =
{ _file = _dir <//> f,
testDescr :: PosTest -> TestDescr
testDescr PosTest {..} =
@ -302,7 +307,19 @@ tests =
$(mkRelDir "Markdown")
$(mkRelFile "Test.juvix.md")
$(mkRelFile "Test.juvix.md"),
"Import a .juvix.md module in a .juvix file"
$(mkRelDir "MarkdownImport")
$(mkRelFile "A.juvix"),
"Import a .juvix.md module in a .juvix.md file"
$(mkRelDir "MarkdownImport")
$(mkRelFile "C.juvix.md"),
"Typecheck orphan file"
(relToProject $(mkRelDir "tests/WithoutPackageFile"))
$(mkRelFile "Good.juvix")
<> [ compilationTest t | t <- Compilation.tests

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module Good;
axiom A : Type;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module B.C;

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Test;
Certain blocks can be hidden from the output by adding the `hide` attribute, as shown below.
```juvix hide
import Stdlib.Prelude open;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module A;
import B open;
axiom a : D;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module B;
axiom D : Type;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# This is a Juvix code block
module C;
import B open;
axiom aa : D;
Text in between code blocks
axiom b : D;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Package;
import PackageDescription.V1 open;
package : Package :=
defaultPackage {name := "MarkdownImport"};

View File

@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ instance
Identity-Monad : Monad Identity :=
functor := Identity-Functor;
return {A : Type} (a : A) : Identity A :=
mkIdentity a;
return {A : Type} (a : A) : Identity A := mkIdentity a;
>>= {A B : Type}
: Identity A -> (A -> Identity B) -> Identity B
| (mkIdentity a) f := f a;
| (mkIdentity a) f := f a

View File

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ type MonadReader (S : Type) (M : Type -> Type) :=
mkMonadReader {
monad : Monad M;
ask : M S;
reader : {A : Type} → (S → A) → M A;
reader : {A : Type} → (S → A) → M A

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import Monad open;
import Stdlib.Data.Unit open;
type MonadState (S : Type) (M : Type -> Type) :=
type MonadState (S : Type) (M : Type -> Type) :=
mkMonadState {
monad : Monad M;
get : M S;
put : S -> M Unit;
put : S -> M Unit

View File

@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ module Package;
import PackageDescription.V1 open;
package : Package :=
defaultPackage {name := "monads"};
package : Package := defaultPackage {name := "monads"};

View File

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ ReaderT-MonadReader {S : Type} {M : Type → Type} {{Monad M}}
monad := ReaderT-Monad;
ask : ReaderT S M S := mkReaderT λ {s := MMonad.return s};
reader {A : Type} (f : S → A) : ReaderT S M A := mkReaderT (MMonad.return ∘ f);
reader {A : Type} (f : S → A) : ReaderT S M A :=
mkReaderT (MMonad.return ∘ f)
import MonadState open;
@ -59,8 +60,10 @@ import Stdlib.Data.Product open;
liftReaderT {R A : Type} {M : Type → Type} (m : M A)
: ReaderT R M A := mkReaderT (const m);
liftStateT {S A : Type} {M : Type → Type} {{Monad M}} (m : M A)
: StateT S M A := mkStateT λ {s := m MMonad.>>= λ {a := MMonad.return (a, s)}};
liftStateT {S A : Type} {M : Type → Type} {{Monad M}} (m : M
A) : StateT S M A :=
λ {s := m MMonad.>>= λ {a := MMonad.return (a, s)}};
-- FIXME fails instance termination
-- instance

View File

@ -43,9 +43,12 @@ import MonadState open;
import Stdlib.Data.Unit open;
StateT-MonadState {S : Type} {M : Type → Type} {{Monad M}} : MonadState S (StateT S M) :=
StateT-MonadState {S : Type} {M : Type → Type} {{Monad M}}
: MonadState S (StateT S M) :=
monad := StateT-Monad;
get : StateT S M S := mkStateT λ {s := MMonad.return (s, s)};
put (s : S) : StateT S M Unit := mkStateT λ {_ := MMonad.return (unit, s)};
get : StateT S M S :=
mkStateT λ {s := MMonad.return (s, s)};
put (s : S) : StateT S M Unit :=
mkStateT λ {_ := MMonad.return (unit, s)}

View File

@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ instance
type Reader (r a : Type) := mkReader {runReader : r -> a};
Reader-fmap {R A B : Type} (f : A -> B) : Reader R A -> Reader R B
Reader-fmap {R A B : Type} (f : A -> B)
: Reader R A -> Reader R B
| (mkReader ra) := mkReader (f ∘ ra);
Reader-Functor-NoNamed {R : Type} : Functor (Reader R) :=