mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 14:34:03 +03:00
v0.1.1 (#15)
* add references to the syntax and cleanup code * [make] add .PHONY to Makefile targets * [parser] add parser / pretty for axiom backends * Pairing progress * [scoper] Add support for Axiom backends * [parser] Fix foreign block parsing * [ app ] adds --no-colors flag for the scope command * [ghc] upgrade to ghc 9.2.2 * use GHC2021 * [doc] Remove out-of-date comment * [test] Add ambiguity tests * [scoper] Improve resolution of local symbols * [error] WIP improving ambiguity error messages * [ clean-up ] new lab folder for experimentation * [ app ] ixes the lint warning * [ Termination ] removes Alga dependency * [error] Add message for ambiguous symbol error * [error] Add ambiguous module message * [scoper] Remove ErrGeneric * [test] Add test to suite * [test] show diff when ast's are different * [ lab ] folder organization * [ Makefile ] add targets with --watch option (stack cmds) and remove unused things * [ app ] add --version flag and fixed warnings and formatting * [test] remove fromRightIO to fix ambiguity error * [test] Add test of shadowing public open * [scoper] Add visibility annotation for Name * prepare buildIntoTable * [ Concrete ] add instance of hashable for refs. * add InfoTableBuilder effect * [ scoper ] add InfoTableBuilder effect * [ CHANGELOG ] updated v0.1.1 * [ README ] org version now Co-authored-by: Jan Mas Rovira <janmasrovira@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Paul Cadman <git@paulcadman.dev>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# Changelog
`MiniJuvix` uses [PVP Versioning][1].
The changelog is available [on GitHub][2].
* Initially created.
[1]: https://pvp.haskell.org
[2]: https://github.com/heliaxdev/MiniJuvix/releases
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Changelog
MiniJuvix uses [[https://pvp.haskell.org][PVP Versioning]]. The
changelog is available
[[https://github.com/heliaxdev/MiniJuvix/releases][on GitHub]].
** 0.1.1
- Add support in the parser/scoper for Axiom backends
- Add support for =foreign= keyword
- New flag =--no-colors= for the scope command
- Upgrade to GHC 9.2.2
- Improve resolution of local symbols in the scoper
- Several new tests related to ambiguous symbols
- Add =--version= flag
- Add InfoTableBuilder effect for the scoper
@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ PWD=$(CURDIR)
UNAME := $(shell uname)
AGDA_FILES := $(wildcard ./src/MiniJuvix/Syntax/*.agda)
GEN_HS := $(patsubst %.agda, %.hs, $(AGDA_FILES))
ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
THREADS := $(shell sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
else ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
@ -40,26 +37,18 @@ docs :
cd docs ; \
sh conv.sh
.PHONY : build
stack build --fast --jobs $(THREADS)
stack build --fast --file-watch
.PHONY : cabal
cabal :
cabal build all
.PHONY : stan
stan :
stan check --include --filter-all --directory=src
stack build --only-dependencies --jobs $(THREADS)
stack build --fast --jobs $(THREADS)
stack build --fast --file-watch
stack ghci MiniJuvix:lib
cabal clean
stack clean
@ -67,31 +56,28 @@ clean:
stack clean --full
.PHONY : test
stack test --fast --jobs $(THREADS)
.PHONY : test-watch
stack test --fast --jobs $(THREADS) --file-watch
find ./src/ -name "*.hs" -exec ormolu --mode inplace {} --ghc-opt -XStandaloneDeriving --ghc-opt -XUnicodeSyntax --ghc-opt -XDerivingStrategies --ghc-opt -XMultiParamTypeClasses --ghc-opt -XTemplateHaskell \;
find . -path './src/**/*.hs' -or -path './app/**/*.hs' -exec ormolu --mode inplace {} --ghc-opt -XStandaloneDeriving --ghc-opt -XUnicodeSyntax --ghc-opt -XDerivingStrategies --ghc-opt -XMultiParamTypeClasses --ghc-opt -XTemplateHaskell \;
.PHONY : install
stack install --fast --jobs $(THREADS)
.PHONY : install-watch
stack install --fast --jobs $(THREADS) --file-watch
stack ghci MiniJuvix:lib
make checklines && make hlint && make format
.PHONY: install-agda
git clone https://github.com/agda/agda.git
cd agda
cabal update
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' alex-3.2.6
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' happy-1.19.12
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' -foptimise-heavily
.PHONY : install-agda2hs
git clone https://github.com/agda/agda2hs.git
cd agda2hs && cabal new-install --overwrite-policy=always
mkdir -p .agda/
touch .agda/libraries
echo "agda2hs/agda2hs.agda-lib" > ~/.agda/libraries
.PHONY : agda
agda :
agda2hs ./src/MiniJuvix/Syntax/Core.agda -o src -XUnicodeSyntax -XStandaloneDeriving -XDerivingStrategies -XMultiParamTypeClasses
agda2hs ./src/MiniJuvix/Syntax/Eval.agda -o src -XUnicodeSyntax -XStandaloneDeriving -XDerivingStrategies -XMultiParamTypeClasses
make checklines && make hlint && make format
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
** Description
MiniJuvix is a dependently functional programming language for writing
efficient formally-verified
predicates]], which can be deployed to various distributed ledgers. This
is a software released for experimentation and research purposes only.
No warranty is provided or implied.
MiniJuvix addresses many issues that we have experienced while trying to
write and deploy decentralised applications present in the ecosystem of
- the difficulty of adequate program verification,
- the ceiling of compositional complexity,
- the illegibility of execution costs, and
- the lock-in to particular backends.
** Quick Start
To install MiniJuvix, you can download its sources using
[[http://git-scm.com/][Git]] from the
[[https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git][Github repository]]. Then, the
program can be downloaded and installed with the following commands. You
will need to have installed [[https://haskellstack.org][Stack]].
#+begin_src shell
$ git clone https://github.com/heliaxdev/minijuvix.git
$ cd minijuvix
$ stack install
If the installation succeeds, you must be able to run the =minijuvix=
command from any location. To get the complete list of commands, please
run =minijuvix --help=.
- How to install [[https://haskellstack.org][Stack]]:? if it's not
- For Ubuntu : =apt install stack=
- For Debian : =apt install haskell-stack=
- For Arch Linux : =pacman -S stack=
- For macOS : =brew install haskell-stack=
- For Windows, following the instructions
It is required at least 8GB RAM for =stack= installation.
- To test everything works correctly, you can run the following command:
#+begin_src shell
$ stack test
** Community
We would love to hear what you think of MiniJuvix! Join us on
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
name: minijuvix-proofs
depend: standard-library
include: proofs
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel)
module Algebra.Structures.StarSemiring
{a ℓ} {A : Set a} -- The underlying set
(_≈_ : Rel A ℓ) -- The underlying equality relation
open import Base
open import Algebra.Structures {A = A} _≡_
record IsStarSemiring (_+_ _*_ : Op₂ A) (★ : Op₁ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isSemiring : IsSemiring _+_ _*_ 0# 1#
★-cond-1 : ∀ a → ★ a ≈ (1# + (a * ★ a))
★-cond-2 : ∀ a → ★ a ≈ (1# + (★ a * a))
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
module Base where
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_) renaming (suc to lsuc; zero to lzero) public
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; subst; trans; sym; cong) public
open import Algebra.Core public
open import Data.Product public
@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
module Termination.FunctionCall where
open import Base
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as ≡
open import Data.Product.Properties
open import Data.Product
import Termination.SizeRelation as S
open S using (S)
import Termination.SizeRelation.Properties as S
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
module Matrix where
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; inject₁; fromℕ; _≟_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; tabulate)
open import Function.Base using (case_of_)
open import Relation.Nullary
-- Square matrix
Matrix : (A : Set) → ℕ → Set
Matrix A n = Vec (Vec A n) n
diagonal : {A : Set} → (zero diag : A) → (n : ℕ) → Matrix A n
diagonal z diag n = tabulate (λ i → tabulate (λ j →
case i ≟ j of λ {(yes _) → diag; (no _) → z}))
module Square (n : ℕ) where
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; inject₁; fromℕ)
open import Data.Vec
open Matrix
-- All calls are assumed to be of arity n
Call : Set
Call = Vec S n
-- All edges are assumed to have n calls
Edge : Set
Edge = Matrix S n
Call-⁇ : Call
Call-⁇ = replicate S.⁇
-- Call-∼ : Call
-- Call-∼ = replicate S.∼
⁇ : Edge
⁇ = replicate (replicate S.⁇)
∼ : Edge
∼ = diagonal S.⁇ S.∼ n
infixl 6 _+_
infixl 7 _*_
sumRow : Call → S
sumRow = foldr _ S._+_ S.⁇
_*_ : Op₂ Edge
_*_ a b = tabulate (λ i → tabulate (λ j → sumRow (zipWith S._*_ (lookup a i) (lookup (transpose b) j))))
-- pointwise
_+_ : Op₂ Edge
(a + b) = tabulate (λ i → tabulate (λ j → lookup (lookup a i) j S.+ lookup (lookup b i) j))
-- ★ : Op₁ Edge
-- ★ a = tabulate (λ i → tabulate (λ j → S.★ (lookup (lookup a i) j)))
module 2by2 where
open Square 2
open import Data.Vec
open S.★1 renaming (★ to S★)
★ : Op₁ Edge
★ ((b ∷ c ∷ []) ∷ (d ∷ e ∷ []) ∷ []) =
let ★b = S★ b
Δ = e S.+ (d S.* ★b S.* c)
★Δ = S★ Δ
b' = ★b S.+ ★b S.* c S.* ★Δ S.* d S.* ★b
b'' = S★ (b S.+ c S.* S★ e S.* d)
c' = ★b S.* c S.* ★Δ
d' = ★Δ S.* d S.* ★b
e' = ★Δ
in ((b'' ∷ c' ∷ []) ∷
(d' ∷ e' ∷ [])
∷ [])
-- TODO See definition of Call matrix!
★-condition-1 : (a : Edge) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + a * ★ a
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.⁇ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.≺ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.⁇ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.≺ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
★-condition-1 ((S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ (S.∼ ∷ S.∼ ∷ []) ∷ []) = refl
-- Simplified version
module SingleCall where
open S.★1 renaming (★ to S★)
-- All calls have exactly 2 arguments
Call₂ : Set
Call₂ = S × S
-- An edge is a single function call
Edge₁ : Set
Edge₁ = Call₂
⁇ : Edge₁
⁇ = S.⁇ , S.⁇
∼ : Edge₁
∼ = S.∼ , S.∼
infixl 6 _+_
infixl 7 _*_
_*_ : Op₂ Edge₁
_*_ (a , b) (a' , b') = a S.* a' , b S.* b'
_+_ : Op₂ Edge₁
(a , b) + (a' , b') = a S.+ a' , b S.+ b'
open import Algebra.Structures {A = Call₂} _≡_
open import Algebra.Definitions {A = Call₂} _≡_
open import Algebra.Structures.StarSemiring {A = Call₂} _≡_
×-≡,≡→≡ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Set ℓ} {B : Set ℓ'} → {p₁@(a₁ , b₁) p₂@(a₂ , b₂) : A × B} → (a₁ ≡ a₂ × b₁ ≡ b₂) → p₁ ≡ p₂
×-≡,≡→≡ (refl , refl) = refl
+-Commutative : Commutative _+_
+-Commutative a b = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.+-Commutative (proj₁ a) (proj₁ b)
, S.+-Commutative (proj₂ a) (proj₂ b))
+-Associative : Associative _+_
+-Associative a b c = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.+-Associative (proj₁ a) _ _
, S.+-Associative (proj₂ a) _ _)
+-IsMagma : IsMagma _+_
+-IsMagma = record
{ isEquivalence = ≡.isEquivalence ;
∙-cong = λ { refl refl → refl }}
+-IsSemigroup : IsSemigroup _+_
+-IsSemigroup = record { isMagma = +-IsMagma ; assoc = +-Associative }
+-Identityˡ : LeftIdentity ⁇ _+_
+-Identityˡ _ = refl
+-Identityʳ : RightIdentity ⁇ _+_
+-Identityʳ (fst , snd) = ×-≡,≡→≡ (S.+-Identityʳ _ , S.+-Identityʳ _)
+-Identity : Identity ⁇ _+_
+-Identity = +-Identityˡ , +-Identityʳ
+-IsMonoid : IsMonoid _+_ ⁇
+-IsMonoid = record { isSemigroup = +-IsSemigroup ; identity = +-Identity }
+-IsCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid _+_ ⁇
+-IsCommutativeMonoid = record
{ isMonoid = +-IsMonoid ;
comm = +-Commutative }
-- Proofs on _*_
*-Associative : Associative _*_
*-Associative a b c = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.*-Associative (proj₁ a) _ _
, S.*-Associative (proj₂ a) _ _)
*-Identityˡ : LeftIdentity ∼ _*_
*-Identityˡ _ = refl
*-Identityʳ : RightIdentity ∼ _*_
*-Identityʳ (fst , snd) = ×-≡,≡→≡ (S.*-Identityʳ _ , S.*-Identityʳ _)
*-Identity : Identity ∼ _*_
*-Identity = *-Identityˡ , *-Identityʳ
-- Proofs on + and *
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ : _*_ DistributesOverˡ _+_
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ a b c = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.*-DistributesOverˡ-+ (proj₁ a) _ _
, S.*-DistributesOverˡ-+ (proj₂ a) _ _)
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ : _*_ DistributesOverʳ _+_
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ a b c = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.*-DistributesOverʳ-+ (proj₁ a) (proj₁ b) _
, S.*-DistributesOverʳ-+ (proj₂ a) (proj₂ b) _)
*-DistributesOver-+ : _*_ DistributesOver _+_
*-DistributesOver-+ = *-DistributesOverˡ-+ , *-DistributesOverʳ-+
*-IsMagma : IsMagma _*_
*-IsMagma = record
{ isEquivalence = ≡.isEquivalence
; ∙-cong = λ {refl refl → refl }}
*-IsSemigroup : IsSemigroup _*_
*-IsSemigroup = record { isMagma = *-IsMagma ; assoc = *-Associative }
*-IsMonoid : IsMonoid _*_ ∼
*-IsMonoid = record { isSemigroup = *-IsSemigroup ; identity = *-Identity }
+-*-IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero : IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero _+_ _*_ ⁇ ∼
+-*-IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
{ +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-IsCommutativeMonoid
; *-isMonoid = *-IsMonoid
; distrib = *-DistributesOver-+
*-LeftZero : LeftZero ⁇ _*_
*-LeftZero _ = refl
*-RightZero : RightZero ⁇ _*_
*-RightZero x = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.*-RightZero (proj₁ x)
, S.*-RightZero (proj₂ x))
*-Zero : Zero ⁇ _*_
*-Zero = *-LeftZero , *-RightZero
+-*-IsSemiring : IsSemiring _+_ _*_ ⁇ ∼
+-*-IsSemiring = record
{ isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = +-*-IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero
; zero = *-Zero }
★ : Op₁ Edge₁
★ (a , b) = S★ a , S★ b
★-condition-1 : (a : Edge₁) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + a * ★ a
★-condition-1 a = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.★-condition-1 (proj₁ a)
, S.★-condition-1 (proj₂ a))
★-condition-2 : (a : Edge₁) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + ★ a * a
★-condition-2 a = ×-≡,≡→≡
(S.★-condition-2 (proj₁ a)
, S.★-condition-2 (proj₂ a))
+-*-★-IsStarSemiring : IsStarSemiring _+_ _*_ ★ ⁇ ∼
+-*-★-IsStarSemiring = record
{ isSemiring = +-*-IsSemiring
; ★-cond-1 = ★-condition-1
; ★-cond-2 = ★-condition-2 }
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
module Termination.SizeRelation where
open import Base
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as ≡
data S : Set where
⁇ : S
≺ : S
∼ : S
infixl 6 _+_
infixl 7 _*_
_*_ : Op₂ S
⁇ * _ = ⁇
∼ * a = a
≺ * ⁇ = ⁇
≺ * ∼ = ≺
≺ * ≺ = ≺
_+_ : Op₂ S
≺ + _ = ≺
∼ + ≺ = ≺
∼ + ∼ = ∼
∼ + ⁇ = ∼
⁇ + b = b
module ★1 where
★ : Op₁ S
★ ⁇ = ∼
★ ≺ = ≺
★ ∼ = ∼
★-condition-1 : (a : S) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + a * ★ a
★-condition-1 ⁇ = refl
★-condition-1 ≺ = refl
★-condition-1 ∼ = refl
★-condition-2 : (a : S) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + ★ a * a
★-condition-2 ⁇ = refl
★-condition-2 ≺ = refl
★-condition-2 ∼ = refl
module ★2 where
★ : Op₁ S
★ ⁇ = ∼
★ ≺ = ≺
★ ∼ = ≺
★-condition-1 : (a : S) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + a * ★ a
★-condition-1 ⁇ = refl
★-condition-1 ≺ = refl
★-condition-1 ∼ = refl
★-condition-2 : (a : S) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + ★ a * a
★-condition-2 ⁇ = refl
★-condition-2 ≺ = refl
★-condition-2 ∼ = refl
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
module Termination.SizeRelation.Properties where
open import Base
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as ≡
open import Termination.SizeRelation
open import Algebra.Structures {A = S} _≡_
open import Algebra.Definitions {A = S} _≡_
open import Algebra.Structures.StarSemiring {A = S} _≡_
-- Proofs on _+_
+-Commutative : Commutative _+_
+-Commutative ⁇ ⁇ = refl
+-Commutative ⁇ ≺ = refl
+-Commutative ⁇ ∼ = refl
+-Commutative ≺ ⁇ = refl
+-Commutative ≺ ≺ = refl
+-Commutative ≺ ∼ = refl
+-Commutative ∼ ⁇ = refl
+-Commutative ∼ ≺ = refl
+-Commutative ∼ ∼ = refl
+-Associative : Associative _+_
+-Associative ⁇ _ _ = refl
+-Associative ≺ _ _ = refl
+-Associative ∼ ⁇ _ = refl
+-Associative ∼ ≺ _ = refl
+-Associative ∼ ∼ ⁇ = refl
+-Associative ∼ ∼ ≺ = refl
+-Associative ∼ ∼ ∼ = refl
+-IsMagma : IsMagma _+_
+-IsMagma = record
{ isEquivalence = ≡.isEquivalence ;
∙-cong = λ { refl refl → refl }}
+-IsSemigroup : IsSemigroup _+_
+-IsSemigroup = record { isMagma = +-IsMagma ; assoc = +-Associative }
+-Identityˡ : LeftIdentity ⁇ _+_
+-Identityˡ _ = refl
+-Identityʳ : RightIdentity ⁇ _+_
+-Identityʳ ⁇ = refl
+-Identityʳ ≺ = refl
+-Identityʳ ∼ = refl
+-Identity : Identity ⁇ _+_
+-Identity = +-Identityˡ , +-Identityʳ
+-IsMonoid : IsMonoid _+_ ⁇
+-IsMonoid = record { isSemigroup = +-IsSemigroup ; identity = +-Identity }
+-IsCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid _+_ ⁇
+-IsCommutativeMonoid = record
{ isMonoid = +-IsMonoid ;
comm = +-Commutative }
-- Proofs on _*_
*-Associative : Associative _*_
*-Associative ⁇ _ _ = refl
*-Associative ≺ ⁇ _ = refl
*-Associative ≺ ≺ ⁇ = refl
*-Associative ≺ ≺ ≺ = refl
*-Associative ≺ ≺ ∼ = refl
*-Associative ≺ ∼ _ = refl
*-Associative ∼ _ _ = refl
*-Commutative : Commutative _*_
*-Commutative ⁇ ⁇ = refl
*-Commutative ⁇ ≺ = refl
*-Commutative ⁇ ∼ = refl
*-Commutative ≺ ⁇ = refl
*-Commutative ≺ ≺ = refl
*-Commutative ≺ ∼ = refl
*-Commutative ∼ ⁇ = refl
*-Commutative ∼ ≺ = refl
*-Commutative ∼ ∼ = refl
*-Identityˡ : LeftIdentity ∼ _*_
*-Identityˡ _ = refl
*-Identityʳ : RightIdentity ∼ _*_
*-Identityʳ ⁇ = refl
*-Identityʳ ≺ = refl
*-Identityʳ ∼ = refl
*-Identity : Identity ∼ _*_
*-Identity = *-Identityˡ , *-Identityʳ
-- Proofs on + and *
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ : _*_ DistributesOverˡ _+_
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ ⁇ _ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ ≺ ⁇ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ ≺ ≺ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ ≺ ∼ ⁇ = refl
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ ≺ ∼ ≺ = refl
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ ≺ ∼ ∼ = refl
*-DistributesOverˡ-+ ∼ _ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ : _*_ DistributesOverʳ _+_
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ⁇ ⁇ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ⁇ ≺ ⁇ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ⁇ ≺ ≺ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ⁇ ≺ ∼ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ⁇ ∼ ⁇ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ⁇ ∼ ≺ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ⁇ ∼ ∼ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ≺ ⁇ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ≺ ≺ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ≺ ∼ ⁇ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ≺ ∼ ≺ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ≺ ∼ ∼ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ∼ ⁇ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ∼ ≺ _ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ∼ ∼ ⁇ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ∼ ∼ ≺ = refl
*-DistributesOverʳ-+ ∼ ∼ ∼ = refl
*-DistributesOver-+ : _*_ DistributesOver _+_
*-DistributesOver-+ = *-DistributesOverˡ-+ , *-DistributesOverʳ-+
*-IsMagma : IsMagma _*_
*-IsMagma = record
{ isEquivalence = ≡.isEquivalence
; ∙-cong = λ {refl refl → refl }}
*-IsSemigroup : IsSemigroup _*_
*-IsSemigroup = record { isMagma = *-IsMagma
; assoc = *-Associative }
*-IsMonoid : IsMonoid _*_ ∼
*-IsMonoid = record
{ isSemigroup = *-IsSemigroup
; identity = *-Identity }
+-*-IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero : IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero _+_ _*_ ⁇ ∼
+-*-IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
{ +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-IsCommutativeMonoid
; *-isMonoid = *-IsMonoid
; distrib = *-DistributesOver-+
*-LeftZero : LeftZero ⁇ _*_
*-LeftZero _ = refl
*-RightZero : RightZero ⁇ _*_
*-RightZero ⁇ = refl
*-RightZero ≺ = refl
*-RightZero ∼ = refl
*-Zero : Zero ⁇ _*_
*-Zero = *-LeftZero , *-RightZero
+-*-IsSemiring : IsSemiring _+_ _*_ ⁇ ∼
+-*-IsSemiring = record
{ isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = +-*-IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero
; zero = *-Zero }
+-*-IsCommutativeSemiring : IsCommutativeSemiring _+_ _*_ ⁇ ∼
+-*-IsCommutativeSemiring =
record { isSemiring = +-*-IsSemiring
; *-comm = *-Commutative }
-- Proofs on ★
open ★1
★-condition-1 : (a : S) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + a * ★ a
★-condition-1 ⁇ = refl
★-condition-1 ≺ = refl
★-condition-1 ∼ = refl
★-condition-2 : (a : S) → ★ a ≡ ∼ + ★ a * a
★-condition-2 ⁇ = refl
★-condition-2 ≺ = refl
★-condition-2 ∼ = refl
+-*-★-IsStarSemiring : IsStarSemiring _+_ _*_ ★ ⁇ ∼
+-*-★-IsStarSemiring = record
{ isSemiring = +-*-IsSemiring
; ★-cond-1 = ★-condition-1
; ★-cond-2 = ★-condition-2 }
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Commands.Extra where
import Options.Applicative
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import Options.Applicative
parseInputFile :: Parser FilePath
parseInputFile =
( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE"
<> help "Path to a .mjuvix file"
( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE"
<> help "Path to a .mjuvix file"
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Commands.MicroJuvix where
import Commands.Extra
import Options.Applicative
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import Options.Applicative
newtype MicroJuvixOptions = MicroJuvixOptions
{ _mjuvixInputFile :: FilePath
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Commands.MiniHaskell where
import Commands.Extra
import Options.Applicative
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import Options.Applicative
newtype MiniHaskellOptions = MiniHaskellOptions
{ _mhaskellInputFile :: FilePath
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Commands.Termination where
import Commands.Extra
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Options.Applicative
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base as A
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base as A
import Options.Applicative
data TerminationCommand =
Calls CallsOptions
data TerminationCommand
= Calls CallsOptions
| CallGraph CallGraphOptions
data CallsOptions = CallsOptions
@ -33,14 +34,18 @@ parseCalls = do
<> help "Show the unique number of each identifier"
_callsFunctionNameFilter <-
fmap msum . optional $ nonEmpty . Text.words <$> option str
( long "function"
<> short 'f'
<> metavar "fun1 fun2 ..."
<> help "Only shows the specified functions"
fmap msum . optional $
nonEmpty . Text.words
<$> option
( long "function"
<> short 'f'
<> metavar "fun1 fun2 ..."
<> help "Only shows the specified functions"
_callsShowDecreasingArgs <-
option decrArgsParser
( long "show-decreasing-args"
<> short 'd'
<> value A.ArgRel
@ -48,24 +53,26 @@ parseCalls = do
pure CallsOptions {..}
decrArgsParser :: ReadM A.ShowDecrArgs
decrArgsParser = eitherReader $ \s ->
case map toLower s of
"argument" -> return A.OnlyArg
"relation" -> return A.OnlyRel
"both" -> return A.ArgRel
_ -> Left "bad argument"
decrArgsParser :: ReadM A.ShowDecrArgs
decrArgsParser = eitherReader $ \s ->
case map toLower s of
"argument" -> return A.OnlyArg
"relation" -> return A.OnlyRel
"both" -> return A.ArgRel
_ -> Left "bad argument"
parseCallGraph :: Parser CallGraphOptions
parseCallGraph = do
_graphInputFile <- parseInputFile
_graphFunctionNameFilter <-
fmap msum . optional $ nonEmpty . Text.words <$> option str
( long "function"
<> short 'f'
<> help "Only shows the specified function"
fmap msum . optional $
nonEmpty . Text.words
<$> option
( long "function"
<> short 'f'
<> help "Only shows the specified function"
pure CallGraphOptions {..}
parseTerminationCommand :: Parser TerminationCommand
@ -1,30 +1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Main (main) where
import Commands.Extra
import Commands.MicroJuvix
import Commands.MiniHaskell
import Commands.Termination as T
import Control.Monad.Extra
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Parser as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Ansi as H
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base (defaultOptions)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as M
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Text as T
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ansi as Micro
import qualified MiniJuvix.Termination as T
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix as Micro
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraph as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper as M
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix as Micro
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract as A
import MiniJuvix.Utils.Version (runDisplayVersion)
import Options.Applicative
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty
import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (Html)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base (defaultOptions)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi as A
import Commands.Extra
import Commands.Termination as T
import Commands.MiniHaskell
import Commands.MicroJuvix
data Command
= Scope ScopeOptions
@ -33,12 +38,14 @@ data Command
| Termination TerminationCommand
| MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions
| MicroJuvix MicroJuvixOptions
| DisplayVersion
data ScopeOptions = ScopeOptions
{ _scopeRootDir :: FilePath,
_scopeInputFiles :: [FilePath],
_scopeShowIds :: Bool,
_scopeInlineImports :: Bool
_scopeInlineImports :: Bool,
_scopeNoColors :: Bool
data ParseOptions = ParseOptions
@ -60,21 +67,22 @@ parseHtml = do
( long "recursive"
<> help "export imported modules recursively"
_htmlTheme <- option (eitherReader parseTheme)
_htmlTheme <-
(eitherReader parseTheme)
( long "theme"
<> metavar "THEME"
<> value Nord
<> value Ayu
<> showDefault
<> help "selects a theme: ayu (light); nord (dark)"
pure HtmlOptions {..}
parseTheme :: String -> Either String Theme
parseTheme s = case s of
"nord" -> Right Nord
"ayu" -> Right Ayu
_ -> Left $ "unrecognised theme: " <> s
parseTheme :: String -> Either String Theme
parseTheme s = case s of
"nord" -> Right Nord
"ayu" -> Right Ayu
_ -> Left $ "unrecognised theme: " <> s
parseParse :: Parser ParseOptions
parseParse = do
@ -98,11 +106,12 @@ parseScope = do
<> help "Root directory"
_scopeInputFiles <-
some $ argument
( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE(s)"
<> help "Path to one ore more .mjuvix files"
some $
( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE(s)"
<> help "Path to one ore more MiniJuvix files"
_scopeShowIds <-
( long "show-name-ids"
@ -113,8 +122,19 @@ parseScope = do
( long "inline-imports"
<> help "Show the code of imported modules next to the import statement"
_scopeNoColors <-
( long "no-colors"
<> help "Disable ANSI formatting"
pure ScopeOptions {..}
parseDisplayVersion :: Parser Command
parseDisplayVersion =
(long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Print the version and exit")
descr :: ParserInfo Command
descr =
@ -127,20 +147,23 @@ descr =
headDoc :: Doc
headDoc = dullblue $ bold $ underline "MiniJuvix help"
foot :: Doc
foot = bold "maintainers: " <> "jan@heliax.dev; jonathan@heliax.dev"
foot = bold "maintainers: " <> "The MiniJuvix Team"
parseCommand :: Parser Command
parseCommand =
hsubparser $
[ commandParse,
<|> ( hsubparser $
[ commandParse,
commandMicroJuvix :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandMicroJuvix = command "microjuvix" minfo
@ -149,7 +172,7 @@ parseCommand =
minfo =
(MicroJuvix <$> parseMicroJuvix)
(progDesc "Translate a .mjuvix file to MicroJuvix")
(progDesc "Translate a MiniJuvix file to MicroJuvix")
commandMiniHaskell :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandMiniHaskell = command "minihaskell" minfo
@ -158,7 +181,7 @@ parseCommand =
minfo =
(MiniHaskell <$> parseMiniHaskell)
(progDesc "Translate a .mjuvix file to MiniHaskell")
(progDesc "Translate a MiniJuvix file to MiniHaskell")
commandParse :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandParse = command "parse" minfo
@ -167,7 +190,7 @@ parseCommand =
minfo =
(Parse <$> parseParse)
(progDesc "Parse a .mjuvix file")
(progDesc "Parse a MiniJuvix file")
commandHtml :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandHtml = command "html" minfo
@ -176,7 +199,8 @@ parseCommand =
minfo =
(Html <$> parseHtml)
(progDesc "Generate html for a .mjuvix file")
(progDesc "Generate HTML for a MiniJuvix file")
commandScope :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandScope = command "scope" minfo
@ -184,7 +208,8 @@ parseCommand =
minfo =
(Scope <$> parseScope)
(progDesc "Parse and scope a .mjuvix file")
(progDesc "Parse and scope a MiniJuvix file")
commandTermination :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandTermination = command "termination" minfo
@ -194,7 +219,6 @@ parseCommand =
(Termination <$> parseTerminationCommand)
(progDesc "Subcommands related to termination checking")
mkScopePrettyOptions :: ScopeOptions -> M.Options
mkScopePrettyOptions ScopeOptions {..} =
@ -205,50 +229,48 @@ mkScopePrettyOptions ScopeOptions {..} =
parseModuleIO :: FilePath -> IO (M.Module 'M.Parsed 'M.ModuleTop)
parseModuleIO = fromRightIO id . M.runModuleParserIO
fromRightIO' :: (e -> IO ()) -> IO (Either e r) -> IO r
fromRightIO' pp = do
eitherM ifLeft return
ifLeft e = pp e >> exitFailure
fromRightIO :: (e -> Text) -> IO (Either e r) -> IO r
fromRightIO pp = fromRightIO' (putStrLn . pp)
go :: Command -> IO ()
go c = do
root <- getCurrentDirectory
case c of
DisplayVersion -> runDisplayVersion
Scope opts@ScopeOptions {..} -> do
forM_ _scopeInputFiles $ \scopeInputFile -> do
m <- parseModuleIO scopeInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
M.printPrettyCode (mkScopePrettyOptions opts) s
(_ , s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
printer (mkScopePrettyOptions opts) s
printer :: M.Options -> M.Module 'M.Scoped 'M.ModuleTop -> IO ()
| not _scopeNoColors = M.printPrettyCode
| otherwise = T.printPrettyCode
Parse ParseOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _parseInputFile
if _parseNoPrettyShow then print m else pPrint m
Html HtmlOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _htmlInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
(_ , s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
genHtml defaultOptions _htmlRecursive _htmlTheme s
MicroJuvix MicroJuvixOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _mjuvixInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
(_, s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
let mini = Micro.translateModule a
Micro.printPrettyCodeDefault mini
MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _mhaskellInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
(_ , s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
-- a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
_ <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
-- let mini = Micro.translateModule a
-- Micro.printPrettyCodeDefault mini
error "todo"
Termination (Calls opts@CallsOptions {..}) -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _callsInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
(_ , s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
let callMap0 = T.buildCallMap a
let callMap0 = T.buildCallMap a
callMap = case _callsFunctionNameFilter of
Nothing -> callMap0
Just f -> T.filterCallMap f callMap0
@ -257,7 +279,7 @@ go c = do
putStrLn ""
Termination (CallGraph CallGraphOptions {..}) -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _graphInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
(_ , s) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
let callMap = T.buildCallMap a
opts' = A.defaultOptions
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core where
-- import Algebra.Graph.Label (Semiring (..))
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Local)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Algebra.Graph.Label (Semiring(..))
-- Quantity (a.k.a. Usage)
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Eval where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
-- Values and neutral terms
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
UNAME := $(shell uname)
AGDA_FILES := $(wildcard ./*.agda)
GEN_HS := $(patsubst %.agda, %.hs, $(AGDA_FILES))
ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
THREADS := $(shell sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
else ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
THREADS := $(shell nproc)
make prepare-push
.PHONY : checklines
checklines :
@grep '.\{81,\}' \
--exclude=*.agda \
-l --recursive src; \
status=$$?; \
if [ $$status = 0 ] ; \
then echo "Lines were found with more than 80 characters!" >&2 ; \
else echo "Succeed!"; \
.PHONY : hlint
hlint :
hlint src
.PHONY : haddock
haddock :
cabal --docdir=docs/ --htmldir=docs/ haddock --enable-documentation
.PHONY : docs
docs :
cd docs ; \
sh conv.sh
.PHONY : cabal
cabal :
cabal build all
.PHONY : stan
stan :
stan check --include --filter-all --directory=src
stack build --only-dependencies --jobs $(THREADS)
.PHONY : build
stack build --fast --jobs $(THREADS)
cabal clean
stack clean
stack clean --full
.PHONY: install-agda
git clone https://github.com/agda/agda.git
cd agda
cabal update
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' alex-3.2.6
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' happy-1.19.12
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' -foptimise-heavily
.PHONY : install-agda2hs
git clone https://github.com/agda/agda2hs.git
cd agda2hs && cabal new-install --overwrite-policy=always
mkdir -p .agda/
touch .agda/libraries
echo "agda2hs/agda2hs.agda-lib" > ~/.agda/libraries
.PHONY : agda
agda :
agda2hs ./Core.agda -o src -XUnicodeSyntax -XStandaloneDeriving -XDerivingStrategies -XMultiParamTypeClasses
agda2hs ./Eval.agda -o src -XUnicodeSyntax -XStandaloneDeriving -XDerivingStrategies -XMultiParamTypeClasses
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
module MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraphOld
( module MiniJuvix.Termination.Types,
module MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraphOld,
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Termination.Types
import Prettyprinter as PP
type Edges = HashMap (FunctionName, FunctionName) Edge
data Edge = Edge
{ _edgeFrom :: FunctionName,
_edgeTo :: FunctionName,
_edgeMatrices :: [CallMatrix]
newtype CompleteCallGraph = CompleteCallGraph Edges
data ReflexiveEdge = ReflexiveEdge
{ _redgeFun :: FunctionName,
_redgeMatrices :: [CallMatrix]
data RecursiveBehaviour = RecursiveBehaviour
{ _recBehaviourFunction :: FunctionName,
_recBehaviourMatrix :: [[Rel]]
makeLenses ''RecursiveBehaviour
makeLenses ''Edge
makeLenses ''ReflexiveEdge
multiply :: CallMatrix -> CallMatrix -> CallMatrix
multiply a b = map sumProdRow a
rowB :: Int -> CallRow
rowB i = CallRow $ case b !? i of
Just (CallRow (Just c)) -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
sumProdRow :: CallRow -> CallRow
sumProdRow (CallRow mr) = CallRow $ do
(ki, ra) <- mr
(j, rb) <- _callRow (rowB ki)
return (j, mul' ra rb)
multiplyMany :: [CallMatrix] -> [CallMatrix] -> [CallMatrix]
multiplyMany r s = [multiply a b | a <- r, b <- s]
composeEdge :: Edge -> Edge -> Maybe Edge
composeEdge a b = do
guard (a ^. edgeTo == b ^. edgeFrom)
{ _edgeFrom = a ^. edgeFrom,
_edgeTo = b ^. edgeTo,
_edgeMatrices = multiplyMany (a ^. edgeMatrices) (b ^. edgeMatrices)
fromFunCall :: FunctionName -> FunCall -> Call
fromFunCall caller fc =
{ _callFrom = caller,
_callTo = fc ^. callName,
_callMatrix = map fst (fc ^. callArgs)
completeCallGraph :: CallMap -> CompleteCallGraph
completeCallGraph cm = CompleteCallGraph (go startingEdges)
startingEdges :: Edges
startingEdges = foldr insertCall mempty allCalls
insertCall :: Call -> Edges -> Edges
insertCall Call {..} = HashMap.alter (Just . aux) (_callFrom, _callTo)
aux :: Maybe Edge -> Edge
aux me = case me of
Nothing -> Edge _callFrom _callTo [_callMatrix]
Just e -> over edgeMatrices (_callMatrix :) e
allCalls :: [Call]
allCalls =
[ fromFunCall caller funCall
| (caller, callerMap) <- HashMap.toList (cm ^. callMap),
(_, funCalls) <- HashMap.toList callerMap,
funCall <- funCalls
go :: Edges -> Edges
go m
| edgesCount m == edgesCount m' = m
| otherwise = go m'
m' = step m
step :: Edges -> Edges
step s = edgesUnion (edgesCompose s startingEdges) s
fromEdgeList :: [Edge] -> Edges
fromEdgeList l = HashMap.fromList [((e ^. edgeFrom, e ^. edgeTo), e) | e <- l]
edgesCompose :: Edges -> Edges -> Edges
edgesCompose a b =
fromEdgeList $
[composeEdge ea eb | ea <- toList a, eb <- toList b]
edgesUnion :: Edges -> Edges -> Edges
edgesUnion = HashMap.union
edgesCount :: Edges -> Int
edgesCount = HashMap.size
reflexiveEdges :: CompleteCallGraph -> [ReflexiveEdge]
reflexiveEdges (CompleteCallGraph es) = mapMaybe reflexive (toList es)
reflexive :: Edge -> Maybe ReflexiveEdge
reflexive e
| e ^. edgeFrom == e ^. edgeTo =
Just $ ReflexiveEdge (e ^. edgeFrom) (e ^. edgeMatrices)
| otherwise = Nothing
callMatrixDiag :: CallMatrix -> [Rel]
callMatrixDiag m = [col i r | (i, r) <- zip [0 :: Int ..] m]
col :: Int -> CallRow -> Rel
col i (CallRow row) = case row of
Nothing -> RNothing
Just (j, r')
| i == j -> RJust r'
| otherwise -> RNothing
recursiveBehaviour :: ReflexiveEdge -> RecursiveBehaviour
recursiveBehaviour re =
(re ^. redgeFun)
(map callMatrixDiag (re ^. redgeMatrices))
findOrder :: RecursiveBehaviour -> Maybe LexOrder
findOrder rb = LexOrder <$> listToMaybe (mapMaybe (isLexOrder >=> nonEmpty) allPerms)
b0 :: [[Rel]]
b0 = rb ^. recBehaviourMatrix
indexed = map (zip [0 :: Int ..] . take minLength) b0
minLength = minimum (map length b0)
startB = removeUselessColumns indexed
-- removes columns that don't have at least one ≺ in them
removeUselessColumns :: [[(Int, Rel)]] -> [[(Int, Rel)]]
removeUselessColumns = transpose . filter (any (isLess . snd)) . transpose
isLexOrder :: [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
isLexOrder = go startB
go :: [[(Int, Rel)]] -> [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
go [] _ = Just []
go b perm = case perm of
[] -> error "The permutation should have one element at least!"
(p0 : ptail)
| Just r <- find (isLess . snd . (!! p0)) b,
all (notNothing . snd . (!! p0)) b,
Just perm' <- go (b' p0) (map pred ptail) ->
Just (fst (r !! p0) : perm')
| otherwise -> Nothing
b' i = map r' (filter (not . isLess . snd . (!! i)) b)
r' r = case splitAt i r of
(x, y) -> x ++ drop 1 y
notNothing = (RNothing /=)
isLess = (RJust RLe ==)
allPerms :: [[Int]]
allPerms = case nonEmpty startB of
Nothing -> []
Just s -> permutations [0 .. length (head s) - 1]
instance PrettyCode Edge where
ppCode Edge {..} = do
fromFun <- ppSCode _edgeFrom
toFun <- ppSCode _edgeTo
matrices <- indent 2 . ppMatrices . zip [0 :: Int ..] <$> mapM ppCode _edgeMatrices
return $
pretty ("Edge" :: Text) <+> fromFun <+> waveFun <+> toFun <> line
<> matrices
ppMatrices = vsep2 . map ppMatrix
ppMatrix (i, t) =
pretty ("Matrix" :: Text) <+> pretty i <> colon <> line
<> t
instance PrettyCode CompleteCallGraph where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => CompleteCallGraph -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (CompleteCallGraph edges) = do
es <- vsep2 <$> mapM ppCode (toList edges)
return $ pretty ("Complete Call Graph:" :: Text) <> line <> es
instance PrettyCode RecursiveBehaviour where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => RecursiveBehaviour -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (RecursiveBehaviour f m) = do
f' <- ppSCode f
let m' = vsep (map (PP.list . map pretty) m)
return $
pretty ("Recursive behaviour of " :: Text) <> f' <> colon <> line
<> indent 2 (align m')
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 59 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 59 KiB |
@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
name: minijuvix
version: 0.1.0
license: GPL-3.0-only
license-file: LICENSE
copyright: (c) 2021-2022 Heliax AG.
copyright: (c) 2022- Heliax AG.
maintainer: The PLT Team at Heliax AG <hello@heliax.dev>
author: [ Jonathan Prieto-Cubides , Jan Mas Rovira ]
tested-with: ghc == 9.0.2
homepage: https://github.com/heliaxdev/MiniJuvix
bug-reports: https://github.com/heliaxdev/MiniJuvix/issues
description: A tiny dependent typed programming language for experimentation.
author: [ Jonathan Prieto-Cubides , Jan Mas Rovira , Paul Cadman ]
tested-with: ghc == 9.2.2
homepage: https://github.com/heliaxdev/minijuvix
bug-reports: https://github.com/heliaxdev/minijuvix/issues
description: The MiniJuvix compiler
category: Compilers/Interpreters
github: heliaxdev/MiniJuvix
github: heliaxdev/minijuvix
# TODO: make sections for dependency
- aeson == 2.0.*
- algebraic-graphs == 0.6.*
- base == 4.15.*
- base == 4.16.*
- blaze-html == 0.9.*
- blaze-markup == 0.8.*
- bytestring == 0.10.*
- bytestring == 0.11.*
- containers == 0.6.*
- directory == 1.3.*
- edit-distance == 0.2.*
- extra == 1.7.*
- filepath == 1.4.*
- hashable == 1.3.*
- gitrev == 1.3.*
- hashable == 1.4.*
- megaparsec == 9.2.*
- microlens-platform == 0.4.*
- parser-combinators == 1.3.*
@ -39,9 +40,9 @@ dependencies:
- process == 1.6.*
- semirings == 0.6.*
- singletons == 3.0.*
- singletons-th == 3.0.*
- singletons-th == 3.1.*
- Stream == 0.4.*
- template-haskell == 2.17.*
- template-haskell == 2.18.*
- text == 1.2.*
- th-utilities == 0.2.*
- unordered-containers == 0.2.*
@ -50,7 +51,10 @@ dependencies:
# when running the tests. Is there a better solution?
- tasty
- tasty-hunit
- Diff == 0.4.*
- pretty-show == 1.10.*
# TODO organize this
- -fhide-source-paths
- -O2 -flate-specialise -fspecialise-aggressively
@ -62,33 +66,24 @@ ghc-options:
- DataKinds
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveGeneric
- DeriveLift
- DeriveTraversable
- DerivingStrategies
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- InstanceSigs
- KindSignatures
- LambdaCase
- NoImplicitPrelude
- OverloadedStrings
- PolyKinds
- QuasiQuotes
- RecordWildCards
- ScopedTypeVariables
- StandaloneDeriving
- TemplateHaskell
- TypeApplications
- TypeFamilyDependencies
- TypeOperators
- UnicodeSyntax
# verbatim:
# default-language: GHC2021
source-dirs: src
default-language: GHC2021
@ -96,8 +91,9 @@ executables:
source-dirs: app
- minijuvix
- optparse-applicative == 0.16.*
- pretty-show == 1.10.*
- optparse-applicative == 0.17.*
default-language: GHC2021
@ -105,3 +101,5 @@ tests:
source-dirs: test
- minijuvix
default-language: GHC2021
@ -26,6 +26,18 @@ in_ = "in"
inductive :: IsString s => s
inductive = "inductive"
function :: IsString s => s
function = "function"
constructor :: IsString s => s
constructor = "constructor"
topModule :: IsString s => s
topModule = "top module"
localModule :: IsString s => s
localModule = "local module"
infix_ :: IsString s => s
infix_ = "infix"
@ -127,3 +139,6 @@ colonZero = ":0"
ghc :: IsString s => s
ghc = "ghc"
agda :: IsString s => s
agda = "agda"
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module MiniJuvix.Prelude (
module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Error
) where
module MiniJuvix.Prelude
( module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Error,
import MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base
import MiniJuvix.Prelude.Error
@ -1,51 +1,53 @@
module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base
( module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base,
module Control.Applicative,
module Control.Monad.Extra,
module Data.Char,
module Data.Typeable,
module Data.Either.Extra,
module Data.Function,
module Data.List.Extra,
module Data.Maybe,
module Data.String,
module Data.Text.Encoding,
module GHC.Real,
module Data.Tuple.Extra,
module Data.Void,
module GHC.Enum,
module System.Directory,
module Prettyprinter,
module System.FilePath,
module Data.Singletons,
module Data.Singletons.TH,
module Data.Singletons.Sigma,
module Data.Hashable,
module Lens.Micro.Platform,
module GHC.Generics,
module Control.Monad.Fix,
module Data.Bool,
module Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra,
module Data.Traversable,
module Data.Monoid,
module Polysemy,
module Polysemy.Reader,
module Data.Text.IO,
module Polysemy.State,
module Polysemy.Error,
module Polysemy.Embed,
module Text.Show,
module Data.Char,
module Data.Either.Extra,
module Data.Eq,
module Data.Foldable,
module Data.Function,
module Data.Functor,
module Data.Hashable,
module Data.Int,
module Data.List.Extra,
module Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra,
module Data.Maybe,
module Data.Monoid,
module Data.Ord,
module Data.Semigroup,
module Data.Singletons,
module Data.Singletons.Sigma,
module Data.Singletons.TH,
module Data.Stream,
module GHC.Num,
module Data.String,
module Data.Text.Encoding,
module Data.Text.IO,
module Data.Traversable,
module Data.Tuple.Extra,
module Data.Typeable,
module Data.Void,
module Data.Word,
module Data.Functor,
module Data.Int,
module GHC.Enum,
module GHC.Generics,
module GHC.Num,
module GHC.Real,
module Lens.Micro.Platform,
module Polysemy,
module Polysemy.Embed,
module Polysemy.Error,
module Polysemy.Fixpoint,
module Polysemy.Reader,
module Polysemy.State,
module Polysemy.View,
module Prettyprinter,
module System.Directory,
module System.Exit,
module System.FilePath,
module System.IO,
module Control.Applicative,
module Data.Foldable,
module Text.Show,
@ -62,8 +64,8 @@ where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Typeable hiding (TyCon)
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Bool
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Char
@ -74,27 +76,28 @@ import Data.Eq
import Data.Foldable hiding (minimum, minimumBy)
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Prettyprinter (Doc, (<+>))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Int
import Data.List.Extra hiding (head, last)
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra (NonEmpty (..), head, last, nonEmpty, minimum1, minimumOn1, maximum1, maximumOn1, some1)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra (NonEmpty (..), head, last, maximum1, maximumOn1, minimum1, minimumOn1, nonEmpty, some1)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Singletons.Sigma
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>))
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Sigma
import Data.Singletons.TH (genSingletons)
import Data.Stream (Stream)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text, pack, strip, unpack)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Typeable hiding (TyCon)
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import GHC.Enum
@ -107,15 +110,16 @@ import Lens.Micro.Platform hiding (both)
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Embed
import Polysemy.Error hiding (fromEither)
import Polysemy.Fixpoint
import Polysemy.Reader
import Polysemy.State
import Polysemy.View
import Prettyprinter (Doc, (<+>))
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO hiding (putStr, putStrLn, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, writeFile, hGetContents, interact, readFile, getContents, getLine, appendFile, hGetLine, readFile')
import System.IO hiding (appendFile, getContents, getLine, hGetContents, hGetLine, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, interact, putStr, putStrLn, readFile, readFile', writeFile)
import Text.Show (Show)
import Data.Text.IO
import qualified Text.Show as Show
@ -209,16 +213,18 @@ impossible = Err.error "impossible"
infixl 7 <+?>
(<+?>) :: Doc ann -> Maybe (Doc ann) -> Doc ann
(<+?>) a = maybe a (a <+>)
infixl 7 <?>
(<?>) :: Semigroup m => m -> Maybe m -> m
(<?>) a = maybe a (a <>)
data Indexed a = Indexed {
_indexedIx :: Int,
_indexedThing :: a
data Indexed a = Indexed
{ _indexedIx :: Int,
_indexedThing :: a
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Foldable, Traversable)
@ -226,3 +232,18 @@ instance Functor Indexed where
fmap f (Indexed i a) = Indexed i (f a)
makeLenses ''Indexed
minimumMaybe :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> Maybe a
minimumMaybe l = if null l then Nothing else Just (minimum l)
fromText :: IsString a => Text -> a
fromText = fromString . unpack
fromRightIO' :: (e -> IO ()) -> IO (Either e r) -> IO r
fromRightIO' pp = do
eitherM ifLeft return
ifLeft e = pp e >> exitFailure
fromRightIO :: (e -> Text) -> IO (Either e r) -> IO r
fromRightIO pp = fromRightIO' (putStrLn . pp)
@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ data AJuvixError = forall e. JuvixError e => AJuvixError e
-- | Minimal interface of an minijuvix error.
class Typeable e => JuvixError e where
-- | Print the to stderr with Ansi formatting.
printErrorAnsi :: e -> IO ()
printErrorAnsi = hPutStrLn stderr . renderAnsiText
-- | Print the to stderr with Ansi formatting.
printErrorAnsi :: e -> IO ()
printErrorAnsi = hPutStrLn stderr . renderAnsiText
-- | Print the to stderr without formatting.
printErrorText :: e -> IO ()
printErrorText = hPutStrLn stderr . renderText
-- | Print the to stderr without formatting.
printErrorText :: e -> IO ()
printErrorText = hPutStrLn stderr . renderText
-- | Render the error to Text.
renderText :: e -> Text
-- | Render the error to Text.
renderText :: e -> Text
-- | Render the error with Ansi formatting (if any).
renderAnsiText :: e -> Text
renderAnsiText = renderText
-- | Render the error with Ansi formatting (if any).
renderAnsiText :: e -> Text
renderAnsiText = renderText
toAJuvixError :: JuvixError e => e -> AJuvixError
toAJuvixError = AJuvixError
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language,
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (Usage, Literal(..), ForeignBlock(..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (ForeignBlock (..), Literal (..), Usage, BackendItem)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ data ModuleBody = ModuleBody
{ _moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName (Indexed InductiveDef),
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName (Indexed FunctionDef),
_moduleImports :: [Indexed TopModule],
_moduleForeign :: [Indexed ForeignBlock],
_moduleForeigns :: [Indexed ForeignBlock],
_moduleLocalModules :: HashMap LocalModuleName (Indexed LocalModule)
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ data FunctionClause = FunctionClause
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data Iden
= IdenDefined Name
= IdenFunction Name
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
| IdenInductive Name
@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
data AxiomDef = AxiomDef
{ _axiomName :: AxiomName,
_axiomType :: Expression
_axiomType :: Expression,
_axiomBackendItems :: [BackendItem]
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra
) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra,
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language
smallerPatternVariables :: Pattern -> [VarName]
smallerPatternVariables p = case p of
@ -13,15 +14,15 @@ smallerPatternVariables p = case p of
PatternEmpty {} -> []
PatternConstructorApp app -> appVariables app
appVariables :: ConstructorApp -> [VarName]
appVariables (ConstructorApp _ ps) = concatMap patternVariables ps
appVariables :: ConstructorApp -> [VarName]
appVariables (ConstructorApp _ ps) = concatMap patternVariables ps
patternVariables :: Pattern -> [VarName]
patternVariables pat = case pat of
PatternVariable v -> [v]
PatternWildcard {} -> []
PatternEmpty {} -> []
PatternConstructorApp app -> appVariables app
patternVariables :: Pattern -> [VarName]
patternVariables pat = case pat of
PatternVariable v -> [v]
PatternWildcard {} -> []
PatternEmpty {} -> []
PatternConstructorApp app -> appVariables app
viewApp :: Expression -> (Expression, [Expression])
viewApp e = case e of
@ -35,18 +36,18 @@ viewApp e = case e of
viewExpressionAsPattern :: Expression -> Maybe Pattern
viewExpressionAsPattern e = case viewApp e of
(f, args)
| Just c <- getConstructor f -> do
args' <- mapM viewExpressionAsPattern args
Just $ PatternConstructorApp (ConstructorApp c args')
| Just c <- getConstructor f -> do
args' <- mapM viewExpressionAsPattern args
Just $ PatternConstructorApp (ConstructorApp c args')
(f, [])
| Just v <- getVariable f -> Just (PatternVariable v)
| Just v <- getVariable f -> Just (PatternVariable v)
_ -> Nothing
getConstructor :: Expression -> Maybe Name
getConstructor f = case f of
ExpressionIden (IdenConstructor n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
getVariable :: Expression -> Maybe VarName
getVariable f = case f of
ExpressionIden (IdenVar n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
getConstructor :: Expression -> Maybe Name
getConstructor f = case f of
ExpressionIden (IdenConstructor n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
getVariable :: Expression -> Maybe VarName
getVariable f = case f of
ExpressionIden (IdenVar n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ann where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as S
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
data Ann =
AnnKind S.NameKind
data Ann
= AnnKind S.NameKind
| AnnKeyword
| AnnImportant
| AnnLiteralString
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi
) where
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi,
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
@ -22,8 +23,11 @@ renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream opts = reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
docStream opts =
reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run
. runReader opts
. ppCode
stylize :: Ann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ann
) where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe
import Prettyprinter
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ann
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ann,
import qualified MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ann
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage
import Prettyprinter
data Options = Options
_optShowNameId :: Bool,
{ _optShowNameId :: Bool,
_optIndent :: Int,
_optShowDecreasingArgs :: ShowDecrArgs
@ -25,10 +23,11 @@ data Options = Options
data ShowDecrArgs = OnlyArg | OnlyRel | ArgRel
toSOptions :: Options -> S.Options
toSOptions Options {..} = S.defaultOptions {
S._optShowNameId = _optShowNameId,
S._optIndent = _optIndent
toSOptions Options {..} =
{ S._optShowNameId = _optShowNameId,
S._optIndent = _optIndent
class PrettyCode c where
ppCode :: Members '[Reader Options] r => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
@ -41,8 +40,7 @@ ppSCode c = do
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
_optShowNameId = False,
{ _optShowNameId = False,
_optIndent = 2,
_optShowDecreasingArgs = OnlyRel
@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ runPrettyCode opts = run . runReader opts . ppCode
instance PrettyCode Iden where
ppCode i = case i of
IdenDefined n -> ppSCode n
IdenFunction n -> ppSCode n
IdenConstructor n -> ppSCode n
IdenInductive n -> ppSCode n
IdenVar n -> ppSCode n
@ -101,9 +99,9 @@ kwColonOmega = keyword Str.colonOmegaUnicode
instance PrettyCode Usage where
ppCode u = return $ case u of
UsageNone -> kwColonZero
UsageOnce -> kwColonOne
UsageOmega -> kwColon
UsageNone -> kwColonZero
UsageOnce -> kwColonOne
UsageOmega -> kwColon
instance PrettyCode FunctionParameter where
ppCode FunctionParameter {..} = do
@ -124,24 +122,36 @@ instance PrettyCode Function where
parensCond :: Bool -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
parensCond t d = if t then parens d else d
ppPostExpression ::(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression = ppLRExpression isPostfixAssoc
ppRightExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression = ppLRExpression isRightAssoc
ppLeftExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression = ppLRExpression isLeftAssoc
:: (HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) -> Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression ::
(HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) ->
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression associates fixlr e =
parensCond (atomParens associates (atomicity e) fixlr)
<$> ppCode e
<$> ppCode e
ppCodeAtom :: (HasAtomicity c, PrettyCode c, Members '[Reader Options] r) => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCodeAtom c = do
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Base
import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr
import Control.Monad.Combinators.NonEmpty (sepBy1, some, sepEndBy1)
import Control.Monad.Combinators.NonEmpty (sepBy1, sepEndBy1, some)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (some)
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (sepBy1, some, sepEndBy1)
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (sepBy1, sepEndBy1, some)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
@ -3,44 +3,70 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.VisibilityAnn,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.PublicAnn,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.ModuleIsTop,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language.Stage,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe,
import qualified Data.Kind as GHC
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.PublicAnn
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (show)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language.Stage
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.ModuleIsTop
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.VisibilityAnn
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.PublicAnn
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (unqualifiedSymbol)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Universe
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage
import Prelude (show)
-- Parsing stages
type family SymbolType (s :: Stage) :: (res :: GHC.Type) | res -> s where
type RefNameType :: S.IsConcrete -> GHC.Type
type family RefNameType c = res | res -> c where
RefNameType 'S.Concrete = S.Name
RefNameType 'S.NotConcrete = S.Name' ()
type SymbolType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family SymbolType s = res | res -> s where
SymbolType 'Parsed = Symbol
SymbolType 'Scoped = S.Symbol
type family NameType (s :: Stage) :: (res :: GHC.Type) | res -> s where
NameType 'Parsed = Name
NameType 'Scoped = S.Name
type ModuleRefType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family ModuleRefType s = res | res -> s where
ModuleRefType 'Parsed = Name
ModuleRefType 'Scoped = ModuleRef
type family ExpressionType (s :: Stage) :: (res :: GHC.Type) | res -> s where
type IdentifierType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family IdentifierType s = res | res -> s where
IdentifierType 'Parsed = Name
IdentifierType 'Scoped = ScopedIden
type PatternAtomIdenType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family PatternAtomIdenType s = res | res -> s where
PatternAtomIdenType 'Parsed = Name
PatternAtomIdenType 'Scoped = PatternScopedIden
type ExpressionType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family ExpressionType s = res | res -> s where
ExpressionType 'Parsed = ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed
ExpressionType 'Scoped = Expression
type family PatternType (s :: Stage) :: (res :: GHC.Type) | res -> s where
type PatternType :: Stage -> GHC.Type
type family PatternType s = res | res -> s where
PatternType 'Parsed = PatternAtom 'Parsed
PatternType 'Scoped = Pattern
@ -48,9 +74,8 @@ type family ImportType (s :: Stage) :: GHC.Type where
ImportType 'Parsed = TopModulePath
ImportType 'Scoped = Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop
type family
ModulePathType (s :: Stage) (t :: ModuleIsTop) ::
(res :: GHC.Type) | res -> t s
type ModulePathType :: Stage -> ModuleIsTop -> GHC.Type
type family ModulePathType s t = res | res -> t s
ModulePathType 'Parsed 'ModuleTop = TopModulePath
ModulePathType 'Scoped 'ModuleTop = S.TopModulePath
@ -73,14 +98,14 @@ data Statement (s :: Stage)
| StatementEval (Eval s)
| StatementPrint (Print s)
| StatementForeign ForeignBlock
| StatementCompile (CompileDef s)
deriving stock instance
( Show (ImportType s),
Show (ModulePathType s 'ModuleLocal),
Show (PatternType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
Show (Statement s)
@ -90,7 +115,8 @@ deriving stock instance
Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (ModulePathType s 'ModuleLocal),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
Eq (Statement s)
@ -100,23 +126,15 @@ deriving stock instance
Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (ModulePathType s 'ModuleLocal),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
Ord (Statement s)
data CompileDef (s :: Stage) = CompileDef {
_compileAxiom :: SymbolType s,
_compileBackend :: Backend,
_compileCode :: Text
deriving stock instance (Eq (SymbolType s)) => Eq (CompileDef s)
deriving stock instance (Ord (SymbolType s)) => Ord (CompileDef s)
deriving stock instance (Show (SymbolType s)) => Show (CompileDef s)
data ForeignBlock = ForeignBlock {
_foreignBackend :: Backend,
_foreignCode :: Text
data ForeignBlock = ForeignBlock
{ _foreignBackend :: Backend,
_foreignCode :: Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -171,7 +189,8 @@ deriving stock instance (Ord (ExpressionType s), Ord (SymbolType s)) => Ord (Typ
data AxiomDef (s :: Stage) = AxiomDef
{ _axiomName :: SymbolType s,
_axiomType :: ExpressionType s
_axiomType :: ExpressionType s,
_axiomBackendItems :: [BackendItem]
deriving stock instance (Show (ExpressionType s), Show (SymbolType s)) => Show (AxiomDef s)
@ -189,8 +208,8 @@ type InductiveConstructorName s = SymbolType s
type InductiveName s = SymbolType s
data InductiveConstructorDef (s :: Stage) = InductiveConstructorDef
{ constructorName :: InductiveConstructorName s,
constructorType :: ExpressionType s
{ _constructorName :: InductiveConstructorName s,
_constructorType :: ExpressionType s
deriving stock instance (Show (ExpressionType s), Show (SymbolType s)) => Show (InductiveConstructorDef s)
@ -228,37 +247,33 @@ deriving stock instance (Ord (ExpressionType s), Ord (SymbolType s)) => Ord (Ind
data PatternApp = PatternApp
patAppLeft :: Pattern,
patAppRight :: Pattern
{ _patAppLeft :: Pattern,
_patAppRight :: Pattern
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data PatternInfixApp = PatternInfixApp
patInfixLeft :: Pattern,
patInfixConstructor :: NameType 'Scoped,
patInfixRight :: Pattern
{ _patInfixLeft :: Pattern,
_patInfixConstructor :: ConstructorRef,
_patInfixRight :: Pattern
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance HasFixity PatternInfixApp where
getFixity (PatternInfixApp _ op _) = fromMaybe impossible (op ^. S.nameFixity)
getFixity (PatternInfixApp _ op _) = fromMaybe impossible (_constructorRefName op ^. S.nameFixity)
data PatternPostfixApp = PatternPostfixApp
patPostfixParameter :: Pattern,
patPostfixConstructor :: NameType 'Scoped
{ _patPostfixParameter :: Pattern,
_patPostfixConstructor :: ConstructorRef
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance HasFixity PatternPostfixApp where
getFixity (PatternPostfixApp _ op) = fromMaybe impossible (op ^. S.nameFixity)
getFixity (PatternPostfixApp _ op) = fromMaybe impossible (_constructorRefName op ^. S.nameFixity)
data Pattern
= PatternVariable (SymbolType 'Scoped)
| PatternConstructor (NameType 'Scoped)
| PatternConstructor ConstructorRef
| PatternApplication PatternApp
| PatternInfixApplication PatternInfixApp
| PatternPostfixApplication PatternPostfixApp
@ -267,7 +282,7 @@ data Pattern
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
atomicity e = case e of
atomicity e = case e of
PatternVariable {} -> Atom
PatternConstructor {} -> Atom
PatternApplication {} -> Aggregate appFixity
@ -280,8 +295,13 @@ instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
-- Pattern section
data PatternScopedIden
= PatternScopedVar S.Symbol
| PatternScopedConstructor ConstructorRef
deriving stock (Show, Ord, Eq)
data PatternAtom (s :: Stage)
= PatternAtomName (NameType s)
= PatternAtomIden (PatternAtomIdenType s)
| PatternAtomWildcard
| PatternAtomEmpty
| PatternAtomParens (PatternAtoms s)
@ -291,21 +311,24 @@ instance HasAtomicity (PatternAtom 'Parsed) where
deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
Show (PatternAtom s)
deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
Eq (PatternAtom s)
deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
Ord (PatternAtom s)
@ -315,21 +338,24 @@ newtype PatternAtoms (s :: Stage)
deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
Show (PatternAtoms s)
deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
Eq (PatternAtoms s)
deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (PatternAtomIdenType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
Ord (PatternAtoms s)
@ -349,7 +375,8 @@ data FunctionClause (s :: Stage) = FunctionClause
deriving stock instance
( Show (PatternType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -357,7 +384,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -365,7 +393,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -375,22 +404,6 @@ deriving stock instance
-- Module declaration
data ModuleIsTop = ModuleTop | ModuleLocal
-- The following Singleton related definitions could be scrapped if we depended
-- on the singletons-th library.
data SModuleIsTop (t :: ModuleIsTop) where
SModuleTop :: SModuleIsTop 'ModuleTop
SModuleLocal :: SModuleIsTop 'ModuleLocal
type instance Sing = SModuleIsTop
instance SingI 'ModuleTop where
sing = SModuleTop
instance SingI 'ModuleLocal where
sing = SModuleLocal
type LocalModuleName s = SymbolType s
data Module (s :: Stage) (t :: ModuleIsTop) = Module
@ -404,7 +417,8 @@ deriving stock instance
Show (ModulePathType s 'ModuleLocal),
Show (ImportType s),
Show (PatternType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -415,7 +429,8 @@ deriving stock instance
Eq (ModulePathType s 'ModuleLocal),
Eq (ImportType s),
Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -426,7 +441,8 @@ deriving stock instance
Ord (ModulePathType s 'ModuleLocal),
Ord (ImportType s),
Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -437,31 +453,91 @@ data UsingHiding
| Hiding (NonEmpty Symbol)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data OpenModule (s :: Stage) = OpenModule
{ openModuleName :: NameType s,
openParameters :: [ExpressionType s],
openUsingHiding :: Maybe UsingHiding,
openPublic :: PublicAnn
type ModuleRef = ModuleRef' 'S.Concrete
newtype ModuleRef' (c :: S.IsConcrete) = ModuleRef'
{ _unModuleRef' :: Σ ModuleIsTop (TyCon1 (ModuleRef'' c))
-- | TODO can this be derived?
instance SingI c => Show (ModuleRef' c) where
show (ModuleRef' (isTop :&: r)) = case isTop of
SModuleLocal -> case sing :: S.SIsConcrete c of
S.SConcrete -> show r
S.SNotConcrete -> show r
SModuleTop -> case sing :: S.SIsConcrete c of
S.SConcrete -> show r
S.SNotConcrete -> show r
getNameRefId :: forall c. SingI c => RefNameType c -> S.NameId
getNameRefId = case sing :: S.SIsConcrete c of
S.SConcrete -> S._nameId
S.SNotConcrete -> S._nameId
getModuleExportInfo :: ModuleRef' c -> ExportInfo
getModuleExportInfo = projSigma2 _moduleExportInfo . _unModuleRef'
getModuleRefNameType :: ModuleRef' c -> RefNameType c
getModuleRefNameType = projSigma2 _moduleRefName . _unModuleRef'
instance SingI c => Eq (ModuleRef' c) where
(==) = (==) `on` (getNameRefId . getModuleRefNameType)
instance SingI c => Ord (ModuleRef' c) where
compare = compare `on` (getNameRefId . getModuleRefNameType)
-- TODO find a better name
data ModuleRef'' (c :: S.IsConcrete) (t :: ModuleIsTop) = ModuleRef''
{ _moduleRefName :: RefNameType c,
_moduleExportInfo :: ExportInfo,
_moduleRefModule :: Module 'Scoped t
instance Show (RefNameType s) => Show (ModuleRef'' s t) where
show = show . _moduleRefName
data SymbolEntry
= EntryAxiom (AxiomRef' 'S.NotConcrete)
| EntryInductive (InductiveRef' 'S.NotConcrete)
| EntryFunction (FunctionRef' 'S.NotConcrete)
| EntryConstructor (ConstructorRef' 'S.NotConcrete)
| EntryModule (ModuleRef' 'S.NotConcrete)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Symbols that a module exports
newtype ExportInfo = ExportInfo
{ _exportSymbols :: HashMap Symbol SymbolEntry
deriving stock (Show)
data OpenModule (s :: Stage) = OpenModule
{ _openModuleName :: ModuleRefType s,
_openParameters :: [ExpressionType s],
_openUsingHiding :: Maybe UsingHiding,
_openPublic :: PublicAnn
deriving stock instance
Eq (NameType s),
( Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
Eq (OpenModule s)
deriving stock instance
Ord (NameType s),
( Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
Ord (OpenModule s)
deriving stock instance
Show (NameType s),
( Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
Show (OpenModule s)
@ -470,41 +546,111 @@ deriving stock instance
-- Expression
data AxiomRef = AxiomRef {
_axiomRefName :: NameType 'Scoped,
_axiomRefBackends :: HashMap Backend Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
type AxiomRef = AxiomRef' 'S.Concrete
data InductiveRef = InductiveRef {
_inductiveRefName :: NameType 'Scoped,
_inductiveRefDef :: InductiveDef 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype AxiomRef' (n :: S.IsConcrete) = AxiomRef'
{ _axiomRefName :: RefNameType n}
data FunctionRef = FunctionRef {
_functionRefName :: NameType 'Scoped,
_functionRefSig :: Expression
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Hashable (RefNameType s) => Hashable (AxiomRef' s) where
hashWithSalt i = hashWithSalt i . _axiomRefName
data ConstructorRef = ConstructorRef {
_constructorRefName :: NameType 'Scoped,
_constructorSig :: Expression
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Eq (RefNameType s) => Eq (AxiomRef' s) where
(==) = (==) `on` _axiomRefName
data ScopedIden =
ScopedAxiom AxiomRef
| ScopedInductive InductiveRef
| ScopedVar (NameType 'Scoped)
| ScopedFunction FunctionRef
| ScopedConstructor ConstructorRef
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Ord (RefNameType s) => Ord (AxiomRef' s) where
compare = compare `on` _axiomRefName
instance Show (RefNameType s) => Show (AxiomRef' s) where
show = show . _axiomRefName
type InductiveRef = InductiveRef' 'S.Concrete
newtype InductiveRef' (n :: S.IsConcrete) = InductiveRef'
{ _inductiveRefName :: RefNameType n
instance Hashable (RefNameType s) => Hashable (InductiveRef' s) where
hashWithSalt i = hashWithSalt i . _inductiveRefName
instance Eq (RefNameType s) => Eq (InductiveRef' s) where
(==) = (==) `on` _inductiveRefName
instance Ord (RefNameType s) => Ord (InductiveRef' s) where
compare = compare `on` _inductiveRefName
instance Show (RefNameType s) => Show (InductiveRef' s) where
show = show . _inductiveRefName
type FunctionRef = FunctionRef' 'S.Concrete
newtype FunctionRef' (n :: S.IsConcrete) = FunctionRef'
{ _functionRefName :: RefNameType n
instance Hashable (RefNameType s) => Hashable (FunctionRef' s) where
hashWithSalt i = hashWithSalt i . _functionRefName
instance Eq (RefNameType s) => Eq (FunctionRef' s) where
(==) = (==) `on` _functionRefName
instance Ord (RefNameType s) => Ord (FunctionRef' s) where
compare = compare `on` _functionRefName
instance Show (RefNameType s) => Show (FunctionRef' s) where
show = show . _functionRefName
type ConstructorRef = ConstructorRef' 'S.Concrete
newtype ConstructorRef' (n :: S.IsConcrete) = ConstructorRef'
{ _constructorRefName :: RefNameType n
instance Hashable (RefNameType s) => Hashable (ConstructorRef' s) where
hashWithSalt i = hashWithSalt i . _constructorRefName
instance Eq (RefNameType s) => Eq (ConstructorRef' s) where
(==) = (==) `on` _constructorRefName
instance Ord (RefNameType s) => Ord (ConstructorRef' s) where
compare = compare `on` _constructorRefName
instance Show (RefNameType s) => Show (ConstructorRef' s) where
show = show . _constructorRefName
type ScopedIden = ScopedIden' 'S.Concrete
data ScopedIden' (n :: S.IsConcrete)
= ScopedAxiom (AxiomRef' n)
| ScopedInductive (InductiveRef' n)
| ScopedVar S.Symbol
| ScopedFunction (FunctionRef' n)
| ScopedConstructor (ConstructorRef' n)
deriving stock instance
(Eq (RefNameType s)) => Eq (ScopedIden' s)
deriving stock instance
(Ord (RefNameType s)) => Ord (ScopedIden' s)
deriving stock instance
(Show (RefNameType s)) => Show (ScopedIden' s)
identifierName :: forall n. SingI n => ScopedIden' n -> RefNameType n
identifierName = \case
ScopedAxiom a -> _axiomRefName a
ScopedInductive i -> _inductiveRefName i
ScopedVar v ->
( case sing :: S.SIsConcrete n of
S.SConcrete -> id
S.SNotConcrete -> set S.nameConcrete ()
(unqualifiedSymbol v)
ScopedFunction f -> _functionRefName f
ScopedConstructor c -> _constructorRefName c
data Expression
= ExpressionIdentifier ScopedIden
| ExpressionParensIdentifier (NameType 'Scoped)
| ExpressionParensIdentifier ScopedIden
| ExpressionApplication Application
| ExpressionInfixApplication InfixApplication
| ExpressionPostfixApplication PostfixApplication
@ -522,7 +668,7 @@ instance HasAtomicity Literal where
LitString {} -> Atom
instance HasAtomicity Expression where
atomicity e = case e of
atomicity e = case e of
ExpressionIdentifier {} -> Atom
ExpressionParensIdentifier {} -> Atom
ExpressionApplication {} -> Aggregate appFixity
@ -539,14 +685,14 @@ instance HasAtomicity Expression where
-- Expression atom
data Literal =
LitString Text
data Literal
= LitString Text
| LitInteger Integer
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Expressions without application
data ExpressionAtom (s :: Stage)
= AtomIdentifier (NameType s)
= AtomIdentifier (IdentifierType s)
| AtomLambda (Lambda s)
| AtomLetBlock (LetBlock s)
| AtomUniverse Universe
@ -558,7 +704,8 @@ data ExpressionAtom (s :: Stage)
deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -566,7 +713,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -574,7 +722,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -586,14 +735,15 @@ newtype ExpressionAtoms (s :: Stage)
instance HasAtomicity (ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed) where
atomicity (ExpressionAtoms l) = case l of
(_ :| []) -> Atom
(_ :| _)
(_ :| []) -> Atom
(_ :| _)
| AtomFunArrow `elem` l -> Aggregate funFixity
| otherwise -> Aggregate appFixity
deriving stock instance
( Show (ExpressionType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -601,7 +751,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (ExpressionType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -609,7 +760,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Ord (ExpressionType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (PatternType s)
) =>
@ -702,7 +854,8 @@ newtype WhereBlock (s :: Stage) = WhereBlock
deriving stock instance
( Show (PatternType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -710,7 +863,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -718,7 +872,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -731,7 +886,8 @@ data WhereClause (s :: Stage)
deriving stock instance
( Show (PatternType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -739,7 +895,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -747,7 +904,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -816,24 +974,22 @@ data Application = Application
data InfixApplication = InfixApplication
{ infixAppLeft :: ExpressionType 'Scoped,
infixAppOperator :: NameType 'Scoped,
infixAppOperator :: IdentifierType 'Scoped,
infixAppRight :: ExpressionType 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance HasFixity InfixApplication where
getFixity (InfixApplication _ op _) = fromMaybe impossible (op ^. S.nameFixity)
getFixity (InfixApplication _ op _) = fromMaybe impossible (identifierName op ^. S.nameFixity)
data PostfixApplication = PostfixApplication
postfixAppParameter :: ExpressionType 'Scoped,
postfixAppOperator :: NameType 'Scoped
{ postfixAppParameter :: ExpressionType 'Scoped,
postfixAppOperator :: IdentifierType 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance HasFixity PostfixApplication where
getFixity (PostfixApplication _ op) = fromMaybe impossible (op ^. S.nameFixity)
getFixity (PostfixApplication _ op) = fromMaybe impossible (identifierName op ^. S.nameFixity)
-- Let block expression
@ -846,7 +1002,8 @@ data LetBlock (s :: Stage) = LetBlock
deriving stock instance
( Show (PatternType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -854,7 +1011,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -862,7 +1020,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -874,7 +1033,8 @@ data LetClause (s :: Stage)
deriving stock instance
( Show (PatternType s),
Show (NameType s),
Show (IdentifierType s),
Show (ModuleRefType s),
Show (SymbolType s),
Show (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -882,7 +1042,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Eq (PatternType s),
Eq (NameType s),
Eq (IdentifierType s),
Eq (ModuleRefType s),
Eq (SymbolType s),
Eq (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -890,7 +1051,8 @@ deriving stock instance
deriving stock instance
( Ord (PatternType s),
Ord (NameType s),
Ord (IdentifierType s),
Ord (ModuleRefType s),
Ord (SymbolType s),
Ord (ExpressionType s)
) =>
@ -900,7 +1062,13 @@ deriving stock instance
-- Backends
data Backend = BackendGhc
data Backend = BackendGhc | BackendAgda
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
data BackendItem = BackendItem
{ _backendItemBackend :: Backend,
_backendItemCode :: Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -943,10 +1111,60 @@ deriving stock instance
Ord (Print s)
makeLenses ''InductiveDef
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''TypeSignature
makeLenses ''AxiomDef
makeLenses ''FunctionClause
makeLenses ''InductiveParameter
makeLenses ''CompileDef
makeLenses ''ForeignBlock
makeLenses ''AxiomRef'
makeLenses ''InductiveRef'
makeLenses ''ModuleRef'
makeLenses ''ModuleRef''
makeLenses ''FunctionRef'
makeLenses ''ConstructorRef'
makeLenses ''BackendItem
makeLenses ''OpenModule
makeLenses ''PatternApp
makeLenses ''PatternInfixApp
makeLenses ''PatternPostfixApp
idenOverName :: (forall s. S.Name' s -> S.Name' s) -> ScopedIden -> ScopedIden
idenOverName f = \case
ScopedAxiom a -> ScopedAxiom (over axiomRefName f a)
ScopedInductive i -> ScopedInductive (over inductiveRefName f i)
ScopedVar v -> ScopedVar (f v)
ScopedFunction fun -> ScopedFunction (over functionRefName f fun)
ScopedConstructor c -> ScopedConstructor (over constructorRefName f c)
entryPrism :: (S.Name' () -> S.Name' ()) -> SymbolEntry -> (S.Name' (), SymbolEntry)
entryPrism f = \case
EntryAxiom a -> (a ^. axiomRefName, EntryAxiom (over axiomRefName f a))
EntryInductive i -> (i ^. inductiveRefName, EntryInductive (over inductiveRefName f i))
EntryFunction fun -> (fun ^. functionRefName, EntryFunction (over functionRefName f fun))
EntryConstructor c -> (c ^. constructorRefName, EntryConstructor (over constructorRefName f c))
EntryModule m -> (getModuleRefNameType m, EntryModule (overModuleRef'' (over moduleRefName f) m))
entryOverName :: (S.Name' () -> S.Name' ()) -> SymbolEntry -> SymbolEntry
entryOverName f = snd . entryPrism f
entryName :: SymbolEntry -> S.Name' ()
entryName = fst . entryPrism id
instance HasLoc SymbolEntry where
getLoc = S._nameDefined . entryName
overModuleRef'' :: forall s s'. (forall t. ModuleRef'' s t -> ModuleRef'' s' t) -> ModuleRef' s -> ModuleRef' s'
overModuleRef'' f = over unModuleRef' (\(t :&: m'') -> t :&: f m'')
symbolEntryToSName :: SymbolEntry -> S.Name' ()
symbolEntryToSName = \case
EntryAxiom a -> a ^. axiomRefName
EntryInductive i -> i ^. inductiveRefName
EntryFunction f -> f ^. functionRefName
EntryConstructor c -> c ^. constructorRefName
EntryModule m -> getModuleRefNameType m
instance HasNameKind SymbolEntry where
getNameKind = getNameKind . entryName
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language.Stage where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Lexer where
import GHC.Unicode
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Base hiding (space, Pos)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Base as P
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import qualified MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings as Str
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.Unicode
import qualified MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Base hiding (Pos, space)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Base as P
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
@ -45,12 +45,19 @@ integer = do
nat <- lexeme L.decimal
case minus of
Nothing -> return nat
_ -> return (- nat)
_ -> return (-nat)
-- | TODO allow escaping { inside the string using \{
bracedString :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Text
bracedString =
Text.strip . pack <$> (char '{' >> manyTill anySingle (char '}'))
Text.strip . unIndent . pack <$> (char '{' >> manyTill anySingle (char '}'))
unIndent :: Text -> Text
unIndent t = Text.unlines (Text.drop (fromMaybe 0 (indentIdx t)) <$> Text.lines t)
indentIdx :: Text -> Maybe Int
indentIdx = minimumMaybe . mapMaybe firstNonBlankChar . Text.lines
firstNonBlankChar :: Text -> Maybe Int
firstNonBlankChar = Text.findIndex (not . isSpace)
string :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Text
string = pack <$> (char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"'))
@ -58,11 +65,11 @@ string = pack <$> (char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"'))
mkLoc :: SourcePos -> Loc
mkLoc SourcePos {..} = Loc {..}
_locFile = sourceName
_locFileLoc = FileLoc {..}
_locLine = fromPos sourceLine
_locCol = fromPos sourceColumn
_locFile = sourceName
_locFileLoc = FileLoc {..}
_locLine = fromPos sourceLine
_locCol = fromPos sourceColumn
curLoc :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Loc
curLoc = mkLoc <$> getSourcePos
@ -99,9 +106,9 @@ bareIdentifier = interval $ do
c `elem` extraAllowedChars
extraAllowedChars :: [Char]
extraAllowedChars = "_'-*,&"
cat = generalCategory c
extraAllowedChars :: [Char]
extraAllowedChars = "_'-*,&"
cat = generalCategory c
dot :: forall e m. MonadParsec e Text m => m Char
dot = P.char '.'
@ -256,3 +263,6 @@ kwWildcard = symbol Str.underscore
ghc :: MonadParsec e Text m => m ()
ghc = symbol Str.ghc
agda :: MonadParsec e Text m => m ()
agda = symbol Str.agda
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ instance Semigroup Pos where
instance Monoid Pos where
mempty = Pos 0
data FileLoc = FileLoc {
-- | Line number
data FileLoc = FileLoc
{ -- | Line number
_locLine :: !Pos,
-- | Column number
_locCol :: !Pos
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ data Loc = Loc
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Inclusive interval
data Interval = Interval {
_intFile :: FilePath,
_intStart :: FileLoc,
_intEnd :: FileLoc
data Interval = Interval
{ _intFile :: FilePath,
_intStart :: FileLoc,
_intEnd :: FileLoc
deriving stock (Show, Ord, Eq)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ instance Pretty Pos where
instance Pretty FileLoc where
pretty :: FileLoc -> Doc a
pretty FileLoc {..} =
pretty FileLoc {..} =
pretty _locLine <> colon <> pretty _locCol
instance Pretty Loc where
@ -68,14 +68,15 @@ instance Pretty Interval where
pretty :: Interval -> Doc a
pretty Interval {..} =
pretty _intFile <> colon
<> ppPosRange (_locLine _intStart, _locLine _intEnd) <> colon
<> ppPosRange (_locCol _intStart, _locCol _intEnd)
<> ppPosRange (_locLine _intStart, _locLine _intEnd)
<> colon
<> ppPosRange (_locCol _intStart, _locCol _intEnd)
hyphen = pretty '-'
ppPosRange :: (Pos, Pos) -> Doc a
ppPosRange (s, e)
| s == e = pretty s
| otherwise = pretty s <> hyphen <> pretty e
hyphen = pretty '-'
ppPosRange :: (Pos, Pos) -> Doc a
ppPosRange (s, e)
| s == e = pretty s
| otherwise = pretty s <> hyphen <> pretty e
makeLenses ''Interval
makeLenses ''Loc
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.ModuleIsTop where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
data ModuleIsTop = ModuleTop | ModuleLocal
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
$(genSingletons [''ModuleIsTop])
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name where
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra as NonEmpty
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra as NonEmpty
import Prettyprinter
data Symbol = Symbol {
_symbolText :: Text,
_symbolLoc :: Interval
data Symbol = Symbol
{ _symbolText :: Text,
_symbolLoc :: Interval
deriving stock (Show)
@ -77,16 +78,22 @@ instance HasLoc TopModulePath where
topModulePathToFilePath :: FilePath -> TopModulePath -> FilePath
topModulePathToFilePath = topModulePathToFilePath' (Just ".mjuvix")
:: Maybe String -> FilePath -> TopModulePath -> FilePath
topModulePathToFilePath' ::
Maybe String -> FilePath -> TopModulePath -> FilePath
topModulePathToFilePath' ext root mp = absPath
relDirPath = foldr ((</>) . toPath) mempty (_modulePathDir mp)
relFilePath = relDirPath </> toPath (_modulePathName mp)
absPath = case ext of
Nothing -> root </> relFilePath
Just e -> root </> relFilePath <.> e
toPath :: Symbol -> FilePath
toPath Symbol{..} = unpack _symbolText
relDirPath = foldr ((</>) . toPath) mempty (_modulePathDir mp)
relFilePath = relDirPath </> toPath (_modulePathName mp)
absPath = case ext of
Nothing -> root </> relFilePath
Just e -> root </> relFilePath <.> e
toPath :: Symbol -> FilePath
toPath Symbol {..} = unpack _symbolText
topModulePathToDottedPath :: IsString s => TopModulePath -> s
topModulePathToDottedPath (TopModulePath l r) =
fromText $ mconcat $ intersperse "." $ map fromSymbol $ l ++ [r]
fromSymbol Symbol {..} = _symbolText
instance Hashable TopModulePath
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra as NonEmpty
import Data.Singletons
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Base (MonadParsec)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Base as P
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Lexer hiding (symbol)
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
-- Running the parser
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ statement =
<|> (StatementInductive <$> inductiveDef)
<|> (StatementPrint <$> printS)
<|> (StatementForeign <$> foreignBlock)
<|> (StatementCompile <$> compileDef)
<|> (StatementModule <$> moduleDef)
<|> (StatementAxiom <$> axiomDef)
<|> ( either StatementTypeSignature StatementFunctionClause
@ -86,11 +85,12 @@ statement =
-- Foreign and compile
-- Foreign
backend :: forall e m. MonadParsec e Text m => m Backend
backend = ghc $> BackendGhc
<|> agda $> BackendAgda
foreignBlock :: forall e m. MonadParsec e Text m => m ForeignBlock
foreignBlock = do
@ -99,14 +99,6 @@ foreignBlock = do
_foreignCode <- bracedString
return ForeignBlock {..}
compileDef :: forall e m. MonadParsec e Text m => m (CompileDef 'Parsed)
compileDef = do
_compileAxiom <- symbol
_compileBackend <- backend
_compileCode <- string
return CompileDef {..}
-- Operator syntax declaration
@ -147,7 +139,7 @@ import_ = do
expressionAtom :: MonadParsec e Text m => m (ExpressionAtom 'Parsed)
expressionAtom =
AtomLiteral <$> P.try literal
AtomLiteral <$> P.try literal
<|> AtomIdentifier <$> name
<|> (AtomUniverse <$> universe)
<|> (AtomLambda <$> lambda)
@ -166,8 +158,8 @@ expressionAtoms = ExpressionAtoms <$> P.some expressionAtom
literal :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Literal
literal =
LitInteger <$> integer
<|> LitString <$> string
LitInteger <$> integer
<|> LitString <$> string
-- Match expression
@ -250,7 +242,15 @@ axiomDef = do
_axiomName <- symbol
_axiomType <- expressionAtoms
_axiomBackendItems <- fromMaybe [] <$> optional backends
return AxiomDef {..}
backends = toList <$> braces (P.sepEndBy1 backendItem kwSemicolon)
backendItem = do
_backendItemBackend <- backend
_backendItemCode <- string
return BackendItem {..}
-- Function expression
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ lambdaClause = do
lambda :: MonadParsec e Text m => m (Lambda 'Parsed)
lambda = do
lambdaClauses ← braces (P.sepEndBy lambdaClause kwSemicolon)
lambdaClauses <- braces (P.sepEndBy lambdaClause kwSemicolon)
return Lambda {..}
@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ inductiveParam = parens $ do
constructorDef :: MonadParsec e Text m => m (InductiveConstructorDef 'Parsed)
constructorDef = do
constructorName <- symbol
_constructorName <- symbol
constructorType <- expressionAtoms
_constructorType <- expressionAtoms
return InductiveConstructorDef {..}
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ constructorDef = do
patternAtom :: forall e m. MonadParsec e Text m => m (PatternAtom 'Parsed)
patternAtom =
PatternAtomName <$> name
PatternAtomIden <$> name
<|> PatternAtomWildcard <$ kwWildcard
<|> (PatternAtomParens <$> parens patternAtoms)
@ -415,16 +415,16 @@ atomicExpression = do
openModule :: forall e m. MonadParsec e Text m => m (OpenModule 'Parsed)
openModule = do
openModuleName <- name
openParameters <- many atomicExpression
openUsingHiding <- optional usingOrHiding
openPublic <- maybe NoPublic (const Public) <$> optional kwPublic
_openModuleName <- name
_openParameters <- many atomicExpression
_openUsingHiding <- optional usingOrHiding
_openPublic <- maybe NoPublic (const Public) <$> optional kwPublic
return OpenModule {..}
usingOrHiding :: m UsingHiding
usingOrHiding =
(kwUsing >> (Using <$> symbolList))
<|> (kwHiding >> (Hiding <$> symbolList))
usingOrHiding :: m UsingHiding
usingOrHiding =
(kwUsing >> (Using <$> symbolList))
<|> (kwHiding >> (Hiding <$> symbolList))
-- Debugging statements
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.PublicAnn where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
data PublicAnn =
-- | Explicit public annotation
-- | No annotation. Do not confuse this with 'not public' or 'private'.
| NoPublic
data PublicAnn
= -- | Explicit public annotation
| -- | No annotation. Do not confuse this with 'not public' or 'private'.
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty
) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty,
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty as P
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types
import Prettyprinter
-- | An error that happens during scope checking. Note that it is defined here
@ -30,14 +31,11 @@ data ScopeError
| ErrAmbiguousModuleSym AmbiguousModuleSym
| ErrUnusedOperatorDef UnusedOperatorDef
| ErrWrongTopModuleName WrongTopModuleName
-- | Eventually this needs to go away
| ErrGeneric Text
deriving stock (Show)
ppScopeError :: ScopeError -> Doc Eann
ppScopeError s = case s of
ErrParser txt -> ppError txt
ErrGeneric txt -> pretty txt
ErrInfixParser e -> ppError e
ErrInfixPattern e -> ppError e
ErrMultipleDeclarations e -> ppError e
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Ansi,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Text
) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Ansi,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Text,
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Ansi
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Text
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Ansi
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Ansi where
import Prettyprinter
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Base
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi as S
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
renderAnsi :: SimpleDocStream Eann -> Text
renderAnsi = renderStrict . reAnnotateS stylize
@ -11,3 +13,4 @@ renderAnsi = renderStrict . reAnnotateS stylize
stylize :: Eann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
Highlight -> colorDull Red
ScopedAnn s -> S.stylize s
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Base where
import Prettyprinter
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra as NonEmpty
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language as L
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as P
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scope
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import Prettyprinter
import Text.EditDistance
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra as NonEmpty
data Eann = Highlight
| ScopedAnn P.Ann
highlight :: Doc Eann -> Doc Eann
highlight = annotate Highlight
@ -20,15 +22,17 @@ ppSymbolT :: Text -> Doc Eann
ppSymbolT = highlight . pretty
ppCode :: P.PrettyCode c => c -> Doc Eann
ppCode = unAnnotate . P.runPrettyCode P.defaultOptions
ppCode = reAnnotate ScopedAnn . P.runPrettyCode P.defaultOptions
indent' :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
indent' = indent 2
textDistance :: Text -> Text -> Int
textDistance a b =
restrictedDamerauLevenshteinDistance defaultEditCosts
(unpack a) (unpack b)
(unpack a)
(unpack b)
class PrettyError e where
ppError :: e -> Doc Eann
@ -36,9 +40,9 @@ class PrettyError e where
instance PrettyError MultipleDeclarations where
ppError MultipleDeclarations {..} =
"Multiple declarations of" <+> ppSymbolT _multipleDeclSymbol <> line
<> "Declared at:" <+> align (vsep ints)
<> "Declared at:" <+> align (vsep ints)
ints = map pretty [S._nameDefined _multipleDeclEntry, _multipleDeclSecond]
ints = map pretty [S._nameDefined (L.symbolEntryToSName _multipleDeclEntry), _multipleDeclSecond]
instance PrettyError InfixError where
ppError InfixError {..} =
@ -55,69 +59,74 @@ infixErrorAux kind pp =
instance PrettyError LacksFunctionClause where
ppError LacksFunctionClause {..} =
pretty loc <> line <>
"There is a type signature with no function clause:" <> line
<> indent' (highlight (ppCode _lacksFunctionClause))
pretty loc <> line
<> "There is a type signature with no function clause:"
<> line
<> indent' (highlight (ppCode _lacksFunctionClause))
loc = getLoc $ _sigName _lacksFunctionClause
loc = getLoc $ _sigName _lacksFunctionClause
instance PrettyError LacksTypeSig where
ppError LacksTypeSig {..} =
pretty loc <> line <>
"There is a declaration with a missing type signature:" <> line
<> indent' (highlight (ppCode _lacksTypeSigClause))
pretty loc <> line
<> "There is a declaration with a missing type signature:"
<> line
<> indent' (highlight (ppCode _lacksTypeSigClause))
loc = getLoc $ _clauseOwnerFunction _lacksTypeSigClause
loc = getLoc $ _clauseOwnerFunction _lacksTypeSigClause
instance PrettyError ImportCycle where
ppError ImportCycle {..} =
"There is an import cycle:" <> line
<> indent' lst
<> indent' lst
lst = vsep $ intersperse "⇓" (map pp (toList (tie _importCycleImports)))
pp :: Import 'Parsed -> Doc Eann
pp t = ppCode t <+> parens ("at" <+> pretty (getLoc t))
tie :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
tie x = x <> pure (NonEmpty.head x)
lst = vsep $ intersperse "⇓" (map pp (toList (tie _importCycleImports)))
pp :: Import 'Parsed -> Doc Eann
pp t = ppCode t <+> parens ("at" <+> pretty (getLoc t))
tie :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
tie x = x <> pure (NonEmpty.head x)
instance PrettyError NotInScope where
ppError NotInScope {..} =
pretty loc <> line <>
"Symbol not in scope:" <+> highlight (ppCode _notInScopeSymbol) <?>
((line <>) <$> suggestion)
pretty loc <> line
<> "Symbol not in scope:" <+> highlight (ppCode _notInScopeSymbol)
<?> ((line <>) <$> suggestion)
| null suggestions = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ "Perhaps you meant:" <+> align (vsep suggestions)
loc = getLoc _notInScopeSymbol
sym = _symbolText _notInScopeSymbol
maxDist :: Int
maxDist = 2
suggestions :: [Doc a]
suggestions =
| null suggestions = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ "Perhaps you meant:" <+> align (vsep suggestions)
loc = getLoc _notInScopeSymbol
sym = _symbolText _notInScopeSymbol
maxDist :: Int
maxDist = 2
suggestions :: [Doc a]
suggestions =
map (pretty . fst) $
sortOn snd
[ (c, dist) | c <- toList candidates
, let dist = textDistance sym c, dist <= maxDist ]
candidates :: HashSet Text
candidates = HashSet.fromList (map _symbolText (HashMap.keys $ _localVars _notInScopeLocal)) <>
HashSet.fromList (map _symbolText (HashMap.keys $ _scopeSymbols _notInScopeScope))
[ (c, dist) | c <- toList candidates, let dist = textDistance sym c, dist <= maxDist
candidates :: HashSet Text
candidates =
HashSet.fromList (map _symbolText (HashMap.keys $ _localVars _notInScopeLocal))
<> HashSet.fromList (map _symbolText (HashMap.keys $ _scopeSymbols _notInScopeScope))
instance PrettyError BindGroupConflict where
ppError BindGroupConflict {..} =
"The symbol" <+> highlight (ppCode _bindGroupFirst)
<+> "appears twice in the same binding group:" <> line
<> indent' (align locs)
<+> "appears twice in the same binding group:"
<> line
<> indent' (align locs)
locs = vsep $ map (pretty . getLoc) [_bindGroupFirst , _bindGroupSecond]
locs = vsep $ map (pretty . getLoc) [_bindGroupFirst, _bindGroupSecond]
instance PrettyError DuplicateFixity where
ppError DuplicateFixity {..} =
"Multiple fixity declarations for symbol" <+> highlight (ppCode sym) <> ":" <> line
<> indent' (align locs)
<> indent' (align locs)
sym = opSymbol _dupFixityFirst
locs = vsep $ map (pretty . getLoc) [_dupFixityFirst , _dupFixityFirst]
locs = vsep $ map (pretty . getLoc) [_dupFixityFirst, _dupFixityFirst]
instance PrettyError MultipleExportConflict where
ppError MultipleExportConflict {..} =
@ -134,19 +143,26 @@ instance PrettyError MegaParsecError where
instance PrettyError WrongTopModuleName where
ppError WrongTopModuleName {..} =
"The top module" <+> ppCode _wrongTopModuleNameActualName <+> "is defined in the file:" <> line
<> highlight (pretty _wrongTopModuleNameActualPath) <> line
<> "But it should be in the file:" <> line
<> pretty _wrongTopModuleNameExpectedPath
<> highlight (pretty _wrongTopModuleNameActualPath)
<> line
<> "But it should be in the file:"
<> line
<> pretty _wrongTopModuleNameExpectedPath
instance PrettyError UnusedOperatorDef where
ppError UnusedOperatorDef {..} =
"Unused operator syntax definition:" <> line
<> ppCode _unusedOperatorDef
<> ppCode _unusedOperatorDef
instance PrettyError AmbiguousSym where
ppError AmbiguousSym {} =
"TODO Ambiguous symbol"
ppError AmbiguousSym {..} = ambiguousMessage _ambiguousSymName _ambiguousSymEntires
instance PrettyError AmbiguousModuleSym where
ppError AmbiguousModuleSym {} =
"TODO Ambiguous module symbol"
ppError AmbiguousModuleSym {..} = ambiguousMessage _ambiguousModName _ambiguousModSymEntires
ambiguousMessage :: Name -> [SymbolEntry] -> Doc Eann
ambiguousMessage n es =
"The symbol" <+> ppCode n <+> "at" <+> pretty (getLoc n) <+> "is ambiguous." <> line
<> "It could be any of:"
<> line
<> indent' (vsep (map ppCode es))
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Text where
import Prettyprinter
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Pretty.Base
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text
renderText :: SimpleDocStream Eann -> Text
@ -1,104 +1,107 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types
) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Error.Types,
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scope
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scope
data MultipleDeclarations = MultipleDeclarations {
_multipleDeclEntry :: SymbolEntry,
_multipleDeclSymbol :: Text,
_multipleDeclSecond :: Interval
data MultipleDeclarations = MultipleDeclarations
{ _multipleDeclEntry :: SymbolEntry,
_multipleDeclSymbol :: Text,
_multipleDeclSecond :: Interval
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | megaparsec error while resolving infixities.
newtype InfixError = InfixError {
_infixErrAtoms :: ExpressionAtoms 'Scoped
newtype InfixError = InfixError
{ _infixErrAtoms :: ExpressionAtoms 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | megaparsec error while resolving infixities of patterns.
newtype InfixErrorP = InfixErrorP {
_infixErrAtomsP :: PatternAtom 'Scoped
newtype InfixErrorP = InfixErrorP
{ _infixErrAtomsP :: PatternAtom 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | function clause without a type signature.
newtype LacksTypeSig = LacksTypeSig {
_lacksTypeSigClause :: FunctionClause 'Parsed
newtype LacksTypeSig = LacksTypeSig
{ _lacksTypeSigClause :: FunctionClause 'Parsed
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | type signature without a function clause
newtype LacksFunctionClause = LacksFunctionClause {
_lacksFunctionClause :: TypeSignature 'Scoped
newtype LacksFunctionClause = LacksFunctionClause
{ _lacksFunctionClause :: TypeSignature 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
newtype ImportCycle = ImportCycle {
-- | If we have [a, b, c] it means that a import b imports c imports a.
_importCycleImports :: NonEmpty (Import 'Parsed)
newtype ImportCycle = ImportCycle
{ -- | If we have [a, b, c] it means that a import b imports c imports a.
_importCycleImports :: NonEmpty (Import 'Parsed)
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
data BindGroupConflict = BindGroupConflict {
_bindGroupFirst :: Symbol,
_bindGroupSecond :: Symbol
deriving stock (Show)
data DuplicateFixity = DuplicateFixity {
_dupFixityFirst :: OperatorSyntaxDef,
_dupFixitySecond :: OperatorSyntaxDef
deriving stock (Show)
data MultipleExportConflict = MultipleExportConflict {
_multipleExportModule :: S.AbsModulePath,
_multipleExportSymbol :: Symbol,
_multipleExportEntries :: NonEmpty SymbolEntry
data BindGroupConflict = BindGroupConflict
{ _bindGroupFirst :: Symbol,
_bindGroupSecond :: Symbol
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
data NotInScope = NotInScope {
_notInScopeSymbol :: Symbol,
_notInScopeLocal :: LocalVars,
_notInScopeScope :: Scope
deriving stock (Show)
newtype ModuleNotInScope = ModuleNotInScope {
_moduleNotInScopeName :: Name
data DuplicateFixity = DuplicateFixity
{ _dupFixityFirst :: OperatorSyntaxDef,
_dupFixitySecond :: OperatorSyntaxDef
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
newtype MegaParsecError = MegaParsecError {
_megaParsecError :: Text
data MultipleExportConflict = MultipleExportConflict
{ _multipleExportModule :: S.AbsModulePath,
_multipleExportSymbol :: Symbol,
_multipleExportEntries :: NonEmpty SymbolEntry
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
newtype UnusedOperatorDef = UnusedOperatorDef {
_unusedOperatorDef :: OperatorSyntaxDef
data NotInScope = NotInScope
{ _notInScopeSymbol :: Symbol,
_notInScopeLocal :: LocalVars,
_notInScopeScope :: Scope
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
data WrongTopModuleName = WrongTopModuleName {
_wrongTopModuleNameExpectedPath :: FilePath,
_wrongTopModuleNameActualPath :: FilePath,
_wrongTopModuleNameActualName :: TopModulePath
newtype ModuleNotInScope = ModuleNotInScope
{ _moduleNotInScopeName :: Name
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
newtype AmbiguousSym = AmbiguousSym {
_ambiguousSymEntires :: [SymbolEntry]
newtype MegaParsecError = MegaParsecError
{ _megaParsecError :: Text
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
newtype AmbiguousModuleSym = AmbiguousModuleSym {
_ambiguousModSymEntires :: [SymbolEntry]
newtype UnusedOperatorDef = UnusedOperatorDef
{ _unusedOperatorDef :: OperatorSyntaxDef
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
data WrongTopModuleName = WrongTopModuleName
{ _wrongTopModuleNameExpectedPath :: FilePath,
_wrongTopModuleNameActualPath :: FilePath,
_wrongTopModuleNameActualName :: TopModulePath
deriving stock (Show)
data AmbiguousSym = AmbiguousSym
{ _ambiguousSymName :: Name,
_ambiguousSymEntires :: [SymbolEntry]
deriving stock (Show)
data AmbiguousModuleSym = AmbiguousModuleSym
{ _ambiguousModName :: Name,
_ambiguousModSymEntires :: [SymbolEntry]
deriving stock (Show)
@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
) where
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
import Data.Stream (Stream (Cons))
import Lens.Micro.Platform
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity as C
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.VisibilityAnn
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.PublicAnn
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity as C
import Prettyprinter
-- Names
data IsConcrete = NotConcrete | Concrete
$(genSingletons [''IsConcrete])
newtype NameId = NameId Word64
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
@ -58,13 +65,13 @@ allNameIds = NameId <$> ids
instance Hashable NameId
-- | Why a symbol is in scope.
data WhyInScope =
-- | Inherited from the parent module.
BecauseInherited WhyInScope
-- | Opened or imported in this module.
| BecauseImportedOpened
-- | Defined in this module.
| BecauseDefined
data WhyInScope
= -- | Inherited from the parent module.
BecauseInherited WhyInScope
| -- | Opened or imported in this module.
| -- | Defined in this module.
deriving stock (Show)
type Name = Name' C.Name
@ -76,17 +83,19 @@ type TopModulePath = Name' C.TopModulePath
type ModuleNameId = NameId
data Name' n = Name'
_nameConcrete :: n,
{ _nameConcrete :: n,
_nameId :: NameId,
_nameDefined :: Interval,
_nameKind :: NameKind,
_nameDefinedIn :: AbsModulePath,
_nameFixity :: Maybe C.Fixity,
_nameWhyInScope :: WhyInScope,
_namePublicAnn :: PublicAnn
_nameVisibilityAnn :: VisibilityAnn,
-- | The textual representation of the name at the binding site
_nameVerbatim :: Text
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''Name'
instance HasNameKind (Name' n) where
@ -112,12 +121,15 @@ topModulePathName = over nameConcrete C._modulePathName
symbolText :: Symbol -> Text
symbolText = C._symbolText . _nameConcrete
unqualifiedSymbol :: Symbol -> Name
unqualifiedSymbol = over nameConcrete C.NameUnqualified
nameUnqualify :: Name -> Symbol
nameUnqualify Name' {..} = Name' {_nameConcrete = unqual, ..}
unqual = case _nameConcrete of
C.NameUnqualified s -> s
C.NameQualified q -> fromQualifiedName q
unqual = case _nameConcrete of
C.NameUnqualified s -> s
C.NameQualified q -> fromQualifiedName q
instance Eq (Name' n) where
(==) = (==) `on` _nameId
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ instance HasNameKind NameKind where
isExprKind :: HasNameKind a => a -> Bool
isExprKind k = case getNameKind k of
KNameConstructor -> True
KNameInductive -> True
KNameFunction -> True
KNameLocal -> True
KNameAxiom -> True
KNameLocalModule -> False
KNameTopModule -> False
KNameConstructor -> True
KNameInductive -> True
KNameFunction -> True
KNameLocal -> True
KNameAxiom -> True
KNameLocalModule -> False
KNameTopModule -> False
isModuleKind :: HasNameKind a => a -> Bool
isModuleKind k = case getNameKind k of
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ canHaveFixity k = case getNameKind k of
nameKindAnsi :: NameKind -> AnsiStyle
nameKindAnsi k = case k of
KNameConstructor -> colorDull Magenta
KNameInductive -> colorDull Green
KNameAxiom -> colorDull Red
KNameLocalModule -> mempty
KNameFunction -> colorDull Yellow
KNameLocal -> mempty
KNameTopModule -> mempty
KNameConstructor -> colorDull Magenta
KNameInductive -> colorDull Green
KNameAxiom -> colorDull Red
KNameLocalModule -> color Cyan
KNameFunction -> colorDull Yellow
KNameLocal -> mempty
KNameTopModule -> color Cyan
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ann where
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (TopModulePath)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
data Ann
= AnnKind S.NameKind
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
@ -19,8 +19,11 @@ renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream opts = reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
docStream opts =
reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run
. runReader opts
. ppCode
stylize :: Ann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ann
) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ann,
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra as NonEmpty
import Prettyprinter hiding (braces, parens)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (AbsModulePath)
import MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (AbsModulePath)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ann
import Prettyprinter hiding (braces, parens)
data Options = Options
_optShowNameId :: Bool,
{ _optShowNameId :: Bool,
_optInlineImports :: Bool,
_optIndent :: Int
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
_optShowNameId = False,
{ _optShowNameId = False,
_optInlineImports = False,
_optIndent = 2
@ -67,6 +66,9 @@ kwLambda = keyword Str.lambdaUnicode
kwGhc :: Doc Ann
kwGhc = keyword Str.ghc
kwAgda :: Doc Ann
kwAgda = keyword Str.agda
kwWhere :: Doc Ann
kwWhere = keyword Str.where_
@ -176,15 +178,21 @@ parens = enclose kwParenL kwParenR
doubleQuotes :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
doubleQuotes = enclose kwDQuote kwDQuote
ppModulePathType :: forall t s r. (SingI t, SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
ModulePathType s t -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
annotateKind :: S.NameKind -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annotateKind k = (annotate . AnnKind) k
ppModulePathType ::
forall t s r.
(SingI t, SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
ModulePathType s t ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppModulePathType x = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> ppCode x
SModuleTop -> ppCode x
SScoped -> case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> annSDef x <$> ppCode x
SModuleTop -> annSDef x <$> ppCode x
SModuleTop -> annSDef x <$> ppCode x
ppUnkindedSymbol :: Members '[Reader Options] r => Symbol -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppUnkindedSymbol = fmap (annotate AnnUnkindedSym) . ppSymbol
@ -197,63 +205,64 @@ ppSymbol = case sing :: SStage s of
groupStatements :: forall s. SingI s => [Statement s] -> [[Statement s]]
groupStatements = reverse . map reverse . uncurry cons . foldl' aux ([], [])
aux :: ([Statement s], [[Statement s]]) -> Statement s
-> ([Statement s], [[Statement s]])
aux ([], acc) s = ([s], acc)
aux (gr@(a : _), acc) b
| g a b = (b : gr, acc)
| otherwise = ([b], gr : acc)
-- | Decides if statements a and b should be next to each other without a
-- blank line
g :: Statement s -> Statement s -> Bool
g a b = case (a, b) of
(StatementCompile _, StatementCompile _) -> True
(StatementCompile _, _) -> False
(StatementForeign _, _) -> False
(StatementOperator _, StatementOperator _) -> True
(StatementOperator o, s) -> definesSymbol (opSymbol o) s
(StatementImport _, StatementImport _) -> True
(StatementImport i, StatementOpenModule o) -> case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> True
SScoped ->
S._nameId (_modulePath (importModule i)) ==
S._nameId (openModuleName o)
(StatementImport _, _) -> False
(StatementOpenModule {}, StatementOpenModule {}) -> True
(StatementOpenModule {}, _) -> False
(StatementInductive {}, _) -> False
(StatementModule {}, _) -> False
(StatementAxiom {}, StatementAxiom {}) -> True
(StatementAxiom {}, _) -> False
(StatementEval {}, StatementEval {}) -> True
(StatementEval {}, _) -> False
(StatementPrint {}, StatementPrint {}) -> True
(StatementPrint {}, _) -> False
(StatementTypeSignature sig, StatementFunctionClause fun) ->
case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _sigName sig == _clauseOwnerFunction fun
SScoped -> _sigName sig == _clauseOwnerFunction fun
(StatementTypeSignature {}, _) -> False
(StatementFunctionClause fun1, StatementFunctionClause fun2) ->
case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _clauseOwnerFunction fun1 == _clauseOwnerFunction fun2
SScoped -> _clauseOwnerFunction fun1 == _clauseOwnerFunction fun2
(StatementFunctionClause {}, _) -> False
definesSymbol :: Symbol -> Statement s -> Bool
definesSymbol n s = case s of
StatementTypeSignature sig ->
let sym = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _sigName sig
SScoped -> S._nameConcrete $ _sigName sig
in n == sym
StatementInductive d -> n `elem` syms d
_ -> False
syms :: InductiveDef s -> [Symbol]
syms InductiveDef {..} = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _inductiveName : map constructorName _inductiveConstructors
SScoped -> S._nameConcrete _inductiveName :
map (S._nameConcrete . constructorName) _inductiveConstructors
aux ::
([Statement s], [[Statement s]]) ->
Statement s ->
([Statement s], [[Statement s]])
aux ([], acc) s = ([s], acc)
aux (gr@(a : _), acc) b
| g a b = (b : gr, acc)
| otherwise = ([b], gr : acc)
-- Decides if statements a and b should be next to each other without a
-- blank line
g :: Statement s -> Statement s -> Bool
g a b = case (a, b) of
(StatementForeign _, _) -> False
(StatementOperator _, StatementOperator _) -> True
(StatementOperator o, s) -> definesSymbol (opSymbol o) s
(StatementImport _, StatementImport _) -> True
(StatementImport i, StatementOpenModule o) -> case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> True
SScoped ->
S._nameId (_modulePath (importModule i))
== S._nameId (projSigma2 _moduleRefName (o ^. openModuleName . unModuleRef'))
(StatementImport _, _) -> False
(StatementOpenModule {}, StatementOpenModule {}) -> True
(StatementOpenModule {}, _) -> False
(StatementInductive {}, _) -> False
(StatementModule {}, _) -> False
(StatementAxiom {}, StatementAxiom {}) -> True
(StatementAxiom {}, _) -> False
(StatementEval {}, StatementEval {}) -> True
(StatementEval {}, _) -> False
(StatementPrint {}, StatementPrint {}) -> True
(StatementPrint {}, _) -> False
(StatementTypeSignature sig, StatementFunctionClause fun) ->
case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _sigName sig == _clauseOwnerFunction fun
SScoped -> _sigName sig == _clauseOwnerFunction fun
(StatementTypeSignature {}, _) -> False
(StatementFunctionClause fun1, StatementFunctionClause fun2) ->
case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _clauseOwnerFunction fun1 == _clauseOwnerFunction fun2
SScoped -> _clauseOwnerFunction fun1 == _clauseOwnerFunction fun2
(StatementFunctionClause {}, _) -> False
definesSymbol :: Symbol -> Statement s -> Bool
definesSymbol n s = case s of
StatementTypeSignature sig ->
let sym = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _sigName sig
SScoped -> S._nameConcrete $ _sigName sig
in n == sym
StatementInductive d -> n `elem` syms d
_ -> False
syms :: InductiveDef s -> [Symbol]
syms InductiveDef {..} = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> _inductiveName : map _constructorName _inductiveConstructors
SScoped ->
S._nameConcrete _inductiveName :
map (S._nameConcrete . _constructorName) _inductiveConstructors
instance SingI s => PrettyCode [Statement s] where
ppCode ss = joinGroups <$> mapM (fmap mkGroup . mapM (fmap endSemicolon . ppCode)) (groupStatements ss)
@ -273,31 +282,36 @@ instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Statement s) where
StatementAxiom a -> ppCode a
StatementEval e -> ppCode e
StatementPrint p -> ppCode p
StatementCompile p -> ppCode p
StatementForeign p -> ppCode p
instance PrettyCode Backend where
ppCode = \case
BackendGhc -> return kwGhc
BackendAgda -> return kwAgda
instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
ppCode ForeignBlock {..} = do
_foreignBackend' <- ppCode _foreignBackend
return $ kwForeign <+> _foreignBackend' <+> lbrace <> line
<> pretty _foreignCode <> line <> rbrace
return $
kwForeign <+> _foreignBackend' <+> lbrace <> line
<> pretty _foreignCode
<> line
<> rbrace
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (CompileDef s) where
ppCode CompileDef {..} = do
_compileAxiom' <- ppSymbol _compileAxiom
_compileBackend' <- ppCode _compileBackend
_compileBackend' <- ppCode _compileBackend
return $ kwCompile <+> _compileAxiom' <+> _compileBackend' <+> ppStringLit _compileCode
instance PrettyCode BackendItem where
ppCode BackendItem {..} = do
backend <- ppCode _backendItemBackend
return $
backend <+> kwMapsto <+> ppStringLit _backendItemCode
ppStringLit :: Text -> Doc Ann
ppStringLit = annotate AnnLiteralString . doubleQuotes . pretty
ppTopModulePath :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
ModulePathType s 'ModuleTop -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppTopModulePath ::
forall s r.
(SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
ModulePathType s 'ModuleTop ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppTopModulePath = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
@ -322,27 +336,29 @@ instance PrettyCode AbsModulePath where
absTopModulePath' <- ppCode absTopModulePath
return $ dotted (absTopModulePath' : absLocalPath')
ppInductiveParameters :: (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
=> [InductiveParameter s] -> Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppInductiveParameters ::
(SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
[InductiveParameter s] ->
Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppInductiveParameters ps
| null ps = return Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> ppCode ps
instance (SingI s, SingI t) => PrettyCode (Module s t) where
ppCode Module {..} = do
moduleBody' <- ppCode _moduleBody >>= indented
modulePath' <- ppModulePathType _modulePath
moduleParameters' <- ppInductiveParameters _moduleParameters
return $
kwModule <+> modulePath' <+?> moduleParameters' <> kwSemicolon <> line
<> moduleBody'
<> line
<> kwEnd
<?> lastSemicolon
lastSemicolon = case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> Nothing
SModuleTop -> Just kwSemicolon
moduleBody' <- ppCode _moduleBody >>= indented
modulePath' <- ppModulePathType _modulePath
moduleParameters' <- ppInductiveParameters _moduleParameters
return $
kwModule <+> modulePath' <+?> moduleParameters' <> kwSemicolon <> line
<> moduleBody'
<> line
<> kwEnd
<?> lastSemicolon
lastSemicolon = case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> Nothing
SModuleTop -> Just (kwSemicolon <> line)
instance PrettyCode Precedence where
ppCode p = return $ case p of
@ -358,11 +374,11 @@ instance PrettyCode Fixity where
instance PrettyCode OperatorArity where
ppCode fixityArity = return $ case fixityArity of
Unary {} -> kwPostfix
Binary p -> case p of
AssocRight -> kwInfixr
AssocLeft -> kwInfixl
AssocNone -> kwInfix
Unary {} -> kwPostfix
Binary p -> case p of
AssocRight -> kwInfixr
AssocLeft -> kwInfixl
AssocNone -> kwInfix
instance PrettyCode OperatorSyntaxDef where
ppCode OperatorSyntaxDef {..} = do
@ -372,8 +388,8 @@ instance PrettyCode OperatorSyntaxDef where
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (InductiveConstructorDef s) where
ppCode InductiveConstructorDef {..} = do
constructorName' <- annDef constructorName <$> ppSymbol constructorName
constructorType' <- ppExpression constructorType
constructorName' <- annDef _constructorName <$> ppSymbol _constructorName
constructorType' <- ppExpression _constructorType
return $ constructorName' <+> kwColon <+> constructorType'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (InductiveDef s) where
@ -400,7 +416,7 @@ instance PrettyCode QualifiedName where
let symbols = pathParts _qualifiedPath NonEmpty.|> _qualifiedSymbol
dotted <$> mapM ppSymbol symbols
ppName :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => NameType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppName :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => IdentifierType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppName = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
@ -430,43 +446,49 @@ instance PrettyCode Name where
instance PrettyCode n => PrettyCode (S.Name' n) where
ppCode S.Name' {..} = do
nameConcrete' <- annotate (AnnKind _nameKind) <$> ppCode _nameConcrete
nameConcrete' <- annotateKind _nameKind <$> ppCode _nameConcrete
showNameId <- asks _optShowNameId
uid <- if showNameId then ("@" <>) <$> ppCode _nameId else return mempty
return $ annSRef (nameConcrete' <> uid)
annSRef :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annSRef = annotate (AnnRef (S.absTopModulePath _nameDefinedIn) _nameId)
instance PrettyCode ModuleRef where
ppCode = ppCode . projSigma2 _moduleRefName . (^. unModuleRef')
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (OpenModule s) where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => OpenModule s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode OpenModule {..} = do
openModuleName' <- ppName openModuleName
openUsingHiding' <- sequence $ ppUsingHiding <$> openUsingHiding
openModuleName' <- case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode _openModuleName
SScoped -> ppCode _openModuleName
openUsingHiding' <- sequence $ ppUsingHiding <$> _openUsingHiding
openParameters' <- ppOpenParams
let openPublic' = ppPublic
return $ keyword "open" <+> openModuleName' <+?> openParameters' <+?> openUsingHiding' <+?> openPublic'
ppAtom' = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCodeAtom
SScoped -> ppCodeAtom
ppOpenParams :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppOpenParams = case openParameters of
[] -> return Nothing
_ -> Just . hsep <$> mapM ppAtom' openParameters
ppUsingHiding :: UsingHiding -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppUsingHiding uh = do
bracedList <- encloseSep kwBraceL kwBraceR kwSemicolon . toList
<$> mapM ppUnkindedSymbol syms
return $ kw <+> bracedList
(kw, syms) = case uh of
Using s -> (kwUsing, s)
Hiding s -> (kwHiding, s)
ppPublic :: Maybe (Doc Ann)
ppPublic = case openPublic of
Public -> Just kwPublic
NoPublic -> Nothing
ppAtom' = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCodeAtom
SScoped -> ppCodeAtom
ppOpenParams :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppOpenParams = case _openParameters of
[] -> return Nothing
_ -> Just . hsep <$> mapM ppAtom' _openParameters
ppUsingHiding :: UsingHiding -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppUsingHiding uh = do
bracedList <-
encloseSep kwBraceL kwBraceR kwSemicolon . toList
<$> mapM ppUnkindedSymbol syms
return $ kw <+> bracedList
(kw, syms) = case uh of
Using s -> (kwUsing, s)
Hiding s -> (kwHiding, s)
ppPublic :: Maybe (Doc Ann)
ppPublic = case _openPublic of
Public -> Just kwPublic
NoPublic -> Nothing
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (TypeSignature s) where
ppCode TypeSignature {..} = do
@ -568,7 +590,10 @@ instance SingI s => PrettyCode (AxiomDef s) where
ppCode AxiomDef {..} = do
axiomName' <- ppSymbol _axiomName
axiomType' <- ppExpression _axiomType
return $ kwAxiom <+> axiomName' <+> kwColon <+> axiomType'
axiomBackendItems' <- case _axiomBackendItems of
[] -> return Nothing
bs -> Just <$> ppBlock bs
return $ kwAxiom <+> axiomName' <+> kwColon <+> axiomType' <+?> axiomBackendItems'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Eval s) where
ppCode (Eval p) = do
@ -587,22 +612,30 @@ instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Import s) where
inlineImport' <- inlineImport
return $ kwImport <+> modulePath' <+?> inlineImport'
ppModulePath = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode m
SScoped -> ppTopModulePath (m ^. modulePath)
jumpLines :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
jumpLines x = line <> x <> line
inlineImport :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
inlineImport = do
b <- asks _optInlineImports
if b then case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> return Nothing
SScoped -> ppCode m >>= fmap (Just . braces . jumpLines) . indented
else return Nothing
ppModulePath = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode m
SScoped -> ppTopModulePath (m ^. modulePath)
jumpLines :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
jumpLines x = line <> x <> line
inlineImport :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
inlineImport = do
b <- asks _optInlineImports
if b
then case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> return Nothing
SScoped -> ppCode m >>= fmap (Just . braces . jumpLines) . indented
else return Nothing
instance PrettyCode PatternScopedIden where
ppCode = \case
PatternScopedVar v -> ppCode v
PatternScopedConstructor c -> ppCode c
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (PatternAtom s) where
ppCode a = case a of
PatternAtomName n -> ppName n
PatternAtomIden n -> case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode n
SScoped -> ppCode n
PatternAtomWildcard -> return kwWildcard
PatternAtomEmpty -> return $ parens mempty
PatternAtomParens p -> parens <$> ppCode p
@ -610,12 +643,12 @@ instance SingI s => PrettyCode (PatternAtom s) where
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (PatternAtoms s) where
ppCode (PatternAtoms ps) = hsep . toList <$> mapM ppCode ps
ppPattern :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => PatternType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPattern :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => PatternType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPattern = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
ppPatternAtom :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => PatternType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternAtom :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => PatternType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternAtom = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCodeAtom
SScoped -> ppCodeAtom
@ -644,6 +677,26 @@ instance PrettyCode Literal where
LitInteger n -> return $ annotate AnnLiteralInteger (pretty n)
LitString s -> return $ ppStringLit s
instance PrettyCode AxiomRef where
ppCode a = ppCode (a ^. axiomRefName)
instance PrettyCode InductiveRef where
ppCode a = ppCode (a ^. inductiveRefName)
instance PrettyCode FunctionRef where
ppCode a = ppCode (a ^. functionRefName)
instance PrettyCode ConstructorRef where
ppCode a = ppCode (a ^. constructorRefName)
instance PrettyCode ScopedIden where
ppCode = \case
ScopedAxiom a -> ppCode a
ScopedInductive i -> ppCode i
ScopedVar n -> ppCode n
ScopedFunction f -> ppCode f
ScopedConstructor c -> ppCode c
instance PrettyCode Expression where
ppCode e = case e of
ExpressionIdentifier n -> ppCode n
@ -672,40 +725,52 @@ instance PrettyCode Pattern where
PatternInfixApplication i -> ppPatternInfixApp i
PatternPostfixApplication i -> ppPatternPostfixApp i
ppPatternInfixApp :: PatternInfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternInfixApp p@PatternInfixApp {..} = do
patInfixConstructor' <- ppCode patInfixConstructor
patInfixLeft' <- ppLeftExpression (getFixity p) patInfixLeft
patInfixRight' <- ppRightExpression (getFixity p) patInfixRight
return $ patInfixLeft' <+> patInfixConstructor' <+> patInfixRight'
ppPatternInfixApp :: PatternInfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternInfixApp p@PatternInfixApp {..} = do
patInfixConstructor' <- ppCode _patInfixConstructor
patInfixLeft' <- ppLeftExpression (getFixity p) _patInfixLeft
patInfixRight' <- ppRightExpression (getFixity p) _patInfixRight
return $ patInfixLeft' <+> patInfixConstructor' <+> patInfixRight'
ppPatternPostfixApp :: PatternPostfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternPostfixApp p@PatternPostfixApp {..} = do
patPostfixConstructor' <- ppCode patPostfixConstructor
patPostfixParameter' <- ppLeftExpression (getFixity p) patPostfixParameter
return $ patPostfixParameter' <+> patPostfixConstructor'
ppPatternPostfixApp :: PatternPostfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternPostfixApp p@PatternPostfixApp {..} = do
patPostfixConstructor' <- ppCode _patPostfixConstructor
patPostfixParameter' <- ppLeftExpression (getFixity p) _patPostfixParameter
return $ patPostfixParameter' <+> patPostfixConstructor'
parensCond :: Bool -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
parensCond t d = if t then parens d else d
ppPostExpression ::(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression = ppLRExpression isPostfixAssoc
ppRightExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression = ppLRExpression isRightAssoc
ppLeftExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression = ppLRExpression isLeftAssoc
:: (HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) -> Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression ::
(HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) ->
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression associates fixlr e =
parensCond (atomParens associates (atomicity e) fixlr)
<$> ppCode e
<$> ppCode e
ppCodeAtom :: (HasAtomicity c, PrettyCode c, Members '[Reader Options] r) => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCodeAtom c = do
@ -731,3 +796,18 @@ ppExpression :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Expression
ppExpression = case sing :: SStage s of
SScoped -> ppCode
SParsed -> ppCode
instance PrettyCode SymbolEntry where
ppCode ent = return (kindTag <+> pretty (entryName ent ^. S.nameVerbatim)
<+> "defined at" <+> pretty (getLoc ent))
pretty' :: Text -> Doc a
pretty' = pretty
kindTag = case ent of
EntryAxiom _ -> annotateKind S.KNameAxiom (pretty' Str.axiom)
EntryInductive _ -> annotateKind S.KNameInductive (pretty' Str.inductive)
EntryFunction _ -> annotateKind S.KNameFunction (pretty' Str.function)
EntryConstructor _ -> annotateKind S.KNameConstructor (pretty' Str.constructor)
EntryModule (ModuleRef' (isTop :&: _))
| SModuleTop <- isTop -> annotateKind S.KNameTopModule (pretty' Str.topModule)
| SModuleLocal <- isTop -> annotateKind S.KNameLocalModule (pretty' Str.localModule)
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html (genHtml, Theme(..)) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html (genHtml, Theme (..)) where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Utils
import Prettyprinter.Render.Util.SimpleDocTree
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text as Html
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as Html hiding (map)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as Attr
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Utils
import MiniJuvix.Utils.Paths
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Util.SimpleDocTree
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text as Html
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as Html hiding (map)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as Attr
data Theme =
data Theme
= Nord
| Ayu
deriving stock (Show)
@ -27,58 +27,65 @@ genHtml opts recursive theme entry = do
withCurrentDirectory htmlPath $ do
mapM_ outputModule allModules
| recursive = toList $ getAllModules entry
| otherwise = pure entry
htmlPath = "html"
| recursive = toList $ getAllModules entry
| otherwise = pure entry
htmlPath = "html"
copyAssetFiles :: IO ()
copyAssetFiles = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True toAssetsDir
mapM_ cpFile assetFiles
fromAssetsDir = $(assetsDir)
toAssetsDir = htmlPath </> "assets"
cpFile (fromDir, name, toDir) = copyFile (fromDir </> name) (toDir </> name)
assetFiles = [ (fromAssetsDir, name, toAssetsDir)
| name <- ["highlight.js"
, "source-ayu-light.css"
, "source-nord.css"]]
copyAssetFiles :: IO ()
copyAssetFiles = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True toAssetsDir
mapM_ cpFile assetFiles
fromAssetsDir = $(assetsDir)
toAssetsDir = htmlPath </> "assets"
cpFile (fromDir, name, toDir) = copyFile (fromDir </> name) (toDir </> name)
assetFiles =
[ (fromAssetsDir, name, toAssetsDir)
| name <-
[ "highlight.js",
outputModule :: Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> IO ()
outputModule m = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory htmlFile)
putStrLn $ "Writing " <> pack htmlFile
Text.writeFile htmlFile (genModule opts theme m)
htmlFile = dottedPath (S._nameConcrete (_modulePath m)) <.> ".html"
outputModule :: Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> IO ()
outputModule m = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory htmlFile)
putStrLn $ "Writing " <> pack htmlFile
Text.writeFile htmlFile (genModule opts theme m)
htmlFile = topModulePathToDottedPath (S._nameConcrete (_modulePath m)) <.> ".html"
genModule :: Options -> Theme -> Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> Text
genModule opts theme m =
toStrict $ Html.renderHtml $
docTypeHtml ! Attr.xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" $
<> mbody
toStrict $
Html.renderHtml $
docTypeHtml ! Attr.xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" $
<> mbody
themeCss = case theme of
Ayu -> ayuCss
Nord -> nordCss
prettySrc = (pre ! Attr.id "src-content")
$ renderTree $ treeForm $ docStream opts m
themeCss = case theme of
Ayu -> ayuCss
Nord -> nordCss
prettySrc =
(pre ! Attr.id "src-content") $
renderTree $ treeForm $ docStream opts m
mheader :: Html
mheader = Html.div ! Attr.id "package-header"
$ (Html.span ! Attr.class_ "caption" $ "")
mheader :: Html
mheader =
Html.div ! Attr.id "package-header" $
(Html.span ! Attr.class_ "caption" $ "")
mhead :: Html
mhead =
<> themeCss
<> highlightJs
mbody :: Html
mbody =
<> prettySrc
mhead :: Html
mhead =
<> themeCss
<> highlightJs
mbody :: Html
mbody =
<> prettySrc
docStream :: Options -> Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> SimpleDocStream Ann
docStream opts m = layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions (runPrettyCode opts m)
@ -88,65 +95,61 @@ renderTree = go
go :: SimpleDocTree Ann -> Html
go sdt = case sdt of
STEmpty -> mempty
STChar c -> toHtml c
STText _ t -> toHtml t
STLine s -> "\n" <> toHtml (textSpaces s)
STAnn ann content -> putTag ann (go content)
STConcat l -> mconcatMap go l
STEmpty -> mempty
STChar c -> toHtml c
STText _ t -> toHtml t
STLine s -> "\n" <> toHtml (textSpaces s)
STAnn ann content -> putTag ann (go content)
STConcat l -> mconcatMap go l
textSpaces :: Int -> Text
textSpaces n = Text.replicate n (Text.singleton ' ')
fromText :: IsString a => Text -> a
fromText = fromString . unpack
putTag :: Ann -> Html -> Html
putTag ann x = case ann of
AnnKind k -> tagKind k x
AnnLiteralInteger -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-number" $ x
AnnLiteralString -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-string" $ x
AnnKeyword -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-keyword" $ x
AnnUnkindedSym -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-var" $ x
AnnDelimiter -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-delimiter" $ x
AnnDef tmp ni -> tagDef tmp ni
AnnRef tmp ni -> tagRef tmp ni
AnnKind k -> tagKind k x
AnnLiteralInteger -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-number" $ x
AnnLiteralString -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-string" $ x
AnnKeyword -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-keyword" $ x
AnnUnkindedSym -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-var" $ x
AnnDelimiter -> Html.span ! Attr.class_ "ju-delimiter" $ x
AnnDef tmp ni -> tagDef tmp ni
AnnRef tmp ni -> tagRef tmp ni
tagDef :: TopModulePath -> S.NameId -> Html
tagDef tmp nid = Html.span ! Attr.id (nameIdAttr nid)
$ tagRef tmp nid
tagDef :: TopModulePath -> S.NameId -> Html
tagDef tmp nid =
Html.span ! Attr.id (nameIdAttr nid) $
tagRef tmp nid
tagRef tmp ni = Html.span ! Attr.class_ "annot"
$ a ! Attr.href (nameIdAttrRef tmp ni)
$ x
tagKind k = Html.span ! Attr.class_
(case k of
S.KNameConstructor -> "ju-constructor"
S.KNameInductive -> "ju-inductive"
S.KNameFunction -> "ju-function"
S.KNameLocal -> "ju-var"
S.KNameAxiom -> "ju-axiom"
S.KNameLocalModule -> "ju-var"
S.KNameTopModule -> "ju-var")
dottedPath :: IsString s => TopModulePath -> s
dottedPath (TopModulePath l r) =
fromText $ mconcat $ intersperse "." $ map fromSymbol $ l ++ [r]
fromSymbol Symbol {..} = _symbolText
tagRef tmp ni =
Html.span ! Attr.class_ "annot" $
a ! Attr.href (nameIdAttrRef tmp ni) $
tagKind k =
! Attr.class_
( case k of
S.KNameConstructor -> "ju-constructor"
S.KNameInductive -> "ju-inductive"
S.KNameFunction -> "ju-function"
S.KNameLocal -> "ju-var"
S.KNameAxiom -> "ju-axiom"
S.KNameLocalModule -> "ju-var"
S.KNameTopModule -> "ju-var"
nameIdAttr :: S.NameId -> AttributeValue
nameIdAttr (S.NameId k) = fromString . show $ k
nameIdAttrRef :: TopModulePath -> S.NameId -> AttributeValue
nameIdAttrRef tp s =
dottedPath tp <> ".html" <> preEscapedToValue '#' <> nameIdAttr s
topModulePathToDottedPath tp <> ".html" <> preEscapedToValue '#' <> nameIdAttr s
cssLink :: AttributeValue -> Html
cssLink css = link ! Attr.href css
! Attr.rel "stylesheet"
! Attr.type_ "text/css"
cssLink css =
link ! Attr.href css
! Attr.rel "stylesheet"
! Attr.type_ "text/css"
ayuCss :: Html
ayuCss = cssLink "assets/source-ayu-light.css"
@ -155,9 +158,10 @@ nordCss :: Html
nordCss = cssLink "assets/source-nord.css"
highlightJs :: Html
highlightJs = script ! Attr.src "assets/highlight.js"
! Attr.type_ "text/javascript"
$ mempty
highlightJs =
script ! Attr.src "assets/highlight.js"
! Attr.type_ "text/javascript"
$ mempty
metaUtf8 :: Html
metaUtf8 = meta ! Attr.charset "UTF-8"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Text where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text
@ -21,5 +21,8 @@ renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream Ann
docStream opts = layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
docStream opts =
layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run
. runReader opts
. ppCode
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scope where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
newtype LocalVariable = LocalVariable
{ variableName :: S.Symbol
@ -22,45 +23,60 @@ newtype SymbolInfo = SymbolInfo
deriving newtype (Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
type SymbolEntry = S.Name' ()
-- data SymbolEntry' = SymbolEntry' {
-- _entryNameInfo :: NameInfo
-- }
-- | Symbols that a module exports
newtype ExportInfo = ExportInfo {
_exportSymbols :: HashMap Symbol SymbolEntry
-- | A module entry for either a local or a top module.
type ModuleEntry = Σ ModuleIsTop (TyCon1 ModuleEntry')
mkModuleEntry :: SingI t => ModuleEntry' t -> ModuleEntry
mkModuleEntry = (sing :&:)
data ModuleEntry' (t :: ModuleIsTop) = ModuleEntry' {
_moduleEntryExport :: ExportInfo,
_moduleEntryScoped :: Module 'Scoped t
mkModuleRef' :: SingI t => ModuleRef'' 'S.NotConcrete t -> ModuleRef' 'S.NotConcrete
mkModuleRef' m = ModuleRef' (sing :&: m)
data Scope = Scope
{ _scopePath :: S.AbsModulePath,
_scopeFixities :: HashMap Symbol OperatorSyntaxDef,
_scopeSymbols :: HashMap Symbol SymbolInfo,
_scopeTopModules :: HashMap TopModulePath S.ModuleNameId,
_scopeTopModules :: HashMap TopModulePath (ModuleRef'' 'S.NotConcrete 'ModuleTop),
_scopeBindGroup :: HashMap Symbol LocalVariable
deriving stock (Show)
deriving stock (Show)
newtype FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo {
_functionInfoType :: Expression
newtype ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo {
_constructorInfoType :: Expression
data AxiomInfo = AxiomInfo {
_axiomInfoType :: Expression,
_axiomInfoBackends :: [BackendItem]
newtype InductiveInfo = InductiveInfo {
_inductiveInfoDef :: InductiveDef 'Scoped
data InfoTable = InfoTable {
_infoConstructors :: HashMap ConstructorRef ConstructorInfo,
_infoAxioms :: HashMap AxiomRef AxiomInfo,
_infoInductives :: HashMap InductiveRef InductiveInfo,
_infoFunctions :: HashMap FunctionRef FunctionInfo
instance Semigroup InfoTable where
(<>) = undefined
instance Monoid InfoTable where
mempty = undefined
makeLenses ''ExportInfo
makeLenses ''InfoTable
makeLenses ''InductiveInfo
makeLenses ''ConstructorInfo
makeLenses ''AxiomInfo
makeLenses ''FunctionInfo
makeLenses ''SymbolInfo
makeLenses ''LocalVars
makeLenses ''Scope
makeLenses ''ModuleEntry'
newtype ModulesCache = ModulesCache
{ _cachedModules :: HashMap TopModulePath (ModuleEntry' 'ModuleTop)
{ _cachedModules :: HashMap TopModulePath (ModuleRef'' 'S.NotConcrete 'ModuleTop)
makeLenses ''ModulesCache
@ -73,20 +89,31 @@ data ScopeParameters = ScopeParameters
-- | Used for import cycle detection.
_scopeTopParents :: [Import 'Parsed]
makeLenses ''ScopeParameters
data ScoperState = ScoperState
{ _scoperModulesCache :: ModulesCache,
_scoperFreeNames :: Stream S.NameId,
_scoperModules :: HashMap S.ModuleNameId ModuleEntry
_scoperModules :: HashMap S.ModuleNameId (ModuleRef' 'S.NotConcrete)
makeLenses ''ScoperState
emptyScope :: S.AbsModulePath -> Scope
emptyScope absPath = Scope
{ _scopePath = absPath,
_scopeFixities = mempty,
_scopeSymbols = mempty,
_scopeTopModules = mempty,
_scopeBindGroup = mempty
emptyScope absPath =
{ _scopePath = absPath,
_scopeFixities = mempty,
_scopeSymbols = mempty,
_scopeTopModules = mempty,
_scopeBindGroup = mempty
emptyInfoTable :: InfoTable
emptyInfoTable = InfoTable {
_infoConstructors = mempty,
_infoAxioms = mempty,
_infoInductives = mempty,
_infoFunctions = mempty
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper.Files where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
data Files m a where
ReadFile' :: FilePath -> Files m Text
@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ runFilesIO = interpret $ \case
runFilesPure :: HashMap FilePath Text -> Sem (Files ': r) a -> Sem r a
runFilesPure fs = interpret $ \case
(ReadFile' f) -> case HashMap.lookup f fs of
Nothing -> error $ pack $ "file " <> f <> " does not exist." <>
"\nThe contents of the mocked file system are:\n" <>
unlines (HashMap.keys fs)
Just c -> return c
Nothing ->
error $
pack $
"file " <> f <> " does not exist."
<> "\nThe contents of the mocked file system are:\n"
<> unlines (HashMap.keys fs)
Just c -> return c
(EqualPaths' _ _) -> return Nothing
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper.InfoTableBuilder where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scope
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name
data InfoTableBuilder m a where
RegisterAxiom :: AxiomDef 'Scoped -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
RegisterConstructor :: InductiveConstructorDef 'Scoped -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
RegisterInductive :: InductiveDef 'Scoped -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
RegisterFunction :: TypeSignature 'Scoped -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
makeSem ''InfoTableBuilder
registerFunction' ::
Member InfoTableBuilder r =>
TypeSignature 'Scoped -> Sem r (TypeSignature 'Scoped)
registerFunction' ts = registerFunction ts $> ts
registerInductive' :: Member InfoTableBuilder r =>
InductiveDef 'Scoped -> Sem r (InductiveDef 'Scoped)
registerInductive' i = registerInductive i $> i
registerConstructor' :: Member InfoTableBuilder r =>
InductiveConstructorDef 'Scoped -> Sem r (InductiveConstructorDef 'Scoped)
registerConstructor' c = registerConstructor c $> c
registerAxiom' :: Member InfoTableBuilder r =>
AxiomDef 'Scoped -> Sem r (AxiomDef 'Scoped)
registerAxiom' a = registerAxiom a $> a
toState :: Sem (InfoTableBuilder ': r) a -> Sem (State InfoTable ': r) a
toState = reinterpret $ \case
RegisterAxiom d ->
let ref = AxiomRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (d ^. axiomName))
info = AxiomInfo {
_axiomInfoType = d ^. axiomType,
_axiomInfoBackends = d ^. axiomBackendItems
in modify (over infoAxioms (HashMap.insert ref info))
RegisterConstructor c -> let
ref = ConstructorRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (c ^. constructorName))
info = ConstructorInfo {
_constructorInfoType = c ^. constructorType
in modify (over infoConstructors (HashMap.insert ref info)
RegisterInductive ity -> let
ref = InductiveRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (ity ^. inductiveName))
info = InductiveInfo {
_inductiveInfoDef = ity
in modify (over infoInductives (HashMap.insert ref info)
RegisterFunction f -> let
ref = FunctionRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (f ^. sigName))
info = FunctionInfo {
_functionInfoType = f ^. sigType
in modify (over infoFunctions (HashMap.insert ref info)
runInfoTableBuilder :: Sem (InfoTableBuilder ': r) a -> Sem r (InfoTable, a)
runInfoTableBuilder = runState emptyInfoTable . toState
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Utils where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
data ScopedModule = forall t. MkScopedModule (SModuleIsTop t) (Module 'Scoped t)
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ mkScopedModule = MkScopedModule sing
getAllModules :: Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> HashMap S.NameId (Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop)
getAllModules m =
HashMap.fromList $ singl m : [ singl n | Import n <- allImports (mkScopedModule m) ]
HashMap.fromList $ singl m : [singl n | Import n <- allImports (mkScopedModule m)]
allImports :: ScopedModule -> [Import 'Scoped]
allImports (MkScopedModule _ w) =
concat [ i : allImports (mkScopedModule t) | StatementImport i@(Import t) <- _moduleBody w ]
<> concatMap (allImports . mkScopedModule ) [ l | StatementModule l <- _moduleBody w]
singl :: Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> (S.NameId, Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop)
singl n = (S._nameId (_modulePath n), n)
allImports :: ScopedModule -> [Import 'Scoped]
allImports (MkScopedModule _ w) =
concat [i : allImports (mkScopedModule t) | StatementImport i@(Import t) <- _moduleBody w]
<> concatMap (allImports . mkScopedModule) [l | StatementModule l <- _moduleBody w]
singl :: Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> (S.NameId, Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop)
singl n = (S._nameId (_modulePath n), n)
getModuleFilePath :: Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> FilePath
getModuleFilePath = _intFile . getLoc . _modulePath
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.VisibilityAnn where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
data VisibilityAnn
= VisPublic
| VisPrivate
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
data Precedence =
data Precedence
= PrecMinusOmega
| PrecNat Natural
| PrecOmega
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Lift)
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ data Fixity = Fixity
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Lift)
data Atomicity =
data Atomicity
= Atom
| Aggregate Fixity
class HasAtomicity a where
@ -52,18 +52,18 @@ class HasFixity a where
isLeftAssoc :: Fixity -> Bool
isLeftAssoc opInf = case fixityArity opInf of
Binary AssocLeft -> True
_ -> False
Binary AssocLeft -> True
_ -> False
isRightAssoc :: Fixity -> Bool
isRightAssoc opInf = case fixityArity opInf of
Binary AssocRight -> True
_ -> False
Binary AssocRight -> True
_ -> False
isPostfixAssoc :: Fixity -> Bool
isPostfixAssoc opInf = case fixityArity opInf of
Unary AssocPostfix -> True
_ -> False
Unary AssocPostfix -> True
_ -> False
appFixity :: Fixity
appFixity = Fixity PrecOmega (Binary AssocLeft)
@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ atomParens :: (Fixity -> Bool) -> Atomicity -> Fixity -> Bool
atomParens associates argAtom opInf = case argAtom of
Atom -> False
Aggregate argInf
| argInf > opInf -> False
| argInf < opInf -> True
| associates opInf -> False
| otherwise -> True
| argInf > opInf -> False
| argInf < opInf -> True
| associates opInf -> False
| otherwise -> True
isAtomic :: HasAtomicity a => a -> Bool
isAtomic x = case atomicity x of
@ -1,25 +1,30 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name
) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name,
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (ForeignBlock (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (ForeignBlock(..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId(..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
type FunctionName = Name
type VarName = Name
type ConstrName = Name
type InductiveName = Name
data Name = Name {
_nameText :: Text,
data Name = Name
{ _nameText :: Text,
_nameId :: NameId,
_nameKind :: NameKind
makeLenses ''Name
instance Eq Name where
@ -39,25 +44,25 @@ data Module = Module
_moduleBody :: ModuleBody
data ModuleBody = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName (Indexed InductiveDef),
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName (Indexed FunctionDef),
_moduleForeign :: [Indexed ForeignBlock]
data ModuleBody = ModuleBody
{ _moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName (Indexed InductiveDef),
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName (Indexed FunctionDef),
_moduleForeigns :: [Indexed ForeignBlock]
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef {
_funDefName :: FunctionName,
_funDefTypeSig :: Type,
_funDefClauses :: NonEmpty FunctionClause
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef
{ _funDefName :: FunctionName,
_funDefTypeSig :: Type,
_funDefClauses :: NonEmpty FunctionClause
data FunctionClause = FunctionClause {
_clausePatterns :: [Pattern],
data FunctionClause = FunctionClause
{ _clausePatterns :: [Pattern],
_clauseBody :: Expression
data Iden =
IdenDefined Name
data Iden
= IdenFunction Name
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
@ -65,20 +70,20 @@ data Expression
= ExpressionIden Iden
| ExpressionApplication Application
data Application = Application {
_appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression
data Application = Application
{ _appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression
data Function = Function {
_funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
data Function = Function
{ _funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp {
_constrAppConstructor :: Name,
_constrAppParameters :: [Pattern]
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp
{ _constrAppConstructor :: Name,
_constrAppParameters :: [Pattern]
data Pattern
@ -96,12 +101,12 @@ data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
_constructorParameters :: [Type]
newtype TypeIden =
TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
newtype TypeIden
= TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
data Type =
TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
data Type
= TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''Function
@ -114,18 +119,20 @@ makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
instance Semigroup ModuleBody where
a <> b = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = a ^. moduleInductives <> b ^. moduleInductives,
_moduleFunctions = a ^. moduleFunctions <> b ^. moduleFunctions,
_moduleForeign = a ^. moduleForeign <> b ^. moduleForeign
a <> b =
{ _moduleInductives = a ^. moduleInductives <> b ^. moduleInductives,
_moduleFunctions = a ^. moduleFunctions <> b ^. moduleFunctions,
_moduleForeigns = a ^. moduleForeigns <> b ^. moduleForeigns
instance Monoid ModuleBody where
mempty = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = mempty,
_moduleForeign = mempty,
_moduleFunctions = mempty
mempty =
{ _moduleInductives = mempty,
_moduleForeigns = mempty,
_moduleFunctions = mempty
instance HasAtomicity Application where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
@ -145,8 +152,8 @@ instance HasAtomicity Type where
instance HasAtomicity ConstructorApp where
atomicity (ConstructorApp _ args)
| null args = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate appFixity
| null args = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate appFixity
instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
atomicity p = case p of
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
data Ann =
AnnKind NameKind
data Ann
= AnnKind NameKind
| AnnKeyword
| AnnLiteralString
| AnnLiteralInteger
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ansi where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Base
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream opts = reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
docStream opts =
reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run
. runReader opts
. ppCode
stylize :: Ann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-- TODO handle capital letters and characters not supported by Haskell.
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Base where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (ForeignBlock(..))
import qualified MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (Backend (..), ForeignBlock (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import Prettyprinter
newtype Options = Options
_optIndent :: Int
{ _optIndent :: Int
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options {
_optIndent = 2
defaultOptions =
{ _optIndent = 2
class PrettyCode c where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
instance PrettyCode Name where
ppCode n =
return $ annotate (AnnKind (n ^. nameKind))
$ pretty (n ^. nameText) <> "_" <> pretty (n ^. nameId)
return $
annotate (AnnKind (n ^. nameKind)) $
pretty (n ^. nameText) <> "_" <> pretty (n ^. nameId)
instance PrettyCode Iden where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => Iden -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode i = case i of
IdenDefined na -> ppCode na
IdenConstructor na -> ppCode na
IdenVar na -> ppCode na
IdenFunction na -> ppCode na
IdenConstructor na -> ppCode na
IdenVar na -> ppCode na
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode a = do
@ -52,6 +52,16 @@ keyword = annotate AnnKeyword . pretty
kwArrow :: Doc Ann
kwArrow = keyword Str.toAscii
kwForeign :: Doc Ann
kwForeign = keyword Str.foreign_
kwAgda :: Doc Ann
kwAgda = keyword Str.agda
kwGhc :: Doc Ann
kwGhc = keyword Str.ghc
kwData :: Doc Ann
kwData = keyword Str.data_
@ -119,60 +129,84 @@ instance PrettyCode FunctionDef where
funDefName' <- ppCode (f ^. funDefName)
funDefTypeSig' <- ppCode (f ^. funDefTypeSig)
clauses' <- mapM (ppClause funDefName') (f ^. funDefClauses)
return $ funDefName' <+> kwColonColon <+> funDefTypeSig' <> line
<> vsep (toList clauses')
ppClause fun c = do
clausePatterns' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. clausePatterns)
clauseBody' <- ppCode (c ^. clauseBody)
return $ fun <+> hsep clausePatterns' <+> kwEquals <+> clauseBody'
return $
funDefName' <+> kwColonColon <+> funDefTypeSig' <> line
<> vsep (toList clauses')
ppClause fun c = do
clausePatterns' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. clausePatterns)
clauseBody' <- ppCode (c ^. clauseBody)
return $ fun <+> hsep clausePatterns' <+> kwEquals <+> clauseBody'
instance PrettyCode Backend where
ppCode = \case
BackendGhc -> return kwGhc
BackendAgda -> return kwAgda
instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
ppCode ForeignBlock {..} = do
_foreignBackend' <- ppCode _foreignBackend
return $ kwForeign <+> _foreignBackend' <+> lbrace <> line
<> pretty _foreignCode <> line <> rbrace
return $
kwForeign <+> _foreignBackend' <+> lbrace <> line
<> pretty _foreignCode
<> line
<> rbrace
-- TODO Jonathan review
instance PrettyCode ModuleBody where
ppCode m = do
types' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleInductives))
funs' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleFunctions))
let foreigns' = m ^. moduleForeign
let everything = map (^. indexedThing) (sortOn (^. indexedIx) (types' ++ funs'))
foreigns' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleForeigns))
let everything = map (^. indexedThing) (sortOn (^. indexedIx) (types' ++ funs' ++ foreigns'))
return $ vsep2 everything
vsep2 = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)
vsep2 = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)
instance PrettyCode Module where
ppCode m = do
name' <- ppCode (m ^. moduleName)
body' <- ppCode (m ^. moduleBody)
return $ kwModule <+> name' <+> kwWhere
<> line <> line <> body' <> line
return $
kwModule <+> name' <+> kwWhere
<> line
<> line
<> body'
<> line
parensCond :: Bool -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
parensCond t d = if t then parens d else d
ppPostExpression ::(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression = ppLRExpression isPostfixAssoc
ppRightExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression = ppLRExpression isRightAssoc
ppLeftExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression = ppLRExpression isLeftAssoc
:: (HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) -> Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression ::
(HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) ->
Fixity ->
a ->
Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression associates fixlr e =
parensCond (atomParens associates (atomicity e) fixlr)
<$> ppCode e
<$> ppCode e
ppCodeAtom :: (HasAtomicity c, PrettyCode c, Members '[Reader Options] r) => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCodeAtom c = do
@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name
) where
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
( module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name,
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId(..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
type FunctionName = Name
type VarName = Name
type ConstrName = Name
type InductiveName = Name
data Name = Name {
_nameText :: Text,
data Name = Name
{ _nameText :: Text,
_nameKind :: NameKind
makeLenses ''Name
instance HasNameKind Name where
@ -28,23 +33,23 @@ data Module = Module
_moduleBody :: ModuleBody
newtype ModuleBody = ModuleBody {
_moduleStatements :: [Statement]
newtype ModuleBody = ModuleBody
{ _moduleStatements :: [Statement]
deriving newtype (Monoid, Semigroup)
data Statement =
StatementInductiveDef InductiveDef
data Statement
= StatementInductiveDef InductiveDef
| StatementFunctionDef FunctionDef
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef {
_funDefName :: FunctionName,
_funDefTypeSig :: Type,
_funDefClauses :: NonEmpty FunctionClause
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef
{ _funDefName :: FunctionName,
_funDefTypeSig :: Type,
_funDefClauses :: NonEmpty FunctionClause
data FunctionClause = FunctionClause {
_clausePatterns :: [Pattern],
data FunctionClause = FunctionClause
{ _clausePatterns :: [Pattern],
_clauseBody :: Expression
@ -53,22 +58,23 @@ type Iden = Name
data Expression
= ExpressionIden Iden
| ExpressionApplication Application
-- TODO Add a constructor for literals
data Application = Application {
_appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression
-- TODO Add a constructor for literals
data Application = Application
{ _appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression
data Function = Function {
_funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
data Function = Function
{ _funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp {
_constrAppConstructor :: Name,
_constrAppParameters :: [Pattern]
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp
{ _constrAppConstructor :: Name,
_constrAppParameters :: [Pattern]
data Pattern
@ -88,9 +94,9 @@ data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
type TypeIden = InductiveName
data Type =
TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
data Type
= TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''Function
@ -120,8 +126,8 @@ instance HasAtomicity Type where
instance HasAtomicity ConstructorApp where
atomicity (ConstructorApp _ args)
| null args = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate appFixity
| null args = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate appFixity
instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
atomicity p = case p of
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Ann where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
data Ann =
AnnKind NameKind
data Ann
= AnnKind NameKind
| AnnKeyword
| AnnLiteralString
| AnnLiteralInteger
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Ansi where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Base
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream opts = reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
docStream opts =
reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run
. runReader opts
. ppCode
stylize :: Ann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
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