mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 08:25:46 +03:00
[pretty] refactor to use PrettyCode type class extensively
This commit is contained in:
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ go c = case c of
root <- getCurrentDirectory
m <- parseModuleIO _scopeInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1 root m
M.printTopModule (mkPrettyOptions opts) s
M.printPrettyCode (mkPrettyOptions opts) s
Parse ParseOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _parseInputFile
if _parseNoPrettyShow then print m else pPrint m
@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameKind (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
printTopModuleDefault :: Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> IO ()
printTopModuleDefault = printTopModule defaultOptions
printPrettyCodeDefault :: PrettyCode c => c -> IO ()
printPrettyCodeDefault = printPrettyCode defaultOptions
printTopModule :: Options -> Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> IO ()
printTopModule opts m = renderIO stdout docStream'
docStream :: SimpleDocStream Ann
docStream = layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions (prettyTopModule opts m)
docStream' :: SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream' = reAnnotateS stylize docStream
printPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> IO ()
printPrettyCode = hPrintPrettyCode stdout
hPrintPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Handle -> Options -> c -> IO ()
hPrintPrettyCode h opts = renderIO h . docStream opts
renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream opts = reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
stylize :: Ann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ann
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ import Prettyprinter hiding (braces, parens)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ann
data Options = Options
{ _optOptimizeParens :: Bool,
_optShowNameId :: Bool,
_optInlineImports :: Bool,
_optIndent :: Int
@ -21,17 +20,17 @@ data Options = Options
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
{ _optOptimizeParens = True,
_optShowNameId = False,
_optInlineImports = False,
_optIndent = 2
type IsStage s = (SingI s, PrettyCode (ExpressionType s), Eq (SymbolType s), HasFixity (ExpressionType s))
class PrettyCode a where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
-- | Pretty prints a top module.
prettyTopModule :: IsStage s => Options -> Module s 'ModuleTop -> Doc Ann
prettyTopModule opts = run . runReader opts . ppModule
runPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Doc Ann
runPrettyCode opts = run . runReader opts . ppCode
infixl 7 <+?>
(<+?>) :: Doc ann -> Maybe (Doc ann) -> Doc ann
@ -168,28 +167,25 @@ braces = enclose kwBraceL kwBraceR
parens :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
parens = enclose kwParenL kwParenR
ppModulePathType :: forall t s r. (SingI t, IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
ppModulePathType :: forall t s r. (SingI t, SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
ModulePathType s t -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppModulePathType x = case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleTop -> case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCTopModulePath x
SScoped -> annSDef x <$> ppTopModulePath x
SModuleLocal -> case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCSymbol x
SScoped -> ppSSymbol x
ppModulePathType x = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> ppCode x
SModuleTop -> ppCode x
SScoped -> case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> annSDef x <$> ppCode x
SModuleTop -> annSDef x <$> ppCode x
ppUnkindedSymbol :: Members '[Reader Options] r => Symbol -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppUnkindedSymbol = fmap (annotate AnnUnkindedSym) . ppSymbol
ppSymbol :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => SymbolType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppSymbol = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCSymbol
SScoped -> ppSSymbol
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
ppCSymbol :: Members '[Reader Options] r => Symbol -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCSymbol Symbol {..} = return (pretty _symbolText)
groupStatements :: forall s. IsStage s => [Statement s] -> [[Statement s]]
groupStatements :: forall s. SingI s => [Statement s] -> [[Statement s]]
groupStatements = reverse . map reverse . uncurry cons . foldl' aux ([], [])
aux :: ([Statement s], [[Statement s]]) -> Statement s
@ -220,10 +216,14 @@ groupStatements = reverse . map reverse . uncurry cons . foldl' aux ([], [])
(StatementPrint {}, StatementPrint {}) -> True
(StatementPrint {}, _) -> False
(StatementTypeSignature sig, StatementFunctionClause fun) ->
sigName sig == clauseOwnerFunction fun
case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> sigName sig == clauseOwnerFunction fun
SScoped -> sigName sig == clauseOwnerFunction fun
(StatementTypeSignature {}, _) -> False
(StatementFunctionClause fun1, StatementFunctionClause fun2) ->
clauseOwnerFunction fun1 == clauseOwnerFunction fun2
case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> clauseOwnerFunction fun1 == clauseOwnerFunction fun2
SScoped -> clauseOwnerFunction fun1 == clauseOwnerFunction fun2
(StatementFunctionClause {}, _) -> False
definesSymbol :: Symbol -> Statement s -> Bool
definesSymbol n s = case s of
@ -241,142 +241,132 @@ groupStatements = reverse . map reverse . uncurry cons . foldl' aux ([], [])
SScoped -> S._nameConcrete inductiveName :
map (S._nameConcrete . constructorName) inductiveConstructors
instance SingI s => PrettyCode [Statement s] where
ppCode ss = joinGroups <$> mapM (fmap mkGroup . mapM (fmap endSemicolon . ppCode)) (groupStatements ss)
mkGroup = vsep
joinGroups = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)
ppStatements :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
=> [Statement s] -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppStatements ss = joinGroups <$> mapM (fmap mkGroup . mapM (fmap endSemicolon . ppStatement)) (groupStatements ss)
mkGroup = vsep
joinGroups = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)
ppStatement :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Statement s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppStatement s = case s of
StatementOperator op -> ppOperatorSyntaxDef op
StatementTypeSignature sig -> ppTypeSignature sig
StatementImport i -> ppImport i
StatementInductive d -> ppInductiveDef d
StatementModule m -> ppModule m
StatementOpenModule o -> ppOpen o
StatementFunctionClause c -> ppFunctionClause c
StatementAxiom a -> ppAxiom a
StatementEval e -> ppEval e
StatementPrint p -> ppPrint p
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Statement s) where
ppCode s = case s of
StatementOperator op -> ppCode op
StatementTypeSignature sig -> ppCode sig
StatementImport i -> ppCode i
StatementInductive d -> ppCode d
StatementModule m -> ppCode m
StatementOpenModule o -> ppCode o
StatementFunctionClause c -> ppCode c
StatementAxiom a -> ppCode a
StatementEval e -> ppCode e
StatementPrint p -> ppCode p
ppTopModulePath :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
ModulePathType s 'ModuleTop -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppTopModulePath = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCTopModulePath
SScoped -> ppSTopModulePath
ppCTopModulePath :: Members '[Reader Options] r => TopModulePath -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCTopModulePath TopModulePath {..} =
dotted <$> mapM ppSymbol (modulePathDir ++ [modulePathName])
ppSTopModulePath :: Members '[Reader Options] r => S.TopModulePath -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppSTopModulePath = ppSName' ppTopModulePath
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
endSemicolon :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
endSemicolon x = x <> kwSemicolon
ppInductiveParameters :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (InductiveParameter s) where
ppCode InductiveParameter {..} = do
inductiveParameterName' <- annDef inductiveParameterName <$> ppSymbol inductiveParameterName
inductiveParameterType' <- case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode inductiveParameterType
SScoped -> ppCode inductiveParameterType
return $ parens (inductiveParameterName' <+> kwColon <+> inductiveParameterType')
instance SingI s => PrettyCode [InductiveParameter s] where
ppCode = fmap hsep . mapM ppCode
ppInductiveParameters :: (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
=> [InductiveParameter s] -> Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppInductiveParameters =
fmap (fmap (hsep . toList) . nonEmpty) . mapM ppInductiveParameter
ppInductiveParameters ps
| null ps = return Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> ppCode ps
ppModule :: forall t r s. (SingI t, IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
=> Module s t -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppModule Module {..} = do
moduleBody' <- ppStatements moduleBody >>= indented
modulePath' <- ppModulePathType modulePath
moduleParameters' <- ppInductiveParameters moduleParameters
return $
kwModule <+> modulePath' <+?> moduleParameters' <> kwSemicolon <> line
<> moduleBody'
<> line
<> kwEnd
<?> lastSemicolon
lastSemicolon = case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> Nothing
SModuleTop -> Just kwSemicolon
ppPrecedence :: Precedence -> Doc Ann
ppPrecedence p = annotate AnnNumber $ case p of
PrecMinusOmega -> pretty ("-ω" :: Text)
PrecNat n -> pretty n
PrecOmega -> pretty ("ω" :: Text)
ppOperatorSyntaxDef :: Members '[Reader Options] r => OperatorSyntaxDef -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppOperatorSyntaxDef OperatorSyntaxDef {..} = do
opSymbol' <- ppUnkindedSymbol opSymbol
return $ ppFixity opFixity <+> opSymbol'
ppFixity :: Fixity -> Doc Ann
ppFixity Fixity {..} =
ppArity <+> ppPrecedence fixityPrecedence
instance (SingI s, SingI t) => PrettyCode (Module s t) where
ppCode Module {..} = do
moduleBody' <- ppCode moduleBody >>= indented
modulePath' <- ppModulePathType modulePath
moduleParameters' <- ppInductiveParameters moduleParameters
return $
kwModule <+> modulePath' <+?> moduleParameters' <> kwSemicolon <> line
<> moduleBody'
<> line
<> kwEnd
<?> lastSemicolon
ppArity :: Doc Ann
ppArity = case fixityArity of
Unary {} -> kwPostfix
Binary p -> case p of
AssocRight -> kwInfixr
AssocLeft -> kwInfixl
AssocNone -> kwInfix
lastSemicolon = case sing :: SModuleIsTop t of
SModuleLocal -> Nothing
SModuleTop -> Just kwSemicolon
ppInductiveConstructorDef :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
=> InductiveConstructorDef s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppInductiveConstructorDef InductiveConstructorDef {..} = do
constructorName' <- annDef constructorName <$> ppSymbol constructorName
constructorType' <- ppExpression constructorType
return $ constructorName' <+> kwColon <+> constructorType'
instance PrettyCode Precedence where
ppCode p = return $ annotate AnnNumber $ case p of
PrecMinusOmega -> pretty ("-ω" :: Text)
PrecNat n -> pretty n
PrecOmega -> pretty ("ω" :: Text)
ppInductiveDef :: forall r s. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) =>
InductiveDef s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppInductiveDef InductiveDef {..} = do
inductiveName' <- annDef inductiveName <$> ppSymbol inductiveName
inductiveParameters' <- ppInductiveParameters inductiveParameters
inductiveType' <- ppTypeType
inductiveConstructors' <- ppBlock ppInductiveConstructorDef inductiveConstructors
return $
kwInductive <+> inductiveName' <+?> inductiveParameters' <+?> inductiveType'
<+> inductiveConstructors'
ppTypeType :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppTypeType = case inductiveType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just e -> Just . (kwColon <+>) <$> ppExpression e
instance PrettyCode Fixity where
ppCode Fixity {..} = do
fixityPrecedence' <- ppCode fixityPrecedence
fixityArity' <- ppCode fixityArity
return $ fixityArity' <+> fixityPrecedence'
ppInductiveParameter :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => InductiveParameter s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppInductiveParameter InductiveParameter {..} = do
inductiveParameterName' <- annDef inductiveParameterName <$> ppSymbol inductiveParameterName
inductiveParameterType' <- ppExpression inductiveParameterType
return $ parens (inductiveParameterName' <+> kwColon <+> inductiveParameterType')
instance PrettyCode OperatorArity where
ppCode fixityArity = return $ case fixityArity of
Unary {} -> kwPostfix
Binary p -> case p of
AssocRight -> kwInfixr
AssocLeft -> kwInfixl
AssocNone -> kwInfix
instance PrettyCode OperatorSyntaxDef where
ppCode OperatorSyntaxDef {..} = do
opSymbol' <- ppUnkindedSymbol opSymbol
opFixity' <- ppCode opFixity
return $ opFixity' <+> opSymbol'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (InductiveConstructorDef s) where
ppCode InductiveConstructorDef {..} = do
constructorName' <- annDef constructorName <$> ppSymbol constructorName
constructorType' <- ppExpression constructorType
return $ constructorName' <+> kwColon <+> constructorType'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (InductiveDef s) where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => InductiveDef s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode InductiveDef {..} = do
inductiveName' <- annDef inductiveName <$> ppSymbol inductiveName
inductiveParameters' <- ppInductiveParameters inductiveParameters
inductiveType' <- ppTypeType
inductiveConstructors' <- ppBlock inductiveConstructors
return $
kwInductive <+> inductiveName' <+?> inductiveParameters' <+?> inductiveType'
<+> inductiveConstructors'
ppTypeType :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppTypeType = case inductiveType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just e -> Just . (kwColon <+>) <$> ppExpression e
dotted :: Foldable f => f (Doc Ann) -> Doc Ann
dotted = concatWith (surround kwDot)
ppQualified :: Members '[Reader Options] r => QualifiedName -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppQualified QualifiedName {..} = do
let symbols = pathParts qualifiedPath NonEmpty.|> qualifiedSymbol
dotted <$> mapM ppSymbol symbols
instance PrettyCode QualifiedName where
ppCode QualifiedName {..} = do
let symbols = pathParts qualifiedPath NonEmpty.|> qualifiedSymbol
dotted <$> mapM ppSymbol symbols
ppName :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => NameType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppName = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCName
SScoped -> ppSName
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
ppCName :: Members '[Reader Options] r => Name -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCName n = case n of
NameUnqualified s -> ppSymbol s
NameQualified s -> ppQualified s
instance PrettyCode S.NameId where
ppCode (S.NameId k) = return $ pretty k
ppNameId :: S.NameId -> Doc Ann
ppNameId (S.NameId k) = pretty k
ppSSymbol :: Members '[Reader Options] r => S.Symbol -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppSSymbol = ppSName' ppSymbol
annDef :: forall s. IsStage s => SymbolType s -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annDef :: forall s. SingI s => SymbolType s -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annDef nm = case sing :: SStage s of
SScoped -> annSDef nm
SParsed -> id
@ -387,199 +377,204 @@ annSDef nm = annotate (AnnDef (S.absTopModulePath (S._nameDefinedIn nm)) (S._nam
annSRef :: S.Name' n -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annSRef nm = annotate (AnnRef (S.absTopModulePath (S._nameDefinedIn nm)) (S._nameId nm))
annRef :: forall s. IsStage s => SymbolType s -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annRef :: forall s. SingI s => SymbolType s -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
annRef nm = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> id
SScoped -> annSRef nm
ppSName :: Members '[Reader Options] r => S.Name -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppSName nm = annSRef nm <$> ppSName' ppName nm
instance PrettyCode TopModulePath where
ppCode TopModulePath {..} =
dotted <$> mapM ppSymbol (modulePathDir ++ [modulePathName])
ppSName' :: Members '[Reader Options] r => (s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)) -> S.Name' s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppSName' ppConcrete S.Name' {..} = do
nameConcrete' <- annotate (AnnKind _nameKind) <$> ppConcrete _nameConcrete
showNameId <- asks _optShowNameId
let uid = if showNameId then "@" <> ppNameId _nameId else mempty
return $ nameConcrete' <> uid
instance PrettyCode Symbol where
ppCode = return . pretty . _symbolText
ppAtom :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => ExpressionType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppAtom e = parensCond (isAtomic e) <$> ppExpression e
instance PrettyCode Name where
ppCode n = case n of
NameUnqualified s -> ppSymbol s
NameQualified s -> ppCode s
ppOpen :: forall s r. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
=> OpenModule s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppOpen OpenModule {..} = do
openModuleName' <- ppName openModuleName
openUsingHiding' <- sequence $ ppUsingHiding <$> openUsingHiding
openParameters' <- ppOpenParams
let openPublic' = ppPublic
return $ keyword "open" <+> openModuleName' <+?> openParameters' <+?> openUsingHiding' <+?> openPublic'
ppOpenParams :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppOpenParams = case openParameters of
[] -> return Nothing
_ -> Just . hsep <$> mapM ppAtom openParameters
ppUsingHiding :: UsingHiding -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppUsingHiding uh = do
bracedList <- encloseSep kwBraceL kwBraceR kwSemicolon . toList
<$> mapM ppUnkindedSymbol syms
return $ kw <+> bracedList
instance PrettyCode n => PrettyCode (S.Name' n) where
ppCode S.Name' {..} = do
nameConcrete' <- annotate (AnnKind _nameKind) <$> ppCode _nameConcrete
showNameId <- asks _optShowNameId
uid <- if showNameId then ("@" <>) <$> ppCode _nameId else return mempty
return $ nameConcrete' <> uid
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (OpenModule s) where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => OpenModule s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode OpenModule {..} = do
openModuleName' <- ppName openModuleName
openUsingHiding' <- sequence $ ppUsingHiding <$> openUsingHiding
openParameters' <- ppOpenParams
let openPublic' = ppPublic
return $ keyword "open" <+> openModuleName' <+?> openParameters' <+?> openUsingHiding' <+?> openPublic'
(kw, syms) = case uh of
Using s -> (kwUsing, s)
Hiding s -> (kwHiding, s)
ppPublic :: Maybe (Doc Ann)
ppPublic = case openPublic of
Public -> Just kwPublic
NoPublic -> Nothing
ppTypeSignature :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => TypeSignature s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppTypeSignature TypeSignature {..} = do
sigName' <- annDef sigName <$> ppSymbol sigName
sigType' <- ppExpression sigType
return $ sigName' <+> kwColon <+> sigType'
ppFunction :: forall s r. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Function s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppFunction Function {..} = do
funParameter' <- ppFunParameter funParameter
funReturn' <- ppRightExpression funFixity funReturn
return $ funParameter' <+> kwArrowR <+> funReturn'
ppUsage :: Maybe Usage -> Doc Ann
ppUsage m = case m of
Nothing -> kwColon
Just u -> case u of
UsageNone -> kwColonZero
UsageOnce -> kwColonOne
UsageOmega -> kwColonOmega
ppFunParameter :: FunctionParameter s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppFunParameter FunctionParameter {..} = do
case paramName of
Nothing -> ppLeftExpression funFixity paramType
Just n -> do
paramName' <- annDef n <$> ppSymbol n
paramType' <- ppExpression paramType
return $ parens (paramName' <+> ppUsage paramUsage <+> paramType')
ppUniverse :: Members '[Reader Options] r => Universe -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppUniverse (Universe n) = return $ kwType <+?> (pretty <$> n)
ppLetBlock :: forall s r. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => LetBlock s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLetBlock LetBlock {..} = do
letClauses' <- ppBlock ppLetClause letClauses
letExpression' <- ppExpression letExpression
return $ kwLet <+> letClauses' <+> kwIn <+> letExpression'
ppLetClause :: LetClause s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLetClause c = case c of
LetTypeSig sig -> ppTypeSignature sig
LetFunClause cl -> ppFunctionClause cl
ppBlock :: Members '[Reader Options] r => (a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)) -> [a] -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppBlock ppItem items = mapM (fmap endSemicolon . ppItem) items >>= bracesIndent . vsep
ppMatch :: forall s r. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Match s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppMatch Match {..} = do
matchExpression' <- ppExpression matchExpression
matchAlts' <- ppBlock ppMatchAlt matchAlts
return $ kwMatch <+> matchExpression' <+> matchAlts'
ppMatchAlt :: MatchAlt s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppMatchAlt MatchAlt {..} = do
matchAltPattern' <- ppPattern matchAltPattern
matchAltBody' <- ppExpression matchAltBody
return $ matchAltPattern' <+> kwMapsto <+> matchAltBody'
ppLambda :: forall r s. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Lambda s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLambda Lambda {..} = do
lambdaClauses' <- ppBlock ppLambdaClause lambdaClauses
return $ kwLambda <+> lambdaClauses'
ppLambdaClause :: LambdaClause s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLambdaClause LambdaClause {..} = do
lambdaParameters' <- hsep . toList <$> mapM ppPattern lambdaParameters
lambdaBody' <- ppExpression lambdaBody
return $ lambdaParameters' <+> kwMapsto <+> lambdaBody'
ppFunctionClause :: forall r s. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r)
=> FunctionClause s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppFunctionClause FunctionClause {..} = do
clauseOwnerFunction' <- annRef clauseOwnerFunction <$> ppSymbol clauseOwnerFunction
clausePatterns' <- case nonEmpty clausePatterns of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just ne -> Just . hsep . toList <$> mapM ppPattern ne
clauseBody' <- ppExpression clauseBody
clauseWhere' <- sequence (ppWhereBlock <$> clauseWhere)
return $
clauseOwnerFunction' <+?> clausePatterns' <+> kwAssignment <+> clauseBody'
<+?> ((line <>) <$> clauseWhere')
ppWhereBlock :: WhereBlock s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppWhereBlock WhereBlock {..} =
ppBlock ppWhereClause whereClauses >>= indented . (kwWhere <+>)
ppAtom' = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCodeAtom
SScoped -> ppCodeAtom
ppOpenParams :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
ppOpenParams = case openParameters of
[] -> return Nothing
_ -> Just . hsep <$> mapM ppAtom' openParameters
ppUsingHiding :: UsingHiding -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppUsingHiding uh = do
bracedList <- encloseSep kwBraceL kwBraceR kwSemicolon . toList
<$> mapM ppUnkindedSymbol syms
return $ kw <+> bracedList
ppWhereClause :: WhereClause s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppWhereClause c = case c of
WhereOpenModule o -> ppOpen o
WhereTypeSig sig -> ppTypeSignature sig
WhereFunClause fun -> ppFunctionClause fun
(kw, syms) = case uh of
Using s -> (kwUsing, s)
Hiding s -> (kwHiding, s)
ppPublic :: Maybe (Doc Ann)
ppPublic = case openPublic of
Public -> Just kwPublic
NoPublic -> Nothing
ppAxiom :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => AxiomDef s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppAxiom AxiomDef {..} = do
axiomName' <- ppSymbol axiomName
axiomType' <- ppExpression axiomType
return $ kwAxiom <+> axiomName' <+> kwColon <+> axiomType'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (TypeSignature s) where
ppCode TypeSignature {..} = do
sigName' <- annDef sigName <$> ppSymbol sigName
sigType' <- ppExpression sigType
return $ sigName' <+> kwColon <+> sigType'
ppEval :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Eval s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppEval (Eval p) = do
p' <- ppExpression p
return $ kwEval <+> p'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Function s) where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => Function s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode Function {..} = do
funParameter' <- ppFunParameter funParameter
funReturn' <- ppRightExpression' funFixity funReturn
return $ funParameter' <+> kwArrowR <+> funReturn'
ppRightExpression' = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppRightExpression
SScoped -> ppRightExpression
ppLeftExpression' = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppLeftExpression
SScoped -> ppLeftExpression
ppUsage :: Maybe Usage -> Doc Ann
ppUsage m = case m of
Nothing -> kwColon
Just u -> case u of
UsageNone -> kwColonZero
UsageOnce -> kwColonOne
UsageOmega -> kwColonOmega
ppFunParameter :: FunctionParameter s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppFunParameter FunctionParameter {..} = do
case paramName of
Nothing -> ppLeftExpression' funFixity paramType
Just n -> do
paramName' <- annDef n <$> ppSymbol n
paramType' <- ppExpression paramType
return $ parens (paramName' <+> ppUsage paramUsage <+> paramType')
ppPrint :: (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Print s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPrint (Print p) = do
p' <- ppExpression p
return $ kwPrint <+> p'
instance PrettyCode Universe where
ppCode (Universe n) = return $ kwType <+?> (pretty <$> n)
ppImport :: forall r s. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => Import s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppImport (Import m) = do
modulePath' <- ppModulePath
inlineImport' <- inlineImport
return $ kwImport <+> modulePath' <+?> inlineImport'
ppModulePath = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCTopModulePath m
SScoped -> annSRef (modulePath m) <$> ppTopModulePath (modulePath m)
jumpLines :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
jumpLines x = line <> x <> line
inlineImport :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
inlineImport = do
b <- asks _optInlineImports
if b then case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> return Nothing
SScoped -> ppModule m >>= fmap (Just . braces . jumpLines) . indented
else return Nothing
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (LetBlock s) where
ppCode LetBlock {..} = do
letClauses' <- ppBlock letClauses
letExpression' <- ppExpression letExpression
return $ kwLet <+> letClauses' <+> kwIn <+> letExpression'
ppPattern :: forall s r. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => PatternType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPattern = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCPattern
SScoped -> ppSPattern
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (LetClause s) where
ppCode c = case c of
LetTypeSig sig -> ppCode sig
LetFunClause cl -> ppCode cl
ppCPattern :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => PatternAtom 'Parsed -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCPattern a = case a of
PatternAtomName n -> ppName n
PatternAtomWildcard -> return kwWildcard
PatternAtomEmpty -> return $ parens mempty
PatternAtomParens p -> parens <$> ppCPatterns p
ppBlock :: (PrettyCode a, Members '[Reader Options] r) => [a] -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppBlock items = mapM (fmap endSemicolon . ppCode) items >>= bracesIndent . vsep
ppCPatterns :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => PatternAtoms 'Parsed -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCPatterns (PatternAtoms ps) = hsep . toList <$> mapM ppCPattern ps
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (MatchAlt s) where
ppCode MatchAlt {..} = do
matchAltPattern' <- ppPattern matchAltPattern
matchAltBody' <- ppExpression matchAltBody
return $ matchAltPattern' <+> kwMapsto <+> matchAltBody'
ppSPattern :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => Pattern -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppSPattern pat = do
p' <- ppNestedPattern pat
return $ if isAtomicPat pat then p' else parens p'
isAtomicPat :: Pattern -> Bool
isAtomicPat p = case p of
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Match s) where
ppCode Match {..} = do
matchExpression' <- ppExpression matchExpression
matchAlts' <- ppBlock matchAlts
return $ kwMatch <+> matchExpression' <+> matchAlts'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (LambdaClause s) where
ppCode LambdaClause {..} = do
lambdaParameters' <- hsep . toList <$> mapM ppPatternAtom lambdaParameters
lambdaBody' <- ppExpression lambdaBody
return $ lambdaParameters' <+> kwMapsto <+> lambdaBody'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Lambda s) where
ppCode Lambda {..} = do
lambdaClauses' <- ppBlock lambdaClauses
return $ kwLambda <+> lambdaClauses'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (FunctionClause s) where
ppCode FunctionClause {..} = do
clauseOwnerFunction' <- annRef clauseOwnerFunction <$> ppSymbol clauseOwnerFunction
clausePatterns' <- case nonEmpty clausePatterns of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just ne -> Just . hsep . toList <$> mapM ppPatternAtom ne
clauseBody' <- ppExpression clauseBody
clauseWhere' <- sequence (ppCode <$> clauseWhere)
return $
clauseOwnerFunction' <+?> clausePatterns' <+> kwAssignment <+> clauseBody'
<+?> ((line <>) <$> clauseWhere')
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (WhereBlock s) where
ppCode WhereBlock {..} = ppBlock whereClauses >>= indented . (kwWhere <+>)
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (WhereClause s) where
ppCode c = case c of
WhereOpenModule o -> ppCode o
WhereTypeSig sig -> ppCode sig
WhereFunClause fun -> ppCode fun
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (AxiomDef s) where
ppCode AxiomDef {..} = do
axiomName' <- ppSymbol axiomName
axiomType' <- ppExpression axiomType
return $ kwAxiom <+> axiomName' <+> kwColon <+> axiomType'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Eval s) where
ppCode (Eval p) = do
p' <- ppExpression p
return $ kwEval <+> p'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Print s) where
ppCode (Print p) = do
p' <- ppExpression p
return $ kwPrint <+> p'
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Import s) where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => Import s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (Import m) = do
modulePath' <- ppModulePath
inlineImport' <- inlineImport
return $ kwImport <+> modulePath' <+?> inlineImport'
ppModulePath = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode m
SScoped -> annSRef (modulePath m) <$> ppTopModulePath (modulePath m)
jumpLines :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
jumpLines x = line <> x <> line
inlineImport :: Sem r (Maybe (Doc Ann))
inlineImport = do
b <- asks _optInlineImports
if b then case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> return Nothing
SScoped -> ppCode m >>= fmap (Just . braces . jumpLines) . indented
else return Nothing
instance PrettyCode (PatternAtom 'Parsed) where
ppCode a = case a of
PatternAtomName n -> ppName n
PatternAtomWildcard -> return kwWildcard
PatternAtomEmpty -> return $ parens mempty
PatternAtomParens p -> parens <$> ppCode p
instance PrettyCode (PatternAtoms 'Parsed) where
ppCode (PatternAtoms ps) = hsep . toList <$> mapM ppCode ps
instance HasAtoms Pattern where
isAtomic p = case p of
PatternVariable {} -> True
PatternApplication {} -> False
PatternConstructor {} -> True
@ -588,39 +583,29 @@ ppSPattern pat = do
PatternWildcard -> True
PatternEmpty -> True
ppPattern :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => PatternType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPattern = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
ppNestedPattern :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => Pattern -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppNestedPattern = go
go :: Pattern -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
go p = case p of
PatternVariable v -> annDef v <$> ppSSymbol v
PatternApplication l r -> do
l' <- ppLeftExpression appFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity r
return $ l' <+> r'
PatternWildcard -> return kwWildcard
PatternEmpty -> return $ parens mempty
PatternConstructor constr -> ppSName constr
PatternInfixApplication i -> ppPatternInfixApp i
PatternPostfixApplication i -> ppPatternPostfixApp i
ppPatternAtom :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => PatternType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternAtom = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCodeAtom
SScoped -> ppCodeAtom
ppPatternInfixApp :: PatternInfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternInfixApp p@PatternInfixApp {..} = do
patInfixConstructor' <- ppSName patInfixConstructor
patInfixLeft' <- ppLeftExpression (pinfixFixity p) patInfixLeft
patInfixRight' <- ppRightExpression (pinfixFixity p) patInfixRight
return $ patInfixLeft' <+> patInfixConstructor' <+> patInfixRight'
ppCodeAtom :: (HasAtoms c, PrettyCode c, Members '[Reader Options] r) => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCodeAtom c = do
p' <- ppCode c
return $ if isAtomic c then p' else parens p'
ppPatternPostfixApp :: PatternPostfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternPostfixApp p@PatternPostfixApp {..} = do
patPostfixConstructor' <- ppSName patPostfixConstructor
patPostfixParameter' <- ppLeftExpression (ppostfixFixity p) patPostfixParameter
return $ patPostfixParameter' <+> patPostfixConstructor'
instance HasAtoms (PatternAtom s) where
isAtomic = const True
isAtomic :: forall s. IsStage s => ExpressionType s -> Bool
isAtomic e = case sing :: SStage s of
SScoped -> case e of
class HasAtoms c where
isAtomic :: c -> Bool
instance HasAtoms Expression where
isAtomic e = case e of
ExpressionIdentifier {} -> True
ExpressionParensIdentifier {} -> True
ExpressionApplication {} -> False
@ -631,34 +616,72 @@ isAtomic e = case sing :: SStage s of
ExpressionLetBlock {} -> True
ExpressionUniverse {} -> True
ExpressionFunction {} -> False
SParsed -> case e of
instance HasAtoms (ExpressionAtoms s) where
isAtomic e = case e of
ExpressionAtoms (_ :| []) -> True
ExpressionAtoms (_ :| _) -> False
ppInfixApplication :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => InfixApplication -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppInfixApplication i@InfixApplication {..} = do
infixAppLeft' <- ppLeftExpression (infixFixity i) infixAppLeft
infixAppOperator' <- ppSName infixAppOperator
infixAppRight' <- ppRightExpression (infixFixity i) infixAppRight
return $ infixAppLeft' <+> infixAppOperator' <+> infixAppRight'
instance PrettyCode InfixApplication where
ppCode i@InfixApplication {..} = do
infixAppLeft' <- ppLeftExpression (infixFixity i) infixAppLeft
infixAppOperator' <- ppCode infixAppOperator
infixAppRight' <- ppRightExpression (infixFixity i) infixAppRight
return $ infixAppLeft' <+> infixAppOperator' <+> infixAppRight'
ppPostfixApplication :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => PostfixApplication -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostfixApplication i@PostfixApplication {..} = do
postfixAppParameter' <- ppPostExpression (postfixFixity i) postfixAppParameter
postfixAppOperator' <- ppSName postfixAppOperator
return $ postfixAppParameter' <+> postfixAppOperator'
instance PrettyCode PostfixApplication where
ppCode i@PostfixApplication {..} = do
postfixAppParameter' <- ppPostExpression (postfixFixity i) postfixAppParameter
postfixAppOperator' <- ppCode postfixAppOperator
return $ postfixAppParameter' <+> postfixAppOperator'
class PrettyCode a where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode (Application l r) = do
-- Note: parentheses on the left of an application are never necessary,
-- but I prefer homogeneous code.
l' <- ppLeftExpression appFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity r
return $ l' <+> r'
instance PrettyCode Expression where
ppCode = ppExpression
ppCode e = case e of
ExpressionIdentifier n -> ppCode n
ExpressionParensIdentifier n -> parens <$> ppCode n
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionPostfixApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionLambda l -> ppCode l
ExpressionMatch m -> ppCode m
ExpressionLetBlock lb -> ppCode lb
ExpressionUniverse u -> ppCode u
ExpressionFunction f -> ppCode f
instance PrettyCode Pattern where
ppCode = ppNestedPattern
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => Pattern -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode pat = case pat of
PatternVariable v -> annDef v <$> ppCode v
PatternApplication l r -> do
l' <- ppLeftExpression appFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity r
return $ l' <+> r'
PatternWildcard -> return kwWildcard
PatternEmpty -> return $ parens mempty
PatternConstructor constr -> ppCode constr
PatternInfixApplication i -> ppPatternInfixApp i
PatternPostfixApplication i -> ppPatternPostfixApp i
ppPatternInfixApp :: PatternInfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternInfixApp p@PatternInfixApp {..} = do
patInfixConstructor' <- ppCode patInfixConstructor
patInfixLeft' <- ppLeftExpression (pinfixFixity p) patInfixLeft
patInfixRight' <- ppRightExpression (pinfixFixity p) patInfixRight
return $ patInfixLeft' <+> patInfixConstructor' <+> patInfixRight'
instance PrettyCode (ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed) where
ppCode = goAtoms
ppPatternPostfixApp :: PatternPostfixApp -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPatternPostfixApp p@PatternPostfixApp {..} = do
patPostfixConstructor' <- ppCode patPostfixConstructor
patPostfixParameter' <- ppLeftExpression (ppostfixFixity p) patPostfixParameter
return $ patPostfixParameter' <+> patPostfixConstructor'
class HasFixity a where
getFixity :: a -> Maybe Fixity
@ -686,7 +709,6 @@ instance HasFixity Pattern where
PatternWildcard -> Nothing
PatternEmpty -> Nothing
-- TODO never used.
instance HasFixity (ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed) where
getFixity = const Nothing
@ -747,11 +769,11 @@ ppPostExpression ::(PrettyCode a, HasFixity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression = ppLRExpression isPostfixAssoc
ppRightExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasFixity a, Member (Reader Options) r ) =>
ppRightExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasFixity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression = ppLRExpression isRightAssoc
ppLeftExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasFixity a, Member (Reader Options) r ) =>
ppLeftExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasFixity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression = ppLRExpression isLeftAssoc
@ -762,41 +784,21 @@ ppLRExpression associates atom e =
parensCond (atomParens associates (getFixity e) atom)
<$> ppCode e
goAtom :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => ExpressionAtom 'Parsed -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
goAtom a = case a of
AtomIdentifier n -> ppName n
AtomLambda l -> ppLambda l
AtomLetBlock lb -> ppLetBlock lb
AtomUniverse uni -> ppUniverse uni
AtomFunction fun -> ppFunction fun
AtomFunArrow -> return kwArrowR
AtomMatch m -> ppMatch m
AtomParens e -> parens <$> goAtoms e
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (ExpressionAtom s) where
ppCode a = case a of
AtomIdentifier n -> ppName n
AtomLambda l -> ppCode l
AtomLetBlock lb -> ppCode lb
AtomUniverse uni -> ppCode uni
AtomFunction fun -> ppCode fun
AtomFunArrow -> return kwArrowR
AtomMatch m -> ppCode m
AtomParens e -> parens <$> ppExpression e
goAtoms :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
goAtoms (ExpressionAtoms l) = hsep . toList <$> mapM goAtom l
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (ExpressionAtoms s) where
ppCode (ExpressionAtoms l) = hsep . toList <$> mapM ppCode l
ppExpression :: forall s r. (IsStage s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => ExpressionType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppExpression :: forall s r. (SingI s, Members '[Reader Options] r) => ExpressionType s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppExpression = case sing :: SStage s of
SScoped -> go
SParsed -> goAtoms
ppApplication :: Application -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppApplication (Application l r) = do
-- Note: parentheses on the left of an application are never necessary,
-- but I prefer homogeneous code.
l' <- ppLeftExpression appFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity r
return $ l' <+> r'
go :: Expression -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
go e = case e of
ExpressionIdentifier n -> ppSName n
ExpressionParensIdentifier n -> parens <$> ppSName n
ExpressionApplication a -> ppApplication a
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> ppInfixApplication a
ExpressionPostfixApplication a -> ppPostfixApplication a
ExpressionLambda l -> ppLambda l
ExpressionMatch m -> ppMatch m
ExpressionLetBlock lb -> ppLetBlock lb
ExpressionUniverse u -> ppUniverse u
ExpressionFunction f -> ppFunction f
SScoped -> ppCode
SParsed -> ppCode
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ genModule opts theme m =
<> prettySrc
docStream :: Options -> Module 'Scoped 'ModuleTop -> SimpleDocStream Ann
docStream opts m = layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions (prettyTopModule opts m)
docStream opts m = layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions (runPrettyCode opts m)
renderTree :: SimpleDocTree Ann -> Html
renderTree = go
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Text where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text
printPrettyCodeDefault :: PrettyCode c => c -> IO ()
printPrettyCodeDefault = printPrettyCode defaultOptions
printPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> IO ()
printPrettyCode = hPrintPrettyCode stdout
hPrintPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Handle -> Options -> c -> IO ()
hPrintPrettyCode h opts = renderIO h . docStream opts
renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream Ann
docStream opts = layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
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