mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-12 14:28:08 +03:00

Remove dead code in Internal (#1891)

- This has become dead code after #1862
This commit is contained in:
janmasrovira 2023-03-15 12:18:59 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1eadbc4f81
commit e9672e6d09
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 0 additions and 269 deletions

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@ -10,214 +10,14 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Data.LocalVars
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Language
import Juvix.Prelude
data Caller
= CallerInductive InductiveName
| CallerFunction FunctionName
| CallerAxiom AxiomName
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
data TypeCallIden
= InductiveIden InductiveName
| FunctionIden FunctionName
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
data TypeCall' a = TypeCall'
{ _typeCallIden :: TypeCallIden,
_typeCallArguments :: NonEmpty a
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
newtype TypeCallsMap = TypeCallsMap
{ _typeCallsMap :: HashMap Caller (HashSet TypeCall)
instance Functor TypeCall' where
fmap f (TypeCall' i args) = TypeCall' i (fmap f args)
newtype ConcreteType = ConcreteType {_unconcreteType :: Expression}
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
type ConcreteTypeCall = TypeCall' ConcreteType
type TypeCall = TypeCall' Expression
type SubsE = HashMap VarName Expression
type Rename = HashMap VarName VarName
type Subs = HashMap VarName Expression
type ConcreteSubs = HashMap VarName ConcreteType
-- | Indexed by _typeCallIden
newtype TypeCalls = TypeCalls
{ _typeCallSet :: HashMap TypeCallIden (HashMap ConcreteTypeCall ConcreteSubs)
type VarMap = HashMap VarName VarName
emptyCalls :: TypeCalls
emptyCalls = TypeCalls mempty
instance Hashable TypeCallIden
instance Hashable TypeCall
instance Hashable Caller
instance Hashable ConcreteTypeCall
instance Hashable ConcreteType
makeLenses ''TypeCalls
makeLenses ''TypeCall'
makeLenses ''TypeCallsMap
makeLenses ''ConcreteType
typeCallIdenToCaller :: TypeCallIden -> Caller
typeCallIdenToCaller = \case
InductiveIden i -> CallerInductive i
FunctionIden i -> CallerFunction i
mkConcreteType' :: Expression -> ConcreteType
mkConcreteType' =
fromMaybe (error "the given type is not concrete")
. mkConcreteType
-- TODO: consider using traversals to simplify
mkConcreteType :: Expression -> Maybe ConcreteType
mkConcreteType = fmap ConcreteType . go
go :: Expression -> Maybe Expression
go t = case t of
ExpressionApplication (Application l r i) -> do
l' <- go l
r' <- go r
return (ExpressionApplication (Application l' r' i))
ExpressionUniverse {} -> return t
ExpressionLet l -> ExpressionLet <$> goLet l
ExpressionCase l -> ExpressionCase <$> goCase l
ExpressionSimpleLambda (SimpleLambda v ty b) -> do
b' <- go b
ty' <- go ty
return (ExpressionSimpleLambda (SimpleLambda v ty' b'))
ExpressionLambda (Lambda c ty) -> do
let _lambdaType = ty >>= go
_lambdaClauses <- mapM goClause c
return (ExpressionLambda Lambda {..})
ExpressionFunction (Function l r) -> do
l' <- goParam l
r' <- go r
return (ExpressionFunction (Function l' r'))
ExpressionHole {} -> Nothing
ExpressionLiteral {} -> return t
ExpressionIden i -> case i of
IdenFunction {} -> return t
IdenInductive {} -> return t
IdenConstructor {} -> return t
IdenAxiom {} -> return t
IdenVar {} -> Nothing
goClause :: LambdaClause -> Maybe LambdaClause
goClause (LambdaClause ps b) = do
b' <- go b
return (LambdaClause ps b')
goParam :: FunctionParameter -> Maybe FunctionParameter
goParam (FunctionParameter m i e) = do
guard (isNothing m)
e' <- go e
return (FunctionParameter m i e')
goCase :: Case -> Maybe Case
goCase =
traverseOf (caseBranches . each) goCaseBranch
>=> traverseOf caseExpression go
goCaseBranch :: CaseBranch -> Maybe CaseBranch
goCaseBranch = traverseOf caseBranchExpression go
goLet :: Let -> Maybe Let
goLet =
traverseOf (letClauses . each) goLetClause
>=> traverseOf letExpression go
goLetClause :: LetClause -> Maybe LetClause
goLetClause = \case
LetFunDef f -> LetFunDef <$> goFunctionDef f
goFunctionDef :: FunctionDef -> Maybe FunctionDef
goFunctionDef f = do
let _funDefName = f ^. funDefName
_funDefBuiltin = f ^. funDefBuiltin
_funDefExamples <- mapM goExample (f ^. funDefExamples)
_funDefClauses <- mapM goFunctionClause (f ^. funDefClauses)
_funDefType <- go (f ^. funDefType)
return FunctionDef {..}
goFunctionClause :: FunctionClause -> Maybe FunctionClause
goFunctionClause c = do
let _clauseName = c ^. clauseName
_clausePatterns = c ^. clausePatterns
_clauseBody <- go (c ^. clauseBody)
return FunctionClause {..}
goExample :: Example -> Maybe Example
goExample = traverseOf exampleExpression go
newtype PolyType = PolyType {_unpolyType :: Expression}
deriving stock (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PolyType
makeLenses ''PolyType
mkPolyType' :: Expression -> PolyType
mkPolyType' =
fromMaybe (error "the given type contains holes")
. mkPolyType
-- | mkPolyType removes all named function parameters; currently the assumption in
-- InternalToMiniC.hs is that these coincide with type parameters
mkPolyType :: Expression -> Maybe PolyType
mkPolyType = fmap PolyType . go
go :: Expression -> Maybe Expression
go t = case t of
ExpressionApplication (Application l r i) -> do
l' <- go l
r' <- go r
return (ExpressionApplication (Application l' r' i))
ExpressionUniverse {} -> return t
ExpressionFunction (Function (FunctionParameter m i e) r)
| isNothing m -> do
e' <- go e
r' <- go r
return (ExpressionFunction (Function (FunctionParameter m i e') r'))
| otherwise -> go r
ExpressionHole {} -> Nothing
ExpressionLiteral {} -> return t
ExpressionLet {} -> error "Lets are not supported in the old backend"
ExpressionCase {} -> error "Cases are not supported in the old backend"
ExpressionIden IdenFunction {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenInductive {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenConstructor {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenAxiom {} -> return t
ExpressionIden IdenVar {} -> return t
ExpressionLambda (Lambda c ty) -> do
let _lambdaType = ty >>= go
_lambdaClauses <- mapM goClause c
return (ExpressionLambda Lambda {..})
ExpressionSimpleLambda (SimpleLambda v ty b) -> do
b' <- go b
ty' <- go ty
return (ExpressionSimpleLambda (SimpleLambda v ty' b'))
goClause :: LambdaClause -> Maybe LambdaClause
goClause (LambdaClause ps b) = do
b' <- go b
return (LambdaClause ps b')
class HasExpressions a where
leafExpressions :: Traversal' a Expression
@ -417,9 +217,6 @@ unnamedParameter ty =
renameToSubsE :: Rename -> SubsE
renameToSubsE = fmap (ExpressionIden . IdenVar)
renameExpression :: Rename -> Expression -> Expression
renameExpression r = substitutionE (renameToSubsE r)
patternArgVariables :: Traversal' PatternArg VarName
patternArgVariables f (PatternArg i n p) = PatternArg i <$> traverse f n <*> patternVariables f p
@ -431,17 +228,6 @@ patternVariables f p = case p of
goApp :: Traversal' ConstructorApp VarName
goApp g = traverseOf constrAppParameters (traverse (patternArgVariables g))
renamePatternArg :: Rename -> PatternArg -> PatternArg
renamePatternArg = over patternArgPattern . renamePattern
renamePattern :: Rename -> Pattern -> Pattern
renamePattern m = over patternVariables renameVar
renameVar :: VarName -> VarName
renameVar v
| Just v' <- m ^. at v = v'
| otherwise = v
inductiveTypeVarsAssoc :: (Foldable f) => InductiveDef -> f a -> HashMap VarName a
inductiveTypeVarsAssoc def l
| length vars < n = impossible
@ -451,15 +237,6 @@ inductiveTypeVarsAssoc def l
vars :: [VarName]
vars = def ^.. inductiveParameters . each . inductiveParamName
substitutionConcrete :: ConcreteSubs -> Expression -> ConcreteType
substitutionConcrete m = mkConcreteType' . substitutionE ((^. unconcreteType) <$> m)
concreteTypeToExpr :: ConcreteType -> Expression
concreteTypeToExpr = (^. unconcreteType)
concreteSubsToSubsE :: ConcreteSubs -> SubsE
concreteSubsToSubsE = fmap concreteTypeToExpr
substitutionApp :: (Maybe Name, Expression) -> Expression -> Expression
substitutionApp (mv, ty) = case mv of
Nothing -> id

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Pretty.Base
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Extra
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Pretty.Options
import Juvix.Data.CodeAnn
@ -234,48 +233,6 @@ instance PrettyCode Module where
<> body'
<> line
instance PrettyCode TypeCallIden where
ppCode = \case
InductiveIden n -> ppCode n
FunctionIden n -> ppCode n
instance PrettyCode Caller where
ppCode = \case
CallerInductive n -> ppCode n
CallerAxiom n -> ppCode n
CallerFunction n -> ppCode n
instance PrettyCode ConcreteTypeCall where
ppCode = ppCode . fmap (^. unconcreteType)
instance PrettyCode TypeCall where
ppCode (TypeCall' f args) = do
f' <- ppCode f
args' <- mapM ppCodeAtom args
return $ f' <+> hsep args'
instance PrettyCode TypeCallsMap where
ppCode m = do
let title = keyword "Type Calls Map:"
elems :: [(Caller, TypeCall)]
elems =
[(caller, t) | (caller, l) <- HashMap.toList (m ^. typeCallsMap), t <- toList l]
elems' <- mapM ppCodeElem (sortOn fst elems)
return $ title <> line <> vsep elems' <> line
ppCodeElem :: (Member (Reader Options) r) => (Caller, TypeCall) -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCodeElem (caller, t) = do
caller' <- ppCode caller
t' <- ppCode t
return $ caller' <+> kwMapsto <+> t'
instance PrettyCode TypeCalls where
ppCode m = do
let title = keyword "Propagated Type Calls:"
elems = sortOn (^. typeCallIden) (concatMap HashMap.keys (toList (m ^. typeCallSet)))
elems' <- mapM ppCode elems
return $ title <> line <> vsep elems' <> line
ppPostExpression ::
(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity ->
@ -330,6 +287,3 @@ instance (PrettyCode a) => PrettyCode [a] where
instance (PrettyCode a) => PrettyCode (NonEmpty a) where
ppCode x = ppCode (toList x)
instance PrettyCode ConcreteType where
ppCode ConcreteType {..} = ppCode _unconcreteType