mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-09-17 19:47:45 +03:00

New target syntax and modular VP examples (#92)

* New target syntax and modular VP examples

* [ .gitignore ] updated

* Fix spaces new lines

* Remove outdated lab folder
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Jonathan Cubides 2022-05-06 12:45:09 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent a24e0379d3
commit f9d9b10fc9
No known key found for this signature in database
57 changed files with 398 additions and 3626 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -66,3 +66,6 @@ docs/*.html
# C Code generation

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Anoma.Base where
import Prelude
readPre :: String -> Int
readPre "change1-key" = 100
readPre "change2-key" = 90
readPre _ = -1
readPost :: String -> Int
readPost "change1-key" = 90
readPost "change2-key" = 100
readPost _ = -1
isBalanceKey :: String -> String -> String
isBalanceKey _ _ = "owner-address"

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
module Anoma.Base;
foreign ghc {
import Anoma.Base
import Prelude;
open Prelude;
-- Anoma
axiom readPre : String → Int;
compile readPre {
ghc ↦ "readPre";
axiom readPost : String → Int;
compile readPost {
ghc ↦ "readPost";
axiom isBalanceKey : String → String → String;
compile isBalanceKey {
ghc ↦ "isBalanceKey";
read-pre : String → Maybe Int;
read-pre s ≔ from-int (readPre s);
read-post : String → Maybe Int;
read-post s ≔ from-int (readPost s);
is-balance-key : String → String → Maybe String;
is-balance-key token key ≔ from-string (isBalanceKey token key);
unwrap-default : Maybe Int → Int;
unwrap-default o ≔ maybe-int 0 o;

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
module Data.Bool;
-- Booleans
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;
infixr 2 ||;
|| : Bool → Bool → Bool;
|| false a ≔ a;
|| true _ ≔ true;
infixr 3 &&;
&& : Bool → Bool → Bool;
&& false _ ≔ false;
&& true a ≔ a;
if : (A : Type) → Bool → A → A → A;
if _ true a _ ≔ a;
if _ false _ b ≔ b;
-- Backend Booleans
axiom BackendBool : Type;
compile BackendBool {
ghc ↦ "Bool";
axiom backend-true : BackendBool;
compile backend-true {
ghc ↦ "True";
axiom backend-false : BackendBool;
compile backend-false {
ghc ↦ "False";
foreign ghc {
bool :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
bool True x _ = x
bool False _ y = y
axiom bool : BackendBool → Bool → Bool → Bool;
compile bool {
ghc ↦ "bool";
from-backend-bool : BackendBool → Bool;
from-backend-bool bb ≔ bool bb true false;

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module Data.Int;
import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
-- Integers
axiom Int : Type;
compile Int {
ghc ↦ "Int";
infix 4 <';
axiom <' : Int → Int → BackendBool;
compile <' {
ghc ↦ "(<)";
infix 4 <;
< : Int → Int → Bool;
< i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (i1 <' i2);
axiom eqInt : Int → Int → BackendBool;
compile eqInt {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
infix 4 ==Int;
==Int : Int → Int → Bool;
==Int i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqInt i1 i2);
infixl 6 -;
axiom - : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile - {
ghc ↦ "(-)";
infixl 6 +;
axiom + : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile + {
ghc ↦ "(+)";

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Data.List;
import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
import Data.String;
open Data.String;
-- Lists
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
cons : A → List A → List A;
elem : (A : Type) → (A → A → Bool) → A → List A → Bool;
elem _ _ _ nil ≔ false;
elem A eq s (cons x xs) ≔ eq s x || elem _ eq s xs;
foldl : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → (B → A → B) → B → List A → B;
foldl _ _ f z nil ≔ z;
foldl A B f z (cons h hs) ≔ foldl _ _ f (f z h) hs;

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Data.Maybe;
-- Maybe
inductive Maybe (A : Type) {
nothing : Maybe A;
just : A → Maybe A;
maybe : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → B → (A → B) → Maybe A → B;
maybe _ _ b _ nothing ≔ b;
maybe _ _ _ f (just x) ≔ f x;

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Data.Pair;
-- Pair
inductive Pair (A : Type) (B : Type) {
mkPair : A → B → Pair A B;

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module Data.String;
import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
-- Strings
axiom String : Type;
compile String {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
axiom eqString : String → String → BackendBool;
compile eqString {
ghc ↦ "(==)";
infix 4 ==String;
==String : String → String → Bool;
==String s1 s2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqString s1 s2);

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module FungibleToken;
import Anoma.Base;
open Anoma.Base;
import Prelude;
open Prelude;
-- Misc
pair-from-optionString : (String → Pair Int Bool) → Maybe String → Pair Int Bool;
pair-from-optionString ≔ maybe String (Pair Int Bool) (mkPair Int Bool 0 false);
check-result : Pair Int Bool → Bool;
check-result (mkPair change all-checked) ≔ (change ==Int 0) && all-checked;
-- Validity Predicate
change-from-key : String → Int;
change-from-key key ≔ unwrap-default (read-post key)
- unwrap-default (read-pre key);
check-vp : List String → String → Int → String → Pair Int Bool;
check-vp verifiers key change owner ≔
if _
-- make sure the spender approved the transaction
(change-from-key key < 0)
(mkPair _ _ (change + (change-from-key key))
(elem _ (==String) owner verifiers))
(mkPair _ _ (change + (change-from-key key)) true);
check-keys : String → List String → Pair Int Bool → String → Pair Int Bool;
check-keys token verifiers (mkPair change is-success) key ≔
if _
(pair-from-optionString (check-vp verifiers key change)
(is-balance-key token key))
(mkPair _ _ 0 false);
vp : String → List String → List String → Bool;
vp token keys-changed verifiers ≔
(foldl _ _
(check-keys token verifiers)
(mkPair _ _ 0 true)

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module Prelude;
import Data.Bool;
import Data.Int;
import Data.List;
import Data.Maybe;
import Data.Pair;
import Data.String;
import System.IO;
open Data.Bool;
open Data.Int;
open Data.List;
open Data.Maybe;
open Data.Pair;
open Data.String;
open System.IO;
-- Functions
const : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → A → B → A;
const _ _ a _ ≔ a;
id : (A : Type) → A → A;
id _ a ≔ a;

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module System.IO;
-- Actions
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
ghc ↦ "IO ()";
axiom putStr : String → Action;
compile putStr {
ghc ↦ "putStr";
axiom putStrLn : String → Action;
compile putStrLn {
ghc ↦ "putStrLn";
infixl 1 >>;
axiom >> : Action → Action → Action;
compile >> {
ghc ↦ "(>>)";
show-result : Bool → String;
show-result true ≔ "OK";
show-result false ≔ "FAIL";

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module Tests;
import Prelude;
open Prelude;
import SimpleFungibleToken;
open SimpleFungibleToken;
-- Testing VP
token : String;
token ≔ "owner-token";
owner-address : String;
owner-address ≔ "owner-address";
change1-key : String;
change1-key ≔ "change1-key";
change2-key : String;
change2-key ≔ "change2-key";
verifiers : List String;
verifiers ≔ cons String owner-address (nil String);
keys-changed : List String;
keys-changed ≔ cons String change1-key (cons String change2-key (nil String));
main : Action;
main ≔
(putStr "VP Status: ")
>> (putStrLn (show-result (vp token keys-changed verifiers)));

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@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
This module exposes the Internal syntax. A term is either checkable or
inferable. As the name indicates, a term of type CheckableTerm is a
term we must check. Similarly, a term of type InferableTerm, it is a
term we can infer.
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
open import Haskell.Prelude
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
-- Haskell stuff
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-export-lists #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
-- Quantity (a.k.a. Usage)
data Quantity : Set where
Zero One Many : Quantity
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Quantity #-}
QuantityEq : Eq Quantity
QuantityEq ._==_ Zero Zero = true
QuantityEq ._==_ One One = true
QuantityEq ._==_ Many Many = true
QuantityEq ._==_ _ _ = false
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS QuantityEq #-}
compareQuantity : Quantity -> Quantity -> Ordering
compareQuantity Zero Zero = EQ
compareQuantity Zero _ = LT
compareQuantity _ Zero = GT
compareQuantity One One = EQ
compareQuantity One _ = LT
compareQuantity _ One = GT
compareQuantity Many Many = EQ
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS compareQuantity #-}
QuantityOrd : Ord Quantity
QuantityOrd .compare = compareQuantity
QuantityOrd ._<_ x y = compareQuantity x y == LT
QuantityOrd ._>_ x y = compareQuantity x y == GT
QuantityOrd ._<=_ x y = compareQuantity x y /= GT
QuantityOrd ._>=_ x y = compareQuantity x y /= LT
QuantityOrd .max x y = if compareQuantity x y == LT then y else x
QuantityOrd .min x y = if compareQuantity x y == GT then y else x
-- Using ordFromCompare didnn' work, I might need to open an issue
-- for this in agda2hs, Idk.
-- The type of usages forms an ordered semiring.
QuantitySemigroup : Semigroup Quantity
QuantitySemigroup ._<>_ Zero _ = Zero
QuantitySemigroup ._<>_ One m = m
QuantitySemigroup ._<>_ Many Zero = Zero
QuantitySemigroup ._<>_ Many One = Many
QuantitySemigroup ._<>_ Many Many = Many
QuantityMon : Monoid Quantity
QuantityMon .mempty = Zero
QuantitySemiring : Semiring Quantity
QuantitySemiring .one = One
QuantitySemiring .times Zero _ = Zero
QuantitySemiring .times One m = m
QuantitySemiring .times Many Zero = Zero
QuantitySemiring .times Many One = Many
QuantitySemiring .times Many Many = Many
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS QuantityOrd #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS QuantitySemigroup #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS QuantityMon #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS QuantitySemiring #-}
-- Being relevant for a term is to have non zero quantity.
data Relevance : Set where
Relevant : Relevance -- terms to compute.
Irrelevant : Relevance -- terms to contemplate (for type formation).
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Relevance #-}
deriving stock instance Eq Relevance
deriving stock instance Ord Relevance
relevancy : Quantity Relevance
relevancy Zero = Irrelevant
relevancy _ = Relevant
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS relevancy #-}
-- Variables. Relevant on the following design is the separation for a
-- variable between Bound and Free as a data constructr, due to
-- McBride and McKinna in "Functional Pearl: I am not a Number—I am a
-- Free Variable".
-- DeBruijn index.
Index : Set
Index = Nat
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Index #-}
-- A variable can be "bound", "binding bound", or simply free. For
-- example, consider the term "x(λy.y)". The variable x is free, the
-- first y is a binding bound variable, and the latter y is bound.
BindingName : Set
BindingName = String
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS BindingName #-}
-- A named variable can be in a local or global enviroment. In the
-- lambda term above, for example, the second occurrence of y is
-- globally bound. However, inside the the body of the lambda, the
-- variable is local free.
data Name : Set where
-- the variable has zero binding
Global : String Name
-- the variable has a binding in its scope.
Local : BindingName Index Name
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Name #-}
nameEq : Eq Name
nameEq ._==_ (Global x) (Global y) = x == y
nameEq ._==_ (Local x1 y1) (Local x2 y2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
nameEq ._==_ _ _ = false
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS nameEq #-}
-- A variable is then a number indicating its DeBruijn index.
-- Otherwise, it is free, with an identifier as a name, or
-- inside
data Variable : Set where
Bound : Index Variable
Free : Name Variable
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Variable #-}
variableEq : Eq Variable
variableEq ._==_ (Bound x) (Bound y) = x == y
variableEq ._==_ (Free x) (Free y) = x == y
variableEq ._==_ _ _ = false
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS variableEq #-}
-- TODO: May I want to have Instances of Ord, Functor, Applicative, Monad?
Core syntax follows the pattern design for bidirectional typing
algorithmgs in [Dunfield and Krishnaswami, 2019]. Pfenning's principle
is one of such criterion and stated as follows.
1. If the rule is an introduction rule, make the principal judgement
"checking", and
2. if the rule is an elimination rule, make the principal judgement
- Principal connective of a rule:
- for an introduction rule is the connective that is being
- for a elimination rule is the connective that is eliminated.
- Principal Judgement of a rule is the judgment that contains the
principal connective.
-- Type-checkable terms.
data CheckableTerm : Set
data InferableTerm : Set
data CheckableTerm where
{- Universe types.
See the typing rule Univ⇐.
UniverseType : CheckableTerm
{- Dependent function types.
See the typing rules F⇐ and I⇐.
1. (Π[ x :ρ S ] P x) : U
2. (λ x. t) : Π[ x :ρ S ] P x
PiType : Quantity BindingName CheckableTerm CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
Lam : BindingName CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
{- Dependent tensor product types.
See the typing rules ⊗-F-⇐, ⊗-I₀⇐, and ⊗-I₁⇐.
1. * S T : U
2. (M , N) : S T
TensorType : Quantity BindingName CheckableTerm CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
TensorIntro : CheckableTerm CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
{- Unit types.
See the typing rule 1-F-⇐ and 1-I-⇐.
1. 𝟙 : U
2. : 𝟙
UnitType : CheckableTerm
Unit : CheckableTerm
{- Disjoint sum types.
See the typing rules
1. S + T : U
2. inl x : S + T
3. inr x : S + T
SumType : CheckableTerm CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
Inl : CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
Inr : CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
-- Inferrable terms are clearly checkable, see typing rule Inf⇐.
Inferred : InferableTerm CheckableTerm
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS CheckableTerm #-}
-- Type-inferable terms (a.k.a terms that synthesise)
data InferableTerm where
-- | Variables, typing rule Var⇒.
Var : Variable InferableTerm
-- | Annotations, typing rule Ann⇒.
{- Maybe, I want to have the rules here like this:
S ⇐0 𝕌 Γ M ⇐0 𝕌
­────────────────────────────── Ann⇒
Γ (M : S) S
Ann : CheckableTerm CheckableTerm InferableTerm
-- | Application (eliminator).
App : InferableTerm CheckableTerm InferableTerm
-- | Dependent Tensor product eliminator. See section 2.1.3 in Atkey 2018.
-- let z@(u, v) = M in N :^q (a ⊗ b))
: Quantity -- q is the multiplicity of the eliminated pair.
BindingName -- z is the name of the variable binding the pair in the
-- type annotation of the result of elimination.
BindingName -- u is the name of the variable binding the first element.
BindingName -- v is the name of the variable binding the second element.
InferableTerm -- (u,v) is the eliminated pair.
CheckableTerm -- Result of the elimination.
CheckableTerm -- Type annotation of the result of elimination.
-- | Sum type eliminator (a.k.a. case)
-- let (z : S + T) in (case z of {(inl u) ↦ r1; (inr v) ↦ r2} :^q T)
SumTypeElim -- Case
: Quantity -- Multiplicity of the sum contents.
BindingName -- Name of the variable binding the sum in the type
-- annotation of the result of elimination.
InferableTerm -- The eliminated sum.
BindingName -- u is the name of the variable binding the left element.
CheckableTerm -- r1 is the result of the elimination in case the sum contains
-- the left element.
BindingName -- v is the name of the variable binding the right element.
CheckableTerm -- r2 is the result of the elimination in case the sum contains
-- the right element.
CheckableTerm -- Type annotation of the result of the elimination.
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS InferableTerm #-}
-- Term Equality
checkEq : CheckableTerm CheckableTerm Bool
inferEq : InferableTerm InferableTerm Bool
-- We below explicitly use `checkEq` and `inferEq` to have a more
-- reliable Haskell output using Agda2HS. The traditional way gives an
-- extraneous instance definitions.
checkEq UniverseType UniverseType = true
checkEq (PiType q₁ _ a₁ b₁) (PiType q₂ _ a₂ b₂)
= q₁ == q₂ && checkEq a₁ a₂ && checkEq b₁ b₂
checkEq (TensorType q₁ _ a₁ b₁) (TensorType q₂ _ a₂ b₂)
= q₁ == q₂ && checkEq a₁ a₂ && checkEq b₁ b₂
checkEq (TensorIntro x₁ y₁) (TensorIntro x₂ y₂) = checkEq x₁ x₂ && checkEq y₁ y₂
checkEq UnitType UnitType = true
checkEq Unit Unit = true
checkEq (SumType x₁ y₁) (SumType x₂ y₂) = checkEq x₁ x₂ && checkEq y₁ y₂
checkEq (Inl x) (Inl y) = checkEq x y
checkEq (Inr x) (Inr y) = checkEq x y
checkEq (Inferred x) (Inferred y) = inferEq x y
checkEq _ _ = false
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS checkEq #-}
inferEq (Var x) (Var y) = x == y
inferEq (Ann x₁ y₁) (Ann x₂ y₂) = checkEq x₁ x₂ && checkEq y₁ y₂
inferEq (App x₁ y₁) (App x₂ y₂) = inferEq x₁ x₂ && checkEq y₁ y₂
inferEq (TensorTypeElim q₁ _ _ _ a₁ b₁ c₁) (TensorTypeElim q₂ _ _ _ a₂ b₂ c₂)
= q₁ == q₂ && inferEq a₁ a₂ && checkEq b₁ b₂ && checkEq c₁ c₂
inferEq (SumTypeElim q₁ _ x₁ _ a₁ _ b₁ c₁)
(SumTypeElim q₂ _ x₂ _ a₂ _ b₂ c₂)
= q₁ == q₂ && inferEq x₁ x₂ && checkEq a₁ a₂ && checkEq b₁ b₂ && checkEq c₁ c₂
inferEq _ _ = false
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS inferEq #-}
CheckableTermEq : Eq CheckableTerm
CheckableTermEq ._==_ = checkEq
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS CheckableTermEq #-}
InferableTermEq : Eq InferableTerm
InferableTermEq ._==_ = inferEq
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS InferableTermEq #-}
data Term : Set where
Checkable : CheckableTerm Term -- terms with a type checkable.
Inferable : InferableTerm Term -- terms that which types can be inferred.
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Term #-}
termEq : Term Term Bool
termEq (Checkable (Inferred x)) (Inferable y) = x == y
termEq (Checkable x) (Checkable y) = x == y
termEq (Inferable x) (Checkable (Inferred y)) = x == y
termEq (Inferable x) (Inferable y) = x == y
termEq _ _ = false
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS termEq #-}
TermEq : Eq Term
TermEq ._==_ = termEq
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS TermEq #-}
-- Other Instances

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@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-export-lists #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Local)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
-- Quantity (a.k.a. Usage)
data Quantity
= Zero
| One
| Many
instance Eq Quantity where
Zero == Zero = True
One == One = True
Many == Many = True
_ == _ = False
compareQuantity :: Quantity -> Quantity -> Ordering
compareQuantity Zero Zero = EQ
compareQuantity Zero _ = LT
compareQuantity _ Zero = GT
compareQuantity One One = EQ
compareQuantity One _ = LT
compareQuantity _ One = GT
compareQuantity Many Many = EQ
instance Ord Quantity where
compare = compareQuantity
x < y = compareQuantity x y == LT
x > y = compareQuantity x y == GT
x <= y = compareQuantity x y /= GT
x >= y = compareQuantity x y /= LT
max x y = if compareQuantity x y == LT then y else x
min x y = if compareQuantity x y == GT then y else x
instance Semigroup Quantity where
Zero <> _ = Zero
One <> m = m
Many <> Zero = Zero
Many <> One = Many
Many <> Many = Many
instance Monoid Quantity where
mempty = Zero
instance Semiring Quantity where
one = One
(<.>) Zero _ = Zero
(<.>) One m = m
(<.>) Many Zero = Zero
(<.>) Many One = Many
(<.>) Many Many = Many
data Relevance
= Relevant
| Irrelevant
deriving stock instance Eq Relevance
deriving stock instance Ord Relevance
relevancy :: Quantity -> Relevance
relevancy Zero = Irrelevant
relevancy _ = Relevant
type Index = Natural
type BindingName = String
data Name
= Global String
| Local BindingName Index
instance Eq Name where
Global x == Global y = x == y
Local x1 y1 == Local x2 y2 = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
_ == _ = False
data Variable
= Bound Index
| Free Name
instance Eq Variable where
Bound x == Bound y = x == y
Free x == Free y = x == y
_ == _ = False
-- Type-checkable terms.
data CheckableTerm
= UniverseType
| PiType Quantity BindingName CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
| Lam BindingName CheckableTerm
| TensorType Quantity BindingName CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
| TensorIntro CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
| UnitType
| Unit
| SumType CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
| Inl CheckableTerm
| Inr CheckableTerm
| Inferred InferableTerm
data InferableTerm
= Var Variable
| Ann CheckableTerm CheckableTerm
| App InferableTerm CheckableTerm
| TensorTypeElim
| SumTypeElim
-- Type-inferable terms (a.k.a terms that synthesise)
-- Term Equality
checkEq :: CheckableTerm -> CheckableTerm -> Bool
checkEq UniverseType UniverseType = True
checkEq (PiType q _ a b) (PiType q _ a b) =
q == q && checkEq a a && checkEq b b
checkEq (TensorType q _ a b) (TensorType q _ a b) =
q == q && checkEq a a && checkEq b b
checkEq (TensorIntro x y) (TensorIntro x y) =
checkEq x x && checkEq y y
checkEq UnitType UnitType = True
checkEq Unit Unit = True
checkEq (SumType x y) (SumType x y) =
checkEq x x && checkEq y y
checkEq (Inl x) (Inl y) = checkEq x y
checkEq (Inr x) (Inr y) = checkEq x y
checkEq (Inferred x) (Inferred y) = inferEq x y
checkEq _ _ = False
inferEq :: InferableTerm -> InferableTerm -> Bool
inferEq (Var x) (Var y) = x == y
inferEq (Ann x y) (Ann x y) = checkEq x x && checkEq y y
inferEq (App x y) (App x y) = inferEq x x && checkEq y y
(TensorTypeElim q _ _ _ a b c)
(TensorTypeElim q _ _ _ a b c) =
q == q && inferEq a a && checkEq b b && checkEq c c
(SumTypeElim q _ x _ a _ b c)
(SumTypeElim q _ x _ a _ b c) =
q == q
&& inferEq x x
&& checkEq a a
&& checkEq b b
&& checkEq c c
inferEq _ _ = False
instance Eq CheckableTerm where
(==) = checkEq
instance Eq InferableTerm where
(==) = inferEq
data Term
= Checkable CheckableTerm
| Inferable InferableTerm
termEq :: Term -> Term -> Bool
termEq (Checkable (Inferred x)) (Inferable y) = x == y
termEq (Checkable x) (Checkable y) = x == y
termEq (Inferable x) (Checkable (Inferred y)) = x == y
termEq (Inferable x) (Inferable y) = x == y
termEq _ _ = False
instance Eq Term where
(==) = termEq

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@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Eval where
open import Haskell.Prelude
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
-- Haskell stuff
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-export-lists -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
-- Values and neutral terms
We are interested in a normal form for posibbly open terms. This
means that a term may have free variables. Therefore, we must
consider two kind of reduced terms: values and neutral terms. A term
that do not longer beta-reduce (i.e. that it contains an evaluation
answer) is called a value. A term is neutral whenever its futher
beta-reduction depends on a free variable. Terms in normal form are
then defined by mutual recursion with neutral terms.
{- Since Agda2HS does not support indexed data types, we have to
repeat ourselves with syntax for values and neutral terms based on
Core syntax. The following is ideally for formal verification, but
not doable.
data Value : Term Set
data Neutral : Term Set
data Value where
IsUniverse : Value (Checkable UniverseType)
IsNeutral : (t : Term) Neutral t Value t
IsUnit : Value (Checkable Unit)
IsUnitType : Value (Checkable UnitType)
data Neutral where
IsFree : (b : Name) Neutral (Inferable (Free b))
data Value : Set
data Neutral : Set
data Value where
IsUniverse : Value
IsPiType : Quantity BindingName Value (Value -> Value) -> Value
IsLam : BindingName (Value -> Value) -> Value
IsTensorType : Quantity BindingName Value (Value -> Value) -> Value
IsTensorIntro : Value Value -> Value
IsUnitType : Value
IsUnit : Value
IsSumType : Value Value -> Value
IsInl : Value -> Value
IsInr : Value -> Value
IsNeutral : Neutral -> Value
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Value #-}
data Neutral where
IsFree : Name Neutral
IsApp : Neutral Value Neutral
IsTensorTypeElim :
Quantity BindingName BindingName BindingName
(Value -> Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
NSumElim :
(Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Neutral #-}
-- We can have an embedding from values to terms as a sort of quoting.
-- Usages: we can check for value equality by defining term equality.
valueToTerm : Value Term
valueToTerm v = Checkable Unit -- TODO
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS valueToTerm #-}
-- Substitution of bound variables. Recall a bound variable is
-- constructed using Bound and a natural number. The following is one
-- special case of substitution. See a relevant discussion on
-- ekmett/bound-making-de-bruijn-succ-less. For QTT, see Def. 12 in
-- Conor's paper.
: CheckableTerm -- Term N
Index -- Bound variable x
-> InferableTerm -- M
-> CheckableTerm -- N[x := M]
: InferableTerm -- Term N
Index -- bound variable x
-> InferableTerm -- inferable term M
-> InferableTerm -- N[x := M]
substCheckableTerm UniverseType x m = UniverseType
substCheckableTerm (PiType q y a b) x m
= PiType q y
(substCheckableTerm a x m)
(substCheckableTerm b (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (Lam y n) x m
= Lam y (substCheckableTerm n (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (TensorType q y s t) x m
= TensorType q y
(substCheckableTerm s x m)
(substCheckableTerm t (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (TensorIntro p1 p2) x m
= TensorIntro
(substCheckableTerm p1 x m)
(substCheckableTerm p2 x m)
substCheckableTerm UnitType x m = UnitType
substCheckableTerm Unit x m = Unit
substCheckableTerm (SumType a b) x m
= SumType
(substCheckableTerm a x m)
(substCheckableTerm b x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inl n) x m = Inl (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inr n) x m = Inr (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inferred n) x m
= Inferred (substInferableTerm n x m)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS substCheckableTerm #-}
-- Variable substitution.
substInferableTerm (Var (Bound y)) x m = if x == y then m else Var (Bound y)
substInferableTerm (Var (Free y)) x m = Var (Free y)
-- we subst. checkable parts.
substInferableTerm (Ann y a) x m
= Ann (substCheckableTerm y x m)
(substCheckableTerm a x m)
substInferableTerm (App f t) x m
= App (substInferableTerm f x m)
(substCheckableTerm t x m)
substInferableTerm (TensorTypeElim q z u v n a b) x m
= TensorTypeElim q z u v
(substInferableTerm n x m)
(substCheckableTerm a (x + 2) m)
(substCheckableTerm b (x + 1) m)
substInferableTerm (SumTypeElim q z esum u r1 v r2 ann) x m
= SumTypeElim q z
(substInferableTerm esum x m)
u (substCheckableTerm r1 (x + 1) m)
v (substCheckableTerm r2 (x + 1) m)
(substCheckableTerm ann (x + 1) m)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS substInferableTerm #-}
{-- Substitution, denoted by (N[x := M]) is defined by mutual
recursion and by induction on N, and replace all the ocurrences of
'x' by M in the term N. Recall that N is a term of type either
CheckableTerm or InferableTerm.
substTerm : Term Nat InferableTerm Term
substTerm (Checkable n) x m = Checkable (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substTerm (Inferable n) x m = Inferable (substInferableTerm n x m)

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@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-export-lists -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Eval where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
-- Values and neutral terms
data Value
= IsUniverse
| IsPiType Quantity BindingName Value (Value -> Value)
| IsLam BindingName (Value -> Value)
| IsTensorType Quantity BindingName Value (Value -> Value)
| IsTensorIntro Value Value
| IsUnitType
| IsUnit
| IsSumType Value Value
| IsInl Value
| IsInr Value
| IsNeutral Neutral
data Neutral
= IsFree Name
| IsApp Neutral Value
| IsTensorTypeElim
(Value -> Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
| NSumElim
(Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
valueToTerm :: Value -> Term
valueToTerm v = Checkable Unit
substCheckableTerm ::
CheckableTerm -> Index -> InferableTerm -> CheckableTerm
substCheckableTerm UniverseType x m = UniverseType
substCheckableTerm (PiType q y a b) x m =
(substCheckableTerm a x m)
(substCheckableTerm b (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (Lam y n) x m =
Lam y (substCheckableTerm n (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (TensorType q y s t) x m =
(substCheckableTerm s x m)
(substCheckableTerm t (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (TensorIntro p1 p2) x m =
(substCheckableTerm p1 x m)
(substCheckableTerm p2 x m)
substCheckableTerm UnitType x m = UnitType
substCheckableTerm Unit x m = Unit
substCheckableTerm (SumType a b) x m =
SumType (substCheckableTerm a x m) (substCheckableTerm b x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inl n) x m = Inl (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inr n) x m = Inr (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inferred n) x m =
Inferred (substInferableTerm n x m)
substInferableTerm ::
InferableTerm -> Index -> InferableTerm -> InferableTerm
substInferableTerm (Var (Bound y)) x m =
if x == y then m else Var (Bound y)
substInferableTerm (Var (Free y)) x m = Var (Free y)
substInferableTerm (Ann y a) x m =
Ann (substCheckableTerm y x m) (substCheckableTerm a x m)
substInferableTerm (App f t) x m =
App (substInferableTerm f x m) (substCheckableTerm t x m)
substInferableTerm (TensorTypeElim q z u v n a b) x m =
(substInferableTerm n x m)
(substCheckableTerm a (x + 2) m)
(substCheckableTerm b (x + 1) m)
substInferableTerm (SumTypeElim q z esum u r1 v r2 ann) x m =
(substInferableTerm esum x m)
(substCheckableTerm r1 (x + 1) m)
(substCheckableTerm r2 (x + 1) m)
(substCheckableTerm ann (x + 1) m)

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@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
UNAME := $(shell uname)
AGDA_FILES := $(wildcard ./*.agda)
GEN_HS := $(patsubst %.agda, %.hs, $(AGDA_FILES))
ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin)
THREADS := $(shell sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
else ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
THREADS := $(shell nproc)
make prepare-push
.PHONY : checklines
checklines :
@grep '.\{81,\}' \
--exclude=*.agda \
-l --recursive src; \
status=$$?; \
if [ $$status = 0 ] ; \
then echo "Lines were found with more than 80 characters!" >&2 ; \
else echo "Succeed!"; \
.PHONY : hlint
hlint :
hlint src
.PHONY : haddock
haddock :
cabal --docdir=docs/ --htmldir=docs/ haddock --enable-documentation
.PHONY : docs
docs :
cd docs ; \
sh conv.sh
.PHONY : cabal
cabal :
cabal build all
.PHONY : stan
stan :
stan check --include --filter-all --directory=src
stack build --only-dependencies --jobs $(THREADS)
.PHONY : build
stack build --fast --jobs $(THREADS)
cabal clean
stack clean
stack clean --full
.PHONY: install-agda
git clone https://github.com/agda/agda.git
cd agda
cabal update
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' alex-3.2.6
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' happy-1.19.12
cabal install --overwrite-policy=always --ghc-options='-O2 +RTS -M6G -RTS' -foptimise-heavily
.PHONY : install-agda2hs
git clone https://github.com/agda/agda2hs.git
cd agda2hs && cabal new-install --overwrite-policy=always
mkdir -p .agda/
touch .agda/libraries
echo "agda2hs/agda2hs.agda-lib" > ~/.agda/libraries
.PHONY : agda
agda :
agda2hs ./Core.agda -o src -XUnicodeSyntax -XStandaloneDeriving -XDerivingStrategies -XMultiParamTypeClasses
agda2hs ./Eval.agda -o src -XUnicodeSyntax -XStandaloneDeriving -XDerivingStrategies -XMultiParamTypeClasses

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
name: MiniJuvix
include: src
depend: agda2hs

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@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
module MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraphOld
( module MiniJuvix.Termination.Types,
module MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraphOld,
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Termination.Types
import Prettyprinter as PP
type Edges = HashMap (FunctionName, FunctionName) Edge
data Edge = Edge
{ _edgeFrom :: FunctionName,
_edgeTo :: FunctionName,
_edgeMatrices :: [CallMatrix]
newtype CompleteCallGraph = CompleteCallGraph Edges
data ReflexiveEdge = ReflexiveEdge
{ _redgeFun :: FunctionName,
_redgeMatrices :: [CallMatrix]
data RecursiveBehaviour = RecursiveBehaviour
{ _recBehaviourFunction :: FunctionName,
_recBehaviourMatrix :: [[Rel]]
makeLenses ''RecursiveBehaviour
makeLenses ''Edge
makeLenses ''ReflexiveEdge
multiply :: CallMatrix -> CallMatrix -> CallMatrix
multiply a b = map sumProdRow a
rowB :: Int -> CallRow
rowB i = CallRow $ case b !? i of
Just (CallRow (Just c)) -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
sumProdRow :: CallRow -> CallRow
sumProdRow (CallRow mr) = CallRow $ do
(ki, ra) <- mr
(j, rb) <- _callRow (rowB ki)
return (j, mul' ra rb)
multiplyMany :: [CallMatrix] -> [CallMatrix] -> [CallMatrix]
multiplyMany r s = [multiply a b | a <- r, b <- s]
composeEdge :: Edge -> Edge -> Maybe Edge
composeEdge a b = do
guard (a ^. edgeTo == b ^. edgeFrom)
{ _edgeFrom = a ^. edgeFrom,
_edgeTo = b ^. edgeTo,
_edgeMatrices = multiplyMany (a ^. edgeMatrices) (b ^. edgeMatrices)
fromFunCall :: FunctionName -> FunCall -> Call
fromFunCall caller fc =
{ _callFrom = caller,
_callTo = fc ^. callName,
_callMatrix = map fst (fc ^. callArgs)
completeCallGraph :: CallMap -> CompleteCallGraph
completeCallGraph cm = CompleteCallGraph (go startingEdges)
startingEdges :: Edges
startingEdges = foldr insertCall mempty allCalls
insertCall :: Call -> Edges -> Edges
insertCall Call {..} = HashMap.alter (Just . aux) (_callFrom, _callTo)
aux :: Maybe Edge -> Edge
aux me = case me of
Nothing -> Edge _callFrom _callTo [_callMatrix]
Just e -> over edgeMatrices (_callMatrix :) e
allCalls :: [Call]
allCalls =
[ fromFunCall caller funCall
| (caller, callerMap) <- HashMap.toList (cm ^. callMap),
(_, funCalls) <- HashMap.toList callerMap,
funCall <- funCalls
go :: Edges -> Edges
go m
| edgesCount m == edgesCount m' = m
| otherwise = go m'
m' = step m
step :: Edges -> Edges
step s = edgesUnion (edgesCompose s startingEdges) s
fromEdgeList :: [Edge] -> Edges
fromEdgeList l = HashMap.fromList [((e ^. edgeFrom, e ^. edgeTo), e) | e <- l]
edgesCompose :: Edges -> Edges -> Edges
edgesCompose a b =
fromEdgeList $
[composeEdge ea eb | ea <- toList a, eb <- toList b]
edgesUnion :: Edges -> Edges -> Edges
edgesUnion = HashMap.union
edgesCount :: Edges -> Int
edgesCount = HashMap.size
reflexiveEdges :: CompleteCallGraph -> [ReflexiveEdge]
reflexiveEdges (CompleteCallGraph es) = mapMaybe reflexive (toList es)
reflexive :: Edge -> Maybe ReflexiveEdge
reflexive e
| e ^. edgeFrom == e ^. edgeTo =
Just $ ReflexiveEdge (e ^. edgeFrom) (e ^. edgeMatrices)
| otherwise = Nothing
callMatrixDiag :: CallMatrix -> [Rel]
callMatrixDiag m = [col i r | (i, r) <- zip [0 :: Int ..] m]
col :: Int -> CallRow -> Rel
col i (CallRow row) = case row of
Nothing -> RNothing
Just (j, r')
| i == j -> RJust r'
| otherwise -> RNothing
recursiveBehaviour :: ReflexiveEdge -> RecursiveBehaviour
recursiveBehaviour re =
(re ^. redgeFun)
(map callMatrixDiag (re ^. redgeMatrices))
findOrder :: RecursiveBehaviour -> Maybe LexOrder
findOrder rb = LexOrder <$> listToMaybe (mapMaybe (isLexOrder >=> nonEmpty) allPerms)
b0 :: [[Rel]]
b0 = rb ^. recBehaviourMatrix
indexed = map (zip [0 :: Int ..] . take minLength) b0
minLength = minimum (map length b0)
startB = removeUselessColumns indexed
-- removes columns that don't have at least one ≺ in them
removeUselessColumns :: [[(Int, Rel)]] -> [[(Int, Rel)]]
removeUselessColumns = transpose . filter (any (isLess . snd)) . transpose
isLexOrder :: [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
isLexOrder = go startB
go :: [[(Int, Rel)]] -> [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
go [] _ = Just []
go b perm = case perm of
[] -> error "The permutation should have one element at least!"
(p0 : ptail)
| Just r <- find (isLess . snd . (!! p0)) b,
all (notNothing . snd . (!! p0)) b,
Just perm' <- go (b' p0) (map pred ptail) ->
Just (fst (r !! p0) : perm')
| otherwise -> Nothing
b' i = map r' (filter (not . isLess . snd . (!! i)) b)
r' r = case splitAt i r of
(x, y) -> x ++ drop 1 y
notNothing = (RNothing /=)
isLess = (RJust RLe ==)
allPerms :: [[Int]]
allPerms = case nonEmpty startB of
Nothing -> []
Just s -> permutations [0 .. length (head s) - 1]
instance PrettyCode Edge where
ppCode Edge {..} = do
fromFun <- ppSCode _edgeFrom
toFun <- ppSCode _edgeTo
matrices <- indent 2 . ppMatrices . zip [0 :: Int ..] <$> mapM ppCode _edgeMatrices
return $
pretty ("Edge" :: Text) <+> fromFun <+> waveFun <+> toFun <> line
<> matrices
ppMatrices = vsep2 . map ppMatrix
ppMatrix (i, t) =
pretty ("Matrix" :: Text) <+> pretty i <> colon <> line
<> t
instance PrettyCode CompleteCallGraph where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => CompleteCallGraph -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (CompleteCallGraph edges) = do
es <- vsep2 <$> mapM ppCode (toList edges)
return $ pretty ("Complete Call Graph:" :: Text) <> line <> es
instance PrettyCode RecursiveBehaviour where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => RecursiveBehaviour -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (RecursiveBehaviour f m) = do
f' <- ppSCode f
let m' = vsep (map (PP.list . map pretty) m)
return $
pretty ("Recursive behaviour of " :: Text) <> f' <> colon <> line
<> indent 2 (align m')

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
/* Aspects. */
/* Code. */
pre.highlight { padding: .4em .4em; border-style: dashed !important; }
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/* Agda. */
pre.Agda { font-family: 'mononoki', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Source Code Pro', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'FreeMono', 'Courier New', 'Monaco', 'Menlo', monospace, serif; font-size: .85em; padding: .4em .4em; }
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.Agda .Symbol { color: #404040 }
.Agda .PrimitiveType { color: #0000CD }
.Agda .Pragma { color: black }
.Agda .Operator {}
/* NameKinds. */
.Agda .Bound { color: black }
.Agda .Generalizable { color: black }
.Agda .InductiveConstructor { color: #008B00 }
.Agda .CoinductiveConstructor { color: #8B7500 }
.Agda .Datatype { color: #0000CD }
.Agda .Field { color: #EE1289 }
.Agda .Function { color: #0000CD }
.Agda .Module { color: #A020F0 }
.Agda .Postulate { color: #0000CD }
.Agda .Primitive { color: #0000CD }
.Agda .Record { color: #0000CD }
/* OtherAspects. */
.Agda .DottedPattern {}
.Agda .UnsolvedMeta { color: black; background: yellow }
.Agda .UnsolvedConstraint { color: black; background: yellow }
.Agda .TerminationProblem { color: black; background: #FFA07A }
.Agda .IncompletePattern { color: black; background: #F5DEB3 }
.Agda .Error { color: red; text-decoration: underline }
.Agda .TypeChecks { color: black; background: #ADD8E6 }
.Agda .Deadcode { color: black; background: #808080 }
.Agda .ShadowingInTelescope { color: black; background: #808080 }
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text-decoration: none;

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@ -1,800 +0,0 @@
# Proposal : MiniJuvix [draft]
<!-- Latex stuff adapted from Andy's record proposal:
https://hackmd.io/Xlvu82eFQ_m-cebUWAtGsw?edit -->
% ---------- To typeset grammars -----------------------------
\newcommand{\OR}[1][]{\mkern17mu | \mkern12mu}
% ---------- To typese rules ---------------------------------
% Bidirectional judgements
\newcommand{\check}[4]{{{#1}\,\vdash\,{#2}\,\overset{{#3}}{\color{red}{\Leftarrow}}\, {#4}}}
\newcommand{\infer}[4]{{{#1}\,\vdash\,{#2}\,\overset{{#3}}{\color{blue}{\Rightarrow}}\, {#4}}}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
###### tags: `Juvix`
## Abstract
MiniJuvix implements a programming language that takes variable resources very
seriously in the programs. As mathematical foundation, we are inspired by
Quantitative type theory (QTT), a dependent type theory that marriages ideas
from linear logic and traditional dependently typed programs to writing memory-efficient programs using resource accounting. Among the language features, there is a type for a universe,
dependent function types, tensor products, sum types, and more type formers.
The main
purpose of MiniJuvix is to serve as a guide to supporting/extending the
[Juvix](/Q5LbuHI5RXaJ8mD08yW7-g) programming language, in particular, the design
of a correct and efficient typechecker.
In this document we provide a work in progress report containing a description
of the MiniJuvix bidirectional type checking algorithm. We have provide some
Haskell sketches for the algorithm implementation.
The code will be available on the Github repository:
[heliaxdev/MiniJuvix](https://github.com/heliaxdev/MiniJuvix). In this document,
we only refer to the implementation provided in the `qtt` branch.
## Language
### Syntax
**Quantities** In the traditional QTT, each term has a usage/quantity annotation
in the semiring $\{0,1,\omega\}$. Besides the semiring structure, we also
consider different ordering of these terms. One choice for such an order states
that $0,1 < \omega$ and $0$ and $1$ are not comparable, i.e., $0 \not < 1$. This
order is good, at least in the sense that terms of zero usage and $1$ usage live
in completely different worlds, from the evaluation point-of-view. Terms or zero
usage are *irrelevant* at runtime, and we therefore erase them in the *erasure*
phase. While, non-zero terms are *present* during compilation and execution of
the program. We embrace this distinction in the implementation with the data type
`Relevant` with constructors *irrelevant* and *relevant*.
%x,y,z &\EQ \dotsb & \text{term variable} \\[.5em]
\pi,\rho,\sigma &\EQ 0 \Or 1 \Or \omega
& \text{(quantity variables)} \\[.5em]
<!-- A, B &\EQ \mathcal{U} & \text{universe} \\
&\OR (x :^{\sigma} A) \to B &\text{depend. fun. type} \\
&\OR (x :^{\sigma} A) \otimes B &\text{tensor prod. type} \\[.5em]
u, v &\EQ \mathsf{Var}(x) &\text{variable}\\
&\OR \mathsf{Ann}(x, A) &\text{annotation}\\
&\OR u\,v &\text{application} \\
&\OR \lambda x.v &\text{lambda abs.} \\[.5em]
&\OR \color{gray}{f} &\color{gray}{\text{named function(review)}} \\
&\OR \color{gray}{D} &\color{gray}{\text{data type decl.}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{c} &\color{gray}{\text{data constr.}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{R} &\color{gray}{\text{...check andy's record constr decl..}} \\
&\OR \color{gray}{r} &\color{gray}{\text{record. intro}} \\
&\OR \color{gray}{\cdots} &\color{gray}{\text{record. proj.}} \\[.7em]
\Gamma &\EQ \emptyset \Or \Gamma, x :^{\sigma} A & \text{ contexts}
\Delta &\EQ () \Or (x : A)\,\Delta& \text{ telescopes} -->
**Judgements** The core language in MiniJuvix is bidirectional syntax-directed,
meaning that a *judgement* in the theory contains a term that is either
*checkable* or *inferable*. A type judgement consists of a *context*, a *term* --the term quantity required--, a *judgement mode*, and a *type*. Precisely, the judgement
mode is either *checking* or *inferring*, as illustrated in the rules below,
respectively, using a red and blue arrow.
We will refer to the *erased* part of the theory when the variable resource
$\sigma$ is zero in the type judgement ; otherwise, we are in the *present*
segment of the theory. Another way to refer to this distinction is that no
computation is required in the $\sigma$ zero theory. Otherwise, we say that the judgement possess *computation content*.
**Contexts** The context in which a term is judged is fundamental to determine
well-formed terms. Another name for context is *environment*. A context can be
either empty or it can be extended by binding name annotations of the form $x
\overset{\sigma}{:} M$ for a given type $A$.
\Gamma &\EQ \emptyset \Or (\Gamma, x\overset{\pi}{:} A) & \text{(contexts)}
A needed context operation is *scaling*. The *scalar product* with a context
$\Gamma$ is defined by induction on the context structure. Given a scalar number
$\sigma$, the product $\sigma \cdot \Gamma$ denotes the context $\Gamma$ after
multiplying *all* its resources variables by $\sigma$.
\color{green}{\sigma} \cdot \emptyset &:= \emptyset,\\
\color{green}{\sigma} \cdot (\Gamma, x \overset{\color{green}{\pi}}{:} A) &:= \color{green}{\sigma} \cdot \Gamma , x \overset{\color{green}{\sigma\cdot \pi}}{:} A.
The addition operation for contexts is a binary operation only defined between
contexts with the same variable set. The latter condition is the proposition
stating $0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0 \cdot \Gamma_2$ between contexts $\Gamma_1$ and
$\Gamma_2$. Consequently, adding contexts create another context with the same
variables from the input but with their resource summed up.
\emptyset+\emptyset &:=\emptyset \\
(\Gamma_{1}, x \overset{\color{green}{\sigma}}{:} A)+(\Gamma_{2}, x \overset{\color{green}{\pi}}{:} A) &:=(\Gamma_{1}+\Gamma_{2}), x^{\color{green}{\sigma+\pi}} S
**Telescopes** A *resource* telescope is the name for grouping types with
resource information. We use telescopes in forming new types, for
example, in forming new inductive types.
\Delta &\EQ () \Or \Delta(x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) & \text{(telescopes)}
The $\color{gray}{gray}$ cases below are expected to be incorporated in the future.
**Types** A *type* in the theory is one of the following synthactical cases.
A , B%
&\EQ \mathcal{U} & \text{(universe type)} \\
&\OR (x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \to B &\text{(depend. fun. type)} \\
&\OR (x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \otimes B &\text{(tensor prod. type)} \\
&\OR A + B &\text{(sum type)} \\
&\OR 1 &\text{(unit type)} \\
&\OR \color{gray}{P} &\color{gray}{\text{(primitive type)}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{D} &\color{gray}{\text{(inductive type decl.)}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{R} &\color{gray}{\text{(record type decl.)}}
On the other hand, we want to consider a set of *primitive types*, each of these with a set of *primitive* terms. An example of a primitive types is that of the type
of *boolens*, denoted by $\mathsf{Bool}$. $\mathsf{true} : \mathsf{Bool}$ and
$\mathsf{False} : \mathsf{Bool}$.
**Terms** We refer to terms as those elements that can inhabit a type. So far,
we have used as a term the metavariable $x$. A term can take one of the
following shapes.
u, v , t , f &\EQ \mathsf{Var}(x) &\text{(variable)}\\
&\OR \mathsf{Ann}(x,A) &\text{(type annotation)}\\
&\OR \mathsf{Lam}(x,t) &\text{(lambda abstraction)}\\
&\OR\mathsf{App}(u,v) &\text{(application)}\\
&\OR * &\text{(unit)}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{\mathsf{Fun}} &\color{gray}{\text{(named function)}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{\mathsf{Con}} &\color{gray}{\text{(data constr.)}}
The explicit naming below like $\mathsf{Ann}$ is on purpose. We want to avoid
any confussion, for example, between type annotations and usage type annotation,
i.e., $x : A$ and $x \overset{\sigma}{:} A$.
# Typing rules
We present the types rules almost in the same way as one would expect to see them in the
implementation, i.e., using the bidirectional notation.
It must be assumed that contexts appearing in the rules are *well-formed*, i.e. terms build up using the following derivation rules.
{\emptyset \ \mathsf{ctx}}
\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\color{green}{\Gamma \vdash A \ \mathsf{type}}
\sigma \ \mathsf{Quantity}
(\Gamma , x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \ \mathsf{ctx}
\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx} \qquad \sigma \ \mathsf{Quantity}
\sigma \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\Gamma_1 \ \mathsf{ctx} \qquad \Gamma_2 \ \mathsf{ctx} \qquad 0\cdot \Gamma_1 = 0 \cdot \Gamma_2
\Gamma_1 + \Gamma_2 \ \mathsf{ctx}
Below, we describe the algorithms for checking and infering types in a mutually
defined way. The corresponding algorithms are the functions `check` and `infer`
in the implementation. The definition of each is the collection and
interpretation of the typing rules (reading them bottom to top).
For example, the `infer` method is defined to work with three
arguments: one implicit argument for the context $\Gamma$ and two explicit
arguments, respectively, the term $t$ and its quantity $\sigma$. The output of the algorithm is precisely the type $M$ for $t$ in the rule below.
p_1 \cdots\ p_n
The variables $p_i$ in the rule above are inner steps of the algorithm and the order
in which they are presented matters. For example, an inner step can be infering
a type, checking if a property holds for a term, reducing a term, or simply
checking a term against another type.
A *reduction* step is denoted by $\Gamma \vdash
t \rightsquigarrow t'$ or simply by $t \rightsquigarrow t'$ whenever the context
$\Gamma$ is known. Such a reduction is obtained by calling `eval` in the
**Remark.** A term in the [Core](https://github.com/heliaxdev/MiniJuvix/blob/qtt/src/MiniJuvix/Syntax/Core.agda) implementation is either a Checkable or Inferable term. We refer to these
options as the *mode* of the term. In a typing rule the strategy/mode in a type
judgement determines the mode of the term in the conclusion. In the example above, $t$ is Inferable.
data Term : Set where
Checkable : CheckableTerm → Term -- terms with a type checkable.
Inferable : InferableTerm → Term -- terms that which types can be inferred.
**TODO**: we need to reflect on how we introduce the judgement $\Gamma \vdash A\ \mathsf{type}$ of the well-formed types. This may change the way of presenting formation rules, as the first ones below.
## Checking rules
This section mainly refers to the construction of checkable terms in the
*Remark.* We omit comments in the formation rules below. The general idea is
that no resources are needed to form a type. Therefore, we only check when
forming a type in the erase part of the theory, for both, premises and
- [x] UniverseType
- [x] PiType
- [x] Lam
- [x] TensorType
- [x] TensorIntro
- [x] UnitType
- [x] Unit
- [ ] SumType
### Universe
**Formation rule**
\rule{}{\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx} }{\Gamma \vdash \mathcal{U} \ \mathsf{type}}
(0\cdot \Gamma) \ \mathsf{ctx}
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash \mathcal{U}\, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\, \mathcal{U}
### Dependent function types
**Formation rule**
\rule{}{\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\qquad \Gamma \vdash A \ \mathsf{type}
\qquad (\Gamma , x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \vdash B(x) \ \mathsf{type}
}{\Gamma \vdash (x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \to B \ \ \mathsf{type}}
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash A \, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}
(0\cdot \Gamma,\,x\overset{0}{:}A)\vdash B \, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}\quad
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash (x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\rightarrow B \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\mathcal{U}
**Introduction rule**
The lambda abstraction rule is the introduction rule of a dependent function
type. The principal judgement in this case is the conclusion, and we therefore
check against the corresponing type $(x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \to B$. With
the types $A$ and $B$, all the information about the premise
becomes known, and it just remains to check its judgement.
(\Gamma, x\overset{\sigma\pi}{:}A) \vdash b \,\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,B
\Gamma \vdash \lambda x.b \overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} (x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\rightarrow B
Another choice here is $\lambda x.b$ instead of $\lambda\,\mathsf{Ann}(x,A). b$.
The former option will change the strategy, to infer the conclusion, since one would have enough information for typing.
### Tensor product types
**Formation rule**
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash A \,\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}
(0\cdot \Gamma, x\overset{0}{:}A) \vdash B\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}\quad
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash (x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}
**Introduction rule**
A rule to introduce pairs in QTT appears in [Section 2.1.3 in Atkey's
paper](https://bentnib.org/quantitative-type-theory.pdf). We here present this rule
in a more didactical way but also following the bidirectional
recipe. Briefly, the known rule is splitted in two cases, the erased and present
part of the theory, after studying the usage variable in the conclusion. Recall
that forming pairs is the way one introduces values of the tensor product.
One then must check the rule conclusion. After doing this, the types $A$ and $B$ become
known facts and it makes sense to check the types in the premises. The usage
bussiness follows a similar reasoning as infering applications.
\rule{\otimes I{\Leftarrow}}{
\check{\sigma\pi \cdot \Gamma_1}{u}{\sigma\pi}{A}
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0\cdot \Gamma_2}\quad
\check{\sigma\pi\cdot \Gamma_1 + \Gamma_2}{(u,v)}{\sigma}{(x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B}
Essentially, we are
forming $\sigma$ *dependent* pairs where the first cordinate, $u$, is used $\pi$
times in the second component. This is the reason for having $\sigma\pi\cdot
\Gamma_1$ in the conclusion since, $u$ is taken from $\Gamma_1$. The gray
premises below are necessary, since one must ensure that the addition between
context is possible.
Finally, we obtain the following two rules that make up the original one.
1. $$\begin{gathered}
\rule{\otimes I_1{\Leftarrow}}{
\color{green}{\sigma\pi = 0}
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash u \,\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,A
\Gamma \vdash v \,\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,B[u/x]
\Gamma \vdash (u,v)\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} (x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B
2. $$\begin{gathered}
\rule{\otimes I_2{\Leftarrow}}{
\color{green}{\sigma\pi \neq 0}\qquad
\Gamma_{1} \vdash u \,\overset{1}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,A
\Gamma_{2} \vdash v \,\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,B[u/x]
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0\cdot \Gamma_2}\quad
\color{green}{\sigma\pi}\cdot \Gamma_{1}+\Gamma_{2} \vdash (u,v)\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} (x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B
### Unit type
0 \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\Gamma \vdash 1 \ \mathsf{type}
0 \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
0 \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
### Sum type
### Inductive types
## Conversion rules
Include the rules for definitional equality:
- [ ] β-equality,
- [ ] reflexivity,
- [ ] symmetry,
- [ ] transitivity, and
- [ ] congruence.
\Gamma \vdash M \,\overset{\sigma}{\color{blue}\Rightarrow}\,S \qquad
\Gamma \vdash S\, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\, \mathcal{U}\qquad
\Gamma \vdash T \,\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U} \qquad
\color{green}{S =_{\beta} T}\ \,\,\,
\Gamma \vdash M \overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} T
## Type inference
The algorithm that implements type inference is called `infer`. Inspired by Agda and its inference strategy, MiniJuvix only infer values that are *uniquely* determined by the context.
There are no guesses. Either we fail or get a unique answer, giving us a predicatable behaviour.
By design, a term is inferable if it is one of the following cases.
- [x] Variable
- [x] Annotation
- [x] Application
- [x] Tensor type elim
- [ ] Sum type elim
Each case above has as a rule in what follows.
The Haskell type of `infer` would be similar as the following.
infer :: Quantity -> InferableTerm -> Output (Type , Resources)
Output = Either ErrorType
Resources = Map Name Quantity
### Variable
A variable can be *free* or *bound*. If the variable is free, the rule is as
**Free variable**
(x :^{\sigma} M) \in \Gamma
\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{Free}(x) {\color{blue}\Rightarrow}^{\sigma} M
1. The input to `infer` is a variable term of the form `Free x`.
2. The only case for introducing a variable is to have it in the context.
3. Therefore, we ask if the variable is in the context.
4. If it's not the case, throw an error.
5. Otherwise, one gets a hypothesis $x :^\sigma S$ from the context that matches $x$.
6. At the end, we return two things:
6.1. first, the inferred type and
6.2. a table with the new usage information for each variable.
Haskell prototype:
infer σ (Free x) = do
Γ <- asks contextMonad
case find ((== x) . getVarName) Γ of
Just (BindingName _ _σ typeM)
-> return (typeM, updateResources (x, _σ) )
-> throwError "Variable not present in the context"
The method `updateResources` rewrites the map tracking names with their quantities.
**Bound variables**
The case of the`Bound` variable throws an error.
### Annotations
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash A\,{\color{red}\Leftarrow}^0\,\mathcal{U}
\Gamma \vdash x\,{\color{red}\Leftarrow}^\sigma\, A
\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{Ann}(x,A)\,{\color{blue}\Rightarrow}^{\sigma}\,A
Any annotation possess type information that counts as known facts, and we therefore infer. However, this is a choice.
- First, we must check that $A$ is a type, i.e., a term in *some* universe.
Because there is only one universe we denote it by $\mathcal{U}$. The formation
rule for types has no computation content, then the usage is zero in this case.
- Second, the term $x$ needs to be checked against $A$ using the same usage
$\sigma$ we need in the conclusion. The context for this is $\Gamma$. There is
one issue here. This type checking expects $A$ to be in normal form. When it is
not, typechecking the judgement $\Gamma \vdash x \Leftarrow^\sigma A$ may give us
a false negative.
- *Example*: Why do we need $A'$? Imagine that we want to infer the type of $v$ given $\Gamma \vdash x : \mathsf{Ann}(v, \mathsf{Vec}(\mathsf{Nat},2+2))$. Clearly, the answer should be `Vec(Nat,4)`.
However, this reasoning step requires computation. $$\Gamma \vdash x : \mathsf{Ann}(v, \mathsf{Vec}(\mathsf{Nat},2+2)) \Rightarrow \mathsf{Vec}(\mathsf{Nat},4))\,.$$
- Using $M'$ as the normal form of $A$, it remains to check if $x$ is of type
$A'$. If so, the returning type is $A'$ and the table resources has to be updated
(the $\color{gray}{gray}$ $\Theta$ in the rule below).
\check{0\cdot \Gamma}{A}{0}{\mathcal{U}}
A \color{green}{\rightsquigarrow} A'
\check{\Gamma}{x}{\sigma}{A'} \color{darkgrey}{\dashv \Theta}
\color{darkgrey}{\dashv \Theta}
Haskell prototype:
infer _ (Ann termX typeM) = do
_ <- check (0 .*. context) typeM zero Universe
typeM' <- evalWithContext typeM
(_ , newUsages) <- check context termX typeM'
return (typeM' , newUsages)
### Application
**Elimination rule**
Recall the task is to find $A$ in $\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x) :^{\sigma}
A$. If we follow the bidirectional type-checking recipe, then it makes sense to
infer the type for an application, i.e., $\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x)
\Rightarrow^{\sigma} A$. An application essentially removes a lambda abstraction
introduced earlier in the derivation tree. The rule for this inference case is a
bit more settle, especially because of the usage variables.
To introduce the term of an application, $\mathsf{App}(f,x)$, it requires to
give/have a judgement saying that $f$ is a (dependent) function, i.e., $\Gamma
\vdash f \overset{\sigma}{:} (x \overset{\pi}{:} A) \to B$, for usages variables $\sigma$ and
$\pi$. Then, given $\Gamma$, the function $f$ uses $\pi$ times its input,
mandatory. We therefore need $\sigma\pi$ resources of an input for $f$ if we
want to apply $f$ $\sigma$ times, as in the conclusion $\Gamma \vdash
\mathsf{App}(f,x) \Rightarrow^{\sigma} A$.
In summary, the elimination rule is often presented as follows.
\Gamma \vdash f :^{\sigma} (x : ^\pi A) \to B
\sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash x : ^{\sigma\pi} A
\Gamma + \sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x) :^{\sigma} B
The first judgement about $f$ is *principal*. Then, it must be an inference step.
After having inferred the type of $f$, the types $A$ and $B$ become known facts.
It is then correct to check the type of $x$ against $A$.
\Gamma \vdash f {\color{blue}\Rightarrow}^{\sigma}(x : ^\pi A) \to B
\sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash x {\color{red}\Leftarrow}^{\sigma\pi} A
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma = 0 \cdot \Gamma'}
\Gamma + \sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x) \,{\color{blue}\Rightarrow^{\sigma}}\, B
To make our life much easier, the rule above can be splitted in two cases,
emphasising the usage bussiness.
1. $$\begin{gathered}
\color{green}{\sigma \cdot \pi = 0}
\Gamma \vdash f {\color{blue}\Rightarrow^{\sigma}} (x :^{\pi} A) \to B
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash x {\color{red}\Leftarrow^{0}} A
2. $$\begin{gathered}
\color{green}{\sigma \cdot \pi \neq 0}
\infer{\Gamma_1}{f}{\sigma}{(x :^{\pi} A) \to B}
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0 \cdot \Gamma_2}
\infer{\Gamma_1 + \sigma \pi\cdot \Gamma_2}{\mathsf{App}(f,x)}{\sigma}{B}
In summary, we infer the type of $f$. If it is a $\Pi$-type, then one checks
whether $\sigma\pi$ is zero or not. If so, we use Rule No.1, otherwise, Rule No.
2. Otherwise, something goes wrong, an error arise.
infer σ (App f x) = do
(arrowAtoB, usages) <- infer σ f
case arrowAtoB of
IsPiType π _ typeA typeB -> do
σπ <- case (σ .*. π) of
-- Rule No. 1
Zero -> do
(_ , nqs) <- check x typeA (mult Zero context)
return nqs
-- Rule No. 2
_ -> undefined -- TODO (mult σπ context)
-- f is not a function:
ty -> throwError $ Error ExpectedPiType ty (App f x)
In the rules above, we have the lemma:
- $1 \cdot \Gamma \vdash x :^1 A$ entails that $\sigma \cdot \Gamma \vdash x
:^\sigma A$ for any usage $\sigma$.
## Tensor products
**Elimination rule**
In Atkey's QTT, there is no $\Sigma$-types but instead tensor product types. As
with any other elimination rule, in the principal judgement, we synthetise a
type. In our case, the principal judgement shows up in the first premise, which
is the fact that $M$ is a tensor product type. If we infer that, the types $A$
and $B$ become known facts. Then, the type $C$, depending on $A$ and $B$ become checkable, also making the next judgement checking.
\infer{\Gamma_{1}}{M}{\sigma}{(x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\otimes B}
\check{(0\cdot \Gamma_{1},z\overset{0}{:}(x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\otimes B)}{C}{0}{\mathcal{U}}
\check{(\Gamma_{2}, u \overset{\sigma\pi}{:} A, v\overset{\sigma}{:}B)}{%
\Gamma_{1}+\Gamma_{2} \vdash \mathsf{let}\,z@(u,v)=M\,\,\mathsf{in}\,\,N :C \overset{\sigma}{\color{blue}\Rightarrow}\, C[M/x]
*Remark* Inspired by the tensor product rules in linear logic, there is a need to
decompose a pair in its components. We have to be sure that all the resources in
each component are effectively used. This mechanism needs to be introduced somewhere somehow, Idk yet. It is the keyword $\mathsf{let}\mbox{-}\mathsf{in}$.
## Sum type elim
## References
- Robert Atkey. 2018. Syntax and Semantics of Quantitative Type Theory. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 5665. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3209108.3209189
- Jana Dunfield and Neel Krishnaswami. 2021. Bidirectional Typing. ACM Comput. Surv. 54, 5, Article 98 (June 2022), 38 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3450952
- James Wood, Robert Atkey. A Linear Algebra Approach to Linear Metatheory. Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.02247
- Andy Morris. Juvix: Core language documentation. https://juvix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/compiler/core/core-language.html#id6
- Andy Morris. Proposal: Records in Core. https://hackmd.io/UT269VN1R6-qchHaWzg7KQ
- SVOBODA, Tomáš. Additive Pairs in Quantitative Type Theory. Praha, 2021. Diplomová práce Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Katedra algebry. Vedoucí práce Šefl, Vít. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/127263
- Conor McBride. 2016. I Got Plenty o' Nuttin'. In A List of Successes That Can Change the World-Essays Dedicated to Philip Wadler on the Occasion of His $60 t h$ Birthday. 207-233. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-30936-1

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theme: minima
# title: "Proposal: MiniJuvix"
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# Adapted from https://jonaprieto.github.io/synthetic-graph-theory/conv.sh
# 1. Install pandoc from http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
# 2. Copy this script into the directory containing the .md files
# 3. Ensure that the script has all the permissions to be executed
# $ chmod +x conv.sh
# 4. Run the script
# $ ./conv.sh
PANDOCVERSION=$(pandoc --version | head -n 1)
for f in $FILES
logdata=$(git log --pretty="format:(%as)(%h) %Creset%s by %cl" --no-merges -20)
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
pandoc --standalone \
--metadata-file="_config.yml" \
--template=template.html5 \
"$f" \
--from markdown+tex_math_dollars+tex_math_double_backslash+latex_macros+lists_without_preceding_blankline \
--to=html \
--mathjax \
-o "$html" \
--variable=updated:"$(date +'%A, %B %e, %Y, %I:%M %p')" \
--variable=lastCommit:"$logdata" \
--variable=pandocVersion:"${PANDOCVERSION:u}" \
cp README.html index.html

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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-- Comments as in Haskell.
--This is another comment
------ This is another comment
-- This is another comment --possible text--
-- This is a comment, as it is not indent
-- sensitive. It should be fine.
-- reserved symbols (with their Unicode counterpart):
-- , ; : { } -> |-> := === @ _ \
-- reserved words:
-- module close open axiom inductive record options
-- where let in
-- Options to check/run this file.
options {
debug := INFO;
phase := { parsing , check };
backend := none; -- llvm.
module Example1;
module M;
-- This creates a module called M,
-- which it must be closed with:
end M;
open M; -- comments can follow after ;
close M;
-- import moduleName {names} hiding {names};
import Primitives; -- imports all the public names.
import Backend {LLVM}; -- imports to local scope a var. called LLVM.
import Prelude hiding {Nat, Vec, Empty, Unit};
-- same as before, but without the names inside `hiding`
-- Judgement decl.
-- `x : M;`
-- Nonindexed inductive type declaration:
inductive Nat
{ zero : Nat ;
suc : Nat -> Nat ;
-- Term definition uses := instead of =.
-- = is not a reserved name.
-- == is not a reserved name.
-- === is a reserved symbol for def. equality.
zero' : Nat;
:= zero;
-- Axioms/definitions.
axiom A : Type;
axiom a a' : A;
f : Nat -> A;
f := \x -> match x
zero |-> a ;
suc |-> a' ;
g : Nat -> A;
g Nat.zero := a;
g (Nat.suc t) := a';
-- Qualified names for pattern-matching seems convenient.
-- For example, if we define a function without a type sig.
-- that also matches on inductive type with constructor names
-- appearing in another type, e.g. Nat and Fin.
inductive Fin (n : Nat) {
zero : Fin Nat.zero;
suc : (n : Nat) -> Fin (Nat.suc n);
infixl 10 _+_ ; -- fixity notation as in Agda or Haskell.
_+_ : Nat → Nat → Nat ;
_+_ Nat.zero m := m;
_+_ (Nat.suc n) m := Nat.suc (n + m) ;
-- Unicode is possible.
: Type;
:= Nat;
-- Maybe consider alises for types and data constructors:
-- `alias := Nat` ;
-- The function `g` should be transformed to
-- a function of the form f. (aka. case-tree compilation)
-- Examples we must have to make things interesting:
-- Recall ; goes after any declarations.
inductive Unit { tt : Unit;};
-- Indexed inductive type declarations:
inductive Vec (n : Nat) (A : Type)
zero : Vec Nat.zero A;
succ : A -> Vec n A -> Vec (Nat.succ n) A;
Vec' : Nat -> Type -> Type;
Vec' Nat.zero A := Unit;
Vec' (Vec'.suc n) A := A -> Vec' n A;
inductive Empty{};
exfalso : (A : Type) -> Empty -> A;
exfalso A e := match e {};
neg : Type -> Type;
neg := A -> Empty;
-- Record
record Person {
name : String;
age: Nat;
h : Person -> Nat;
h := \x -> match x {
{name = s , age = n} |-> n;
h' : Person -> Nat;
h' {name = s , age = n} := n;
-- projecting fields values.
h'' : Person -> String;
h'' p := Person.name p;
-- maybe, harder to support but very convenient.
h''' : Person -> String;
h''' p := p.name;
-- So far, we haven't used quantites, here is some examples.
-- We mark a type judgment `x : M` of quantity n as `x :n M`.
-- If the quantity n is not explicit, then the judgement
-- is `x :Any M`.
-- The following says that the term z of type A has quantity 0.
axiom z :0 A;
axiom B : (x :1 A) -> Type; -- type family
axiom T : [ A ] B; -- Tensor product type. usages Any
axiom T' : [ x :1 A ] B; -- Tensor product type.
axiom em : (x :1 A) -> B;
-- Tensor product type.
f' : [ x :1 A ] -> B;
f' x := em x;
-- Pattern-matching on tensor pairs;
g' : ([ A -> B ] A) -> B; -- it should be the same as `[ A -> B ] A -> B`
g' (k , a) = k a;
g'' : ([ A -> B ] A) -> B;
g'' = \p -> match p {
(k , a) |-> k a;
axiom C : Type;
axiom D : Type;
-- A quantity can annotate a field name in a record type.
record P (A : Type) (B : A -> Type) {
proj1 : C;
proj2 :0 D;
eta-equality, constructor prop; -- extra options.
-- More inductive types.
inductive Id (A : Type) (x : A)
refl : Id A x;
a-is-a : a = a;
a-is-a := refl;
-- Where
a-is-a' : a = a;
a-is-a' := helper
where helper := a-is-a;
a-is-a'' : a = a;
a-is-a'' := helper
where {
helper : a = a;
helper := a-is-a';
-- `Let` can appear in type level definition
-- but also in term definitions.
a-is-a-3 : a = a;
a-is-a-3 := let { helper : a = a; helper := a-is-a;} in helper;
a-is-a-4 : let {
typeId : (M : Type) -> (x : M) -> Type;
typeId M x := x = x;
} in typeId A a;
a-is-a-4 := a-is-a;
end Example1;
-- future:
-- module M' (X : Type);
-- x-is-x : (x : X) -> x = x;
-- x-is-x x := refl;
-- end M';
-- open M' A;
-- a-is-a-5 := a = a;
-- a-is-a-5 = x-is-x a;
-- Also, for debugging:
-- print e; print out the internal representation for e, without normalising it.
-- eval e; compute e and print it out;

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-- Based on example2.ju in anoma/juvix
module Example2;
import Prelude hiding {Bool, True, False};
record Account {
balance : Nat;
name : String;
record Transaction {
sender : Account;
receiver : Account;
record Storage { trans : Transaction; };
inductive TrustLevel {
Trusted : Nat -> TrustLevel;
NotTrusted : TrustLevel
determine-trust-level : String -> TrustLevel;
determine-trust-level s :=
if s === "bob" then (Trusted 30)
else if s === "maria" then (Trusted 50)
else NotTrusted;
inductive Bool {
True : Bool;
False : Bool;
accept-withdraws-from : Storage -> Storage -> Bool;
accept-withdraws-from initial final :=
let { trusted? := determine-trust-level initial.trans.receiver.name; }
in match trusted? {
Trusted funds |->
funds.maximum-withdraw >=final.trans.sender.balance - initial.trans.sender.balance;
NotTrusted |-> False;
end Example2;

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-- Based on example3.ju in anoma/juvix
module Example3;
import Prelude;
record Account {
balance : Nat;
name : String;
record Transaction {
sender : Account;
receiver : Account;
record Storage { trans : Transaction; };
determine-maximum-withdraw : String -> Nat;
determine-maximum-withdraw s :=
if s === "bob" then 30
else if s === "maria" then 50
else 0;
accept-withdraws-from : Storage -> Storage -> Bool;
accept-withdraws-from initial final :=
let { withdrawl-amount :=
determine-maximum-withdraw initial.trans.receiver.name;
} in
withdrawl-amount >= final.trans.sender.balance - initial.trans.sender.balance;
end Example3;

View File

@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
module FirstMilestone;
-- Module declaration
module M; -- This creates a module called M.
end; -- This closes the current module in scope.
-- Import definitions from existing modules
import Primitives;
{- The line above will import to the local scope all the
public names qualified in the module called
open Primitives;
{- The line above will import to the local scope all the
public names unqualified in the module called
import Backend;
-- Additionally, one can only import unqualified names by means of
-- the keyword "using".
open Backend using { LLVM }; -- this imports to the local scope only the
-- variable called LLVM.
-- One can use ---in combination with `using`--- the keyword `hiding`
-- to avoid importing undesirable names.
import Prelude;
open Prelude hiding { Nat ; Unit ; Empty } ;
-- Inductive type declarations
-- An inductive type named Empty without data constructors.
inductive Empty {};
-- An inductive type named Unit with only one constructor.
inductive Unit { tt : Unit; };
inductive Nat' : Type
{ zero : Nat' ;
suc : Nat' -> Nat' ;
-- The use of the type `Type` below is optional.
-- The following declaration is equivalent to Nat'.
inductive Nat {
zero : Nat ;
suc : Nat -> Nat ;
-- A term definition uses the symbol (:=) instead of the traditional
-- symbol (=). The symbol (===) is reserved for def. equality. The
-- symbols (=) and (==) are not reserved.
zero' : Nat;
zero' := zero;
-- * Inductive type declarations with paramenters.
-- The n-point type.
inductive Fin (n : Nat) {
zero : Fin zero;
suc : (n : Nat) -> Fin (suc n);
-- The type of sized vectors.
inductive Vec (n : Nat) (A : Type)
zero : Vec Nat.zero A;
succ : A -> Vec n A -> Vec (Nat.succ n) A;
-- * Indexed inductive type declarations.
-- A very interesting data type.
inductive Id (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Type
refl : Id A x x;
-- Unicode, whitespaces, newlines
-- Unicode symbols are permitted.
: Type;
:= Nat;
-- Whitespaces and newlines are optional. The following term
-- declaration is equivalent to the previous one.
: Type;
-- Again, whitespaces are optional in declarations. For example,
-- `keyword nameID { content ; x := something; };` is equivalent to
-- `keyword nameID{content;x:=something;};`. However, we must strive
-- for readability and therefore, the former expression is better.
-- Axioms/definitions
axiom A : Type;
axiom a : A;
axiom a' : A;
-- Pattern-matching
f : Nat -> A;
f := \x -> match x -- \x or λ x to denote a lambda abstraction.
zero ↦ a ; -- case declaration uses the mapsto symbol or the normal arrow.
suc -> a' ;
-- We can use qualified names to disambiguate names for
-- pattern-matching. For example, imagine the case where there are
-- distinct matches of the same constructor name for different
-- inductive types (e.g. zero in Nat and Fin), AND the function type
-- signature is missing.
g : Nat -> A;
g Nat.zero := a;
g (Nat.suc t) := a';
-- For pattern-matching, the symbol `_` is the wildcard pattern as in
-- Haskell or Agda. The following function definition is equivalent to
-- the former.
g' : Nat -> A;
g' zero := a;
g' _ := a';
-- Note that the function `g` will be transformed to a function equal
-- to the function f above in the case-tree compilation phase.
-- The absurd case for patterns.
exfalso : (A : Type) -> Empty -> A;
exfalso A e := match e {};
neg : Type -> Type;
neg := A -> Empty;
-- An equivalent type for sized vectors.
Vec' : Nat -> Type -> Type;
Vec' Nat.zero A := Unit;
Vec' (Nat.suc n) A := A -> Vec' n A;
-- Fixity notation similarly as in Agda or Haskell.
infixl 10 + ;
+ : Nat → Nat → Nat ;
+ Nat.zero m := m;
+ (Nat.suc n) m := Nat.suc (n + m) ;
-- Quantities for variables.
-- A quantity for a variable in MiniJuvix can be either 0,1, or Any.
-- If the quantity n is not explicit, then it is Any.
-- The type of functions that uses once its input of type A to produce a number.
axiom funs : (x :1 A) -> Nat;
axiom B : (x :1 A) -> Type; -- B is a type family.
axiom em : (x :1 A) -> B;
-- Where
a-is-a : Id A a a;
a-is-a := refl;
a-is-a' : Id A a a;
a-is-a' := helper
where {
open somemodule;
helper : Id A a a;
helper := a-is-a;
-- Let
-- `let` can appear in term and type level definitions.
a-is-a'' : Id A a a;
a-is-a'' := let { helper : Id A a a;
helper := a-is-a; }
in helper;
a-is-a''' : let { typeId : (M : Type) -> (x : M) -> Type;
typeId M x := Id M x x;
} in typeId A a;
a-is-a''' := a-is-a;
-- Debugging
e : Nat;
e : suc zero + suc zero;
two : Nat;
two := suc (suc zero);
e-is-two : Id Nat e two;
e-is-two := refl;
-- print out the internal representation for e without normalising it.
print e;
-- compute e and print e.
eval e;

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- make test
test :
shelltest fail succeed -c --execdir -h --all

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
module A;
module B;

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
module A;
module A;

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
module Top;

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
module Top;
module A;
module O; end;
module B;
module O; end;

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
module Top;
module A; end;
module A; end;

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
module Top;
module A;
module P; end;
import A;

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# An empty file is not valid
$ stack -- exec minijuvix parse ./../examples/E0.mjuvix
minijuvix: user error (./../examples/E0.mjuvix:1:1:
1 | <empty line>
| ^
unexpected end of input
expecting "module"
>= 1

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# Every module declaration ends with 'end;'
$ stack -- exec minijuvix parse ./../examples/E1.mjuvix
minijuvix: user error (./../examples/E1.mjuvix:3:1:
3 | <empty line>
| ^
unexpected end of input
expecting "axiom", "end", "eval", "import", "inductive", "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "module", "open", "postfix", "prefix", or "print"
>= 1
$ stack -- exec minijuvix scope ./../examples/E1.mjuvix
minijuvix: user error (./../examples/E1.mjuvix:3:1:
3 | <empty line>
| ^
unexpected end of input
expecting "axiom", "end", "eval", "import", "inductive", "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "module", "open", "postfix", "prefix", or "print"
>= 1

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
$ stack -- exec minijuvix parse ./../examples/E2.mjuvix
{ modulePath =
{ modulePathDir = Path { pathParts = [] }
, modulePathName = Sym "Top"
, moduleBody =
[ StatementModule
{ modulePath = Sym "A"
, moduleBody =
[ StatementModule Module { modulePath = Sym "O" , moduleBody = [] }
, StatementModule
{ modulePath = Sym "B"
, moduleBody =
[ StatementModule Module { modulePath = Sym "O" , moduleBody = [] }
>= 0
$ stack -- exec minijuvix scope ./../examples/E2.mjuvix
minijuvix: user error (ErrAlreadyDefined (Sym "O"))
>= 1

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
$ stack -- exec minijuvix parse ./../examples/E3.mjuvix
{ modulePath =
{ modulePathDir = Path { pathParts = [] }
, modulePathName = Sym "Top"
, moduleBody =
[ StatementModule Module { modulePath = Sym "A" , moduleBody = [] }
, StatementModule Module { modulePath = Sym "A" , moduleBody = [] }
>= 0
$ stack -- exec minijuvix scope ./../examples/E3.mjuvix
minijuvix: user error (ErrAlreadyDefined (Sym "A"))
>= 1

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
$ stack -- exec minijuvix scope ./../examples/T.mjuvix
minijuvix: examples/T.mjuvix/A.mjuvix: openFile: inappropriate type (Not a directory)
>= 1

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
$ cat ./../examples/A.mjuvix
module A;
module B;
>= 0
$ stack -- exec minijuvix parse ./../examples/A.mjuvix
{ modulePath =
{ modulePathDir = Path { pathParts = [] }
, modulePathName = Sym "A"
, moduleBody =
[ StatementModule Module { modulePath = Sym "B" , moduleBody = [] }
>= 0
$ stack -- exec minijuvix scope ./../examples/A.mjuvix -- --show-name-ids
module A;
module B@0;
>= 0

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
$ stack -- exec minijuvix parse ./../examples/T.mjuvix
{ modulePath =
{ modulePathDir = Path { pathParts = [] }
, modulePathName = Sym "Top"
, moduleBody =
[ StatementModule
{ modulePath = Sym "A"
, moduleBody =
[ StatementModule Module { modulePath = Sym "P" , moduleBody = [] }
, StatementImport
{ importModule =
{ modulePathDir = Path { pathParts = [] }
, modulePathName = Sym "A"
>= 0

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-- The syntax is very similar to that of Agda. However, we need some extra ';'
module Example where
-- The natural numbers can be inductively defined thus:
data : Type 0 ;
| zero :
| suc : ;
-- A list of elements with typed size:
data Vec (A : Type) : → Type 0 ;
| nil : A → Vec A zero
| cons : (n : ) → A → Vec A n → Vec A (suc n) ;
module -Ops where
infixl 6 + ;
+ : ;
+ zero b = b ;
+ (suc a) b = suc (a + b) ;
infixl 7 * ;
* : ;
* zero b = zero ;
* (suc a) b = b + a * b ;
module M1 (A : Type 0) where
aVec : → Type 0 ;
aVec = Vec A ;
module Bot where
data ⊥ : Type 0 ;
open module M1 ;
two : ;
two = suc (suc zero) ;
id : (A : Type) → A → A ;
id _ = λ x → x ;
natVec : aVec (cons zero) ;
natVec = cons (two * two + one) nil ;
-- The 'where' part belongs to the clause
open module -Ops ;
one : ;
one = suc zero ;

View File

@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
module Token;
import Data.Nat;
open Data.Nat using {<=};
import Data.String;
open Data.String using {compare};
-- Boiler plate taken from previous code
total_order : (a:eqtype) (f: (a -> a -> Tot Bool)) =
(forall a1 a2. (f a1 a2 /\ f a2 a1) ==> a1 = a2) (* anti-symmetry *)
/\ (forall a1 a2 a3. f a1 a2 /\ f a2 a3 ==> f a1 a3) (* transitivity *)
/\ (forall a1 a2. f a1 a2 \/ f a2 a1) (* totality *)
string_cmp' s1 s2 = String.compare s1 s2 <= 0
(* The F* defn just calls down to OCaml, since we know comparison in OCaml is total
* just admit it
string_cmpTotal : unit -> Lemma (total_order string string_cmp')
string_cmpTotal () = admit ()
// hack function so, the data structure doesn't forget the proof!
string_cmp : Map.cmp string
string_cmp = string_cmpTotal (); string_cmp'
-- Type definitions
Address : Type;
Address := String;
-- Accounts : Map.ordmap Address Nat string_cmp
inductive Account {
mkAccount : Nat -> SortedMap Address Nat -> Account;
balance : Account -> Nat;
balance (mkAccount n _) := n;
allowances : Account -> SortedMap Address Nat ;
allowances (mkAccount _ s) := s;
add_account_values_acc : Accounts → Nat -> Nat
add_account_values_acc Accounts n =
MapProp.fold (fun _key (v : Nat) (acc : Nat) -> v + acc) Accounts n
// we have to specify they are Nats :(
add_account_values : Accounts -> Nat
add_account_values Accounts =
MapProp.fold (fun _key (v : Nat) (acc : Nat) -> v + acc) Accounts 0
inductive Storage {
mkStorage : Nat -> Accounts
total-supply : Nat;
Accounts : a : Accounts { total-supply = add_account_values a };
empty-storage : storage
empty-storage = {
total-supply = 0;
Accounts = Map.empty;
inductive Token {
mkToken :
Storage -> -- storage
Nat -> -- version
String -> -- name
Char -> -- symbol
Address -> -- owner
storage : Token -> Storage;
storage (mkToken s _ _ _ _ _) := s;
version : Token -> Nat;
version (mkToken _ n _ _ _ _) := n;
name : Token -> String;
name (mkToken _ _ n _ _ _) := n;
symbol : Token -> Char;
symbol (mkToken _ _ _ s _ _) := s;
owner : Token -> Address;
owner (mkToken _ _ _ _ _ a) := a;
type txTransfer = {
from_account : Address;
to_account : Address;
transfer_amount : Nat
type tx_mint = {
mint_amount : Nat;
mintTo_account : Address
type tx_burn = {
burn_amount : Nat;
burn_from_account : Address
inductive txData {
transfer : txTransfer -> txData;
mint : txMint -> txData;
burn : txBurn -> txData;
type tx = {
tx_data : tx_data;
tx_authroized_account : Address;
-- Begin Functions On Accounts
has_n : Accounts -> Address -> Nat -> Bool
has_n accounts add toTransfer :=
match Map.select add Accounts {
(Some n) -> toTransfer <= n;
None -> false;
account-sub :
(acc : Accounts) ->
(add : Address) ->
(num : Nat {has_n acc add num}) ->
account-sub Accounts add number =
match Map.select add Accounts with
{ Some balance -> Map.update add (balance - number) Accounts };
// No feedback given, so don't know next move :(
transfer-sub :
(acc : Accounts) ->
(add : Address) ->
(num : Nat) ->
Lemma ->
(requires (has_n acc add num)) ->
(ensures ( add_account_values acc - num
== add_account_values (account-sub acc add num)))
transfer-sub acc add num :=
match Map.select add acc {
Some balance ->;
remaining : Nat = balance - num in
admit ()
account_add : acc : Accounts
-> add : Address
-> num : Nat
-> Accounts
account_add acc add num =
match Map.select add acc with
Some b' -> Map.update add (b' + num) acc;
None -> Map.update add num acc;
(**** Experimental Proofs on Transfer *)
transfer_add_lemma : acc : Accounts
-> add : Address
-> num : Nat
-> Lemma
(i =
match Map.select add acc with
None -> 0;
Some v -> v;
in i + num = Some?.v (Map.select add (account_add acc add num))))
transfer_add_lemma acc add num = ()
transfer_add_unaffect : acc : Accounts
-> add : Address
-> num : Nat
-> Lemma
(forall x. Map.contains x acc /\ x <> add
==> Map.select x acc = Map.select x (account_add acc add num)))
transfer_add_unaffect acc add num = ()
transfer-same_when_remove : acc : Accounts
-> add : Address
-> num : Nat
-> Lemma
(new_account = account_add acc add num in
add_account_values (Map.remove add acc)
== add_account_values (Map.remove add new_account)))
transfer-same_when_remove acc add num =
new_account = account_add acc add num in
assert (Map.equal (Map.remove add acc) (Map.remove add new_account))
// Useful stepping stone to the real answer!
// sadly admitted for now
transfer_acc_behavior : acc : Accounts
-> add : Address
-> Lemma
(i =
match Map.select add acc with
None -> 0;
Some v -> v;
in add_account_values_acc (Map.remove add acc) i
== add_account_values acc))
transfer_acc_behavior acc add =
admit ()
// No feedback given, so don't know next move :(
transfer_add : acc : Accounts
-> add : Address
-> num : Nat
-> Lemma
(ensures ( add_account_values acc + num
== add_account_values (account_add acc add num)))
transfer_add acc add num =
admit ();
transfer-same_when_remove acc add num;
transfer_add_unaffect acc add num;
transfer_add_lemma acc add num
(**** Failed Experimental Proofs Over *)
transfer_acc : acc : Accounts
-> add_from : Address
-> addTo : Address
-> num : Nat {has_n acc add_from num}
-> Accounts
transfer_acc Accounts add_from addTo number =
new_Accounts = account-sub Accounts add_from number in
account_add new_Accounts addTo number
: acc : Accounts
-> add_from : Address
-> addTo : Address
-> num : Nat
-> Lemma
(requires (has_n acc add_from num))
(ensures (add_account_values acc
== add_account_values (transfer_acc acc add_from addTo num)))
transfer_maintains-supply acc add_from addTo num =
transfer-sub acc add_from num;
transfer_add (account-sub acc add_from num) addTo num
: stor : storage
-> add_from : Address
-> addTo : Address
-> num : Nat {has_n stor.Accounts add_from num}
-> storage
transfer-stor stor add_from addTo num =
new_acc = account_add (account-sub stor.Accounts add_from num) addTo num in
transfer_maintains-supply stor.Accounts add_from addTo num;
{ total-supply = stor.total-supply;
Accounts = new_acc
(* End Type Definitions *)
(**** Begin Validations On Tokens *)
validTransfer : token -> tx -> Bool
validTransfer token tx =
match tx.tx_data with
Transfer {from_account; transfer_amount} ->;
has_n token.storage.Accounts from_account transfer_amount
&& tx.tx_authroized_account = from_account
Mint _ Burn _ ->;
valid_mint : token -> tx -> Bool
valid_mint token tx =
match tx.tx_data with
Mint mint -> token.owner = tx.tx_authroized_account;
Transfer _ Burn _ -> false;
valid_burn : token -> tx -> Bool
valid_burn token tx =
match tx.tx_data with
Burn {burn_from_account; burn_amount} ->;
has_n token.storage.Accounts burn_from_account burn_amount
&& tx.tx_authroized_account = burn_from_account
Transfer _ Mint _ ->;
(* End validations on tokens *)
(**** Begin Functions On Tokens *)
tokenTransaction : (token -> tx -> Bool) -> Type0
tokenTransaction f =
tok : token -> tx : tx { f tok tx } -> token
transfer : tokenTransaction validTransfer
transfer token transaction =
match transaction.tx_data with
Transfer {from_account; to_account; transfer_amount} ->;
{ token
with storage = transfer-stor token.storage
mint : tokenTransaction valid_mint
mint token transaction =
match transaction.tx_data with
Mint {mint_amount; mintTo_account} ->;
transfer_add token.storage.Accounts mintTo_account mint_amount;
{ token
with storage = {
total-supply = token.storage.total-supply + mint_amount;
Accounts = account_add token.storage.Accounts mintTo_account mint_amount
burn : tokenTransaction valid_burn
burn token transaction =
match transaction.tx_data with
Burn {burn_from_account; burn_amount} ->;
transfer-sub token.storage.Accounts burn_from_account burn_amount;
{ token
with storage = {
total-supply = token.storage.total-supply - burn_amount;
Accounts = account-sub token.storage.Accounts burn_from_account burn_amount
type transaction_error =
executeTransaction : token -> tx -> c_or transaction_error token
executeTransaction token tx =
match tx.tx_data with
Transfer _ ->;
if validTransfer token tx
then Right (transfer token tx)
else Left Not_enough_funds // todo determine what the error is
Mint _ ->;
if valid_mint token tx
then Right (mint token tx)
else Left Not_ownerToken
Burn _ ->;
if valid_burn token tx
then Right (burn token tx)
else Left Not_enoughTokens
: tok : token
-> tx : tx
-> Lemma (requires (validTransfer tok tx))
(ensures (
Right newTok = executeTransaction tok tx in
tok.storage.total-supply == newTok.storage.total-supply))
validTransferTransaction tok tx = ()
: tok : token
-> tx : tx
-> Lemma (requires (valid_mint tok tx))
(ensures (
Right newTok = executeTransaction tok tx in
Mint {mint_amount} = tx.tx_data in
tok.storage.total-supply + mint_amount == newTok.storage.total-supply))
valid_mintTransaction tok tx = ()
: tok : token
-> tx : tx
-> Lemma (requires (valid_burn tok tx))
(ensures (
Right newTok = executeTransaction tok tx in
Burn {burn_amount} = tx.tx_data in
tok.storage.total-supply - burn_amount == newTok.storage.total-supply))
valid_burnTransaction tok tx = ()
isLeft = function
Left _ -> true;
Right _ -> false;
: tok : token
-> tx : tx
-> Lemma (requires (not (valid_burn tok tx)
/\ not (valid_mint tok tx)
/\ not (validTransfer tok tx)))
(ensures (isLeft (executeTransaction tok tx)))
non_validTransaction tok tx = ()

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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
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margin-left: 20px;

Binary file not shown.


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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-- testing
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core where
open import Haskell.Prelude
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
-- language extensions
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
M , N := x
| λ x . M
| M N
| if_then_else
| x : M
variables x.
M := Bool | M -> M
VarType : Set
VarType = String
-- Types
data Type : Set where
BoolType : Type
ArrowType : Type Type Type
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Type deriving (Show, Eq) #-}
-- Terms
data Term : Set where
Var : VarType Term
TT : Term
FF : Term
Abs : VarType Term Term
App : Term Term Term
If : Term Term Term Term
Jud : Term Type Term
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Term deriving (Show, Eq) #-}
-- Context
Context : Set
Context = List (VarType × Type)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Context #-}
-- | Bidirectional type-checking algorithm:
-- defined by mutual recursion:
-- type inference (a.k.a. type synthesis).
infer : Context Term Maybe Type
-- type checking.
check : Context Term Type Maybe Type
codomain : Type Maybe Type
codomain BoolType = Nothing
codomain (ArrowType a b) = Just b
helper : Context Term Maybe Type Maybe Type
helper γ x (Just (ArrowType _ tB)) = check γ x tB
helper _ _ _ = Nothing
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS helper #-}
-- http://cdwifi.cz/#/
infer γ (Var x) = lookup x γ
infer γ TT = pure BoolType
infer γ FF = pure BoolType
infer γ (Abs x t) = pure BoolType -- TODO
infer γ (App f x) = case (infer γ f) of helper γ x
infer γ (If a t f) = pure BoolType
infer γ (Jud x m) = check γ x m
check γ x T = {!!}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS infer #-}
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS check #-}

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Examples to test the typechecker:

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
* Module scoping
This document contains some notes on how the implementation of module scoping
is supposed to work.
** Import statements
What happens when we see:
import Data.Nat
All symbols *defined* in =Data.Nat= become available in the current module
through qualified names. I.e. =Data.Nat.zero=.
** Open statements
What happens when we see:
open Data.Nat
All symbols *defined* in =Data.Nat= become available in the current module
through unqualified names. I.e. =zero=.
=using= and =hiding= modifiers are handled in the expected way.
** Nested modules
What happens when we see:
module Local;
We need to answer two questions.
1. What happens after =module Local;=. Inside =Local= *all* symbols that were
in scope, continue to be in scope.
2. What happens after =end;=. All symbols *defined in* =Local= are in scope
through qualified names. One can think of this as the same as importing
=Local= if it was a top module.

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@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
Tools used so far:
- cabal-edit
- hlint and checkout
https://github.com/kowainik/relude/blob/main/.hlint.yaml for a
complex configuration and better hints.
- stan
- summoner
- ghcup
- `implicit-hie` generates `hie.yaml`.
- For a good prelude, I tried with Protolude, but it seems a bit
abandoned, and it doesn't have support the new Haskell versions.
Relude just offered the same, and it is better documented. Let us
give it a shot. NoImplicitPrelude plus base-noprelude.
- For Pretty printer, we will use the package
https://hackage.haskell.org/package/prettyprinter, which supports
nice annotations and colors using Ansi-terminal subpackage:
`cabal-edit add prettyprinter-ansi-terminal`.
- Two options for the kind of container we can use for Context. Using
the package container and for performance, unordered-containers. The
latter seems to have the same API naming than the former. So, in
principle, it doesn't matter which we use.
- See
During elaboration different kind of evaluation strategies may be
- top vs. local scope.
- On equality type-checking, see
- To document the code, see
Initial task order for Minijuvix indicated between parenthesis:
1. Parser (3.)
2. Typechecker (1.)
3. Compiler (2.)
4. Interpreter (4.)
- On deriving stuff using Standalone Der.
See https://kowainik.github.io/posts/deriving.
- To avoid boilerplate in the cabal file, one could use [common
stanzas](https://vrom911.github.io/blog/common-stanzas). At the
moment, I'm using cabal-edit to keep the bounds and this tool does
not support stanzas. So be it.
- Using MultiParamTypeClasses to allow me deriving multi instances in one line.
- TODO: make a `ref.bib` listing all the repositories and the
source-code from where I took code, inspiration, whatever thing.
- The haskell library https://hackage.haskell.org/package/capability
seems to be a right choice. Still, I need to check the details. I
will use Juvix Prelude.
- Let us use qualified imports to prevent namespace pollution,
as much as possible. Checkout:
- https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch5.html
- https://ro-che.info/articles/2019-01-26-haskell-module-system-p2
- https://mmhaskell.com/blog/2017/5/8/4-steps-to-a-better-imports-list.
- TODO: https://kowainik.github.io/posts/2018-09-09-dhall-to-hlint So
far, I have proposed a hlint file, it's clean, but for refactoring,
seems to me, the link above shows a better approach.
- Let us use the Safe pragma.

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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
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@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ tests =
"Polymorphic Simple Fungible Token"

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@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ tests =
"GHC backend SimpleFungibleToken"
"GHC backend MonoSimpleFungibleToken"

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module SimpleFungibleToken;
module MonoSimpleFungibleToken;
foreign ghc {
import Anoma