mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 14:34:03 +03:00
separate MiniHaskell into MicroJuvix and 'new' MiniHaskell
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Commands.MicroJuvix where
import Commands.Extra
import Options.Applicative
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
newtype MicroJuvixOptions = MicroJuvixOptions
{ _mjuvixInputFile :: FilePath
parseMicroJuvix :: Parser MicroJuvixOptions
parseMicroJuvix = do
_mjuvixInputFile <- parseInputFile
pure MicroJuvixOptions {..}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Commands.Extra
import Options.Applicative
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
data MiniHaskellOptions = MiniHaskellOptions
newtype MiniHaskellOptions = MiniHaskellOptions
{ _mhaskellInputFile :: FilePath
@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Parser as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty.Ansi as H
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ansi as Micro
import qualified MiniJuvix.Termination as T
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMiniHaskell as H
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix as Micro
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraph as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base as A
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi as A
import Commands.Extra
import Commands.Termination as T
import Commands.MiniHaskell
import Commands.MicroJuvix
data Command
= Scope ScopeOptions
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ data Command
| Html HtmlOptions
| Termination TerminationCommand
| MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions
| MicroJuvix MicroJuvixOptions
data ScopeOptions = ScopeOptions
{ _scopeRootDir :: FilePath,
@ -135,9 +138,19 @@ parseCommand =
commandMicroJuvix :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandMicroJuvix = command "microjuvix" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(MicroJuvix <$> parseMicroJuvix)
(progDesc "Translate a .mjuvix file to MicroJuvix")
commandMiniHaskell :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandMiniHaskell = command "minihaskell" minfo
@ -217,12 +230,20 @@ go c = do
m <- parseModuleIO _htmlInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
genHtml defaultOptions _htmlRecursive _htmlTheme s
MicroJuvix MicroJuvixOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _mjuvixInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
let mini = Micro.translateModule a
Micro.printPrettyCodeDefault mini
MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _mhaskellInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s)
let mini = H.translateModule a
H.printPrettyCodeDefault mini
-- let mini = Micro.translateModule a
-- Micro.printPrettyCodeDefault mini
error "todo"
Termination (Calls opts@CallsOptions {..}) -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _callsInputFile
s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
@ -62,8 +62,10 @@ ghc-options:
- DataKinds
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveGeneric
- DeriveLift
- DeriveTraversable
- DerivingStrategies
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
@ -215,3 +215,14 @@ infixl 7 <+?>
infixl 7 <?>
(<?>) :: Semigroup m => m -> Maybe m -> m
(<?>) a = maybe a (a <>)
data Indexed a = Indexed {
_indexedIx :: Int,
_indexedThing :: a
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Functor Indexed where
fmap f (Indexed i a) = Indexed i (f a)
makeLenses ''Indexed
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (Usage, Literal(..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (Usage, Literal(..), ForeignBlock(..))
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
@ -38,10 +38,11 @@ data Module s = Module
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data ModuleBody = ModuleBody
{ _moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName InductiveDef,
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName FunctionDef,
_moduleImports :: [TopModule],
_moduleLocalModules :: HashMap LocalModuleName LocalModule
{ _moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName (Indexed InductiveDef),
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName (Indexed FunctionDef),
_moduleImports :: [Indexed TopModule],
_moduleForeign :: [Indexed ForeignBlock],
_moduleLocalModules :: HashMap LocalModuleName (Indexed LocalModule)
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name
) where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (ForeignBlock(..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId(..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
type FunctionName = Name
type VarName = Name
type ConstrName = Name
type InductiveName = Name
data Name = Name {
_nameText :: Text,
_nameId :: NameId,
_nameKind :: NameKind
makeLenses ''Name
instance Eq Name where
(==) = (==) `on` _nameId
instance Ord Name where
compare = compare `on` _nameId
instance Hashable Name where
hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . _nameId
instance HasNameKind Name where
getNameKind = _nameKind
data Module = Module
{ _moduleName :: Name,
_moduleBody :: ModuleBody
data ModuleBody = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName (Indexed InductiveDef),
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName (Indexed FunctionDef),
_moduleForeign :: [Indexed ForeignBlock]
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef {
_funDefName :: FunctionName,
_funDefTypeSig :: Type,
_funDefClauses :: NonEmpty FunctionClause
data FunctionClause = FunctionClause {
_clausePatterns :: [Pattern],
_clauseBody :: Expression
data Iden =
IdenDefined Name
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
data Expression
= ExpressionIden Iden
| ExpressionApplication Application
data Application = Application {
_appLeft :: Expression,
_appRight :: Expression
data Function = Function {
_funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp {
_constrAppConstructor :: Name,
_constrAppParameters :: [Pattern]
data Pattern
= PatternVariable VarName
| PatternConstructorApp ConstructorApp
| PatternWildcard
data InductiveDef = InductiveDef
{ _inductiveName :: InductiveName,
_inductiveConstructors :: [InductiveConstructorDef]
data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
{ _constructorName :: ConstrName,
_constructorParameters :: [Type]
newtype TypeIden =
TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
data Type =
TypeIden TypeIden
| TypeFunction Function
makeLenses ''Module
makeLenses ''Function
makeLenses ''FunctionDef
makeLenses ''FunctionClause
makeLenses ''InductiveDef
makeLenses ''ModuleBody
makeLenses ''Application
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
instance Semigroup ModuleBody where
a <> b = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = a ^. moduleInductives <> b ^. moduleInductives,
_moduleFunctions = a ^. moduleFunctions <> b ^. moduleFunctions,
_moduleForeign = a ^. moduleForeign <> b ^. moduleForeign
instance Monoid ModuleBody where
mempty = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = mempty,
_moduleForeign = mempty,
_moduleFunctions = mempty
instance HasAtomicity Application where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
instance HasAtomicity Expression where
atomicity e = case e of
ExpressionIden {} -> Atom
ExpressionApplication a -> atomicity a
instance HasAtomicity Function where
atomicity = const (Aggregate funFixity)
instance HasAtomicity Type where
atomicity t = case t of
TypeIden {} -> Atom
TypeFunction f -> atomicity f
instance HasAtomicity ConstructorApp where
atomicity (ConstructorApp _ args)
| null args = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate appFixity
instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
atomicity p = case p of
PatternConstructorApp a -> atomicity a
PatternVariable {} -> Atom
PatternWildcard {} -> Atom
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
data Ann =
AnnKind NameKind
| AnnKeyword
| AnnLiteralString
| AnnLiteralInteger
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ansi where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
printPrettyCodeDefault :: PrettyCode c => c -> IO ()
printPrettyCodeDefault = printPrettyCode defaultOptions
printPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> IO ()
printPrettyCode = hPrintPrettyCode stdout
hPrintPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Handle -> Options -> c -> IO ()
hPrintPrettyCode h opts = renderIO h . docStream opts
renderPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Text
renderPrettyCode opts = renderStrict . docStream opts
docStream :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
docStream opts = reAnnotateS stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. run . runReader opts . ppCode
stylize :: Ann -> AnsiStyle
stylize a = case a of
AnnKind k -> nameKindAnsi k
AnnKeyword -> colorDull Blue
AnnLiteralString -> colorDull Red
AnnLiteralInteger -> colorDull Cyan
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
-- TODO handle capital letters and characters not supported by Haskell.
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Base where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Fixity
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language (ForeignBlock(..))
import qualified MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings as Str
newtype Options = Options
_optIndent :: Int
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options {
_optIndent = 2
class PrettyCode c where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
instance PrettyCode Name where
ppCode n =
return $ annotate (AnnKind (n ^. nameKind))
$ pretty (n ^. nameText) <> "_" <> pretty (n ^. nameId)
instance PrettyCode Iden where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => Iden -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode i = case i of
IdenDefined na -> ppCode na
IdenConstructor na -> ppCode na
IdenVar na -> ppCode na
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode a = do
l' <- ppLeftExpression appFixity (a ^. appLeft)
r' <- ppRightExpression appFixity (a ^. appRight)
return $ l' <+> r'
instance PrettyCode Expression where
ppCode e = case e of
ExpressionIden i -> ppCode i
ExpressionApplication a -> ppCode a
keyword :: Text -> Doc Ann
keyword = annotate AnnKeyword . pretty
kwArrow :: Doc Ann
kwArrow = keyword Str.toAscii
kwData :: Doc Ann
kwData = keyword Str.data_
kwEquals :: Doc Ann
kwEquals = keyword Str.equal
kwColonColon :: Doc Ann
kwColonColon = keyword (Str.colon <> Str.colon)
kwPipe :: Doc Ann
kwPipe = keyword Str.pipe
kwWhere :: Doc Ann
kwWhere = keyword Str.where_
kwModule :: Doc Ann
kwModule = keyword Str.module_
kwWildcard :: Doc Ann
kwWildcard = keyword Str.underscore
instance PrettyCode Function where
ppCode (Function l r) = do
l' <- ppLeftExpression funFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression funFixity r
return $ l' <+> kwArrow <+> r'
instance PrettyCode Type where
ppCode t = case t of
TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive n) -> ppCode n
TypeFunction f -> ppCode f
instance PrettyCode InductiveConstructorDef where
ppCode c = do
constructorName' <- ppCode (c ^. constructorName)
constructorParameters' <- mapM ppCode (c ^. constructorParameters)
return (hsep $ constructorName' : constructorParameters')
indent' :: Member (Reader Options) r => Doc a -> Sem r (Doc a)
indent' d = do
i <- asks _optIndent
return $ indent i d
instance PrettyCode InductiveDef where
ppCode d = do
inductiveName' <- ppCode (d ^. inductiveName)
inductiveConstructors' <- mapM ppCode (d ^. inductiveConstructors)
rhs <- indent' $ align $ concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> kwPipe <+> b) inductiveConstructors'
return $ kwData <+> inductiveName' <+> kwEquals <> line <> rhs
instance PrettyCode ConstructorApp where
ppCode c = do
constr' <- ppCode (c ^. constrAppConstructor)
params' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. constrAppParameters)
return $ hsep $ constr' : params'
instance PrettyCode Pattern where
ppCode p = case p of
PatternVariable v -> ppCode v
PatternConstructorApp a -> ppCode a
PatternWildcard -> return kwWildcard
instance PrettyCode FunctionDef where
ppCode f = do
funDefName' <- ppCode (f ^. funDefName)
funDefTypeSig' <- ppCode (f ^. funDefTypeSig)
clauses' <- mapM (ppClause funDefName') (f ^. funDefClauses)
return $ funDefName' <+> kwColonColon <+> funDefTypeSig' <> line
<> vsep (toList clauses')
ppClause fun c = do
clausePatterns' <- mapM ppCodeAtom (c ^. clausePatterns)
clauseBody' <- ppCode (c ^. clauseBody)
return $ fun <+> hsep clausePatterns' <+> kwEquals <+> clauseBody'
instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
ppCode ForeignBlock {..} = do
_foreignBackend' <- ppCode _foreignBackend
return $ kwForeign <+> _foreignBackend' <+> lbrace <> line
<> pretty _foreignCode <> line <> rbrace
-- TODO Jonathan review
instance PrettyCode ModuleBody where
ppCode m = do
types' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleInductives))
funs' <- mapM (mapM ppCode) (toList (m ^. moduleFunctions))
let foreigns' = m ^. moduleForeign
let everything = map (^. indexedThing) (sortOn (^. indexedIx) (types' ++ funs'))
return $ vsep2 everything
vsep2 = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)
instance PrettyCode Module where
ppCode m = do
name' <- ppCode (m ^. moduleName)
body' <- ppCode (m ^. moduleBody)
return $ kwModule <+> name' <+> kwWhere
<> line <> line <> body' <> line
parensCond :: Bool -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
parensCond t d = if t then parens d else d
ppPostExpression ::(PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppPostExpression = ppLRExpression isPostfixAssoc
ppRightExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppRightExpression = ppLRExpression isRightAssoc
ppLeftExpression :: (PrettyCode a, HasAtomicity a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLeftExpression = ppLRExpression isLeftAssoc
:: (HasAtomicity a, PrettyCode a, Member (Reader Options) r) =>
(Fixity -> Bool) -> Fixity -> a -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppLRExpression associates fixlr e =
parensCond (atomParens associates (atomicity e) fixlr)
<$> ppCode e
ppCodeAtom :: (HasAtomicity c, PrettyCode c, Members '[Reader Options] r) => c -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCodeAtom c = do
p' <- ppCode c
return $ if isAtomic c then p' else parens p'
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language (
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language,
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind,
@ -17,20 +16,10 @@ type InductiveName = Name
data Name = Name {
_nameText :: Text,
_nameId :: NameId,
_nameKind :: NameKind
makeLenses ''Name
instance Eq Name where
(==) = (==) `on` _nameId
instance Ord Name where
compare = compare `on` _nameId
instance Hashable Name where
hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . _nameId
instance HasNameKind Name where
getNameKind = _nameKind
@ -39,10 +28,14 @@ data Module = Module
_moduleBody :: ModuleBody
data ModuleBody = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives :: HashMap InductiveName InductiveDef,
_moduleFunctions :: HashMap FunctionName FunctionDef
newtype ModuleBody = ModuleBody {
_moduleStatements :: [Statement]
deriving newtype (Monoid, Semigroup)
data Statement =
StatementInductiveDef InductiveDef
| StatementFunctionDef FunctionDef
data FunctionDef = FunctionDef {
_funDefName :: FunctionName,
@ -55,10 +48,7 @@ data FunctionClause = FunctionClause {
_clauseBody :: Expression
data Iden =
IdenDefined Name
| IdenConstructor Name
| IdenVar VarName
type Iden = Name
data Expression
= ExpressionIden Iden
@ -71,8 +61,8 @@ data Application = Application {
data Function = Function {
_funParameters :: NonEmpty Type,
_funReturn :: Type
_funLeft :: Type,
_funRight :: Type
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
@ -96,8 +86,7 @@ data InductiveConstructorDef = InductiveConstructorDef
_constructorParameters :: [Type]
newtype TypeIden =
TypeIdenInductive InductiveName
type TypeIden = InductiveName
data Type =
TypeIden TypeIden
@ -113,18 +102,6 @@ makeLenses ''Application
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
instance Semigroup ModuleBody where
a <> b = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = a ^. moduleInductives <> b ^. moduleInductives,
_moduleFunctions = a ^. moduleFunctions <> b ^. moduleFunctions
instance Monoid ModuleBody where
mempty = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = mempty,
_moduleFunctions = mempty
instance HasAtomicity Application where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
@ -25,14 +25,7 @@ class PrettyCode c where
instance PrettyCode Name where
ppCode n =
return $ annotate (AnnKind (n ^. nameKind))
$ pretty (n ^. nameText) <> "_" <> pretty (n ^. nameId)
instance PrettyCode Iden where
ppCode :: Member (Reader Options) r => Iden -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode i = case i of
IdenDefined na -> ppCode na
IdenConstructor na -> ppCode na
IdenVar na -> ppCode na
$ pretty (n ^. nameText)
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode a = do
@ -73,15 +66,14 @@ kwWildcard :: Doc Ann
kwWildcard = keyword Str.underscore
instance PrettyCode Function where
ppCode f = do
funParameters' <- mapM ppCode (f ^. funParameters)
funReturn' <- ppCodeAtom (f ^. funReturn)
return $ concatWith (\a b -> a <+> kwArrow <+> b)
(toList funParameters' ++ [funReturn'])
ppCode (Function l r) = do
l' <- ppLeftExpression funFixity l
r' <- ppRightExpression funFixity r
return $ l' <+> kwArrow <+> r'
instance PrettyCode Type where
ppCode t = case t of
TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive n) -> ppCode n
TypeIden n -> ppCode n
TypeFunction f -> ppCode f
instance PrettyCode InductiveConstructorDef where
@ -127,11 +119,15 @@ instance PrettyCode FunctionDef where
clauseBody' <- ppCode (c ^. clauseBody)
return $ fun <+> hsep clausePatterns' <+> kwEquals <+> clauseBody'
instance PrettyCode Statement where
ppCode = \case
StatementFunctionDef f -> ppCode f
StatementInductiveDef d -> ppCode d
instance PrettyCode ModuleBody where
ppCode m = do
types' <- mapM ppCode (toList (m ^. moduleInductives))
funs' <- mapM ppCode (toList (m ^. moduleFunctions))
return $ vsep2 types' <> line <> line <> vsep2 funs'
statements' <- mapM ppCode (m ^. moduleStatements)
return $ vsep2 statements'
vsep2 = concatWith (\a b -> a <> line <> line <> b)
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ checkModule m = checkModuleBody (m ^. moduleBody)
checkModuleBody :: Members '[State CallMap] r => ModuleBody -> Sem r ()
checkModuleBody body = do
mapM_ checkFunctionDef (toList $ body ^. moduleFunctions)
mapM_ checkLocalModule (toList $ body ^. moduleLocalModules)
mapM_ (checkFunctionDef . (^. indexedThing)) (toList $ body ^. moduleFunctions)
mapM_ (checkLocalModule . (^. indexedThing)) (toList $ body ^. moduleLocalModules)
checkLocalModule :: Members '[State CallMap] r => LocalModule -> Sem r ()
checkLocalModule m = checkModuleBody (m ^. moduleBody)
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMiniHaskell where
module MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Usage as A
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ goModuleBody b
| not (HashMap.null (b ^. A.moduleLocalModules)) = unsupported "local modules"
| otherwise = ModuleBody {
_moduleInductives = HashMap.fromList
[ (d ^. inductiveName, d)
| d <- map goInductiveDef (toList (b ^. A.moduleInductives))],
[ (d ^. indexedThing . inductiveName, d)
| d <- map (fmap goInductiveDef) (toList (b ^. A.moduleInductives))],
_moduleFunctions = HashMap.fromList
[ (f ^. funDefName, f) |
f <- map goFunctionDef (toList (b ^. A.moduleFunctions)) ]
} <> mconcatMap goImport (b ^. A.moduleImports)
[ (f ^. indexedThing . funDefName, f) |
f <- map (fmap goFunctionDef) (toList (b ^. A.moduleFunctions)) ],
_moduleForeign = b ^. A.moduleForeign
-- <> mconcatMap goImport (b ^. A.moduleImports)
goTypeIden :: A.Iden -> TypeIden
goTypeIden i = case i of
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ goFunctionParameter f = case f ^. A.paramName of
_ -> unsupported "usages"
goFunction :: A.Function -> Function
goFunction = uncurry Function . viewFunctionType
goFunction (A.Function l r) = Function (goFunctionParameter l) (goType r)
goFunctionDef :: A.FunctionDef -> FunctionDef
goFunctionDef f = FunctionDef {
@ -26,42 +26,48 @@ goModule (Module n par b) = case par of
[] -> A.Module n <$> goModuleBody b
_ -> unsupported "Module parameters"
-- | until we have modules with parameters, I think order of definitions is irrelevant
goModuleBody :: forall r. Members '[Error Err] r => [Statement 'Scoped] -> Sem r A.ModuleBody
goModuleBody ss = do
goModuleBody ss' = do
_moduleInductives <- inductives
_moduleLocalModules <- locals
_moduleFunctions <- functions
_moduleImports <- imports
_moduleForeign <- foreigns
return A.ModuleBody {..}
inductives :: Sem r (HashMap A.InductiveName A.InductiveDef)
ss :: [Indexed (Statement 'Scoped)]
ss = zipWith Indexed [0 ..] ss'
inductives :: Sem r (HashMap A.InductiveName (Indexed A.InductiveDef))
inductives = sequence $ HashMap.fromList
[ (def ^. inductiveName, goInductive def)
| StatementInductive def <- ss ]
locals :: Sem r (HashMap A.InductiveName A.LocalModule)
[ (def ^. inductiveName, Indexed i <$> goInductive def)
| Indexed i (StatementInductive def) <- ss ]
locals :: Sem r (HashMap A.InductiveName (Indexed A.LocalModule))
locals = sequence $ HashMap.fromList
[ (m ^. modulePath, goLocalModule m)
| StatementModule m <- ss ]
imports :: Sem r [A.TopModule]
[ (m ^. modulePath, Indexed i <$> goLocalModule m)
| Indexed i (StatementModule m) <- ss ]
foreigns :: Sem r [Indexed ForeignBlock]
foreigns = return
[ Indexed i f
| Indexed i (StatementForeign f) <- ss ]
imports :: Sem r [Indexed A.TopModule]
imports = sequence $
[ goModule m
| StatementImport (Import m) <- ss ]
functions :: Sem r (HashMap A.FunctionName A.FunctionDef)
[ Indexed i <$> goModule m
| Indexed i (StatementImport (Import m)) <- ss ]
functions :: Sem r (HashMap A.FunctionName (Indexed A.FunctionDef))
functions = do
sequence $ HashMap.fromList
[ (name, funDef)
| sig <- sigs,
[ (name, Indexed i <$> funDef)
| Indexed i sig <- sigs,
let name = sig ^. sigName,
let clauses = mapM goFunctionClause (getClauses name),
let funDef = liftA2 (A.FunctionDef name) (goExpression (sig ^. sigType)) clauses ]
getClauses :: S.Symbol -> NonEmpty (FunctionClause 'Scoped)
getClauses name = fromMaybe impossible $
nonEmpty [ c | StatementFunctionClause c <- ss,
nonEmpty [ c | StatementFunctionClause c <- ss',
name == c ^.clauseOwnerFunction ]
sigs :: [TypeSignature 'Scoped]
sigs = [ s | StatementTypeSignature s <- ss ]
sigs :: [Indexed (TypeSignature 'Scoped)]
sigs = [ Indexed i t | (Indexed i (StatementTypeSignature t)) <- ss ]
goFunctionClause :: forall r. Members '[Error Err] r => FunctionClause 'Scoped -> Sem r A.FunctionClause
@ -110,6 +116,7 @@ goExpression e = case e of
ExpressionApplication a -> A.ExpressionApplication <$> goApplication a
ExpressionInfixApplication ia -> A.ExpressionApplication <$> goInfix ia
ExpressionPostfixApplication pa -> A.ExpressionApplication <$> goPostfix pa
ExpressionLiteral l -> return $ A.ExpressionLiteral l
ExpressionLambda {} -> unsupported "Lambda"
ExpressionMatch {} -> unsupported "Match"
ExpressionLetBlock {} -> unsupported "Let Block"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ axiom putStr : String -> Action;
-- axiom to the given backend.
compile Action ghc "IO ()";
main : Action;
main := putStr "hello world";
-- main : Action;
-- main := putStr "hello world";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user