* Closes#1646
Implements a basic trait framework. A simple instance search mechanism
is included which fails if there is more than one matching instance at
any step.
Example usage:
import Stdlib.Prelude open hiding {Show; mkShow; show};
type Show A :=
mkShow {
show : A → String
showStringI : Show String := mkShow (show := id);
showBoolI : Show Bool := mkShow (show := λ{x := if x "true" "false"});
showNatI : Show Nat := mkShow (show := natToString);
showList {A} : {{Show A}} → List A → String
| nil := "nil"
| (h :: t) := Show.show h ++str " :: " ++str showList t;
showListI {A} {{Show A}} : Show (List A) := mkShow (show := showList);
showMaybe {A} {{Show A}} : Maybe A → String
| (just x) := "just (" ++str Show.show x ++str ")"
| nothing := "nothing";
showMaybeI {A} {{Show A}} : Show (Maybe A) := mkShow (show := showMaybe);
main : IO :=
printStringLn (Show.show true) >>
printStringLn (Show.show false) >>
printStringLn (Show.show 3) >>
printStringLn (Show.show [true; false]) >>
printStringLn (Show.show [1; 2; 3]) >>
printStringLn (Show.show [1; 2]) >>
printStringLn (Show.show [true; false]) >>
printStringLn (Show.show [just true; nothing; just false]) >>
printStringLn (Show.show [just [1]; nothing; just [2; 3]]) >>
printStringLn (Show.show "abba") >>
printStringLn (Show.show ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]);
It is possible to manually provide an instance and to match on implicit
f {A} : {{Show A}} -> A -> String
| {{mkShow s}} x -> s x;
f' {A} : {{Show A}} → A → String
| {{M}} x := Show.show {{M}} x;
The trait parameters in instance types are checked to be structurally
decreasing to avoid looping in the instance search. So the following is
type Box A := box A;
type T A := mkT { pp : A → A };
boxT {A} : {{T (Box A)}} → T (Box A) := mkT (λ{x := x});
We check whether each parameter is a strict subterm of some trait
parameter in the target. This ordering is included in the finite
multiset extension of the subterm ordering, hence terminating.
* remove ≔ from the language and replace it by :=
* revert accidental changes in juvix input mode
* update stdlib submodule
* rename ℕ by Nat in the tests and examples
* fix shell tests
* Implement error message for double braces
* Implement error message for implicit pattern on the left of an application
* Implement error message for constructor expected on the left of an application
Co-authored-by: Jan Mas Rovira <janmasrovira@gmail.com>