module Commands.Html where import Commands.Base import Commands.Html.Options import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Html.Translation.FromTyped (JudocArgs (..)) import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Html.Translation.FromTyped qualified as Html import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Html.Translation.FromTyped.Source ( GenSourceHtmlArgs (..), ) import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Pretty qualified as Concrete import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping qualified as Scoper import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping.Data.Context import Juvix.Extra.Process import System.Process qualified as Process runGenOnlySourceHtml :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => HtmlOptions -> Sem r () runGenOnlySourceHtml HtmlOptions {..} = do res <- runPipeline _htmlInputFile upToScoping let m = head (res ^. Scoper.resultModules) outputDir <- fromAppPathDir _htmlOutputDir embed $ Html.genSourceHtml GenSourceHtmlArgs { _genSourceHtmlArgsAssetsDir = _htmlAssetsPrefix, _genSourceHtmlArgsHtmlKind = Html.HtmlOnly, _genSourceHtmlArgsOnlyCode = _htmlOnlyCode, _genSourceHtmlArgsParamBase = "", _genSourceHtmlArgsUrlPrefix = _htmlUrlPrefix, _genSourceHtmlArgsIdPrefix = _htmlIdPrefix, _genSourceHtmlArgsNoPath = _htmlNoPath, _genSourceHtmlArgsConcreteOpts = Concrete.defaultOptions, _genSourceHtmlArgsModule = m, _genSourceHtmlArgsComments = res ^. comments, _genSourceHtmlArgsOutputDir = outputDir, _genSourceHtmlArgsNoFooter = _htmlNoFooter, _genSourceHtmlArgsNonRecursive = _htmlNonRecursive, _genSourceHtmlArgsTheme = _htmlTheme } runCommand :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => HtmlOptions -> Sem r () runCommand HtmlOptions {..} | _htmlOnlySource = runGenOnlySourceHtml HtmlOptions {..} | otherwise = do ctx <- runPipeline _htmlInputFile upToInternalTyped outputDir <- fromAppPathDir _htmlOutputDir Html.genJudocHtml JudocArgs { _judocArgsAssetsPrefix = _htmlAssetsPrefix, _judocArgsBaseName = "proj", _judocArgsCtx = ctx, _judocArgsOutputDir = outputDir, _judocArgsUrlPrefix = _htmlUrlPrefix, _judocArgsIdPrefix = _htmlIdPrefix, _judocArgsTheme = _htmlTheme, _judocArgsNonRecursive = _htmlNonRecursive, _judocArgsNoFooter = _htmlNoFooter, _judocArgsNoPath = _htmlNoPath } when _htmlOpen $ case openCmd of Nothing -> say "Could not recognize the 'open' command for your OS" Just opencmd -> embed ( void ( Process.spawnProcess opencmd [ toFilePath ( outputDir Html.indexFileName ) ] ) )