name: juvix version: 0.2.4 license: GPL-3.0-only license-file: LICENSE copyright: (c) 2022- Heliax AG. maintainer: The PLT Team at Heliax AG author: [ Jonathan Prieto-Cubides , Jan Mas Rovira , Paul Cadman , Github's contributors ] tested-with: ghc == 9.2.4 homepage: bug-reports: description: The Juvix compiler category: Compilers/Interpreters github: anoma/juvix extra-source-files: - - assets/* dependencies: - aeson == 2.0.* - ansi-terminal == 0.11.* - base == 4.16.* - blaze-html == 0.9.* - bytestring == 0.11.* - containers == 0.6.* - directory == 1.3.* - edit-distance == 0.2.* - extra == 1.7.* - transformers == 0.5.* - file-embed == 0.0.* - filepath == 1.4.* - gitrev == 1.3.* - hashable == 1.4.* - language-c == 0.9.* - megaparsec == 9.2.* - microlens-platform == 0.4.* - parser-combinators == 1.3.* - polysemy == 1.7.* - polysemy-plugin == 0.4.* - prettyprinter == 1.7.* - prettyprinter-ansi-terminal == 1.1.* - pretty == 1.1.* - process == 1.6.* - safe == 0.3.* - semirings == 0.6.* - singletons == 3.0.* - singletons-th == 3.1.* - Stream == 0.4.* - time == 1.11.* - template-haskell == 2.18.* - text == 1.2.* - th-utilities == 0.2.* - unordered-containers == 0.2.* - versions == 5.0.* - yaml == 0.11.* # the tasty dependencies are here to avoid having to recompile # juvix when running the tests. - tasty - tasty-hunit - Diff == 0.4.* - pretty-show == 1.10.* ghc-options: # Warnings - -Weverything - -Wno-all-missed-specialisations - -Wno-missing-export-lists - -Wno-missing-import-lists - -Wno-missing-kind-signatures - -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode - -Wno-safe - -Wno-unsafe - -Wno-unused-packages # HIE Support - -fhide-source-paths - -fwrite-ide-info -hiedir=.hie # Polysemy Support - -O2 -flate-specialise -fspecialise-aggressively default-extensions: - ApplicativeDo - DataKinds - DerivingStrategies - GADTs - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - ImportQualifiedPost - LambdaCase - MultiWayIf - NoFieldSelectors - NoImplicitPrelude - OverloadedStrings - RecordWildCards - TemplateHaskell - TypeFamilyDependencies library: source-dirs: src verbatim: default-language: GHC2021 executables: juvix: main: Main.hs source-dirs: app dependencies: - juvix - optparse-applicative == 0.17.* - http-conduit == 2.3.* verbatim: default-language: GHC2021 tests: juvix-test: main: Main.hs source-dirs: test dependencies: - juvix verbatim: default-language: GHC2021