{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Monad.Extra import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language as M import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Parser as M import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi as M import qualified MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraph as A import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract as A import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as M import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base as A import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper as M import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc) import Options.Applicative import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (Html) import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base (defaultOptions) import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi as A data Command = Scope ScopeOptions | Parse ParseOptions | Html HtmlOptions | CallGraph CallGraphOptions data ScopeOptions = ScopeOptions { _scopeRootDir :: FilePath, _scopeInputFiles :: [FilePath], _scopeShowIds :: Bool, _scopeInlineImports :: Bool } data ParseOptions = ParseOptions { _parseInputFile :: FilePath, _parseNoPrettyShow :: Bool } data HtmlOptions = HtmlOptions { _htmlInputFile :: FilePath, _htmlRecursive :: Bool, _htmlTheme :: Theme } data CallGraphOptions = CallGraphOptions { _graphInputFile :: FilePath, _graphShowIds :: Bool, _graphShowDecreasingArgs :: A.ShowDecrArgs } parseHtml :: Parser HtmlOptions parseHtml = do _htmlInputFile <- argument str ( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE" <> help "Path to a .mjuvix file" ) _htmlRecursive <- switch ( long "recursive" <> help "export imported modules recursively" ) _htmlTheme <- option (eitherReader parseTheme) ( long "theme" <> metavar "THEME" <> value Nord <> showDefault <> help "selects a theme: ayu (light); nord (dark)" ) pure HtmlOptions {..} where parseTheme :: String -> Either String Theme parseTheme s = case s of "nord" -> Right Nord "ayu" -> Right Ayu _ -> Left $ "unrecognised theme: " <> s parseCallGraph :: Parser CallGraphOptions parseCallGraph = do _graphInputFile <- argument str ( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE" <> help "Path to a .mjuvix file" ) _graphShowIds <- switch ( long "show-name-ids" <> help "Show the unique number of each identifier" ) _graphShowDecreasingArgs <- option decrArgsParser ( long "show-decreasing-args" <> short 'd' <> help "Show the arguments that are detected to decrease" ) pure CallGraphOptions {..} where decrArgsParser :: ReadM A.ShowDecrArgs decrArgsParser = eitherReader $ \s -> case map toLower s of "argument" -> return A.OnlyArg "relation" -> return A.OnlyRel "both" -> return A.ArgRel _ -> Left "bad argument" parseParse :: Parser ParseOptions parseParse = do _parseInputFile <- argument str ( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE" <> help "Path to a .mjuvix file" ) _parseNoPrettyShow <- switch ( long "no-pretty-show" <> help "Disable formatting of the Haskell AST" ) pure ParseOptions {..} parseScope :: Parser ScopeOptions parseScope = do _scopeRootDir <- strOption ( long "rootDir" <> short 'd' <> metavar "DIR" <> value "." <> showDefault <> help "Root directory" ) _scopeInputFiles <- some $ argument str ( metavar "MINIJUVIX_FILE(s)" <> help "Path to one ore more .mjuvix files" ) _scopeShowIds <- switch ( long "show-name-ids" <> help "Show the unique number of each identifier" ) _scopeInlineImports <- switch ( long "inline-imports" <> help "Show the code of imported modules next to the import statement" ) pure ScopeOptions {..} descr :: ParserInfo Command descr = info (parseCommand <**> helper) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "The MiniJuvix compiler." <> headerDoc (Just headDoc) <> footerDoc (Just foot) ) where headDoc :: Doc headDoc = dullblue $ bold $ underline "MiniJuvix help" foot :: Doc foot = bold "maintainers: " <> "jan@heliax.dev; jonathan@heliax.dev" parseCommand :: Parser Command parseCommand = hsubparser $ mconcat [ commandParse, commandScope, commandHtml, commandGraph ] where commandParse :: Mod CommandFields Command commandParse = command "parse" minfo where minfo :: ParserInfo Command minfo = info (Parse <$> parseParse) (progDesc "Parse a .mjuvix file") commandHtml :: Mod CommandFields Command commandHtml = command "html" minfo where minfo :: ParserInfo Command minfo = info (Html <$> parseHtml) (progDesc "Generate html for a .mjuvix file") commandScope :: Mod CommandFields Command commandScope = command "scope" minfo where minfo :: ParserInfo Command minfo = info (Scope <$> parseScope) (progDesc "Parse and scope a .mjuvix file") commandGraph :: Mod CommandFields Command commandGraph = command "calls" minfo where minfo :: ParserInfo Command minfo = info (CallGraph <$> parseCallGraph) (progDesc "Compute the calls graph of a .mjuvix file") mkScopePrettyOptions :: ScopeOptions -> M.Options mkScopePrettyOptions ScopeOptions {..} = M.defaultOptions { M._optShowNameId = _scopeShowIds, M._optInlineImports = _scopeInlineImports } mkAbstractPrettyOptions :: CallGraphOptions -> A.Options mkAbstractPrettyOptions CallGraphOptions {..} = A.defaultOptions { A._optShowNameId = _graphShowIds, A._optShowDecreasingArgs = _graphShowDecreasingArgs } parseModuleIO :: FilePath -> IO (M.Module 'M.Parsed 'M.ModuleTop) parseModuleIO = fromRightIO id . M.runModuleParserIO fromRightIO' :: (e -> IO ()) -> IO (Either e r) -> IO r fromRightIO' pp = do eitherM ifLeft return where ifLeft e = pp e >> exitFailure fromRightIO :: (e -> Text) -> IO (Either e r) -> IO r fromRightIO pp = fromRightIO' (putStrLn . pp) go :: Command -> IO () go c = case c of Scope opts@ScopeOptions {..} -> do root <- getCurrentDirectory forM_ _scopeInputFiles $ \scopeInputFile -> do m <- parseModuleIO scopeInputFile s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m M.printPrettyCode (mkScopePrettyOptions opts) s Parse ParseOptions {..} -> do m <- parseModuleIO _parseInputFile if _parseNoPrettyShow then print m else pPrint m Html HtmlOptions {..} -> do root <- getCurrentDirectory m <- parseModuleIO _htmlInputFile s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m genHtml defaultOptions _htmlRecursive _htmlTheme s CallGraph opts@CallGraphOptions {..} -> do root <- getCurrentDirectory m <- parseModuleIO _graphInputFile s <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m a <- fromRightIO' putStrLn (return $ A.translateModule s) let graph = A.buildCallMap a opts' = mkAbstractPrettyOptions opts A.printPrettyCode opts' graph putStrLn "" putStrLn "------------" let completeGraph = A.completeCallGraph graph A.printPrettyCode opts' completeGraph putStrLn "" main :: IO () main = execParser descr >>= go