{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Commands.Repl where import Commands.Base hiding (command) import Commands.Repl.Options import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Control.Monad.State.Strict qualified as State import Data.String.Interpolate (i, __i) import Evaluator import Juvix.Compiler.Builtins.Effect import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Error qualified as Core import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra qualified as Core import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Info qualified as Info import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Info.NoDisplayInfo qualified as Info import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Language qualified as Core import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Pretty qualified as Core import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Translation.FromInternal.Data qualified as Core import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Language qualified as Internal import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Pretty qualified as Internal import Juvix.Data.Error.GenericError qualified as Error import Juvix.Extra.Paths import Juvix.Extra.Version import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty qualified as P import System.Console.ANSI qualified as Ansi import System.Console.Haskeline import System.Console.Repline import System.Console.Repline qualified as Repline import Text.Megaparsec qualified as M type ReplS = State.StateT ReplState IO type Repl a = HaskelineT ReplS a data ReplContext = ReplContext { _replContextBuiltins :: BuiltinsState, _replContextExpContext :: ExpressionContext, _replContextEntryPoint :: EntryPoint } data ReplState = ReplState { _replStatePkgDir :: Path Abs Dir, _replStateInvokeDir :: Path Abs Dir, _replStateContext :: Maybe ReplContext, _replStateGlobalOptions :: GlobalOptions } makeLenses ''ReplState makeLenses ''ReplContext helpTxt :: MonadIO m => m () helpTxt = liftIO ( putStrLn [__i| EXPRESSION Evaluate an expression in the context of the currently loaded module :help Print help text and describe options :load FILE Load a file into the REPL :reload Reload the currently loaded file :prelude Load the Prelude from the standard library :type EXPRESSION Infer the type of an expression :core EXPRESSION Translate the expression to JuvixCore :multiline Start a multi-line input. Submit with :root Print the current project root :version Display the Juvix version :quit Exit the REPL |] ) noFileLoadedMsg :: MonadIO m => m () noFileLoadedMsg = liftIO (putStrLn "No file loaded. Load a file using the `:load FILE` command.") welcomeMsg :: MonadIO m => m () welcomeMsg = liftIO (putStrLn [i|Juvix REPL version #{versionTag}: https://juvix.org. Run :help for help|]) runCommand :: Members '[Embed IO, App] r => ReplOptions -> Sem r () runCommand opts = do root <- askPkgDir buildDir <- askBuildDir package <- askPackage let getReplEntryPoint :: SomeBase File -> Repl EntryPoint getReplEntryPoint inputFile = do gopts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions) absInputFile :: Path Abs File <- replMakeAbsolute inputFile return $ EntryPoint { _entryPointRoot = root, _entryPointBuildDir = buildDir, _entryPointResolverRoot = root, _entryPointNoTermination = gopts ^. globalNoTermination, _entryPointNoPositivity = gopts ^. globalNoPositivity, _entryPointNoStdlib = gopts ^. globalNoStdlib, _entryPointPackage = package, _entryPointModulePaths = pure absInputFile, _entryPointGenericOptions = project gopts, _entryPointStdin = Nothing } printHelpTxt :: String -> Repl () printHelpTxt _ = helpTxt multilineCmd :: String multilineCmd = "multiline" quit :: String -> Repl () quit _ = liftIO (throwIO Interrupt) loadEntryPoint :: EntryPoint -> Repl () loadEntryPoint ep = do (artif, res) <- liftIO (runIO' iniState ep upToCore) State.modify ( set replStateContext ( Just ( ReplContext { _replContextBuiltins = artif ^. artifactBuiltins, _replContextExpContext = expressionContext res, _replContextEntryPoint = ep } ) ) ) let epPath :: Path Abs File = ep ^. entryPointModulePaths . _head1 liftIO (putStrLn [i|OK loaded: #{toFilePath epPath}|]) reloadFile :: String -> Repl () reloadFile _ = do mentryPoint <- State.gets (fmap (^. replContextEntryPoint) . (^. replStateContext)) case mentryPoint of Just entryPoint -> do loadEntryPoint entryPoint Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg pSomeFile :: String -> SomeBase File pSomeFile = someFile . unpack . strip . pack loadFile :: SomeBase File -> Repl () loadFile f = do entryPoint <- getReplEntryPoint f loadEntryPoint entryPoint loadPrelude :: Repl () loadPrelude = loadDefaultPrelude loadDefaultPrelude :: Repl () loadDefaultPrelude = defaultPreludeEntryPoint >>= loadEntryPoint printRoot :: String -> Repl () printRoot _ = do r <- State.gets (^. replStatePkgDir) liftIO $ putStrLn (pack (toFilePath r)) displayVersion :: String -> Repl () displayVersion _ = liftIO (putStrLn versionTag) command :: String -> Repl () command input = Repline.dontCrash $ do ctx <- State.gets (^. replStateContext) case ctx of Just ctx' -> do evalRes <- compileThenEval ctx' input case evalRes of Left err -> printError err Right n | Info.member Info.kNoDisplayInfo (Core.getInfo n) -> return () Right n -> renderOut (Core.ppOut opts n) Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg where defaultLoc :: Interval defaultLoc = singletonInterval (mkLoc 0 (M.initialPos "")) compileThenEval :: ReplContext -> String -> Repl (Either JuvixError Core.Node) compileThenEval ctx s = bindEither compileString eval where eval :: Core.Node -> Repl (Either JuvixError Core.Node) eval n = liftIO $ mapLeft (JuvixError @Core.CoreError) <$> doEvalIO False defaultLoc (ctx ^. replContextExpContext . contextCoreResult . Core.coreResultTable) n compileString :: Repl (Either JuvixError Core.Node) compileString = liftIO $ compileExpressionIO' ctx (strip (pack s)) bindEither :: Monad m => m (Either e a) -> (a -> m (Either e b)) -> m (Either e b) bindEither x f = join <$> (x >>= mapM f) core :: String -> Repl () core input = Repline.dontCrash $ do ctx <- State.gets (^. replStateContext) case ctx of Just ctx' -> do compileRes <- liftIO (compileExpressionIO' ctx' (strip (pack input))) case compileRes of Left err -> printError err Right n -> renderOut (Core.ppOut opts n) Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg inferType :: String -> Repl () inferType input = Repline.dontCrash $ do ctx <- State.gets (^. replStateContext) gopts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions) case ctx of Just ctx' -> do compileRes <- liftIO (inferExpressionIO' ctx' (strip (pack input))) case compileRes of Left err -> printError err Right n -> renderOut (Internal.ppOut (project' @GenericOptions gopts) n) Nothing -> noFileLoadedMsg options :: [(String, String -> Repl ())] options = [ ("help", Repline.dontCrash . printHelpTxt), -- `multiline` is included here for auto-completion purposes only. -- `repline`'s `multilineCommand` logic overrides this no-op. (multilineCmd, Repline.dontCrash . \_ -> return ()), ("quit", quit), ("load", Repline.dontCrash . loadFile . pSomeFile), ("reload", Repline.dontCrash . reloadFile), ("prelude", Repline.dontCrash . const loadPrelude), ("root", printRoot), ("type", inferType), ("version", displayVersion), ("core", core) ] defaultMatcher :: [(String, CompletionFunc ReplS)] defaultMatcher = [(":load", fileCompleter)] optsCompleter :: WordCompleter ReplS optsCompleter n = do let names = (":" <>) . fst <$> options return (filter (isPrefixOf n) names) banner :: MultiLine -> Repl String banner = \case MultiLine -> return "... " SingleLine -> do mctx <- State.gets (fmap (^. replContextExpContext) . (^. replStateContext)) case mctx of Just ctx -> return [i|#{unpack (P.prettyText (mainModuleTopPath ctx))}> |] Nothing -> return "juvix> " prefix :: Maybe Char prefix = Just ':' multilineCommand :: Maybe String multilineCommand = Just multilineCmd initialiser :: Repl () initialiser = do gopts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions) welcomeMsg unless (opts ^. replNoPrelude || gopts ^. globalNoStdlib) (maybe loadPrelude (loadFile . (^. pathPath)) (opts ^. replInputFile)) finaliser :: Repl ExitDecision finaliser = return Exit tabComplete :: CompleterStyle ReplS tabComplete = Prefix (wordCompleter optsCompleter) defaultMatcher replAction :: ReplS () replAction = do evalReplOpts ReplOpts { prefix, multilineCommand, initialiser, finaliser, tabComplete, command, options, banner } pkgDir <- askPkgDir invokeDir <- askInvokeDir globalOptions <- askGlobalOptions embed ( State.evalStateT replAction ( ReplState { _replStatePkgDir = pkgDir, _replStateInvokeDir = invokeDir, _replStateContext = Nothing, _replStateGlobalOptions = globalOptions } ) ) defaultPreludeEntryPoint :: Repl EntryPoint defaultPreludeEntryPoint = do opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions) root <- State.gets (^. replStatePkgDir) let buildDir = rootBuildDir root defStdlibDir = defaultStdlibPath buildDir return $ EntryPoint { _entryPointRoot = root, _entryPointResolverRoot = defStdlibDir, _entryPointBuildDir = buildDir, _entryPointNoTermination = opts ^. globalNoTermination, _entryPointNoPositivity = opts ^. globalNoPositivity, _entryPointNoStdlib = opts ^. globalNoStdlib, _entryPointPackage = defaultPackage root buildDir, _entryPointModulePaths = pure (defStdlibDir preludePath), _entryPointGenericOptions = project opts, _entryPointStdin = Nothing } replMakeAbsolute :: SomeBase b -> Repl (Path Abs b) replMakeAbsolute = \case Abs p -> return p Rel r -> do invokeDir <- State.gets (^. replStateInvokeDir) return (invokeDir r) inferExpressionIO' :: ReplContext -> Text -> IO (Either JuvixError Internal.Expression) inferExpressionIO' ctx = inferExpressionIO "" (ctx ^. replContextExpContext) (ctx ^. replContextBuiltins) compileExpressionIO' :: ReplContext -> Text -> IO (Either JuvixError Core.Node) compileExpressionIO' ctx = compileExpressionIO "" (ctx ^. replContextExpContext) (ctx ^. replContextBuiltins) render' :: (P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => a -> Repl () render' t = do opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions) hasAnsi <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stdout) liftIO (P.renderIO (not (opts ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi) t) renderOut :: (P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => a -> Repl () renderOut t = render' t >> liftIO (putStrLn "") printError :: JuvixError -> Repl () printError e = do opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions) hasAnsi <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stderr) liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ run (runReader (project' @GenericOptions opts) (Error.render (not (opts ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi) False e))