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synced 2024-12-14 08:27:03 +03:00
* import all non-compile axioms with alphanum names in entrypoint This commit adds `__attribute__((input_name(<name>)))` to the type signature of all axioms that do not have a compile block. This indicates to the compiler that this function should be added to the input table of the WASM binary. Adds a test that an imported function can be called from Juvix. * test: Run node command in same directory as WASM output * Don't generate importName for non-alphnum axioms * Add a tutorial on Juvix module to JS interop via Wasm
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86 lines
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module BackendC.Positive where
import BackendC.Base
import Base
import System.Process qualified as P
data PosTest = PosTest
{ _name :: String,
_relDir :: FilePath,
_compileMode :: CompileMode
makeLenses ''PosTest
root :: FilePath
root = "tests/positive/MiniC"
mainFile :: FilePath
mainFile = "Input.juvix"
expectedFile :: FilePath
expectedFile = "expected.golden"
actualCallExport :: Text -> [Text] -> FilePath -> IO Text
actualCallExport funName funArgs outputFile =
<$> P.readProcess
(["run", outputFile, "--invoke", unpack funName] <> (unpack <$> funArgs))
actualCallNode :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Text
actualCallNode jsFile outputFile = do
assertCmdExists "node"
let outputDir = takeDirectory outputFile
outputJsFile = outputDir </> jsFile
copyFile jsFile outputJsFile
( pack
<$> P.readProcess
testDescr :: PosTest -> TestDescr
testDescr PosTest {..} =
let tRoot = root </> _relDir
in TestDescr
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = tRoot,
_testAssertion = Steps $ case _compileMode of
WASI stdlibMode -> wasiClangAssertion stdlibMode mainFile expectedFile ""
WASM i -> wasmClangAssertion i mainFile expectedFile
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
"Backend C positive tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
tests :: [PosTest]
tests =
[ PosTest "HelloWorld" "HelloWorld" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Inductive types and pattern matching" "Nat" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Polymorphic types" "Polymorphism" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Polymorphic axioms" "PolymorphicAxioms" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Polymorphic target" "PolymorphicTarget" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Multiple modules" "MultiModules" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Higher Order Functions" "HigherOrder" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Higher Order Functions and explicit holes" "PolymorphismHoles" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Closures with no environment" "ClosureNoEnv" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Closures with environment" "ClosureEnv" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "SimpleFungibleTokenImplicit" "SimpleFungibleTokenImplicit" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Mutually recursive function" "MutuallyRecursive" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Nested List type" "NestedList" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Builtin types and functions" "Builtins" (WASI StdlibExclude),
PosTest "Import from embedded standard library" "StdlibImport" (WASI StdlibInclude),
PosTest "Axiom without a compile block" "AxiomNoCompile" (WASI StdlibInclude),
PosTest "Invoke a function using exported name" "ExportName" (WASM (WASMInfo (actualCallExport "fun" []))),
PosTest "Invoke a function using exported name with args" "ExportNameArgs" (WASM (WASMInfo (actualCallExport "fun" ["0"]))),
PosTest "Invoke an imported function in Juvix and exported function in JS" "ImportExportName" (WASM (WASMInfo (actualCallNode "input.js")))