mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-08 16:51:53 +03:00
Jan Mas Rovira 138d9e545d
Logger (#2908)
1. Adds the `--log-level LOG_LEVEL` flag to the CLI. This flag can be
given `error`, `warn`, `info`, `progress`, `debug` as argument to filter
the logged messages.
2. Removes the `--only-errors` flag.
3. Adds the `--ide-end-error-char CHAR`, which receives a character as
an argument, which is appended to the end of error messages. This is
handy to facilitate parsing of errors messages from the ide. This
functionality was previously embeded in the old `--only-errors` flag.
2024-07-22 17:14:37 +02:00

329 lines
12 KiB

module App where
import CommonOptions
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import GlobalOptions
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation (InternalTypedResult)
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromInternal.Analysis.Termination.Checker
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Loader.PathResolver
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Root
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Run
import Juvix.Data.Error qualified as Error
import Juvix.Extra.Paths.Base hiding (rootBuildDir)
import Juvix.Parser.Error
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty hiding
( Doc,
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as Ansi
data App :: Effect where
ExitMsg :: ExitCode -> Text -> App m a
ExitFailMsg :: Text -> App m a
ExitJuvixError :: JuvixError -> App m a
PrintJuvixError :: JuvixError -> App m ()
FromAppFile :: AppPath File -> App m (Path Abs File)
AskRoot :: App m Root
AskArgs :: App m RunAppIOArgs
AskInvokeDir :: App m (Path Abs Dir)
AskPkgDir :: App m (Path Abs Dir)
AskBuildDir :: App m (Path Abs Dir)
AskPackage :: App m Package
AskPackageGlobal :: App m Bool
AskGlobalOptions :: App m GlobalOptions
FromAppPathFile :: AppPath File -> App m (Path Abs File)
GetMainAppFile :: Maybe (AppPath File) -> App m (AppPath File)
GetMainAppFileMaybe :: Maybe (AppPath File) -> App m (Maybe (AppPath File))
GetMainFile :: Maybe (AppPath File) -> App m (Path Abs File)
GetMainFileMaybe :: Maybe (AppPath File) -> App m (Maybe (Path Abs File))
FromAppPathDir :: AppPath Dir -> App m (Path Abs Dir)
RenderStdOut :: (HasAnsiBackend a, HasTextBackend a) => a -> App m ()
RenderStdOutRaw :: ByteString -> App m ()
data RunAppIOArgs = RunAppIOArgs
{ _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions :: GlobalOptions,
_runAppIOArgsRoot :: Root
makeSem ''App
makeLenses ''RunAppIOArgs
type AppEffects = '[Logger, TaggedLock, Files, App, EmbedIO]
runAppIO ::
forall r a.
(Members '[EmbedIO, Logger, TaggedLock] r) =>
RunAppIOArgs ->
Sem (App ': r) a ->
Sem r a
runAppIO args = evalSingletonCache (readPackageRootIO root) . reAppIO args
root = args ^. runAppIOArgsRoot
reAppIO ::
forall r a.
(Members '[EmbedIO, TaggedLock, Logger] r) =>
RunAppIOArgs ->
Sem (App ': r) a ->
Sem (SCache Package ': r) a
reAppIO args@RunAppIOArgs {..} =
interpretTop $ \case
AskPackageGlobal -> return (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootPackageType `elem` [GlobalStdlib, GlobalPackageDescription, GlobalPackageBase])
FromAppPathFile p -> prepathToAbsFile invDir (p ^. pathPath)
FromAppFile m -> fromAppFile' m
GetMainAppFile m -> getMainAppFile' m
GetMainAppFileMaybe m -> getMainAppFileMaybe' m
GetMainFile m -> getMainFile' m
GetMainFileMaybe m -> getMainFileMaybe' m
FromAppPathDir p -> liftIO (prepathToAbsDir invDir (p ^. pathPath))
RenderStdOut t -> do
sup <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stdout)
renderIO (not (_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions ^. globalNoColors) && sup) t
RenderStdOutRaw b -> liftIO (ByteString.putStr b)
AskGlobalOptions -> return _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
AskPackage -> getPkg
AskArgs -> return args
AskRoot -> return _runAppIOArgsRoot
AskInvokeDir -> return invDir
AskPkgDir -> return (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootRootDir)
AskBuildDir -> return (resolveAbsBuildDir (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootRootDir) (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootBuildDir))
PrintJuvixError e -> printErr e
ExitJuvixError e -> do
printErr e
ExitMsg exitCode t -> exitMsg' (exitWith exitCode) t
ExitFailMsg t -> exitMsg' exitFailure t
getPkg :: (Members '[SCache Package] r') => Sem r' Package
getPkg = cacheSingletonGet
exitMsg' :: forall r' x. (Members '[EmbedIO, Logger] r') => IO x -> Text -> Sem r' x
exitMsg' onExit t = do
logError (mkAnsiText t)
liftIO (hFlush stderr >> onExit)
fromAppFile' :: (Members '[EmbedIO] r') => AppPath File -> Sem r' (Path Abs File)
fromAppFile' f = prepathToAbsFile invDir (f ^. pathPath)
getMainFile' :: (Members '[Logger, SCache Package, EmbedIO] r') => Maybe (AppPath File) -> Sem r' (Path Abs File)
getMainFile' = getMainAppFile' >=> fromAppFile'
getMainFileMaybe' :: (Members '[SCache Package, EmbedIO] r') => Maybe (AppPath File) -> Sem r' (Maybe (Path Abs File))
getMainFileMaybe' = getMainAppFileMaybe' >=> mapM fromAppFile'
getMainAppFileMaybe' :: (Members '[SCache Package, EmbedIO] r') => Maybe (AppPath File) -> Sem r' (Maybe (AppPath File))
getMainAppFileMaybe' = \case
Just p -> return (Just p)
Nothing -> do
pkg <- getPkg
return $ case pkg ^. packageMain of
Just p ->
{ _pathPath = p,
_pathIsInput = True
Nothing -> Nothing
getMainAppFile' :: (Members '[SCache Package, EmbedIO, Logger] r') => Maybe (AppPath File) -> Sem r' (AppPath File)
getMainAppFile' = fromMaybeM missingMainErr . getMainAppFileMaybe'
missingMainErr :: (Members '[EmbedIO, Logger] r') => Sem r' x
missingMainErr =
( "A path to the main file must be given in the CLI or specified in the `main` field of the "
<> pack (toFilePath juvixYamlFile)
<> " file"
invDir = _runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootInvokeDir
g :: GlobalOptions
g = _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
printErr :: forall r'. (Members '[Logger] r') => JuvixError -> Sem r' ()
printErr e =
. mkAnsiText
. run
. runReader (project' @GenericOptions g)
$ Error.render (not (_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions ^. globalNoColors)) (g ^. globalIdeEndErrorChar) e
getEntryPoint' ::
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, TaggedLock] r) =>
RunAppIOArgs ->
Maybe (AppPath File) ->
Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPoint' RunAppIOArgs {..} inputFile = do
let opts = _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
root = _runAppIOArgsRoot
estdin <-
| opts ^. globalStdin -> Just <$> liftIO getContents
| otherwise -> return Nothing
mainFile <- getMainAppFileMaybe inputFile
set entryPointStdin estdin <$> entryPointFromGlobalOptionsPre root ((^. pathPath) <$> mainFile) opts
runPipelineEither ::
(Members '[EmbedIO, TaggedLock, Logger, App] r, EntryPointOptions opts) =>
opts ->
Maybe (AppPath File) ->
Sem (PipelineEff r) a ->
Sem r (Either JuvixError (ResolverState, PipelineResult a))
runPipelineEither opts input_ p = runPipelineOptions $ do
args <- askArgs
entry <- applyOptions opts <$> getEntryPoint' args input_
runIOEither entry (inject p)
getEntryPointStdin' :: (Members '[EmbedIO, TaggedLock] r) => RunAppIOArgs -> Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPointStdin' RunAppIOArgs {..} = do
let opts = _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
root = _runAppIOArgsRoot
estdin <-
| opts ^. globalStdin -> Just <$> liftIO getContents
| otherwise -> return Nothing
set entryPointStdin estdin <$> entryPointFromGlobalOptionsNoFile root opts
fromRightGenericError :: (Members '[App] r, ToGenericError err, Typeable err) => Either err a -> Sem r a
fromRightGenericError = fromRightJuvixError . mapLeft JuvixError
fromRightJuvixError :: (Members '[App] r) => Either JuvixError a -> Sem r a
fromRightJuvixError = getRight
someBaseToAbs' :: (Members '[App] r) => SomeBase a -> Sem r (Path Abs a)
someBaseToAbs' f = do
r <- askInvokeDir
return (someBaseToAbs r f)
fromAppPathFileOrDir ::
(Members '[EmbedIO, App] r) =>
AppPath FileOrDir ->
Sem r (Either (Path Abs File) (Path Abs Dir))
fromAppPathFileOrDir = filePathToAbs . (^. pathPath)
filePathToAbs :: (Members '[EmbedIO, App] r) => Prepath FileOrDir -> Sem r (Either (Path Abs File) (Path Abs Dir))
filePathToAbs fp = do
invokeDir <- askInvokeDir
fromPreFileOrDir invokeDir fp
askGenericOptions :: (Members '[App] r) => Sem r GenericOptions
askGenericOptions = project <$> askGlobalOptions
getEntryPoint :: (Members '[EmbedIO, App, TaggedLock] r) => Maybe (AppPath File) -> Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPoint inputFile = do
_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions <- askGlobalOptions
_runAppIOArgsRoot <- askRoot
getEntryPoint' RunAppIOArgs {..} inputFile
getEntryPointStdin :: (Members '[EmbedIO, App, TaggedLock] r) => Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPointStdin = do
_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions <- askGlobalOptions
_runAppIOArgsRoot <- askRoot
getEntryPointStdin' RunAppIOArgs {..}
runPipelineTermination ::
(Members '[EmbedIO, App, Logger, TaggedLock] r) =>
Maybe (AppPath File) ->
Sem (Termination ': PipelineEff r) a ->
Sem r (PipelineResult a)
runPipelineTermination input_ p = silenceProgressLog $ do
r <- runPipelineEither () input_ (evalTermination iniTerminationState (inject p)) >>= fromRightJuvixError
return (snd r)
runPipelineNoOptions ::
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, Logger, TaggedLock] r) =>
Maybe (AppPath File) ->
Sem (PipelineEff r) a ->
Sem r a
runPipelineNoOptions = runPipeline ()
runPipelineLogger ::
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, Logger, TaggedLock] r, EntryPointOptions opts) =>
opts ->
Maybe (AppPath File) ->
Sem (PipelineEff r) a ->
Sem r a
runPipelineLogger opts input_ p = do
r <- runPipelineEither opts input_ (inject p) >>= fromRightJuvixError
return (snd r ^. pipelineResult)
runPipeline ::
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, Logger, TaggedLock] r, EntryPointOptions opts) =>
opts ->
Maybe (AppPath File) ->
Sem (PipelineEff r) a ->
Sem r a
runPipeline opts input_ =
runPipelineLogger opts input_
. inject
runPipelineHtml ::
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, Logger, TaggedLock] r) =>
Bool ->
Maybe (AppPath File) ->
Sem r (InternalTypedResult, [InternalTypedResult])
runPipelineHtml bNonRecursive input_ =
| bNonRecursive -> do
r <- runPipelineNoOptions input_ upToInternalTyped
return (r, [])
| otherwise -> do
args <- askArgs
entry <- getEntryPoint' args input_
runReader defaultPipelineOptions (runPipelineHtmlEither entry) >>= fromRightJuvixError
runPipelineOptions :: (Members '[App] r) => Sem (Reader PipelineOptions ': r) a -> Sem r a
runPipelineOptions m = do
g <- askGlobalOptions
let opt =
{ _pipelineNumThreads = g ^. globalNumThreads
runReader opt m
runPipelineEntry :: (Members '[App, Logger, EmbedIO, TaggedLock] r) => EntryPoint -> Sem (PipelineEff r) a -> Sem r a
runPipelineEntry entry p = runPipelineOptions $ do
r <- runIOEither entry (inject p) >>= fromRightJuvixError
return (snd r ^. pipelineResult)
runPipelineSetup ::
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, Logger, Reader PipelineOptions, TaggedLock] r) =>
Sem (PipelineEff' r) a ->
Sem r a
runPipelineSetup p = do
args <- askArgs
entry <- getEntryPointStdin' args
r <- runIOEitherPipeline entry (inject p) >>= fromRightJuvixError
return (snd r)
renderStdOutLn :: forall a r. (Member App r, HasAnsiBackend a, HasTextBackend a) => a -> Sem r ()
renderStdOutLn txt = renderStdOut txt >> newline
newline :: (Member App r) => Sem r ()
newline = renderStdOut @Text "\n"
printSuccessExit :: (Member App r) => Text -> Sem r a
printSuccessExit = exitMsg ExitSuccess
getRight :: forall e a r. (Members '[App] r, AppError e) => Either e a -> Sem r a
getRight = either appError return
runAppError :: forall e r a. (AppError e, Members '[App] r) => Sem (Error e ': r) a -> Sem r a
runAppError = runErrorNoCallStackWith appError
instance AppError ParserError where
appError = appError . JuvixError
instance AppError MegaparsecError where
appError = appError . JuvixError
instance AppError Text where
appError = exitFailMsg
instance AppError JuvixError where
appError = exitJuvixError
class AppError e where
appError :: (Members '[App] r) => e -> Sem r a