mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-07 16:22:14 +03:00
Jan Mas Rovira 2d36a65324
Make compile targets a subcommand instead of a flag (#2700)
# Changes
The main goal of this pr is to remove the `--target` flag for `juvix
compile` and use subcommands instead. The targets that are relevant to
normal users are found in `juvix compile --help`. Targets that are
relevant only to developers are found in `juvix dev compile --help`.

Below I list some of the changes in more detail.
## Compile targets for user-facing languages
- `juvix compile native`
- `juvix compile wasi`. I wasn't sure how to call this: `wasm`,
`wasm32-wasi`, etc. In the end I thought `wasi` was short and accurate,
but we can change it.
- `juvix compile vampir`
- `juvix compile anoma`
- `juvix compile cairo`
## *New* compile targets for internal languages
See `juvix dev compile --help`.

1. `dev compile core` has the same behaviour as `dev core
from-concrete`. The `dev core from-concrete` is redundant at the moment.
2. `dev compile tree` compiles to Tree and prints the InfoTable to the
output file wihout any additional checks.
3. `dev compile reg` compiles to Reg and prints the InfoTable to the
output file wihout any additional checks.
4. `dev compile asm` compiles to Asm and prints the InfoTable to the
output file wihout any additional checks.
5. 4. `dev compile casm` compiles to Asm and prints the Result to the
output file wihout any additional checks. TODO: should the Result be
printed or something else? At the moment the Result lacks a pretty
## Optional input file
1. The input file for commands that expect a .juvix file as input is now
optional. If the argument is ommited, he main file given in the
package.yaml will be used. This applies to the following commands:
   1. `juvix compile [native|wasi|geb|vampir|anoma|cairo]`
   8.  `juvix dev compile [core|reg|tree|casm|asm]`
   1. `juvix html`
   3. `juvix markdown`.
   4. `juvix dev internal [typecheck|pretty]`.
   5. `juvix dev [parse|scope]`
   7. `juvix compile [native|wasi|geb|vampir|anoma|cairo]`
   9. note that `juvix format` has not changed its behaviour.

## Refactor some C-like compiler flags
Both `juvix compile native` and `juvix compile wasi` support `--only-c`
(`-C`), `--only-preprocess` (`-E`), `--only-assemble` (`-S`). I propose
to deviate from the `gcc` style and instead use a flag with a single
- `--cstage [source|preprocess|assembly|exec(default)]`. I'm open to
suggestions. For now, I've kept the legacy flags but marked them as
deprecated in the help message.

## Remove code duplication
I've tried to reduce code duplication. This is sometimes in tension with
code readability so I've tried to find a good balance. I've tried to
make it so we don't have to jump to many different files to understand
what a single command is doing. I'm sure there is still room for

## Other refactors
I've implemented other small refactors that I considered improved the
quality of the code.

## TODO/Future work
We should refactor commands (under `compile dev`) which still use
`module Commands.Extra.Compile` and remove it.
2024-04-09 13:29:07 +02:00

142 lines
3.9 KiB

module Commands.Html.Options where
import CommonOptions
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Html.Data.Options hiding (HtmlOptions)
data HtmlOptions = HtmlOptions
{ _htmlNonRecursive :: Bool,
_htmlOnlySource :: Bool,
_htmlOnlyCode :: Bool,
_htmlTheme :: Theme,
_htmlOutputDir :: AppPath Dir,
_htmlInputFile :: Maybe (AppPath File),
_htmlNoFooter :: Bool,
_htmlFolderStructure :: Bool,
_htmlNoPath :: Bool,
_htmlExt :: Text,
_htmlStripPrefix :: Text,
_htmlAssetsPrefix :: Text,
_htmlUrlPrefix :: Text,
_htmlIdPrefix :: Text,
_htmlOpen :: Bool
deriving stock (Data)
makeLenses ''HtmlOptions
parseHtml :: Parser HtmlOptions
parseHtml = do
_htmlNonRecursive <-
( long "non-recursive"
<> help "Do not process imported modules recursively"
_htmlOnlySource <-
( long "only-source"
<> help "Generate only Html for the source code with syntax highlighting"
_htmlOnlyCode <-
( long "only-code"
<> help "If --only-source is enabled, only generate the code without the header and footer"
_htmlTheme <-
(eitherReader parseTheme)
( long "theme"
<> metavar "THEME"
<> value Ayu
<> showDefault
<> help ("Theme for syntax highlighting. " <> availableStr)
<> completeWith (map show allThemes)
_htmlOutputDir <-
( value "html"
<> showDefault
<> help "Html output directory"
<> action "directory"
_htmlNoFooter <-
( long "no-footer"
<> help "Remove HTML Juvix footer"
_htmlNoPath <-
( long "no-path"
<> help "Remove the path from all hyperlinks"
_htmlExt <-
( value ".html"
<> long "ext"
<> showDefault
<> help "File extension for the generated HTML files"
_htmlStripPrefix <-
( value ""
<> long "strip-prefix"
<> showDefault
<> help "Strip the given prefix from the hyperlinks. This has no effect if --no-path is enabled. It has precedence over --prefix-url"
_htmlFolderStructure <-
( long "folder-structure"
<> help "Generate HTML following the module's folder structure"
_htmlAssetsPrefix <-
( value ""
<> long "prefix-assets"
<> showDefault
<> help "Prefix used for assets's source path"
_htmlUrlPrefix <-
( value ""
<> long "prefix-url"
<> showDefault
<> help "Prefix used for inner Juvix hyperlinks"
_htmlIdPrefix <-
( value ""
<> long "prefix-id"
<> showDefault
<> help "Prefix used for HTML element IDs"
_htmlOpen <-
( long "open"
<> help "Open the documentation after generating it"
_htmlInputFile <- optional (parseInputFiles (NonEmpty.fromList [FileExtJuvix, FileExtJuvixMarkdown]))
pure HtmlOptions {..}
allThemes :: [Theme]
allThemes = allElements
availableStr :: String
availableStr =
[ showCategory (light, filter ((== light) . themeLight) allThemes)
| light <- allElements
showCategory :: (ThemeLight, [Theme]) -> String
showCategory (light, ts) = show light <> " themes: " <> commaSep (map show ts)
commaSep = intercalate ", "
dotSep = intercalate ". "
parseTheme :: String -> Either String Theme
parseTheme s = case lookup (map toLower s) themes of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> Left $ "unrecognised theme: " <> s
themes :: [(String, Theme)]
themes = [(show theme, theme) | theme <- allThemes]