mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-12 04:43:18 +03:00
Jan Mas Rovira a825f41507
Refactor readFile and some parsers to use Path instead of FilePath (#2649)
Now the prelude exports this function:
readFile :: (MonadIO m) => Path Abs File -> m Text
readFile = liftIO . Utf8.readFile . toFilePath
It is more convenient to use because it uses typed `Path` and works in
any `MonadIO`.
2024-02-19 17:33:58 +01:00

125 lines
3.5 KiB

module Main where
import Base
import Criterion.Main
import Criterion.Main.Options hiding (config)
import Criterion.Types
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Development.Shake hiding ((<//>))
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Path as Path hiding (doesFileExist, (-<.>))
import Juvix.Prelude.Path qualified as Path
import Statistics.Types
import Suites
main :: IO ()
main = shakeArgs opts compileRules
opts :: ShakeOptions
opts = shakeOptions
compileRules :: Rules ()
compileRules = do
phony "clean" $ do
putInfo ("Deleting " <> toFilePath resultsDir)
removePathForcibly resultsDir
forM_ suites suiteRules
suiteRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
suiteRules s = do
forM_ (s ^. suiteVariants) (variantRules s)
csvRules s
plotRules s
multiRecipe :: [Path Abs File] -> Action () -> Rules ()
multiRecipe out howto = map toFilePath out &%> const howto
recipe :: Path Abs File -> Action () -> Rules ()
recipe out howto = toFilePath out %> const howto
variantRules :: Suite -> Variant -> Rules ()
variantRules s v = do
action $ do
(doesFileExist (toFilePath srcFile))
(need [toFilePath exeFile])
recipe exeFile $ do
need [toFilePath srcFile]
ensureDir outDir
(v ^. variantBuild) args
args :: BuildArgs
args =
{ _buildSrc = srcFile,
_buildOutDir = outDir
lang :: Lang
lang = v ^. variantLanguage
srcFile :: Path Abs File
srcFile =
(langExtension lang)
(suiteSrcDir s <//> langPath lang <//> suiteBaseFile s)
exeFile :: Path Abs File
exeFile = outDir <//> replaceExtensions' (v ^. variantExtensions) (filename srcFile)
outDir :: Path Abs Dir
outDir = variantBinDir s v
plotRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
plotRules s = do
let csv :: Path Abs File = suiteCsvFile s
svg :: Path Abs File = suiteSvgFile s
out :: Path Abs File = suitePlotFile s
want [toFilePath svg]
multiRecipe [svg] $ do
need [toFilePath csv, toFilePath gnuplotFile]
ensureDir (parent svg)
( gpArg "name" (s ^. suiteTitle)
++ gpArg "outfile" (toFilePath out)
++ gpArg "csvfile" (toFilePath csv)
++ [toFilePath gnuplotFile]
gpArg :: String -> String -> [String]
gpArg arg val = ["-e", arg <> "='" <> val <> "'"]
csvRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
csvRules s =
recipe csv $ do
need [toFilePath (variantBinFile s v) | v <- s ^. suiteVariants]
ensureDir (parent csv)
whenM (Path.doesFileExist csv) (removeFile csv)
liftIO (runMode (Run (config s) Glob []) (fromSuite s) >> addColorColumn)
csv :: Path Abs File = suiteCsvFile s
addColorColumn :: IO ()
addColorColumn = do
header :| rows <- nonEmpty' . Text.lines <$> readFile csv
let rows' =
[ showColour (v ^. variantColor) <> "," <> r
| (v, r) <- zipExact (s ^. suiteVariants) rows
header' = "Color," <> header
writeFileEnsureLn csv (Text.unlines (header' : rows'))
fromSuite :: Suite -> [Benchmark]
fromSuite s = map go (s ^. suiteVariants)
go :: Variant -> Benchmark
go v = bench title (nfIO ((v ^. variantRun) (variantBinFile s v)))
title :: String
title = show (v ^. variantLanguage) <> maybe "" (" " <>) (v ^. variantTitle)
config :: Suite -> Config
config s =
{ csvFile = Just (toFilePath (suiteCsvFile s)),
confInterval = cl90