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synced 2025-01-01 12:06:57 +03:00
* Adds a RISC0 backend which generates Rust code that can be compiled with the official RISC0 toolchain. * The RISC0 backend is a wrapper around the Rust backend. * Adds the `risc0-rust` to the `compile` CLI command, which creates a directory containing host and guest Rust sources for the RISC0 zkVM. The generated code can be compiled/run using `cargo` from inside the created directory (requires having RISC0 installed: https://dev.risczero.com/api/zkvm/install).
76 lines
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76 lines
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module Commands.Dev.DevCompile.NativeRust where
import Commands.Base
import Commands.Dev.DevCompile.NativeRust.Options
import Commands.Extra.Rust
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.FileEmbed qualified as FE
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Rust.Data.Result
runCommand ::
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, TaggedLock] r) =>
NativeRustOptions 'InputMain ->
Sem r ()
runCommand opts = do
let opts' = opts ^. nativeRustCompileCommonOptions
inputFile = opts' ^. compileInputFile
moutputFile = opts' ^. compileOutputFile
mainFile <- getMainFile inputFile
Result {..} <- runPipeline opts inputFile upToRust
rustFile <- inputRustFile mainFile
writeFileEnsureLn rustFile _resultRustCode
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
outputFile <- nativeOutputFile mainFile moutputFile
let args =
{ _rustDebug = opts' ^. compileDebug,
_rustInputFile = rustFile,
_rustOutputFile = outputFile,
_rustOptimizationLevel = fmap (min 3 . (+ 1)) (opts' ^. compileOptimizationLevel)
rustCompile args
prepareRuntime ::
forall s.
(Members '[App, EmbedIO] s) =>
Sem s ()
prepareRuntime = writeRuntime runtime
runtime :: BS.ByteString
| opts ^. nativeRustCompileCommonOptions . compileDebug = rustDebugRuntime
| otherwise = rustReleaseRuntime
rustReleaseRuntime :: BS.ByteString
rustReleaseRuntime = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/rust/juvix/target/release/libjuvix.rlib" >>= FE.embedFile)
rustDebugRuntime :: BS.ByteString
rustDebugRuntime = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "runtime/rust/juvix/target/debug/libjuvix.rlib" >>= FE.embedFile)
inputRustFile :: (Members '[App, EmbedIO] r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r (Path Abs File)
inputRustFile inputFileCompile = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
return (buildDir <//> replaceExtension' ".rs" (filename inputFileCompile))
nativeOutputFile :: forall r. (Member App r) => Path Abs File -> Maybe (AppPath File) -> Sem r (Path Abs File)
nativeOutputFile inputFile moutputFile =
case moutputFile of
Just f -> fromAppFile f
Nothing -> do
invokeDir <- askInvokeDir
let baseOutputFile = invokeDir <//> filename inputFile
return $ removeExtension' baseOutputFile
writeRuntime ::
forall r.
(Members '[App, EmbedIO] r) =>
BS.ByteString ->
Sem r ()
writeRuntime runtime = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
liftIO $
BS.writeFile (toFilePath (buildDir <//> $(mkRelFile "libjuvix.rlib"))) runtime