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synced 2025-01-02 04:24:00 +03:00
* Closes #2032. * Adds the `juvix dev core normalize` command. * Adds the `:n` command in JuvixCore REPL. * Adds the `--normalize` flag to `juvix dev core read` and `juvix dev core from-concrete`. * Adds `pipeline-normalize` which denotes pipeline steps necessary before normalization. * Adds normalization tests in `tests/VampIR/positive/Core`.
89 lines
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89 lines
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module Commands.Dev.Core.FromConcrete where
import Commands.Base
import Commands.Dev.Core.FromConcrete.Options
import Evaluator
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Data.InfoTable
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Options qualified as Core
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Pretty qualified as Core
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Transformation qualified as Core
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Transformation.DisambiguateNames (disambiguateNames)
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Translation
runCommand :: forall r. Members '[Embed IO, App] r => CoreFromConcreteOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand localOpts = do
gopts <- askGlobalOptions
tab <- (^. coreResultTable) <$> runPipeline (localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteInputFile) upToCore
path :: Path Abs File <- fromAppPathFile (localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteInputFile)
let r = run $ runReader (project @GlobalOptions @Core.CoreOptions gopts) $ runError @JuvixError $ Core.applyTransformations (project localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteTransformations) tab
tab0 :: InfoTable <- getRight r
let tab' :: InfoTable = if localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteNoDisambiguate then tab0 else disambiguateNames tab0
inInputModule :: IdentifierInfo -> Bool
inInputModule _ | not (localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteFilter) = True
inInputModule x = (== Just path) . (^? identifierLocation . _Just . intervalFile) $ x
mainIdens :: [IdentifierInfo] =
(^. identifierLocation)
(filter inInputModule (toList (tab' ^. infoIdentifiers)))
mainInfo :: Maybe IdentifierInfo
mainInfo = do
s <- tab' ^. infoMain
tab' ^. infoIdentifiers . at s
selInfo :: Maybe IdentifierInfo
selInfo = do
s <- localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteSymbolName
find (^. identifierName . to (== s)) mainIdens
goPrint :: Sem r ()
goPrint = case localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteSymbolName of
Just {} -> printNode (fromMaybe err (getDef selInfo))
Nothing -> renderStdOut (Core.ppOut localOpts printTab)
printTab :: InfoTable
| localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteFilter = filterByFile path tab'
| otherwise = tab'
printNode :: (Text, Core.Node) -> Sem r ()
printNode (name, node) = do
renderStdOut (name <> " = ")
renderStdOut (Core.ppOut localOpts node)
goEval :: Sem r ()
goEval = evalAndPrint localOpts tab' evalNode
evalNode :: Core.Node
| isJust (localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteSymbolName) = getNode' selInfo
| otherwise = getNode' mainInfo
goNormalize :: Sem r ()
goNormalize = normalizeAndPrint localOpts tab' evalNode
evalNode :: Core.Node
| isJust (localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteSymbolName) = getNode' selInfo
| otherwise = getNode' mainInfo
getDef :: Maybe IdentifierInfo -> Maybe (Text, Core.Node)
getDef i = (getName' i,) <$> getNode i
getName' :: Maybe IdentifierInfo -> Text
getName' m = fromMaybe err m ^. identifierName
getNode' :: Maybe IdentifierInfo -> Core.Node
getNode' m = fromMaybe err (getNode m)
getNode :: Maybe IdentifierInfo -> Maybe Core.Node
getNode m = m >>= \i -> tab' ^. identContext . at (i ^. identifierSymbol)
err :: a
err = error "function not found"
| localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteEval -> goEval
| localOpts ^. coreFromConcreteNormalize -> goNormalize
| otherwise -> goPrint