mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 17:32:00 +03:00
Previously the doctor help links would point to the Juvix documentation dev URLs. Now the doctor help links point to the version of the documentation corresponding to the compiler version. ``` $ juvix doctor > Checking for clang... > Checking clang version... > Checking for wasm-ld... > Checking that clang supports wasm32... > Checking that clang supports wasm32-wasi... > Checking that WASI_SYSROOT_PATH is set... ! Environment variable WASI_SYSROOT_PATH is missing ! https://docs.juvix.org/0.5.2/reference/tooling/doctor/#environment-variable-wasi_sysroot_path-is-not-set > Checking for wasmer... > Checking latest Juvix release on Github... ``` Spotted by @agureev
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module Commands.Doctor where
import Commands.Base hiding (info)
import Commands.Doctor.Options
import Commands.Extra.Compile
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Juvix.Extra.Version qualified as V
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Safe (headMay)
import System.Environment qualified as E
import System.Process qualified as P
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
newtype GithubRelease = GithubRelease {_githubReleaseTagName :: Maybe Text}
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
$( deriveFromJSON
{ fieldLabelModifier = camelTo2 '_' . dropPrefix "_githubRelease"
data DocumentedWarning
= NoClang
| OldClang
| NoWasmLd
| NoWasm32Target
| NoWasm32WasiTarget
| NoSysroot
| NoWasmer
data DocumentedMessage = DocumentedMessage
{ _documentedMessageUrl :: Text,
_documentedMessageMessage :: Text
makeLenses ''GithubRelease
makeLenses ''DoctorOptions
makeLenses ''DocumentedMessage
minimumClangVersion :: Integer
minimumClangVersion = 13
documentedMessage :: DocumentedWarning -> DocumentedMessage
documentedMessage w = uncurry DocumentedMessage (first (baseUrl <>) warningInfo)
warningInfo :: (Text, Text)
warningInfo = case w of
NoClang -> ("could-not-find-the-clang-command", "Could not find the clang command")
OldClang -> ("newer-clang-version-required", "Clang version " <> show minimumClangVersion <> " or newer required")
NoWasmLd -> ("could-not-find-the-wasm-ld-command", "Could not find the wasm-ld command")
NoWasm32Target -> ("clang-does-not-support-the-wasm32-target", "Clang does not support the wasm32 target")
NoWasm32WasiTarget -> ("clang-does-not-support-the-wasm32-wasi-target", "Clang does not support the wasm32-wasi target")
NoSysroot -> ("environment-variable-wasi_sysroot_path-is-not-set", "Environment variable WASI_SYSROOT_PATH is missing")
NoWasmer -> ("could-not-find-the-wasmer-command", "Could not find the wasmer command")
baseUrl :: Text
baseUrl = "https://docs.juvix.org/" <> V.versionDoc <> "/reference/tooling/doctor/#"
heading :: (Member Log r) => Text -> Sem r ()
heading = log . ("> " <>)
warning :: (Member Log r) => Text -> Sem r ()
warning = log . (" ! " <>)
info :: (Member Log r) => Text -> Sem r ()
info = log . (" | " <>)
type DoctorEff = '[Log, Embed IO, App]
checkCmdOnPath :: (Members DoctorEff r) => String -> [Text] -> Sem r ()
checkCmdOnPath cmd errMsg =
whenM (isNothing <$> findExecutable (relFile cmd)) (mapM_ warning errMsg)
-- | Check that wasm-ld exists in the same LLVM distribution as the clang command
checkWasmLd :: (Members DoctorEff r) => Path Abs File -> [Text] -> Sem r ()
checkWasmLd clangPath errMsg =
unlessM (isExecutable (parent clangPath <//> $(mkRelFile "wasm-ld"))) (mapM_ warning errMsg)
checkClangTargetSupported :: (Members DoctorEff r) => Path Abs File -> String -> [Text] -> Sem r ()
checkClangTargetSupported clangPath target errMsg = do
(code, _, _) <-
( P.readProcessWithExitCode
(toFilePath clangPath)
["-target", target, "--print-supported-cpus"]
unless (code == ExitSuccess) (mapM_ warning errMsg)
checkClangVersion :: (Members DoctorEff r) => Path Abs File -> Integer -> [Text] -> Sem r ()
checkClangVersion clangPath expectedVersion errMsg = do
versionString <- embed (P.readProcess (toFilePath clangPath) ["-dumpversion"] "")
case headMay (splitOn "." versionString) >>= readMaybe of
Just majorVersion -> unless (majorVersion >= expectedVersion) (mapM_ warning errMsg)
Nothing -> warning "Could not determine clang version"
checkEnvVarSet :: (Members DoctorEff r) => String -> [Text] -> Sem r ()
checkEnvVarSet var errMsg = do
whenM (isNothing <$> embed (E.lookupEnv var)) (mapM_ warning errMsg)
getLatestRelease :: (Members '[Embed IO, Fail] r) => Sem r GithubRelease
getLatestRelease = do
request' <- failFromException (parseRequest "https://api.github.com/repos/anoma/juvix/releases/latest")
let request = setRequestHeaders [("user-agent", "curl/7.79.1"), ("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json")] request'
response <- failFromException (httpJSON request)
return (getResponseBody response)
checkVersion :: (Members DoctorEff r) => Sem r ()
checkVersion = do
heading "Checking latest Juvix release on Github..."
let tagName = "v" <> V.versionDoc
response <- runFail getLatestRelease
case response of
Just release -> case release ^. githubReleaseTagName of
Just latestTagName -> unless (tagName == latestTagName) (warning ("Newer Juvix version is available from https://github.com/anoma/juvix/releases/tag/" <> latestTagName))
Nothing -> warning "Tag name is not present in release JSON from Github API"
Nothing -> warning "Network error when fetching data from Github API"
renderDocumentedWarning :: DocumentedWarning -> [Text]
renderDocumentedWarning w = [dmsg ^. documentedMessageMessage, dmsg ^. documentedMessageUrl]
dmsg :: DocumentedMessage
dmsg = documentedMessage w
documentedCheck ::
([Text] -> Sem r ()) -> DocumentedWarning -> Sem r ()
documentedCheck check w = check (renderDocumentedWarning w)
findClangPath :: (Members DoctorEff r) => Sem r (Maybe ClangPath)
findClangPath = findClang
checkClang :: forall r. (Members DoctorEff r) => Bool -> Sem r ()
checkClang printVerbose = do
heading "Checking for clang..."
clangPath <- findClangPath
case clangPath of
Just cp -> when printVerbose (printVerbosePath cp)
Nothing -> mapM_ warning (renderDocumentedWarning NoClang)
mapM_ checkClangProperties (extractClangPath <$> clangPath)
heading "Checking that WASI_SYSROOT_PATH is set..."
documentedCheck (checkEnvVarSet "WASI_SYSROOT_PATH") NoSysroot
checkClangProperties :: Path Abs File -> Sem r ()
checkClangProperties p = do
heading "Checking clang version..."
documentedCheck (checkClangVersion p minimumClangVersion) OldClang
heading "Checking for wasm-ld..."
documentedCheck (checkWasmLd p) NoWasmLd
heading "Checking that clang supports wasm32..."
documentedCheck (checkClangTargetSupported p "wasm32") NoWasm32Target
heading "Checking that clang supports wasm32-wasi..."
documentedCheck (checkClangTargetSupported p "wasm32-wasi") NoWasm32WasiTarget
baseClangMsg :: Path Abs File -> Text
baseClangMsg p = "Found clang at " <> show p
printVerbosePath :: ClangPath -> Sem r ()
printVerbosePath = \case
ClangEnvVarPath p -> info (baseClangMsg p <> (" using " <> pack llvmDistEnvironmentVar <> " environment variable"))
ClangSystemPath p -> info (baseClangMsg p <> (" using system PATH"))
checkWasmer :: (Members DoctorEff r) => Sem r ()
checkWasmer = do
heading "Checking for wasmer..."
documentedCheck (checkCmdOnPath "wasmer") NoWasmer
runCommand :: (Members DoctorEff r) => DoctorOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand opts = do
checkClang (opts ^. doctorVerbose)
offlineMode <- (^. globalOffline) <$> askGlobalOptions
unless offlineMode checkVersion