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synced 2024-12-14 17:32:00 +03:00
Co-authored-by: Paul Cadman <git@paulcadman.dev>
314 lines
10 KiB
314 lines
10 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Commands.Dev.Geb.Repl where
import Commands.Base hiding (command)
import Commands.Dev.Geb.Repl.Format
import Commands.Dev.Geb.Repl.Options
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict qualified as State
import Data.String.Interpolate (i, __i)
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend qualified as Backend
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb qualified as Geb
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb.Analysis.TypeChecking.Error
import Juvix.Data.Error.GenericError qualified as Error
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Extra.Version
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty qualified as P
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as Ansi
import System.Console.Haskeline
import System.Console.Repline qualified as Repline
type ReplS = State.StateT ReplState IO
type Repl a = Repline.HaskelineT ReplS a
data ReplState = ReplState
{ _replContextEntryPoint :: Maybe EntryPoint,
_replStateInvokeDir :: Path Abs Dir,
_replStateGlobalOptions :: GlobalOptions
makeLenses ''ReplState
runCommand :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => GebReplOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand replOpts = do
root <- askPkgDir
buildDir <- askBuildDir
package <- askPackage
global <- askPackageGlobal
invokeDir <- askInvokeDir
globalOptions <- askGlobalOptions
let getReplEntryPoint :: SomeBase File -> Repl EntryPoint
getReplEntryPoint inputFile = do
gopts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
absInputFile :: Path Abs File <- replMakeAbsolute inputFile
return $
(entryPointFromGlobalOptions (package, global) root absInputFile gopts)
{ _entryPointBuildDir = Abs buildDir,
_entryPointPackage = package,
_entryPointTarget = Backend.TargetGeb
( State.evalStateT
(replAction replOpts getReplEntryPoint)
( ReplState
{ _replContextEntryPoint = Nothing,
_replStateGlobalOptions = globalOptions,
_replStateInvokeDir = invokeDir
loadEntryPoint :: EntryPoint -> Repl ()
loadEntryPoint ep = do
( set
(Just ep)
let epPath :: Path Abs File = ep ^. entryPointModulePaths . _head1
liftIO (putStrLn . pack $ "OK loaded " <> toFilePath epPath)
content <- liftIO (readFile (toFilePath epPath))
let evalRes =
Geb.runEval $
{ _runEvalArgsContent = content,
_runEvalArgsInputFile = epPath,
_runEvalArgsEvaluatorOptions = Geb.defaultEvaluatorOptions
printEvalResult evalRes
reloadFile :: String -> Repl ()
reloadFile _ = do
mentryPoint <- State.gets ((^. replContextEntryPoint))
maybe noFileLoadedMsg loadEntryPoint mentryPoint
pSomeFile :: String -> SomeBase File
pSomeFile = someFile . unpack . strip . pack
type ReplEntryPoint = SomeBase File -> Repl EntryPoint
loadFile :: ReplEntryPoint -> SomeBase File -> Repl ()
loadFile getReplEntryPoint f = do
entryPoint <- getReplEntryPoint f
loadEntryPoint entryPoint
inferObject :: String -> Repl ()
inferObject gebMorphism = Repline.dontCrash $ do
case Geb.runParser gebReplPath (pack gebMorphism) of
Left err -> printError (JuvixError err)
Right (Geb.ExpressionMorphism morphism) -> do
case Geb.inferObject' morphism of
Right obj -> renderOut (Geb.ppOut Geb.defaultEvaluatorOptions obj)
Left err -> printError (JuvixError err)
Right (Geb.ExpressionTypedMorphism _) ->
checkTypedMorphism gebMorphism
Right _ -> printError (error "Inference only works on Geb morphisms.")
checkTypedMorphism :: String -> Repl ()
checkTypedMorphism gebMorphism = Repline.dontCrash $ do
case Geb.runParser gebReplPath (pack gebMorphism) of
Left err -> printError (JuvixError err)
Right (Geb.ExpressionTypedMorphism tyMorphism) -> do
case run . runError @CheckingError $ Geb.check' tyMorphism of
Right obj -> renderOut (Geb.ppOut Geb.defaultEvaluatorOptions obj)
Left err -> printError (JuvixError err)
Right _ -> printError (error "Checking only works on typed Geb morphisms.")
runReplCommand :: String -> Repl ()
runReplCommand input =
Repline.dontCrash $
let evalRes =
Geb.runEval $
{ _runEvalArgsContent = pack input,
_runEvalArgsInputFile = gebReplPath,
_runEvalArgsEvaluatorOptions = Geb.defaultEvaluatorOptions
printEvalResult evalRes
evalAndOutputMorphism :: String -> Repl ()
evalAndOutputMorphism input =
Repline.dontCrash $ do
let evalRes =
Geb.runEval $
{ _runEvalArgsContent = pack input,
_runEvalArgsInputFile = gebReplPath,
_runEvalArgsEvaluatorOptions =
{ Geb._evaluatorOptionsOutputMorphism = True
printEvalResult evalRes
options :: ReplEntryPoint -> [(String, String -> Repl ())]
options replEntryPoint =
[ ("help", Repline.dontCrash . helpText),
-- `multiline` is included here for auto-completion purposes only.
-- `repline`'s `multilineCommand` logic overrides this no-op.
(multilineCmd, Repline.dontCrash . \_ -> return ()),
("check", checkTypedMorphism),
("load", Repline.dontCrash . loadFile replEntryPoint . pSomeFile),
("morphism", evalAndOutputMorphism),
("quit", quit),
("reload", Repline.dontCrash . reloadFile),
("root", printRoot),
("type", inferObject),
("version", displayVersion)
optsCompleter :: ReplEntryPoint -> Repline.WordCompleter ReplS
optsCompleter replEntryPoint n = do
let names = (":" <>) . fst <$> options replEntryPoint
return (filter (isPrefixOf n) names)
prefix :: Maybe Char
prefix = Just ':'
multilineCommand :: Maybe String
multilineCommand = Just multilineCmd
tabComplete :: ReplEntryPoint -> Repline.CompleterStyle ReplS
tabComplete replEntryPoint =
(Repline.wordCompleter (optsCompleter replEntryPoint))
replAction :: GebReplOptions -> ReplEntryPoint -> ReplS ()
replAction replOpts replEntryPoint =
{ prefix,
initialiser = initSession replOpts,
finaliser = endSession,
command = runReplCommand,
options = options replEntryPoint,
tabComplete = tabComplete replEntryPoint,
defaultMatcher :: [(String, CompletionFunc ReplS)]
defaultMatcher = [(":load", Repline.fileCompleter)]
banner :: Repline.MultiLine -> Repl String
banner = \case
Repline.MultiLine -> return "... "
Repline.SingleLine -> replPromptText
noFileLoadedMsg :: Repl ()
noFileLoadedMsg =
. ReplMessageDoc
$ P.annotate
"No file loaded. Load a file using the `:load FILE` command."
<> P.line
initSession :: GebReplOptions -> Repl ()
initSession replOpts
| replOpts ^. gebReplOptionsSilent = return ()
| otherwise = renderOut welcomeMsg
welcomeMsg :: ReplMessageDoc
welcomeMsg =
ReplMessageDoc $
P.annotate ReplIntro "Welcome to the Juvix Geb REPL!"
<> P.line
<> normal [i|Juvix v#{versionTag}: https://juvix.org.|]
<> P.line
<> normal "Type :help for help."
<> P.line
replPromptText :: Repl String
replPromptText = do
r <- replText . ReplMessageDoc $ P.annotate ReplPrompt "geb> "
return (unpack r)
helpText :: String -> Repl ()
helpText _ =
EXPRESSION Evaluate a Geb morphism
:help Print this help
:load FILE Load a file into the REPL
:reload Reload the currently loaded file
:check EXPRESSION Check the type of a Geb morphism
:type EXPRESSION Infer the type of a Geb morphism
:morphism EXPRESSION Read back after evaluate a Geb morphism
:version Display the Juvix version
:multiline Enter multiline mode
:root Print the root directory of the REPL
:version Display the Juvix version
:quit Exit the REPL
multilineCmd :: String
multilineCmd = "multiline"
quit :: String -> Repl ()
quit _ = liftIO (throwIO Interrupt)
endSession :: Repl Repline.ExitDecision
endSession = return Repline.Exit
printRoot :: String -> Repl ()
printRoot _ = do
r <- State.gets (^. replStateInvokeDir)
renderOutNormal $ pack (toFilePath r)
displayVersion :: String -> Repl ()
displayVersion _ = renderOutNormal versionTag
replMakeAbsolute :: SomeBase b -> Repl (Path Abs b)
replMakeAbsolute = \case
Abs p -> return p
Rel r -> do
invokeDir <- State.gets (^. replStateInvokeDir)
return (invokeDir <//> r)
replText :: (P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => a -> Repl Text
replText t = do
opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
hasAnsi <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stdout)
return $ P.toAnsiText (not (opts ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi) t
render' :: (P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => a -> Repl ()
render' t = do
opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
hasAnsi <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stdout)
liftIO (P.renderIO (not (opts ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi) t)
renderOut :: (P.HasAnsiBackend a, P.HasTextBackend a) => a -> Repl ()
renderOut t = render' t >> liftIO (putStrLn "")
renderOutNormal :: Text -> Repl ()
renderOutNormal = renderOut . ReplMessageDoc . normal
printError :: JuvixError -> Repl ()
printError e = do
opts <- State.gets (^. replStateGlobalOptions)
hasAnsi <- liftIO (Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stderr)
let useAnsi = (not (opts ^. globalNoColors) && hasAnsi)
errorText <-
replText . ReplMessageDoc
$ P.annotate
$ pretty
( run
. runReader (project' @GenericOptions opts)
$ Error.render useAnsi False e
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr errorText
printEvalResult :: Either JuvixError Geb.RunEvalResult -> Repl ()
printEvalResult = \case
Left err -> printError err
Right (Geb.RunEvalResultGebValue v) ->
renderOut (Geb.ppOut Geb.defaultEvaluatorOptions v)
Right (Geb.RunEvalResultMorphism morphism) ->
renderOut (Geb.ppOut Geb.defaultEvaluatorOptions morphism)