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module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Eval where
open import Haskell.Prelude
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
-- Haskell stuff
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-export-lists -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Core
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
-- Values and neutral terms
We are interested in a normal form for posibbly open terms. This
means that a term may have free variables. Therefore, we must
consider two kind of reduced terms: values and neutral terms. A term
that do not longer beta-reduce (i.e. that it contains an evaluation
answer) is called a value. A term is neutral whenever its futher
beta-reduction depends on a free variable. Terms in normal form are
then defined by mutual recursion with neutral terms.
{- Since Agda2HS does not support indexed data types, we have to
repeat ourselves with syntax for values and neutral terms based on
Core syntax. The following is ideally for formal verification, but
not doable.
data Value : Term → Set
data Neutral : Term → Set
data Value where
IsUniverse : Value (Checkable UniverseType)
IsNeutral : (t : Term) → Neutral t → Value t
IsUnit : Value (Checkable Unit)
IsUnitType : Value (Checkable UnitType)
data Neutral where
IsFree : (b : Name) → Neutral (Inferable (Free b))
data Value : Set
data Neutral : Set
data Value where
IsUniverse : Value
IsPiType : Quantity BindingName Value (Value -> Value) -> Value
IsLam : BindingName (Value -> Value) -> Value
IsTensorType : Quantity BindingName Value (Value -> Value) -> Value
IsTensorIntro : Value Value -> Value
IsUnitType : Value
IsUnit : Value
IsSumType : Value Value -> Value
IsInl : Value -> Value
IsInr : Value -> Value
IsNeutral : Neutral -> Value
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Value #-}
data Neutral where
IsFree : Name Neutral
IsApp : Neutral Value Neutral
IsTensorTypeElim :
Quantity BindingName BindingName BindingName
(Value -> Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
NSumElim :
(Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
(Value -> Value)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Neutral #-}
-- We can have an embedding from values to terms as a sort of quoting.
-- Usages: we can check for value equality by defining term equality.
valueToTerm : Value Term
valueToTerm v = Checkable Unit -- TODO
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS valueToTerm #-}
-- Substitution of bound variables. Recall a bound variable is
-- constructed using Bound and a natural number. The following is one
-- special case of substitution. See a relevant discussion on
-- ekmett/bound-making-de-bruijn-succ-less. For QTT, see Def. 12 in
-- Conor's paper.
: CheckableTerm -- Term N
Index -- Bound variable x
-> InferableTerm -- M
-> CheckableTerm -- N[x := M]
: InferableTerm -- Term N
Index -- bound variable x
-> InferableTerm -- inferable term M
-> InferableTerm -- N[x := M]
substCheckableTerm UniverseType x m = UniverseType
substCheckableTerm (PiType q y a b) x m
= PiType q y
(substCheckableTerm a x m)
(substCheckableTerm b (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (Lam y n) x m
= Lam y (substCheckableTerm n (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (TensorType q y s t) x m
= TensorType q y
(substCheckableTerm s x m)
(substCheckableTerm t (x + 1) m)
substCheckableTerm (TensorIntro p1 p2) x m
= TensorIntro
(substCheckableTerm p1 x m)
(substCheckableTerm p2 x m)
substCheckableTerm UnitType x m = UnitType
substCheckableTerm Unit x m = Unit
substCheckableTerm (SumType a b) x m
= SumType
(substCheckableTerm a x m)
(substCheckableTerm b x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inl n) x m = Inl (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inr n) x m = Inr (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substCheckableTerm (Inferred n) x m
= Inferred (substInferableTerm n x m)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS substCheckableTerm #-}
-- Variable substitution.
substInferableTerm (Var (Bound y)) x m = if x == y then m else Var (Bound y)
substInferableTerm (Var (Free y)) x m = Var (Free y)
-- we subst. checkable parts.
substInferableTerm (Ann y a) x m
= Ann (substCheckableTerm y x m)
(substCheckableTerm a x m)
substInferableTerm (App f t) x m
= App (substInferableTerm f x m)
(substCheckableTerm t x m)
substInferableTerm (TensorTypeElim q z u v n a b) x m
= TensorTypeElim q z u v
(substInferableTerm n x m)
(substCheckableTerm a (x + 2) m)
(substCheckableTerm b (x + 1) m)
substInferableTerm (SumTypeElim q z esum u r1 v r2 ann) x m
= SumTypeElim q z
(substInferableTerm esum x m)
u (substCheckableTerm r1 (x + 1) m)
v (substCheckableTerm r2 (x + 1) m)
(substCheckableTerm ann (x + 1) m)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS substInferableTerm #-}
{-- Substitution, denoted by (N[x := M]) is defined by mutual
recursion and by induction on N, and replace all the ocurrences of
'x' by M in the term N. Recall that N is a term of type either
CheckableTerm or InferableTerm.
substTerm : Term Nat InferableTerm Term
substTerm (Checkable n) x m = Checkable (substCheckableTerm n x m)
substTerm (Inferable n) x m = Inferable (substInferableTerm n x m)