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synced 2025-01-08 08:39:26 +03:00
* Add support for parital application eval/apply * include string.h in libc runtime * Add wasm SimpleFungibleTokenImplicit to tests * Update VP example to new syntax * propagate types from all reachable modules * Change prelude import ordering to workaround minic issue * Pre-declare inductive typedefs in C backend This generates the typedefs corresponding to each inductive type. e.g ``` inductive Bool { .. } ``` is translated to: ``` typedef struct Bool_3_s Bool_3_t; ``` This means that C code can reference these typedefs before they have been fully defined. (all references to inductive types go through these typedefs names). This fixes an issue with the ordering of delcarations when modules are included. * Use common Lib for MiniC tests * libc runtime: flush stdout after writing to it * Adds MiniTicTacToe example using common example lib In MonoJuvixToMiniC we emit the inductive type typedefs before anything else to support includes ordering * Adds tests for mutually recrusive functions * Add golden tests for milestone examples * Example: Remove commented out code * Test error handling behaviour in MiniTicTacToe * Fail clang compilation on warnings * Add test for Nested list types * Add PrettyCode instances for NonEmpty and ConcreteType * Ignore IsImplicit field in Eq and Hashable of TypeApplication This is to workaround a crash in Micro->Mono translation when looking up a concrete type * Fix formatting * hlint fixes * Formatting fixes not reported by local pre-commit * Refactor MonoJuvixToMiniC * Fix shelltest NB: We cannot check the order of the 'Writing' lines because this depends on the order of files returned by the FS which is non-deterministic between systems * Refactor Base to CBuilder * Refactor using applyOnFunStatement Co-authored-by: Jan Mas Rovira <janmasrovira@gmail.com>
192 lines
6.1 KiB
192 lines
6.1 KiB
module MiniTicTacToe;
import Prelude;
open Prelude;
-- Render Utils
concat : List String → String;
concat ≔ foldl (++) "";
surround : String → List String → List String;
surround x xs ≔ concatList (x ∷ intersperse x xs) (x ∷ nil);
intercalate : String → List String → String;
intercalate sep xs ≔ concat (intersperse sep xs);
unlines : List String → String;
unlines ≔ intercalate "\n";
-- Symbol
inductive Symbol {
O : Symbol;
X : Symbol;
==Symbol : Symbol → Symbol → Bool;
==Symbol O O ≔ true;
==Symbol X X ≔ true;
==Symbol _ _ ≔ false;
switch : Symbol → Symbol;
switch O ≔ X;
switch X ≔ O;
showSymbol : Symbol → String;
showSymbol O ≔ "O";
showSymbol X ≔ "X";
-- Square
inductive Square {
empty : Nat → Square;
occupied : Symbol → Square;
==Square : Square → Square → Bool;
==Square (empty m) (empty n) ≔ ==Nat m n;
==Square (occupied s) (occupied t) ≔ ==Symbol s t;
==Square _ _ ≔ false;
showSquare : Square → String;
showSquare (empty n) ≔ " " ++ natToStr n ++ " ";
showSquare (occupied s) ≔ " " ++ showSymbol s ++ " ";
-- Board
inductive Board {
board : List (List Square) → Board;
possibleMoves : List Square → List Nat;
possibleMoves nil ≔ nil;
possibleMoves ((empty n) ∷ xs) ≔ n ∷ possibleMoves xs;
possibleMoves (_ ∷ xs) ≔ possibleMoves xs;
full : List Square → Bool;
full (a ∷ b ∷ c ∷ nil) ≔ (==Square a b) && (==Square b c);
diagonals : List (List Square) → List (List Square);
diagonals ((a1 ∷ _ ∷ b1 ∷ nil) ∷ (_ ∷ c ∷ _ ∷ nil) ∷ (b2 ∷ _ ∷ a2 ∷ nil) ∷ nil) ≔ (a1 ∷ c ∷ a2 ∷ nil) ∷ (b1 ∷ c ∷ b2 ∷ nil) ∷ nil;
columns : List (List Square) → List (List Square);
columns ≔ transpose;
rows : List (List Square) → List (List Square);
rows ≔ id;
showRow : List Square → String;
showRow xs ≔ concat (surround "|" (map showSquare xs));
showBoard : Board → String;
showBoard (board squares) ≔ unlines (surround "+---+---+---+" (map showRow squares));
-- Error
inductive Error {
noError : Error;
continue : String → Error;
terminate : String → Error;
-- GameState
inductive GameState {
state : Board → Symbol → Error → GameState;
showGameState : GameState → String;
showGameState (state b _ _) ≔ showBoard b;
player : GameState → Symbol;
player (state _ p _) ≔ p;
beginState : GameState;
beginState ≔ state
(board (map (map empty) ((one ∷ two ∷ three ∷ nil) ∷ (four ∷ five ∷ six ∷ nil) ∷ (seven ∷ eight ∷ nine ∷ nil) ∷ nil)))
won : GameState → Bool;
won (state (board squares) _ _) ≔ any full (concatList (diagonals squares) (concatList (rows squares) (columns squares)));
draw : GameState → Bool;
draw (state (board squares) _ _) ≔ null (possibleMoves (flatten squares));
-- Move
replace : Symbol → Nat → Square → Square;
replace player k (empty n) ≔ if (==Nat n k) (occupied player) (empty n);
replace _ _ s ≔ s;
checkState : GameState → GameState;
checkState (state b p e) ≔
if (won (state b p e))
(state b p (terminate ("Player " ++ (showSymbol (switch p)) ++ " wins!")))
(if (draw (state b p e))
(state b p (terminate "It's a draw!"))
(state b p e));
playMove : Maybe Nat → GameState → GameState;
playMove nothing (state b p _) ≔
state b p (continue "\nInvalid number, try again\n");
playMove (just k) (state (board s) player e) ≔
if (not (elem ==Nat k (possibleMoves (flatten s))))
(state (board s) player (continue "\nThe square is already occupied, try again\n"))
(checkState (state (board (map (map (replace player k)) s))
(switch player)
-- IO
axiom parsePositiveInt : String → Int;
compile parsePositiveInt {
c ↦ "parsePositiveInt";
positiveInt : Int → Maybe Int;
positiveInt i ≔ if (i < 0) nothing (just i);
validMove : Nat → Maybe Nat;
validMove n ≔ if ((n <=Nat nine) && (n >=Nat one)) (just n) nothing;
getMove : Maybe Nat;
getMove ≔ bindMaybe validMove (fmapMaybe from-backendNat (positiveInt (parsePositiveInt (readline))));
do : Action × GameState -> GameState;
do (_ , s) ≔ playMove getMove s;
prompt : GameState → String;
prompt x ≔ "\n" ++ (showGameState x) ++ "\nPlayer " ++ showSymbol (player x) ++ ": ";
run : (Action × GameState → GameState) → GameState → Action;
run _ (state b p (terminate msg)) ≔ putStrLn ("\n" ++ (showGameState (state b p noError)) ++ "\n" ++ msg);
run f (state b p (continue msg)) ≔ run f (f (putStr (msg ++ prompt (state b p noError)) , state b p noError));
run f x ≔ run f (f (putStr (prompt x) , x));
welcome : String;
welcome ≔ "MiniTicTacToe\n-------------\n\nType a number then ENTER to make a move";
main : Action;
main ≔ putStrLn welcome >> run do beginState;