mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-27 09:32:18 +03:00
Jan Mas Rovira 71161ffecd
Fix package-base interaction (#3139)
- Fixes #3009 
- Fixes #2877
- TODO think if this makes https://github.com/anoma/juvix/issues/2985
slightly easier to fix
2024-11-01 14:42:18 +00:00

122 lines
4.6 KiB

module Commands.Format where
import Commands.Base
import Commands.Format.Options
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Loader.PathResolver.ImportTree.Base
import Juvix.Compiler.Store.Language (ModuleInfo)
import Juvix.Formatter
data FormatNoEditRenderMode
= ReformattedFile Text
| InputPath (Path Abs File)
| Silent
data FormatRenderMode
= EditInPlace FormattedFileInfo
| NoEdit FormatNoEditRenderMode
data FormatTarget
= TargetFile (Path Abs File)
| TargetProject
| TargetStdin
isTargetProject :: FormatTarget -> Bool
isTargetProject = \case
TargetProject {} -> True
_ -> False
targetFromOptions :: (Members '[EmbedIO, App] r) => FormatOptions -> Sem r FormatTarget
targetFromOptions opts = do
globalOpts <- askGlobalOptions
let isStdin = globalOpts ^. globalStdin
f <- mapM fromAppPathFileOrDir (opts ^. formatInput)
case f of
Just (Left p) -> return (TargetFile p)
Just Right {} -> return TargetProject
Nothing -> do
isPackageGlobal <- askPackageGlobal
| isStdin -> return TargetStdin
| not isPackageGlobal -> return TargetProject
| otherwise -> do
exitFailMsg $
[ "juvix format error: either 'JUVIX_FILE_OR_PROJECT' or '--stdin' option must be specified",
"Use the --help option to display more usage information."
-- | Formats the project on the root
formatProject ::
forall r.
(Members '[App, EmbedIO, TaggedLock, Logger, Files, Output FormattedFileInfo] r) =>
Sem r FormatResult
formatProject = silenceProgressLog . runPipelineOptions . runPipelineSetup $ do
res :: [(ImportNode, PipelineResult ModuleInfo)] <- processProject
res' :: [(ImportNode, SourceCode)] <- forM res $ \(node, nfo) -> do
pkgId :: PackageId <- (^. entryPointPackageId) <$> ask
src <- runReader pkgId (formatModuleInfo node nfo)
return (node, src)
formatProjectSourceCode res'
runCommand :: forall r. (Members AppEffects r) => FormatOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand opts = do
target <- targetFromOptions opts
runOutputSem (renderFormattedOutput target opts) . runScopeFileApp $ do
res <- case target of
TargetFile p -> format p
TargetProject -> formatProject
TargetStdin -> do
entry <- getEntryPointStdin
runReader entry formatStdin
case res of
FormatResultFail -> exitFailure
FormatResultNotFormatted ->
{- use exit code 1 for
* unformatted files when using --check
* when running the formatter on a Juvix project
when (opts ^. formatCheck || isTargetProject target) exitFailure
FormatResultOK -> pure ()
renderModeFromOptions :: FormatTarget -> FormatOptions -> FormattedFileInfo -> FormatRenderMode
renderModeFromOptions target opts formattedInfo
| opts ^. formatInPlace = whenContentsModified (EditInPlace formattedInfo)
| opts ^. formatCheck = NoEdit Silent
| otherwise = case target of
TargetFile {} -> NoEdit (ReformattedFile (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContents))
TargetProject {} -> whenContentsModified (NoEdit (InputPath (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoPath)))
TargetStdin -> NoEdit (ReformattedFile (formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContents))
whenContentsModified :: FormatRenderMode -> FormatRenderMode
whenContentsModified res
| formattedInfo ^. formattedFileInfoContentsModified = res
| otherwise = NoEdit Silent
renderFormattedOutput :: forall r. (Members '[EmbedIO, App, Files] r) => FormatTarget -> FormatOptions -> FormattedFileInfo -> Sem r ()
renderFormattedOutput target opts fInfo = do
let renderMode = renderModeFromOptions target opts fInfo
outputResult renderMode
outputResult :: FormatRenderMode -> Sem r ()
outputResult = \case
EditInPlace i@FormattedFileInfo {..} ->
. restoreFileOnError _formattedFileInfoPath
$ writeFileEnsureLn' _formattedFileInfoPath (i ^. formattedFileInfoContents)
NoEdit m -> case m of
ReformattedFile ts -> renderStdOut ts
InputPath p -> renderStdOutLn @String (toFilePath p)
Silent -> return ()
runScopeFileApp :: (Members AppEffects r) => Sem (ScopeEff ': r) a -> Sem r a
runScopeFileApp = interpret $ \case
ScopeFile p -> do
let appFile =
{ _pathPath = mkPrepath (toFilePath p),
_pathIsInput = False
silenceProgressLog (runPipelineLogger () (Just appFile) upToScopingEntry)
ScopeStdin e -> silenceProgressLog (runPipelineEntry e upToScopingEntry)