mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00
Łukasz Czajka 8aa54ecc28
Inlining (#2036)
* Closes #1989
* Adds optimization phases to the pipline (specified by
`opt-phase-eval`, `opt-phase-exec` and `opt-phase-geb` transformations).
* Adds the `-O` option to the `compile` command to specify the
optimization level.
* Functions can be declared for inlining with the `inline` pragma:
   {-# inline: true #-}
   const : {A B : Type} -> A -> B -> A;
   const x _ := x;
By default, the function is inlined only if it's fully applied. One can
specify that a function (partially) applied to at least `n` explicit
arguments should be inlined.
   {-# inline: 2 #-}
   compose : {A B C : Type} -> (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C;
   compose f g x := f (g x);
Then `compose f g` will be inlined, even though it's not fully applied.
But `compose f` won't be inlined.
* Non-recursive fully applied functions are automatically inlined if the
height of the body term does not exceed the inlining depth limit, which
can be specified with the `--inline` option to the `compile` command.
* The pragma `inline: false` disables automatic inlining on a
per-function basis.
2023-05-15 17:27:05 +02:00

90 lines
3.5 KiB

module Commands.Dev.Core.Compile.Base where
import Commands.Base
import Commands.Dev.Core.Compile.Options
import Commands.Extra.Compile qualified as Compile
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import Juvix.Compiler.Asm.Pretty qualified as Asm
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend qualified as Backend
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.C qualified as C
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb qualified as Geb
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Data.InfoTable qualified as Core
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName)
data PipelineArg = PipelineArg
{ _pipelineArgOptions :: CompileOptions,
_pipelineArgFile :: Path Abs File,
_pipelineArgInfoTable :: Core.InfoTable
getEntry :: Members '[Embed IO, App] r => PipelineArg -> Sem r EntryPoint
getEntry PipelineArg {..} = do
ep <- getEntryPoint (AppPath (preFileFromAbs _pipelineArgFile) True)
return $
{ _entryPointTarget = getTarget (_pipelineArgOptions ^. compileTarget),
_entryPointDebug = _pipelineArgOptions ^. compileDebug,
_entryPointOptimizationLevel = _pipelineArgOptions ^. compileOptimizationLevel,
_entryPointInliningDepth = _pipelineArgOptions ^. compileInliningDepth
getTarget :: CompileTarget -> Backend.Target
getTarget = \case
TargetWasm32Wasi -> Backend.TargetCWasm32Wasi
TargetNative64 -> Backend.TargetCNative64
TargetGeb -> Backend.TargetGeb
TargetCore -> Backend.TargetCore
TargetAsm -> Backend.TargetAsm
runCPipeline ::
forall r.
(Members '[Embed IO, App] r) =>
PipelineArg ->
Sem r ()
runCPipeline pa@PipelineArg {..} = do
entryPoint <- getEntry pa
C.MiniCResult {..} <- getRight (run (runReader entryPoint (runError (coreToMiniC _pipelineArgInfoTable :: Sem '[Error JuvixError, Reader EntryPoint] C.MiniCResult))))
cFile <- inputCFile _pipelineArgFile
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath cFile) _resultCCode
outfile <- Compile.outputFile _pipelineArgOptions _pipelineArgFile
{ _compileInputFile = AppPath (preFileFromAbs cFile) False,
_compileOutputFile = Just (AppPath (preFileFromAbs outfile) False)
inputCFile :: Path Abs File -> Sem r (Path Abs File)
inputCFile inputFileCompile = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
return (buildDir <//> replaceExtension' ".c" (filename inputFileCompile))
runGebPipeline ::
forall r.
(Members '[Embed IO, App] r) =>
PipelineArg ->
Sem r ()
runGebPipeline pa@PipelineArg {..} = do
entryPoint <- getEntry pa
gebFile <- Compile.outputFile _pipelineArgOptions _pipelineArgFile
let spec =
| _pipelineArgOptions ^. compileTerm -> Geb.OnlyTerm
| otherwise ->
{ _lispPackageName = fromString $ takeBaseName $ toFilePath gebFile,
_lispPackageEntry = "*entry*"
Geb.Result {..} <- getRight (run (runReader entryPoint (runError (coreToGeb spec _pipelineArgInfoTable :: Sem '[Error JuvixError, Reader EntryPoint] Geb.Result))))
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath gebFile) _resultCode
runAsmPipeline :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => PipelineArg -> Sem r ()
runAsmPipeline pa@PipelineArg {..} = do
entryPoint <- getEntry pa
asmFile <- Compile.outputFile _pipelineArgOptions _pipelineArgFile
r <- runReader entryPoint $ runError @JuvixError (coreToAsm _pipelineArgInfoTable)
tab' <- getRight r
let code = Asm.ppPrint tab' tab'
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath asmFile) code