mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 04:11:47 +03:00
* Closes #2392 Changes checklist ----------------- * [X] Abstract out data types for stored module representation (`ModuleInfo` in `Juvix.Compiler.Store.Language`) * [X] Adapt the parser to operate per-module * [X] Adapt the scoper to operate per-module * [X] Adapt the arity checker to operate per-module * [X] Adapt the type checker to operate per-module * [x] Adapt Core transformations to operate per-module * [X] Adapt the pipeline functions in `Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline` * [X] Add `Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Driver` which drives the per-module compilation process * [x] Implement module saving / loading in `Pipeline.Driver` * [x] Detect cyclic module dependencies in `Pipeline.Driver` * [x] Cache visited modules in memory in `Pipeline.Driver` to avoid excessive disk operations and repeated hash re-computations * [x] Recompile a module if one of its dependencies needs recompilation and contains functions that are always inlined. * [x] Fix identifier dependencies for mutual block creation in `Internal.fromConcrete` - Fixed by making textually later definitions depend on earlier ones. - Now instances are used for resolution only after the textual point of their definition. - Similarly, type synonyms will be unfolded only after the textual point of their definition. * [x] Fix CLI * [x] Fix REPL * [x] Fix highlighting * [x] Fix HTML generation * [x] Adapt test suite
238 lines
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238 lines
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module App where
import CommonOptions
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import GlobalOptions
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation (InternalTypedResult)
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromInternal.Analysis.Termination.Checker
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Loader.PathResolver
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Root
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Run
import Juvix.Data.Error qualified as Error
import Juvix.Extra.Paths.Base hiding (rootBuildDir)
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty hiding
( Doc,
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as Ansi
data App m a where
ExitMsg :: ExitCode -> Text -> App m a
ExitJuvixError :: JuvixError -> App m a
PrintJuvixError :: JuvixError -> App m ()
AskRoot :: App m Root
AskArgs :: App m RunAppIOArgs
AskInvokeDir :: App m (Path Abs Dir)
AskPkgDir :: App m (Path Abs Dir)
AskBuildDir :: App m (Path Abs Dir)
AskPackage :: App m Package
AskPackageGlobal :: App m Bool
AskGlobalOptions :: App m GlobalOptions
FromAppPathFile :: AppPath File -> App m (Path Abs File)
GetMainFile :: Maybe (AppPath File) -> App m (Path Abs File)
FromAppPathDir :: AppPath Dir -> App m (Path Abs Dir)
RenderStdOut :: (HasAnsiBackend a, HasTextBackend a) => a -> App m ()
Say :: Text -> App m ()
SayRaw :: ByteString -> App m ()
data RunAppIOArgs = RunAppIOArgs
{ _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions :: GlobalOptions,
_runAppIOArgsRoot :: Root
makeSem ''App
makeLenses ''RunAppIOArgs
runAppIO ::
forall r a.
(Members '[Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) =>
RunAppIOArgs ->
Sem (App ': r) a ->
Sem r a
runAppIO args = evalSingletonCache (readPackageRootIO root) . reAppIO args
root = args ^. runAppIOArgsRoot
reAppIO ::
forall r a.
(Members '[Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) =>
RunAppIOArgs ->
Sem (App ': r) a ->
Sem (SCache Package ': r) a
reAppIO args@RunAppIOArgs {..} =
reinterpret $ \case
AskPackageGlobal -> return (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootPackageType `elem` [GlobalStdlib, GlobalPackageDescription, GlobalPackageBase])
FromAppPathFile p -> embed (prepathToAbsFile invDir (p ^. pathPath))
GetMainFile m -> getMainFile' m
FromAppPathDir p -> liftIO (prepathToAbsDir invDir (p ^. pathPath))
RenderStdOut t
| _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions ^. globalOnlyErrors -> return ()
| otherwise -> embed $ do
sup <- Ansi.hSupportsANSIColor stdout
renderIO (not (_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions ^. globalNoColors) && sup) t
AskGlobalOptions -> return _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
AskPackage -> getPkg
AskArgs -> return args
AskRoot -> return _runAppIOArgsRoot
AskInvokeDir -> return invDir
AskPkgDir -> return (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootRootDir)
AskBuildDir -> return (resolveAbsBuildDir (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootRootDir) (_runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootBuildDir))
Say t
| g ^. globalOnlyErrors -> return ()
| otherwise -> embed (putStrLn t)
PrintJuvixError e -> do
printErr e
ExitJuvixError e -> do
printErr e
embed exitFailure
ExitMsg exitCode t -> exitMsg' exitCode t
SayRaw b -> embed (ByteString.putStr b)
getPkg :: (Members '[SCache Package] r') => Sem r' Package
getPkg = cacheSingletonGet
exitMsg' :: (Members '[Embed IO] r') => ExitCode -> Text -> Sem r' x
exitMsg' exitCode t = liftIO (putStrLn t >> hFlush stdout >> exitWith exitCode)
getMainFile' :: (Members '[SCache Package, Embed IO] r') => Maybe (AppPath File) -> Sem r' (Path Abs File)
getMainFile' = \case
Just p -> embed (prepathToAbsFile invDir (p ^. pathPath))
Nothing -> do
pkg <- getPkg
case pkg ^. packageMain of
Just p -> embed (prepathToAbsFile invDir p)
Nothing -> missingMainErr
missingMainErr :: (Members '[Embed IO] r') => Sem r' x
missingMainErr =
(ExitFailure 1)
( "A path to the main file must be given in the CLI or specified in the `main` field of the "
<> pack (toFilePath juvixYamlFile)
<> " file"
invDir = _runAppIOArgsRoot ^. rootInvokeDir
g :: GlobalOptions
g = _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
printErr e =
embed $ hPutStrLn stderr $ run $ runReader (project' @GenericOptions g) $ Error.render (not (_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions ^. globalNoColors)) (g ^. globalOnlyErrors) e
getEntryPoint' :: (Members '[Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) => RunAppIOArgs -> AppPath File -> Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPoint' RunAppIOArgs {..} inputFile = do
let opts = _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
root = _runAppIOArgsRoot
estdin <-
| opts ^. globalStdin -> Just <$> liftIO getContents
| otherwise -> return Nothing
set entryPointStdin estdin <$> entryPointFromGlobalOptionsPre root (inputFile ^. pathPath) opts
runPipelineEither :: (Members '[Embed IO, TaggedLock, App] r) => AppPath File -> Sem (PipelineEff r) a -> Sem r (Either JuvixError (ResolverState, PipelineResult a))
runPipelineEither input p = do
args <- askArgs
entry <- getEntryPoint' args input
runIOEither entry p
runPipelineSetupEither :: (Members '[Embed IO, TaggedLock, App] r) => Sem (PipelineEff' r) a -> Sem r (Either JuvixError (ResolverState, a))
runPipelineSetupEither p = do
args <- askArgs
entry <- getEntryPointStdin' args
runIOEitherPipeline entry p
getEntryPointStdin' :: (Members '[Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) => RunAppIOArgs -> Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPointStdin' RunAppIOArgs {..} = do
let opts = _runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions
root = _runAppIOArgsRoot
estdin <-
| opts ^. globalStdin -> Just <$> liftIO getContents
| otherwise -> return Nothing
set entryPointStdin estdin <$> entryPointFromGlobalOptionsNoFile root opts
someBaseToAbs' :: (Members '[App] r) => SomeBase a -> Sem r (Path Abs a)
someBaseToAbs' f = do
r <- askInvokeDir
return (someBaseToAbs r f)
filePathToAbs :: (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => Prepath FileOrDir -> Sem r (Either (Path Abs File) (Path Abs Dir))
filePathToAbs fp = do
invokeDir <- askInvokeDir
embed (fromPreFileOrDir invokeDir fp)
askGenericOptions :: (Members '[App] r) => Sem r GenericOptions
askGenericOptions = project <$> askGlobalOptions
getEntryPoint :: (Members '[Embed IO, App, TaggedLock] r) => AppPath File -> Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPoint inputFile = do
_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions <- askGlobalOptions
_runAppIOArgsRoot <- askRoot
getEntryPoint' (RunAppIOArgs {..}) inputFile
getEntryPointStdin :: (Members '[Embed IO, App, TaggedLock] r) => Sem r EntryPoint
getEntryPointStdin = do
_runAppIOArgsGlobalOptions <- askGlobalOptions
_runAppIOArgsRoot <- askRoot
getEntryPointStdin' (RunAppIOArgs {..})
runPipelineTermination :: (Members '[Embed IO, App, TaggedLock] r) => AppPath File -> Sem (Termination ': PipelineEff r) a -> Sem r (PipelineResult a)
runPipelineTermination input p = do
r <- runPipelineEither input (evalTermination iniTerminationState p)
case r of
Left err -> exitJuvixError err
Right res -> return (snd res)
runPipeline :: (Members '[App, Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) => AppPath File -> Sem (PipelineEff r) a -> Sem r a
runPipeline input p = do
r <- runPipelineEither input p
case r of
Left err -> exitJuvixError err
Right res -> return (snd res ^. pipelineResult)
runPipelineHtml :: (Members '[App, Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) => Bool -> AppPath File -> Sem r (InternalTypedResult, [InternalTypedResult])
runPipelineHtml bNonRecursive input =
| bNonRecursive -> do
r <- runPipeline input upToInternalTyped
return (r, [])
| otherwise -> do
args <- askArgs
entry <- getEntryPoint' args input
r <- runPipelineHtmlEither entry
case r of
Left err -> exitJuvixError err
Right res -> return res
runPipelineEntry :: (Members '[App, Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) => EntryPoint -> Sem (PipelineEff r) a -> Sem r a
runPipelineEntry entry p = do
r <- runIOEither entry p
case r of
Left err -> exitJuvixError err
Right res -> return (snd res ^. pipelineResult)
runPipelineSetup :: (Members '[App, Embed IO, TaggedLock] r) => Sem (PipelineEff' r) a -> Sem r a
runPipelineSetup p = do
r <- runPipelineSetupEither p
case r of
Left err -> exitJuvixError err
Right res -> return (snd res)
newline :: (Member App r) => Sem r ()
newline = say ""
printSuccessExit :: (Member App r) => Text -> Sem r a
printSuccessExit = exitMsg ExitSuccess
printFailureExit :: (Member App r) => Text -> Sem r a
printFailureExit = exitMsg (ExitFailure 1)
getRight :: (Members '[App] r, AppError e) => Either e a -> Sem r a
getRight = either appError return
instance AppError Text where
appError = printFailureExit
instance AppError JuvixError where
appError = exitJuvixError
class AppError e where
appError :: (Members '[App] r) => e -> Sem r a