mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-18 12:21:46 +03:00
Łukasz Czajka 75bce8f665
Per-module compilation (#2468)
* Closes #2392 

Changes checklist
* [X] Abstract out data types for stored module representation
(`ModuleInfo` in `Juvix.Compiler.Store.Language`)
* [X] Adapt the parser to operate per-module
* [X] Adapt the scoper to operate per-module
* [X] Adapt the arity checker to operate per-module
* [X] Adapt the type checker to operate per-module
* [x] Adapt Core transformations to operate per-module
* [X] Adapt the pipeline functions in `Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline`
* [X] Add `Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Driver` which drives the per-module
compilation process
* [x] Implement module saving / loading in `Pipeline.Driver`
* [x] Detect cyclic module dependencies in `Pipeline.Driver`
* [x] Cache visited modules in memory in `Pipeline.Driver` to avoid
excessive disk operations and repeated hash re-computations
* [x] Recompile a module if one of its dependencies needs recompilation
and contains functions that are always inlined.
* [x] Fix identifier dependencies for mutual block creation in
- Fixed by making textually later definitions depend on earlier ones.
- Now instances are used for resolution only after the textual point of
their definition.
- Similarly, type synonyms will be unfolded only after the textual point
of their definition.
* [x] Fix CLI
* [x] Fix REPL
* [x] Fix highlighting
* [x] Fix HTML generation
* [x] Adapt test suite
2023-12-30 20:15:35 +01:00

172 lines
5.4 KiB

module Commands.Init where
import Commands.Extra.Package
import Commands.Init.Options
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Versions
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.IO
import Juvix.Data.Effect.Fail.Extra qualified as Fail
import Juvix.Data.Effect.TaggedLock
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Char qualified as P
type Err = Text
parse :: Parsec Void Text a -> Text -> Either Err a
parse p t = mapLeft ppErr (P.runParser p "<stdin>" t)
ppErr :: P.ParseErrorBundle Text Void -> Text
ppErr = pack . errorBundlePretty
init :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO] r) => InitOptions -> Sem r ()
init opts = do
cwd <- getCurrentDir
when isInteractive (say ("creating " <> pack (toFilePath packageFilePath)))
| opts ^. initOptionsBasic -> writeBasicPackage cwd
| otherwise -> do
pkg <-
| isInteractive -> do
say "✨ Your next Juvix adventure is about to begin! ✨"
say "I will help you set it up"
| otherwise -> do
projectName <- getDefaultProjectName
let emptyPkg = emptyPackage DefaultBuildDir (cwd <//> packageFilePath)
return $ case projectName of
Nothing -> emptyPkg
Just n -> emptyPkg {_packageName = n}
writePackageFile cwd pkg
when isInteractive (say "you are all set")
isInteractive :: Bool
isInteractive = not (opts ^. initOptionsNonInteractive) && not (opts ^. initOptionsBasic)
checkNotInProject :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO] r) => Sem r ()
checkNotInProject =
whenM (orM [doesFileExist juvixYamlFile, doesFileExist packageFilePath]) err
err :: Sem r ()
err = do
say "You are already in a Juvix project"
embed exitFailure
checkPackage :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO] r) => Sem r ()
checkPackage = do
cwd <- getCurrentDir
ep <- runError @JuvixError (runTaggedLockPermissive (loadPackageFileIO cwd DefaultBuildDir))
case ep of
Left {} -> do
say "Package.juvix is invalid. Please raise an issue at https://github.com/anoma/juvix/issues"
embed exitFailure
Right {} -> return ()
getPackage :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO] r) => Sem r Package
getPackage = do
tproj <- getProjName
say "Write the version of your project [leave empty for 0.0.0]"
tversion :: SemVer <- getVersion
cwd <- getCurrentDir
{ _packageName = tproj,
_packageVersion = tversion,
_packageBuildDir = Nothing,
_packageMain = Nothing,
_packageDependencies = [defaultStdlibDep DefaultBuildDir],
_packageFile = cwd <//> juvixYamlFile,
_packageLockfile = Nothing
getDefaultProjectName :: (Member (Embed IO) r) => Sem r (Maybe Text)
getDefaultProjectName = runFail $ do
dir <- map toLower . dropTrailingPathSeparator . toFilePath . dirname <$> getCurrentDir
Fail.fromRight (parse projectNameParser (pack dir))
getProjName :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO] r) => Sem r Text
getProjName = do
d <- getDefaultProjectName
let defMsg :: Text
defMsg = case d of
Nothing -> mempty
Just d' -> " [leave empty for '" <> d' <> "']"
( "Write the name of your project"
<> defMsg
<> " (lower case letters, numbers and dashes are allowed): "
readName d
readName :: Maybe Text -> Sem r Text
readName def = go
go :: Sem r Text
go = do
txt <- embed getLine
| Text.null txt, Just def' <- def -> return def'
| otherwise ->
case parse projectNameParser txt of
Right p
| Text.length p <= projextNameMaxLength -> return p
| otherwise -> do
say ("The project name cannot exceed " <> prettyText projextNameMaxLength <> " characters")
Left err -> do
say err
retry :: Sem r Text
retry = do
say :: (Members '[Embed IO] r) => Text -> Sem r ()
say = embed . putStrLn
tryAgain :: (Members '[Embed IO] r) => Sem r ()
tryAgain = say "Please, try again:"
getVersion :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO] r) => Sem r SemVer
getVersion = do
txt <- embed getLine
| Text.null txt -> return defaultVersion
| otherwise -> case parse semver' txt of
Right r -> return r
Left err -> do
say err
say "The version must follow the 'Semantic Versioning 2.0.0' specification"
retry :: Sem r SemVer
retry = do
projextNameMaxLength :: Int
projextNameMaxLength = 100
projectNameParser :: Parsec Void Text Text
projectNameParser = do
h <- P.satisfy validFirstChar
t <- P.takeWhileP (Just "project name character") validChar
return (Text.cons h t)
validFirstChar :: Char -> Bool
validFirstChar c =
isAscii c
&& (isLower c || isNumber c)
validChar :: Char -> Bool
validChar c = c == '-' || validFirstChar c