mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-07 16:22:14 +03:00
Jan Mas Rovira 138d9e545d
Logger (#2908)
1. Adds the `--log-level LOG_LEVEL` flag to the CLI. This flag can be
given `error`, `warn`, `info`, `progress`, `debug` as argument to filter
the logged messages.
2. Removes the `--only-errors` flag.
3. Adds the `--ide-end-error-char CHAR`, which receives a character as
an argument, which is appended to the end of error messages. This is
handy to facilitate parsing of errors messages from the ide. This
functionality was previously embeded in the old `--only-errors` flag.
2024-07-22 17:14:37 +02:00

193 lines
5.7 KiB

module Base
( module Test.Tasty,
module Test.Tasty.HUnit,
module Juvix.Prelude,
module Base,
module Juvix.Extra.Paths,
module Juvix.Prelude.Env,
module Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Run,
module Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.EntryPoint.IO,
import Control.Exception qualified as E
import Control.Monad.Extra as Monad
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import GHC.Generics qualified as GHC
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromInternal.Analysis.Termination
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.EntryPoint.IO
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Loader.PathResolver
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Run
import Juvix.Data.Effect.TaggedLock
import Juvix.Extra.Paths hiding (rootBuildDir)
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (assert)
import Juvix.Prelude.Env
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty (prettyString)
import System.Process qualified as P
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit hiding (assertFailure)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit qualified as HUnit
data AssertionDescr
= Single Assertion
| Steps ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion)
data TestDescr = TestDescr
{ _testName :: String,
_testRoot :: Path Abs Dir,
-- | relative to root
_testAssertion :: AssertionDescr
newtype WASMInfo = WASMInfo
{ _wasmInfoActual :: Path Abs File -> IO Text
makeLenses ''TestDescr
data StdlibMode
= StdlibInclude
| StdlibExclude
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data CompileMode
= WASI StdlibMode
mkTest :: TestDescr -> TestTree
mkTest TestDescr {..} = case _testAssertion of
Single assertion -> testCase _testName (withCurrentDir _testRoot assertion)
Steps steps -> testCaseSteps _testName (withCurrentDir _testRoot . steps)
withPrecondition :: Assertion -> IO TestTree -> IO TestTree
withPrecondition assertion ifSuccess = do
E.catch (assertion >> ifSuccess) $ \case
E.SomeException e -> return (testCase "Precondition failed" (assertFailure (show e)))
assertEqDiffText :: String -> Text -> Text -> Assertion
assertEqDiffText = assertEqDiff unpack
assertEqDiff :: (Eq a) => (a -> String) -> String -> a -> a -> Assertion
assertEqDiff show_ msg a b
| a == b = return ()
| otherwise = do
putStrLn (pack $ ppDiff (getGroupedDiff pa pb))
putStrLn "End diff"
Monad.fail msg
pa = lines $ show_ a
pb = lines $ show_ b
assertEqDiffShow :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion
assertEqDiffShow = assertEqDiff show
assertCmdExists :: Path Rel File -> Assertion
assertCmdExists cmd =
assertBool ("Command: " <> toFilePath cmd <> " is not present on $PATH")
. isJust
=<< findExecutable cmd
testTaggedLockedToIO :: (MonadIO m) => Sem PipelineAppEffects a -> m a
testTaggedLockedToIO =
. ignoreLogger
. runReader testPipelineOptions
. runTaggedLock LockModeExclusive
testRunIO ::
forall a m.
(MonadIO m) =>
EntryPoint ->
Sem (PipelineEff PipelineAppEffects) a ->
m (ResolverState, PipelineResult a)
testRunIO e =
. runIO defaultGenericOptions e
testDefaultEntryPointIO :: (MonadIO m) => Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> m EntryPoint
testDefaultEntryPointIO cwd mainFile =
testTaggedLockedToIO $
defaultEntryPointIO cwd mainFile
testDefaultEntryPointNoFileIO :: Path Abs Dir -> IO EntryPoint
testDefaultEntryPointNoFileIO cwd = testTaggedLockedToIO (defaultEntryPointNoFileIO cwd)
testRunIOEither ::
EntryPoint ->
Sem (PipelineEff PipelineAppEffects) a ->
IO (Either JuvixError (ResolverState, PipelineResult a))
testRunIOEither entry =
. runIOEither entry
testRunIOEitherTermination ::
EntryPoint ->
Sem (Termination ': PipelineEff PipelineAppEffects) a ->
IO (Either JuvixError (ResolverState, PipelineResult a))
testRunIOEitherTermination entry =
testRunIOEither entry
. evalTermination iniTerminationState
assertFailure :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m a
assertFailure = liftIO . HUnit.assertFailure
wantsError ::
forall err b.
(Generic err, GenericHasConstructor (GHC.Rep err)) =>
(b -> err) ->
Path Abs File ->
err ->
Maybe String
wantsError wanted file actualErr
| genericSameConstructor wantedErr actualErr = Nothing
| otherwise =
( "In "
<> prettyString file
<> "\nExpected "
<> genericConstructorName wantedErr
<> "\nFound "
<> genericConstructorName actualErr
wantedErr :: err
wantedErr = wanted impossible
-- | The same as `P.readProcess` but instead of inheriting `stderr` redirects it
-- to the child's `stdout`.
readProcess :: FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcess = readProcessCwd' Nothing Nothing
readProcessWithEnv :: [(String, String)] -> FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcessWithEnv env = readProcessCwd' (Just env) Nothing
readProcessCwd :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcessCwd cwd = readProcessCwd' Nothing (Just cwd)
readProcessCwd' :: Maybe [(String, String)] -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcessCwd' menv mcwd cmd args stdinText =
( \dirPath -> do
(_, hin) <- openTempFile dirPath "stdin"
(_, hout) <- openTempFile dirPath "stdout"
hPutStr hin stdinText
hSeek hin AbsoluteSeek 0
(_, _, _, ph) <-
(P.proc cmd args)
{ P.std_in = P.UseHandle hin,
P.std_out = P.UseHandle hout,
P.std_err = P.UseHandle hout,
P.cwd = mcwd,
P.env = menv
P.waitForProcess ph
hSeek hout AbsoluteSeek 0
r <- hGetContents hout
hClose hin
hClose hout
return r