mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-13 11:16:48 +03:00
Łukasz Czajka 8956e51b33
Options for juvix dev tree read (#2599)
* Adds the `--transforms`, `--eval` and `--no-print` options to the
`juvix dev tree read` command.
* Depends on #2598 
* Depends on #2597 
* Depends on #2596 
* Depends on #2595 
* Depends on #2594 
* Depends on #2590
2024-01-31 15:17:14 +01:00

249 lines
7.2 KiB

-- | Contains common options reused in several commands.
module CommonOptions
( module CommonOptions,
module Juvix.Prelude,
module Options.Applicative,
import Control.Exception qualified as GHC
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Data.TransformationId.Parser qualified as Core
import Juvix.Compiler.Tree.Data.TransformationId.Parser qualified as Tree
import Juvix.Data.FileExt
import Juvix.Prelude
import Options.Applicative
import System.Process
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Prelude (show)
-- | Paths that are input are used to detect the root of the project.
data AppPath f = AppPath
{ _pathPath :: Prepath f,
_pathIsInput :: Bool
deriving stock (Data, Eq)
makeLenses ''AppPath
instance Show (AppPath f) where
show = Prelude.show . (^. pathPath)
parseInputFiles :: NonEmpty FileExt -> Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputFiles exts' = do
let exts = NonEmpty.toList exts'
mvars = intercalate "|" (map toMetavar exts)
dotExts = intercalate ", " (map Prelude.show exts)
helpMsg = "Path to a " <> dotExts <> " file"
completers = foldMap (completer . extCompleter) exts
_pathPath <-
( metavar mvars
<> help helpMsg
<> completers
<> action "file"
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = True, ..}
parseInputFile :: FileExt -> Parser (AppPath File)
parseInputFile = parseInputFiles . NonEmpty.singleton
parseGenericInputFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseGenericInputFile = do
_pathPath <-
( metavar "INPUT_FILE"
<> help "Path to input file"
<> action "file"
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = True, ..}
parseGenericOutputFile :: Parser (AppPath File)
parseGenericOutputFile = do
_pathPath <-
( long "output"
<> short 'o'
<> metavar "OUTPUT_FILE"
<> help "Path to output file"
<> action "file"
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = False, ..}
parseGenericOutputDir :: Mod OptionFields (Prepath Dir) -> Parser (AppPath Dir)
parseGenericOutputDir m = do
_pathPath <-
( long "output-dir"
<> metavar "OUTPUT_DIR"
<> help "Path to output directory"
<> action "directory"
<> m
pure AppPath {_pathIsInput = False, ..}
somePreDirOpt :: ReadM (Prepath Dir)
somePreDirOpt = mkPrepath <$> str
somePreFileOpt :: ReadM (Prepath File)
somePreFileOpt = mkPrepath <$> str
someFileOpt :: ReadM (SomeBase File)
someFileOpt = eitherReader aux
aux :: String -> Either String (SomeBase File)
aux s = maybe (Left $ s <> " is not a file path") Right (parseSomeFile s)
someDirOpt :: ReadM (SomeBase Dir)
someDirOpt = eitherReader aux
aux :: String -> Either String (SomeBase Dir)
aux s = maybe (Left $ s <> " is not a directory path") Right (parseSomeDir s)
naturalNumberOpt :: ReadM Word
naturalNumberOpt = eitherReader aux
aux :: String -> Either String Word
aux s = maybe (Left $ s <> " is not a nonnegative number") Right (readMaybe s :: Maybe Word)
extCompleter :: FileExt -> Completer
extCompleter ext = mkCompleter $ \word -> do
let cmd = unwords ["compgen", "-o", "plusdirs", "-f", "-X", "!*" <> Prelude.show ext, "--", requote word]
result <- GHC.try @GHC.SomeException $ readProcess "bash" ["-c", cmd] ""
return . lines . fromRight [] $ result
requote :: String -> String
requote s =
let -- Bash doesn't appear to allow "mixed" escaping
-- in bash completions. So we don't have to really
-- worry about people swapping between strong and
-- weak quotes.
unescaped =
case s of
-- It's already strongly quoted, so we
-- can use it mostly as is, but we must
-- ensure it's closed off at the end and
-- there's no single quotes in the
-- middle which might confuse bash.
('\'' : rs) -> unescapeN rs
-- We're weakly quoted.
('"' : rs) -> unescapeD rs
-- We're not quoted at all.
-- We need to unescape some characters like
-- spaces and quotation marks.
elsewise -> unescapeU elsewise
in strong unescaped
strong :: String -> String
strong ss = '\'' : foldr go "'" ss
-- If there's a single quote inside the
-- command: exit from the strong quote and
-- emit it the quote escaped, then resume.
go '\'' t = "'\\''" ++ t
go h t = h : t
-- Unescape a strongly quoted string
-- We have two recursive functions, as we
-- can enter and exit the strong escaping.
unescapeN = goX
goX ('\'' : xs) = goN xs
goX (x : xs) = x : goX xs
goX [] = []
goN ('\\' : '\'' : xs) = '\'' : goN xs
goN ('\'' : xs) = goX xs
goN (x : xs) = x : goN xs
goN [] = []
-- Unescape an unquoted string
unescapeU = goX
goX [] = []
goX ('\\' : x : xs) = x : goX xs
goX (x : xs) = x : goX xs
-- Unescape a weakly quoted string
unescapeD = goX
-- Reached an escape character
goX ('\\' : x : xs)
-- If it's true escapable, strip the
-- slashes, as we're going to strong
-- escape instead.
| x `elem` ("$`\"\\\n" :: String) = x : goX xs
| otherwise = '\\' : x : goX xs
-- We've ended quoted section, so we
-- don't recurse on goX, it's done.
goX ('"' : xs) =
-- Not done, but not a special character
-- just continue the fold.
goX (x : xs) =
x : goX xs
goX [] =
optDeBruijn :: Parser Bool
optDeBruijn =
( long "show-de-bruijn"
<> help "Show variable de Bruijn indices"
optIdentIds :: Parser Bool
optIdentIds =
( long "show-ident-ids"
<> help "Show identifier IDs"
optArgsNum :: Parser Bool
optArgsNum =
( long "show-args-num"
<> help "Show identifier arguments number"
optNoDisambiguate :: Parser Bool
optNoDisambiguate =
( long "no-disambiguate"
<> help "Don't disambiguate the names of bound variables"
optCoreTransformationIds :: Parser [Core.TransformationId]
optCoreTransformationIds =
(eitherReader parseTransf)
( long "transforms"
<> short 't'
<> value []
<> metavar "[Transform]"
<> completer (mkCompleter (return . Core.completionsString))
<> help "hint: use autocomplete"
parseTransf :: String -> Either String [Core.TransformationId]
parseTransf = mapLeft unpack . Core.parseTransformations . pack
optTreeTransformationIds :: Parser [Tree.TransformationId]
optTreeTransformationIds =
(eitherReader parseTransf)
( long "transforms"
<> short 't'
<> value []
<> metavar "[Transform]"
<> completer (mkCompleter (return . Tree.completionsString))
<> help "hint: use autocomplete"
parseTransf :: String -> Either String [Tree.TransformationId]
parseTransf = mapLeft unpack . Tree.parseTransformations . pack