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synced 2024-12-15 18:13:56 +03:00
* Add a Web version of TicTacToe The web version demonstrates injecting host functions into the WASM import table and call exported Juvix functions from JS. The web version and the CLI version of the TicTacToe game use the same game logic backend Juvix module. * Build and publish web apps in documentation * Add a link to the TicTacToe web app in example documentation * Update Makefile to match the new format
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module BackendC.Examples where
import BackendC.Base
import Base
import Data.FileEmbed
data ExampleTest = ExampleTest
{ _name :: String,
_relDir :: FilePath,
_mainFile :: FilePath,
_expectedDir :: FilePath,
_stdinText :: Text,
_compileMode :: CompileMode
makeLenses ''ExampleTest
exampleRoot :: FilePath
exampleRoot = "examples/milestone"
testDescr :: ExampleTest -> TestDescr
testDescr ExampleTest {..} =
let mainRoot = exampleRoot </> _relDir
expectedFile = $(makeRelativeToProject "tests/examplesExpected" >>= strToExp) </> _expectedDir </> "expected.golden"
in TestDescr
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = mainRoot,
_testAssertion = case _compileMode of
WASI stdlibMode -> Steps $ wasiClangAssertion stdlibMode _mainFile expectedFile _stdinText
WASM i -> Steps $ wasmClangAssertion i _mainFile expectedFile
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
"Backend C milestone example tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
tests :: [ExampleTest]
tests =
[ ExampleTest "Validity Predicate example" "ValidityPredicates" "Tests.juvix" "ValidityPredicates" "" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "TicTacToe CLI example" "TicTacToe" "CLI/TicTacToe.juvix" "TicTacToe" "aaa\n0\n10\n1\n2\n3\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "Fibonacci example" "Fibonacci" "Fibonacci.juvix" "Fibonacci" "" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "Collatz sequence generator" "Collatz" "Collatz.juvix" "Collatz" "123\n" (WASI StdlibInclude)