mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 16:51:53 +03:00
The `--target` flag was replaced by subcommands in https://github.com/anoma/juvix/pull/2700 This PR fixes the benchmark suite to use `juvix compile native` and `juvix compile wasi`. In addition this PR adds as `compile-only` target to `juvix-bench` The compile-only target only compiles the executable for each variant of each suite. It doesn't actually run the benchmarks. This is useful when checking that the variant build steps are correct before committing. Example to run with stack: ``` stack bench --ba 'compile-only' ```
148 lines
4.1 KiB
148 lines
4.1 KiB
module Main where
import Base
import Criterion.Main
import Criterion.Main.Options hiding (config)
import Criterion.Types
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Development.Shake hiding ((<//>))
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Path as Path hiding (doesFileExist, (-<.>))
import Juvix.Prelude.Path qualified as Path
import Statistics.Types
import Suites
main :: IO ()
main = shakeArgs opts compileRules
opts :: ShakeOptions
opts = shakeOptions
compileRules :: Rules ()
compileRules = do
phony "clean" $ do
putInfo ("Deleting " <> toFilePath resultsDir)
removePathForcibly resultsDir
phony "compile-only" (forM_ suites compileOnlyRules)
forM_ suites suiteRules
suiteRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
suiteRules s = do
forM_ (s ^. suiteVariants) (variantRules s)
csvRules s
plotRules s
compileOnlyRules :: Suite -> Action ()
compileOnlyRules s = forM_ (s ^. suiteVariants) (variantBuildAction s)
multiRecipe :: [Path Abs File] -> Action () -> Rules ()
multiRecipe out howto = map toFilePath out &%> const howto
recipe :: Path Abs File -> Action () -> Rules ()
recipe out howto = toFilePath out %> const howto
variantBuildAction :: Suite -> Variant -> Action ()
variantBuildAction s v = (v ^. variantBuild) args
args :: BuildArgs
args =
{ _buildSrc = srcFile,
_buildOutDir = outDir
lang :: Lang
lang = v ^. variantLanguage
srcFile :: Path Abs File
srcFile =
(langExtension lang)
(suiteSrcDir s <//> langPath lang <//> suiteBaseFile s)
outDir :: Path Abs Dir
outDir = variantBinDir s v
variantRules :: Suite -> Variant -> Rules ()
variantRules s v = do
action $ do
(doesFileExist (toFilePath srcFile))
(need [toFilePath exeFile])
recipe exeFile $ do
need [toFilePath srcFile]
ensureDir outDir
(v ^. variantBuild) args
args :: BuildArgs
args =
{ _buildSrc = srcFile,
_buildOutDir = outDir
lang :: Lang
lang = v ^. variantLanguage
srcFile :: Path Abs File
srcFile =
(langExtension lang)
(suiteSrcDir s <//> langPath lang <//> suiteBaseFile s)
exeFile :: Path Abs File
exeFile = outDir <//> replaceExtensions' (v ^. variantExtensions) (filename srcFile)
outDir :: Path Abs Dir
outDir = variantBinDir s v
plotRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
plotRules s = do
let csv :: Path Abs File = suiteCsvFile s
svg :: Path Abs File = suiteSvgFile s
out :: Path Abs File = suitePlotFile s
want [toFilePath svg]
multiRecipe [svg] $ do
need [toFilePath csv, toFilePath gnuplotFile]
ensureDir (parent svg)
( gpArg "name" (s ^. suiteTitle)
++ gpArg "outfile" (toFilePath out)
++ gpArg "csvfile" (toFilePath csv)
++ [toFilePath gnuplotFile]
gpArg :: String -> String -> [String]
gpArg arg val = ["-e", arg <> "='" <> val <> "'"]
csvRules :: Suite -> Rules ()
csvRules s =
recipe csv $ do
need [toFilePath (variantBinFile s v) | v <- s ^. suiteVariants]
ensureDir (parent csv)
whenM (Path.doesFileExist csv) (removeFile csv)
liftIO (runMode (Run (config s) Glob []) (fromSuite s) >> addColorColumn)
csv :: Path Abs File = suiteCsvFile s
addColorColumn :: IO ()
addColorColumn = do
header :| rows <- nonEmpty' . Text.lines <$> readFile csv
let rows' =
[ showColour (v ^. variantColor) <> "," <> r
| (v, r) <- zipExact (s ^. suiteVariants) rows
header' = "Color," <> header
writeFileEnsureLn csv (Text.unlines (header' : rows'))
fromSuite :: Suite -> [Benchmark]
fromSuite s = map go (s ^. suiteVariants)
go :: Variant -> Benchmark
go v = bench title (nfIO ((v ^. variantRun) (variantBinFile s v)))
title :: String
title = show (v ^. variantLanguage) <> maybe "" (" " <>) (v ^. variantTitle)
config :: Suite -> Config
config s =
{ csvFile = Just (toFilePath (suiteCsvFile s)),
confInterval = cl90