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module TypeCheck.Negative (allTests) where
import Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Error
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker as T
import qualified MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix as A
type FailMsg = String
data NegTest = NegTest
{ name :: String,
relDir :: FilePath,
file :: FilePath,
checkErr :: TypeCheckerError -> Maybe FailMsg }
testDescr :: NegTest -> TestDescr
testDescr NegTest {..} = TestDescr {
testName = name,
testRoot = root </> relDir,
testAssertion = Single $ do
p <- parseModuleIO file
>>= scopeModuleIO
>>= translateModuleIO
>>| A.translateModule
>>| T.checkModule
case p of
Left err -> whenJust (checkErr err) assertFailure
Right _ -> assertFailure "The type checker did not find an error."
allTests :: TestTree
allTests = testGroup "TypeCheck negative tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
root :: FilePath
root = "tests/negative"
wrongError :: Maybe FailMsg
wrongError = Just "Incorrect error"
tests :: [NegTest]
tests = [
NegTest "Constructor in pattern type error" "MicroJuvix"
"PatternConstructor.mjuvix" $ \case
ErrWrongConstructorType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
, NegTest "Constructor pattern length mismatch" "MicroJuvix"
"PatternConstructorApp.mjuvix" $ \case
ErrWrongConstructorAppArgs {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
, NegTest "Type vs inferred type mismatch" "MicroJuvix"
"WrongType.mjuvix" $ \case
ErrWrongType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
, NegTest "Function application with non-function type" "MicroJuvix"
"ExpectedFunctionType.mjuvix" $ \case
ErrExpectedFunctionType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
, NegTest "Function definition clause with two many match patterns" "MicroJuvix"
"TooManyPatterns.mjuvix" $ \case
ErrTooManyPatterns {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError