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Proposal : MiniJuvix [draft]
% ---------- To typeset grammars -----------------------------
\newcommand{\OR}[1][]{\mkern17mu | \mkern12mu}
% ---------- To typese rules ---------------------------------
% Bidirectional judgements
\newcommand{\check}[4]{{{#1}\,\vdash\,{#2}\,\overset{{#3}}{\color{red}{\Leftarrow}}\, {#4}}}
\newcommand{\infer}[4]{{{#1}\,\vdash\,{#2}\,\overset{{#3}}{\color{blue}{\Rightarrow}}\, {#4}}}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
tags: Juvix
MiniJuvix implements a programming language that takes variable resources very seriously in the programs. As mathematical foundation, we are inspired by Quantitative type theory (QTT), a dependent type theory that marriages ideas from linear logic and traditional dependently typed programs to writing memory-efficient programs using resource accounting. Among the language features, there is a type for a universe, dependent function types, tensor products, sum types, and more type formers.
The main purpose of MiniJuvix is to serve as a guide to supporting/extending the Juvix programming language, in particular, the design of a correct and efficient typechecker.
In this document we provide a work in progress report containing a description of the MiniJuvix bidirectional type checking algorithm. We have provide some Haskell sketches for the algorithm implementation.
The code will be available on the Github repository:
heliaxdev/MiniJuvix. In this document,
we only refer to the implementation provided in the qtt
Quantities In the traditional QTT, each term has a usage/quantity annotation
in the semiring \{0,1,\omega\}
. Besides the semiring structure, we also
consider different ordering of these terms. One choice for such an order states
that 0,1 < \omega
and 0
and 1
are not comparable, i.e., 0 \not < 1
. This
order is good, at least in the sense that terms of zero usage and 1
usage live
in completely different worlds, from the evaluation point-of-view. Terms or zero
usage are irrelevant at runtime, and we therefore erase them in the erasure
phase. While, non-zero terms are present during compilation and execution of
the program. We embrace this distinction in the implementation with the data type
with constructors irrelevant and relevant.
%x,y,z &\EQ \dotsb & \text{term variable} \\[.5em]
\pi,\rho,\sigma &\EQ 0 \Or 1 \Or \omega
& \text{(quantity variables)} \\[.5em]
Judgements The core language in MiniJuvix is bidirectional syntax-directed, meaning that a judgement in the theory contains a term that is either checkable or inferable. A type judgement consists of a context, a term --the term quantity required--, a judgement mode, and a type. Precisely, the judgement mode is either checking or inferring, as illustrated in the rules below, respectively, using a red and blue arrow.
We will refer to the erased part of the theory when the variable resource
is zero in the type judgement ; otherwise, we are in the present
segment of the theory. Another way to refer to this distinction is that no
computation is required in the \sigma
zero theory. Otherwise, we say that the judgement possess computation content.
Contexts The context in which a term is judged is fundamental to determine
well-formed terms. Another name for context is environment. A context can be
either empty or it can be extended by binding name annotations of the form $x
\overset{\sigma}{:} M$ for a given type A
\Gamma &\EQ \emptyset \Or (\Gamma, x\overset{\pi}{:} A) & \text{(contexts)}
A needed context operation is scaling. The scalar product with a context
is defined by induction on the context structure. Given a scalar number
, the product \sigma \cdot \Gamma
denotes the context \Gamma
multiplying all its resources variables by \sigma
\color{green}{\sigma} \cdot \emptyset &:= \emptyset,\\
\color{green}{\sigma} \cdot (\Gamma, x \overset{\color{green}{\pi}}{:} A) &:= \color{green}{\sigma} \cdot \Gamma , x \overset{\color{green}{\sigma\cdot \pi}}{:} A.
The addition operation for contexts is a binary operation only defined between
contexts with the same variable set. The latter condition is the proposition
stating 0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0 \cdot \Gamma_2
between contexts \Gamma_1
. Consequently, adding contexts create another context with the same
variables from the input but with their resource summed up.
\emptyset+\emptyset &:=\emptyset \\
(\Gamma_{1}, x \overset{\color{green}{\sigma}}{:} A)+(\Gamma_{2}, x \overset{\color{green}{\pi}}{:} A) &:=(\Gamma_{1}+\Gamma_{2}), x^{\color{green}{\sigma+\pi}} S
Telescopes A resource telescope is the name for grouping types with resource information. We use telescopes in forming new types, for example, in forming new inductive types.
\begin{aligned} \Delta &\EQ () \Or \Delta(x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) & \text{(telescopes)} \end{aligned}
The \color{gray}{gray}
cases below are expected to be incorporated in the future.
Types A type in the theory is one of the following synthactical cases.
A , B%
&\EQ \mathcal{U} & \text{(universe type)} \\
&\OR (x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \to B &\text{(depend. fun. type)} \\
&\OR (x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \otimes B &\text{(tensor prod. type)} \\
&\OR A + B &\text{(sum type)} \\
&\OR 1 &\text{(unit type)} \\
&\OR \color{gray}{P} &\color{gray}{\text{(primitive type)}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{D} &\color{gray}{\text{(inductive type decl.)}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{R} &\color{gray}{\text{(record type decl.)}}
On the other hand, we want to consider a set of primitive types, each of these with a set of primitive terms. An example of a primitive types is that of the type
of boolens, denoted by \mathsf{Bool}
. \mathsf{true} : \mathsf{Bool}
\mathsf{False} : \mathsf{Bool}
Terms We refer to terms as those elements that can inhabit a type. So far,
we have used as a term the metavariable x
. A term can take one of the
following shapes.
u, v , t , f &\EQ \mathsf{Var}(x) &\text{(variable)}\\
&\OR \mathsf{Ann}(x,A) &\text{(type annotation)}\\
&\OR \mathsf{Lam}(x,t) &\text{(lambda abstraction)}\\
&\OR\mathsf{App}(u,v) &\text{(application)}\\
&\OR * &\text{(unit)}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{\mathsf{Fun}} &\color{gray}{\text{(named function)}}\\
&\OR \color{gray}{\mathsf{Con}} &\color{gray}{\text{(data constr.)}}
The explicit naming below like \mathsf{Ann}
is on purpose. We want to avoid
any confussion, for example, between type annotations and usage type annotation,
i.e., x : A
and x \overset{\sigma}{:} A
Typing rules
We present the types rules almost in the same way as one would expect to see them in the implementation, i.e., using the bidirectional notation.
It must be assumed that contexts appearing in the rules are well-formed, i.e. terms build up using the following derivation rules.
{\emptyset \ \mathsf{ctx}}
\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\color{green}{\Gamma \vdash A \ \mathsf{type}}
\sigma \ \mathsf{Quantity}
(\Gamma , x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \ \mathsf{ctx}
\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx} \qquad \sigma \ \mathsf{Quantity}
\sigma \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\Gamma_1 \ \mathsf{ctx} \qquad \Gamma_2 \ \mathsf{ctx} \qquad 0\cdot \Gamma_1 = 0 \cdot \Gamma_2
\Gamma_1 + \Gamma_2 \ \mathsf{ctx}
Below, we describe the algorithms for checking and infering types in a mutually
defined way. The corresponding algorithms are the functions check
and infer
in the implementation. The definition of each is the collection and
interpretation of the typing rules (reading them bottom to top).
For example, the infer
method is defined to work with three
arguments: one implicit argument for the context \Gamma
and two explicit
arguments, respectively, the term t
and its quantity \sigma
. The output of the algorithm is precisely the type M
for t
in the rule below.
p_1 \cdots\ p_n
The variables p_i
in the rule above are inner steps of the algorithm and the order
in which they are presented matters. For example, an inner step can be infering
a type, checking if a property holds for a term, reducing a term, or simply
checking a term against another type.
A reduction step is denoted by $\Gamma \vdash
t \rightsquigarrow t'$ or simply by t \rightsquigarrow t'
whenever the context
is known. Such a reduction is obtained by calling eval
in the
Remark. A term in the Core implementation is either a Checkable or Inferable term. We refer to these
options as the mode of the term. In a typing rule the strategy/mode in a type
judgement determines the mode of the term in the conclusion. In the example above, t
is Inferable.
data Term : Set where
Checkable : CheckableTerm → Term -- terms with a type checkable.
Inferable : InferableTerm → Term -- terms that which types can be inferred.
TODO: we need to reflect on how we introduce the judgement \Gamma \vdash A\ \mathsf{type}
of the well-formed types. This may change the way of presenting formation rules, as the first ones below.
Checking rules
This section mainly refers to the construction of checkable terms in the implementation.
Remark. We omit comments in the formation rules below. The general idea is that no resources are needed to form a type. Therefore, we only check when forming a type in the erase part of the theory, for both, premises and conclusion.
- UniverseType
- PiType
- Lam
- TensorType
- TensorIntro
- UnitType
- Unit
- SumType
Formation rule
\rule{}{\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx} }{\Gamma \vdash \mathcal{U} \ \mathsf{type}}
(0\cdot \Gamma) \ \mathsf{ctx}
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash \mathcal{U}\, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\, \mathcal{U}
Dependent function types
Formation rule
\rule{}{\Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\qquad \Gamma \vdash A \ \mathsf{type}
\qquad (\Gamma , x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \vdash B(x) \ \mathsf{type}
}{\Gamma \vdash (x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \to B \ \ \mathsf{type}}
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash A \, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}
(0\cdot \Gamma,\,x\overset{0}{:}A)\vdash B \, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}\quad
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash (x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\rightarrow B \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\mathcal{U}
Introduction rule
The lambda abstraction rule is the introduction rule of a dependent function
type. The principal judgement in this case is the conclusion, and we therefore
check against the corresponing type (x \overset{\sigma}{:} A) \to B
. With
the types A
and B
, all the information about the premise
becomes known, and it just remains to check its judgement.
(\Gamma, x\overset{\sigma\pi}{:}A) \vdash b \,\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,B
\Gamma \vdash \lambda x.b \overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} (x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\rightarrow B
Another choice here is \lambda x.b
instead of \lambda\,\mathsf{Ann}(x,A). b
The former option will change the strategy, to infer the conclusion, since one would have enough information for typing.
Tensor product types
Formation rule
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash A \,\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}
(0\cdot \Gamma, x\overset{0}{:}A) \vdash B\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}\quad
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash (x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U}
Introduction rule
A rule to introduce pairs in QTT appears in Section 2.1.3 in Atkey's
paper. We here present this rule
in a more didactical way but also following the bidirectional
recipe. Briefly, the known rule is splitted in two cases, the erased and present
part of the theory, after studying the usage variable in the conclusion. Recall
that forming pairs is the way one introduces values of the tensor product.
One then must check the rule conclusion. After doing this, the types A
and B
known facts and it makes sense to check the types in the premises. The usage
bussiness follows a similar reasoning as infering applications.
\rule{\otimes I{\Leftarrow}}{
\check{\sigma\pi \cdot \Gamma_1}{u}{\sigma\pi}{A}
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0\cdot \Gamma_2}\quad
\check{\sigma\pi\cdot \Gamma_1 + \Gamma_2}{(u,v)}{\sigma}{(x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B}
Essentially, we are
forming \sigma
dependent pairs where the first cordinate, u
, is used $\pi$
times in the second component. This is the reason for having $\sigma\pi\cdot
\Gamma_1$ in the conclusion since, u
is taken from \Gamma_1
. The gray
premises below are necessary, since one must ensure that the addition between
context is possible.
Finally, we obtain the following two rules that make up the original one.
\rule{\otimes I_1{\Leftarrow}}{ \color{green}{\sigma\pi = 0} \qquad 0\cdot \Gamma \vdash u ,\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow},A \qquad \Gamma \vdash v ,\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow},B[u/x] \qquad }{ \Gamma \vdash (u,v)\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} (x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B } \end{gathered} %
2. $$\begin{gathered}
\rule{\otimes I_2{\Leftarrow}}{
\color{green}{\sigma\pi \neq 0}\qquad
\Gamma_{1} \vdash u \,\overset{1}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,A
\Gamma_{2} \vdash v \,\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,B[u/x]
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0\cdot \Gamma_2}\quad
\color{green}{\sigma\pi}\cdot \Gamma_{1}+\Gamma_{2} \vdash (u,v)\overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} (x\overset{\pi}{:}A) \otimes B
Unit type
0 \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
\Gamma \vdash 1 \ \mathsf{type}
0 \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
0 \cdot \Gamma \ \mathsf{ctx}
Sum type
Inductive types
Conversion rules
Include the rules for definitional equality:
- β-equality,
- reflexivity,
- symmetry,
- transitivity, and
- congruence.
\Gamma \vdash M \,\overset{\sigma}{\color{blue}\Rightarrow}\,S \qquad
\Gamma \vdash S\, \overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\, \mathcal{U}\qquad
\Gamma \vdash T \,\overset{0}{\color{red}\Leftarrow}\,\mathcal{U} \qquad
\color{green}{S =_{\beta} T}\ \,\,\,
\Gamma \vdash M \overset{\sigma}{\color{red}\Leftarrow} T
Type inference
The algorithm that implements type inference is called infer
. Inspired by Agda and its inference strategy, MiniJuvix only infer values that are uniquely determined by the context.
There are no guesses. Either we fail or get a unique answer, giving us a predicatable behaviour.
By design, a term is inferable if it is one of the following cases.
- Variable
- Annotation
- Application
- Tensor type elim
- Sum type elim
Each case above has as a rule in what follows.
The Haskell type of infer
would be similar as the following.
infer :: Quantity -> InferableTerm -> Output (Type , Resources)
Output = Either ErrorType
Resources = Map Name Quantity
A variable can be free or bound. If the variable is free, the rule is as follows.
Free variable
(x :^{\sigma} M) \in \Gamma
\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{Free}(x) {\color{blue}\Rightarrow}^{\sigma} M
- The input to
is a variable term of the formFree x
. - The only case for introducing a variable is to have it in the context.
- Therefore, we ask if the variable is in the context.
- If it's not the case, throw an error.
- Otherwise, one gets a hypothesis
x :^\sigma S
from the context that matchesx
. - At the end, we return two things: 6.1. first, the inferred type and 6.2. a table with the new usage information for each variable.
Haskell prototype:
infer σ (Free x) = do
Γ <- asks contextMonad
case find ((== x) . getVarName) Γ of
Just (BindingName _ _σ typeM)
-> return (typeM, updateResources (x, _σ) )
-> throwError "Variable not present in the context"
The method updateResources
rewrites the map tracking names with their quantities.
Bound variables
The case of theBound
variable throws an error.
0\cdot \Gamma \vdash A\,{\color{red}\Leftarrow}^0\,\mathcal{U}
\Gamma \vdash x\,{\color{red}\Leftarrow}^\sigma\, A
\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{Ann}(x,A)\,{\color{blue}\Rightarrow}^{\sigma}\,A
Any annotation possess type information that counts as known facts, and we therefore infer. However, this is a choice.
First, we must check that
is a type, i.e., a term in some universe. Because there is only one universe we denote it by\mathcal{U}
. The formation rule for types has no computation content, then the usage is zero in this case. -
Second, the term
needs to be checked againstA
using the same usage\sigma
we need in the conclusion. The context for this is\Gamma
. There is one issue here. This type checking expectsA
to be in normal form. When it is not, typechecking the judgement\Gamma \vdash x \Leftarrow^\sigma A
may give us a false negative.- Example: Why do we need
? Imagine that we want to infer the type ofv
given\Gamma \vdash x : \mathsf{Ann}(v, \mathsf{Vec}(\mathsf{Nat},2+2))
. Clearly, the answer should beVec(Nat,4)
. However, this reasoning step requires computation. $$\Gamma \vdash x : \mathsf{Ann}(v, \mathsf{Vec}(\mathsf{Nat},2+2)) \Rightarrow \mathsf{Vec}(\mathsf{Nat},4)),.$$
- Example: Why do we need
as the normal form ofA
, it remains to check ifx
is of typeA'
. If so, the returning type isA'
and the table resources has to be updated (the\color{gray}{gray}
in the rule below).
\check{0\cdot \Gamma}{A}{0}{\mathcal{U}}
A \color{green}{\rightsquigarrow} A'
\check{\Gamma}{x}{\sigma}{A'} \color{darkgrey}{\dashv \Theta}
\color{darkgrey}{\dashv \Theta}
Haskell prototype:
infer _ (Ann termX typeM) = do
_ <- check (0 .*. context) typeM zero Universe
typeM' <- evalWithContext typeM
(_ , newUsages) <- check context termX typeM'
return (typeM' , newUsages)
Elimination rule
Recall the task is to find A
in $\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x) :^{\sigma}
A$. If we follow the bidirectional type-checking recipe, then it makes sense to
infer the type for an application, i.e., $\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x)
\Rightarrow^{\sigma} A$. An application essentially removes a lambda abstraction
introduced earlier in the derivation tree. The rule for this inference case is a
bit more settle, especially because of the usage variables.
To introduce the term of an application, \mathsf{App}(f,x)
, it requires to
give/have a judgement saying that f
is a (dependent) function, i.e., $\Gamma
\vdash f \overset{\sigma}{:} (x \overset{\pi}{:} A) \to B$, for usages variables \sigma
. Then, given \Gamma
, the function f
uses \pi
times its input,
mandatory. We therefore need \sigma\pi
resources of an input for f
if we
want to apply f
times, as in the conclusion $\Gamma \vdash
\mathsf{App}(f,x) \Rightarrow^{\sigma} A$.
In summary, the elimination rule is often presented as follows.
\Gamma \vdash f :^{\sigma} (x : ^\pi A) \to B
\sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash x : ^{\sigma\pi} A
\Gamma + \sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x) :^{\sigma} B
The first judgement about f
is principal. Then, it must be an inference step.
After having inferred the type of f
, the types A
and B
become known facts.
It is then correct to check the type of x
against A
\Gamma \vdash f {\color{blue}\Rightarrow}^{\sigma}(x : ^\pi A) \to B
\sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash x {\color{red}\Leftarrow}^{\sigma\pi} A
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma = 0 \cdot \Gamma'}
\Gamma + \sigma\pi\cdot\Gamma' \vdash \mathsf{App}(f,x) \,{\color{blue}\Rightarrow^{\sigma}}\, B
To make our life much easier, the rule above can be splitted in two cases, emphasising the usage bussiness.
\rule{App{\Rightarrow_1}}{ \color{green}{\sigma \cdot \pi = 0} \qquad \Gamma \vdash f {\color{blue}\Rightarrow^{\sigma}} (x :^{\pi} A) \to B \qquad 0\cdot \Gamma \vdash x {\color{red}\Leftarrow^{0}} A \qquad }{ \infer{\Gamma}{\mathsf{App}(f,x)}{\sigma}{B} } \end{gathered} %
2. $$\begin{gathered}
\color{green}{\sigma \cdot \pi \neq 0}
\infer{\Gamma_1}{f}{\sigma}{(x :^{\pi} A) \to B}
\color{gray}{0 \cdot \Gamma_1 = 0 \cdot \Gamma_2}
\infer{\Gamma_1 + \sigma \pi\cdot \Gamma_2}{\mathsf{App}(f,x)}{\sigma}{B}
In summary, we infer the type of f
. If it is a $\Pi$-type, then one checks
whether \sigma\pi
is zero or not. If so, we use Rule No.1, otherwise, Rule No.
2. Otherwise, something goes wrong, an error arise.
infer σ (App f x) = do
(arrowAtoB, usages) <- infer σ f
case arrowAtoB of
IsPiType π _ typeA typeB -> do
σπ <- case (σ .*. π) of
-- Rule No. 1
Zero -> do
(_ , nqs) <- check x typeA (mult Zero context)
return nqs
-- Rule No. 2
_ -> undefined -- TODO (mult σπ context)
-- f is not a function:
ty -> throwError $ Error ExpectedPiType ty (App f x)
In the rules above, we have the lemma:
1 \cdot \Gamma \vdash x :^1 A
entails that $\sigma \cdot \Gamma \vdash x :^\sigma A$ for any usage\sigma
Tensor products
Elimination rule
In Atkey's QTT, there is no $\Sigma$-types but instead tensor product types. As
with any other elimination rule, in the principal judgement, we synthetise a
type. In our case, the principal judgement shows up in the first premise, which
is the fact that M
is a tensor product type. If we infer that, the types $A$
and B
become known facts. Then, the type C
, depending on A
and B
become checkable, also making the next judgement checking.
\infer{\Gamma_{1}}{M}{\sigma}{(x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\otimes B}
\check{(0\cdot \Gamma_{1},z\overset{0}{:}(x\overset{\pi}{:}A)\otimes B)}{C}{0}{\mathcal{U}}
\check{(\Gamma_{2}, u \overset{\sigma\pi}{:} A, v\overset{\sigma}{:}B)}{%
\Gamma_{1}+\Gamma_{2} \vdash \mathsf{let}\,z@(u,v)=M\,\,\mathsf{in}\,\,N :C \overset{\sigma}{\color{blue}\Rightarrow}\, C[M/x]
Remark Inspired by the tensor product rules in linear logic, there is a need to
decompose a pair in its components. We have to be sure that all the resources in
each component are effectively used. This mechanism needs to be introduced somewhere somehow, Idk yet. It is the keyword \mathsf{let}\mbox{-}\mathsf{in}
Sum type elim
- Robert Atkey. 2018. Syntax and Semantics of Quantitative Type Theory. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 56–65. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3209108.3209189
- Jana Dunfield and Neel Krishnaswami. 2021. Bidirectional Typing. ACM Comput. Surv. 54, 5, Article 98 (June 2022), 38 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3450952
- James Wood, Robert Atkey. A Linear Algebra Approach to Linear Metatheory. Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.02247
- Andy Morris. Juvix: Core language documentation. https://juvix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/compiler/core/core-language.html#id6
- Andy Morris. Proposal: Records in Core. https://hackmd.io/UT269VN1R6-qchHaWzg7KQ
- SVOBODA, Tomáš. Additive Pairs in Quantitative Type Theory. Praha, 2021. Diplomová práce Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Katedra algebry. Vedoucí práce Šefl, Vít. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/127263
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