mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-12 04:43:18 +03:00
Łukasz Czajka a4f551547b
RISC0 Rust backend (#2792)
* Adds a RISC0 backend which generates Rust code that can be compiled
with the official RISC0 toolchain.
* The RISC0 backend is a wrapper around the Rust backend.
* Adds the `risc0-rust` to the `compile` CLI command, which creates a
directory containing host and guest Rust sources for the RISC0 zkVM. The
generated code can be compiled/run using `cargo` from inside the created
directory (requires having RISC0 installed:
2024-06-07 07:57:27 +02:00

164 lines
4.8 KiB

module Base
( module Test.Tasty,
module Test.Tasty.HUnit,
module Juvix.Prelude,
module Base,
module Juvix.Extra.Paths,
module Juvix.Prelude.Env,
module Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Run,
module Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.EntryPoint.IO,
import Control.Monad.Extra as Monad
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromInternal.Analysis.Termination
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.EntryPoint.IO
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Loader.PathResolver
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Run
import Juvix.Data.Effect.TaggedLock
import Juvix.Extra.Paths hiding (rootBuildDir)
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (assert)
import Juvix.Prelude.Env
import Parallel.ProgressLog
import System.Process qualified as P
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit hiding (assertFailure)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit qualified as HUnit
data AssertionDescr
= Single Assertion
| Steps ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion)
data TestDescr = TestDescr
{ _testName :: String,
_testRoot :: Path Abs Dir,
-- | relative to root
_testAssertion :: AssertionDescr
newtype WASMInfo = WASMInfo
{ _wasmInfoActual :: Path Abs File -> IO Text
makeLenses ''TestDescr
data StdlibMode
= StdlibInclude
| StdlibExclude
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data CompileMode
= WASI StdlibMode
mkTest :: TestDescr -> TestTree
mkTest TestDescr {..} = case _testAssertion of
Single assertion -> testCase _testName (withCurrentDir _testRoot assertion)
Steps steps -> testCaseSteps _testName (withCurrentDir _testRoot . steps)
assertEqDiffText :: String -> Text -> Text -> Assertion
assertEqDiffText = assertEqDiff unpack
assertEqDiff :: (Eq a) => (a -> String) -> String -> a -> a -> Assertion
assertEqDiff show_ msg a b
| a == b = return ()
| otherwise = do
putStrLn (pack $ ppDiff (getGroupedDiff pa pb))
putStrLn "End diff"
Monad.fail msg
pa = lines $ show_ a
pb = lines $ show_ b
assertEqDiffShow :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion
assertEqDiffShow = assertEqDiff show
assertCmdExists :: Path Rel File -> Assertion
assertCmdExists cmd =
assertBool ("Command: " <> toFilePath cmd <> " is not present on $PATH")
. isJust
=<< findExecutable cmd
testTaggedLockedToIO :: (MonadIO m) => Sem PipelineAppEffects a -> m a
testTaggedLockedToIO =
. ignoreProgressLog
. runReader testPipelineOptions
. runTaggedLock LockModeExclusive
testRunIO ::
forall a m.
(MonadIO m) =>
EntryPoint ->
Sem (PipelineEff PipelineAppEffects) a ->
m (ResolverState, PipelineResult a)
testRunIO e =
. runIO defaultGenericOptions e
testDefaultEntryPointIO :: (MonadIO m) => Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> m EntryPoint
testDefaultEntryPointIO cwd mainFile =
testTaggedLockedToIO $
defaultEntryPointIO cwd mainFile
testDefaultEntryPointNoFileIO :: Path Abs Dir -> IO EntryPoint
testDefaultEntryPointNoFileIO cwd = testTaggedLockedToIO (defaultEntryPointNoFileIO cwd)
testRunIOEither ::
EntryPoint ->
Sem (PipelineEff PipelineAppEffects) a ->
IO (Either JuvixError (ResolverState, PipelineResult a))
testRunIOEither entry =
. runIOEither entry
testRunIOEitherTermination ::
EntryPoint ->
Sem (Termination ': PipelineEff PipelineAppEffects) a ->
IO (Either JuvixError (ResolverState, PipelineResult a))
testRunIOEitherTermination entry =
testRunIOEither entry
. evalTermination iniTerminationState
assertFailure :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m a
assertFailure = liftIO . HUnit.assertFailure
-- | The same as `P.readProcess` but instead of inheriting `stderr` redirects it
-- to the child's `stdout`.
readProcess :: FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcess = readProcessCwd' Nothing Nothing
readProcessWithEnv :: [(String, String)] -> FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcessWithEnv env = readProcessCwd' (Just env) Nothing
readProcessCwd :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcessCwd cwd = readProcessCwd' Nothing (Just cwd)
readProcessCwd' :: Maybe [(String, String)] -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> Text -> IO Text
readProcessCwd' menv mcwd cmd args stdinText =
( \dirPath -> do
(_, hin) <- openTempFile dirPath "stdin"
(_, hout) <- openTempFile dirPath "stdout"
hPutStr hin stdinText
hSeek hin AbsoluteSeek 0
(_, _, _, ph) <-
(P.proc cmd args)
{ P.std_in = P.UseHandle hin,
P.std_out = P.UseHandle hout,
P.std_err = P.UseHandle hout,
P.cwd = mcwd,
P.env = menv
P.waitForProcess ph
hSeek hout AbsoluteSeek 0
r <- hGetContents hout
hClose hin
hClose hout
return r